FAMILY PAKTY TO.\IGHT srvponr drexel institute CAM PUN < OF t e c h n o l o g y PHILADELPHIA, PA.

VOLUME XXVIII FEBRUARY 8, 1952 NUMBER 19 Ugly Man Ball Closes Drexel Opens Doors to Visitors; Campus Chest Week Students^ Speakers in Spotlight ------___ I was to support the American Heart Association, Cancer Crusade, Sal­ vation Army, Infantile Paralysis, Rod Feather, and March of Dimes. Col. Bacliarach, € u r r 4 » n t E m'v k I h All Departments I P.M. Mechanical Readers Participate In appear in the jars. Creese, Bowman Micro-card Reader— Read book Kent Lanahan and his orchestra, card who will provide the entertain­ Recordak— The machine fhaf reads micro­ Day’s Activities ment from 8 to 12 p.m., are being NOTES to NOTE Speak Tonight film More than :?0 special events will introduced to Drexel students for Recenily released U. S. Army films, A “Family Party” consisting of l>e pre.sented to (iepict the areas the first time. Tickets will be Auditorium—Atomic Tests, Commun­ of study and activities at Drexel’s $1.75 per couple. Eric Johnson, headmaster of the well known student talent and not­ ism, Trends in Ordnance, Diary of a able speakers is scheduled this “Open House.” The doors will i)e The contestants are as follows: Friends’ Central School, will give Sergeant, and Army R.O.T.C. evening in the auditorium in con­ open continuously from 1:00 to Dick Graham. Alpha Pi Lambda; a lecture on “The United Nations Modern and Folk Dancing junction with “Open House.” The 10: :U) with six'ciiii events repeat­ Dave Serotta. Sigma Alpha Mu; —its Past. Present and Possible Dragon-ette' in Action Future.” The lecture will be held program will be presented at 6:30 ing at 1 :()0, mid 5:00. Ed Newman, Pi Kappa Phi; Basil Color slides of the women's sports pro­ on Thursday, Feb. 14th, in the and again at 8:30. grams Througliout the remainder of Barno, Theta Chi; Roger Kennedy, the day there will be exhiiiits. Art Gallery at S:15 p.m. Colonel Gustave A. Bacharach. Dragom on the March Sigma Pi; Wayne Ballary, Lamb­ assistant to the executive for Re­ fashion shows, special nie(‘tings on da Chi Alpha; Sam Stagliano, Admission for Drexel students Movies of the Drexel Football Games Military Service and Kducation, is by presentation of matriculation serve and R.O.T.C. Affairs, Wash­ with commentaries by Eddie Allen and Delta Kappa Rho; Carl Fugman, ington, will speak on “Planning Tom Miller, Dragon coaches and a “l''amily i'arty” in the even­ Tau Kappa Epsilon; Anthony Ce- card, and 75 cents for others at­ ing. tending. for Your Education and Military On-the-Record trone. A.I.Ch.E.; Chuck Barris and The highlighted ev('iits of tlie >|C >lC t'fi Service.” Recordings of programs by the Drexel Hay Daikler. Independents; Paul Gloe Clubs, Band and Orchestra lOnginoering College are: Weiser, Civil Engineering; Ed Gir- Harry L. Bowman, professor of CIVIL lONGINEIORING “ New­ In continuation of its fine pro­ civil engineering, who was reci­ Vocational Interest Inventory vin. Scabbard and Blade. gram of presenting outstanding in­ est construction matter.” I’re- pient of the Medal of Freedom for Survey tests as a guide to your future The Student Body is again re- Htressed Concrete is of special im­ ternationally awarded films, the service with the U.S. Strategic The Brush-Off— How to Make It Pay ((uested to support the “Ugly Man” portance iiecause a liridge of tiiis Hillel Foundation is showing the Bombing Survey, will speak on A two-act play by Drexel men who were contest, so that the various chari­ extremely successful as salesmen during material was recently built in this silent film classic, “Ten Days that “The Atom Bomb.” ties may benefit from your votes. Shook the World.” The movie will their industry period a rea. be shown twice, at 4:30 and 7:30 Doctor James Creese will speak Number Magic METALLURGICAL ENGI- p.m., at the Hillel House, 202 S. on the subject “More than Profes­ Demonstrations of mathematical wizardry NlOERINCi —“High Speed lOngine 36th Street, on Thursday, Febru­ sional Competence.” U. V. Gih*s, Scientific Aspects of Games of Chance Indicators and Dynamotors.” The Balke to Speak ary 14. Admission is by member­ chiiinuan of (he Open (’om- Spin the wheels of fortune and see how latter elaborates on power develop­ ship card, or 25c. niittee, will preside. games of chance are a means of statis­ ment gasoline use in automobile On tlie lighter side of the pro­ tically illustrating probabilities engines. A t Drexel A SM gram. the one hundred voice Fidelity of Reporv ('iilOMICAI. EN(5INK10RIN(i - Amateur Shakespeares are re­ Drexel (Hee Clul), orchestra, and A film followed by a brief tost to measure “How Li(|uid Oxygen Behaves.” The Drexel Student Chapter of minded that to be eligible for the other outstanding student talent, accuracy of observation This shows what happens to mate­ the American Society for Metals Dr. Christian radio play competi­ will be displayed. How Liquid Oxygen Behaver. rials exposed to liquid oxygen. will hold its regular monthly meet­ A demonstration of what happens to tion, their scripts must be sub­ The orchestra will play part of ELECTRICAI. lONCJINEERING ing this Wednesday (February 13) materials exposed to liquid oxygen mitted before February 29. the overture from the forthcoming -“(’orona Discharge Formation.” in room 202 of the Student Build­ Corona Discharge Formation A blue glow which is the key to Those interested in winning up “Rosamonde” and the combined A blue glow— the key to economy in ing. After a short business meet­ to $350 are encouraged to listen Glee Clubs, featuring Shirley Cu- economy in electrical power trans­ ing starting at 7:30 p.m., Mr. electrical power transmission mission. “A Metliod of Measuring to CBS Dr. Christian show on sick and Cliff Stump as soloi.sts. A Method of Measuring High Voltages Claire C. Balke will speak on “New Wednesday evenings. Further de­ Joe Bigatel and Chuck Barris High Voltage”—sphere gaps meas­ Sphere gaps measure magnitude of high ure method of high voltage. Developments in Metallurgy.” tails are given on each show. will bring on their popular song voltages Mr. Balke is President of the The Business Administration # •;< and dance routine as “Biggie and Insular Tests College w'ill have: Balke Research Associates, Inc., Chuck.” Voltage protection in equipment and and is well qualified to speak on Tickets are available for the power transmission "THE BRIJSHOFF— HOW TO this month’s topic. Sadler Wells’ Ballet to be given A fire dance will be presen(e:l .MAKI'] IT PAY” --a two-act play by Don Williams, How'ard Roberts, Operation of a 300,000 Volt Test Unit The A.S.M. extends an invita­ at the Academy of Music on March of Drexel men who were successful and Ed Chase. Quartet music will Special equipment and precautions; tion to all engineers to be intro­ 1st. Tickets for the matinee and salesmen during their industry pe- be supplied by Lamont Hill. Jim demonstration of measurement possi­ duced to metallurgy by attending evening performances may be ob­ bilities liod. Canfield, Dale Poe, and Ed Girviii. this and future meetings of the tained at the Dean of Women's “SCIIONTIFIC ASPECTS OF Don Williams, How'ard Roberts, The NewesI' Construction Material— Pre- chapter. Office. Stressod Concrete (JAMKK OF CHANCE” — How Ed Chase, Ed Newman, Alice Gei­ games of chance are a means of ger, Donna Simmons, Peggy Ses- What's the Weather High Speed Engine Indictor statistically illustrating probabili- .«inger, and Nora Trumbower will t ies. enliven the audience W'ith a What's the "blood pressure" of an engine Measuring Surface Finish of Metals in Home i'^conomics College will Drexel Represented on TV Charleston. ha ve: Millionths of an inch Ted Schwaal) will be the master How flat is flat? “THiORIO’S AN EASY WAY” of ceremonies and Joanne Fritz Dynamotors Demonstrations of ironing tecli- Personnel Problem Showwill be the pianist. Wesley Skel­ Power development and gasoline use in nlf|ues. ton will also entertain by playing “ Human Relations in Industry” will be the theme of a program automobile engines “DINNER AROUND TiHO the organ. series to be offered in W FIL-TV ’s University of the Air by Drexel’s SCHEDULE on Page 3 WORLD”--Students from other countries show their customary College of Business Administration in cooperation with the local way of serving dinner. Chambers of Commerce. The series began last Monday morning. College of Library Science lias: The program sequence is designed to illustrate, by dramatization A i * e e h in to the F uture “ MI-XH A NIC A L R E A I)E RS. ” of actual eases, typical human relations problems confronting super­ “MICitO (!Alll) READERS” visory personnel. Problems will be analyzed by a panel composed A whole liook on a card. of Business Administration faculty and representatives of busi­ “RI'JCORDAK” —- a machine ness and industrial establishments and other organizations in­ reading microfilm. terested in the broad field of human relations. An attempt will be The I'sychology Department will made to suggest means of anticipating and solving problems illustrated. present: Programs will be presented on ' “VOCATIONAL INTEREST IN- WFIL-TV channel 6 at 11:30 VPJNTOitY”- Survey tests as a Monday mornings up through Business School Groups guid(‘ to your future in terms of M a rc h 24. what you are best fit for. The Institute has participated in Sponsor Series of Talks Music Department: the University of the Air since the “ON THE RECORD”— Record­ program was initiated in Septem­ Through the joint cooperation ings of Glee Clubs, Band, and Or­ ber, 1950, and has presented of four Drexel Business School or­ chestra Programs. courses on “Science and Tech­ ganizations, a series of speeches Women’s Physical Education: nology” and “Understanding Our are being sponsored on successive “FILM” — Color slides of Teen-age Children.” National Tuesdays at 12:00 in the Art Gal­ women’s sports programs. recognition was given the WFIL- lery. Men’s Physical Education: TV series when it was presented The first talk was given last “DRAGONS ON THE MARCH” the Alfred I. du Pont Award for Tuesday by Dr. Joseph W. Bird - -Movies of Drexel’s footliall Public Service. w'ho spoke on “Finding the Right games; commentaries by laddie Man.” Over one hundred students The Drexel representatives on Allen and Tom Miller, Dragon and faculty members heard the pix by Chip. coaches. the panel will be Dr. Allen T. In full view to on Chestnut is (ho above sij»n R.O.T.C.: Bonsall, Vice-President; Dr. Ken­ speech. annoiinehi}; Drexel’s Expansion lMo)>iani (see Issue of Jan. 18). The “FILMS”— U.S. Army films on neth G. Matheson, Dean of the The speeches are co-sponsored si};n has b<*en placed on (lie Ch<‘s(nu( Str<*e( side of (he parking lot many vital issues of the day: Atom College of Business Administra­ by the Drexel Accounting Society, the Retailers Club, the Commerce as a reminder to all who j) (hat (he end of (his y<*ar will see (he tests. Communism, trends in ord­ tion; Professor William H. Cooper, and Engineerin^g Society, and SAM. 1 befilnnluK of (‘ons(ruction on (he flrs( new huildiny;. nance, Diary of a Sergeant. E c o n o m ic s. P A G E 2 T H E DREXEL TRIANGLE February 8, 1952

