East Asian History NUMBER 29 . JUNE 2005 Institute of Advanced Studies Australian National University Editor Geremie R. Barme Associate Editor Miriam Lang Business Manager Marion Weeks Editorial Board Borge Bakken John Clark Louise Edwards Mark Elvin (Convenor) John Fitzgerald Colin Jeffcott Li Tana Kam Louie Lewis Mayo Gavan McCormack David Marr Tessa Morris-Suzuki Benjamin Penny Kenneth Wells Design and Production Oanh Collins, Marion Weeks, Maxine McArthur, Tristan Norman Printed by Goanna Print, Fyshwick, ACT This is the twenty-nineth issue of East Asian Hist01Y, printed in May 2006, in the series previously entitled Papers on Far Eastern History. This externally refereed journal is published twice a year Contributions to The Editor, East Asian His tory Division of Pacific and Asian History Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200, Australia Phone +61 26125 3140 Fax +61 26125 5525 Email
[email protected] Subscription Enquiries to Subscriptions, East Asian His tory, at the above address, or to
[email protected] Annual Subscription Australia A$50 (including GST) Overseas US$45 (GST free) (for two issues) ISSN 1036-6008 iii CONTENTS 1 Okakura Tenshin and Aesthetic Nationalism John Clark 39 Christian Modernity in MissionalY Discourse From Korea 1905-10 Hy aeweol Ch oi 69 Contested Objectivities: Ikeuchi Hiroshi, Kim Sanggi and the Tradition of Oriental History (Toyo-Shigaku) in Japan and Korea Remco E. Breu ker 107 In Search of Smokers: A Study of Canton Opium Smokers in the 1930s Xavier Paules 129 Eating Bitterness: Du Yuesheng and Guomindang Politics in Shanghai, 1945-49 Brian G.