January, 1935 Page 29 eKorts of all. Is bound to build up a Cralg Lacy has Been off the past surprising volume of new business for four days (as thls goes to press) to AND the Frisco during the coming year. get himself a tonsillectomy. He found TUBBING RUBBING Speaking of making New Year reso- that it mas impossible to say "Phil- lutions, I overheard a conversat~onre- adelphia" the first day afterwards. No NEVER WORRY JELT DENIM cently which led me to believe that doubt Cralg will feel much better, now Stevedore ColIins and lose Tarpy were that he has that off his mind. planning on becomlng shining ex- John Fitzgerald is still off, sick with amples of Integrity during the corning Infected tonsils, and doubtless, hls en- year, making every minute of the day forced vacation will be indefinite. count for the utmost in honest labor, Edith Zahl has been Alllng his posi- or uslng the old football term, "hitting tion In his absence. the line hard". I might add that this Andy Kranichfleld spent a week or would be a good one for every one of two hobbling around on a crutch or US. two, caused from a sprained ankle. Congratulations are In order for We have been holding an investiga- Dave Hartzler, operator, Centropolis, tion to determlne the cause of the and wife, upon the arrival. on Novem- sprain, but the 'best we can do, is ber 25, of an ((-pound baby girl, whom blame it on the icy pavement. they have named Mary. Bill Collins appeared in the office to- The girl's basketball team, 0f whlch day with one eye all bandaged, a la Nick Fracul is the proud coach, got Floyd Gibbons or Wiley Post. He was Time and Record Book off to a bad start the night of Decem- qulte non-committal as to the cause, ET paid for all the time ber 14th. when they were bearen by giving several ambiguous and contra- you work-use thefamous the Redemptorist Girl's Team. How- dictory reasons. ever, the undauntable Nick is not dis- Block Clerk Brltr spent several days railroaders-a dozen handy couraged and has bolstered up his In Oklahoma just restine-~ and -~ catchinr - coaching stafP, and Is going out for the ub in his visiting. trophy in earnest, now. With the able I sincerely wish all of you a Happy thehandybook alsoaam- assistance of Louis Poncik on the and Prosperous New Year! ple of Jelt ~kim,and staff, I am sure he will have a success- your Lee dealer's name. ful season with the ladies. Sam 0. Miller, engineer, returned from the St. I.ouls hospital, December 1st. where- he had undergone an opera- tlon. Mr. Miller is expected back to WICHITA, KANSAS work January 15 and we trust he will be fully recovedd and feeling in the LOTA L. WILLIAMS, Reporter pink of condition by that time. Howard Russell. crossing flagman. was called to ~amar,MO.; December Some things never go out of fashion Znd, account of death of his father. May and Christmas is one of those things, we extend eincere sympathy to Mr. but wlth the joys of Christmas now Russell upon his bereavement. only a pleasant memory we wish you Tom Woodward, hostler helper, re- a most Happy New Year? turned from the hospital, December It's a busy season but the new of- 14th, feeling quite comfortable after ficials of the Frisco Employes' Club his recent tonsil owration. are planning a very interesting club J. L. Johnson, switchman, and famlly year. With everyone cooperating the are spending their annual Christmas social meetings every two months polnts, Northern division, in Kansas vacation visiting with the home folks should be well attended and prove of City recently, when Mr. Berry called In Atlanta. enjoyment to all. a meeting of all the foremen. We were A. R. Vanrnnt, section foreman, and F. W. Archer, chief clerk, with his very happy to meet Messrs. Mason, wlfe, returned December 5th, from a family spent Thanksgiving visiting hls Seanor and Ramsey and regret very pleasant two weeks' vacation, visiting brother at Neosho, ,Missouri, where much we could not get acquainted with relatives in Houston, Tex, they ran into a beautiful snowstorm, the other foremen whlle present. I?. E. Morgan, chlef clerk, spent much to deep for any hunting. So far G. E. Daughtery made a hurrled Thanksgiving week-end hunting in the in Ransas we have seen only a few visit to the sunny south on December wilds of Cliquot, but reports that he fluttery flakes, but we keep hoplng! 2. This was at the time we had the was snowbound whlle there and had to From the freight office comes news four-inch snow In Kansas City and Mr. join the Hotstove League for excite- that John Roberts, bill clerk, will visit Daughtrey reports not a snow flake ment. relatives at Webb City, i\Iissouri, for fell in Dixle. C, W. Carter, of St. Louis, and H. H. a few days during the holidays, and No doubt other reports from this Fuller, of Newburg, who had been S. P. Haas, general agent, and Mrs. point are glving you the details of the working here on the switchmen's Haas will spend Christmas week with dinner dance held in Masonic Temple board since July, returned to their their son in Minneapolis, Minnesota. on the night of December 6th. We homes November 30, account of belng WANTED: Some news items! just want to add that the master me- cut off the board due to reduction in chanic's office force was well repre- force. We enjoyed their stay with Us sented and it certainlv seemed that and hope that buslness plcks up again everyone was having'a grand time. soon, so that they may be returned. We're hoping that the president of the Sunnyland Club, next year, will see to MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE it that we have another such affair. KANSAS CITY, MO. On a recent Sund,ay evening when W". B. Berry and wife attended a neigh- - borhood movie their house was broken OFFICE OF GENERAL AGENT LEOTA FRIEND. Reporter into and clothlng and jewelry to the KANSAS CITY, MO. value of several hundred dollars was - And so as thIa rnagatine goes to taken. We don't know just what moral t'o offer ln thls case, whether it is- MARK M. CASSIDY, Reporter press, another year will have drawn to a close. To many the past year, that one should possess only one suit 1934 has been an lmprovement over of clothlng, or whether it is that Last summer the writer was readlng 1933, but here's hoping that the year movles should not be attended on Sun- In the Missouri Paciflc Employes' 1935 will be to each of you, all that day, but anyhow we're glad to report Magazine of the rapid rlse of one of you may desire. that Mr. Berry recavered a part of the that road's officials who started his We are indeed sorry to report that property stolen. career many years ag.0 in "the dark, Mrs. E. C. Henshaw has been confined And so, until 1935, I bld you an adieu. smoky old office of the KCFSBM". to h8r home for the past four weeks That old building has withstood, re- due to illness. We're truly hoping markably well, the vicissitudes of Uime, that Mrs. Henshaw wlll soon be up and including the disastrous flood of 1903, about as per usual. and 1s still in use as the locaI freight Mary Daily, our traveler, visited house of the Frisco at Kansas City. friends In Springfield a recent Sunday, Now, this old veteran is undergoing also vlslted the Dalley iamily in extensive repairing, and has been a Pierce City over a recent week-end. bee-hive of industry, with carpenters Accompanied 'by her mother she visited replacing old windows with new, re- relatives in Oklahoma durine- the re- MECHANICAL AND STORES DEPT. plastering, removing unsightly old cent holldays. FORT WORTH, TEXAS cabinets, and building a new entrance. B. H. Betts. of the Springfield office. Of course, It was quite uncomfortable has been in our office the past several E. A. PADGETT. Reporter and dirty for a while, but that will all WPCkQ.. - - -.- . be forgotten in the changed appear- It was our grand good fortune to ance of the office. meet some of the foremen from outside Having missed the November issue of Page 30 the Magazine no report was made of MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Smith Irrisco Club, also the Fsyette- the cleath of C. D, O'Connor, yardman. SHERMAN, TEXAS ville Clu'b officers who were re- whlch occurred on October 12, at Harris elected. Hosnital. aiter an illness of several weeks. 'Ton". as he was afEectlonately D. R ANDERSON, Reporter H. 31. BootR, roadmaster, has been addressed by his fellow workmen was in the Frisco hospltal a few Pays buried at Denison, Texas, October 15. for a toncilectomy. In his passing, the Frisco has lost an Dave Snyder, yard clerk, who has Mrs. H. 31. Booth was also In St. energetic and faithful employe, and those been off for several weeks. part of Louis a few days whCle Mr. Booth was left behind realize they have lost a true which time was spent in the hospital, in the hospital. Is able to be out agaln and mill soon friend who was never known to be too Servlce on the A & A. Llne la now weary to sympathize with the un- be back on the job.
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