January, 1935 Page 29 eKorts of all. Is bound to build up a Cralg Lacy has Been off the past surprising volume of new business for four days (as thls goes to press) to AND the Frisco during the coming year. get himself a tonsillectomy. He found TUBBING RUBBING Speaking of making New Year reso- that it mas impossible to say "Phil- lutions, I overheard a conversat~onre- adelphia" the first day afterwards. No NEVER WORRY JELT DENIM cently which led me to believe that doubt Cralg will feel much better, now Stevedore ColIins and lose Tarpy were that he has that off his mind. planning on becomlng shining ex- John Fitzgerald is still off, sick with amples of Integrity during the corning Infected tonsils, and doubtless, hls en- year, making every minute of the day forced vacation will be indefinite. count for the utmost in honest labor, Edith Zahl has been Alllng his posi- or uslng the old football term, "hitting tion In his absence. the line hard". I might add that this Andy Kranichfleld spent a week or would be a good one for every one of two hobbling around on a crutch or US. two, caused from a sprained ankle. Congratulations are In order for We have been holding an investiga- Dave Hartzler, operator, Centropolis, tion to determlne the cause of the and wife, upon the arrival. on Novem- sprain, but the 'best we can do, is ber 25, of an ((-pound baby girl, whom blame it on the icy pavement. they have named Mary. Bill Collins appeared in the office to- The girl's basketball team, 0f whlch day with one eye all bandaged, a la Nick Fracul is the proud coach, got Floyd Gibbons or Wiley Post. He was Time and Record Book off to a bad start the night of Decem- qulte non-committal as to the cause, ET paid for all the time ber 14th. when they were bearen by giving several ambiguous and contra- you work-use thefamous the Redemptorist Girl's Team. How- dictory reasons. ever, the undauntable Nick is not dis- Block Clerk Brltr spent several days railroaders-a dozen handy couraged and has bolstered up his In Oklahoma just restine-~ and -~ catchinr - coaching stafP, and Is going out for the ub in his visiting. trophy in earnest, now. With the able I sincerely wish all of you a Happy thehandybook alsoaam- assistance of Louis Poncik on the and Prosperous New Year! ple of Jelt ~kim,and staff, I am sure he will have a success- your Lee dealer's name. ful season with the ladies. Sam 0. Miller, engineer, returned from the St. I.ouls hospital, December 1st. where- he had undergone an opera- tlon. Mr. Miller is expected back to WICHITA, KANSAS work January 15 and we trust he will be fully recovedd and feeling in the LOTA L. WILLIAMS, Reporter pink of condition by that time. Howard Russell. crossing flagman. was called to ~amar,MO.; December Some things never go out of fashion Znd, account of death of his father. May and Christmas is one of those things, we extend eincere sympathy to Mr. but wlth the joys of Christmas now Russell upon his bereavement. only a pleasant memory we wish you Tom Woodward, hostler helper, re- a most Happy New Year? turned from the hospital, December It's a busy season but the new of- 14th, feeling quite comfortable after ficials of the Frisco Employes' Club his recent tonsil owration. are planning a very interesting club J. L. Johnson, switchman, and famlly year. With everyone cooperating the are spending their annual Christmas social meetings every two months polnts, Northern division, in Kansas vacation visiting with the home folks should be well attended and prove of City recently, when Mr. Berry called In Atlanta. enjoyment to all. a meeting of all the foremen. We were A. R. Vanrnnt, section foreman, and F. W. Archer, chief clerk, with his very happy to meet Messrs. Mason, wlfe, returned December 5th, from a family spent Thanksgiving visiting hls Seanor and Ramsey and regret very pleasant two weeks' vacation, visiting brother at Neosho, ,Missouri, where much we could not get acquainted with relatives in Houston, Tex, they ran into a beautiful snowstorm, the other foremen whlle present. I?. E. Morgan, chlef clerk, spent much to deep for any hunting. So far G. E. Daughtery made a hurrled Thanksgiving week-end hunting in the in Ransas we have seen only a few visit to the sunny south on December wilds of Cliquot, but reports that he fluttery flakes, but we keep hoplng! 