W. Smyser, Far-East Expert SAM Will Tour Hammond To Present Livcrsidge Gets Talk^^Andrea Chenier^^ Sears Roebuck Opera lf)vers. as well as stu­ Wm.Penn Award Speaks Here Next Thursday A field trip to Sears. Roebuck dents of music, are cordially in­ Horace P. Liversidge has re­ and Company on Roosevelt Boule­ vited to the meeting of the Phila­ cently been awarded the William Will. Sinyser. wlio lias spent 2i] vard will be sponsored by the So­ delphia Record Society next Tlnir-'- Penn Award. The award is pre­ yoaiH in foreign .service for flic Selection of committees to rep- ciety for the Advancement of Man­ day in the Lincoln Prep audito- sented by the Chamber of C’om- State Depai’tnient, will speak fliis 1‘csent Drexel at the regional con­ agement next Wednesday. riuni. 2(Mli St. below Walnut, at nierce of CJreater to 'I'liiirsday at 7::!0 in tlie B’aculty ference ill March at Hryn Mawr, The visit will cover every stej) 8:ir> i).m. the “American who has made an Dining: Room. His topic will be liav«; been ma le. The committees in processing a mail order and Vernon Hammond, director of outstanding contribution to the conditions in Southeast Asia. are composed as follows: P'orel'iu will include a four througii otiier tiie Acaleiiiy of Vocal Arts and business and economic life of this affairs. Jerry Krassenstein, Herl) departments including the clerical, one of the conductors of the Phila- nation." Mr. Sniyser was one of the ^nest depliia C’ivic (Jrand Opera Com­ siieakers at a recent University of Prt:wn. Dave Kralzek; Civil Rights merchandising, and shipping de­ Previous winners of the award partments. pany. will give a talk on Umberto panel discussion, the Joe Travaglini, Harvey Algard; iwere (Jen. Robert E. Wood, Charles Taxation and Finance -Dave All students are invited to at­ (Jiordanti's rarelv heard opera. ■ E. Wilson, and Paul (}. Hoffman. theme of which was “Is the United “Andrea Clienier." illustrated with States Losing the Sovereisnty?” Meeiny, Chuck Hai ris; Agriculture tend and transportation will be Liversidge is board chairman of Dick Hlewett, Marty Baranoff, furnished. Those going should recordings from the opera. tlie Philadelphia Electric Com­ The State Department oflicial has This talk will undoubtedly be spent most of his foreisn service in iDoris Woodcock; i^reamble— Edith sign up in the Court. The group pany and presently head of Drex- many of Mr. Hammond’s listeners’ Thailand, and is well informed on I Flahn, Marion Browning; Military will leave at 1:15. el’s development program. first introduction to an unfamiliar the conditions in Asia. j AITair.s--Bob Mowell, Jack Stout; Tlie recent field trip to Cami>- Natural liesources— Frank Charl­ bell Soup Company in Camden work which is scheduled for prf)- 1'he I.C.(J. in conjunction with ton; BusiiietiH and Industry— Dave that was sponsored by the SAM ducfion early in April by the Phila­ D rexel Cafeteria the Philadelphia Inquirer and j F'reedman, Ed Weisman. and Dave covered the making of several va­ delphia Civic (Jrand Opera Com­ MEET & EAT evening Bulletin are running a i Hughes; Health and Welfare— j rieties of soup. pany; hence the invitation to NEW QUARTERS EXPECTED model election in the Court today. Jan Snyder; (Jov. and Organization ' The tour of the plant revealed everyone who is interested to at­ They have obtained an oflicial vot­ — Bud Weiser, Joan Holcombe. how the ingredients were , tend. 9 ed, cleaned, cut up, spiced, canned, ! ing machine from the Committee This past Wednesday, the I.C.G. of 70. Students are requested to and placed in cartons. Assem­ heard the progress reports of these bly lines, shipping, labor turnover LEXINGTON SHOP vote and the public is also invited comniittees. and marketing, cleanliness and Corner 36th and Powelton to cast their ballot. The candi­ Lexington Hand Laundry .\11 interested persons are invited other topics were answered. The Try Our “LEX SPECIAL” dates on the ballot are those who 24 Hour Dry Cleaning to take part in the debate on the I entire group w’as given a sample : DELICIOUS SANDWICHES Service liave been mentioned in the news various subjects which the coin-, cup of hot soup and a new sauce The Best Qiuility— The Lowest /'rices as po.ssible candidates. mittees work on. product to take home. 3600 Lancaster Avenue EV 6-0952 SPANGLER GRILLE Corner—Spangler 8C St. Scr\’iiig: THE DU PONT ^ BREAKFASTS LUNCHEONS DINNERS Fountain Service DIGEST Orders made to take out We deliver:— Phone EV 2-20G4 STUDENTS’ MEAL TICKETS Open Daily—7 a.m.-Mldnight SEEKING new ways to coat plastic on wire: Carl Heilman, B.S.Ch.E., Syracuse ’50; and J. M. McKelvey, Ph.D.Ch.E.,Washington '50. Ch« E’s at Du Pont Used and iVew [ SECOND OF A SERIES ] The fields of research and development TEXTBOOKS invite ingenuity of the chemical engineer FOR YOUR COURSES

Research and development work in there are many groups working in constantly arising at Du Pont. They chemical engineering often overlap applied research and development. indicate the challenge as well as the at Du Pont, except where the re­ In fact, this is the major part of the broad opportunity awaiting the tal­ STATIONERY search is fundamental. chemical engineering work done at ents and ingenuity of the young LABORATORY The chemical engineer occupied Du Pont. Here are examples of the chemical engineer who wants a ca­ SUPPLIES with fundamental research is chiefly literally hundreds of unusual prob­ reer in research and development. concerned with basic studies of unit lems they have solved; and NEXT MONTH —The chemical engi­ GREETING CARDS operations and processes involving 1. Designing equipment for produc­ neer’s role in plant operation at D u Pont reaction kinetics, thermodynamic ing pure silicon at 1000°C. (Though will be discussed in the third article in properties of fluids, high-pressure one of the starting compounds is this series. W atch for it! techniques, equilibrium studies, heat highly corrosive, only spectroscopic transfer and the like. Such studies traces of impurities can be tolerated.) SEND FOR your copy of “The often lead to lower-cost manufactur­ 2. Developing a high-pressure liquid- Du Pont Company and the Col­ ZAVELLE'S ing processes. Some recent projects phase process to replace the stand­ lege Graduate.” Describes oppor­ BOOK STORE in fundamental research have been: tunities for men and women with ard dry method of producing sodium m any types of training. Address: 1. A study of fluidized catalyst re­ azide formerly employed. 2521 Nemours Bldg.,W ilmington, 3427 Woodland Ave. action units including degree of fluid- 3. Designing a continuous flow, gas- D e la w a re . ation, temperature uniformity, cata­ liquid reactor for use in making a lyst activity and life, and conversion fiber intermediate under pressure. of feed gases. 4. Developing, from laboratory re­ Why Pay More? 2. Studies of the fundamental trans­ search results, a process for large- LONG PLAYING fer relations between phases, for in­ scale production of complex poly­ •<£1:. U.S. PAT. Of r. RECORDS stance, gas and liquid, in reacting meric materials used in the manu­ BETTER THINGS FOR BETTER LIVING (33 1/3 R. P. M.) materials. facture of color photographic film. . . . THROUGH CHEMISTRY

Apart from the chemical engineers These examples can only hint the Entertaining. Informative — Listen to "Cavalcade of engaged in fundamental research, variety and originality of problems America," Tuesday Nights, NBC Coast to Coast 30% O ff Factory New! Every Record Guaranteed! For FREE Complete Catalogue and Price List, write to: RECORD HAVEN STORES Dept. 0 520 W. 48th Street New York 19, N. Y. (Enclose 10c to cover postage and handling) If in NYC visit our MEASURING pore-size distribution of porous INSPECTING a new type of high-pressure reactor: Midtown stores: media used in filtration: Harold P. Grace, Robert J. Stewart, B.S.Ch.E., Rensselaer Poly­ STUDYING in stainless-steel tower used to B.S.Ch.E,, Univ. of Pennsylvania '41; and technic Institute '50; and Henry Smithies, of designs: C. M. Gamel, 1125 6th Ave.; 1145 6th Ave.} Nym K. Seward, B.S.Ch.E., Lehigh U. '47. M.S.Ch.E., University of Michigan '50. M.S.Ch.E.,M v r h ' p Unwersityi t ' ■ of Michigan '46, J o n e s , 1211 6th Ave. F e b r u a r y 8, 1952 T H E DREXEL TRIANGLE P A G E 3 UGHI HOW UGLY CAN BE S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Holds Concert Advertising Exam Date Set; The country’s tinesi hiu-hof sliop qtiartefs will Kutlier tOKPther for Results Help Secure Jobs an evoniiiK of close harmony next Applications nro now hciiijr rocoived for the sixth annual A.A.A.A. Friday night in the Acacleniy of Kxamination lor Advertising to be held in I’hilndolphia, Pa., on Satur- Music at vS:15. (la\, February 1(5, tho Atlantic (’’hapter examination connnittcc stated Tlie “Festival of llarniony.” fea- today. A testin«r program sponsored by the Ainoriean A.ssooiation of turins championship quartets like •yi'crtisinj? Aucncics to “ attract hijjh calibre young people in adver- the Volunteers, the IMttshuruhers tisinir," the Kxamination is open to anyone in coileiro or now in business, and the .lerseynien, is sponsored t m t not employed by an advei’tisijiy: a proct'ss called Martin Hard be made by the Personnel Labora­ (’oating. tory of New York, specialists in .MIK’ makes altiminum eligible the testing of advertising person­ for the tirst thne in many wear- nel. Persons electing to take tests 1952 Home Show Plans resistant applicatii)ns which were of their practical knowledge of The face vhown heie is a sample of how u»Iy tlie^i^ndl.laie foiinerly monopolized by steel al­ any of the seven fields covered I fjiy Man ran be. The is held as « means of proeiu hi., mouev Feature Ranch House loys. will be rated by judges selected to be donated to Campus ( hest. (See front paj-e stoiy.) from IMiiladelphia advertising A twenty-six foot long living agencies. room with sliding walls that per­ Spevin! Krenin Test results will be returned to FRESHMEN NOMINATIONS mit two other rooms to be opened (Continued from Page 1) c'ach candidate. Besides serving OPEN I into it. a i:i-foot skylight, a two- Melting Metals by Induction as an estimate of his abilities, tlie I way tireplace and a fan, lai-ge How a steel casting ir. made alter rapid test results may be shown to em­ Freshman men are reminded enough to air-condition the entire melting of steel by electricity ployers as a concrete Indication that the deadline for nomina­ ; house, set in one wall; they can all tions for class officers is .5:00 Operation of an Evaporator of the Individual’s potentialities. i l)e found at the 1 952 Home Show. Obtaining salt crystals from brine If the candidate wishes, he may *DtS3i^t Monday afternoon. Nomina­ ! Tliese features are only a few Chalk Talks also authorize the American Asso­ ICECREAM tions are open for president, 4 raoovcr or Abbetls Doirits, Inc., miAUirm ! of the many designed for the eight- ciation of Advertising Agencies to vice-president, secretary, treas­ Energy— The Key to Life j room ranch house which is being Explanations of sources and uses of circulate his test scores among em- urer. student council, and men's built on the floor of the Commer- energy ployers in the Philadelphia area. athletic association. i ciai :\Iuseum for the ID.tL’ Home Today's Textile Wonderland All applications must be rncelv- Elections will be held on Show starting next Monday Talks on textiles by Drexel students t'd by F'ebi’uary 14th. Pee, to cover Thursday between 9:00 and I through Saturday. Artists at Work I)art of the cost of the examination, 3:.3 0 in the Court and at the ! The Home Show should be of Design demonstrations is $20.00. Hiformatlon and appli­ HI-FI Annex. Results of the elections cations may be obtained from w’ill be announced Friday morn­ i particular interest to students There's an Easy W ay A demonstration of ironing techniques A,A..\..\. Kxamination Committee, ing. since Rarbara Linnekin is this COMPONENTS year’s Miss Home Show'. The Cold Front Sydney Thayer, HI, Chairman, c/o Making the most of the home freezer The .\itkin-Kynett Co., 1100 S. Through the Kitchen Window Penn Square, Philadelphia 2, Pa. For Those W ho EVergreen 6-4817 A puppet show about home safety Seek The Best In DREXEL RINGS Dinner Around the World Recorded Music by Balfour JAMES B. BUBNS Meet our students from other countries Sovittl Calendar PRINTER and see how they serve dinner F 0 0 r i h i n W e e k 3513 Market Street An Oslo, Norway, Breakfast GARRARD Sat., Feb. l>: WEBSTER-CHICAGO Philadelphia 4 Tho origin of the school lunch program NEWCOMB as we know it A.!».(). PICKERING Pfaf- Ugly Man Rail, Court, 9-12. GENERAL-ELECTRIC Demonstrations of power sewing machine Mon., Felt. I I : AUDAK STUDENTS. . . FACULTY 2 P. M. Alpha Sigs, Pan Hel, 7::i0. CLARKSTAN Program by the Drexel Combined Glee Delta Sigs. Student Building, BROOKS FM TUNERS Clubs, Auditorium 7 : : ! 0 . BELL AMPLIHERS CHECKS CASHED Fashion Cues for Future Coeds Theta Sigs. S.R. 202, 7:l}0. ELECTRO-VOICE A fashion show by the College of Home Tues., Feb. 12: WHARFEDALE Personal and Subsistence Checks Economics students Varsity (Mub. And., 7:30. LIVINGSTON Intra-Athlon, Women’s Gym. MEISSNER FM-TUNERS Money Orders Sold, Gas, Electric, 3 P.M. ivlen's Massive Rings A.S.M., S.B. 202, 7::iO. College and departmental exhibits GIRLS DAINTY MINIATURES Triangle, S.B., Hm, li, 7:30. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Telephone Bills Paid Planning for Your Education and Military F R I E N D ’S Service, Auditorium \V

an J on I r o d e . . . . and greater was my thirsttJiu Tennyson: Hoij/ Grail Drexel Supply Store Filling Student Needs Most Satisfactorily The farther you go the more Since 1891 you need refreshment. That's why you^ll hear folks say, "Let's have Mrs. A. Boswell a Coke and get going." It's one Manager way to get somewhere.

Room 206 BOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY OP THE COCA-WIA BY rftlkiPA W V PHILADELPHIA COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY o IHS COCA-COIA COMfAHY______P A G E 4 T H E DREXEL TRIANGLE February 8, 1952 Peddler Fails Again, ALOi'VG FllA TEIti\lTY Row Sammy Week — Ugly Men — Sigma Pi Hell Week — But Creates GoodjWill More Engagements by J. William Bigatel ONLY ONE MORE STEP TO GO CHAPTER IV News of the Greeks Evelyn McDonald and Harriot Hf)ov(?r liave ontored MORE OR LESS SALES PI KAPPA PHI among our midst again. Elli» into tliJit s(>l(;ct uroup of enKa^od wonu;n. Don Short She removed her glass eye, passed a breath of Imt The brothers and their dates Kuetzer goes into the house this and Hill Ford ai'e llu! ambitious .utiyw- Ann Mullin air over it, and wij)cd it clean on her j)etticoat. She were all out in force to cheer the week; let's hope the food will be is also a incniboi’ of tlio Kroiip; her man is from Penn e d ib le ! then set about j)lacing the eye in the vacant cavity of team on in their initial l)asketi)all Stale. her head. I saw that she was for the first game at the Sayre gym. Let’s We are sorry to see Mrs. Pear­ time in four hours; and as for myself, I was in a son leave us. but w e’re happy about THINGS PICKED UP continue getting out for the other slate of restlessness. I straightened my sense organs games this season. the coming event. We wish her The IM Kap Pledges presented fheii' Pledge Master. out for the first time in days and began to speak. Our cellai- is now receiving the tl)e best of everything. Hix Reeside with an engraved “pot.” Eddie Newman “May I help you steal something, madam?” (Little finishing touches. W e are all work­ Question of the week: What is played the (Jood Samaritan and helped Mix out of one did she realize I was using a new approach.) ing hard to have it completed I>y Willie getting for her birthday? of his classes, (’huck D uksui has otlleially opened “No!” she replied from amidst her tat(;oed chaiac- Open House on February 16. See you all at the Uglv Man “Matinee Season,” ably assisted by Steve Robinson. ter. “I’m returnin’ tliis stuff I took yesterday.” Two more brothers have decided B all! Advice to Chuck he sliould try chewing (’iiloreltes. “But why, nuiy I ask?” I stuttered out. Rolling to sacrifice their freedom and step THETA SIGMA UPSILON ConcerninR the I.,anibda (Hii front gate; a bold iier chew into the otlier cheek, and in the same mo­ into the portal of married life. Alumnae rumors— ^Phyllis Jan­ pledge has volimteered to steal the Pi Kap’s fi'ont tion she expectorated upon the floor. The lucky men are Bill Cornelssen vier W’aher and Ruth Adams Grif- steps. Brave Pledge might ask a few Tekes about the “Look, (Jay One, I borrowed this here stuff yester­ and Corporal Carl (Jraham. Both feths are adding new memi)ers to stolen property. day— took ’em out on the street and ti'ied iieddlin’ will lake their vows within the their families. Myreta Kiel is to 15. J. Hargadon, forni(>rly of Teke fame, has come ’em. I got .so disgusted, I even tried givin’ ’em next few months and we all wish be married in the Spring. Jean up with a startling new scientific fact. Mr. Hai’ga- away. I couldn’t get rid of this heap so what’i'e ya them the best of everything for Seeds W’ilder is sailing dow’n to don states, and we (luote, “During the last war the goin’ to do about it?” the future. liio and is to live there for quite casualty rate of Navy Musicians was higher than I was overflowing with etiquette as I said, “Well, a while. Jeanette Jaggard is that of any other brajich of the service.” LAMBDA CHI ALPHA 1 can help you put the old merchandise back and not living in Alexandria with her Bob. Ted Schwab is putting his roller skates up for sale, During the past week two more only that, but I can show you the new stf)ck, just It w a s w o n d e r f u l to .see A lu m s in case anyone is interested. However, he doesn’t get of our brothers joined the ranks le c e iv e d .” Ginny Greene (Jottshall, Marita as much exercise driving to Upper Darhy. New of the enslaved. Namely, Virg I watched the miniature monster disappear among Glock. and Jean Litzenberg last Court Lover, Ed Imperato, is stn-rounding liimself Tenipleton gave Jane Howland his tiie stuff (as she called it) and soon reappeared with ; Tuesday night. with Drexel Coeds. Don’t let those studies slide. l)in and Bill VanSlyke followed what she wanted. Coming fiom her nostrils, she I Let's see everybody at tlie Apple Joe Bigatel has the ideal job. Tie’s making $100 a suit and gave his to Ann Duggan. said, “Thanks, loads, my son.” j Pi House tonight! Congratulations to both of you. week plus 20% commission. With tiiat job, .loe, you I was befuddled as she walked out of the store. I Everyone hopes Bergman had a i DELTA SIGMA EPSILON should be allowed to cry on anyone’s shoulder. never before in my life laid eyes on the woman, and good time at the “convention” he I Monday night the Delts had a “Creetings to all February Freshmen,” says Dad tiiere she went off saying I was her son. ( Was it my Lawler, ‘‘if there is anything you want to Itnow about attended in Baltimore with (’liris- ! Highland Fling for the rushee las- good Mother Goose?) I tried to recall where 1 had tie, liallard, and ('amphell. j sies. Everything was plastered— Drexel’s social life, just ask me— head socializer of heard the phrase used before. It dawned on me that Has everyone seen Mercer's. ! with pictures of Scotland! Con­ D.I.T.” an English professor once said (in class) it was a Chuck Groves has decided that the trip to Annap­ Gombert’s. and Berglund’s room grats to Lou Moesel in her i-ole of strange figure, but 1 could not understand the speech with the flowei'ed wallpaper? Lady Macbeth— such a lady we olis is a lot easier than traveling all the way to p a r t of it. See you all tonite at tlie Hous.- ain't never seen before! IMltsburgh. Rumor has it tliat Randy is being trans­ I j)atted myself on the back and felt that this deed and next week at “A Frenchman'o i “Diamonds are a girl's best ferred to Raltimore. Tliat’s even closer than An­ would appear on my cub scout record as well as my napolis. Kenny Brown needs a new* car so he can Folly” with the Tris. I friend”— Harriet Hoover became boss’s memo pad. I caught the movement of a fig­ stop carrying a bottle, water that is, around witli engaged to Bibb Ford last week­ ure that could only belong to a person of birth. She SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA him. Nels Schugart should be able to help him out, e n d . was digesting a Mediterranean shrub as I brought We certainly are sorry to hear he always has plenty of money and he pays all loans Let’s keep up the high score myself next to her. that Winnie Smith was in the hos­ l)romptly witliin the following fiscal year. in basketball. Delts! I uttered witli a touch of sarcasm, “May 1 assist pital. Tri's-—-w'e know Winnie A word to the forlorn: Cheer up, Janie I^eonard, you in buying something?” would appreciate hearing from you SIGMA PI just four weeks till Miles returns from Massachusetts. “Yeth you may,’ she lisped througli her gums. “I so drop her a get-well greeting so Apparently “pledge” Steinman’s Congratulations to the school on the fine Pep Rally have but four dollarih and thwo centh, but you are tliat she knows all of you are smooth teclinique and rapid fire before the P.M.C. game. Did the students come to llio thweet and dear, it would be thwonderful of you thinking of her. Send it to Win­ delivery were just too irresistible cheer for the team or to watch Biggie and Chuck? to put the reth in towardth thith ‘rancho goucho’ nie’s home address. for tlicse two lovely dorm girls Speaking of Chuck, he is, undoubtedly, one of the th ir t.” This Saturday is the Ugly Man the other night in Spangler’s Grill. most popular guys on campus. Yet it is a known fact 1 fell as though she considered me up for sale in Ball and is a good date to keen Nora certainly appeared to he con­ that lie hasn’t had a date (with a girl) since Christ­ the confectionery department by calling me sweet in mind. The money from your vinced when she left but was it mas. Rumors have it that the aJjove statement will and dear. It was now my turn to burn the rope of ticket goes to charity so let’s see really Avorth it. Bob? not be true, come Saturday. si)eech and this is what came out. you all there. Another “hell” week is upon us UNANSWERED QUESTIONS “It embarrasses me very much in coming to your Important date coming up— and once again this question arises financial aid. You see. Miss Dracula (I guessed her Party with the Lambda Chi’s next — “Is hell w^eek any tougher for W hat influence did George Seidel’s Ti(/rr liaij h a v e name), all I have in my young charged love to offer Friday night. Keep Friday, the the pledges than it is for the on Louisa Moesel’s plaid skirt? is this ‘rancho goucho’ shirt.” ir)th, open. b r o t h e r s ? ” In how many subjects is a Professor Joe Maenn The covering of the inner surface of her face shi iv- Hope everyone will be at the tutoring Joanne Walker? DELTA KAPPA RHO t'lled to the size of a dried prune. The tears flowed Ugly Man Ball tonight. Rog really AVho w a s R o se ’s d a te o n S a tu r d a y ? Our most sincere congratulations freely from her ear lobes into my empty pocket. is the ugliest. Does John Ray always sing while sitting down? to Harriet Hoover and Bill Ford (What could I do, I forgot my rubbers and felt like ( Ask anybody who attended Theta Chi’s “Bowery who announced their engagement SIGMA ALPHA MU a wading flamingo at Santa Anita.) It’s Sammy, it’s Sammy, it’s Brawl” for the answer.) last Saturday. “IMease, customer, don’t cry?” I pleaded. “That Sammy makes the world go Another Brother was quite dar­ ‘rancho goucho' won’t look well on you, anyway. It’s round! Yep!— Everybody is in IT HAPPENED OVER THE WEEKEND ing last week-end— Booz was argu­ not your size and besides a horse of a man returned for a big SAMMY WEEK. Main Dafydd Williams obtained the title of “Chief Gin­ ing with a large size Grayhound it because it looked like a blanket on him.” feature is from April 28th to May ger Ale Drinker of the Four and Eight.” Speaking of Bus. W e’re gonna miss you, boy! Spraying the water from her eyes, she gurgled her 3rd. The one to see for the details Ginger Ale, who is Wimpy Poe trying to impress by Naturally, Ave expect to see all tonsils back into position and sniffled, “Oh, the kind- is Stan “THEE MAN” Lieberman. drinking Coca-Cola? That’s the spirit, AVinip, you of you at the Ugly Man Ball. Our ueth of your heart ith tho good.” We take a step forward by be­ must be physically fit come spring. Leader has commanded. “ T h a n k yo u ,” I replied. ginning our large scale renova­ Quiet, shy, Bernie McNamee has no trouble with To all those visitors at Drexel Just then us lightning strikes without warning, so tions. Some of it will be open for numbers. He can easily tell the difference between who will i-ead this column today: did she. The walking Spliinx gave out a stone-cold inspection for Open House Week­ 85 a n d 38. Welcome from Delta Kappa Rho. cry of “Lithen, thupid, I want to buy it for my pal- end, so drop over. The Teke’s dance on Saturday night was a great ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA success. A m in o .” Look for this column on future Crawling out from underneath the counter of barl)- Our long lost registrar is getting postings on the greatest week of LITTLE BIRD DEPARTMENT ing oak, I answered poetically, out this week. Pappas will be all, SAMMY W EEK!! It’s no great secret that Vern Smith is making the “My services, my woman, I render, last fatal step into oblivion February 18th when he And my last two cents I must now surrender.” will say "I do” to Betty Daly. Vern says he won’t be A failure once again, but you must admit, I am able to be here the Tuesday after the 18th. W here are getting close? Drexel Institute of Technology you going, Smitty? Next W eek— Chapter V- -Death of a Salesman. RINGS THE DREXEId TRIAMeiLE S M I L E S i A colored preacher was hearing | ESTABLISHED 1926 a confession. In the middle of it, Oflicial newspaper published by tiie students of Drexel Institute of he stopped the young sinner, say­ Tecimology, 32nd and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. Issued every ing, “Young man. you ain’t con- Friday during the college year. Entered as second-class matter, fessin’— you’s braggin’.’ October 15, 1926, at the Post Office in Philadelphia, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates furnished upon request. Address all business communications to the Business Manager. All other correspondence, address to the Edhor. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR “What’s your last name?” the Opinions expressed in signed columns are not necessarily those of the Institute store manager asked the young ap­ or of The Triangle. plicant for a job. “F\)rd,’’ replied the lad. Two Sizes for Men and Women Bditor-in-Chief ...... VERNON Z. SMITH “And your first name?’’ Business Manager ...... RICHARD G. JAMISON Managing Editor ...... FRANK DRECHSLER “ H e n ry .” Associate Editors ...... Marty Kvelev, John Graham J. E. Caldwell and Company New* Department “Henry Ford, eh?” remarked the Nevis Editor ...... Bruce Erb Feature* Department manager with a smile. “That’s a Chestnut Street at Juniper Assistant ...... William Piercy Features Editor ...... Chuck Barris Copy Editor ...... Lyn Glatzert Production Department pretty well-known name.” Sport* Department Make-up Mgrs...... Raymond Schuehler The boy looked pleased. “Yes, Philadelphia, Penna. Sports Editor...... Fred Lindheim Augustus Tornetta Butinett Department Assistants ...... Gerald Ferrario sir, it ought to be,” he replied Assistant Bus. Mgr...... Morris VolTe Jane Mitchell proudly, “I’ve been delivering gro­ Orders Taken by the Supply Store Advertising Mgr...... WilHam Van Slyke photography ...... Franklin Ashenfelder Promotion Manager ...... George Rusetski ceries around here for two years and Blue Key Representatives, Circulation Manager...... Don Spaulding Exchange Editor ...... a{ Ritchie n o w .” February 8, 1952 THE DREXEL TRIANGLE P A G E 5

