t LEDGER UP and ENTRIES Being • Collection of Vartooi Topics of Local and FIFTY-FIRST YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, MAY 20, 1943 No. 2 Oeaeral iBtenwt UPON BEDTO AMERICAN Three Graduates Named F YOU'VE READ any of th» Showboat Quads Know the Truth many articles written on front For Scholastic Honors ne activities you are better ac- The scholastic honors of the Fort Wayne. Ind., for the first two ualnted thli year than last, on Are Growing Dp {Lowell high school graduating years of high school. Henry. In About This War meaning of "American". With icalss of 1943 have been awarded to completing his junior and senior edr and change offered for I three students, two of whom are years at Lowell High, has been Folly for Home Front to rHy and normalcy, the man Noted Morlok Girls Now | girls. In averaging the marks It outstanding in numeroi» activities: Relax War Effort fights or vletws it can plc- In 13th Year The name of Lyle Webster Is I was found that Joy Converse ranks he Is the president of the senior News of Our Boys beat what America means. It mentioned 1-a Glendon Swarthoul's Michigan Press Association The Morlok quads of Lansing, first with a 3.63 average, and that class, business manager of the an- the three hranchea of novel. "Willow Run." News Service By K. K. Vlnlng who are well known to Lowell Henry Davenport and -rTelen Mon- nual staff, and last year was busi- Lieut. Bruce McMahon has been t, covering protection by kowskl tie for second place with ness manager of the junior-senior transferred from Blythe. Calif., to Quoting Governor Harry F. Kelly: showboat patrons have suddenly All three sons of Assistant Post- forces, including national an average of 3.60. reception. He was also active in Dalhart, Tex., where he is an in- "The vast European continent re-! Kent County Outstanding In grown Into leggy schoolglrte. On master Wllllan Kerekes and Mrs. and the wealth of the Joy Converse is the daughter of athletics and participated In the structor In aviation. mains a Nazi stronghold, ringed | Clvllan Defense Work thds week Wednesday, May 19, Kerekes are now In military service. maintaining organizations Mrs. Josephine Converse and has senior play. with steel. Bleeding and helpless, One of the meetings we arc sup- !p *Mntinff the working classea Edna A., Wllma B.. Sarah C.. and rS r attended the Lowell public schools Helen Monkowskl Is the daughter Erwin Wicks. Lowell R. F. D. and starving, the conquered posed to attend each month and and protecting the Interests of cepl- Helen D. Morlok celebrated their Mr., Ph.ll« 1. .t ^ Joy thirteenth birthday. In June they rtf Mr and Mrs Pnter Monkowskl has passed his final examination countries are yet to hear the tread J are not able to always do is the education and all other com- ^VTT '°r • m*l°r will graduate from grammar school fc, Ih. commerce d^mrt- Of Lowell. She is secretary of the for enlistments in the Seabees and of marching feet O. C. D. Committee Chairmen forts of democratic government for Khool dMrkt No. For h, flr.l|m,nt wh„. ^ „ senior class and has actively par- is awaiting his call. "Across the world, the Rising meeting. and next fall they will enter Junior 1 the citizen's welfare. To him It 1 """I W" .fff .nd alio th. ticipated in the girls' club and glee Sun of Japan arrogantly flut- At this meeting the heads of the the home town paper b high school from birth up to age 20. j annual staff. In her four years of For fbur successive years the club. She is assistant business man- ters over Guam and Wake and;various Civilian Defense activities not governed by propaganda, that high school she was freshman ager of the annual and was the Sgt. Joe Hill has been transferred the Islands of the Philippines. There In the city and county report on he can speak to his neighbors free- quads entertained on Showboat pro- The Lowell Manufacturing Com- class president, secretary of the from Walterboro. S. C.. and is now grams and It is hoped that when pany deserves commendation for chairman of publicity for the senior is only darkness In Burma and , their work. Social problems. trans- ly and openly without fear, that Athletic Association one year, jun- play. getting his mall In Care of the Post- the Showboat is resumed that these the beautiful landscaping being Singapore and the Dutch East In- portatlon. housing, bond sales, nu- he can worship In any church of ior reception banquet chairman, Sixty-five expect to graduate on master. San Francisco. charming girls may again appear done on their property. A notable dies. Australia is threatened. itritlon. agriculture and salvage are his choice an^ his children will be and also a member of the student Thursday. June 10. This is the on the program, this time as young Improvement to West Main street. "Nor Is that all. Just last week,; a few u' the activities discussed, given liberal educations In schools council and girls' club. smallest class In several years. Pro- Pfc Robert E. Ellis, who is in the Navy Department admitted It is most interesting to hear the that will train them on the rights ladles. Henry Davenport, the son of Mr. fessor Arthur Secord of the Uni- a fighter group of the air corps, James M. Haswell, writing In Dr. Harold R. Myers, osteopathic that the United Nations lost more various reports and to know how and principles of citizenship. The and Mrs. Philip I Davenport, at- versity of Michigan will deliver the has been moved from Fresno. Calif., last Sunday's Detroit Free Press, physician and surgeon, has moved shipping tonnage in 1942 than they I the war has crept Into the many list to long, the privileges numerous, tended Concordia Military Institute, Commencement address. to the army airdrome at VanNuys. built—a figure in excess of a mil-1 phases of our every day life. the products of the system who brings to light some interesting his offices to the second floor of the building on East Maht St, re- Calif. Hon gross tons more!" ' One of the reports that Interested uphold Its convictions, many. Yet sidelights on the daily life of these celebrated sisters whom all Lanedng cently purchased Oy the Lowell me a lot was the work being done there Is often raised the question [These words were uttered by has grown to know and love. Masonic Lodge. Paul Tobias of Camp Wm. C. by the volunteer office. I don't Trt-ether under the surface of the Michigan's chief executive, not in Mr. Haswell, says: The march of Farm Machinery Reid. Clovis. New Mexico, has been have the total of volunteer help individual, those who are not fight- Home Folks Hear darkness of despair, but In celebra- time has brought differences among Seems like old times to see Gar- promoted to Corporal, and expects that past month but there were 73 ing from fox holes and jungle- tion of the Allied triumph in Africa the quads themselves. The four field Ford again on duty In the to have a furlough sometime In accredited agencies, receiving some tangled owampe, If under the coat- and Michigan's generous responce i form of assistance from the Office little babies who started out In life Lowell postofflce. Clerk Paul Kere- Qnotas Lifted June. ing the man Is sn American first to the Second War Loan drive. looking just alike look like sisters kes left Wednesday for military From Sam Yeher of Civilian Defense. The totals were and a Republican or Democrat service and one or two others of Quotas on some farm machinery They recalled to our memory a high. I have raen some of this still, but not exactly alike. Edna A. Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs re- Mcond, an American first or an the postofflce force may also be Dear Mom. Sis. Bob. Dad and have been lifted. The State U. S. conference which we attended in volunteer help in operation at the who earlier was an Inch shorter ceived word from their son, Pfc. isolationist second, an American called In the not distant future. The Censor: D. A. War Board has been gdven Washington several weeks ago at ^as rationing office where we have than her sisters, now Is the tallest George E. Krebs of Fort Worden, first and a labor union advocate How the deuce I'm going to cov- the authority to remove county the war department's gigantic Pent- helped some in the rationing of and usually the first to smile. Sarah Wash., that he has been transferred Sfoond, an American first and a At a regular meeting of Cycla- er two months' time In this short quotas, according to Charles F. agon building across from the Poto- gns for non-highway use. C., Is almost as big. Then comes to the M. P. Detachment. race prejudices second! If all of men Chapter O. E. S. held last Fri- note I don't know, except every- Schwab. Farm Machinery Ration mac river in Virginia. A number From our own office Miss Dens- these factors which enter our lives Wllma B. and Helen D. the littlest day night It was voted to contribute tblngs OK but for another nose, Bourd Chairman. Pvt. Robert W. Flynn called his of newspaper association executives more reports on nutrition work, But Helen is the bookworm of the and which affect us are major in- 125 toward the |250 which is being and the Good Lord has continued The machinery is tagged for mother, Mrs.
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