2. This was at the time we had the was snowbound whlle there and had to From the freight office comes news four-inch snow In Kansas City and Mr. join the Hotstove League for excite- that John Roberts, bill clerk, will visit Daughtrey reports not a snow flake ment. relatives at Webb City, i\Iissouri, for fell in Dixle. C, W. Carter, of St. Louis, and H. H. a few days during the holidays, and No doubt other reports from this Fuller, of Newburg, who had been S. P. Haas, general agent, and Mrs. point are glving you the details of the working here on the switchmen's Haas will spend Christmas week with dinner dance held in Masonic Temple board since July, returned to their their son in Minneapolis, Minnesota. on the night of December 6th. We homes November 30, account of belng WANTED: Some news items! just want to add that the master me- cut off the board due to reduction in chanic's office force was well repre- force. We enjoyed their stay with Us sented and it certainlv seemed that and hope that buslness plcks up again everyone was having'a grand time. soon, so that they may be returned. We're hoping that the president of the Sunnyland Club, next year, will see to MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE it that we have another such affair. KANSAS CITY, MO. On a recent Sund,ay evening when W". B. Berry and wife attended a neigh- - borhood movie their house was broken OFFICE OF GENERAL AGENT LEOTA FRIEND. Reporter into and clothlng and jewelry to the KANSAS CITY, MO. value of several hundred dollars was - And so as thIa rnagatine goes to taken. We don't know just what moral t'o offer ln thls case, whether it is- MARK M. CASSIDY, Reporter press, another year will have drawn to a close. To many the past year, that one should possess only one suit 1934 has been an lmprovement over of clothlng, or whether it is that Last summer the writer was readlng 1933, but here's hoping that the year movles should not be attended on Sun- In the Missouri Paciflc Employes' 1935 will be to each of you, all that day, but anyhow we're glad to report Magazine of the rapid rlse of one of you may desire. that Mr. Berry recavered a part of the that road's officials who started his We are indeed sorry to report that property stolen. career many years ag.0 in "the dark, Mrs. E. C. Henshaw has been confined And so, until 1935, I bld you an adieu. smoky old office of the KCFSBM". to h8r home for the past four weeks That old building has withstood, re- due to illness. We're truly hoping markably well, the vicissitudes of Uime, that Mrs. Henshaw wlll soon be up and including the disastrous flood of 1903, about as per usual. and 1s still in use as the locaI freight Mary Daily, our traveler, visited house of the Frisco at Kansas City. friends In Springfield a recent Sunday, Now, this old veteran is undergoing also vlslted the Dalley iamily in extensive repairing, and has been a Pierce City over a recent week-end. bee-hive of industry, with carpenters Accompanied 'by her mother she visited replacing old windows with new, re- relatives in Oklahoma durine- the re- MECHANICAL AND STORES DEPT. plastering, removing unsightly old cent holldays. FORT WORTH, TEXAS cabinets, and building a new entrance. B. H. Betts. of the Springfield office. Of course, It was quite uncomfortable has been in our office the past several E. A. PADGETT. Reporter and dirty for a while, but that will all WPCkQ.. - - -.- . be forgotten in the changed appear- It was our grand good fortune to ance of the office. meet some of the foremen from outside Having missed the November issue of Page 30 the Magazine no report was made of MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Smith Irrisco Club, also the Fsyette- the cleath of C. D, O'Connor, yardman. SHERMAN, TEXAS ville Clu'b officers who were re- whlch occurred on October 12, at Harris elected. Hosnital. aiter an illness of several weeks. 