

Ed Mcguiness,, | 336 pages | 13 May 2014 | DC Comics | 9781401248185 | English | United States /Batman, Vol. 1: Public Enemies

This volume collects issues # of Superman/Batman = Volume 1 Public Enemies & Volume 2 , and I while I loved Public Enemies, I did not care for Supergirl, which made this volume a super lopsided read for me. Bummer. Public Enemies is so strong. I loved the side by side Superman and Batman OG stories, introductions, and action. In the first story arc, "The World's Finest", also referred to as "Public Enemies" (issues #1–6, illustrated by Ed McGuinness), then-U.S. President Lex Luthor declares Superman and Batman enemies of the state, claiming that a Kryptonite asteroid headed for Earth is connected to an evil plot by Superman. Luthor offers a $1,,, bounty. Editions for Superman/Batman, Vol. 1: Public Enemies: (Paperback published in ), X (Hardcover published in ), (Pap. Absolute Superman/Batman, Vol. 1

Bounty 0. Superman/Batman: Public Enemies #1 - HC/TPB by johnkmccubbin91 on October 02, This review was originally posted on my website Imagination Centre (here).This is a series that I've. In the first story arc, "The World's Finest", also referred to as "Public Enemies" (issues #1–6, illustrated by Ed McGuinness), then-U.S. President Lex Luthor declares Superman and Batman enemies of the state, claiming that a Kryptonite asteroid headed for Earth is connected to an evil plot by Superman. Luthor offers a $1,,, bounty. Superman/Batman #1 is an issue of the series Superman/Batman (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, It was published on August 20, Batman/Superman Vol 1

SUPERMAN/BATMAN VOL. 1: PUBLIC ENEMIES - NEW EDITION. U.S. Price: $ SUPERMAN AND BATMAN: PUBLIC ENEMIES pairs the Man of Steel with the Dark Knight. The. Editions for Superman/Batman, Vol. 1: Public Enemies: (Paperback published in ), X (Hardcover published in ), (Pap. Superman/Batman VOL Public Enemies (Superman/Batman (Graphic Novels)) Paperback – April 1, Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Superman/Batman Vol 1

In the first story arc, "The World's Finest", also referred to as "Public Enemies" (issues #1–6, illustrated by Ed McGuinness), then-U.S. President Lex Luthor declares Superman and Batman enemies of the state, claiming that a Kryptonite asteroid headed for Earth is connected to an evil plot by Superman. Luthor offers a $1,,, bounty. Superman/Batman (Volume 1) is a series featuring the team-up adventures of Superman and Batman. Superman/Batman explored the camaraderie, antagonism, and friendship between its title characters. In Public Enemies Lex Luthor is the U.S. President and uses his power to try to ruin Superman, calling him a "curse upon this planet". Superman must face-off against a team of super heroes who are working for Luthor but with Batman's help victory could be possible.

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