The Last Nighters Let*s Face It 'Student Prince' Introduces a n d New Cribbins Methods N i n t H v n s v Us to Warm Beer Sympathy is what one girl offers Revealed by Expert by Hal Schwartz and Marty Evelev to another in exchange for details. by Ugly Chuck Barris The followinu- is a rather unlearned and unprotontious oohnnn of Notes on Scholastic Inteeritv .it ihe Hull' dog said, looking u(< at the parking meter, "Hell, you golld fxry now.” items Ave feel are of more than passing interest. 55cH0lastic Integrity LET’S FACE IT, some studeuts resort to cheatinj; as they vie Tonijrht, “ Venus Observed” leaves the local boards tor its Copying frou) another m an’s hook I for marks under llie curve system. I want it understood tliat 1 consider Broadway first night. From what we were able to see and hear fiom is plagiarism. this practice entirely rcprelu'usible and that I luner eng;as?e in it my­ our $1.30 vantajrc point, the New York critics should react favorably. Copying from two other nu'u's self. Nevertheless, 1 must admit that 1 have been impressed by the The show is a sophisticated comedy involving the definitely unconven­ hooks is research. injrenuity displayeil by cheating' students. tional matin" habits of the British upper crust. The storv revolves, Take the case of (Seortre Murray, for exatnple. He made a crib around a middle a,a:ed widower (Rex Harrison) who decides that his i " ho live in glass housos out of one huiulred and twenty feet of ticker tape. He took the tape, son should have a choice of stepmothers from three women. We shall interesting people, folded it into accordion pleats, and wrote an answer in each of the folds. not discuss the prior relationship of these women to the father. Every T h e entire abuiulant source of in- during ('xaniinations. Sometimes member has humorously philosoph It’s easy to call a spade a spade foruuttion lilted snugly into the The technical work on LP records a proctor conies over and says, ical lines and one of the high points — until you trip on one in the dark. palm of his hand. Unfortunately, is wonderful, but there’s nothing “ WluU are you doing’/’’ is a three minute sentence pro­ * * * during one test (leorge Murray had that is as beautiful as watching the “ Notliing,” they gun> innocently. nounced by Lili Palmer. The show trouble tinding an answer. He musicians in action while your Women are said to control eighty ♦ * ♦ was very funny, but we learned was entangled in seventy feet of ears drink in the music. The per cent of the nation’s wealth. LET’S-FAOE-ITS LESSON OF that if we laughed long, Ave missed tape when one of the proctors movement of the strings in syn­ The balance is probably held by THE WEEK the next epigram. suspiciously approached. Luckily chrony is a symphcmy in itself. bachelors. While preparing an Knglish * * ♦ at that moment there happened to ♦ * • term paper, I interviewed Mr. Cur­ We have been rather disappointed b(> a parade going by outside the Last week, we saw for the second I had a good joke about oil, but tis Arboretum, president of live by Ormandy's choice of music in classroonu (ieorge Murray ran lt> time the positively last tour of the concerts we have attended. He the editor wouldn’t let me use it railroads and a member of the "The Student Prince.’' We had the window, cried “Hurrah,” and has stuck to the old tried and true. I because it was unrelined. Natioujil .-\ssociation of Rich Mil­ caught it several years ago in an flung out the ticker tape. We feel it is the conductor’s duty lio n aire s. outlying district. Romberg’s ever- Students with false teeth often to also l)ring the new and good to Some people go round in circles “ S ir,’’ said L “ m y topic is beautiful music has become a per­ our attention. We can have no —others get circles from going tuck folded answer sheets under ‘Planning for the Postw'ar W orld.’ petual meal ticket for the Shuberts NIGHTERS on Page 6 a ro u n d . their dentures and take them out LET’S FACE IT on Page 6 of the alley of the same name. The theater was warm, especially the last row of the balcony, and by the time the “famous student chorus” luid sung the “Drinking Song” for the fifth time, our mouths were watering unmercifully. Fortunately, the Footlight Cafe adjoins the For­ rest and we w’ere able to soothe Be HapfY'fiO UKKY! ourselves. This show is definitely of more than current interest be­ cause if you missed it this year, you can see it next year, or even save it as a treat for your grand­ Vou ougWt ^ully J>ackd: children. ♦ * *

At this point we would like to suggest that those students who have no free time should cease S: 7 c o " N e w y o r k reading this article and get back to w ork. >K >K Due to a late Friday class with Professor Gould this term, we have not been able to take advantage of the Philadelphia’s matinee concerts. In past terms, we would go every Friday afternoon. A short wait in line, eighty cents, and a strong pair of legs to carry you up five flights will enable you to hear one of the finest orchestras in the world. They begin at 2:30, but you will do well to get to the Amphitheater entrance to the Academy by 1:30.

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147-51 North 1,0th Street ui/M.R-r^U/ckySlrite Means Rnc Tobacco PHILADELPHIA February 8, 1952 P A G E 6 T H E DREXEL TRIANGLE

M^ant ^iq M er— Studpnt Print*0» (Continued from Page 5) Cribbing Methodse t n o a s Revealed such coniplainfs abftnt today’s and era moves tf) a small house. The (Continued from Page 6) Saturday’H conccrfH. Alexander door opens and twenty children of “Well son,” wheezed Arboretum, at all. Little Money would go out ask me for a cent. I knew he was IlillHberK's select ions inchide a assorted a^es cf)me running out. * ♦ ♦ “ I’ll tell you a little anecdote that on Monday morning with all his saving up for something. Finally Dance Suite by Mela Flartok, who I think illustrates very well the allowance and buy every foolish he came home with a large pack­ Is as modern as this afternoon’s ' .May w e su g g e st you re a d B e r t ­ importance of planning. WHien thing he set his eyes on, and by age and unwrapped it and took paper. Claudio Arrau, a really fine rand Hussel's ‘‘New Hope for a my little son. Money, was five yeais Tuesday he was broke. He would out a fine hunting gun. ‘There, pianist accordinu; to most critics, Changing World”? Although lie f)ld I sa id to h im , ‘.Money, y o u ’re come crying to me for more money, Money,’ I said, ‘you see what comes is to l)e featured in Liszt’s difficult doesn't say much about one of his old enough to learn a few things but I would say. ‘No, Money, no of being thrifty and planning for but brilliant Concerto Xo. 1. favorit<- subjects, the conflict be­ money. You’ll have to learn to the future? W asn’t Daddy right?’ « K tween men and books, ho writes of now. I’m going to teach you the value of thrift and foresight. From plan your expenses. You’ll have “ ‘All right, you cheap, no good, In the past few y»'ais, we have many other subjects which cause now on you are going to receive to stop frittering away all your rat,’ said Money, ‘get your mitts seen the KnuliHii actor Alec (Juiness despair in oui' age. Ho shows us a weekly allowance. You must allowance on foolishness. Money, in the air. Now tell me the com­ in four niovie.s. In one of these with mechanical precision that life I)lan your exi)enses according to why don’t you pick something you bination of the wall safe.’ ("Kind Hearts and Coronets") he isn’t so bad after all. your allowance, because if you really want, something big and “And through careful plan­ played nine parts. \’et. lie never Sunday is a big day for good tele­ run out of money before the end lasting, and save up for that in­ ning,” continued Mr. Arboretum, looks the same in any two portray­ vision, Edward U. Murrow’s show, of the week. Mummy and Daddy stead of buying all this nonsense?’ “that little tyke made off with als. lie is currently more or less “I Can See It Now,” is one of the won’t give you any more.’ “Well, sir, after that, several eight million dollars.” on view in “The Lavender Hill best formats we’ve seen. On the “Well, sir, at first it rlidn’t work weeks went by and Money didn’t Good night, Miss Monk. Mob” in which he plays a mild other hand, Ed Sullivan gets along bank clerk who manages to lower famously with a dull format and a his employer’s current assets by worse personality by having some so m e th re e m illio n d o llars in ,nold o f the brightest stars of the theater bullion. This is by far the funniest and night clubs. In this latter, I picture we have seen since we first am thinking of Hea Lillie, whose entered Drexel’s halls. It combines ,-t lit last S u n d a y n ig h t w a s w o n ­ the slapstick of Mack Sennett with derful. Campus Intervieivs on Cigarette Tests the stibtle humor of .fames Tliurber. However, don't pass up Tallulah’s « Hi « the ”Mig Show” on the radio Sun­ We must adtnit to a certain taint day evenings. She is a past master of AnKlophilia as far as EnRlish at the art of subtle insult and she No. 34...THE FERRET movies are concerned. We will lias guests wlio make every pro­ never forget the beKinning of gram a treat. When she gets to­ “Tif?ht Little Island.” The camera gether with (Jrcucho Marx and shows the hard and rocky coast of stars trading nasty names, it's more an island off the coast of Scotland. fun than a barrel of monkeys. Tlie voice says, ‘‘The people Iiere We have a million more ideas on are poor. They do n:)t have the shows, concerts, books, movies— en­ many luxuries that wealth can tertainment in general. If you’d brinf? them. They live by their like an opinion on any show or work alone. Because of this, they concert, just mail us two (2) $4.50 have become content with simple tickets and we’ll be more than pleasures.” At this point tiie cam­ happy to help you out.


OBJETS ART for her

Descended from a long line of distinguished researchers, this studious scholar has burned too many gallons of midnight oil to gloss over a subject lightly. Especially such an important item as cigarette mildness. He burrowed into the matter with his usual resolution and concluded that a “quick puff” or a “fast sniff” doesn’t offer much evidence. Millions of smokers agree there’s but one true test of cigarette mildness.

/f’s the sensible test,..the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try Camels as your ARROW WHITE SHIRTS and steady smoke on a day-after-day, pack-after-pack basis. ARROW VALENTINE RED TIES No snap judgments! Once you’ve tried Camels for 30 days in your “T-Zone” (T for Throat, T for Taste), ARROW PAR, widespread soft collar you’ll see why ... GORDON DOVER, oxford buttoTi'down ARROW VALENTINE RED TIES After ail the Mildness Tests • • • ARROW Camel bade all oilMr biWMii4riM9^

SHIRTS • T3ES • SPORTS SHIRTS • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS •'V ebruary 8, 1952 t h e d r e x e l T R I A N G L E P A G E 7 Meet Your Team Womon^H CfBrnvr Sport Doodles (Continued from Page 8) when they travelled to Swarthmore Crowds at Sayre Jr. High May for their meet. Both squads lost to the Garnet. The Varsity score w as 35-18 w h ile th e J.V .’s w e re d e ­ Mean No Sweat Box Next Year feated by 40-1 fi. by Fred Lind helm Jane Howe, a promising fresh­ man. was high scorer for the Drag­ Good Crowd at Sayre ons by taking second place in the It was niost ^ratifying to see almost 1,000 iu'o|»lo at Sayre Jr. I diving competition. Jane also Ilii’h last Frl'itiay eveninir witnessiny; a Drexel basketi)all i;ame. Add­ I added t i the speed of the relay in-; a minimum ol 200 spectators who were kept awav bv Dorm Open team whicli won its event. Begin­ House leaves approximately oiu| tliird of the stu.leiit jiopulation at ning her training in the fall. Jane the ijaine. The reasons tor this relatively uooil tiirnout are many is proving that practice makes toM. To illustrate the poitit, let me turn to a tvpical Drexel student. perfect. Antliony .1. Drexdoe. ' Another up and coming frosh is Tuny will rarely go to games in ‘‘ break in tlie Sayre gym. The heat, the low ceiling, and the small Grace Dougherty who took tiiird th e sw eat box because lie is very court, to nauu' three faults of the place in the backstroke. Tliese sensitive- he cann »t stand temper­ Curt is Hall gym, arc completely girls have to be commended for atures ever lO.TF. His body is rem o v ed at this d re a m gyn>. gaining Varsity berths in their first also extremely delicate he can’t What I have been trying to say is year. take a crushing effect of more lh;in 200 pounds on a side without get­ that THI-: SAYRK GYM IS THK Others who scored f or Drexel ting his ribs broken. Once Antliony (lYM FOR rS! The powers that be DANNY PROMISLO BERNIE McNAMEE were I’eg Rhoad. who took third has paid for his life, accident, and were moderately pleased with the Perhaps the most unheralded i A basketball natural if there place in the freestyle; Eddie Dia­ health insurance, and being a loyal showing at Ihe PMC game. If the l)asketball player around, Danny I ever was one, Bernie is likewise mond, who placed third in the fan, he is ready to make his annual student body, by its showing at tlu* imssesses the ability and savvy to j at the head of his civil engineering breaststrcke. and Barb Robinson, pilgrimage to the pit. forthcoming Ursinus and P&M become one of the greatest in class. A big man who knows what who was third in the diving com­ Upon arrival at the third floor games, can make the powers down­ to do and how' to do it, “Mac” petition. Drexel history. Danny is just get­ haven, our hero is put into a c ’ii- right happy, we can be assured of I came up with a touch of heart ting used to the big time after a ' Swimming for the J.V.’s were tamination chamber to prepare him Sayre for neai'ly all of our home trouble early last season, and play­ sensational season with the J.V.’s : Jeanette Pancoast, Reggie Drigan, for the heavenly scented atmos­ g a m e s ne.xt year. ed only the first eight games. This Carol DeBaecke, and Kaye Schleyer. last year. A loose, easy-going sort, phere inside— a perfume smelling Who Will Start? y e a r, fit fo r c o m b a t. B e rn ie h a s i Reggie placed second in the back- This ye:ir ('oach Hernuin Kpslein Danny is equally adept and effec­ comparably is advertised as attar given Coach Kollar a brighter out­ * stroke, while Kaye took second in of sweat. After coming out of the will have a hard decision to make tive driving in under the hoop or look with his fine rebounding and I the breaststroke. The other girls chaml)er with a case of bends (of eacli time he names his starting setting from the outside. play-making. I came in third in their races. the stomach). Drexdoe is informed goalie in lacrosse. With Mighty by a Boy Scout named Hankus iMouse Callagher. Howie Smith, and Pankus tluit the arena is full. Bill Kolscher all in great shape, Tony is now so exhausted by his and looking l)etter with »>ach prac­ attempt to see the vaunted Drexel tice. it’s a toss-up as to who will Dragons, that it recjuires a sniff of get th e n!)d each gam e. smelling salts administered liy the trainer, Chartreusy, to got the boy StrnHhmorv new rarker ready for the disheartening trip (Continued from Page 8) hom e. (iarnet. it will be for the second Undoubtedly, the foregoing c()n-!ii,„e this year. The first encoun- ditions were slightly exaggerated, ter will be remembered as a pretty However, each of the objectionable rouf-h game which broke ten school qualities aforementioned was no­ r('cords. ,\ total of 70 fouls were ticeably al)sent at Sayre. My bank called as Barno led the Blue and balance still read the same as be-1 (jold to a 77-«i:! v ic to ry w ith l.'> fore I attended the game which was points. not the case at the Palestra, an at­ A Blue and (lold win would tempt c.f yesteryear to alleviate the help clinch their third place stand­ situ a tio n . ing in the M.A.(\ Therefore, the Players Pleased by Change men from ('urtis Hall will be out The players, which up till now to repeat their previous perform- have not been mentioned, also get ance of the season.


famous New Parker "51 " Offers the smart style... smart features . . . of pens selling at twice the price.

It’s tlie low-cost pen tliat will never let you down! No scratching! No skips! No blots! New “21” has the smooth-gliding Octanium point... a patented ink control... new fast-action filler. The ink I t c l e a n s supply is visible . . . and you get real protection against leaking. Ask your favorite pen dealer now to show you the ' ' got soch a mooth line!'* Mrav Parlfpr “21 the most popular $5.00 pen. It's the H elssm s - 'fo r o stnoofh fine, I 'II “what’s new in school.” Lustraloy cap. Choice cm J take ihe new ’2 T any day.” points. Colors: blue, green, red, black. Set—pen with matching pencil-$8.75. You’ll do better this time by buying a New Parker “21”! NOTE: Prices subject to F. E, Tax*

And—when it’s time to liint for a hint for the finest of ail: New Parker "51 LIQUID CREAM SHAM POO New Parker “51” and “21” Pens “write dry More than just a liquid, more than just a cream with Superchrome Ink. No blotters needed. . . . new Wildroot Liquid Cream Shampoo is a (The> also use any other louniuin pen ink.) combination of the best of both. Even in the hardest water Wildroot Shampoo "He's as easy to see washes hair gleaming clean, manageable, curl- through as the 21 ’$ inviting without robbing hair of its natural oils. three sizesi 29^ 59(^ 98^ Pit-glass reservoir." Soaplvfs Sudsy...Lanolin Lovalyl Copr, J 952 by The Parktr P»n Company P. S. T0 keep hair neat between shampoos use Lady Wildroot Cream Hair Dressing. Kollarmen Defeat Haverford 56-40, Bow to Cadets; Alumni; Temple, Swarthmore on Tap for the Week Wentzel Held Revenge Sought To 11; Morrison By G rads; New Promislo Star Type Ball Used by Carl Fugman VOLUME XXVIII FEBRUARY 8, 1952 NUMBER 19 by Jerry Kressenstein

l)r(‘X(!l niana>?o(l to iiull out of The Kollarmen take on the tlioii' slump (luriiiK tlie week but Alumni tomorrow' night in the not at tlio (‘xpons(! of I’enii Military Jayvees Swamp PM C second part of a doubleheader at ('ollcKt* to tlu‘ so rro w of tlioir fol­ Curtis Hall. The first half of the lower's. Tlu! Military Moii downod twin bill will pit the Fraternity the DraKons by a score of 77-(iS last All-Stai's against the J.V. On Mon­ Friday, but tlu* boys came back on And Fords For 6-2 Mark day night the Dragons will meet Wednesday to liand Haverford Its by Dave Serotta the Temple Owls at South Hall. ei^litb loss of the season, 5G-40. Broad and Columbia. Wednesday This week the Jayvees added tAvo more victories to their already night will see the Hoopsters travel I’.M.C. gave the turnout of fans impressive I'ecord. f>ast Fri(hiy tliey outscored the PMC junior vars­ out to Swarthmore to tackle the an exhibition of lasting durability ity On Wednesday ninht the junior Drajrons ovei’wliolmed a C Jarnet. by using only five players for the Jlavcrlord five by the scoix> of 88-o5 for the second time this year. whole game. Marks, (!’5” center, In the P.M.C. game, the speed ; ______Kollar May Play grabbl'd 27 points to lead all scor­ twins of Vic Quattrini and Ed Xeu-, The Alumni game promises to bring back old memories as coach ing. m a n »et M , « i.y »<-orinK 14 »n’ noon. The Dragons spotted the February 12— Tuesday— Bowling— Penn...... Away McNamee, ( 2 - 6 0- 0 4 2 0 1 THE LEAGUE STANDINGS: February 12— Tuesday— I-F Basketball ...... Men’s Gym Promislo, f 3. 5 4- 4 10 16 2 0 Blue Hens live points w’hen they 1 W L Alpha Pi Lambda vs. Delta Kappa Rho Schaeffer,f 1. 2 1- 1 3 2 0 2 forfeited in the 123 pound class. T K E ...... 4 0 CL , Theta Cht vs. Pi Kappa Phi „ Barno,c 313 1- 3 7 15 2 4 Sandy Walton remained unde­ T h e ta Chi ...... 3 1 February 12— Tuesday— Intra Athlon Basketball ...... W omen’s Gym February 13— Wednesday— Basketball— Swarthmore ...... Away Walker, c 0- 0 1- 2 1 2 0 1 feated when he decisioned his man, A pple P ies ...... 3 2 February 1 3— Wednesday— Basketball— J. V.-Swarthmore ...... Away MacCart, g 3-15 3- 6 9 6 7 3 Co-Captain Lou Clark and John Pi K a p s ...... 3 2 February 13— Wednesday— Badminton— Chestnut Hill ...... Home Seidel, g X- 5 0- 0 2 7 2 4 February 13— Wednesday— Basketball— Bryn Mawr ...... Away Reiner put Drexel into the lead by b d a C hi ...... 2 2 February 13— Wednesday— Swimming— Ursinus ...... Home Laskus, g 1- 5 1- 1 3 5 3 3 declsioning their opponents. John’s S ig m a Pi ...... 2 3 Feh^n«,v J |~ ? [ ® ‘*"®*‘*“y— Swimining— Franklin fit Marshall .'...... , Banks, g 1- 5 0- 1 2 1 0 0 February 14— Thursday— I-F Basketball ...... Men’s Gym mat-mate lost his first match In S a m m ie s ...... l 3 Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Lambda Chi Alpha Totals 22-75 12-19 56 74 19 22 tw o years. Delta Kappa Rho ....0 4 February 14— Thursday— Intra "Athlon ^B^ketbafl'’*!* ...... Women’s Gym