'Ton". as he was afEectlonately D. R ANDERSON, Reporter H. 31. BootR, roadmaster, has been addressed by his fellow workmen was in the Frisco hospltal a few Pays buried at Denison, Texas, October 15. for a toncilectomy. In his passing, the Frisco has lost an Dave Snyder, yard clerk, who has Mrs. H. 31. Booth was also In St. energetic and faithful employe, and those been off for several weeks. part of Louis a few days whCle Mr. Booth was left behind realize they have lost a true which time was spent in the hospital, in the hospital. Is able to be out agaln and mill soon friend who was never known to be too Servlce on the A & A. Llne la now weary to sympathize with the un- be back on the job. Paul Dial has being performed by night locals, fortunate or too poor to aid a worthy been filling the vacancy account Mr. which are speeding the movement of cause. The entire force extends condo- Snyder's a'bsence. through freight a great deal. lence to the bereaved and grief strickcn Nachinlst Scott Rllssell, who Is now family. In addition to a number of working in Tulsa, paid us a short visit Arthur Adams, speclal agent. Is the friends outside the Prisco Family, the December 1. We trust he found his proud papa of a baby boy named John follow in^ employes attendpd the funeral: v'isit pleasant enough so he will re- Kenneth. Congratulations! E. P. Freeman. G. O'Gorman, J. F De- turn often. We were glad to have R. L. Davis, vaney and J. R. Ferauson. Con F. LeonLrd, blacksmith, Is In of the Springfield engineering depart- M. E:. HoIibaugh, roundhouse clerk. the Wilson hT. Jones Hospital, where ment, visitlng with us a few days re- and f. K. >Kurphy, cell'ar packer, buried he has been confined since December 2, cently, assisting Divislon Engineer their mother-in-law at Cleburne, Texas, \Ve expect him to be back on the job Collett'e. Sunday, October 28. Sympathy is ex- ngaln soon. Mrs. J31anche G. WeIls, with her two tended to these families by this depart- Division Storekeeper K. P. Guln also clllldren, and Mrs. Jean G. Young, ment. spent several days In the hospltal this with her llttle daughter, have returned After spending practlcallat all of the month. Couldn't keep him there, how- to Fort Smith to vlsit over the holl- month nf October and a good part of ever, so he is working agaln. days with their parents, assistant su- xovember In Harris Hospital. C. L Upon receipt of advice that her perintendent and Mrs. H. Ga'briel. Their Vaughn, locomotive flreman, was out B brother-ln-law. James Graham, died home is In Los AngeIes, Calif. few clays, but had to return again for a suddenly in Cedar Raplds, Iowa, Mrs. serious surgical operation. We sincerely A. A. Graham left Sllerman. December The Ear1 Carroll Vanlty Theatrical trust we may report a decided improve- 4, to attend the funeral. Mr. Graham Company moved Joplin to Fort Smlth ment in his condition in the nest issub was a brother of our late master me- on the 17th, and Mr. Carroll expressed of the Magazine. chanic. Our deepest sympathy is es- deep appreciation of the handling given John Christian. stationary flreman, tended to the family. them and the courtesies extended. was called to the old home at GiImer. Engineer arid Mrs. A. 77. Brown have T. F, D'Rourke and Mrs. O'Rourke, Texas, on December 7, on account of the as their holiday guests, their daughtef, of Sprlngfleld, were Sunday guests of serious illness of his mother. No re- Mrs. Clyde Jump, and grandson from C. E. Durham, secretary to superin- port has been received of her condi- Boulder. Colorado. tendent and Mrs. Durham. tion at this wrlting. Mrs. G~aham,mother-ln-law of Ma- The football speclal from Fayette- Roy Thompson, bollerrnaker, having chinist W. H. Prather, continues grave- vlile to Tulsa and return for Turkey been off sick for the past month is up ly ill at this writing. Day Game was a hu$e success. Among and about, but not able to repbrt for the Frisco employes who made the trip work at the present. were D. G. Lehn, agent at' Fayetteville; R. TI', Courtney, electrlclan, is plan- C. 0.McCaIn, division freight and pas- nlns on spending Xmas In San Anpelo. senger agent, and 0. L. Young, super- visiting his wifc in the hospital at that CENTRAL intendent. place. I DIVISION Clarence Jeffries, mechaniG Fort J. R. Perfiuson, president of hca? No. I Smith roundhouse, Is in Frisca Em- 25, has returned from Springfield, where ployes' Hospital, St. Louis. We hope he attended the annual meeting of the to see him back on hls job 'before long. association. He reporb a very success- SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE ful and harmonious n~ertinq, and from FT. SMITH, ARK. Mrs. E. H. Ruge, mother of Mlss Jo- hls description of the banquet, he is like- hanna Ruge, secretary of the LadTes' ly to have considerable opposition at the Auxiliary. who has been 111 in a local nest election of officers from a ganC of EARL 3. DODD. Reporter hospital for some time, returned ta her hungry fellows who can eat more than home and Is convalescent. Durlng her illness, W. E. Ruge and IM~R.RuF~, and one piece of fried chicken. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Allan were guests Miss Elsie Adamietz, of San Anfonio, Happy New Year, everybody. or thelr daughter, Mrs. A. T. Thorson, Thanksgiving and the day after. Mrs. Allan had the misfortune of getting her thumb mixed up in the door of Mr. Thorson's car, badly mashlng same. Wehone it is well bv now. Mr. Thor- TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT son is -our wire chleL FT. WORTH, TEXAS We understand the newly organized Ladles' Auxiliary had a big party at the home of Mrs. 0. L. Young on De- CORYLYNE PLEDGE, Reporter cember 3rd with plenty of good things - to eat and so forth. Mrs. Lehn, Mrs. The highlidlt of our Derember Club Garrison, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Jones, actiritles was a vlsit of Miss Martha Mrs. Stafford and 3% r s. Robison Noore to our dub banquet. It has becn journeyed down for the occasion. many a day since we had as entertain- Mrs. Paul Kruezer. of Snrinnfield. Ing and encouraging a speaker in our Mo., was an out of town gu&t at the midst and sincerely hope that she will Chrlatmas party of the Ladies' Club visit us again soon, with a lot more good and remained for several days as the cheer. guest of Mrs. 0. L. Young. Mrs. Jean Gabriel Young and Harry Granger informs us he has hls daughter, Priscilla, and Mrs. Blanche Christmas tree up and hls newly reno- Bagriel Wells and chlldren, Herbert Monett vated home BIT decorated for the holil and Ann Gabrlel, have arrived from Steam Laundry days. and are all looking forward to California to spend the winter wlth Monett, Mo. an invitation to "drop by" Christmas Mr. and ~Xrs. H. E. Gabriel. morning. 31r. and Mrs. R. M. McGlasson plan Fort Worth lost one of its very best to spend Christmas with relatives In COME ON LET'S ALL PULL FOR friends on December 11, when W, T. Wagoner, Oltla. MONETT (Pappy) Waggoner passed away. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bevlns, or Wus- Ifraggoner has been one of the few who kogee, spent Sunday recently in Fort were always Arst to donate to any needy Smlth visiting wlth old friends. fund and has helped build up Fort Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Gabr~el and Worth In a may that no other one per- daughters, Mrs. Jean Young and Mrs. son in thls vicinlty has. He built Ar- Blanche Wells, and Mr. and Nrs. Ross lington Downs and lived to see the Manley attended the rneetlng of the horses run on this beautiful track and Northwest Arkansas Br~sco Club at LOGAN D. McKEE to see Ills own Three D colors win many Fayettev~lle on December 13th. a race. J. L. Smithson, section foreman at Drug Store Glad to report Miss Jessie Arterbury Bentonville, is still confined to his and Book improvlng after an automobile accident home from Injuries received last Oc- which caused several very painful in- toher..-. . MONETT, MO. jur~~.Hope to see Jessie back and feel- The reporter Is glad to congratu- ing 0. R. again soon. late the new officers of the Fort I Page 3

Texas, were guests in the Ruge home. mingham to a new field in Florida We are today handling special train and we have assembled to bid hi& from Joplin, Mo., to Fort Smith, carry- farewell and wish him god sl)eed. Ing the Earl Carroll Vanities for their . "BE IT RESOLVED that each mem- engagement in Forth Smith on Decem- ber of this group. oomprising a segment ber 18th. This company carries three of the circle of his friends in the Bir- car9 of baggage In addition to their mingham district, subscribes hereto in large company of people. Incldentally testimony of our high esteem resulting this engagement at Fort Smith is the from long association with him. will you be doing one only one in Fort Smith. "The chance of fortune which re- The Central division and the re- moves him from among us (an8 leaves porter of this column wishes every- us 'Scot1-free) deprives him and us only year from today? body a Happy and Prosperous New of the association; it cannot deprive Year. him of our esteem nor destroy the old WILLYOU still be struggling along in the warm friendships whfch must live same old job at the same old salary- while we do. worried about the future-never quite able . HUGO, OKLA. "F1.om our heart's we wish him and his happlness in thelr new home, with to make both ends meet? the assurance that wherever they go You recomiae, of course, we are living in a New BURL WINN, Reporter our affection arid beat wishes go, too." Day - the New Deal is a reality! Are you waiting. The employes of the traffic depart- wondering - Just hoping? Effective Sunday, December 9th. ment and heads of other departments Don't do it, man - don't do it. there was new service in freight trains in the Birmingham Terminal, presented Chm the work you like best in the list helm, made on A. & A. sub trains 736 and Mr. McDonough with a 17-jewel Hamil- mark an X hide it, and wi~houtcost or obligation, 737 now run through 'to Ardmore and ton wrist watch, as a small indication get the full story of what the I. C. S. can do fw you. they are due to leave Hugo one hour of their personal esteem for him. after their arrival, which means the It is with the greatest of pleasure delay in Hugo has been cut and all we welcome to our midst J. N. Cornatz- carload as well as local merchandise er, who has been appointed executive is now ready Lor early morning de- traffic representative, with headquar- Box 86 10-6. Scranton. Penna. liver~nt all noints on A. & A. ters at Birmingham. Mr. Cornatzer is Exohin fully sboutyour wurss in thnsubieet merkodX: here will be no excuse for the bops no stranger to this district and has not playing old Saint Nick thls year. many friends who welcome him. since they get into Hugo around 1 to The Women's Traffic Club of Bir- ...... 4 a. m. and that is just the time the mlngharn gave a benefit -bridge party oarnith and FiwfittCra old bov should be movinrr- around. for the Crippled Children's Clinic at .r Inencecon W. N. Edson was elected president the Tutwiler Hotel, December 13th. of Frisco club last meeting. Con- There were approximately 75 Cables h'ume ...... Aos ...... gratulations and we all wish Bill much and a nice sum was realized for these success for the coming year. little unfortunates. Several Frisco girls are members of this organization. Some folks go Rshing and brinp home Addre8.4 ...... -. no fish, but M. K. Roberts goes fishing Miss Ann Cantwell has returned to Employees of this Road will raceivs a Spacial Discount. and brings home fish and a few duclcs her home in Bristol, Va., after a visit all on the same fishing trip. Is it luck with her cousin, the writer. or that a fellow just knows his stuff? What has become of the quails? That is one of the greatest questions ENGINEERING, BRIDGE AND now in this part of the country. Plenty of good doga and boys who BUILDING, WATER SERVICE know how to hunt them, but very few BIRMINGHAM TERMINALS DEPARTMENTS-YALE, TENN. have been able to bring home the quail thls gear. There are any number of NELLIE McGOWEN. Reporter CREATIE SICKLES, Reporter reasons why, and all good reasons, too. - R. E. Camp, agent, Pratt City, wife Glad to report that Wilson Averg and .daughter, Mary Angeline, had a Koontz is recovering from a recent delightful week - end December lst, appendix operation. visiting Mr. Camp's son, Mr. Eason C. M. Scott and famlIy spent Thanks- Camp, and other relatives, in Amory, giving and a few days following visit- Miss. ing relatives at Springfield. ~p -- Miss Grayce Blaylock had the mis- Miss Mabel Cunnflngham. stenog: fortune recently to break one