Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 66 February 23, 2021 Opus 2 - Official Court Reporters Phone: +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Email:
[email protected] Website: February 23, 2021 Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 66 1 Tuesday, 23 February 2021 1 the coming into effect of that plan in July 2012? 2 (10.15 am) 2 A. I was, yes. 3 MR GREANEY: Sir, good morning. I’m sorry we are starting 3 Q. Still dealing with matters of background, in 2012 when 4 a few minutes later than even the delayed start today; 4 you joined the unit, how many inspectors were there 5 there was a good reason for that. The gentleman in the 5 in the firearms unit? 6 witness box is someone that we heard a good deal about 6 A. There were eight in total , sir . 7 yesterday, it ’s Inspector Simon Lear, and I will ask 7 Q. Sir, for your information, I ’m in the first statement of 8 that he be sworn by Andrew, please. 8 Inspector Lear at paragraph 2. 9 INSPECTOR SIMON LEAR (sworn) 9 So there were eight inspectors? 10 Questions from MR GREANEY 10 A. Yes. 11 MR GREANEY: Would you begin, please, by telling us what 11 Q. Over time, was there any impact upon the number of 12 your full name is? 12 inspectors within the unit? 13 A. Simon Andrew Lear. 13 A. Over the next couple of years, sir , it went down from 14 Q. Are you an inspector with Greater Manchester Police? 14 eight to five and then finished at three.