M . A . Swail Bull. Iraq nat. Hist. Mus. (2001) 9 (3): 77-84


Mahdi Abbas Swail Department of Biology, College of Education, Wassit

ABSTRACT This study deals with predators of the genus Coccinella L. recognized in different regions of the world. They have been arranged systematically according to Korschefsky’s catalogue (1931). The list includes sites of study and the reference (works) that consider Coccinellids as predator. The study has revealed that there are thirteen Aphid predator species belonging to the genus Coccinella L. in different places of the world, although there might be other species that were not recorded by this work.

Systematic list of Aphid predators of the genus Coccinella L. Many individuals of the genus Coccinella L. were recognized as predators to in different parts of the world. In this work the individuals have been listed in a classification list according to Korschefsky (1931). The list includes sites of the study and the references.

No. Predator Reference Place 1 Coccinella Botto et al, 1979 Buenos aires, Field Studies ancoralis Germ. 2 C. arcuata F. Franzman, 1973 Pangola Grass in north Queensland, Field Studies. Broadly and Rogers, North Queensland pastures. 1978. Bhumannaver and Karnataka. Thontadarya, 1983.

3 C . californica Roitberg et al, 1979. Res. Station, Canada. Manne Lves, 1981. 4 C. hieroglyphica Hippa et al, 1984. Kevo Subarctic Res. Station. (L.) 5 C. novemnottata Carroll and Hoyt, Res. Station in north-central Hbst. d. 1984. Washington. 6 C. prolongata Carroll and Hoyt, Res. Station in north-central Cr. 1984. Washington. 7 C. Kaczmarek, 1973 Koszalin Adminstrative District, quatuordecimpus Poland. tulata (L.) 8 C. Galecka, 1969 Warsaw, Poland. quinquepunctata Kaczmarek, 1973 Poland. L.


Aphid predators of Coccinella 9 C. repanda Franzman, 1973 North queensland, Field Studies. Thamb India. Patnaik et al, 1977 Australia. Carver, 1978 Queensland. Corcoran & Ironside, 1981 Chambers et al, 1983 Saharia, 1985 10 C. Awadallah & Khalill, Hammam Al-Alil, Iraq. septempunctata 1970 L. Saxena et al, 1970 Indian Agric. Res. Institue, New Delhi. Rautapaa, 1972 Agric.Res.Cen. Tikkurila,Finland Iraq. Stary & Kaddou, 1975 India Radike et al, 1977 U.S.S.R. Gumovskaya, 1982 Saladdin, Iraq. Mohammad & Abdulla, 1985 Japan. Nakamata & Satio, 1985

11 C. Carroll & Hoyt, 1984 Res. Station in North-central transversogutta- Washington. ta Fald.

12 C. trifasciata L. Frazer & Gilbert, British Colombia 1976.

13 C. Ibrahim, 1955 Egypt. undecimpunctata Stary & Kaddou, 1975 Iraq. L. Honek, 1981 Bates & Miln, 1982 New Zealand. El-Heneidi & Abbas, Giza, Egypt. 1984 Ghanum, 1984 Mansoura, Egypt.


M . A . Swail Aphids preyed upon by Coccinella L. No. Predator Reference Place Prey 1. Coccinella Botto et al, 1979 Buenos Aires Metapolphium ancoralis Germ. dirhodum (Walker) 2. C. arcuata F. Bhumannaver & Karnataka Dactynotus Thontadary, 1983 composita Broadly & Rogers, North 1978 Queensland Schizaphis hypersiphonata Basu Franzman, 1973 North S. graminium Queensland (Rond.) 3. C. californica Roitberg et al, Canada Acrythosiphon pisum 1979 Harris 4. C. Hippa et al, 1984 Kevo Subarctic Myzus persica (Sutz). hieroglyphica Res. Station (L.) C. Carroll & Hoyt North-central Artemisia tridentata 5. novemnottata 1984 Washington Hbst. d. 6. C. prolongata Carroll & Hoyt North-central Aphis pomi Cr. 1984 Washington 7. C. Kazcmarek, 1973 Poland quatuordecim- pustulata (L.) 8. C. Galecka, 1969 Warsaw, Poland Acyrthosiphon pisum quinquepunctat Harris, Aphis fabae, a L. A. nasturtii Kalt Myzus persicus (sulz.), Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) 9. C . repanda Franzman, 1973 North Thanb. Queensland (Rond.) Patniak et al., 1977 India Melanaphis sacchari (Zhnt.) Carver, 1978 Australia Toxoptera aurantii Boyer, T. citricidae (kirkald) Carcoran & Queensland Aphis kondi Shinji, Ironside 1981 Therioaphis trifoliiformmaculata (Buckt) Chambers et al., Nroth Metopolophium 1983 Queensland derhodium (Wik.)

Broadly & Rogers North Schizaphis 1978 Queensland hypersiphonata Basu.


Aphid predators of Coccinella 10 C. Awadalla & Khalil, Hammam Al- Aphis faba Scop . septempunctata 1970 Alil, Iraq L. Saxena et al., 1970 New Delhi Aphis craccivora Koch Rautapaa, 1972 Finland Macrosiphum avenae F . Rhopalosiphus padi ( L . ) Stary & Kaddou, Iraq Aphis faba 1975 Hyalopterus pruni

Radike et al., 1977 India Rhopalosiphum maidis ( Fitch ) Gumovskaya, 1982 U.S.S.R. Aphis faba Scop Mohammad & Saladdin, Iraq Phylloxera quercus Abdullah, 1985 Boyer Nakamata & Saito, Japan Myzus persicae 1985 11. C. Carrol & Hoyt, North-central Acyrthosiphon pisum transversuguttat 1984 Wash. Harris, a Fald Aphis citricola Van., A. fabae Scop., Chromaphis juglandicola (Kalt.), Myzus persica (Subz.), 12. C. trifasciata L. Frazer & Gilbert, British Acyrthosiphon pisum 1976 Colombia Harris.

13. C. Ibrahim, 1955 Egypt Aphis gossypii Clov., undecimpunctat A. labrum Kalt., A. a L. maidis Fitch, A. sorghi Theo.

Stary & Kaddou, Iraq Aphis craccivora, 1975 Brachycauvus amigdalinus, Sapaphis mali, Aphis nerii Fons.,

Honek, 1981 Macrosiphoniella artemisiae (Boy.)

Microlophium carnosum (Buckt.), M. tapaska (Hot. & Fris.)


M . A . Swail Bates & Miln, New Zealand Aphis condi, A. pisum 1982

El-Heneidy & Giza, Egypt Rhopalosiphum Abbas, 1984 maidis Fitch

Ghanim , 1984 Mansoura, Macrosiphum avenae Egypt R., Schizaphis graminium (Rond.)

DISCUSSION As the abovementioned list of Aphids preyed upon by Coccinella L. shows, the most predominant species of predators are C. septempunctata L., C. repandaThanb. and C. undecimpunctata L. respectively, and they are polyphagous. This feature helps to increase the spread of the species and reduces the ability of using it in biological control because the monophagous species are more responsive to their preys and tend to limit the spread of the species.

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Aphid predators of Coccinella

Bull. Iraq nat. Hist. Mus. (2001) 9 (3): 77-84

ﻣﻔﺘﺮﺳﺎت اﻟﻤﻦ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺠﻨﺲ .Coccinella L رﺗﺒﺔ ﻏﻤﺪﻳﺔ اﻻﺟﻨﺤﺔ، ﻋﺎﺋﻠﺔ اﻟﺪﻋﺎﺳﻴﻖ

ﻣﻬﺪي ﻋﺒﺎس ﺳﻮﻳﻞ ﻗﺴﻢ ﻋﻠﻮم اﻟﺤﻴﺎة – ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﺔ – واﺳﻂ

اﻟﺨﻼﺻﺔ ﺗﺘﻌﻠﻖ ﻫﺬﻩ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﲟﻔﱰﺳـﺎت اﳌـﻦ ﻣـﻦ ﺟـﻨﺲ .Coccinella L اﻟـﱵ ﺳـﺠﻠﺖ ﻣـﻦ ﻣﻨـﺎﻃﻖ ﳐﺘﻠﻔﺔ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻌﺎﱂ ﺣﻴﺚ رﺗﺒـﺖ ﺗﺼـﻨﻴﻔﻴﺎً ﻃﺒﻘـﺎً ﻟﻜﺘـﺎﻟﻮك ﻛﻮرﺷـﻔﻜﻲ (١٩٣١). ﺗﺸـﻤﻞ اﻟﻘﺎﺋﻤـﺔ ﻣﻮاﻗـﻊ ﻛــﻞ دراﺳــﺔ واﳌﺼــﺎدر اﻟــﱵ اﻋﺘــﱪت اﻟﺪﻋﺎﺳــﻴﻖ ﻛﻤﻔﱰﺳــﺎت، ﻛﺸــﻔﺖ اﻟﺪراﺳــﺔ وﺟــﻮد ١٣ ﻧــﻮع ﻣـــﻦ ﻣﻔﱰﺳﺎت اﳌﻦ ﺗﻌﻮد ﻟﻠﺠﻨﺲ .Coccinella L ﰲ اﻣﺎﻛﻦ ﳐﺘﻠﻔـﺔ ﻣـﻦ اﻟﻌـﺎﱂ ﻣـﻊ اﺣﺘﻤـﺎل وﺟـﻮد اﻧﻮاع ﻟﻦ ﺗﺴﺠﻞ ﰲ ﻫﺬﻩ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ.