Office of the TELEPHONE: (508) 841-8508 BOARD OF SELECTMEN FAX: (508) 842-0587
[email protected] TOWN OF SHREWSBURY Board of Selectmen Meeting Board of Selectmen’s Meeting Room Richard D. Carney Municipal Office Building 100 Maple Avenue Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 01545-5398 Tuesday, June 26, 2018 - 6:00 PM MINUTES Present: Mr. John Lebeaux, Chairman, Mr. Maurice DePalo, Vice Chairman, Ms. Moira Miller, Clerk, Ms. Beth Casavant, Selectman, Mr. James Kane, Selectman Also Present: Mr. Kevin Mizikar, Town Manager, Ms. Kristen Las, Assistant Town Manager, Mr. Jeffrey Howland, Town Engineer, Mr. Stephen Madaus, Town Counsel Mr. Lebeaux called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Preliminaries: 1. 6:00 pm : Conference Room A : Call to Order 2. Executive Session in accordance with MGL Chapter 30A Section 21 #3. To discuss strategy with respect to litigation - All pending litigation and threats of litigation with Town Counsel regarding the Route 20 Overlay Zoning Bylaw Ms. Miller moved that the Board vote to go into executive session pursuant to General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21(a)(3) for the purposes of discussing strategy with respect to litigation and will return into open session., seconded by Mr. DePalo, on a roll call vote, Ms. Miller-yes, Mr. DePalo-yes, Mr. Kane-yes, Ms. Casavant-yes, Mr. Lebeaux- yes, Mr. Lebeaux advised that the Board will now go into executive session for the purposes of discussing strategy with respect to litigation of the Route 20 Overlay District Zoning Bylaw since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town and further the Board will reconvene back into open session at 7:00 pm in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.