Latest Tracking Poll Results Press Release May 13, 2020 Contact Information


 Date of survey: 4-6/5/2020  Survey method: Random telephone survey conducted by real interviewers  Target population: -speaking residents aged 18+  Sample size: 1,004 (including 502 landline and 502 mobile samples)  Effective response: 62.5%  Sampling error: Sampling error of percentages not more than +/-4%, that of net values not more than +/-7% and that of ratings not more than +/-2.5 at 95% conf. level  Weighting method: Rim-weighted according to figures provided by the Census and Statistics Department. The gender-age distribution of the Hong Kong population came from “Mid-year population for 2019”, while the educational attainment (highest level attended) distribution and economic activity status distribution came from “Women and Men in Hong Kong - Key Statistics (2019 Edition)”. Survey Topic

3  Popularity of Chief Executive  Popularity of Principal Officials Survey Result - Popularity of Chief Executive

4  Popularity of Chief Executive

14-17/4/2020 4-6/5/2020 Change Record

Rating 27.7 27.9 ▲0.3 Record high since July 2019

Vote of 18% 17% ▼1% Record low since Mar. 2020 CE confidence Vote of 72% 73% ▲1% Record high since Mar. 2020 no confidence Net approval -54% -56% ▼2% Record low since Mar. 2020 rate

 The popularity rating of CE Carrie Lam now stands at 27.9 marks. 44% participants give her 0 rating. Her approval rate is 17%, disapproval rate 73%, giving a net popularity of negative 56 percentage points. All popularity figures have not changed much from half a month ago. Survey Result - Popularity of Chief Executive


市民對林鄭月娥出任特首的假設投票結果 (按次計算) Hypothetical Voting for Carrie Lam as the Chief Executive (Per Poll) (7/2017 – 5/2020) 會 Yes 唔會 No 淨值 Net value 100%




20% 17% 18%

0% Percentage


-34% 百分比


-56% -60% -73% -80%

-100% 7/2017 10/2017 1/2018 4/2018 7/2018 10/2018 1/2019 4/2019 7/2019 10/2019 1/2020 4/2020

調查日期 Date of Survey 『唔會』 百分比以負向表示。 Percentage of 'No' is presented as negative Survey Result - Popularity of Chief Executive


特首林鄭月娥評分 (按次計算) Rating for Chief Executive Carrie Lam (Per Poll) (7/2017 – 5/2020) 100% 100

90% 90

80% 80

70% 70 63.6 60% 60 100

50% 50 Rating Percentage 51-99

40% 40 評分 50

百分比 27.9 30% 30 1-49 0 20% 20 評分 Rating 10% 10

0% 0

調查日期 Date of Survey Survey Topic

9  Popularity of Chief Executive  Popularity of Principal Officials Survey Result - Popularity of Principal Officials

10  Secretaries of Departments

30/3-2/4/2020 4-6/5/2020 Change Record

Chief Secretary for Rating 29.5 30.1 ▲0.7 Record high since Sept. 2019 Administration Net approval rate -34% -32% ▲2% Record high since Nov. 2019

Rating 32.4 33.3 ▲0.9 Record high since Feb. 2020 Financial Secretary Paul Chan Net approval rate -26% -24% ▲2% Record high since Feb. 2020

Secretary for Rating 18.7 20.2 ▲1.5 Record high since Aug. 2019 Justice Teresa Cheng Net approval rate -63% -61% ▲2% Record high since Sept. 2019 Survey Result - Popularity of Principal Officials


各司長評分 - 綜合圖表 (按次計算) Ratings of Secretaries of Departments Combined (per poll) (2/2017 – 5/2020) Chief Secretary for Administration Financial Secretary Secretary for Justice Matthew Cheung Paul Chan Teresa Cheng 70


50.4 50

Rating 40 34.1 評分 33.3 3034.0 30.1

20 20.2

10 2/2017 6/2017 10/2017 2/2018 6/2018 10/2018 2/2019 6/2019 10/2019 2/2020

調查日期 Date of Survey Survey Result - Popularity of Principal Officials


 Directors of Bureau - Net approval rate

30/3-2/4/2020 4-6/5/2020 Change Record  Secretary for the Environment -5% 7% ▲12% * Record high since Sept. 2019 Wong Kam-sing Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury -- -1% -- -- ^ – Secretary for Innovation and Technology ^ -- -3% -- -- NetSecretary for Homeapproval Affairs ^ rate-- -3% -- -- Secretary for Development Michael Wong -10% -4% ▲6% Record high since Sept. 2019 Secretary for Food and Health -21% -5% ▲16% * Record high since Sept. 2019 Secretary for the Civil Service ^ -- -9% -- -- Secretary for Labour and Welfare -11% -12% ▼1% Record low since Feb. 2020 Law Chi-kwong Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs -- -18% -- -- ^ Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development -9% -19% ▼10% * Record low since July 2017 Secretary for Transport and Housing -18% -20% ▼2% Record low since Feb. 2020 Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung -36% -35% -- Record high since Feb. 2020 Secretary for Security John Lee -41% -47% ▼7% Record low since Feb. 2020

^New Directors * Significant change Survey Result - Popularity of Principal Officials


Hypothetical Voting of Directors of Bureau (Net Approval Rate) - Combined Charts

30/3-2/4/2020 4-6/5/2020 20%

10% 7%

0% -1% -3% -3% -4% -10% -5% -5% -9% -10% -11%-12% -9% -20% -18% -18% -21% -19% -20%

Percentage -30%

-40% -36%-35% -41%

-50% -47%

Christopher Christopher Hui


ITB SecretaryITB SecretaryCMAB

WongKam Secretary FHB Secretary CSB SB Secretary

CEDB Secretary CEDB SecretaryTHB HABSecretary

-60% FSTBSecretary


DEVB SecretaryDEVB Secretary EDB

EPD EPD Secretary

Sophia Sophia Chan


Michael Wong

Frank Chan Frank

Patrick Patrick Nip


John John Lee






- sing

Directors of Bureaux Survey Result - Popularity of Principal Officials


Net approval rate of Directors of Bureau and Recognition rate chart

● Current Survey ● Last Survey ● New directors