

Being • Collection of Vartooi Topics of Local and FIFTY-FIRST YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, MAY 20, 1943 No. 2 Oeaeral iBtenwt UPON BEDTO AMERICAN Three Graduates Named F YOU'VE READ any of th» Showboat Quads Know the Truth many articles written on front For Scholastic Honors ne activities you are better ac- The scholastic honors of the Fort Wayne. Ind., for the first two ualnted thli year than last, on Are Growing Dp {Lowell high school graduating years of high school. Henry. In About This War meaning of "American". With icalss of 1943 have been awarded to completing his junior and senior edr and change offered for I three students, two of whom are years at Lowell High, has been Folly for Home Front to rHy and normalcy, the man Noted Morlok Girls Now | girls. In averaging the marks It outstanding in numeroi» activities: Relax War Effort fights or vletws it can plc- In 13th Year The name of Lyle Webster Is I was found that Joy Converse ranks he Is the president of the senior News of Our Boys beat what America means. It mentioned 1-a Glendon Swarthoul's Michigan Press Association The Morlok quads of Lansing, first with a 3.63 average, and that class, business manager of the an- the three hranchea of novel. "Willow Run." News Service By K. K. Vlnlng who are well known to Lowell Henry Davenport and -rTelen Mon- nual staff, and last year was busi- Lieut. Bruce McMahon has been t, covering protection by kowskl tie for second place with ness manager of the junior-senior transferred from Blythe. Calif., to Quoting Governor Harry F. Kelly: showboat patrons have suddenly All three sons of Assistant Post- forces, including national an average of 3.60. reception. He was also active in Dalhart, Tex., where he is an in- "The vast European continent re-! Kent County Outstanding In grown Into leggy schoolglrte. On master Wllllan Kerekes and Mrs. and the wealth of the Joy Converse is the daughter of athletics and participated In the structor In aviation. mains a Nazi stronghold, ringed | Clvllan Defense Work thds week Wednesday, May 19, Kerekes are now In military service. maintaining organizations Mrs. Josephine Converse and has senior play. with steel. Bleeding and helpless, One of the meetings we arc sup- !p *Mntinff the working classea Edna A., Wllma B.. Sarah C.. and rS r attended the Lowell public schools Helen Monkowskl Is the daughter Erwin Wicks. Lowell R. F. D. and starving, the conquered posed to attend each month and and protecting the Interests of cepl- Helen D. Morlok celebrated their Mr., Ph.ll« 1. .t ^ Joy thirteenth birthday. In June they rtf Mr and Mrs Pnter Monkowskl has passed his final examination countries are yet to hear the tread J are not able to always do is the education and all other com- ^VTT '°r • m*l°r will graduate from grammar school fc, Ih. commerce d^mrt- Of Lowell. She is secretary of the for enlistments in the Seabees and of marching feet O. C. D. Committee Chairmen forts of democratic government for Khool dMrkt No. For h, flr.l|m,nt wh„. ^ „ senior class and has actively par- is awaiting his call. "Across the world, the Rising meeting. and next fall they will enter Junior 1 the citizen's welfare. To him It 1 """I W" .fff .nd alio th. ticipated in the girls' club and glee Sun of Japan arrogantly flut- At this meeting the heads of the the home town paper b high school from birth up to age 20. j annual staff. In her four years of For fbur successive years the club. She is assistant business man- ters over Guam and Wake and;various Civilian Defense activities not governed by propaganda, that high school she was freshman ager of the annual and was the Sgt. Joe Hill has been transferred the Islands of the Philippines. There In the city and county report on he can speak to his neighbors free- quads entertained on Showboat pro- The Lowell Manufacturing Com- class president, secretary of the from Walterboro. S. C.. and is now grams and It is hoped that when pany deserves commendation for chairman of publicity for the senior is only darkness In Burma and , their work. Social problems. trans- ly and openly without fear, that Athletic Association one year, jun- play. getting his mall In Care of the Post- the Showboat is resumed that these the beautiful landscaping being Singapore and the Dutch East In- portatlon. housing, bond sales, nu- he can worship In any church of ior reception banquet chairman, Sixty-five expect to graduate on master. San Francisco. charming girls may again appear done on their property. A notable dies. Australia is threatened. itritlon. agriculture and salvage are his choice an^ his children will be and also a member of the student Thursday. June 10. This is the on the program, this time as young Improvement to West Main street. "Nor Is that all. Just last week,; a few u' the activities discussed, given liberal educations In schools council and girls' club. smallest class In several years. Pro- Pfc Robert E. Ellis, who is in the Navy Department admitted It is most interesting to hear the that will train them on the rights ladles. Henry Davenport, the son of Mr. fessor Arthur Secord of the Uni- a fighter group of the air corps, James M. Haswell, writing In Dr. Harold R. Myers, osteopathic that the United Nations lost more various reports and to know how and principles of citizenship. The and Mrs. Philip I Davenport, at- versity of Michigan will deliver the has been moved from Fresno. Calif., last Sunday's Detroit Free Press, physician and surgeon, has moved shipping tonnage in 1942 than they I the war has crept Into the many list to long, the privileges numerous, tended Concordia Military Institute, Commencement address. to the army airdrome at VanNuys. built—a figure in excess of a mil-1 phases of our every day life. the products of the system who brings to light some interesting his offices to the second floor of the building on East Maht St, re- Calif. Hon gross tons more!" ' One of the reports that Interested uphold Its convictions, many. Yet sidelights on the daily life of these celebrated sisters whom all Lanedng cently purchased Oy the Lowell me a lot was the work being done there Is often raised the question [These words were uttered by has grown to know and love. Masonic Lodge. Paul Tobias of Camp Wm. C. by the volunteer office. I don't Trt-ether under the surface of the Michigan's chief executive, not in Mr. Haswell, says: The march of Farm Machinery Reid. Clovis. New Mexico, has been have the total of volunteer help individual, those who are not fight- Home Folks Hear darkness of despair, but In celebra- time has brought differences among Seems like old times to see Gar- promoted to Corporal, and expects that past month but there were 73 ing from fox holes and jungle- tion of the Allied triumph in Africa the quads themselves. The four field Ford again on duty In the to have a furlough sometime In accredited agencies, receiving some tangled owampe, If under the coat- and Michigan's generous responce i form of assistance from the Office little babies who started out In life Lowell postofflce. Clerk Paul Kere- Qnotas Lifted June. ing the man Is sn American first to the Second War Loan drive. looking just alike look like sisters kes left Wednesday for military From Sam Yeher of Civilian Defense. The totals were and a Republican or Democrat service and one or two others of Quotas on some farm machinery They recalled to our memory a high. I have raen some of this still, but not exactly alike. Edna A. Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs re- Mcond, an American first or an the postofflce force may also be Dear Mom. Sis. Bob. Dad and have been lifted. The State U. S. conference which we attended in volunteer help in operation at the who earlier was an Inch shorter ceived word from their son, Pfc. isolationist second, an American called In the not distant future. The Censor: D. A. War Board has been gdven Washington several weeks ago at ^as rationing office where we have than her sisters, now Is the tallest George E. Krebs of Fort Worden, first and a labor union advocate How the deuce I'm going to cov- the authority to remove county the war department's gigantic Pent- helped some in the rationing of and usually the first to smile. Sarah Wash., that he has been transferred Sfoond, an American first and a At a regular meeting of Cycla- er two months' time In this short quotas, according to Charles F. agon building across from the Poto- gns for non-highway use. C., Is almost as big. Then comes to the M. P. Detachment. race prejudices second! If all of men Chapter O. E. S. held last Fri- note I don't know, except every- Schwab. Farm Machinery Ration mac river in Virginia. A number From our own office Miss Dens- these factors which enter our lives Wllma B. and Helen D. the littlest day night It was voted to contribute tblngs OK but for another nose, Bourd Chairman. Pvt. Robert W. Flynn called his of newspaper association executives more reports on nutrition work, But Helen is the bookworm of the and which affect us are major in- 125 toward the |250 which is being and the Good Lord has continued The machinery is tagged for mother, Mrs. Wm. Flynn. on —includlo# the president and a canning and other home problems terests, If the Interest is for these group. She's always got her nose In raised In this locality for the train- to take mighty good care of us. MWhigan but the county quotas Mother's Day from MacKall Hoff- vice-president of the Michigan In the areas outside the city. The a book,-says mother. thlngv to be purged, advocated, ad- ing of a student nurse. At the same Can't be saying what we've been have been lifted, and the machinery man Field. N. C., where he had Press Association—listened to a re- county agent has to report on gar- vertised, victorious, first, then are "The glria are all good at school. meeting the chapter also voted to up to. but did scoop everyone by mky be purchased In other counties, been transferred from Fort Bragg. view of press problems presented dens, farm labor, selective service we Americans In the same sense Lansing does not Issue grade-cards buy a $25 war bond. The Stars making the first radio contact with or wherever It Is available. The ma- by Col. R. Ernest Dupuy. chief of and other Items. Dick Machiele has as a Rnsslan, a Chinese, an Eng- to Its grammar school pupils, but shine In more wsys than one. the 8th Army. Got a little more chinery is still subject to rationing Among the boys from this vicin- the news division, war department reported on rural fire prevention. lishman IS HIS COUNTRY? There the Morlok quads are A and B business to take care of right now, by the County Farm 'Machinery ity who left this week Wednesday bureau of public relations. We were interested and glad to is the appropriate "first things students day In and day out They're Charles R. Feenstra. representa- then for a couple of cokes on the Rationing Committee however. for Fort Custer are the following: The army colonel referred to the know that Kent county is out- In good health, and strong for their first" to answer this. tive of the state legislature from house! Schwab said. Raymond Borgerson. Paul D. and presence of only four American standing in the state in its Civilian To the boy out there fighting «g« Rils district, is an even prouder Did ya ever partake of toasted The County Committee has been Lloyd J. Kerekes. Gerrit Boomers. army divisions on the Tunisian Defense organization, in fact the for America, It meane praying for "Geto pretty noisy around the father than the radio comedian. ears—and I don't mean corn—-well, authorized to issue a Purchase Cer- J... and Louis J. Seeley. front and the snap judgment of county committee has been ahead an end to this war, a victory that Morlok homestead at times these Eddie Cantor. Feenstra has seven the family's sporting more than tificate to a farmer for one of many Americans on the home front in plans advocated by state and he might return to take up the days, with four seta of shoes rac- daughters to Cantor's five, nsne one pair at present writing, and I these items of machinery if his Pfc. Orton K. Seese of Westover that the war will be over soon. He regional groups. Kenneth Brown is baseball mask and put down the ing In and out of the house, four married yet and all living at home. mean they are delicious enough to application shows sufficient justifi- Field. Mass., called his parents admitted—and so did we—the dif-| secretary of the county committee gas mask, to press an accelerator strong young voices singing out Friends say he is somewhat im- eat Have had to tie colored ribbons cation. and providing he certifies Thursday noon, saying he was fine, ficulty of getting true perspective and In charge of the county office, on the family bus, to yell "Mtxn, and four times as much bustle and patiently awaiting for young men on my offspring to tell them apart thai he has located the machine the eats were good and that he ; of military values through con- what's cooking?", maybe mow some confusion going on as one child to return from the war. from the dust. And these darned for which the application is made, had enjoyed the week-end with densed newspaper headline. Get Your Entries In of the grass before supper, dash makes. and that such equipment will be friends at New York City. mosqultos here have been trained The reaultant conversation veered Grand Rapids' two dallies. The to the cleaner's for the Sunday "Life In the Morlok family is Youngsters taking advantage of by the enemy which "ain't" sports- transferred to him if he is granted to the idea of having the war de- Press and the Herald are sponsor- suit to return home for the shower not exactly like life In most fami- the first summer-like days to roam manlike. a purchase certificate. Benedict Zoodsma. 19,'aon of Mr. partment issue confidential memos lies, with the children scattered about with BE guns are advised Listed below are Items of farm ing city and county wide Victory and shave for the Saturday night The low-dowu on mall is that I and Mrs. John Zoodsma, R. 2, to newspaper editors Colonel Du- Garden" contes^ A' wide" range' of date. Seems not much when com-j along at different ages. In the last to be selective in their choice of like 'em Wg and fat and V msH I machinery which will still be tagged Lowell, was one of 29 Bluejacksts puy and his staff replied that Con- targets, as federal law protects for ln entries has been provided that pared with words of freedom (rfjyear these girls all have become doesnt get to us any quicker. vj *** specified counties only, out of a class of 126 promoted to gress would accuse the military 00 should appeal to both urban and assembly, of speech, of the press | able to help with the housework, woodpeckers, robins and other song mall does have priority from us'ns "P o'her types the county the petty officer rating of motor of seeking to influence the press. and of religion, but to these boys with the result there has had to be birds. The big values these birds 110114 have 1)66,1 ed machinist's mate, second class up- rural folks. Also some mighty at- to you'ns. though, as you can Judge h ® '•ft We were reminded that the United prlM1 ^ offered a division of duties. have for man, especially in con- on graduation from the Navy's the sound of church bells on Sun- from this one (sent April 18 andi Cnltlvators, 1-row, tractor mount- States is a democracy. Entrle8 ln the84f conte9tl| have day morning, the squeaky lawn "Wllma is the dishwasher. When trolling Insects, is something young received May 15). ied' school for diesel operators at Iowa boys should learn In school, con- been coming Into the Civilian De- mower next door, the plop of the she puts on her aipron and gets Has "the boy" (meaning Bob) giv-j Cultivators, 2-row. tractor mount- State college. He awaits assign- And yet the readers of Michigan servationists say. ecl fense office in good shape, except newspaper as It hits the porch, the j into the soapsuds, Helen hss her en the Axis fair warning by now.orj - ment to duty with the fleet or at a newspapers are getting today the honk of a pal's auto horn, the' hands full wiping the dishes as has ho decided to prolong the war Cultivators, 3 and 4-row, tractor shore station. that the farm garden section has The Office of Price Adminlstra most complete coverage of war been slow. Gardens to farm folks smell of cooking from the home font as Wllma washes them. Be- a little longer? Don't misinterpret mounted. tlon Saturday established celling news In the history of world journ- are just a part of every day farm kitchen, the kiss of his youngster tween them they certainly can my Christinas broadcast message. Cultivators, 5-row and over, tract- Friends of Charles S. Aldrlch, alism. 1 prices for approximately 400 addi- or work. Victory Gardens in town and off to be* , the smile of a wife when make things fly around the Morlok I'm not on my way home yet but mounted. G. M. 3ic, have Informed the Led- Correspondents of the Associated you say "where In the heck did'kitchen. tional food products, effective Mon- therell come a day. Combines, width of cut 6 feet ger that they think his name cities are new to a lot of folks day, May 17. This swells the list to Press. United Press and Interna- However, prizes In this contest are you put", yelto at a football game,| "Edna's specialty kj the weekly Thinking of next Sunday. when:and under. should be in the list of our boys nearly 1,000 food Items whose max- tional News Service, as well as the same for farmers as are urban to him that IS AMERICAN, Ms | cleaning. She can sweep and dust a Yelter hunts eggs-It's charac- Combines, width of cut over 6 serving In Africa, since he was one writers of leading newspapers, are imum ceilings are now established feet ones and then a farm garden will what you mean by the pursuit of[and run the vacuum cleaner, and teristlc—but when eggs hunt a! ' including 10 feet of the commandos who helped for the following eight counties; accorded every facility by the have a chance to compete for the happiness and he Is fighting to keep| every Saturday It her Job to help Com Pickers. 1-row mounted type. break the way for the rest when 1 Oceana, Newaygo, Mecosta, Muske- Yelter—It's Easter "19i3" style. American so.ernm.nt to "I iota thi"su« it "I Am An American" this year,ig t the house ready for Sunday, Corn Pickers, 2-row mounted type. they first went Into Gran, has been e gon, Kent, Montcalm. Ottawa and Rant and rare and chase the hare '"d trMMnlt tatormaUon. Ot 11^ next year, and for as long as I That leaves Sarah to go shopping. Com Pickers. 1-row pull type. in two engagements and was also Ionia. To further aid the shopper, for us. Sis. Fll be a Httle busy myself the nations ot the world, we per- live, thank God! "This new business of point-ra- Cora Pickers. 2-row pull type. on a boat which was torpedoed We would like to see more farm retailers will eventually have these with a fox. Hiya! and thanks to mit a voluntary censorship. And tioning Is pretty complicated for Side rakes and tedders, side de- and sunk. We think he should be gardens entered In the local paper prices, or lower ones posted on the those who hare sent their regards. It Is still possible for editors to a thirteen-year-old but armed with Hello, anyway, to those who hav- livory. Including combination. In too. contest. Both the Herald and Press BOYS WANT TO BE SOLDIERS Item Itself or on the bin or shelf. criticize freely. are carryingi coupons. Clip one. fill a grocery list, Sarah and the grocer en-t Hay loaders. Hanson W. Baldwin, military plck U ha Pvt. First Class William Chris- It out and mall according to direc- "ATANY YOUNG BOYS are eager Work it out. and Mother Morlok Love and thoughts, Sam. P y balers. commentator of the New York A moving hill 100 feet high esti- tiansen. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm tions. And while on the subject to become old enough to bej^^ 8he hasn't had to come to the Editor's Note-We are all re-, Combination, com husker-shred- Times and Pulitzer winner for his mated to contain 100.000 tons of (,era Christiansen, has been graduated of these contests a number of com- soldiers. One observer notes that. re8CU0 yet. joidng over the go-eat victory in! brilliant analysis, has just returned earth Is threatening to become a Tractors whee, a11 as a skilled aircraft mechanic from munities In the country are spon- a soldier has to obey orders, which | .Tlie fellow who.a rMLUy gcratch- North Africa, and especially so be-J ' ' purpo* and from a 22,000-mlle trip to Africa traffic hazard on M-21 a half mile 5 1 1 the Army Air Forces Technical soring local contests. We urge our la not always required of »me lnff hu head over the ^ ^ brlng. cause of the fact that sixteen of' ^ * Purpose, all H. P. to report—without censorship—that east of the Saranac Intersection. Training Command School , Sey- farm friends to enter these con- poorly governed kids In the homeiing up the quad8 lB Cari our own boys from this locality the Allied victory In Tunisia was Continued rains have softened the mour Johnson Field. N. C., and tests for all winners In local con- circles. |B. Morlok. a constable attached to have their part in It. Bagging 225,- won chiefly by the British, that glacial drift and Allan M. Williams, was among the top six. A gradu- tests will compete for county-wide This Is an Idea for boys who want j Lansing^ municipal court. He's the Ionia county highway engineer, 000 prisoners Is mighty good hunt- Germany is still strong and far to be soldiers. Let them play that e ho really deals In multiples, Boy Scout Camp ate of Lowell high school. Pvt. prizes. Entries close May 20. Get |0n w ing.—R. G. J. said the hill had moved 12 feet In Christiansen was employed by from being near defeat and that their family Is a little military • a, new pair of shoes is four new your entry in. 30 days. Is now only a foot and a North American Aviation prior to American troops are still green unit. In which the parents are the^jn, f to him, the now (Continued on page 8) 0 Bhoea half from the highway. Williams Is entering the army in November. and inexperienced In modern war- officers, and the boys the private gpring coat la four new spring Starts June 26tli praying for dry weather to halt tht High School Band 1942. fare. soldiers. Let them see how things | coatai a 8et of roller skates Is four encroachment otherwise he'll have Camp Shawoadosse. the Boy As Colonel Dupuy phrased It In Jury Awards $700 in go better when the orders of these ! rone,, skates In Ms budget, 8etJ of to post a detour sign. That hazard Sc5Ul c,mp op ythe G nd Four Lowell men. Walter W. a radio talk May 9. "we are one officers are strictly obeyed. The ^ iand on> better be stopped before It reaches To Give Concert Valley Council o"f which the "Kent Gllinser( William A Hawk. Willard step forward on the long march to Crash Damage Suit soldier has to obey even when hej »Thls four-at-a-time business District a the east end of Main street. ^ w o. » . . . u , P^t *1" this B Hunter and Willlam E< Myers, victory". But it is only one step, feels the order is wrong, and theireaijy make8 a dent In the family Tuesday, May28, at 80 clock ^ summer from June 26 through! recelvlng the ba8ic tralnlng American troops have yet to land A verdict of $700 In favor of 1 plaintiff was brought In by a jury company profits by his obedience. | p0cketb00kt the result that Jokes, jests, jabs and jibes just the evening, the Lowell High School August 1, It was announced Mon- that will prepare them for sea on the continent of Europe. Band, under the direction of Orval In Circuit Judge Cornelius Hofflus' So In most cases there Is better | the Morloks live a very simple and by Jeff: Have you noticed how day by Lawrence F. Calahan. Coun- duty as fighting Bluejackets in the Jessup, will give Us final concert cou work and more harmony In the sd^nuined Uvea Their pleas- calmly the children take the re- cil President. __ Navy at the U. S. Naval Training We Americans like to gossip. rt late Tuesday In the ca** of of the year at Richards Park. In a family IMs when the arguing ^'ures. and most of their fun Is fun duction In chocolate candy bars, Located on Duck Lake 14 miles Station. Great Lakes. 111. For the Probably not one of you has not Koning versus Bannan. way. this concert Is a farewell one cut out, and the kids do what they at home thinks a bit before gum and jelly beans? . . . Why cry north of Muskegon, the camp oc- next eight weeks they will he put heard reports of over-production of; trial was outgrowth of an are told without question. sending four little girls to the when a daughter gets married to- for some of the members who ex- cupies 224 acres of woodland. through a period of "boot" training tanks and trucks and other war ®"tomohiie scc'dent near Ada. Oct. movies, and one doesn't say, "Let's day? Shell probably remain at pect to enter the armed forces this A trained staff, averaging one stressing physical conditioningJ.Irnaiofioi, j materialcs at Michigian warr niontsplants-; 10. 1941, in which Janet Raye Kon- summer. have an Ice cream soda,' to four home for the duration. ... It Is leader for every 5 or 6 Scouts, is military drill, and the fundamen- that vast fields are filled wlth tog. who was three years old then, The band will march through rari B. of T. Banquet little glris on the spur of the mom- foolish to try and lead a double life maintained at the camp. As in re- tals of seamanship. Naval customs equipment that cannot be shipped across M-21 near Ada to a town from the school, led by Dave ent" today, for one costs enough! . . .A cent years, special emphasis will be and procedure. Upon graduation overseas because of lack of ship- and was struck by a car Next Wednesday Clark, drum major, and the twirling drlven b ShirIe nov Ledger reader says that perhaps placed on water safety skills, they will be given a nine-day leave, ping, and so on. >' y ^ team consisting of Marilyn Kyser, of There will be a Board of Trade Martinique Is beginning to under- woodcraft, and taking care of one- after which they villi be assigned Lieut General Brehon B. Somer- L™*"- ^ E. Bannan. Shlr- Mary Ellen Curtis and Gloria 1 8 fa banquet Wednesday night, May 28, Memorial Day Program stand what America means when self In the open. Physical fitness to a service school for training as vell. chief of the army sen-ices of, ^ ther. was named co-defend- Doyle. at 7:16 in the City Hall. Major she says "Play Ball." . . . Just be- will also be stressed In the camp specialists, or be sent directly to supply. visited Michigan last sum- The concert at the park will Charles F. Rundqulst, public re- Sunday, May 30, at 2:00 cause something Isn't worth talk- program. Mr. Calahan stated. active duty afloat or ashore mer. Recently he declared that the The child suffered a fractured consist of light popular and patri- The cost per Scont has been leg. arm and skull. lations officer of the U. S. army air The American Legion, which Is ing about doesn't mean that some- U. S. army will not be completely body won't make up a song and It otic numberh. Featured will be a raised this year from $8.50 to $9.00 force weather school at Grand making plans for Memorial Day, equipped until late In 1944. Only will be sung about. . . The trouble comet quartette consisting of Mr. a week. However, due to the desire Rapids, has been secured as has announced that the line of New Regulations In the field of ammunition is there with taxing liquor is that some Jessup. Doris Sterzlck. Robert Ky- of many troop leaders to go with S'JRAND CALENDAR speaker, and a good attendance is march for the annual parade will re9erve R mo of ser and Horace Summers, accom- their Scouts to camp, the fee will On Canning Sugar * - " " desired. form at Richards Park at 2:00 folks might conalder it their patri- tlon were called the work of flfth- panied by the band under the di- |be reduced to $8.00 per boy If the Friday and Saturday. May 21-22— p. m., and will be heeded by the otic duty to drink too much. . . . The local ration board has been I columnists. Some people ahould have the ether rection of Gloria Doyle. ! troop Is accompanied by an adult Jean Parker In "HI Neighbor" Lowell high school band under the The band is expecting to have a Registered leader. Troops desiring advised that the two designated | Secretary of Navy Frank Knox with Lulu Belle and Scotty; also New Serial Story direction of Orval Jcssup. The after the operation to keep them new bass drum in time for this to furnish their own food and do stamps In Book One as "Canning j revealed to the Truman Committee Iwilllem Tracy and Joe Sawyer in parade will march to Oakwood from talking about It. . . . "Money Sugar Stamps" will be announced j t Washington that the net loss In "Fuji i ." i News. Begins in Ledger talks." agrees Dan Whigeler, "and concert, purchased by the band their own cooking will pay only a n a 80 cemetery where sofvlcfes will be In the next few days. Each stamp | gross tons of shipping In 1942 was it appears to be able to speak all committee of the Village Council. for camp facilities and leadership Sunday and Monday. May 23-24— "My Friend Fllcka", by Mary held at 2:30. Rev. R. C. Warland will be worth 5 pounds of sugar. "In the neighborhood of something the languages." . . . The way they used. John Garfield and Gig Young In O'Hara Is the title of the now will give an address appropriate Consumers who require more than over a million tons". Submarines are killing poultry, It looks as REGISTER FOR SOFT BALL "Air Force;" also News and Shorts. serial story beginning In this to the day. Remember, the above Eh/en during these times of man- 10 pounds per person for canning though the worms are going to have been sinking ships faster than Tuesday and Wednesday. May 25- week's issue of the Ledger. It's program is for Sunday, May 30. Everyone Is urged to sign up to power shbrtage. eyery boy should will be given an opportunity at a have an easier time of It this sum- we could build them. 26—Anna May Wong In "Lady from the story of a boy and a yearling Further details will be given hi play soft-ball at Recreation park get a week of this Invaluable train- later date to make application for The newspapers bring these facts Chungking;" also the Rltz Bros, hi mer. this summer. Registration Is now ing if it Is at all possible for him to filly and that means a story of next week's Ledger. an additional allowance. The board to your home. Only a democracy "HI Ya Chum;" also Troop Train. gear It in with his work schedule, gtnulne human Interest to all, both The Lowell Board of Trade an- •being held. See Forest Buck at the has been advised not to issue any can afford such freedom of Inform- Thursday. May 27—"Eyes of the A 4: P store. Teams for both young according to Mr. Calahan. old aud young>-a story that will nounces that business places will 8PORT COAT ENSEMBLES sugar allowance coupons until the ation! Underworld" with Richard Dlx; and old. Several Lowell boy scouts are give needed relaxation from the be.plosed all day Monday, May 31. New arrivals—Checks, Herring- designated stamps have been an- (continued on page 5) also "Strictly In the Groove" with planning on attending camp. worries of war. - \ t •v""' / - w bonet. Tweeds, ShetlanSs. Coats nounced. and consumers have used Leon Erroll and Mary Healy; News. Turn to pag* 0 fo* tlie opening Be' courteous to everyone. It pays with slacks to contrast, |14.9&- Be a good listener; respect others' the ten pounds allowance per per- Be sympathetic, but never seek chapter of "My Friend Fllcka." 'and pays! n6.50: Slacks |4.95. Cogps. viewpoints. Phone your news to the Ledger. son. sympathy. It pays to advertise in the Ledger.

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TWO THE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL. MICHIGAN, ^THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1M8 THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL, M1CHIOAN. [THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1943 THREE Che Cowell Cedger tlon of Young Republican Clubs that the time hae come for a com- Editorial Comment and ALTO SOLO SOUTH SIDB-SEOWUN plete re-appraisal of the relations Mrs. Charles Young THIS AND THAT Fresh, Home-Made LOWELL ITEMS Published evirjr Thursday mornlnn at between the people and their vari- Indoctrination vs. Education ALTO NEWS 210 Main SlfMt. Lowell, Mlchlpm. FROM AROUND OF 25, 30 AND Tailored In Rochester by Michaels-Stern Entered at Postotflee at Lowell, Michigan, ous governments—local, state and From Grand Rapids Herald: Mrs. Fred Pattison Sgt. Albert Kyser of Fort Sheri- MICHIGAN'S NEW AUTO LAW ai Second Clau Matter. Peanut Clusters 35 YEARS AGO national. Educators about the country are dan, 111., spent from Wednesday THE OLD TOWN R. G. Jefferies, Editor and Publisher He declared that for 10 years quite disturbed over the suspicion of last week until Sunday with his is effective July 30, 1943 We offer you service at a time F.D.JefferiM, Asst Publisher the people's money and their pow- that a determined but subtle at- Alto Garden Club Alto Locals mother, Mrs. Ralph Mullen and m when kindness and a human Howard Thurtell of Detroit spent lb 40c May 23, 1918—25 Years Ago II. F. Jcfferles, Advertising: Mgr. er have been "vacuumed off into tempt Is being made by some of family. Other week-end guests were Mrs. Fred Pattison and commit Rev. F. E. Chamberlain made the week-end with his family in Mrs Jane Edmonds, 83. a former Member Mlehlran Prcu AaaoeUtton one large pool in Washington." the more radical New Dealers to tee, Mesdames Carl Yelter, M. A. her sister, Mrs. Claude Holllday business trip to Wllllamston Mon- LET US INSURE YOU NOW touch of understanding is Lowell. resident of Lowell, died at the home Member National Editorial Auodaiioa Thence, he said, a part of the peo- fill the schools of the land with Watson, Harold Nye, Bert Sydnam. and husband and daughter Mildred ple's money but none of the power, day, returning Tuesday. Hattic Scott's of her daughter, Mrs. Kate Snyder, SUBSCRIPTION RATES propaganda. At any rate, a lot of Herbert Croninger and Jack Slmp^ of Lansing. most needed. Bob Lalley, son of Mrs. John Payable in Advance has been redistributed among some literature Is being sent out not Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bancroft and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mullen of with the Lalley, was home from Cleveland Kandy Kitchen at Vineland, N. J. son will entertain the Alto Garden Mrs. A. B. Caspar of Buffalo, N. One Year |2.00. Six Months |1.00 communities "according to what- only to adults but to the schools in Club at the former's home, Wed- children were Sunday dinner guests Ypsllanti spent the weik-end with over Sunday. On the Bridge, Lowell Three Months 65c, Single Copies 6o ever social and economic philoso- of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rosenberg Y., visited her father, Duncan Ross, Honor Aid which, along with much useful In- nesday, May 26 at 2 o'clock Mrs •his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Auto Owntn Iniuranct Company W. A. ROTH FUNERAL CHAPEL Miss Jean Norton of Grand Rap- Vhe Lowell Ledger, eatabUibed June, phy happened to be temporarily in formation concerning the war. Is and Larry, and the children en- Mullen. in Bcrwne. 1893; The Alto Solo, eitabllshed January Chamberlain will speak on Iris Ids was a Sunday guest In the the Wtm the favor in the national capltol." plenty of propaganda subversive to joyed riding Larry's pony. Mrs. Lynn Fletcher and Alyn ac- Phone SB Nights *80 James Monks sold his farm In 1904. Conaolldated with the Ledger June and Mrs. Glen Yelter will talk on Art Hill home. 1917. The Lowell Journal, taUbllahed 1M4, Gov. Dewey said New York state our American Ideals and demo- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Linton Were companied Russell Sible to Blod- west Lowell to Orvllle Austin. Consolidated with the Ledger D«c«mt>«r culture of tulips. Floral armnge- Dead Living is demonstrating that It can help cratic institutions. David Lawrence Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and gett hospital Sunday to see Mrs. EARL V. COLBY AGENCY Lieut. Gould Rlvette spent Sun- Edwin Nash of Clarksville was a John Sullivan of Parnell accepted IS, 1938. ments will be discussed and rear- Saturday caller at the Wm. Cos- a government position and left for its farmers without waiting upon recently devoted a column to ranged. Mrs. Kenneth Overholt. Slble, who has a new baby girl. day In Lowell with his wife and Washington. Alto, Michigan grlff home. Washington, D. C. / discussion of this type of propa- Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell were F. J. Boyd Is quite 111 at this writ- other relatives. LK/arJ ganda and Representative Roy O. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Alma ing. Mrs. U. A. Hawk is assisting Office Phone, Alto til Residence Phone, Alto 471 Charles Hoffman Is quite 111 at The German Methodist Church POPPY DAY As the Editor Sees it Alto Library Noteu Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hlnkle spent Less Paper Woodruff of Bay City has brought Dahlman and brother. Glen Snyder in the store during his Illness. of each put one cup of filling, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert was the scene of a patriotic pro- Private Opinions Publicly Expressed Sunday in Rookford with Mr. and gram when other Lowell churches Popples In tribute to America's There has been a reduction and It still further into the limelight Messra and Mesdames Jack Por- at Campau Lake. Steve McCall was home from sealing edges firmly as you fold L. Jones, East Maln-st. Weekly Scrapbook Mrs. Alfred Peterson. united In the flag dedication of a battle dead of two wars will be will be more. In the paper con- by remarks made In the House and rltt Matt Metternlck and Mack Dee Yelter of Ypsllanti called on Muskegon over the week-end. Mrs. over the other half round to make worn In Lowell on Saturday, May the Dlntaman's Sunday. Wesley Althaus of Cadillac spent Mr. and Mrs. F.euben Lee were service flag In honor of their boys Dictatorship By Default sumed by magazines and ne sent broadcast through his District Watson have generously contrkbut McCall accompanied him as far as the pocket Baked In moderate oven Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and 29. according to Bessa iHatch, pres- ed their late magazines to the li- Mrs. Walter Thome is visiting Grand Rapids, on his return to Meat Budgeting for 60 to 60 min. and served hot Sunday with his parents, Mr. and who answered their country's call There Is a possibility that this papers. Retrenchment has been The latest pamphlet cent out Is Mrs. Herbert Clough In Ionia. to arms. Addresses were given by ident, and Angellne Mulder, treas- brary. The Alto library has sent her mother near Yprtlanti, who Work on Monday. BAILEY CORNERS NEWS Tough meat seems more tender with a sauce such as tomato, Span- Mrs. Ernest Althaus. nation may go totalitarian by de- necessary and the facts faced entitled "My Part In This War." Mrs. Mabel Gross 3. P. Hicks and Rev. A H. Lash, urer, of Charles W. Clark Unit of recent magazines and some mystery celebrated her 90th birthday re- Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Fletcher if cut across the grain since this ish sauce, you have left-over fold- Mr. and Mr. Wm. Collins spent fault And if that haprpens, we will squarely, but what brings on a com- It Is written by Government econo- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Forward of and the choir led the congrega- the American Legion Auxiliary. books to the Percy Jones hospital cently, but Mrs. Thome was unable were Saturday night guests of his shortens the fibers. Long cooking overs. Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bee the beginning of a cycle of plaint from the publishers of the mists In collaboration with certain Deland, Fla., ate spending a week tion In singing of patriotic hymns The poppies this year will honor at Battle Creek. to attend at that time. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fletch- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collar attend at slow heat Is a general rule for Gerald Collins In Grand Rapids. tyranny and impoverishment such country is the vast amount of un- University and High School teach- with their father, R. L. Forward. and national aim. the men who have given their lives necessary government printing that ers. It Is being distributed through Mrs. H. D. Smith, librarian Mr. and Mrs. George Yaeger of er. ed a dinner party at the Ross handling thrifty meat cuts which Watch This Miss Virginia Hosley of Mason In the present conflict, as well as as other nations have experienced nail home in Grand Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Connor Miss Maude Curtlss of Morse floods the malls and appears on the National Association of Second- Muskegon spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Juhl and are usually tough.. .You can stretch spent the week-end with her par- those who fell among the popples when the individual was superseded their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John evening. Spray or dust the vegetables the of Grand Rapids visited their Lake went to Washington, D. C., desks. They say there too much ary Principals to High School and family of South Keene were Sun- hamburger by mixing it with oat- ents, Postmaster and Mrs. Fred J. of France and Belgium twenty-five by the State. 4-H Club canning Project Linton. minute you sie any indication of mother, Mrs. Ella Robinson Sun- to accept a government position. paper wasted In Washington, more College students. day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Muriel Green of Rockfo: meal or cornmeal and also please Hosley. years ago. The money contributed The danger of America going Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dlckerson of was a Sunday dinner guest of Insects. Insects develop rapidly and day. Clarence Reutelster new plumber than actually needed for govern- Mr. Lawrence attacks the pamph- The 4-H Club girls and their Chas. Youngi and Hugh. the family with the change. Hanv for the flowers will be used for the totalitarian arlaes from the Illusion Hollywood, Fla., are visiting their tsr Ballsy. can do much damage In a few hours Mrs. Will Malcolm and Mr. and at Ford's hardware, having taken mental purposes. The government let on the score that while it deals mothers met with their leader, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Lewis Jones, Mrs. burg steak Is delicious when broiled Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weaver and welfare of victims of both wars and FABRIC THREAD "KNOW HOW that government Is bleesed with an parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arthur. time. Watch out for the tiny, baby Mrs. Roy Grlndle and daughter the place of Charles W. Cook, who contracted for 350,000,000 pounds of With many controversial subjects O. K. Graham at Merriman school Clyde Mullen and Alice DeCom Mrs. James Woodcock vlslte with halves of tomatoes and ban- family spent Sunday in Beldlng their families. inexhaustable supply of wisdom and Mr. Arthur Is still confined to hla Wednesday at the Frank Ryde grasshoppers. Kill them by spray- Joanne spent the week-end In was drafted. paper for 1943 and this Is 60 per It sets forth only that side of these Monday night to discuss their can- merce were In Grand Rapids on with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al The Lowell unit of the Auxiliary cash, which can be drawn on free- home. home. ing when they are young, or else Grand Rapids with the former's Harry DeWlnters and Miss Annie cent more than required in 1941. subjects which the present Admini- ning program for this summer. Friday. len Russell. Is making extensive preparations ly without any strings attached to Mrs. Addle Campbell of McCords Mr. and Mrs. Adalbert Odell wer youH have your problems with children. Davldsee of Ada were united In .... Makes a Real Suit of Clothes But In the first three weeks of this stration desires set forth. Connie Smith, Sec'y. Sgt Forrest Smith of Las Vegas, for the observance of Poppy Day freedom. It is a dangerous illusion, spent a couple of days with Mr. in Grand Rapids on business Sun Week's Best Recipe them later on. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berlin marriage. year the federal government used It is this type of propaganda New Mexico and Mrs. Smith of Pvt. Wlnfred J. Alexander of here, under the leadership of Mrs. a warped conception of democracy, Methodist Church Notes and Mrs. John Campbell last week. day. went to Detroit Tuesday for a few Market reports: Potatoes, 70c In Washington alone about one- which Is most treacherous. At this St. Paul, Minn., who have been Meat and Vegetable Fold-Overs; Kelloggs Field spent Saturday and Hatch and Mrs. Mulder. The little the result of which has been a stag- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lyon and par- Miss Phyllis Morse of Wayne wr When Papering days' visit with their daughter, Mrs. Sunday with his parents to attend cwt; beans, $10 cwt.; eggs. 32c And that old "know how" li an all important third of their estimated consump- time any of us willingly and even Rev. F. E. Chamberlain's subject visiting his mother, Mrs. Chaa. Filling of 2 T fat, IH to 2 c left- red flowers of remembrance will gering growth of bureaucracy, debt. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa Rlttenger a week-end visitor at the Fred Rot' over veal (cubed), 2 c diced pota- Edward Olney. the wedding of his cousin, Mary doz.; butter, 30c pound. 4,0,1 for the who,e eagerly will read anything having next Sunday morning will be 'The Peterle, were in Muskegon this A subscriber writes that at their be available to everyone In the vil- and political domination of private! ^ ^ were Sunday guests of their daugh- home, and Sunday callers wer Thompson. factor I Mlchatli-Stfm addi It to tvery suit that conserve, not just some of us. to do with "My Part In This War." Master Man". The church year week-end visiting his father, Wm. toes, 1V4 c diced carrots, 1 c diced house when they prepared the Week-end guests of Mrs. Mary lage, offered by volunteer workers effort. It must be erased before ter and sister and brother-in-law, Gordon Hill of Detroit and frien We are eager to learn If we may closes May 31. Smith. Sgt Smith left Detroit on Ken could ride any horse on celery and leaves, 1 t salt, % t rooms they found the plates around Wlngeler were her daughter. Rose, Callers at the Wm. Geary home May 22, 191S—30 Years Ago from the Auxiliary who will be on the future can be approached with Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor at lake of Grand Rapids. Mrs. Arthu the streets throughout the day. baart their label . . . that "extra-somtthlng" be of service In any manner. Thursday for Las Vegas and Mrs. the ranch, but whit he wanted pepper. Brown meat In fat and re- the electric switches were worn and grandson, Richard Murphy, on Vergennes rd. one day last week Byron A. Moye, formerly of Low- confidence. Odessa. Smith returned to her position in Schneider and children of Lowel move from heat. Add diced pota- The flowers, made of crepe paper Moreover, a great many of us Alto Locals meet was something that waa looking. Rather than go to the both of Detroit were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burr of ell, was united In marriage to Mies rttultlng from tht crtatlv« work of human Our republic became great be- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mofflt of De- St. Paul. were Saturday visitors. toes and other raw vegetables, salt In replica of the wild Flanders are eager to get the views of hi# alone to tend and love. So expense of buying new ones they Grand Rapids and Mr, and Mrs. Ethel G. Johnson at Valler, Mont. cause it has always been a land The community is Invited to a troit were Saturday luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roth an and pepper. Mix well. Make dough Mrs. Ed Walker apent from Frl- poppy, have been ordered from the others on the solutions of the num- Mrs. Bertha Hemmlngsen of removed the used ones, covered day till Sunday in Saranac with/Carlton Anderson of Owosso. Renls Doyle home from Pine hands I That'i what rtally tab our Mlchatli- of individual enterprise. Its people farewell party honoring Rev. and guests of Mrs. Fred Pattison and he selected Flicka, the yearw family went to Fremont recentl" hospital where disabled veterans erous problems of the post-war Sheridan called Saturday at the of 4 c sifted flour, 4 t baking pow- them with the wall paper and put Bluff. Ark., for an extended visit grew strong because they were free Mrs. F. E. Chamberlain, who are mother, Mrs. Emma Moffltt The ling filly, and incurs his fa> to call on Robert Tomllnson. her brother, Ed Dodds, who still an(j Mrs. Archie Condon manufactured them under direction period. If adults read these things homes of Mrs. Lynn Fletcher, Mrs. der, salt Cut In shortening. Add them In place again with a pleas- E. Rk.. Collauonarr celebrateceieoraieda mthe 30touioh i - .. Stem lulb on • padattal, you know ... tha and self reliant. A man who had moving to Saranac In the near fu- latter accompanied them to Grand ther'o wrath. the way home they called at th remains very 111. called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. . . , . . . 'of tne Michigan Department of the and if they perhaps may be In- Emerson Stevens, and Mrs. Chas. milk for soft dough. Turn on ing result In appearance. anniversary of his business atartL * a good Idea and was willing to ture. Rapids to meet Mr. Moffltt's moth- Young. Irwin Mozln home at Sparta. flcured board and knead gently Wr Alfred Thomet at Brooklyn Cor- Auxiliary. Poppy maKlng has kept fluenced by a one-sided argument You'll be delighted to read Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clement and for himself alone, In the same store unuiual amount of hand-tailoring; tht drapa; work to put It into effect, received Harold Johnson, 13-year-old sou er. Mrs. Lottie Moffltt of Cadillac, % minute. Roll out % inch thick. daughter of Grand Rapids were ners and on Fern Treat and Mr. the hands of hundreds of these un- Objects to Change in Time or- portrayal of problems, what Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bettes of Spar- Inspirational where he is now located. encouragement and reward, pro- of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson, and all were dinner guests of Mr. Cut Into 8 inch circles and on half and Mrs. Goudzward In Grand Rap- fortunate men usefully employed must be the effect upon the Im- ta were Sunday dinner guests of Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Rolf, 72, died at his home tht cut; tht ptrftd hang. Try ont on viding he could actually give people Dear Editor; has proved himself a- very good and Mrs O. E. Meyer. The Moffitts Notice, All Corresponden Everything that Is mine, even to Ids. during the winter and spring, help- .-LI" mature minds of the College and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Belles. My Friend FUcka Victor Clemenr. in West Lowell, having lived In something they neetied and wanted. We supposed the legislature trapper, having captured a large then drove to Alaska and spent the It would be greatly appre^la my life, I may give to one I love, ing them pass the long hospital I i High school students? That 1 s Mr. and Mrs. R. Bettes diW Mrs. Linda Loucks has returned Gretchen Hahn, 11 year old this vicinity nearly all his life. and you'll itt M what wt nttii I Thus Industry was built. Hard work voted to return to slow time, and male fox and two of his cubs. This night at the Moffltt-Sanbom home, by the Ledger staff if all co but the secret of my friend is not daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. hours' and aiding in their rehabili- where the great danger lies. By to Jackson Tuesday night and IN THIS PAPiR to the home of her sister, Mrs. Lowell schools to add shorthand by Individuals keeps It going. Our did not know the village council male fox was exceptionally large retumlng to Detroit on Sunday. respondents would mall thelg ner mine to give.—•Philip Sydney. Hahn, was taken to Blodgett hos- tation. that means the Government may Erma Jean and friend, Sgt Ted Frank Gould, after spending the and typewriting to their com- bountiful natural resources—the oil, could take it upon themselves to and probably the culprit that killed Mrs. Chubb and daughter Nina STARTING THIS WEEK letters so that same will reaeh th pital Sunday where she was oper- More Americans than ever before be "indoctrinating" the minds of N. King, Jr., accompanied them mercial course. coal and metals so vital to victory- change It whenever they pleased. several little pigs for the Johnsons and Mrs. John Layer visited at the office not later than Tuesday o DON'T WORRY winter In Florida. ated upon for appendicitis Tuesday are expected to wear popples this our youth rather than educating home, and were their guests Wed- A couple of sailors got Into a A daughter was born to Mr. and would still be buried in the ground | We wonder If the council knows and SUcoxes. Harold will get a Elmer Dlntaman home Sunday and each week. War coDdltlsns are af Mr. and Mrs. Don MacNaughton year as a personal tribute to those them. nesday and Thursday of last week. About Rationing and Points discussion over the kind of animal morning. Mra Leon Weeks. $33 - $37.50 but for the individuals who were why Governor VanWagoner lost $3 bounty on each. Sally Flnels was a week-end guest Bake fillets of fish In thin cream feeling the newspaper and pubUs accompanied friends In Grand Rap- who have been killed, and to aid By "Indoctrination" we mean an Sgt King Is stationed at the Army a heifer wast One sailor claimed Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Allen re- Chauncey Townsend re t u r n e d not afraid to take risks and back his job and if they are not careful Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rosenberg Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. w.g business which maka It ncc Ids to Johnson Park, GrandvUle, for the disabled, their families and the Tax included Air Base at Rapid City, N. D., his with sliced mushrooms, minced that the heifer belonged to the hog turned to their home Saturday, from California. up those risks with a lot of sweat. they will be losing their trade In Imbuing of the mind with certain were Sunday guests of Mrs. Bertha Lawrence Richardson visited the Mry to give the mechanical d Eat at Richmond's families of the dead. home being In Jackson. chlvos and paprika. A nice comp- family, the other that It was a a picnic Sunday aftemoon. Oscar having been In St. Mary's P. C. Peckham bought the F. B. The people of many nations are just the same manner. principles as being correct until Miller and daughter, Theresa at larter'a brother-in-law and sister, partment more time for doing tji Foods in Good Variety any dish. Serve Iced cucumbers variety of sheep. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson and hospital for several weeks. Mrs. Rhodes residence on Washington counting on this country. The men We farmers feel that we have that mind knows no other angle to Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sherrington at setting and |.rinting. thanks fo becn with hot potato balls with it HARRIS CREEK not the problem. On the other hand It pays to advertise m the Ledger, Finally, they called In Boatswain two daughters of Muskegon were Allen Is Just recovering from a street. and women of America are literally i given a fair deal In this George Colby, Mr. and Mrs. Law- Caledonia, then they all visited their complying.—The Publisher. Courteous Service inatter 118 Bill. "Bill, wot's a helfei^-ls It a hog Saturday evening dinner guests of case of flu. Fred B. Hlne of Kinsley, Kan., Mrs. Basil Vreeland the last hope for a better civiliza-| the majority of us find education" will give the facts from rence Headworth, Mr. and Mrs. aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- 1 ver or a sheep?" thsy asked. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Conant. visited old friends here, after an tlon. It is inconceivable that with;' y Inconvenient because It is all angles to a problem and leave Chas. Colby and family were enter- thur Culp and family near Green Richmond's Cafe The Misses Bertha Alexander and near Boatswain Bill bit off a large absence of nine years. Mrs. Ella Flynn returned to Alto the tradition of greatness which is ly noon before we can do any It to the Individual to figure tained at dinner at the Earl Colby Lake, and their brother-in-law and Mrs. Hattle Rouse, who has been Dorothy VanTatenhove left Tues- in the THERON RICHMOND, Prop. chew reflectively, then said: 'To Mr. and Mra. P. C. Freeman of to be with her sister, Mrs. Wm. theirs, they will seek to solve their I "elds or work with out for himself what he believes home Sunday, celebrating George. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bow- a resident of Lowell for the past day for Paso Robles. Calif., where fru,t aad Phone BlOi Lowell tell the truth, mates, I dunno much South Boston went to Chicago to Anderson after spending a few problems by following the same vegetables. During the to be the better or correct answer Earl, Lawrence and Janice's birth- man and family near Caledonia. In 68 years, will observe hor 93rd they will visit their brothers at harve8t se I about poultry." attend the graduating exercises at weeks at the John Flynn home. tawdry path of government idola- ason we have extra help It is by this sort of "Indoctrina- days. the evening the Rlchardsons visited birthday on Saturday, May 22. Camp Roberts and Fort Ord, re- and of,en tim the Theological seminary for Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burns ac- try that has destroyed civilization i e8 It Is Impossible to tion" that such persons as Hitler Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rosenberg their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. spectively. start work until the sun dries off T. A. Bowrey of Bristol, Tenn., Will Mlnty, before the Mlnty fam- companied Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- in a large part of the world. lead their people to believe solely spent Monday evening with Mr. and and Mrs. Walter Walbridge near Mrs. O. J. Yelter and Evelyn the grain and then It Is necessary is here for a few weeks' visit with ily left for their new home at Fort Donald and family to Grand Rap- As a farmer was passing the Unsolved Mysteries of the Sea In the righteousness of their own Mrs. Anson Rosenberg in Grand Dutton. called Thursday evening on Mrs. to work until sundown. his daughters, Mrs. Dave Clark and Dodge, Iowa. Ids Sunday and all spent the day State Mental Institute, one of the The sea hides many mysteries, cause, to believe what Hitler, for Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brannan and Truda Lee and Peter Speerstra at A PltlfuJ Picture EVERY DRIVER CAN HELP Miss Pauline Bowrey, at the Clark Mrs. M. J. Painter returned from at the Farrell Burns home. patients poked his head over the strange stories of derelict ships, ^1 A successful farmer cannot pro- example, tells them, and to follow Walter Thome, 72, a highly re- Jean of Ann Arbor were week-end Osteopathic hospital. Grand Rap- duce to the maximum by working home. her winter's sojourn at Lake Odes- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wenger and fence and called out: "Whatcha 'frightful mutinies, savage fighting, Newsweek summed up a recent his leadership blindly. It Is the jected Alto resident for many guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bran- Ids, both of whom are convalescing i week's news on the food front with a specific eight or ten hour day. sa. family were Sunday dinner guests got in the wagon, mister?" | sudden death. Some of the strang- most dangerous possible sort of years, passed away Friday night, nan and Mrs. Francis Wakefield Mr. and . Mrs. Bert Purchase and from operations. When we hire help they come In A daughter was born In Detroit of their brother-in-law and sister, "Fertilizer," replied the farmer. jeat, most baffling of these will be dreary words that have a familiar propaganda, the kind which event- after a long Illness. He will be and new baby. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Duryea were the morning and their hours are up Mrs. Bry Condon and Mrs. Rich- to Mr. and Mrs. Erie Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. Case Vandervelt at "Whatcha gonna do with It" described in "Mysteries of the Sea," i ^ ring to millions of consumers; ually may result In the overthrow missed by a host df friends, who Ashley Stone and his son Frank dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. at three o'clock according to the ard Nead attended the funeral in (nee Marguerite Southard of Low- Green Lake. "Put it on my rhubarb." starting in The American Weekly 'There was still no move in Wash- of a Government or the destruction extend their sympathy to Mrs Stone of Ithaca were dinner guests and Mrs. Daryl Duryea In Grand ington to deal with the critical food sun. We cannot come to Lowell to of a worthy principle. Fertilizer Lansing Saturday of the little ell). Listen for the wedding bells at "Mlgosh! I put sugar on mine | with this Sunday's (May 23) issue Thome and family. Interment do our trading on Saturday nights of their cousin, George Skidmore ROLLING Rapids. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Harris Creek. and they call me crazy!" of The Detroit Sunday Times. Be problem as a whole." For ten years now the New Deal- in Udell cemetery. Ypsllanti, their Mrs. Martha Combs relumed as the stores are closing about the and wife, Thursday. They called Mrs. Wesley Roth and Mrs. Oscar Smith. Mrs. Smith Is the former from Portland, where she spent five sure to get Sunday's Detroit Times. How much longer is the country ers have been actively engaged In former home. on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dlntaman1 going to invite disaster by allow- time we get there, the show Is also Brezlna attended the funeral of a Virginia Eddy of LoweH. months with her sister. Victory Garden? MacFarlane's Phone 9101. Greskowiak's news an effort to convince the people Mrs. Harry Wood, Mrs. Walter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac- Want afls p«»y. Try one. ing half a dozen different agencies half over, and unless we make a relative In Traverse City last Sat- Mra. W. H. Hutchinson was called seeds are better. stand for delivery. adv generally and youth more specif! Plumer and Mrs. Robert Christ! Naughton In the afternoon. Mrs. O. J. Yelter and Evelyn were of government to aigue Intermin- special effort we cannot get to see urday, driving there and back In to South Carolina to the bedside of cally that their theories of Govern- attended a farewell dinner party Patsy Wood and Barbara Ann Sunday dinner guests of Dr. and ably in helpless confusion? As the doctor during his office hours, one day. her husband, who suffered a stroke ment of economy and of the social for Alice Lveer in Grand Rapids Smith of Caledonia spent the week- We Have i Urge Stock Mrs. R. T. Lustlg in Grand Rapids. Newsweek points out, the OPA nor park our cars close to Maln-«t of paralysis. order are the only correct ones. Ef- Saturday evening. Alice has joined end with Janet and Carolyn Cron- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wlsner, hav- Miss Evelyn spent the aftemoon worries about prices, the Office of We have heard several farmers Mrs. Katherlne McGlnnls went to forts have been made even to con- the WAACs and la leaving im inger. Sunday afternoon the Cron- ing sold their home on Peck's Hill antlUUd ev-nlnC v w LLLLIg £ witTV Ivih * Pete& r Speerstraov* .«* , I Defense Transportation about ship- say that they can and will go to the trol the books used In the schools who Is a patient at Osteopathic Mercer, Wis., to spend the summer smaller towns to do their trading. mediately for overseas duty\ ingers called at the Martin Booth to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bryan, ments, the Food Distribution Ad- and In a degree to take over control hospital. >lth her daughter, Mary. Wfe enjoy coming to Lowell on Sat- Mesdames Lawrence Richardson, home at Comstock Park, and Coles- will move to their new farm home ministration about allocation, the of all educational facilities. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dlckerson urday nights to trade and meet our Fred Pattison, R. D. Bancroft and fox farm in Cascade. east of town. Mrs. Alice Luella Mlsner, aged j tertalned a small company of Department of Agriculture about Proposals for huge grants of Barbara called on Miss Metta Fer- cn t'jjtfJijrt, neighbors and always have. We will Howard Potter of Lowell called Mrs. Fred Davenport of Alpine 61, wife of Frank H. Mlsner. passed |frleDda at a b1x 0.cl0ck dinner ln production, the War Manpower Government funds to schools is a guson and Mrs. O. E, Meyer at still boost for Lowell If they will on his sister, Mrs. Glen Loveland and her daughter and family, Mr away Sunday afternoon In St. honor of their 24th wodding an. Commission about farm labor, and part of this effort. Once Govern- North Park Monday afternoon. Monday morning. Mr just boost the time back one hour. and Mrs. Otto Klenk of Sparta Mary's hospital. Grand Rapids. jniVer8ary the War Production Board about ment controls the purse strings of (Richard Gsphart of Mt PI OPENS MAY 11 The Wlelands. (Continued on page 4) Buy Now! were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mlsner Is a former Lowell resident " The Ra.mey place wM gold to farm machinery. Over all rergns the educational system. It controls ant was a week-end guest of his Mrs. Philip Davenport. and an ex-brother-ln-law of Mrs • Murray the Washington war of politics, that system in Its entirety Then parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 6 NEW RIDES / NEW THRILLS/ N£W FUN / with officials of one agency seek- J.C. Hatch. will come the time when we may Gephart and Mr. and Mrs. FMt SOUTH BOWNE U3TIN Callers at the J. C. Hatch home ing to grab the powers and prestige Woolens Care 2-12- 6 $31.95 per ton have that kind of education which Gephart and son of Lake Odessa the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Layer accompanied May 21, 19(»-S5 Years Ago of other agencies, while people in prevails In Germany and other were Sunday dinner guests. Everett Cogswell of Lansing, Sgt Mrs. Lydla Chubb and daughter „ This Year More Than Ever Before some sections of the country face M, Mun y ot A Wartime Job totalitarian countries, when we Mr. and Mrs. Guy Willett of 3-12-1 2 $38.25 per ton Nina to Alto Sunday to see the « * O Rev. and Mrs. John MoCue of and Mrs. Forrest Smith, and Mrs. and H&rr Bri 8 of St Jo8e h food shortages. It Is a pitiful pic- shall never know other than the Clarksville spent Monday evening Paul DIntamans and their new son. >- ^ - P Adequate summer storage of Freeport were callers Thursday Chas. Snay of Detroit were unlt d ln "Western Michigan's Favorite ture for the richest nation on earth Government's side of all questions with their cousins, Mr. and Hra. They also called on Mr. and Mia ® "larrlage. woolens forms another phase In aftemoon of Mrs. Jennie Pardee ®-l^-7 $30.25 per ton Bela C. Needham, 66, a former to present to the world. The fault which Michigan housewives can and when youth will be taught to Lawrence Richardson. Dorothy and PhyUls Chaterdon Elmer Dlntaman and at the Klip- PlNt for its making does not lie with and at the D. D. Hoi comb home. resldint of Lowell, died very sud- Summer Playground" share in the nation's patriotic ef- bellove that whatever the Chief Mr. and Mrs. Carl Loveland and are staying at the Nick Klooster- fer-Lacy home. C{ subordinate officials. They are do- Mrs. Sue Worden of Lowell is 6-9-27 $42.10 per ton denly at his home In Grand Rap- forts. Executive of the country tblnks children of Grand Rapids had a man home for a couple of weeks Mrs. Ellse Kropf attended the [ids. ing the best they can in most or does is correct and he must sick with a cold at the home of while their mother Is vWting Mr. Remember the average man In wimpy supper with their brother, her brother, Ed Lacy. graduation exercises of her grand- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Menlman of Instances. The real fault lies with the armed forces requires about 200 give slave-like obedience to the Glen Loveland, Friday evening. Chaterdon in Iowa where he works. Mr. and Mm LaGrand Collier 4-10- 6 $34.40 per ton son. Bill Davam, at Pewamo last Lowell Center moved to Grand RECREATION •RELAXATION the Executive branch of govern- pounds of fleece wool for uniforms Executive's decrees. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Erb and daugh- spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Dora Jane Thomas spent Thurs- Thursday night. She was accom- Rapids, Mr. Merriman having ac- For the Entire Family — Alwayi Carefully Conducted ment, which has steadfastly fol- and blankets, also remember that There must be no Government ter and Mrs. James Washburn of 5 per cent dlsoount for oash and Mrs. Vernon Childs at Ver- day and Friday In Lansing as a panied by Mrs. Jack Wlngeler, Mrs. cepted a position In a school there. lowed a policy of balancing the the United States wool supply is printing or editing of school text North Park called on Mr. and Mrs. montville. guest of her sister, Mrs. Gould Otis Wood, Mrs. Tony Kropf and B. F. Whltmore closed out hla * GIANT DERBY RACER • BOATING powers of one official against the limited and good care of clothing books, no Government grants to Frank MacNaughton Sunday. Vi- powers of another. No one has the Mr. and Mrs. Milton Muiphy and Sulphate of Ammoaia • - - $46.00 per ton Rlvette. WhUe there she attended Mrs. Walter Kropf. drag store at Cascade and pur- Is good economy at any time and schools and no capitalization of vian leaves soon to Join her soldier k NEW TILT-A-WHIRL • CANOES necessary authority to get a job Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelly of Grand crystal shower. In honor of Mrs...... , , o . chased a drug store business at especially in wartime, say mem- the war for the purpose of inject- husband in Calif. Lieut, and Mrs. Jack Smith came k NEW FERRIS WHEEL • SWIMMING done. This policy Increases the Rapids spent Sunday evening at Rlvette, given by members of her on bers of the home economics ex- ing subtle propaganda Into the Florence and Stella Parrot of last week Monday from Herring- ® . gravity of the food problem. the Steve Miller home. On Satur- . ' . . . ~ Miss Mabel Layer accepted a posl- k NEW SUPER ROLL O' PLANE tension service at Michigan State minds of our youth. Woodland spent Tuesday with Mr. sorority. ton, Kan., to spend a ten day fur- . .. ' . . • SKEE BALL Representatives of the food in- day Mrs. Josephine Miller of Cale- College. and Mrs. Swift Wlnegar. lough with relatives In Lowell " k STREAMLINED SCOOTERS • SHOOTING GALLERY dustry have long urged the adop- donia was a visitor. E. P. Quick of Pontiac was In W For summer storage, the best Can Tbey Respect Us? Miss Florence Tobias of Lansing" Grand Rapid.. Mr.. Smith will re- -* """"^lle. tion of an integrated prog-ram Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Walton were MY FRIEND Lowell Saturday looking after the w ,ou d If SHETLAND PONIES & TRACK • GAMES HYBRID SEED CORN mahl with her parent., Mr. and ^ " " , advice is to put woolens away clean Spent the week-end with her par- which would rank food production, From Cassopolls Vigilant: in MlddleviUe Saturday on busine family lot In Oakwood cemetery. ch lr at the h0m and free from pests. Wool should ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Tobias. Mr.. Howard Ky.er. but Ueut. * ' * MERRY-GO-ROUND • FISHING processing and distribution to- Michigan's prosperity Is evl- Gwendolyn Misbler was a Sunday By Mr. Quick was bom and raised be stored In a dark, dry, cool place. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fairchild, Smith will go to a hue in Texas ^ , gether in the category of a vital denced by the fact that in the guest of Norma Yoder at Freeport Wt have a Part* iteckl In Lowell but for the paM 25 years Prl l T ,ed r m k HOUSE OF FUN & MYSTERY • STEAMER RAMONA If the choice is between a hot, dry and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Schwab Mary O'Hara to complete hi. flight training. !, ^ "' " ' 1' ° month of February the State of Mrs. Vivian Anderson and son FLICKA has been with the General Motors Alberta, Can., to visit her sister, war Industry under the supervision * MINIATURE TRAIN • LARGE. SHADY GROVE attic and a cool but damp base- Mlcbigian sold $6,574,459.07 worth of spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Corporation In Pontiac. Karen Ann, three-year-old daugh- Mrs. Harley Mullen of a single administrator. Floyd Schwab in Lansing. Mr. and Farrel and family of Hastings were ment, then the attic Is best since liquor as compared to only $4,856,- Sunday guests of Jake Gless and ter of Capt. and Mrs. John Klein Will Ross and family rented the * AERO-SWINGS • ROASTING FIREPLACES Mrs. Richard Fairchild were spon- KINGS-KROST KN or KR Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kloosterman dampness invites mildew. Trunks, 767.11 In February of 1942. That Vivian. 17.95 heksel, was operated on Sunday Albert Mount house, formerly oc- Mistaken Political Philosophy sors at the baptlsea of Roger Lee, had Sunday dinner with her par- * DOUBLE LOOP O' PLANE • FREE PICNIC TABLES closets or heavy paper containers Detroit has the greater share of noon at Rlodgett hospital for a cupied by Mrs. C. M. Higby. son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sctowab. Darlene Wleiand of Freeport was ents. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Schwab, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New In which wool Is stored should be this prosperity is shown by the fact OHIO MIS (Michigan Grown) $7.50 raptured appendix. Capt. Klelnhek- Bom, In Detroit to Mr. and Mra tightly sealed. Lincoln Dygert turned over his a Sunday dinner guest of Patricia then called on Mrs. Kloosterroan's • FREE PARKING • York declared Saturday night that that sales in Detroit constituted AUerdlng. sel arrived late Tuesday from M. McCabe. a daughter. Mrs. Mc- Mending before severe damage books to Dr. H. Dudley Smith, who Tha story oi a boy nephew, Clyde Hunter in Grand the food shortage which confronts 58.1 per cent of the total, while Mrs. Martin Kunde was a Wed- MICHIGAN B 36 ( Mich. Grown Wis. 531 ) $7.50 Shreveport, La., being called home Cabe was formerly Ida Cooper of occurs helps conserve woolens. has recently been appointed health "Rapids, who has been discharged Roller Skating Every Night Except Sunday in the nation Is a direct result of all the rest of the State boi^ht nesday evening caller of Mrs. Har- and a yearling filly by 's serious con- Lowell. Gentle airing blows out stale odors officer of Bowoe-tp. "Link" wished from the army because of Uln Western Michigan's Finest Rink "a mistaken political philosophy" only 41.9 per cent The above does old Aldrlch at Freeport. Alto Regular GOLDEN GLOW dition, which Is now reported to be Mr. and Mrs. A C. Emmons of and lifts the nap of woolen cloth. the doctor success and hoped be $5.00 under which the federal govern- not Include the sale of beer. It Leroy Dunham of White Cloud that will make a hit Mrs. Ruby Hudson, who has been somewhat Improved. Rockford purchased the James Sun baths rout the moths, but would serve as many years as he ment has been albsorbing the func- doesn't take much of an economist is working for a A. T. Eash. caring for Mrs. Mary Soules in Muiphy farm and home. Mrs. Mur- bright sun may fade colors. has, which is 37.- not only with every tions of the states for more than to figure that over six million dol- Mr. and Mrs. Will Blough of Grand Rapids, was In town on busi- phy rented the Lewis house near It's a 2-Day Holiday!... Make Your Plans Now! a decade. Dirt Is akin to Insect pests in lars spent for booze is Just that The Alto school will close a sue-: the Congregational church for her cessful year Friday with a picnic Freeport ^pent Sunday with their boy, but also with ness Saturday. Mrs Soules, who is "Long before the war, 10 years damaging wool. Peraplretion weak- much money that is not available home. dinner at noon, parents invitsd. daughter, Mrs. Steve Miller and FODDER CORN in her 87th year, has been confined ago, the federal government took ens wool. Spots serve as bait for for food, clothing, fuel and other father, mother and Plumbing, R. VanDyke enjoying a week's • * Mrs. Mabel Edwards of Sheridan family. to her bed for some time at the over the control of the nation's moths and grit helps cut through legitimate home expenses. It may outing and fishing with the Pere apent a week with her daughter Mrs. Martin Kunde and daughter sister. Really too home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank agriculture", he said. "Federal woolens. be some satisfaction to know Ibit LEANING $2.40 Marguette fishing club near Nir- and baby, Mrs. Mervln Bussell. Donna were in Alto on business EUREKA . . - $3.75 Woodworth. Heating, agencies tried to cut the work of Sudden temperature changes are the State's profits on liquor pay a vana. who recently returned from Che Saturday. good to missl the farmers into a national pattern. harmful to wool. In cleaning, wool large part of the State's education- Corp. Chaa. Houseman and Mrs. Mra Frank Clark and Mrs. Al- hospital. RED COB $2.40 SWEEPSTAKES (Hybrid) $4.00 The scheme did not work. The should not be plunged into hot al expense, but why should our Houseman arrived from Las Vegas, Sheet Metal Wort. bert Graham of Mt Pleasant guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colvln of scheme could not work. It is and water. Such a practice shrinks and young people respect us when they The next time you make baking N. M, Sunday night to spend a of Mrs. R. VanDyke and other Low- Alaska were Sunday callers at the Serially always will be impossible to regu mats the fibers. Drying over a hot learn that we are selling whiskey powder biscuits, use orange Juice fifteen day furlough with their par- ell frisnds. HAY 30 & 31st late the apple growers of New York stove or In cold blssts of air also to educate them? Frank Kline home. In place of milk. Add some of the ents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin House- RAY H. COVERT B D. Wisner's house at Cascade Georgia Ann Bunker of Grand grated rind. While they are still according to the conditions of the shrinks and hardens wool fibers. IN THIS PAPER man and Mr. and Mrs. Howard was badly damaged by lightning SINGING 0AHC Raplos spent the week-cod with her j hot, split and spread with a good FREE SHOWS LOTH DAYS Al I K U/AAft'C ORIGINAL "WC ATHFRFTTK" - ' peach growers in Geongia." C. H. RUNCIMAN CO. Thurtell. Ruth Houseman of Battle The Plumber William Misbler and Mattle OH OUR OUTDOOR STAGE WU* NVW J |AIY WLHIILLLLLL ILJ IHG STARLETS Be a booster; praise generously; grandjparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank margarine creamed with a Httle Creek was also home for the week- Rouah, both of Logan, were united The governor told the Assoc la- It pays to aavsitlM in tha Ledger. criticize tactfully. Bunker. I orange marmalade or honey. STARTING end. In marriage.

w I 1 pMf&naaieussi — — ibsmi


^hurch ws MOSELEY—MURRAY LAKE FALLASBURG & VICINITY Rationing Facts Mrs. Eva Engle Mrs, Wesley Miller THE OLD JUDGE SAYS COOK Know the Truth Alto News CHURCH OF THE NAZABENE At a Glance Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Clark were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodcock WHY PAY MORE? Vegetable (Continued from Page 2) Lowell, Mich. Plumbing and Heating Sunday callers at the Dell Ford and Henry Schutts of Grand Rap- — EVERY DAY LOW PRICES Rev. R. C. Warland, Pastor About This War home. Ide, were supper guests of Mr, and Coffee ounday School at 10:00 a. m and Mrs. Dave Garfield last week, ant Adv. Ratei—35c for 25 words or less, If ever 25 (continued from first page) Mr. Mrs. Clarence Wiley of IONA scon COUNTY Alto Local.'i N. Y. P. S. at 7:00 p. m. Stamp 23 valid for 1 lb. through Sheet Metal Work j Lowell called on Mr, and Mrs. Thursday. ordt, add 1c per word. If ordered by mall, please enclose Plants Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sllcox and Evangelistic service et 7:45 p. m. May 30. We hope and pray for early vie- : Clare Ford last Friday, Ralph Whinnery was taken to a SPINACH YELLOW CORN Mid-week prayer meeting. Wed Sugar oin or stamps. hospital In Grand Rapids Sunday. Richard Chaterdon of Lowell were L tory, yet it 1* folly for citizens onj L|eut Dalc Ford M|B8 Margaret CRIAM tmi d Monday night supper guests of Mr. nesday at 7:45 p. m. the home front to . ilax one, p j j y McDonald Wm. Rexford is aick at his home 1 Stamp 12 valid for 5 ponnds Call 78 orc an( Ml8S Mar "an * 16C (14 pti,l 2(^0*. can i wC Cabbage, and Mrs. Roy Bunn In Freeport. through May 31. Stamp 13 good OR SALE—Registered Hereford FOR SALE—5 pigs, 6 weeks old. moment their efforts lo.- winning were Sunday evening guests at the in Fallaaburg. Richard Is spending a few weeks ZION METHODIST CHURCH on June 1 for 5 pounds, through bull, one year old. Otto Cornell, Ernest Althaus, Phone 160-F3. p2 of the war. Ted Elhart home, Mr. and Mrs. Pfc. Roman Maloney was home Tomato, DAVE CLARK, Mgr. SLICED (9 pfi.) 16-ot. can with his aunt and uncle while hia! John Claus, Pastor Aug 15. Lowell, R. 2, Phone 149-F12. p2-2t Michigan rates first in por capita John Cook of Grand Rapids were from Fort Custer over the week- 11c FACTORY REJECT Wolverine GREEN VALLEY BEET8 - Pepper, mother, Mra Vaida Chaterdon, Is German preaching at 10:00 a. m. sale of war bonds. Sunday dinner guests at the Elhart end. (14 phO 20-ot can Shoes wo.k shoes, a fresh aasortment 11c visiting her husband who is em- Bible School at 11:00 a. m. OTICE—We will grind feed on It is truly the "arsenal of democ- homo. Mrs, Harry Vaughan and Mra IONA WHITE CORN - c"" Stamp 17 good for 1 pair through at 28% less than regular price. (12 ph.] 12-ot. can Cauliflower, ployed in southern Illinois. You are cordially Invited. Friday and Saturday of each racy" with more than eleven bil- Mrs. Sarah Purdy, Frank White Wesley Miller were among those DEL MAIZ HIBLETS 13e June 15. (Certain types of shoes WANT ADS— For Sale, For Mrs. Harold Metternlck and son week. Smyrna Mills, Smyrna, All sizes now $2.95 up. Coons. p2 Lew Fritz, daughter Marilyn and who enjoyed the tea given by the ' 0 ph.) ID'/j-etean Eggplant. not rationed). Rent, Help Wanted, lion dollars in war contracts al- ONA TOMATO PUREE 7c visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mich, p2-3t Miss Mary Malone were Wednesday girls club at Lowell high school CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY FOR SALE—2 sows, 16 2-weeks-oId ready awarded to Michigan in- (.6 Mt.) I?-"* csn Gasoline Miscellaneous last Wednesday. Matt Metternlck In West Lowell Cor. Washington and Kent pigs, 9 7-weeks-old pigs. Jim dustries. evening guests at the Ted Elhart NOIAN RIVER TOMATOES 14c R SALE —Large size tractor Mrs. Mary Ardls and baby and (12 pti.) I6-01. can Alio Plants lor Bedding Prluniai, Marigolds, Asters, etc. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Pat- No. 5 stamps In A book good for Kehoe, M mile south of Parnell, Yet this is no time for celebra- home. VEG-ALL MIXED VEGETABLES 12c Morning services and Sunday 4 gallons through May 21; B and disk, Paul Kranz, 1 mile west on Mrs. Amber Sterkin were Mon- tison accompanied her and epent 1st house west on Radigan Lake FOR SALE—Tractor plow, 2 bot- tion. On the basis of contracts al- Clayton Frost was a Saturday School at 11 o'clock every Sunday. C book stamps good as noted on M-21, H mile north. p2 day supper guests of Mrs. Russel the afternoon with Mrs. Arch Wood road. p2 tom, 16 in., good condition, |35; ready awarded, Michigan will need night and Sunday guest of his • WHOLE "Soul and Body" will be the book, but renewal applications Andersen and Mr. and Mrs. Emiel IONA — CUT SUIT."' in McCords, who is not very well subject of the lesson-sermon In FOUND—'At Recreation Park by also Ice refrigerator, 75 lb. side 200,000 more workers before the brother, Gordon Frost and wife. at this writing. should be mailed 30 days before FOR SALE—7-weeks-old pigs, also Mr. and Mrs. JSnores of Keene Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BlflNS KIEL'S GREENHOUSE all Christian Science Churches Marshal Fred Gramer, on rural compartment. In good condition, end of 1W3. st r GREEN BEANS GRE 10 sows, to farrow in June. John Floaaie Tobias accompanied her expiration. Books expiring May 31 were Sunday guests at the iHoward| au"e and Richard were evening throughout the world on Sunday, play day, a boy's jacket. Owner Ruegseger, 7 miles north of Low- $10. Howard Bartlett, Lowell Aa Governor Kelly explained in I . -oz. 206 Monroe Ave. Phone 225 friends, Marian Misbler and Gary should be renewed now. Kropf home. I callers. (14 pfc) May 23. may have same by calling at ell, County road 601. c2 Phone 69-F13. p2 Washington recently, "Michigan 1* Mrs, Tony Ortowskl and baby- can Crosby of Le^eing, spent Sunday Tires Mrs. Carl Kropf attended a 'IT 13c 15c The Golden Text (II Oor. 3:18) is: Ledger office, describing same producing one-tenth of all the arm- spent the week-end In Grand Rap- at the home of her parents, Mr. "But we all, with open face behold- Second Inspections due: A bsok and palng for this adv. c2 FOR SALE—8 weeks old broilers, GARDEN-It's time you were aments with which our nation Is shower In Grand Rapids Friday ORDER NOW—Cemetery urns, basketa, vases, etc., filled with Ids, Those who called on Mrs. Or- and Mrs. George Tobias. ing as In a glass the glory of the vehldes by Sept. 30; B's by June 30; just right to eat, or to raise in getting your garden in. We have waging war against the Axis", Yet evening given In honor of her sis- RELIABLE CUT WAX BEANS (14 ph.) 19-0*. can 1 Je FOR SALE—New milch Holsteln- towskl and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert plants for Dcooration Day, May SO. Mrs. Anson Rosenberg of Grand Lord, are changed into the same C's by May 81; commercial vehicles your back yard for later use, 50c vegetable and flowering plants we cannot afford the luxury of ter, Miss Jeanne Taylor, who left u c Jersey cow, calf by side; also lOx DeVries, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. OERBER'S BABY FOODS-'" v.-™.. fl , Rapids, siste'r-in-law of Erneet Ros- image from glory to glory, even as every 60 days or 5,000 miles which- each; also steel wheel wagon and ready now. Stop in today! Kiel's one labor dispute which halts pro- Tuesday for San Marcos, Texas, 10x28 ft, oak timber. E m 11 Tafelskl and Mrs. Joe Ross and enberg and wife, passed away Tues- by the Spirit of the Lord." ever is first. rack. Ted Elhart 3rd house west Greenhouse, 206 Monroe, Lowell, duction. where she will be married to Lieut. UBBY'S TOMATO JUICE (• 20-ox. can 1 f]^ Pfelffer, Lowell, R, 3, p2-2t Robert Wachter, formerly of Grand daughter and their mother, Mrs. 1 C|TV day. Among the Bible citations Is this Fuel OU of Moseley. Lowell Phone 78-F2 or phone 225 fo place your order. The hour of destiny is nearlngi Rapids. They will make their home Ortowskl of Grand Rapids and Mr. SMI TOMATO SOUP 7° passage (Matt. 6:83): "But seek ye FOR SALE—6 months old white eS c2 when American troops will land "" Albert Slabaugh and eon, Mrs. Dora Coupon No, 5 Is good for 11 gal- at San Marcos for the present. and Mrs. Clayton Mallery of Low- first the kingdom of God, and his Collie puppy, also child's tri- on the fortified continent of Eu- LORD MOTT DEHYDRATED PEAS i]c HONEY CREEK Mlshler, Mrs. Ell Kauffman, Mr. STAR CORNERS ions. It must last until October "Our men in the service in this war have "Out ol thousands oi replies the first FOR SALE!—1929 Model A Ford LOST—Man's tan billfold on Main Mrs. Jennie Kropf attended the ell. righteousness; and all these things cycle. D. B. Squires, 1 mile west, rope—many hundreds of milea from E. B. v. 'and Mrs. Protus Kauffman and Mr. Mrs. Ira Blough 1 for both heat and hot water. pretty definite ideas about what they're 'assignment' to the folks back home was pick-up, fair condition, |35. Call street. Name "John Coffee" In wedding of her niece, Vivian Ren- Mrs. Wesley Miller called on Mrs. shall be added unto you," V4 mile south G, T, depot, Lowell the borders of Germany itself. IONA DEL MONTE and Mrs. Joe E. Kauffman. Save ration sheet stubs ftr regis- fighting for and the way they want to find Saturday p. m. Edna Henderson, side. Please return to King Mill nells, to Raymond Lorichson, both Wm. Booth and Mre. Ezra Johnson, Correlative passages to be read 'Make sure I'll have a job in my chosen Phone 251-F12. c2 Many thousands of lives is the m Mrs. Freeman Hofl&nan and chil- tratlon next heating season. our country when they come back, .don't field of work when 1 get back'. Number 5 was Vergennes Rd., 2 miles west of ing Co, office. Reward, p2 of Lansing, April 28. Mr. Lorichson Monday evening while Ward at- PEACHES PEACHES i"' rT' f' "" """"'l Mr. .nd Mr., Ervln Blo^h hav. from the Christian Science text- price which we must pay. tended an F. F. A party at Lowell HALVES OR lUCID HALVII OR SUCED k 1 dren visited at the Frank Graham Processed Foods you think so. Judge?" 'Make sure that Prohibition isn't put over FOR SALE—Sow and 9 pigs, Hol- Fox's Corners. c2 Is In the U. S. Navy and recently ?,V , I lu '/' r" Z" th, pMt Z day. book, "Science and Health with FOR SALE—11 7-week8-old pigs. 28-oi. held tat Thursday ".nlng. May Elml th(! ,awmm home In Ionia Sunday afternoon. " 1 certainly do, George, Just a week or so on us again.' steln bull, 2 years old; will trade returned from the Samoa Islands. high school. Key to the Sarlptures," by Mary Blue stamps G, H and J are good FOR RENT—House north of Fal- Ralph Comodore, 1 mile west^nd Compared with the price of (21 Ph-l 3, at Honey Cr„k ^hooL Ottlc.r. Mr ^ Mrs n ^ ago 1 was reading in a national magazine the Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Boe and glass Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wlngeler and Baker Eddy, Include the following through May 31, Stamps K, L and "When the men in the last war came for cows. Also Primrose cream lasburg Park, running water and life Itself, the Investment of dollars "-*• "r 23c 28c 0l H mile north, % mile west of Be sure to memorize names of daughter Bea and a lady friend of for n.xt year were elects a. ' " Sunday afternoon with We8 Blough Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grawburg were (p. 228): "If we follow the com- M are valid May 24 through June results of a poll taken among our soldiers. home and found prohibition had been put separator and stack of alfalfa hay electric lights. Phone 356-F3, p2]from the citizen soldiers on the lows: President, Mrs. R usee 11 . pr' t Bailey Church. every one you meet Grand Rapids were Sunday after- (5 ph.) 20-ox. glass 17c dinner guests at the Ford Wlngeler mand of our Master, Take no 30. Each man was given a questionnaire con- over on them behind their backs they were for sale.' John Wheat, 2^4 milea Lowell, p2 home front Is a puny sacrifice. COMSTOCK SLICED APPLES Gould; vice president, Mrs. James ^ southeast of Lowell, first house noon callers of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. home Sunday evening. thought for your life,' we shall I Meats. Cheese, Butter, FaU taining twenty-five 'assignments' for the sore as boils. You can see from what 1 WANTED—An ambitious, wide-a- In the last war the OWI reports (15 ph,) 16-ox. can 17c McCaul; secretary, Mrs. David • west of Ware school. p2 FOR SALE—9 pigs, 6 weeks old, wake man or woman to look after Boynton and Mrs. Warren Bovee SULTAKfl FRUIT COCKTAIL Mra. Lizzie Whltmer and daugh- never depend on bodily conditions,! nn|j cann^j pig|, folks at home. He was asked to check the just told you how they feel about it this that "only 241 tanks were used by Veenstra; treasurer, Miss Man' News From Grand Rapids Claude Booth, Fallaaburg. Lowell at their cottage. All were callers of (7 ph.) 30-oi. can 18c ter, Mae of Holland were Saturday structure, or economy, but we shall „ . . - t-. ^ „ first five in order of importance to him. time, too," r renewals and new subscrlptlona Americans in combat areas. Only A&P ITALIAN PRUNES Farrell; publicity, David Veenetra;; Of Former Bowne Folks 8tam F H re Phone 7-F6, p2 PUBLIC NOTICES Wesley Miller and family. Sunday- (10 ph.) 20-oi. can 29c afternoon and supper guests of her be masters of the body, dictate its! ^ ^ ' ® ^ J for the popular, fast-selling mag- one American-made airplane BROCTON BLACK RASPBERRIES and program, James McCaul. Presl- Clara M. Brandebury J e lre azine, The AMERICAN HOME. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes- sister, Mrs. Ida Kauffman, terms, and form and control It wlth;^ "^ ' *** ^ ^ NOTICE FARMERS—We give reached the fighting front in the (13 ph.) 28-01. glati ^ dent appointed Netta Slager for,' i i——— May 31. It Is easy, pleasant work, and It Hrarl, MwwIngCT •nd While ley Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Chae. LIBBY'S BARTLETT PEARS Mrs. Elizabeth Wlngeler and Truth," Ccnjrmci of AlnkoUt flwMji Indtufrta, /,*. higher prices and better service first year of the war." historian. Games were played and We are very sorry to hear of the pays b I g commissions. Spare Atlorntn lor MorttUM Boynton and three children of Com- daughter Mary of South Lowell and Ration Board Is closed Wednes- for worn-out and crippled cows In the last war 4,300,000 Yanks 532 MlchlfU! Tnut Bld(. a nice lunch was enjoyed after the 8erioua nhiess of our old school- time only required. Write today Grand lUpldi, MkhJgkn stock Park. Mrs. Lydla Wlngeler of Alto were day afternoons. and horses. Rockford Tankage were under arms; today at least BORDO - Unsweetened WHITE HOUSE meeting. imate and former neighbor, Wilbur FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CH. ALTON—VERGENNES Several of the Vergennes ladies to Director, Sales Division, The Mre. Jennie Townsend and moth- Sunday evening visitors at the VERGENNES CENTER and By-Products, Phone 4601, 10,000,000 are certain to be In uni- MORTGAGE SALE Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson Pardee. His many friends will hope Rev. N. G. Woon, Pastor Mrs. Clyde Condon attended the canning demonstra- AMERICAN HOME MAGAZINE er, Mrs. Estelia Wright of Lowell Fred Cesch home. N. M. K. Rockford, Mich.' Reverse charges. form. Yanks must be equipped to Dtfsull having been m«de In the con- GRAPEFRUIT JUICE MILK and family, and Fred Anderson for a speedy recovery. Church School—10:00 a. m. tion held In Lowell last Thursday. CORPORATION, 251 Fourth dKlona of a certain mortRage dated Octo- were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seese called UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Bean Bros. pl-lSt stand the humidity of jungle war- ber 21, 1940. executed by Morrison Brlgh- spent Saturday afternoon with Mr.1 Miss Donna Keller, who is at- Worship Service —11:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Biggs and Avenue, New York, N. Y. p2 Mrs. John Wright and the boys. at the Elton Church home Thute- OF WEST LOWELL Rudy Wlttenbach is taking care Corp. James A Kerr, son of Mrs. fare, wintry blasts of the Aleutians, Um and Oneida G. BriEtiton, husband and 30c ^ ^ 36c and Mrs. Arthur Brimmers and tending Western Normal, spent the There was a generous response last children of Beldlng were Sunday wife, tenant* by the enUretle*. of Lowell, Mr, and Mrs. John Remington day evening. F. B. Harwood, Pastor of the Alton cemetery this year. Rosa Kerr, writes that the flowers, WANTED—To buy used cars, light desert heat of North Africa. Kent County, Michigan, to the Lowell family in Caledonia. j week-end with her parents, Mr. and Sunday In pledges for the work of evening cailera of her parents, Mr, FOR SALE—®lack Percheron geld- and four children and Jack Rem- Mrs. A. T. Eash, Mrs. Warren Bible School—10:00 a m. Classes Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kllnkbammer especially the roses, are beautiful models preferred. McFall Chev- ing, wt. 1700, excellent worker,| In 1918 the American war ex- Building A Loan Association, a Michigan ENRICHE0 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Veenetra Mrs. John B. Keller, and celebrated our committee on war victims and and Mra. Karl Bierl, building and loan corporation of LoweU, ington of Detroit were week-end IONA FAMILY FLOUR - M'/a-lb. b.g 51 Q4 Roush and Mra. Murl Hostettler, for all ages. Harold Green, Supt and children of Grand Rapids now, and he like it very well, if it rolet Phone 298. cl-4t sound; heavy double harness; pendltures were only 18H billion Kent County. Mlchlyin, recorded on No- goiests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Mies Evelyn Dale of Grand her blrthay. services. The church gave to this Mrs, Nolan Barks and two chil- 24b. I- g^c Rev. and Mra. McCue of Freeport Preaching service—11:00 a, m. spent over Sunday with their par- la prftty dusty in some places. also seed com, Vaughan's Golden dollars. This coming fiscal year vtmber 13, 1040 in the ofHce of the SULTANA PEANUT BUTTER Rapids spent Sunday afternoon Vergie Risen Is speeding a few cause last year^the sum of >845.29. dren of Jonea, Mich., spent several FOR SALE—Soy beans for seed. JUgtiter of Deeds for Kent Couoty. Mich- Vaughan. were Thursday callers at the Nash- Junior Endeavor Sunday evening ents here. James gets his mail care of Post- Dent, Roy Kyser, Lowell, R, 3, calls for more than 100 billion dol- igan, In Liber 879 of Mortgages, on pagea Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rexford and ,..H 12c with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Veenstra.'days with her mother, Mrs. Clyde New envelopes will be available for days last week with her mother, Harold Simpson, Saranac Phone 3 and 6; and becaiue of said default A&P CIDER VINEGAR 1 Mlshler home. at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Clair Culver was called to master, Los Angeles, Calif. Phone 155-F3. p2-2t lars! Mr. and Mrs. Dave Garfield were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Veenstra Richards and family in Lowell, the contribution due on the last Mrs, Ed Vos, returning hwne Thurs- Let Us Mike 3116. p52-2t the principal sum of said mortgage and IS-01. pig, 11c Chas. Dawson oi Lowell was a Detroit two weeka ago when her Horace Weeks and son Bruce of We must continue to produce ali sums unpjJd thereon have been de- SUNNYFIELD CORN FLAKES spent Tuesday aftemoon with Mr.j Miss Dagne Andersen, with Miss Sunday'ln May. This month of May day. The little girl got a finger FARMERS—(We need more cream. In Grand Rapids last week Thurs- supper guest of his daughter, Mra husband was taken sick there and Lowell and Lav—ence Biggs and more arms, to buy more bonds, to Olaml to be Immediately due and payable quart 1 and Mrs. Jake Slager and daugh- Ursula Blermaker of Holland, call- marks the beginning of the second ADA CONGREGATIONAL CH, cut off in the mowing machine APPRENTICE WANTED Paying 52c for butterfat Butter- tnd the shares of stock pledged aa collat- day. WHITE SAIL AMMONIA Freeman Hoffman and family brought hhn home and to a Grand son Larry of Beldlngi called on the Diri iri Grease grow more food. eral thereto forfeited; and ter, Netta. jed on Mrs. Frank Martin Sunday. year of our contributions to this Henry L. Rust Minister soon after ahe arrived home. milk for feeding, 2c per gallon. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tate and Tuesday evening. Rapids hospital. Last fall they sold I their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Learn the printing trade and As the war department colonel Said mortgige in iU enUrety being now Mrs. Robert DeGlopper and fam- Mr. and Mrs. John Mlshler of fund. Lowell Creamery, E. A. Compag- due and payable, and on which mortgage Dean had Sunday dinner with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Blough, Mr, Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. their farm stock and tools when newspaper business from the The Peckham Group will mtel at T. W. Read, Sunday aftemoon. "Scran" Iron YoirCar put it tersely, the victory in Tuni- there la claimed to be due at the date and Mrs. Emlel Stauffer, Afternoon ENRICHED — SLICED lly returned to her home in GrandjThomas St. entertained at Sunday You will find here a good place to advised by his doctor that he ground up. Always a steady Job ner, Prop. c47tf of this notice for principal 1008,M, for and Mrs. Alvln Stahl, Mrs. Lizzie Percy Read of Ixxwell called on Laymen remember from their sia is only "one step forward on callers were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rapids after spending the past dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hymes the home of Mrs. Eugene Carr on spend your Sunday morning. should not do strenuous work Give your car a spring "tonics- with no layoffs. Applicants IntereM $76.78, and for taxes and insur- Hoffman, Mrs. Susie Miller and his father Monday night Mr. Read oWn experience of schools that edu- WANTED—All kinds of custom the long march -'ictory". Foi ance paid by tho mortgagee, plus Intereat Stauffer and Johnny and Mr. and week and a half with Mr. and Mra I and daughter Lorraine, also their Friday, May 21, at 2:30 p. m. Worship and sermon at 7:30 p. m. owing to a heart ailment His have us clean it thoroughly for should have fair schooling and be Mrs. Lydla Karcher were Sunday Is having a bad time with dizziness cation is not a question of hours of plowing. No Sunday calls. Garrett us on the Michigan home front the Uiere-m, S25.4S. being a tot&l amount Mrs. Harry Stauffer and Rosemary. MARVEL BREAD David Veenstra and daughters I niece, Marilyn Martin. Subject, 'The Fellowship of Suffer- neighbors ail await news of a speedy smoother and more eoonomicol exempt from draft. Might start due and unpaid at the date hereof of dinner gueets at the Albert Sla- instruction but of moments of DeVries, 1 mile east of Lowell, unified command must be: "Let's 11.011.14, to which will be added an attor- Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Brink and I Frank Martin went to Chicago FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ing." This will be a presentation recovery. and has to stay in bed the greater running order. We advise you to get a 16-ycar-old boy. Applicants baugh home. part of the time. learning—Archibald MacLelsh. 1st house in Ionia county, Lowell, get on with the war!" ney'i fee of (35.00 aa stipulated for In Beatrice Evans and Max Keech. Mrs. Jennie Lee spent last Sunday, last Saturday to see his nephew, Cecil E. Pollock, Minister of the work that Is being done by Mary Bierl began work in Grand into the habit of having us check please call at Ledger office. said mortgage, and the coat of foreckwure: DATED ll/j-lb. loaf 1 Mr. and Mra. Ira Blough and R. 8. cltf aad no suit or proceeding having bees They both passed the county 8th 10c with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Veenstra. Pfc. Benjamin Negrette, whose Sunday School at 10 o'clock next our committee for war victims and Ansel Faircbllds spent Sunday your car at regular Intervals, to son Ivan were Tuesday dinner Rapids Monday. NEWSPAPER PRIZES Instituted at law or otherwise to recover grade examination with high points. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gould and!home Is In California but who Is In Sunday. services. The matter was presented afternoon with Mike Verlln. make small adjustments, aa wear NOTICE, LEDGER READERS- •aid debt or any part thereof, by reason guestfl a» the Fred Boss home in Ola Condon is caring for Mrs. FOR SALE—8 gilts, due to farrow Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Russell have Mrs. Arthur Moore of Grand Ra^p-J training at a radio school In Chi- Public worship, with sermon by a year ago—the first year has come takes place, rattier than delaying Friends of tne The Ledger having soon. Wanted—Corn for feeding. ^N ANNUAL EVENT of great of which default the power of sale con- Grand Rapldn. Wykes In Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Bon Bald us of Hol- tained In said mortg-ige has become oper- moved from the Wright place and lds went on a trip to Heeperla' cago. Frank returned home Sun- the pastor, special vocal and in- to a cloee—the need is greater now attrition until costly repairs are business In the Probate Court of Earl McDlarmld, 1% miles south Interest In the newspaper world. 1 William Lloyd Jones, 53-year-old Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nash and son Marion Alchen has returned to land, Mrs. Lyle Rlgney of Grand Rationing Adda to the ative, are now in their own home near Monday. [day evening. strumental music, at 11 o'clock. than it was a year ago. You are in- necessary. Kent County will confer a fevor of US-16 on M-91. p2 Is the award of prizes under the Now, Therefore, noUce la hereby given blind keeper of 100,000 bees, lives Gary were Sunday evening visitors her home at Bostwick Lake after Rapids, Mra Earl Moloney, Mrs. Economy of Home-Baking! that under the power of sale In said Folks don't forget the Honey We were saddened to hear of the Bible and mld-wee« worship hour, vited to consider this vital matter on the publisher by requesting will of Joseph Pulitzer. This fam- Cedar Springs. la New York's Bronx, He keeps i of Mr. and Mra Clare Porrltt, being in the hospital for an oper- Geo, Staal and Miss Selma Kerr mortgage, and in purauance of the statute Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dennis and Creek school picnic, May 29 at Fal- sudden death of our former class- Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, with us. ation. the court to order probate notices ous journalist, former publisher of In such case made and provided, Nid the hives In his garden. The bees Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Livingston of Lowell, and Leonard Kerr and mortgage will be foreclosed by a family of Grand Rapids spent Sun- lasburg Park. Imate at the Clarksville Academy, HEIM TEXACO published In this paper. The the New York World, performed a supply honey, which he sells. He of Lansing were Sunday afternoon Mrs. Fred Blaser and Virginia family of Lansing were Sunday Urn! Urn!' N. C. THOMAS of the premises therein described at public day with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. ^^^^^JN. W. Stewart, which occurred Mon- VERGENNES METHODIST CH. LUTHERAN SERVICES spent week ago Supday with Mrs. guests of their mother, Mrs. Rosa WILLIAM HEIM, Prop, Court will bo glad to comply with public service of high value when vendue at Uie North front door of the said: "People wonder how bees day mornin ,n h 8 home visitors at the Stahl-Seese home. the request when made—Respect- Court House In the city of Grand Rapids, Floyd Dennis. WW LOGAN ^ ' - Norman Rev. R. W. Mohardt George Francisco. Kerr. It's Mother's Auction Sales he provided for annual prizes for Kent County. Michigan, that being the manage to find food in the city, wldel kT,own farmeni ,n Mrs. Alma Stahl and Glenn Stahl The pastor will preach and con- Phone 9114 Lowell Mrs. D. W. Kauffman ^ y Mrs. Lester Benjamin and baby fully, R. O. Jefferles. tf superior work In journallwn and place of holding the Circuit Court In but there's plenty around and the were evening callers. duct public worship at 9 o'clock Services at 8 o'clock Sunday eve- Mra Ansel Faircbllds and Mr. Mid County where the premises are situ- A man was tried for murder- Bowne, Campbell and surrounding of Saranac were Friday guests at literature. bees knoW where to find it." Mrs. John Krebs, Mra A. E. Wln- CC, S, T,) next Sunday morning. ning at City Hall. Everyone wel- and Mrs. Clyde FalrchMds and son Bookings for auction sales may ated, on Wednesday, the 14th day of ing his father and mother, and , ..... „ . | vicinity. We extend our synjpathy the Elmer Wlttenbach home. BREAD/ Open —Mkmday through FrtAay WANTE1D—Potatoes, seed or table >e made through the Lowell Ledger, Newspaper work Is partly anony- July, 1048, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon Iva Erb and children of Clarks-ito the bereaved wlfe and faral,y< The Sunday Sohool study will be- come. geler and Mrs. Ira Blough attended Asahel spent Sunday evening) with from 7:80 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. stock. Wm. DeMan, 1626 Cham- Harry Day, LoweU, or with m* Central War time. when he came into court to re- ville and the Ralph Stable of Zionj gin at 9:40 o'clock. Alton Ladies' Aid was held In BAKING DAY • mous. There Is a vast body of men Said premises are described In said mort- the mother and daughter tea at Mr. and Mra Henry Watson In Saturday, 8:80 a m. to 8:80 p. m. berlain, Grand Rapids, Michigan. direct ceive sentence, he begged the judge Seniors of a Milwaukee high CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN the church basement last Thurs- and women who perform great gage as follows: Lowell, given by the girlrf club. Smyrna. N* tMT tfOM. M rWw Sunday, 10:00 a m. to 12:90 p. m. G. Rapids Phone 53470. p46-13t Saturday, May 22-Fred Lllll- All that certain piece or panel of land to have pity on him because he was school used the money saved to buy ^ ^ NORTH CAMPBELL CATHOLIC PARISHES Elmdale, Mich. day. Next month Mrs. Petersen riM ub public services, but prizes hold up situated in the Village of LoweU, County 6* II.S.«fAII BONDS Mrs. Lucy Stahl and granddaugh- Mr. and Mrs, Bert Baker spent Aefi ynt. brldge, Mollne, pair mules, Holsteln an orphan. class rings to purchase war stamps. Mrs. Wes Clemenz of Lowell Mra 8. Drew Rev. Wm, E. Tombaugh, Pastor will entertain. Unl Ual UHrn+mmSMM.omtM , iitwy. these people to public view as per- ot Kent and State of Michigan, described ter Treva Seese called at George St Mary's—Lowell Saturday evening with Mr. and and Jersey cattle, tools and house- as; helped her mother, Rachel Stahl, 1 Clarksville, Mich. Miss Linda Compagner of Sara- awr* formers of grand deeds for the Stahl's Sunday evening. Rev. Fr. Jewell, Pastor Mr*. Sam Ryder. hold goods. Lot number four (4) of Block eight (8) with her papering last Saturday | Mary and Ethelyn Seese were Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. nac and Mr. and Mra. Walt Wltten- public welfare and enlightenment of Lee's addition to said Village ef Low- Gladys Stevens and Mary Newell 8:00 a m. Low Mass and sermon. bach were Sunday guests In the Miss Nettie Kerr spent the week- IAKI WITH Monday, May 24—John Lauby, The annual amrard of these prizes eU, acoordiug Lo the recorded plat thereof, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lott were Grand Rapids visitors Monday, Morning worship at 11:00, tfcted: April 5. 1043. of Lowell spent Sunday afternoon 10:00 a m. High Mass and eer- Fred Blaser home. end with her oouslns, Mr, and Mrs. North Dorr, Holsteln cows, pair of week-end guests of Mrs. TUUe Mr, and Mrs. Earl Starbard, Young People's meeting at 7:80 made some days ago is the fitting LOWELL BUILDING * LOAN VARIETY MEATS AID IN WAR MENU PLANNING with the Weeka girls. non, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Balrd called Wm. Laux and Bill, and called on FOR LIVESTOCK heavy horses, full list farm tools. ASSOCIATION. Church. Anna, Joan and Allen Lasby of p, m. tribute to workers who serve the Mortgagee, Mra Lloyd Blough and Mrs. Dar Mra Emily Murray, Mi** Myrtle Hn ricked Saturday, May 29—Dick Bergin, Frederick Zerbe has the measles. 1Sunday dinner guests Evangelistic service at 8:00 p, m. at the Walt Wlttenbach and Oust printed sheet with a fidelity and By FRANK F. COONS, ry Schutte are staying at the home St Patrick'*—Parnell Lowell, household goods only. BecreUry, Orvin Stahls were Sunday din- of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stahl. Mr. Wlngeler homes recently. Taylor and Albert Anderson. ARB PORLTRY heroism which merits the widest iervtog. ^reparation of their parents, Mr. and Mra Fred Rev. Fr. McNeil, Pastor Prayer meeting Wednesday eve- c48-18t Kinds Characteritrics* ! ST"! and Mrs. Roy Btahl and Mrs. Treva Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Miller of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Hitter of N. C. THOMAS, recognition. ner guests of the Gordon Stahls. Oesch for the present, driving to ning at 8:00, The health and value of your 4405 So. Division Ave Meyers were evening guests. 8:00 a m. Low Mass and sermon; Elwell were in Lowell Saturday. Ada were Sunday dinner guests at LILY Richest source Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mlshler Grand Rapids where they are em- Everybody welcome. farm animals depends on the Grand Rapidt, Mich. 10:00 a. m.. High Maas and ser- A construction crew with a large the Chaffee-Goozen home. SELLING GOODS Coif, lamb, pork livers of iron. High in 1 beef - 10 lb. called at the Gordon Stahl home Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roth were care yon give thorn. Keep Phone 8-2082. DR. H. R. MYERS y4to ployed. non. shovel has been at work for several more tender than phosphorus, A Braise, fry Sunday afternoon. Sunday afternoon callers at the ALTO BAPTIST CHURCH Several ladles of Vergennes at- Osteopathic 1 calf -2l/2 lb. 1 lb. for them free of worms, disease gVEN A GOOD article * U not beef. Calf and lamb and B vita- homes of Burt Lewis and Gertie weeks widening out the railroad WHITE 1 pork — 3 lb. four or broil. Mr. and Mra. David Hoffman W. B| Gardner, Pastor tended the mother and daughter and insects with our tested likely to sell very fast, unless Physician and Surgeon mins, quality Walter in Saranac. Famous Fighting Words Cascade and Bowne bed at several places south of Todiy's Paying Prices per doxea liven milder in flavor 1 iamb— 1 lb. spent Sunday evening with Mrs. GOSPEL HALL MEETINGS tea, given by the Girls' Club in "•n* FLOUR and approved vaccines and In- people know how it exists and know 307 E. Main St than pork and beef. protein. Some Mrs. Thomas Leece spent Mon- Rev. Fr. E H. Raoette, Pastor Moseky. Frank Graham near Clarksville. "Give me liberty, or give me At German Methodist Church Lowell last Wednesday, secticides. If s a patriotic duty for Effi—Federtl-SUle Grades something about It Countless good vitamin D. day in Grand Rapids. Service* at 8:80 and 10:00 a m. Mr. and Mrs. Qauw and baby of BMt Cools Us." Phone 296-F2 (beef, coif, porkflomb) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Zert>e, Mr. death!"—Patrick Henry. 8:00 p. m.—Sunday School, Inter- Mr. and Mra Arvil Heilman and to keep live stock in the best propositiona have failed or been Office Hours: 10:00-12:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs Victor Clsler and Grand Rapids were Sunday dinner Extra Large, Grade A 800 and Mrs. Spenor Johnson and Mrs. "Sighted sub. Sank Same,—Don- esting lessons and classes for all daughters apent Sunday in Holland, of health, as weU as profit- disappointing, because the public 2:00-5:00 and 7:00-9:00 p. m. Rich source of children were Sunday guests of Mr. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH guests of the Elmer Wlttenbach Coif, lamb and pork Stew, braise, Libble Layer were Tuesday visitors ald Mason. ages, from God's complete text- the guests of Mr. and Mra. Win. lauMS oa, Pimm, •mku. able! Large, Grade A 87o did not know albout them. 'There iron,phosphor- 1 beef - 1 lb. 4 to 6 OF LOWELL family, kidneys more tender, broil or in Grand Raplda and Mrs. Robert Clsler at Mlddle- book, the Bible. DtfMond. Medium, Grade A SSc is many a slip between the cup and us.Good source 1 caif - y lb. 3 to 4 "If ye break faith with us who Mel Stadt Pastor Virginia Blaser and Kate Hunt- Wie have a complete assort- of milder flavor than 4 grind for Mr. and Mrs. Hoiward Gibbs were viUe. 7:30 p, m,—Gospel preaching. Large, Grade B S5o the lip", says the old proverb. There F. E. WHITE vitamin A. Ex- 1 pork — 'A lb. 1 to 2 died, we shall not sleep in Flanders ington of Alto were supper guests ment of disinfectants and beef. Veal and lamb loaves or Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bartlett of 10:00 a m.—Bible School Classes Medium, Grade B 80c cellent for B vi- l/2tol Sunday dinner guests of the Dan fields." 7:30, Wednesday evening—Prayer Is many a slip between a good .DENTIST kidneys sometimes cut 1 lamb— '/j lb. South Lowell spen( Sunday with for everyone. Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Walt health aids. lamins, quality patties. ^auffmans. "The world must be made safe meeting and Bible study. Wlttenbach. BERGY BROS. ELEVATOR article and oelling it, unless that Negonce Block, Lowell, Mich. with chops. Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCall. 11:00 a m.—Morning worship. protein. Mr. and Mrs. Jake ICauffman and for Democracy."—Wilson. This community with so many of Alto, Mich. article has good publicity. Closed Thuraday Afternoona (beef£%, coif, pork, lamb) Ruth spent a few days In Grand 6:80 p. m.—B. Y, P, U. The newspaper furnishes the "Lafayette, we are here."—Col. CASCADE CHURCH OF CHRIST our local boys In service in coun- Prices subject to change Phones: Office 151 Res. 188 Braise, stuff 7:80 p. m,—Evening service. CHRISTIANSEN DRUG CO. cheapest and moat efficient method Rich source of Rapids last week. Add a little grated lemon rind C. E. Stanton, J. Frank Green, Minister tries all over the work! appreciate 1 beef - 4 lb. 12 to 16 and braise, Everyone welcome. of obtaining that publicity. At very Beef heart is least ten- 1 iron and phos- Callers this week at the Dan to hot buttered toast and spread "Praise the Lord and pass the Residence, Grand Rapids, R. 3 the guidance that has kept most of Phone 263-Ft Lowell 1 calf - •/, lb. 2 to 3 stew or Wednesday, 8:00 p. m.—Midweek LOCAL MARKET REPORT email cost, your advertisement will DR. J. W. TRUMBLE der but all hearts must ! phorus. Excel- Kauffman home were Mr. and Mre. with honey. Try It. ammunition."—Chaplain Forgy. Telephone 827-F6 them from being wounded or killed. be made tender by \ lent for B vita- 1 pork — lb. 2 to 3 grind for prayer service. tell tho public about your good VETERINARIAN Bible School—10:00 a. m. Lowell and the surrounding town- MY Corrected May 19, 1943 proper cooking. i mins and qual- 1 iamb— lb. 1 loaves or proposition, what It will do for ships are well represented and all Wheat, I 1.52 Office—128 N. Division St ity protein. patties. ALTON CHURCH Worship and sermon—11:00 a. m. the purchaser, and what It costs of them our finest follows, leaving Rye, bu 75 (beef, calf, pork, lamb) (Undenominational) The sale of any article can be I I'hone 62 Lowell, Mich. their homes to fight back our Corn, bu 1.00 Simmer in H. E. Gllmore, Pastor ALTO METHODIST CHURCH greatly Increased by advertising,! j May be purchased enemies to keep our country from FRIEND Buckwheat, cwt 2.00 seasoned F. E. Chamberlain, Minister ^ I fresh, pickled, corned, Good source of 12 to 16 ii Sunday School—10:30 a. m. John being bombed and invaded. and the cost of selling it Is re- 1 beef - 3y4 lb. water until Alto Parsonage, Phone 50 Barley, bu. 90 v. .. v r ' or smoked. Make len- iron,pho$phor- Gauw, Supt. i calf - l"/2 lb. 3 to 6 M't-s. Essie Condon and Mr. and duced by Increased volume of B. H. SHEPARD, M. D. dor by proper cook- us, B vitamins tender. Re- I Worship service—10:00 a. m. Oats, bu 58 1 pork— % lb. 2 to 4 Young People's meeting at 7:30 Mrs. Clyde Condon were callers on trade. Phone 47 ^ ! ing. Pork and lamb and quality move skin; Sunday School—11:00 a. m. Ciacked Corn, cwt 2.65 1 iamb— '/j lb. 2 to 3 p. m. You are always welcome. Sunday at the Mike Weeks, Thos. FLICKA protein. serve as de- Corn and Oats Feed, cwt 2.65 Tongue 1 usually purchased Come and bring someone. TIRED FOLKS IN BUSINESS J. A. MacDONELL, M. D. sired. BOWNE CENTER METHODIST and Kate Murphy and the Claude By Mary O'Han • Corn Meal, cwt 2.65 (beef, calf, pork, lamb) 1 ready ,0 Jerv®- Worship service at 8:15 p. m. Condon homes. (Absent—In Service) CHURCH Shelled Corn, cwt 2.26 gOME PEOPLE complain that Prayer and Praise service, fol- Mrs. Clyde Condon Is working Bran, cwt 2.32^4 Office Phone 36 First and second stom- Pre-cook in Rev. J. W McKue, Pastor Ken McLaughlin, a lad they get tired about their dally achs of bee I1. Plain and lowed by choir practice, Wednes- In a defense plant In Ionia. Middlings, cwt 2.32H water to Sunday School—10:00 a. m. work. Their weary facea show Office Hours honeycomb, latter Plain — 7 lb. y4to day evening, 8 o'clock, at the church. Sgt. James Huffman has been of 10, picks a colt for his Pea Beans, cwt 5.30 Good source of make tend- Worship Service—11:00 a. m. strain. Their fatigue Is entitled to 2:00 to 4:00 P. M. each week~day preferred. Purchased quality pro- Honey- 1 lb. for We believe In prayer, don't you? hevlng some painful experiences Light Red Beans, cwt 5.70 er. Then OLD TIME METHODIST CHURCH own and calls it FHcka. sympathy, and they should try to Except Thursday fresh, pickled or tein. como — I'/j lb. four with Infection in his feet. He Is Dark Red Beans, cwt 5.70 broil, fry or McCords, Mich. find the reason for that weariness.' , „ . corned. Make tender braise. ADA COMMUNITY REFORMED [located on a tropical island in the But Flicka's parents did Light Cranberry Beans, cwt... 5.40 71 0 to 8:80 P on a Sunday School—10:00 a. m. and see If they can't develop great- i ® * ' '' ' •. • : by proper cooking. CHURCH (South Pacific where he went a year ror ftwef) Preaching Service*—11:00 a m not run true to form, and Yellow Eye Beans, cwt 6.65 er endurance. Duration W. B. Kolenbrander, Pastor jago this month from Honolulu. He and 8:00 p. m. Ken's dad did not take Butter, lb 50 Courageous people, when they are j. Pre-cook in Morning service at 10:00 o'clock had been' In Hawaii nine months Butterfat IH. .62 water to Young People's League—7:15 p. m. tired, do their best to conceal that Houge 35 Office 50 Divided into two parts: Good source of Sunday School at 11:15 a. m. before being sent to the S. Pacific. kindly to his selection. %to help keep Thursday Prayer Meeting—8:00 Egga, doz 28-.31 fact from the public and thtlr em- riboflavin (vit. Evening service at T'.SO o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rlckner and Heart and throat •/, lb. 1 lb. for and make p. m. Hogs, live, cwt 14.00 ployers. If they keep complaining, i D. H. OATLEY sweet-breads. Tender B,) and quality C. E. at 8:<0 p. m. . Mr. ahd Mrs. James Balrd were How Ken and Flicka four firm; Broil, Hogs, dressed, cwt 20.00 protein. Anyone wishing to send a re- ELMDALE NAZARENE CHURCH Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. It makes the people around them Dentist and delicate in flavor. fry, braise Rev. Wm. Kelley, Pastor finally won over the stern Beef, live, lb 08-.15 uncomfortable. When people com-1 , , . cordlo-gram to their boys or girls Dick Balrd. o ,cea ln room8 or cream. (. Beef, dressed, lb 18-.25 plain and fret, they are apt to feei: " formerly occupied (beef, calf, lamb) in service are Invted to do so on Sunday School—10:00 a m. Albert Carlson is working for C. Scottish father makes Chickens, lb .204-.28 still weaker and more fatigued. If by the City State Ban Pre-cook in Sunday, May 23, In the afternoon Proachlng—11:00 a. m. O. Condon and his son Bud is capital reading for every- their work requires them to serve! Good source of water to from 2:30 until 5 o'clock and also Young People's service at 7:80 ! working for Mike Weeks. HOME TOWN THOUGHTS one. the public, they do not attract j j)|^ f LUST1G iron, phosphor- help keep after the evening service. These Sunday evening, followed by Very tender and deli- When you are glad to eee and cuitomera P opl .void «.yono , ^ Surg™ us, B vitamim Hlb. .I*, and make four minute recordings are offered preaching at 8 o'clock. e e () | UUc cate in flavor. Try serving creamed dried beef work with your home town people, who seems weary and used up, and and quality four firm. Then free of charge to the famlllee of 8:00 p. m. Look for scramble, on slices of crisp fried hominy. they are glad to eee you and give they are attracted to those who Specializing In Rectal Diseases protein. those In service. A short talk and All are welcome. "My Friend Flick*" fry or Cream. special music will be given by A lot of good stutfng with plenty Released by U. B. War Department Borvau of Public Relations you a hearty welcome whenever seem vigorous and enthusiastic. A Rectal Sanitarium of chopped walnuts makes up for _ kf U. •. Wm Dcpartant Bmu ot Pnblk BaUtbu Evangelist Casey VanderJagt aad Bride: How did you like that WAAC AT CONTROL BOARD—Young women from all parts of they meet you. good phyaical condition that can DR. P. M. WELLS, Associate • AJ on proclkoSy hGMltn 01^ fcow pmtamo* d «*»» —A leas meat stand persistent work is a wonder- vVRECKAGE OF AXIS SHIPPING—This scene is cbaracteristic of the porU of North Africa where family at the evening service, 7:80, cake I baked for you? IN THIS PAPER the country are enrolled among the 600 WAAC Btudeuts In the Hid. General Practice—X-Ray This handy chart on variety meats tens. The variety meats are deserv- be prepared in many appetlslm dipping lies half submergsd betide broken quays foUowing the Allied attack. Stones la the fore- Grand Rapids time. Recordio-grazns Groom: It was terrible. land Radio and Television School at Kansas City, Ho. Technician British convoys during the war ful asset In work and business. ls designed to assist the housewife Ing of special consideration because dishes to supplemaDt the osual chops, 43 Lafayette, S. E. Grand Rapids steaks, stews and roasts., ground on all that remain of store baildingi whlcfc held mpplke ftq ik>n»—i't tmy. are made under the auspces of the Bride: That's funny. The oook . Phone or send your new* to the Fifth Grade Dolores White car of Philadelphia, Pa., learns aatomatie jhave equalled a voyage 6,000 times in solving her wartime meat prcb- tbey are high lu food value and may Want ads pay. Try one. Phones: Office 83173; Res. 52434 VanderJagt family. book said that it was delicious. Ledger. tf STARTING THIS WEEK •ending at "controller." I around the world. tf bt: THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWMLL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAT INI SEVEN FHE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL. MICHIOAN. THURSDAY, MAY 20, IMS Harold CornellsSe was valedlo- son Dean of Clarksville called on of Lowell ond Mr. and Mrs. Lynfl torlan and his topic was "Impos- SEELEY CORNERS Bruton ond Miss Belgroph won HICKORY CORNERS their mother and brother, Edward Brlggs of Grand Rapids. the honors, consolations going to SMYRNA sible la Unamerlcan." Mrs. 8. F. Reynolds SOUTHWEST BOWNE Mrs. Albert Hauaermon Mrs. Ethel Yelter Sunday ofternoon. Evening callers Floyd Topley, Mrs. Cossle Hotch- Walter C. Afton, Sr., presented KILL Those Pesky Critters EAST CALEDONIA Mrs. L. T. Anderson Henry Tlmm and Mrs. Belgroph. klflH of Lowell and Mr. ond Mrs. Mrs. 8. M VanNamee Short Story were Robert Yelter and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wierengo of Lyle Bovee attended tho funeral diplomas to the following named A very interesting P. T. A. meet- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Rollond Mr. and Mrs. Mylo Schwab of Kenneth Yelter. Ada News graduates: Yvonne Svoboda, Donna That Give Yeir Cews the Jitters Mr. and Mrs. Jomes Abrohom Carlton Center were Sundoy callers of Windsor Bovee, In Grand Rapids ing was held at Snow school last Sunfleld called on their sister, Mrs. (Mrs. Hattle R. Fltoh) Bernard Hlllen returned to Great were Tuesdoy evening guests ot the of her sister, Mrs. Dorr Glidden Cowles, May 13, o daughter. Fase, Carole Clinton, Lillian Nlles( Friday evening. Howard Ferrall of Ethel Yelter, Thursday, on their last Saturday. When pesky, bitln', btuzln' fHes start dlmbln' your cow's frame- Lakes. Friday, after apendlng o Mrs. DeEtte Gardner Is not so WARE DISTRICT Margaret Nlles, Larry DeVormer Grand Rapids exhibited several A Matter of Age Leon Anderson home. ond family. way to Grand Rapids, Mrs. Yelter Mr. and Mrs. Don Emelonder work, hot? can she do anything else but wiggle and shako and Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Glidden and well. H| H. W. Lewis Paap, Harold Cornellaae and motion picture films, one of which ten day leove at home. -Qy accompanying them. and fomlly of Grond Roplds were Ada Host to County Association switoli her tall. How can she keep her mind on glvln' down her Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Colby and Mrs. Ed. Insley spent port of lost Arthur Thompson. showed his mother, sister ond milk? son Arden were Sundoy afternoon McCORDS MATTERS Thursdoy supper guests ot the Dek- MY\FRIEND Vesta Chapter O. E. S. waa hoat The church waa prettily decor- daughters of Alto, called on Mr. By KARL GRAYSON callers at the Fred Spencer home ot Mrs. R. T. Williams week in Lansing on business. Mr. ond Mrs. Paul Hilton ond Olive Wheat is helping Mrs. Har- brother with members of their She can't, unlew you get rid of the files ... kilTem so they won't Mrs. Irmo Reeves entertolned the ker home. to the Kent County Aaaoclatlon ated for the occasion with vases ond Mrs. S. VanNamee, Wednes- daughters, Margot ond Paulo, spent old Collins In Lowell with her 1 families, ond also Mr. and Mrs. atart holdln* conventions on your oows at mllkln' time. Waddns Asioclnted Newspaper!. LaBorge. Jolly Eight Bridge Club lost week Mr. ond Mrs. R. L. Gregory wero O. E. S. at tho spring meetbg of and boskets of lovely spring flow- WNU Rctcnse. Sundoy visitors at the Emmett Sundoy with friends In Grand Rap- housework. George Gone, Sr., at their netor ITy SprayTl kill 'em! Yes Sir! The Govemment calls It a double day evening. Collers ot the A. E. Wood home Thursday evening. Sunday evening guests ot Carl Wlt- ^SiFLICKA the association held Wednesday, ers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welton of Sheehan home were Mr. and Mrs. lda. Mrs. Miller and school children home In Cedar Springs. Refresh- AA spray an' says thafs the highest rating It can give any the post week were Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gleger, Jr., tenbach's. May 12, In Ada Maaonlc Temple. On Monday the group left for the Hastings spent a few days the post Edward Wlerengo and son Lee, Mrs. Pauline Stuart of Clarke- enjoyed on outing at Fallasburg KLH MARY O'HARA ments were served by Mrs. W. V. spray. And li really kills fllss. HERE were two reaaons why Coots, Fred Pottlson of Alto, Mrs. were in Grand Rapids Saturday Mr. ond Mrs. John Dekker ond The afternoon sesalon was called annual graduation trip and will week at the Frank and George Mrs. Michael Sheehan, Maurice vllle spent Mother's Doy with the Burras and Mra. Caryl Fuller. Plans Yon can use It anywhere ... In the house or barn or milkhoose TRuth Potter decided to forget Mott Metternlck, Mrs. Aldrlch, evening. Park last Thursday. children were Wednesday supper to order by Mra. Marjorle Spangen- spend three daya at Yankee Springs Sheehan and daughter Connie, Mrs. home folks and took her mother Leaning back as Rnb McLaughlin Nell McLaughlin saw Ken wince were made for a school ond P. JT. A. Wont taint milk or stain things. Let me tea you more about It Welton homes. she waa thirty-eight years old when Mrs, R. Postmo ond Zono Poatmo. Mrs. Clair Norton Is 111 ond un- Mr. and Mrs. Mllo Ryerson of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Dek- CHAPTER 1 berg of Sparta, Past Prealdent of They will cook their own meals Miss Audrey Welton of Grand and brother, Edward to Lowell to had taught his beys to do. feet for as if something had actually hurt picnic to be held at Fallasburg when I call. My other specials will save you money. she returned to the Inn following an Sidney Wiersmo and daughters, Mrs. A. E. Wood hos not been so der the doctor's care. We hope for Grand Rapids ond Mrs. Moble ker. the Association, and Mra. Bla-ache and will also make a trip Into Mid Rapids spent the week-end with afternoon on Uie practice slopes. The Mary and Rita, and Virginia Hlllen. the show In the afternoon. High up on the long hill they called ward and out. reins free. Ken rod» him, and his eyes went to the wide- Park on Friday, May 21. well the post week. a speedy recovery. Troudly of Mt. Pleasant were Wed- Week-end guests ot the vVo.'e McCracken, Matron of Qrandvllle dlevllle for dinner and to attend first was her reflection in the mir- the Saddle Back, behind the ranch like a steeple chaser. open window with a despairing look. WILLIAM VANDEBWERF her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomofl Griffin ond daughter, Mr. o-ad Mrs. Ed. Coots of Jack- Mrs. Lloyd Hodges Is recuper- John Schwab and son Jock of nesday supper igwests of their aunt, Story home were Mr. ond Mrs. Chapter, escorted the county offi- the theatre. Miss Wlnnlfred Llns- Jay Myers of Flint spent the ror. The mirror gave back a face and the county road, the boy sat his Rabbit, pony and boy disappeared Rural Watklns Dealer Welton. Zetha Anderson, Mrs. Robert An- son are the proud parents of a 7 Rockford called on his sister, Mrs. Mrs. Ralph Story. Hugh Dodds of Pontiac ond Mr. "Well," said McLaughlin, his cers to their atatlons. day chaperoned the group. week-end with hla .wife at the home that was flushed from the sting ofj ating In the Beldlng hospital from horse, facing east, his eyes dazzled over the crest of the Saddle Dack. Phone Grand Raplda Mtlfi 9M Elliott, 8. R, Grand Rapids Joe Batey called at the S. Van- derson and Httle Janet Marie were lbs., 3 ous. boy. born Sunday. Ethel Yelter, Tuesdoy evening. ond Mra. Miles Dodds of Soronoc. voice like the crack of a whip. Mra. Minnie Denlson, A. M. of of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. the February wind, eyes that spar- an operation performed last week. The United Workers met with by the rising sun. "Speak up. What have you got to Namee home Sunday. He has been Sunday dinner guests at the Leon Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coats were Correction: It should hove read Vesta Chapter, gave the addresa of Ada Locals Burrsa kled and glowed with good health, a Another benefit party a t ihe Mrs. Ethel Yelter and son Ed- Mrs. Edna Marshall lost Thursday. The snug, huddled roofs of the Nell McLaughlin pulled the drop say for yourself?" spending the winter with his daugh- Anderson home. Joseph Batey of Sundoy dinner guests of Mr. and Wes Clemenz of Lowell has rented welcome and Mrs. Keltha Benso, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snyder of cl- figure that was trim and youthful in Maccabce hall May 22, beginning ward attended the auction sole ot The afternoon wos spent tlelng a ranch house, way below him. began leaf cherry table out from the cor- Mrs. Mable Freeman of Grand ter, Neva at Houghton Lake. Houghton, who Is visiting relatives Mrs. Roth of Grand Rapids. Dr. Winter's farm. Instead of Wes • "I dunno." answered Ken. Matron of Peninsular Chapter of Kalaxnasoo and Mrs. John Snyder her smart ski costume. at 7:30, slow time. Bowne Center Friday afternoon, quilt for Mrs. Marshall. to be red Instead of just dark; and ner, opened the leaves so thut Raplda apent Wednesday and Mra Glenn Sanborn attended a | here, wos an afternoon caller. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boeskol of "What were you doing In that Eng- Grand Rapids, gave the response ^ of Schoolcraft were dinner giiesta The second reason was Dan Bron- ond colled on Mr. and Mre. John Sunday guesit ot the Ira Brlggs Althause. the spidery arms of the windmill In It would comfortably accommodate lish exam? What were the ques- ay w Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cole were Mr. Mother's Tea. Saturday at Western A good crowd attended the party Grand Raplda and Mr. and Mrs. and various matrona of the 18 Kent!», '^ f vlsUIng lost Friday of Mr. and Mra Sher- contest, while the girls Will race son. She had met him on the prac- "A small boy is o poln In the Schwab ot the Walter Blokeslee homo were Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Mul- the gorge glinted and twinkled. They four people and flung a red-checked tions you missed?" Mrs. Grace Whaley and on Wed- and Mrs. Kenneth In go rsoli and State, Kalamazoo, guest of her sponsored by the Eugene Bruton Lawrence Englerth and daughter cloth over it. county chapters gave a six months man Reynolds. Clarence was In- and have a ball throw. tice slope, a tail straight, dark fig- neck when he Is around and a home. len. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brlggs Phone or send your news to the were smiling back at the sun. nesday Mrs. Freeman attended the bafoy of Kalamazoo, Joe Batey of daughter, Doris, who returned home family, Thursday evening. Eleven were Sundoy visitors ol Mr. and "We were supposed to write a report of their chapters' activities. ducted Into the Navy Monday, At 2:00 o'clock there will be ure. A man of about thirty. She Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Blough and ' ond son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brlggs Ledger. "Good morning, mister!" shouted The roomy kitchen was full of composition." spring meeting of Kent County Houghton Lake and Mr. and Mrs. with her for the week-end. had fallen, and he had helped her to [tables were In play, and Eugene Mra. Andy Zoet. pain In the heart when he Is not" bright sunshine /rom the windows These reports brought out the May 17. ball game with the parents vs. th Ken, swinging his arm in salute; "What did you write?" Association O. E. S. Mrs. Freeman Evan Fuller and children of Hast- Mr. ond Mrs. Nelson of Sparta her feet and they had smiled at each and the chunky brown mare he rode which opened on the front terrace. splendid response the O. E. S. Is Mrs. Lawton Cole and daughters F. F. A. members and at 8:00 o'clock "I didn't get started." making to potrlotlc calls on the Is a post president of the associ- ings. a boll game with Beldlng F. F. A. spent the week-end with their other. The blood had tingled in her gave a wild leap. It made squares of gold on the paint- ation. spent Sunday with her father, A. veins, and the sensation had not "Didn't write a word?" order to help our country ki its vs. the Lowell F. F. A. * daughter, Mrs. Al Gilbert and fam- To keep his seat, riding bareback ed apple-green floor; and In front J. Porrltt in Bowne Center. been because of the sharp February of sink and stove and baking table Ken shook his head. war efforts, many bonda having Mra. Grace Whaley apent Sun- These events ore scheduled on ily. as he was. he clapped his heels Into doy ofternoon visiting Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bloomer and Mrs. J. C. Proctor and Vivian wind. her sides, and she leaped again, this there were hooked oval rugs with "Couldn't you think of anything?" been purchased by the chapters and F. F. A. ACTmriES slow time. Mrs. Arthur Martin at their home daughters of N. McCorda and Don spent Saturday in Grand Rapids. "He thinks I'm young," she told time with her head down. Stiff- gay flower patterns. A little browr "Yes. I had it all planned. I was thousands of hours devoted to Red The local P. P. A. is sponsoring Roger Krum, Reporter. In Bast Grand Rapids. Kelldy of Elmdale were dinner Mrs. Frank Boumo and Marsha herself. "Everyone does. I am legged and with arched back she cat sat by the stove washing he: going to write the story about how Cross activities by O. E. S. mem- a picnic for the members and their young. A person's only as old asj Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroten- guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. accompanied her parents, Mr. and landed: and then bucked. face. you lost your polo mare. How the bers, and generous contributions families at Fallasburg Park on Line a casserole with well-sea- •he feels. When the time comes Neither motherhood nor the hard Albino stole her from Banner—" donated to many worthy causes. boer of East Grand Rapids were Seymour Heache and Wm, Hesche, Mrs. H. Derks to Petoskey, Sun- Once, twice, three times; and Ken Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Sunday, May 23. At 12:00 o'clock soned chicken hash. Fill the center I'm going to tell him I'm twenty- was off, slung under her nose, hang living at the ranch had deprived Ken's eyes went to his father's. "We Honor guests of the association Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wesbrook spent day, to spend the week visiting seven, and he'll never doubt me." Mra. Harry Fitch ana Charlotte. everyone will eat their dinner, with com-au-gratin mixture and ing on to the reins. Nell of her figure or her maldenll- could write anything we wanted, it were the W. G. Patron, WllUa B. Sunday with Mr. and Mra. George bringing their own. At 1:00 o'clock a sister. Mr. and Mra. Jomea Furner and bake about half on hour. Serve with Ray Ferris and Bess Masher and She backed away and pulled to get ness. At thirty-seven, she looked had to be at least two pages—" Perklna; Mrs. Lylla Johnaon, Grand Enz ot Lake Odessa. there will be games for everyone. Annalee of Lanalng arrived on Sat- cronberry Jelly. Art Carlton were waiting in the lob- free, braced like a dog tugging at a not much older than when she had "Well, what happened to you?" Martha; Mra. Beatrix Perklna and The C. E. group chaperoned by The boys will have a three-legged by when she came down stairs. They won a sliver cup, at Bryn Mawr. urday to spend a two weeks' vaca- SOUTH LOWELL man's trouser leg. "I—I—got to thinking about It. Mrs. Lorena VandenStel. Lena Mae Dalstra and Mrs. Alex race, boll throw and a wheelbarrow were laughing over some Joke thai for being the best all-round athlete tion period In Ado. Sophmore: What is heredity, Pro- BUSY CORNERS She jerked her head viciously Thinking about Gypsy and the Al- Mrs. Ceclle Wallace, W. M. of Robertson enjoyed a picnic dinner Ray had Wld. laughing gayly and of her class. The continued rains hove brought relay; the men will have a hog fessor? Mrs. Howard Bartlett from side to side. Ken's teeth set bino—and what it was like, when he Vesta, was In charge of the after- and hike In the Woods Sunday after- calling contest and a fat man's Prof: Something every man be- with abandon. They hadn't changed in anger. "If you break another Of medium height with a long noon'a program of music and rec- the rivers out of their banks and noon. from their ski things. took her away—where he took her race, and the women will have a lieves in until his aon begina to The South Lowell Aid will be bridle—" slender waist, her curves were held to—and all the wild horses In his itations. the lowlands ore oH flooded for the Sunday visitors at the home of "Darling, you look marvelous! ellpper kick, and a husband calling act like a fool. held this (Thursday) afternoon ot This thought made him crafty and where they belonged by trained band—and where they were all that At six o'clock Vesta Chapter second time this spring. The high But what's tho Idea, trying to high his voice fell to a coaxing note. muscles, and. as she walked, there time. All of that. I thought there served a delicious chicken dinner wind on Sunday blew down two Mra. Chrla Johnson's on US-16. hat us. Whoops, everyone, look at "Now Cigarette—be a good girl— was a lightness about her which was time. I thought the hour had In the chapter dining room and the large trees on the river bank on the Mrs. John Miller accompanied her Ruth!" came partly from natural vigor and thatsa baby—good girl—" just begun, and then the bell tables were decorated with vases of Wenzel form and the various vic- alsteMn-ls/w, Mrs. Roth, to church In the dining-room Ruth suffered Ken got warily to his feet and partly from the way her narrow rang—" colorful spring flowers. tory gardens orOlU'd the village are on Sunday, and both called on Dan Bronson was sitting with two head lifted from the shoulders to companions a couple of tables away. went to her head, still talking sooth- There was a knock at the back Mra. "Florence Baltuat, president not doing too well dae to the cold friends in that neighborhood. face whatever was to be faced, a He kept looking at Ray. who persist- ingly but with insulting words. door and McLaughlin shouted. of the association, was in charge and rain. Nearly all the young people In danger, a storm, a loved one. a hope "Come In." A special communication of Ada our vicinity attended the party at "D'you think I'd ever ride a or- or a fear. of the evening meeting. A memorial nery old plug like you if I had a Gus. the Swedish foreman, came Lodge, No. 280, F. & A. M., will be South' Boaton Grange, Saturday Ken was late to breakfast. to the members of the order *ho horse of my own like Howard's?" in. carrying his big felt hat In his held at the Ada Masonic Temple evening. Coming in, he locked first at his hod possed owoy during the past The frown faded from his face and hand. His thickset body bent In a six months was given by tho offi- Saturday evening, May 22, at 7 Keith Miller and Richard Wlel- his eyes took on a dreamy look. "If father to see if he had opened the sort of bow aimed respectfully at o'clock. The first degree will be and rode their blcyclea to Lowell report cards. cers of Grand Rapids Chapter, No. I had a colt—" Nell, and he looked first of all at her 0n a of cand,dat and attended the show, Sunday. Then he said, "Good-mornln;:. 381 and the past presidents \nd ^ "' He had been saying that for a as he said, "Gude mornln'. Missus," vice presidents of the association members of the lodge are asked The BarUetts visited the Leo Mother, good-morning. Dad." pulled long time. Sometimes he said it in and then, "Mornln', Boss." to ttend, "I Read Every McCouls at Clarksville, Sundoy out the one empty chair—a green- were honored by a brief cercmony i ® I his sleep at night. It was the first He did not come clear Into the ny WiI1 80rry to painted ladder-back chair with seat In charge of Mrs. Gertrude Laveau.I, ^ Callers at the Bartlett home Sat- thing he had thought when he got to room, but propped himself by a that Mr8 E1,a Buttrlck wail woven of rawhide thongs—and sat And to conclude the spring meet- ' urday evening were 'Phomos Flem- the ranch three days ago. He said hand on the door jamb, leaning Ing ao miniature ShowboaShowho«»t pern»r-. tRken to St Ma^y,• hospital In ing and wife of Grand Rapids, ond it or thought It every time he saw down. His heart was beating hard there In his shy manner, a little formance was given with C. H. Grand Roplda on Saturday where Mrs. Elizabeth Wieland ond George Why butter won't his brother riding Highboy. And Word—Even The smile like a child's turning up the Runclman, Interlocutor, and It is reported she Is quite seriously Wleland and children were Friday when he looked at his father, the PI'/'//'/ corners of his mouth. His round 111. evening callcre. longing in his eyes was for tint—for chorus. The Showboat proved to be pink face was framed In a mop of Oscar Armltage, who has been ill Mr. ond Mrs. Forward ore having a colt of his own. tight gray curls. a most happy event and the Jokes and songs were very much enjoyed for the post two weeks at his home a new well put down. They recently He must get on Cigarette again. "What's today. Boss?" In Ado, is slowly recovering, but Is melt in Africa And Then I purchased the Klahn home. First he had an apology to make. by the very large crowd that was Weather always entered into the present. still confined to his bed. Johnny Kllgus, a friend to all In all fairness, he must tell Ciga- plans. So before McLaughlin an- rette that the fault had been his The ossoclotlon meeting was a Mrs. Peter Stukkle and baby son that were friendly with him, died swered. he glanced out the window, Peter Lee of Lowell apent lost a in Ionia hospital and was burled own. He had put his heels into her. noting the clear deep blue of the very real success In every way and Wednesday and Thursday in Ada Wednesday. This neighborhood Is He knew exactly what his father sky, and that the big white cumu- one that will be long remembered Them Again would say if he told him about it. lous clouds were sailing across at a by all who attended. visiting Mr. and Mra. iHerman sincerely sod, as Johnny was liked Stukkle. As EVERYBODY KNOWS, butter will melt "Cigarette bucked and tossed rapid pace. by, all, and hos been missed since She recognlscd the face. Annual Meeting at Ada Clab Mrs. Carl Duthler left Wednes- he hos been away. me." Finally he said as if to himself, ed In telling his dull Jokes, snd at unless you keep it cool. And the African desert day for Yakima, Wash., where she Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rlttenger "What did you do? Put your heels not looking at Gus, "A good day to Annual meeting of Ada Ladles' the others who laughed so loudly. into her?" move the horses." Literary Club was held lost Thurs- will make an extended visit with visited their daughter, Mrs. James Taylor and family at Lake Odessa Once his gaze crossed hers, and isn't cool. "Yes, sir." "Ja, Boss. It's time de horses day afternoon In the club room at her husband, Pfc. Carl Duthler. Writei a Kent County she dropped her eyes. She tried to He and Howard had to say Yes. were off de meadows. Dt grass Is Ada high school with Mrs. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brunlkool, Sr., Sunday. give everyone the Impression thai Nevertheless, the Americans who are fighting sir, and No, sir, to their father be- growln an we should have water on jorle Wykes, club president pre- spent last Tuesday in Grand Rap- Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Clark were these old people were boring her cause he had been an Army officer 'em soon." siding. Mrs. Katherlne Richardson ids. Sunday guests of the George Wlel- to tears. before he had the ranch, and be- there carry butter—and it doesn't melt. Howard couldn't keep still. "Could was hostess for the day and Mra. Soldier in New Guinea and's. At the dance that evening In the lieved in respect and discipline. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Svobodo enter- Miss Lucille Vlsser of Grand Rap- I help you move 'em this year. Hazel Jasperse responded to the tained with o week-end party at lobby she naif expected that Dan I He took hold of her withers and Dad?" Ids visited her sister, Mrs. Ray It doesn't melt because it's fortified with a fat Current Events and Mrs. Moble their cottage at Sliver Lake. Those Bronson would ask her to dance, back, jumped and pulled, landec Rlttenger ond family Sunday. but he didn't appear. She knew It Ken didn't ask because he had no Freeman was chairman of pro- Invited were Mr. snd Mrs. Homer well up against her, held stiffly there hope. Other guests were the Carl Rltten- was because these old people with which has a high melting point. The result is gram. Morrla, Mr. and Mrs. Robort Mor- by his arms, then carefully swung McLaughlin turned to look at How- geis also of Grand Rapids. their loudness annoyed him. She his blue-trousered leg over; and The various committees mode ris and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Afton. a butter which can be packed in a can, like beans ard, but he wasn't thinking of him Wm. Kllgus and wife called on wished she could make him under- slowly, just like his father, .settled their year's reports—finance, flower A potluck supper wos enjoyed Sat- What of it? Just this! Some day that boy it stand that they annoyed her, too. and did not answer. He smoked and library committees, and the the Emlel Frledlls In Lowell Sun- or beef, won't melt, and will keep indefinitely to her back, legs hanging straigh! urday evening and except for the The next day she contrived after and Gus waited. At last he said, following named members were doy. down. Aftons, the group stayed over to coming back home. The newt and the adt he an hour or so to leave Ray and Besc "Yes. We've got a month before elected as officers for the ensuing Mrs. Gerald Heaven visited her Cigarette was calm. He tightened Frontier Days. I've got to get four attend church at Bostwick Lake and the rest of them and get oiT by You might think our soldiers could get along year: Mrs. Kit Martin, president; parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Bert Willett his rein, squeezed the calves of his o^ the older horses In shape to rent on Sunday morning. herself. She knew where Dsn Bron- Mrs. Marjorle Wykes, secretory; Monday. legs a little, and she moved off. ' for the Rodeo. That means fool Mr. and Mrs. Walter Afton mo- read so avidly on a South Pacific island will be son would be—on the sharp slope without butter. They could. But—they don t One of the exciting things about proof. And those three-year-olds will Mrs. Doris Marks, treasurer. It was tored to Kent City on Sunday to behind the annex. Most skiers who coming up from school In Laramie have to be broken. I can't let them decided that the annual picnic will attend o fomlly party given at the indelibly stamped in his mind. YOUR name will Try hot applesauce on hot but- came up for a week-end spent Sat- have to! Butter is good for them—and Uncle to the summer vacation at the go any longer." be held at the home of Mrs. Mar- home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ander- tered toast, crisscrossed with crisp urday afternoon on the nursery ranch, was the weather. Always 1 "Ja, Boss." jorle Wykea on Thursday, May 27, son, honoring the 80th birthday bacon. A grand Sunday breakfast. alopes, then tried the steeper grades Sam is seeing to it that American soldiers are the something doing. Winds and rain "And catch up Shorty and saddle with Mrs. Doris Boyer as chairman anniversary of Mrs. Augusta Berg. be remembered. YOUR store will be a part of on Sunday. bows and calm sunny days, then an of events for the day. A picnic pot- Ruth cut around the hiU and came best-fed, best-equipped, best-cared-for soldiers in electric storm; or frosts or even bliz- him for me. I'll be up ot the stables Thirty-five relotlvea and a few In- In a half hour or less." luck dinner will be enjoyed and timate 'friends were Invited to a out half-way down the slope. There zards. People said it was because T members will bring their own table that "home*' he is longing to see. was a clump of bushes there, and the world! of the eight thousand foot altitude. "Ja, Boss." luncheon In Mra. Berg'a .honor and Stiff-legged and with arched tack service, also coffee ond sugar. as she emerged Into the open she He put his head back and sucked Gus went out the table wos centered with a she landed. Mrs. Moble Freeman, chairman of heard the swish of skis on snow, in the smell of the cleanness and McLaughlin put down his pipe and tiered birthday coke lighted with; Of course, it takes money to do that. So much program, reviewed the book, "The followed by a warning shout There the greenness and the snow and the pulled his coffee cup towards him. 80 condles. Mrs. Berg hod a shower because his father's face had Its Lieutenant and His Lady" and she wos no time to get out of the way money that, to help pay the bill, every one of is windiness—all so sharp and heav- There was a moment's silence, then of cords and received many nice Immediately important, is the fact that nearly A panic-stricken scream escaped her glaring look and Howard was smug gave a most comprehensive ond In- enly. Howard always got good marks. Howard asked Ken, "What horse did gifta and wishes for many happy throat, then something hit her a ter- you ride this morning, Ken?" teresting review of the book. must loan every dollar we can to Uncle Sam This was what he had been wait- McLaughlin picked "p a card and returns of the day. 2,000 families right here at home are reading the rific impact, and she had a sensation ing for. All through the last un- "Cigarette." During the social half hour the of floating through space, landing a letter which was lying open be- McLaughlin looked up. "You've hostess, Mrs. Richardson, assisted through War Bonds. bearable months of school, the end- side his place. "I suppose it will STATE eventually In a downy bed. I been riding Cigarette?" by Mrs. Grace Whaley, served a less classes, the examinations— Ledger every week. Events that transpired within the be no surprise to you to hear thai "Yes, sir." dainty lunch. 1 At this an uncomfortable feeling next half hour were vaguely War Bonds are a swell investment. They pay you have not been promoted." he "Did you manage to catch her and gripped him. His and Howard's re- said. "You might like to see your MUTUAL FIRE sketched on her memory. Far away tie her up without her breaking any- Recordlo-grams To Be Made at you back $4 for every $3. Save part of every port cards had arrived in yester- marks." klNSURANCL CO she heard excited voices. She knew day's mail with a letter from the thing?" Ado Church A He tossed the card over to Ken. "No, sir." a face was close to her own. peer- paycheck with U. S. War Bonds! Principal of the school addressed to Nell McLaughlin handed Ken a At the Ado Community Reform- If you want to keep it a secret, don't publish it ing Intently. Curiously she recog- their father. Captain McLaughlin. "What did she break, a bridle?" blue bowl full of oatmeal covered (id Church on Sundoy, May 23, any nized that face and her heart leaped And McLaughlin had slung them on "No - that Is - not today. She with cream and brown sugar and jme who wishes to oetKX a recordlo- It wos Don Bronson. It wos Dan the desk with some papers and bills broke a bridle yesterday." in the Ledger. said, "Let him eat his breakfast "What did she break today?" grom to a service mon may do so Bronson. It was Dan Bronson who to open later. By the time Ken got had hit her. Oh. Joyl i first," but Ken took the card and "The metal catch on the halter in the afternoon from two o'clock back to breakfast surely his father tried to focus his eyes upon It. He "Who is she, Dan?" a man's voice would have opened them. There was rope." until five, also at the evening serv- hated so to look. It was hard to see ice. Every parent who has a son asked. that examination — Ken knew he McLaughlin paused a moment and Paijouhm."How shoul d 1 know?" Dan re- anything at all. looked down at his small son. will want to avail themselves of hadn't done very well- plied.- While he studied it there was a si- "You're going to have fo buck up. the opportunity to moke a record He wondered what time It was • That State Mutual is the "Well, she's the dame you yanked now. He looked down at the ranch. Icnce, Howard eating his bacon and Ken. I don't know what to do with of their voice ond give a brief mes- smiling. Nell's face was troubled. largest company of its out of the snow yesterday." | It wouldn't be long before break- you. You never have your wits sage to their son In this splendid "Is she?" There was a pause fast. Everybody was awake. Going She looked down, buttering her about you. Always wool-gathering. manner. kind in Michigan? toast. "Not a bad looking woman. Hope downstairs, his mother would call. You lose a saddle blanket the first This service is a gift of the she hasn't got a lot of grown kids Ken read his marks through and time you go riding—" • ThatoverMmllUondollarf "Time to get up, boys!" His father Casey VanderJagt family and at Everybody protect your property? to worry about her." was sitting up In bed with his hair finally came to the English examina- "But I found It again—" the evening aervlcea there will be a "Don't be dumb. That gal's too tion. rumpled, pajamas rumpled, hand "Yes, found the blanket and lost speclol muslcol program ond Evan- -Ar That rates are low and young to have grown kids. Why, reaching out for a cigarette. He looked up and met his father's your horse. Trouble is, you don't gellat VanderJagt will hove a brief claim payment is prompt say, I'll bet a dollar she's not a day Gosh—If his father had read the eye. try." YOU'VE DONE YOUR BITilr-ilOW DO YOUR BEST! message to give. and liberal? over forty." McLaughlin leaned forwara. "Just "I do try." reports! And that wasn't all, there It is hoped everyone will take There followed an Indifferent ar- was the saddle blanket too, the lost as a matter of curiosity," he said, "I'd like to see some proof of it. ffieads St/ ^ That over 42,000 of your advantage of the very generous gument over whether or not a worn "how do you go about it to get a Come, Howard. You can ride with neighbors are iriemhers? saddle blanket offer and the privilege of aendlng on at forty waa apt ts have growr THR0USH THE PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN zero in an examination? Forty In me as far as the meadows and open BOOST YOUR BONO BUY!HO He turned from looking at the their rodlo-grom to their men In children. Both suspected they were ranch house and let his eyes sweep history? Seventeen in arithmetic! the gates." Ask your local agent lo Isll service. you about us. talking to keep their spirits np. They the hillside. Saddle blanket, saddle But a zero! Just as one man to an- Ken pushed his chair back too. were afraid she was really hurt. blanket—every time he asked bis other, what goes on in your head?" "Can't I help?" This advertisement is a contribution to America's all-outjwar effort by father for a colt, McLaughlin said. Ken had no answer. His face "Certainly not. You have your Tenth Grade Graduation KAN OF NANT JOBS—Brig. She openttd her eyes and sat up It wasn't Dan holding her hand at I'll give you one when you deserve burned, and he bent over his plate study to do. Every morning right Graduation cxerclaea for grodu- Gen. Julian B. Hatcher, Chief of one. and began on his oatmeal. after breakfast. Remember that." IIIY I OHM m MTIMU HTVm all Dan was standing several fee! ates of the tenth grade at Ada high Ordnance Field Service, has many away smoking a cigarette. They A jack rabbit sprang up almost "Fortunately," he said reaching McLaughlin's scarred boots and school were held last Thursday eve- "irons in the fire." Its Field Serv- mimnmsmLmmmwtmsn c. H. RUNCIMAN CO., Lowell, Michigan underfoot. Cigarette Jumped, but for a match, "there are almost two neavy spurs clattered across the all looked at her in surprise. ning In the Ada Congregational ice supplies the bombs so the bom- b b rrirrr11» "Thank you, children," she said Ken sat tight, and as the rabbit and a half months before school cltchen floor. Howard strode aft- M Church with a good number present bardier may call "Bombs away I The LOWELL LEDGER • t "I guess Fm all right now." A cou- begins again. You'll do an hour a sailed away, he gave a yell and •r. nobly refraining from casting a for the occasion. Rev. Henry L. chased after. day on your lessons all through the •atron'zing glance at Ken. It furnishes tanks for the Armored ple of hundred yards away she ssw Rust wos speaker and Rev. An- Harry Daj U^eB s group of familiar figures disport Cigarette loved a good run. summer to make up this work." fTO RF rnXTIM'F.Pi Force, sends the soldier his gun, thony E. Roaendol gove the In- allots the trucks he rides in, and D. A. Wlngeler LeweD Ing in tha snow. Ray and his crowd vocation and benediction. even the little jeep, that most Grant Warner Ixmell She started toward thsm. smiling A musical program was enjoyed K. e. Spriagett I^weU thinly, trying not to mind, thinking favored of all Army vshicles, comes gallantly: "Wall, it was a nice try with Miss Nellie Rollins singing A. «. fcnHfc Lewsll from depots under Gen. Hftcher't I'll know better now." two soloa and Mlas Charlotte Fitch B. M. Fsnall. .H. I. G. SapCda Ledger Want Ms Get Results played piano solos. controL H. t. Btttaagw Ledger want ads bring results. LsaSer AatMMsa B-t, LeweB

wm i EIGHT THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL MICHIGAN. AY, MAT 20, IMS WEDDINGS St. Patrick School Honor Winners SOCIAL EVENTS MORE LOCAL NEWS Up and Down Grindle—Maldolm Valedictory honors at St. Adn Host to O. E. S. Joe Bate y of AIto h been Patrick school, Parnoll, are Married, Saturday, May 8, at the . " claimed by Evelyn McGann, i A fine representation from Cycla- home of Justice R. E. Sprlngett, ^ wlth hl8 ,,,"ter' Kent County Roads jmen Chapter, No. 94, O. E. S.. at- Roy O. Grlndle to Alice, daughter 8 Krum- AflM/MILK daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Continued from first page) John McGann, Ada, R. R. 2. tended the Kent County Associ- of Mr. and Mrs. Will Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould have ation Wednesday, May 12, at Ada. oas. Mary Jakeway and George Mrs. Henry TenElshoff of Grand been In New York state the past Improvements Noted Doran tied for salutatory A buslnc-ss meeting was held in the Rapids and Mrs. Tilden Pinckney week on business. afternoon followed by a bountiful Mr. and Mre. Marvin Finch, of honors. b ,deMr flnd M DOUBLf : - "- ^ Carr wero Solon townshlip, are building an Miss McGann has a record chicken dinner. The evening pro- y Slinda addition to their home on the Cedar of 3.71 out of a possible 4 gram consisted of a memorial for have the heat wlnhen of thM* y dinner guesta of their son, points. She was co-editor of the departed members In the past dr m'nj' Ru'•el, •"d Springs-Kent City road. We also DUTY the Shamrock Sentinel dur- year and a tribute to the past pres- ' I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perce of Grand noticed a foundation being poured idents and first vice presidents. on the James Haganah farm In ing the first semester, treas- Huckendubler—Thompson Rapids spent Sunday afternoon urer of the sodality for the Mrs. Royden Warner, W. M. of and evening with Mrs. B. A. Solon totwnshlp. Presume this Is past two years, a member of Cyclamen Chapter, presented the A very pretty wedding took place Charles. for a new house for Wayne Hag- "Showboat" cast which never falls Saturday evening, May 15, at the anah who has moved to the home the high school choir, and 0race p,tcher to bring a worthy applause. Appre- home of Mr. and Mn. George ^ returned last farm. secretary of the class in her Thur da t0 ciation Is expressed to the people Alexander of Lowell, when their « y *0™® in Edmore sophomore year. after 8 ond,n taking part in the Showboat as they niece. Miss Mary Thompson, be-i P « two weeks at the Farm Labor Prospects Miss Jakeway, daughter of i,red are all very busy and we know the came the bride of Richard Huck- ^ Malcolm home. Mr. and Mrs. John Jakeway, Farm work for 1943 has had a extra work on their part it takes endubler, son of Mrs. EIlrabeth| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lu- and son Beldlng, R. R. 3, is vice pres- hard time to get started. March to put on an evening's entertain-'Huckendubler of Hastings. j Bobby of Ionia and Mrs, ;>,na Luz ident of the Chemistry Club, wes backward giving little chance ment. Many thanks. Showboat cast. The ceremony was perfonned be-] were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. chairman of Our Lady's to do seasonal work. April was cold fore a background of fern, miles and Mrs. Melvin Lewis and family, committee and a member of with little or no grofwlng weather Engagement Announced and snapdragons, and candelabras, T . . * , * the high sohool choir. Jobn Wh,te Ar h rt Rev. C. E. Pollock officiating , ® » . "n and the "Merry Month of May" George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Niel- Evelyn McGann, George Doran The bride wore an aqua linen Iof Mr- and ^ Oeor*:fl Ar®h»rt' hasn't been much better. Plenty of James Doran, Ada, R. R. 2, sen of Saranac wish to announce Ma:y Jakeway suit with brown accessories and a waa brought h(rme 8unday after a moisture, too much in fact, on Is president of the acolytes, the engagement of their daughter, corsago of pink carnations. Aitwo weekl,, at Blod«e" ho»- heavy land for oat seeding. There Is no shortage of milk's prefect of the sodality, president of the chemistry Club, a member of Betty Jeanne, to Corp. Gordon K. cousin. Miss Bertha Alexander, was^1161, Farmers the country over have nutritious soodness! High in the high school choir, alumni editor, and vice president of the senior Dickson, U. S. M. C., Terminal her only attendant and wore a suit; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Denton and Indicated their Intentions to plant essential minerals, vitamins class. Both salutatorlans have a rjcord of 3.32. Island, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. more than has been requested for Leland Dlckscn of Beldlng. of brown linen with a corsage of i children of Grand Rapids spent and proteins Ifs a necessary our needs and our allies In 1M3. addition to every meal in Miss Nielsen will graduate from yellow daisies. Attending thshrlde-lthe week-end with their mothers, But there are three bottle necks these meat-rationed days. high school In June. Corp. Dickson groom was Gordon H. Gray of Mis. Ann Denton and Mrs. N. Hastings. Denlck. to the fulfillment of these plans. Serve it as a delicious, cooling enlisted In the Marine Corps on The weather, farm machinery and Piano Recital Armistice Day, 1941. Following the ceremony a recep- drink, and blend it into many Mrs. Kate Edmonds Snyder of labor. Nothing can be done about foods for balanced menu The wedding has been planned tion was held for twentV-flve guests. Norwich, N. Y., formerly of Low- the weather except talk about It. planning. Sensible meal plan- for late August. ell, Is making an extended visit By Pupils of Mrs. Harry Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Huckendubler will We doubt If any farm machinery ning is no problem at all with reside In Hastings, where the groom with Mrs. Fred Malcolm and Abby. made In 1943 Is going to do farm- plenty of milk on hand. Order Piano Recital Mrs. G. A. Plumb of Grand Rapids MAY 23. 1 943 is employed. ers any good. The labor situation your supply of appetite sat- Mrs. Harry Stauffer will present The bride Is a graduate of L.H.S. was also a Thursday visitor. Is none too bright. There is no isfying milk today! Congregational Church 8:30 P. M, her piano pupils In a recital at and has many friends here who Mr. and Mr^ Melvin Kunkle regular farm labor, that is the fel- the Congregational Church, on Sun- join In extending their best wishes. spent Saturday in Grand Ledge low who hires out for farm work. FRESH MILK with day, May 23 at 8 o'clock. Those with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Most of these fellows are in the every delivery taking part will be: Marlon and Marriage Ltoenscs Stuart Lyon. Monday thew visited army or Industry. Some relief has Evensong (Organ Prelude). Johnston Marie Wleland, Madelyn Cole, Pa- their niece, Mrs. Raymond Fenster- come from men going back to Donald Belmers, R. F. D. 2, Ada; Mrs. Stauffer tricia Hesche, Janet Kleeflsch, macher In Ionia, on her birthday. farms from Industry. Deferments Rosemary Stauffer, Joan Wlngeler, Freda Telder, Ada. Mrs. Ida Young returned to and reclassification of other farm Birds in the Branches (Duet) Rolfe Vivian Rlckert, Nancy Townsend, Clair Kauffman, 34, R. F. D. 2, Lowell last week from St. Peters- help has added the farm labor situ- Marion Wleland a:id Marie Wieland Susan Krum, Colleen Yelter, Lorene Alto; Clarabelle Hooper, 33, Clarks- burg, Fla.. where sne spent the ation. Still there Is a need of more The Fairies' Harp Thompson ville. ^ Kohn, Dora Jean Warner, Alice winter months. Mrs. Young spent help. The job of recruiting and Madelyn Cole Carol Reynolds, and Ronald Jessup. PRE-SCHOOL CLINIC a few days In Grand Rapids, where getting labor to farm has been A Spanish Fiesta... Thompson her daughter, Mrs. Earl Behler, given to the extension office in The County Health Department Patricia Hesche Birthday Party entertained with a dinner for her cooperation with the U. S. E. S. Phyllis Jean Lewis celebrated Is sponsoring a Pre-Sohool OJlnlc on Mother's Day, twelve being Three sources of farm labor are Beautiful Dreamer Foster In the kindergarten room of the available. High school youths is Janet Kleeflsch her eighth birthday on Tuesday, present. May 18, with'a party for a few of Grade School on Friday, one. Don't stick up your nose at Penny Whistle Gwynn her friends. Those present were from 9:30 to 10:30 a. m., for'all MM. W. W. Gumser, Mrs. Chaa. them. There is a lot of potential Marlon Wleland Phyllis Cole, Julie Lundberg, children entering kindergarten next Doyle and Mrs. R. G. Jefferles went labor right there. If the farmer September. A child to be eligible to Ann Aibor yesterday to attend LOWELL CREAMERY Up and Down the Mountainside Gwynn Bonnie Sparks, Beverly and Nola will come half way and give the must be five years of age, or be- the Adult Institute which is holding Marie Wleland Bedell, Karen Johnson, Philip •boy a chance we are sure some I/>weU E. A. COMPAGNER, Prop. Mich. Kropf and Virginia Lewis. The aft- come five before the end of the its annual meeting at the U of M. good can be done. The Camel Train Balnes ernoon was spent playing games year. They will see and hoar famous Emergency labor in the smaller Rosemary Stauffer after which delicious refreshments It Is hoped that all Pre-School speakers on topics of the times. towns and city is being recruited Rustic Chapel Rolfe were served by the hostess. children will be present. Mrs. Gumser will also attend an for farm help. Some definite in- Joan Wlngeler executive board meeting of the formation on the this phase will be Salute to the Flag REAL ESTATE TRANSFER State Federation of Women's Clubs. Tractor Lights Entertains Ferris Alumni available soon. A congressional resolution, adopt- Amaryllis Ohys Then there Is a proposed Wo- Vivian Rlckert The Grand Rapids branch of Ruth M. Haner to John H. Fahr- ted on December 22, 1B42, changes Ferris Institute alumni held their ni and wile, lot 2 etc., block 14, Want ads bring results. Try one man's Land Corps. Here perhaps Is the procedure for pledging alle- Chinese Snow Scene Wagness Speed War Work spring picnic at the home of Mr. Avery's plat, Lowell. and be convinced. not so large a source of farm labor giance to the flag. The statement, Nancy Townsend and Mm. Reuben Lee last Friday but any help that can he lined One of the wartime time-saving "I pledge allegiance ..." is now Narcissus Nevln evening. After the unratloned din- u'p will sprve In the emergency. hints, especially valuable in 1043 rendered by standing with right Susan Kium ner a business meeting was con- More about farm iaibor later. when spring farm work has been hand over the heart. The resolution delayed by the weather, would be adds'. ,4. . . civilians will always ducted by President Judge Thadeus STRAND, LOWELL Polonaise, Op. 40, No. 1 Chopin It's 100,000 Trees to use lights on tractors at night show full respect to the flag when Colleen Yelter B. Taylor. Mel Melton and Mrs. Maude Brower won awards In con- (Programs on Eastern War Time) We made an error in last week's and get double duty out of ma- the pledge Is given by merely Romance Sans Parole... Streabbog tract bridge. Seven tables were In column. The County is planting chlnee during planting time. standing at attention, men remov- Lorene Kohn play. 100.000 trees instead of 10,000 as The suig^stion comes (from the ing the headdress." It will be FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY £1-22 agricultural engineering depart- noti-d lhat this form of salute does Waltz, Op. CI, No. I Chopin reported. Dora Jean Warner Social Brevities ment at Michigan State College. away with the former practice of Few tractors of the thousands in extending the arm toward the flag. Peplta! Fourdrain The Brldge-a-dears met last Date Extended For the state are equipped with lights. 47tf Alice Carol Reynolds Thursday evening with Mrs. B. H. Jlill in the Sun of Summcrtimd Many of the late models have fit- Shepard. Mrs. Ed. Reynolds and Victory Garden Contest tings on which lights can be Blue Danube Waltzes (Two Pianos) Strauss Mrs. George Arehart held high IONIA POMONA GRANGE Ronald Jessup and Mrs. Stauffer mounted. scores. Leaders In the Kent County Vic- But any tractor can be rigged ,AforL0VE THY tory Garden contest voted Tues- Mrs. Lee Miller reviewed "Chicken with lights, says W. H. Sheldon of Regular meeting of Ionia Po- day to extend the time for entering Every Sunday" by Rosemary Tay- NEI6HI0I" Iw • the college staff. A storage battery mona Grange will be held with this contest to June 1. The original Raraona Park To Open Weil-Known Citizen lor at the Book Review Club which will supply energy and can be Keene Grange, Saturday evening. •iiarin aHhtwri closing date was set for this Thurs- met Tuesday evening at the home charged by a tractor generator or May 22 at 8:30 p. m. A. A. Griffith, Saturday, May 22nd Dies at Clarksville day, May 20, but since the garden- of Mrs. E/ C. Foreman. charged when not in use. Regular Ionia County agricultural agent, ing season Is two weeks or more Ramona Amusement Park, lo- Norman Stuart, 64, office mana- The Book Forum were guests of spotlights or lights salvaged from will be the guest speaker. late this year it Is believed that cated on beautiful Reed's Lake, will ger of the Clarksville elevator, was Mra Arnold Kreuger, Wednesday a wrecked car or truck can be Surprise feature and musical with a Httle more lime many more open Its 1943 season Saturday, May found dead In the kitchen of his evening. Mrs. Wm. Arehart gave used, with any automotive wiring. numbers by Keone Grange. Carry- gardeners will enter the contest, 22. Kent County residents can slay home Monday morning by his wife, an amusing sketch of "Chicken A efpotlight on a Swivel mount- in supper will be served following thus increasing the value and In- and play near at home and still en- Lynne and a son Lester. Death was Every Sunday/' by Rosemary Tay- ing is especially useful on the rear business session and program. terest of the competition. joy the finest features of their attilbuted to a heart attack. lor. of the tractor to watch equipment Bring service and dessert. A group of volunteers have been usual vacations. In fact, the whole Mr. Stuart has been active for and how it is operating. One or two Mrs. Herbert Clough,, Lect recruited to score gardens accord- summer's leisure time could well many years in Republican politics lights on the front are sufficient for COMING EVENTS ing to a score card similar to the be spent right here near home. in Ionia county but never held lighting the way ahead. It pays to advertise In the Ledger. model of the state contest Each Swimming, boating, fishing, sun- office. Batteries mounted on the tractor volunteer judge will be asked to ning, are just a few of the sports Surviving besides the widow and The Merriman cemetery memor- can be iborroiwed temporarily from score 20 or more gardens, each available. The large, shaded picnic Lester are two other sons, Neil of ial service will be Sunday, May 30. the family car or truck, Sheldon one to be visited at least three grove, with Its many tables, roast- Hyttsville, Md., and Robert of Bay at two o'clock, E. S. T. 2t points out. Such a battery with a times during the season. The first ing fire-places, should prove invit- City;, two stepchildren, . Edwin It capacity of 80 to 129 ampere-hours visit will be made about June 10. Active Women ing for family picnics. The lake Nash of Clarksville and Mrs. Leo The Child Study Club will hold of energy, would supply electricity The contest, divided into eight steamer Ramona also has facilities McAlaty of Icma; two brothers, Its annual picnic, potluck style, for classes, carries a total of $1,200 In for three lights burning a total of for picnics. Ensley and Archie of Clarksville, members and their families and in- Need Support war bond prizes. 10 amperes for a total of eight to and eight grandchildren. vited guests at Fallasburg Park, 12 houra See advertisement elsewhere In May 24, 7:15 p. m. Bring a dish to If batteries are recharged by op- To keep your war-Job energy at its this Issue for more particulars. pass, your OA-n sandwiches, drink Certain desert animals never eration of the tractor itself, the and table service. The shelter house Female Dog Mothers peak, your supporting garments drink water, their vegetable food generator can be mounted to drive Ledger want ads bring results. supplying sufflcieni moisture. will be used In the event of unfavor- must be weU-oonstructeu and com- able weather. Pair of Baby Figs off the fan belt from an additional pulley mounted on the front end fortable. The spencer girdles and Almost anything can happen on of the crankshaft. The generator The Peckham Group of the Con- a farm and usually does. On tho brassieres are Individually designed gregational Church will meet at the should turn 1,500 to 2,000 revolu- farm of Joe Wagner, Route 1, tions a minute. Bulbs In lights for the wearer. home of Mrs. Gene Carr on Friday, Owosso, a fox terrier Is mothering jCowell Jfotpoint Announces May 21, 2:30 p. m. Come and help would be from 21 to 32 candle- two little pigs taken away from power. arrange for picnic In June. their own mother because she had MRS. H. 1. RITTENGER I- eaten up five others In the same The W. S. C. S. of the Lowell Utter. First Hunter: Did you ever hunt Spencer Corsetlere bear? CLOSE-OUT SALE Methodist church will hold Its re- Trixle had seven pups about the Second Hunter; Yes, but the Phone 867 Lowell, Mloh. gular meeting, Friday, May 21, at — WITH — same time that the sow farrowed. leaves tickled. the home of Mrs. Wm. Wachter- Wagner wanted to raise the pigs •«•••••••••••••••• Of Latest "HIT" Records hauser. Pappy Cheshire and but not the pups—a business-like choice but one which suited neither The Board of Trade banquet will mother. Trixle mourned deeply the be held at 7:15 p. m., Wednesday, Lulubclla and Regular 50c Records for Only 35c loss of the pups, while the mother May 26, In the City Hall. f Scotty sow "began methodically eating up The Rittcnger Insursncc Service while they last. her brood one by one. Five had The Vergennes Methodist Church Offers to the people of LoweU and vicinity the services of the disappeared before Wagner took Memorial Day service, combined — AlSO — following highly rated automobile Insurance companies; "There's a Ray of Sunshlne"and "We Mustn't Say Goodbye." with the centennial anniversary the other two away from her. "There's a Harbor of Dreamboate" and "What's the Good Word, observance, will be held Sunday, NG ARMY BOYS ARE FEOOIirAOAIHI He brought them In the house WdreriBe Intnrucc Co. Ewbco liuurance Co. Mr. Bluebird" May 30. Tables will be availabie and Mrs. Wagner tried to feed "My Dream of Tomorrow" and "When the Shepheird Leads the for those wishing to bring a picnic them on a bottle. It was quite a Enpbjert Imorance Co. Aetna Iniarance Co. Sheep Back Home." dinner. Program will follow In the job to educate them to oat, and TRACY SAWYIR Mrs. Wagner was working hard at Otio Casualty Continental Casoaltj "It Started All Over Again" and "No Star Is Lost" afternoon. Further details, in eluding hour and special speaker, It one night last week when Trixle "Taking a Chance on Love" and "Someone Else's Sweetfaeert." Hartford Intnrance Co. will appear in next week's Ledger. came in the house and spied the *Tve Heard Ihat Song Before" and "I Dream't the War Was All are invited. two in a box with their bottle. She If you are insured In any of the above ootnpanies through Over." ^ ML IjV jumped into the box, pushed the some other agency, you are weloome at any time to get claim and MANY OTHERS BIRTHS Jf AN POtTIt bottle away and curled around the service through our office. - pigs. The youngsters caught on at once and everything! Is rosy now The deadline for liability and property damage protection will Ms* Electrical and Refrigerator Service on All To Mr. and Mrs. Russell Slble in the Wagner menagerie. soon be here. Our rates for this protection are as low as fll (nee Dorothy Fletcher) of Ionia, per Stear with six month* to pay. Yea cannot afford to drive Makes tf Electrical Appliances and Refrigerators. a daughter, Christine Kay, a"t Rlod- SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MAT UM Silas Onlooker's philosophy: A without protection. Remember, you are safe with us. gett hospital, May 15. Lowell man remarks that doing Call 144 To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelser "AIR FORCE" with with less meat Isn't as tough on a Monday, May 17, in Blodgett hos- civilian as doing with more mos- Lowell Hotpoint Co. pital, 6-lb. 12-oz. son whoso name JOHN GARFIELD and GIG YOUNG quitoes is on the boys at Guadal- DO IT NOWI is Roger Larry. canal.