of her rapher-clerk in the accounting depart- little toes. Looks now like Grayce BIRMINGHAM GENERAL OFFICE ment spent Thanksgiving holidays will be able to attend a dance Christ- with'her father and other relatives in mas. LAUNA M. CHEW. Reporter Enid, Okla. 31iss Bertha Harris fipent Thanks- Sympathy is extended to 1. R. Coch- giving vlslting friends in St. Louis. ran, switchman, and family In the R. E. Wilcox and wife spent De- Our number of bachelors in the of- death of , who died on cember 16th visiting relatives at fice is fast diminishing; Carl E. Decemlber 7th, after a very long illness. Thayer. Bowen, traveling freight and passen- S. P. Enslen, car foreman at Bir- David Fuller, of the Yale storeroom, ger agent. announced recently his mar- mingham, was transferred to Spring- has been transfeqed to the storeroom riage to Miss Audrey Sullivan, which field, eKective December lst, as 'enera1 at Pensacola. took place last August in Chattanooga, car foreman. A. M. Dow, of Kansas Butchering seeme to be verv much Tenn. Some people can't keep a secret, City, took 1Mr. Enslen's place at Bir- in order nh. as a number -of the but these two certainly did. To show mingham. storeroom employes have butchered re- there was no Ill feellng, the employes E. L. Magers, trainmaster. Thayer, cently. of the traffic department presented Mo., and Mrs. Magers pald us a short M. I?. Shannahan's mother left n Mr. and Mrs. Bowen with a 24-piece vislt on November Z3rd whlle passlng few days ago after an extended visit rock crystal set. through Birmingham from a vlsit with at Memphis to return to her home in It is now a race between Harry their son in Atlanta. Mr, Magers was Los Angeles. Brown and Fred Cross-we are formerly superintendent terminals at Before the next issue of this maga- anxiously watching to see who wins. Birmingham and 111s many friends in zine is received, the greatest holidays It was with much regret we the terminals were delighted to see of the year will have nassed, and we learned of the transfer of D. F. Mc- him, also Nrs. Magers. hope each and every employe and fam- Donough to Jacksonville, Fla., as Nrs. Walter Dixon, wife of water ily had the best Christmas ever. general agent. Naturally after an service man, was a recent visitor to associatlon of over 30 years standing, Amory. Mr. UcDonough leaves many friends in D. L. Forsythe, former road foreman LOCAL FREIGHT OFFICE the traffic department in Birmingham. of equipment, was visiting with his In addttion to the banauet ~ivenin his many friends in the terminal the past MEMPHIS, TENN. honor by approximafely 100 of his week. Birmingham friends, when he was pre- Mrs. Fred Kennett, ot Moblle, Ala. VIRGINIA GRIFFIN, Reporter sented with a lheautiful Gladstone (formerly Miss Etta Mae Paul), paid traveling bag. together with a memory us a short visit recently. Mrs. Ken- Mrs. W. -0.Parris, wife of assistant book containing the following resolu- nett, as ;\Liss Paul. was employed as cashier, spent Thanksgiving Day in tion: timekeeper in the mechanical depart- Birmingham. - seeing the Alabama- "WHEREAS the chances of good ment for a number of years at' East Vanderbilt football game. fortune, or ill, have brought about the Thomas, and her many friends were H. C. Fryar and family enjoyed removal of Dan McDonough from Blr- dellghted to see her again. Thanksgivlng Day wlth his mother in ROSE LEE W4 H. 6. Green Smith, Ark., fc Mr. Green jlls storm that tie( way. They re away. Bert ReliCorc Is the proud ov sedan. If Ber the new car t old one, he h ". -. .. ..a..., rsa~~rraujuubrr, wdS ahead of him. nff..- nnremher- ...... - .. 15 and 17 account death Henry Butle. -..---. -..-. -- -.----. ------.---=----.-.- w-.---. of hls sister at Boonevllle, Ark. We yards, came to ~osedaletor two weeks, This is a new job recently put on. extend symp~athy in the bereavement packing boxes in the Rosedale .train Paul V. Dean, inspector at Rosedale, of hls familqr. yards. has been nursing a couple of boils for . ..- ~ &.-. BY the tirne you receive thls Issue Roy Wr "' the past two weeks. of i%e mag,azine Christmas will be over, but 1 do wlsh for all a Very unn-.. ^..A 1 usyyJ a.lu 2rosperous 1936.

YOUR Fire and Barrel Equipment

Becomes The Economical Positive Method Much More of Steel Maintenance in Railroad Service

Kill the old rust and pits by an application of NO-OX-ID "A Special". Permit the sun and warm weather to assist it in when soaking to the seat of pits. Action of the material will cause the larger accun~ulationsof rust scale to loosen and fall away. These bare patches should be touched up from time to time while this gradual preparation of the steel surface is in progress. When the NO-OX-XD has penetrated thoroughly, simply remove any excess NO-OX-ID. and rust scale that has loosened from the surface, and apply a coating of NO-OX-ID Gloss Filler Red as a prime coat. The comgositlon or KO-OX-ID is such that it acts both mechanically and chemically. With thls proven inhibitor next to the steel surface, use your standard paint for a linal coat, if desired, or complete the job with the NO-OX-ID method. KO-OX-ID stops the corrosion that has started: greatly re- duces the cost of cleaning, and effect's the result of sealing the is added to the water steel surface with a proven rust inhibitor. It gives long life and eliminates the necessity of recleaning at time of re coat in^.

Wdte today for prices and valzcable booklet on fire extinguishing systems. ,The bridge structure illustrated above has had first application of NO-OX-ID "A Speclal" to kill the corrosion. When inspection shows all rust kl!led, the surface will rceive a coating of NO-OX-ID Gloss 88.55 Ask fw booklet Filler Red. over whlch a black coating will be applied. ANDERSON-PRICHARD OIL CORP. STANDARD BRAKE REFINERS OF SHOE & FOUNDRY CO. INDUSTRIAL NAPHTHAS Railroad Steel and lron Castings, OKLAHOMACITY, OKLA. Brake Shoes PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS

I MINES ON THE FRISCO AT CARBON HILL, ALABAMA I I Standard Electric Steel I MOSS & McCORMACK I I Castings Company MINERS AND SHIPPERS I SPRINGFIELD, MO. COAL- Blacksmith, Bunker, Steam, Domestic-COAL Grey lron : Electric Steel 1901-4 American Trust Building BIRMINGHAM. ALA. I CASTINGS

BURN GENUINE BUY AT THIS SIGN "Poteau Chief" SMOKELESS SEMI-ANTH RACITE COAL Enjoy the Comforts of This Lonu Burning When you are Sootless and Smokeless Fuel Produeers and Marketers SICK- Henry Adamson C. & M. Co. When you are Mines: Office: Poteau. Tulsa, Ohla. 5320 E. 11th Okla. Tel. 6-2818 HURT- WE PAY YOU

Steel 'l'irerr. Steel Tired \\'heels. Stecl .4sles, Strrl Spring*. Ilolled Steel R/II~N,Solid W r o 11 E 11 t Stecl \\'l~cels. Steel ForTillgs, Stecl Crns11e1 Roll*. n II d Shell*., Rolled Steel Ccnr Blnnk*, Rtcel Cn~tingu, R t c e 1 lpipe FlallEev For the Utmost in 'I Standard Steel Works Co. The rnilrond ~?znn'scornpan y" Motoring Satisfaction I Main Office CHICAGO - SAN FRANCISCO - TORONTO and Works: Burnham, Pa. I DE BARDELEBENCOALS Sipsey -Empire -Corona -Carbon Hill -Hull FOR DOMESTIC, STEAM, GAS, BY-PRODUCT AND CERAMICS

The South's Largest Producers and Marketers of HIGH GRADE COALS D~Bnrdrleben Preparation Southern Railway Building Gives Added IJccZue BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA A