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The Kelowna Courier and Okanagan Orchardist


VOLUME 28 Kelowna, , Thurstlay, October 8tb, 1931 NUMBER 9

OKANAGAN TEACHERS TO MAIN CURRENT EASTSIDE ROAD MEET AT KELOWNA MAKES CARMI ROAD Thirteenth Annual Convention To Be OF HUMAN SANCTIONED BY Held On Oct. 22nd and 23rd GREAT GAIN IN OPENED FOR The tliirlcciitli unmial convention of THOUGHT DOMINION the OkaiuiKau Valley Teachers' As- POPULATION TRAFFIC -sociation will be held at Penticton this New Highway Link Between Kettle ■ Pedigree Of Ideas Of Mankind Traced Several Construction Camps To Bo year, on the 22iid and 23rd of this Increase Of 2,077 Since .1921 Exceed­ iiioiitb. ed In Interior Only’ By City River And Okanagan Inaugurated By Dr, W. J. Knox For Established Along Route At The Executive plan to start the pro­ Rotary Club Early Date gramme at 1 p.m. on Thursday, the Of Trail With Fitting Ceremony 22nd, with a full block of sectional / te ------“Back through the ages, when /f h c welcome ncw.s wa.s received on meetings, followed by tvvo addresses The census figures issued last week Approximately forty-oiic miles from from outstanding speakers. The saiiic niatcrialisiii held sway, there were per­ Tuesday night by Mr. JI. F. Morrison, by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Kelowna and twelve from Curini, in a telegram from Hon. J. W. Jpnc-s, evening u public meeting will be held, too late for inclusion in The Courier, where construction gangs on the Kc- iods of chaos, and cacli time effectual Minister of Finance and member for at which it is intended to have the ad­ thinkers rose up to teach a new truth South Okanagaji, that the Kclowiia- dress of welcome and two speakers. fully bear out the accuracy of the pro­ lowna-Carinl road met In a road-build­ and to lead civilization to a higher and road had been approved by The following day, Friday, will be vincial census taken two years ago, ing programme of significance to both hotter standing. Shall mankind now, the federal governmenL/ffs a relief work entirely occupied with a full block of which gave,the population of Kelowna points, a simple but Impressive cere­ undertaking, and iHat construction sectional meetings in the niorning and by effectual rational thinking, work out as 4,313./'Thc Dominion figure for mony was performed on Thursday af- , cam|>s would likely be organized im­ a full session assembly just before tcrnooiiyidiist, between 2 and 3 p.m., a solution‘for jhc present chaotic state mediately. It is understood that pro lunch. Tlic afternoon will be given ov­ 1931 is 4,597, the difference being rea­ of the world which will again advance bably al»ont four camps will be put up er to a general meeting, during which sonably attributed to natural increase when a narrow band of ribbon was civilization and which, whpn solved, along the route, so as to permit of three addresses will be given. Com­ and immigratioiu The Dominion figure severed l>y Mrs. Frank M. Buckland working as many men as possible, thus mencing at 4.15 p.m., the annual busi­ for 1921 was 2,520, the increase in ten in the presence of more than a hun­ may seem to future generations as affording the maximum amount of re­ ness meeting will be held, which it is simple and acceptable a truth as some hoped all teachers will attend. In the years being the gratifying amount of dred |)coplc, marking the official open­ lief work and expediting construction. ing of a highway for vvliicb the citizens of the beliefs thus obtained by us from As one citizen tritely observed on evening, a banquet and dance at the 2,077, or 82.4 per cent, a rate of the past?” tearing the newsj^ “ ’tis an ill wind Incola Hotel will conclude the two-day growth surpassed in the Interior only of this city and of Carnii and Beaver- session. ' by Trail, which has increased by dcll liavc worked for many years. This cpicstion prefaced an edifying that blows nobody good,” and out of Speakers who have already signified and thought-provoking paper prepared tlie hard tijnes which are bearing sev­ 4,501, or 149 per cent. rresent on this ansiiicious occasion erely upon the community has come their intention of coming to the con­ were representative citizens of Kelow­ by Dr. W. J. Knox, of .this city, which this objective, striven for in "'vain vention include Hon. Joshua Hinch- The subjoined tabje sliows the gains was read at the weekly luncheon of the through many years of prosperity. The liffe, Minister of Education; Dr. Sedge- and losses in the smaller cities of the na and those resident at the south end of Rotary Glub in the Royal Anne Hotel persistence of tlie people of Kelowna wick, of the University of British Col­ province: ; the road, about twenty-two cars in all, and Naramata, voiced-largely through umbia; Mr. J. M. Ewing, of the Pro­ Gains ^ a dozen of which travelled from Kel­ last week. A. summary of the address the Kelowna Board of Trade, lias won vincial Normal School, ; Mr. is given in the following. H. McArthur, Principal of the Junior 1931 1921 Gain owna to take part in or witness the out in the end in the face of active op­ ceremony, the rcinaindcr" coming from The object of the paper wa.s to at­ position from some Okanagan com­ High School at Nelson; Miss J. E. R. ...... 2,432 1,767 665 munities and the semi-hostile indiffer­ Fisher, of the Model School, Vancou­ Courtenay ...... 1,210 810 400 Canni and Beavcrdcll. The spectators tempt to trace the main current of ver; Inspector V, Z. Manning, Cran- Cranbrook ...... 3,004 2,725 279 human thought from the age of Soc­ ence of others. It has been difficult to included (piite a number of ladies, and convince some of the-; larger centres brook; Inspector T. G. Carter, Pen­ Duncan ...... 1,752 1,178 574 keen interest in the event was evinced rates to the present time, and to' trace, ticton, and Mr. Harry, Charlesworth, ...... 6,093 4,501 1,592 that an castsidc road is not a local by all. Kelowna, considering its size, in so far as possible, the “pedigree of project, designed primarily* to benefit General Secretary of the B.C. Teachers’ KELOWNA 4,597 2,520 2,077 our ideas, and to show how. we hold Kelowna and Naramata, but instead is Federation. Other speakers have been Nelson ...... 5,931 5,230 701 was not as well represented as the a most important link in the highway invited but have not been Heard from ...... 2,340 1,056 1,284 smaller southern points, counter at­ our opinions.” as yet. Prince George .... 2,449 2,053 396 Givilization was now iii the hands of system of the province, obviating the It may be of interest to teachers who tractions on that day doubtless being delays and expense incident to the Rossland ...... 2,856 2,098 758 responsible. After the new highway the average person.' The fprtunes of Westbank ferry and the recurring risk have not yet attended a Valley conven­ Salmon Arin ...... 834 627 207 the world were committed to a multi­ of interruption in winter. Certain ele­ tion to know that travelling expenses Trail ...... 7,521 3i020 4,501 had been declared open, one or two ments in Vernon and . Penticton—not are pooled. This will mean a consider­ Vernon .... 3,884 3,685 199 Kelowna cars went on to Carini and tude, of voters, who should first think able saving to those who come from __ ; individually, then effectively, and necessarily representing the majority Losses points beyond, white several automo­ DANIEL WILBUR SUTHERLAND of popular opinion—have thrown cold long distances. Loss biles from that end continued the good­ should therefore be conversant with the water or have actually opposed the For seventeen terms Mayor and for seven terms Aiderrtaan qontraversies of the past. Where art, scheme, on the ground of its supposi­ Alberni ...... 701 998 297 will tour to the Orchard City. Armstrong ...... 964 983 19 The speakers, all of whom spoke of the City of Kelowna. science and civilization have made vast tious high cost and its classification as JONATHAN BULK Cumberland ...... ,2,300 3,176 876 strides forward, eventually materialism a luxury instead of a necessity, blit it Enderby ...... 547 783 236 briefly, included Mr. Grote Stirling, ; Died October 4th, 1931,- is quite safe to say that some of those M.P., Mr. F. Buckland, Mr. Ted had crept "in and, in the long run, had very people grumbled louder than the Fernie ...... 2,718 4,343 1,625 ^ r ^ Aged 66 years. SELLING AT ...... 507, 950 443 Clark and Capt. J. H. Horn, the latter gwen the world a bad setback, yet in rest beca.use of the ice coniditions that Ladysmith ...... 1,429 1,967 538 tech case a strong minority of deep, put the ferry tervice out of business acting as chairman. Standing on a Merritt ...... 1,256 1,721 465 bank ,at the side of the newly comple­ Wheii .nearly a hundred residents of pressing necessity. At first, a rural honest, effectual thinkers had brought two or three winters ago for several $ 2 0 .0 0 TON ...... 6,648 8,877 2,229 weeks at a time. Once the eastside ted road,' with their audience scattered Kelownavand surrounding districts as­ municipality was considered, biit event­ forward hew thought for the advance road is completed and in use, the peo­ Port .... 1,308 '2,148 -840 sembled;

RARE TREAT PROMISED TURNIPS LOSE VALUE (luring the last month of growth there TO LOVERS OF MUSIC WHEN TOPPED TOO SOON is a noticeable decrease in the weight of BOV SCOUT OKANAGAN MISSION dry matter in the leaves, with a cor- Mr. pjid Mn.. Ilurtoii L. Kurth Will lesiKMiding iiuticeablc increase in the COLUMN 'i h,- first Ducting .iflcr the Mumner Give Song Recital ( aiuilysii. .sliown cdH liisivr- weiglit of dry matter in the root. I'.arly Imlidays of the ( )kaii;iK>‘'> Mission Wo­ Christmas Apples ly that iIh- prat ticf <>f larly toppinR tur­ trapping was found by chemical analy- men’s Institute was held at Mrs. Colin A imif,ka! treat ol exi eptioii.il ( liaiin nips robs the roots of imuli of their si.s to have robbed turnips of dry mat­ Ut Kelowna Troop Dunlop's, at 3 p.in. on Tuesday. Mrs. and appeal to the imisie lovers of Kel­ Wc will deliver a SPECIALLY PACKED box of EXTRA eeially siipar^ and the Stevens, of Wcstl)ank,,^wlio had kindly owna i.-j promised on I'riday evening, ter (nutrients) to the extent of 712 lbs- Troop First I Sell Last I FANCY APPLES to any address in the BRITISH ISLES practie*' is unsound. In Prime I'.dward per acre, including a loss of.24(i lbs. of coiiscuted visit us and gL't; an ad October 23rd, when Mr. and Mr.s. Bur­ to arrive u few days before Christinas at the following Island in j)articular the leaves or tops dre.ss on home iiulu.slries, was as good ton L. Kurth, of Vancouver, will ap­ .sugar. A cluck exjicrimcnt at Itustico Kdilid by "Pioneer” prices:— arc cut often a imuith before the tur­ showed a dry matter loss through early as luT word..-or even better and pear at I'ii-st United ( liurcli in a ^ ila l nip is pulled, and these arc fed Kcceii. topping of 1,312 11)8., which included lirought with her two mcmliers of the of ancient and modern KoiiKs\/'riieir D E L IC IO U S ...... $4.50 Urcler.s for week ending 17tb (letober, The federal lixperiinenlal Station at 12^ llni. of .sugar per acre. We.slhank In.slitule, Mrs. Gcllatly and reiiertoire includes classical acleclioiis, ANY OTHER VARIETY ...... $4.25 Charlottetown has made a special study This data indicates rather conclus­ 1931: Mrs. Dobbin, and a wonderful a.ssort- early Italian arias, modern British in this connection and finds that early ively tli.it feeding turnip tops green to Duties: Orderly Patrol for week, menl of liamliwork produced by the songs, sacred music and Folk Songs, Orders, with reinitlancc, must reach our office not later topping causes serituis injury to the cows is robbing the turnips themselves Beavers; next for iluly. Wolves. women at Westhank. Mrs. Stevens hut it is aiitiqipa(ed that the jirograiii- than Novemher 15th. (C heques to include exchange.) feed value of turnips. of much of llieir essential feed value for Rallies: On aceouiil of Monday hriugs with her an atmosiihere of en­ mc will coiKsist of a prcixmdcraiicc of PLEASE PRINT NAMES AND ADDRESSES The leaves, or top.s, serve as the winter use, and that the practice is not next, llie 12th instant, being 'J'bauks- ergy. goo(l humonr and fun, coinhiued the latter, which arc heconiiiig increas­ lungs and stomach of the turni|) and economical. giviiig Day and a iniblic. ludiday, there with real cariicstne.ss in the eaitsc, ingly popular. While in the Interior, will be no regular Rally of the Trooj) which would iiisi)irc the dulle.sl of hu­ Mr. and Mrs. Kurth will appear at BRITISH COLUMBIA ORCHARDS, LTD. on that day. man Iveings and tirgc them to action. I ' Kamloops, , Vernon, Kel­ KELOWNA, B. C. Basket-ball jiracticc 'will be held on She showed us a hag of beautiful nuts owna and Suiiuiierland, Penticton join-. 9-4c LET US HAVE YOUR iM-iday, tlie I6tli instant, at 7.15 p.in. grown ill Westhank, some of their fam­ iiig with Sumnierlaiul in the entcrlaiii- ORDERS FOR The Rally last night brought out a ous pi'eserved fruits, home made toys, ment there. inucb better attendance of the 'I’roop, pine needle work, an afghtiii, a child s Olive B. Kurth is the possessor of ii as there were only four ab.seiilecs. One knitted suit, a hooked- rug mat of Hplciidid contralto voice and a charm­ r FALL recruit was also present. eharmiiig design for renovating an old ing personality. Not long ago she was .Scout Michael Talbot was promoted chair, many other odds and ends, and taken to by the Canadian Na­ FERTILIZERS to be Second (iff the Beavers. We wish —most interesting of all—quilts stuffed tional Railway to .sing in a nationally Wm. HAUG SON to cx|)rcs>i our tli.-inks to Mr. Bowniaii with Gui.sachan Cheviot wool (which organized musical entertainment, aiitt COAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES NOW for presenting u.s with yet another book breed she prefers to any for this pur­ her voice was broadcasted by radio. Phone 66 Established 1892 P.O. Box 166 for our Scout Library, the last one pose) and made entirely from start to Burton L. Kurth, lecturer ami accom­ Purity, Robin Hood and being ‘‘The Scouts’ Active Service linish by Mrs. Stevens herself. She panist, wIR) acted as one of the adjudi­ Spillcr’s Book,” written during the Great War. descriivcd the wliolc process of prepar­ cators for the music at the Musical FLOUK and CEREALS To Mr. iMauci.s Buck, one of the old ing the wool—the cleaning and carding b'cstival this year, is no stranger to BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES originals of the P'irst Kelowna Troop and all—and certainly the result was a Kelowna audiences. He is a pianist of has fallen the honour of being the first very valuable arlicfc, light, warm ond extraordinary ability, with strong in- AND Full line of POULTRY FOODS and SUPPLIES in stock. decorative. terprotative powers, an able accompan­ HAY, STRAW, ALFALFA - - GASOLINE AND OILS to introduce a .son into the Movenient, hi.s eldest boy Pierce having just joined The business part of the meeting ist for his gifted wife. Most selections, the Wolf Cub Pack at Saskatoon, dealt with one cir two matters of im­ particularly the Folk Songs, , arc ex­ Saskatchewan. To our old Patrol portance. After the minutes had been plained by him in a lucid njaiincr before Leader do we therefore offer our heart­ read and passed, the President gave a they arc rendered, enabling the aud­ KELOWNA GROWERS’ EXCHANGE iest congratulations, and to the new Gub short account of the July picnic and the ience to appreciate fully the meaning THE HOUSE OF SERVICE AND QUALITY our best wishes for many long days of Fall Fair. A letter was then read from and the beauty of the song. Coal and Coka Free City Delivery. Phone 29 Good Campingl the Convener of the I-'rcight Rates This talented du6 should receive an STORE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS We would like to extend our congrat­ Commission, Victoria Women’s Instit­ enthusiastic reception in Kelowna. ute, enclosing a resolution protesting ulations to the Troop's first Troop against the “unfair discrimination of All of us who knew Mrs. W. C. Ren­ Leader, Captain R. F. Keller, of King­ onto, after a long illness. The sincere ed to Mr, Renfrew and the family, who Canadian Railways against Canadians frew will hear with great regret that ston, on becoming the father of another she passed away last Saturday at Tor- sympathy of the community is extend­ have lived among us so long. prosjpcctivc recruit for the Movement. and Canadian industries.” The said re­ Eight years is a long time to ' look solution will be posted .in the store and ahead, but behind us it seems only a otherwise published, and it is, hoped moment. that Institute members will study it and M o w - be ready to vote on it at the next meet­ THE BIGGEST VALUE IN It is not too early now to begin plan­ ing. If endorsed by the Institutes, the ning the 1931 Christmas Toy. Shop, and resolution will be forwarded to Hon. as an incentive we should like to sug­ R, J. Manion, Minister of Railways and R A P 1 . 0 gest that Scouts begin their collection Canals, and to the Secretary of the Combined with BEAUTY, QUALITY and immediately, and that they endeavour Board of Railway Commissioners. • PERFORMANCE to bring in a toy each week from now The coming Conference at Kere- on. Every -Scout bringing in such a meos was then discussed. It is to take The VICTOR 8-tube Super Heterodyne, the greatest Radio toy will receive one point for his Patrol place on Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ Gircuil ever designed, and brought to an amazingly new per toy from now on. We re-pririt the nesday, October 26th, 27th and 28th, degree of efficiency by Victor engineers. following article in this connection from and the government will pay travelling You’ll marvel at its tone and precise reception, and its mag- the October "Scout Leader:” expenses for one delegate. It is hoped nificenc cabinet. ‘The Scout Toy Shops’ that some volunteers from, our Instit­ VICTOR “LOWBOY” MODEL ...... $119.50 “It is unnecessary to say that (Christ­ ute will come forward, as these Con­ VICTOR “SUPERETTE” ...... $89.50 mas of this year of financial depression ferences teach us more about Institute and unemployment will,bring the great­ aims and achievements than anything est opportunity yet offered for Scout else can do. So/cf by Two other matters must be mention­ Reasons why it is the Garages service as a ‘right hand assistant’ to and Santa Claus. It is certain that only ‘the ed. (1) A letter was read from Mrs. Perfect Anti-Freeze Is tlBe m osi eeo» Filling KELOWNA FURNITURE CO. Scouts’ stand between thousands of MacLachlan, our Superintendent, stat­ Stations VICTOR DEALERS PHONE 33 ing that a competition has been arrang­ 1 Gives complete protection n^mieai to use. children, and their parents, and a dead- 2 Does not boil off. eningly barren Christmas—and this as ed for among members of our B. C. O nly oneitilUng is In.stitutes by the Canadian Products 3 Positively will n^t damage a-climax-to-months-of-anxiety^and-dis- cooling sy^em. appointment. Group of the Victoria Chamber of sequised and tlais Commerce. Three prizes are offered 4 Will not heat up a motor. “It will take hut few and simple gifts 5 Circulates freely at the lowest lasts till Spring. to make the difference—one gift per for the best essays on the subject “Why operating temperatures. e child; an amusing little toy for the I should buy Canadian Products.” Full 6 Will not affect paint, varnish It eannot evapor­ smaller ones, a doll or a story book details of the c(5inpetition will be pub­ or lacquer finishes. for those older. lished in the notes next week. One 7 Non-inflammable. ate and lose Its OmadianNational Carbon G>. Ltd. proviso is that the essay must not con­ 8 Odorless Montreal TORONTO Guaranteed! “It is not too early to begin discus­ tain more than 100 words! (2) It efifilcieney. . • • Winnipes yancouver sing and planning your troop’s ‘bit’. 9 Economical—one filling lasts Owning and operating Radio Station Ben b the pictun of a Life Income and the plan remains in ftdl force. will be remembered that our own In­ all winter. CKHC. Toronto P-» flan that combines protection, savings It provides for Tours . . .uedbstm ‘ “Last year a mlmber of troops-made stitute suggested having a competition and income for retirement. tiaT estate if you die before the {dan wooden toys—little carts, push toys in the spring for the best bowl of bulbs It provides for You . . . a definite matuKS. Ah income for life may be sid>- (rabbits, dogs) jumping-jacks, doll grown indoors. Will all who are will­ nionthly income commencing at a cer­ stituted if desired. beds, airplanes, etc. Some of this work tain age, and continuing for Bfe, wHh a It provides for Yours . . . twice the ing to take part in this competition guaranty minimum number of month- amount of the estate, or twice the in­ was done under the direction of manu­ communicate with Miss Franklin a!s lly income cheques. Or, if you so desire, come, if death results from, accidental al training teachers at the schools. Un­ soon as possible, as the arrangements Here s another you may withdraw a substantial amoimt causes. Tius plan combines a fife income doubtedly many of these teachers should be made immediately. in cash when the plan matures. for retirement with complete family pro­ would be very willing to co-operate attractive tection. After tea had been served the meeting It provides for You . . . a definite rrmld hp lannrhpd at nne.e. monthly income if you become totallyr---- ZUadTT^hilrltlstreshiiryoarnitef broke up and all who were there felt cBsabled by sickness or accident. All di^• . . . fin in and nsil the coupon for full “As a matter of fact a number of that a visit from Mrs. Stevens is an posto are waived during such disability.. information. troops already have started, and district event in the life of any Institute—she shops in some of the larger places kept the whole meeting in fits of laugh­ Confederation Life Association Look for this mark on every where the work is well known have ter and yet contrived to teach us a tin. It is a guarantee that Toronto, Canada been receiving contributions from number of useful lessons about the Magic does not contain alum Without obfigation, send me full informatiem legating "An Ttiminw for life stores during stock-taking, from famil­ work and the aims of the Institutes. or any harmful ingredient —Gnaranteed.” ies moving, etc., throughout the year. Beaae^ A fine assortment of dolls camerin to —Mr. Vernon-Clippingdale,-of-the-El -Most-women find-lt-difficult^to think up n w the Ottawa District Headquarters from dorado Arms,' drew the lucky number Ideas for attractive menus... This one, siiggerted itddren. by Miss Katherine M. CaldwelL cookery autho­ one of the large local stores in August. in the raffle for the Institute afghan rity of Canadian Home Journal, Toronto, Is there­ Try Miss Caldwell’s Recipe for This toy shop made a start on its dis­ which won the prize at the Fall Fair. fore sure to please. tribution early in September by sending Congratulations to him, and many LUNCHEON MENU ♦RASPBERRY BISCUITS thanks to Mr. Hall, who kindly allowed a bundle of snowshoes north with the Cheese and Vegetable Soufflf with CreamSauce 2 cups flour 4 tablespoons shortening returning teacher of a school in a poor the afghan to be exhibited at the store Buttered Whole Wheat Toast A teaspoons Maglo H cup milk Bakingakini Powder Tea-.oc^-cubes of sugar district. The 17th Winnipeg ‘A’s’ and thus helped considerably in getting Sweet Pickles teaspoon aait Raspberry juice or eyrup have~announced”a~toyshop~funTd“con^ peopIe~to“take~tickets^in”the~Taffle. Hot Raspberry Biscuits* 2 tablespoons sugar cert, and the 33rd ‘Peg Rovers’*are pre­ Chase & Sanborn’s Te Mix and sift the dry ingredients. Cut the hard, cold shortening Major Loyd, who has been away for For afternoon tea, there Is noming rdew dian Into them with a knife, using a quick, short, chopping motion; paring tiieir shop while the Scouts are these same Raspberry Biscuits, shaped daintily or reduce the hard cold fat to tiny particles with a pastry asking contributions ‘from friends with a short visit to the , returned with a tiny cutter—split, buttered and served blender or a steel-pronged fork. When the miijtyre r«emblei repairable toys’.” *' on.Tuesday to the Mission. piping hot, with a cup of perfect teal . a very coarse meal, add the liquid, mixing quickly and lightly. Miss Caldwell says: "Magic Baking Powder Is Turn out the dough on a slightly floured board/ pat it dowm easy to use because Its uniform, high quality lightly or roll it to a thickness of about one inch. Shape with never varies. I use and recommend iviagic because my experience has proven that it always a small cutter or cut In squares with a floured knife. gives consistently better baking results. Dip the small lumps of sugar into syrup from canned or frcA raispberries... Press a lump into each biscuit.. . forcing it well ^oyyn into the dough so that It will not run down the sides when melted. • . Place the biscuits on a greased pan or baking s h ^ ^ ' ' and bake in a very hot oven, 450“ F., 12 to 16 minutes. Buy Madc-ln-Onada Goods

AIMEE’S n e w h u b b y FACE^^ACH o f PROMISE SUIT m m PAGE TH M ES THUJiSPAY, OCTOI3ER 8th, 1931

A PKAIKIE OPINION ON BULK APPLE SHIPMENTS lETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Maiilloha i'n f I’lt'S') C hristm as A pples III l.iiK'H like llu.M" it IS a s 11 ui is liiiiK THAT "OPEN LETl'ER’* tu find so JUaiiy ohjia timis (o atli'mi>ls h'OK GKliAT BRITAIN OR IRELAND iiy Hiilisli roluinbia fruit K«i>wtts to Kelowna, Oel. 5. 19,11. sliij) most of tlicir apples to tlie prairies We will deliver for yon to any aildrcss in Gical liiilain or Ireland, To the I'.ditor, in bulk, instead of in boxes, A.s soon a box of spcd.illy s. Ii i ted and packed ( >K Applc-^. Tlio.c will he as tliis excellent movement began to Kelowna ( oiitier. .sliipiH-d while in tlieir prime and cold stoied ill luiglaiid until shortly helore I liristmas when delivery will lie made. reach l.'irge proportions, piolcsts bc(;an No (loiiht some one of (ieneral H a r­ NO WONDER lh«l Bof- to rise on every band. 'I In- railways m an’s mmieious frieiid'i will see that he $ 5 .0 0 d«n*t SL ChwUi MIth Uio objected bee.'iiise they get a lower DELICIOUS pood —- ovtry diop coibm gel.s ;i eo|o of lasi wi'ck'N rourier, care ­ ffom *«l«c(«d hcrdi of cow* freight rate on InilU than res-;ed therein shall, wilhoni further Extra Fancy Special Pack Vou can uta Dofdan'* SL p.tcking would be tlirowii out of work. loss of lime, gel a ehanee to amalgam­ Chailai Milk whanavar a ate, so to speak, with tlie few 'words Orders must reaeli our office not later than Nov. 15tli. accompanied lot The uieii who wrapiied the boxed ai>- by rciiiittaiiee at jiar in Venioii, Names and addressc.s should ho racipa call* milk, and of a like eharaeter uttered by the Gen­ you will find that It add* a ples protested. The Itimlier eompauicH typed or jilaiiily printed. eral’s friemlH liefore his departure. new dallcloui flavour to oTijeeted to lo.siug the husiiicss of malc- your cookinp, and a wal< As the perfect wliite ligld <>f the sun is jeoma ilchnaif lo coffaa. iug crate.s. The priutiiig companies ob­ jected hceatt.se they got htisiiiess from made tip of the seven jiri.smalie. colours, ASSOCIATED GROWERS OF B.C. LTD. Tha Dordan Co. Llmltad, printitig the wrapper.s. Only one set of may it not he po.ssihle that all sort.s and VERNON, B. C. 8 Homar AKada Dulldinp, people, as a elas.s, made no protest. conditions of syiiuiathy arc needed to VANCOUVER These were the unimportant, disregard­ jonn the perfect blend? Yoiirs truly, Foctoryi South Sumai. ed consumers. In the -whole discussion it has been J. N. THOMPSON. Nb'.W H R rn S lT ARM Y T A N K s obvious that, the cousmners. who per­ NINCOMPOOPS OF l3c under a iiincli of a crowd together. Those who qiiitahfe terms. A mortgage the hunk handed out by those great attended, however, were not disap- varies greatly from year to year, large­ specialist for the delicate operation loan lias been the means of C u o ^ - p n it souls who come to them with a freeing iiiaiiy householders ly depending on price. When the ap­ that is necessary for his restoration to ptiintcd. MESSAGE-—the profound nincom­ Since tlie above meeting. Clarence from tlie hnnieiisoiiic ^ p e n s e U SHOES ples are got cheaply to the prairies, the icalth. We rcmcmlicr them on their of paying rent. If

“Water i s . the best drink,’' says a writer. ^ Provided it is taken in the rifi^t spirit, of course. THE KELOWNA COURIER AND OKANAGAN ORCHARDI8T THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th. 1931 PAGE FO Uli CARMI ROAD illE Kl LOWNA COUKIIiR •»> ■* cu’e n e d f o r t r a f f ic AND ♦ J^ELO jJ^ER'S K^OLUMN J OR. d. W, N. SHEPHERD ttlonlirucd fiimi pa^c 11 Ukanagan Orchardlst. J — ♦ DENTIST OwiifJ •«ary (liaii .wla...... r« ttlf poiiilv in C'Bimda, oulitide cr Mr. lirisliam- and Mr. Bultcifield, able coliiinnistic observers have gently wa.s a Kelowiia-t.’armi stage in opera­ Lovely Fall Coats year. To I lie Unilnl Sluica and other count lien. (in.OO (icr year. slapped the erudite New York profes­ tion every other day. A (rip over Docal rate, (or Okanagan Valley onlyi DR. A. D. CALLBECK One year, ^2.00; ai* moiitha, t)1.20. sor who said tiiat people who whistled what wa.s tlicii a tole road was a Iiaz- Specialist in were morons. 1 thoiiglit they ^yould. ardou.s journey and one had to hang EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT riie CO UHI I'-lt doea not iiece«»arily endorae TIii.s lordly individual hail il coining to on tight. Just Arrived and Selling At the aeiitinienta ol any contributed article. him, and this cidninn eould not mu.stcr Office: To eiiauic accciiliincc, all iiiaiiuaciijit ahould be the strengtli to skip li.aid enough even Until llial day, Mr. Stirling contin Mitchell Block, Penticton, B. C. IriiiMy wiitteii on one aide ol the jiapcr only. Tylicwrilleii cojiy i» preferred, tliougli 1 rarely wliislle. ued, he had liked to think he had been Ainatenr poetry ii not puhliahed. Mr. Brisbane made a thorougli job ol the .slapi>ing and deft little for .Jim one of the first to travel over tlic ADVERTISING RATES to do. His iiuotations. gleaned from route with Mr. Frank Bueklaiid, but Coiitinct ndveiliiieia will pleaac note that their (lusty voluiiic.s, just about knocked the he had .since learned that it was the coiitiaet calls (or delivery ol all chanKc.s o( tirofessor flat. And when the sage second trip, not the first, on wliieli he M “ A. J. PRITCHARD udveitiueiucnt to The Courier Odicc by Mon picked himself up along came Mr. But- day iiiKlit. This rule Is in the mutual inter had been present in 1923. Witli Mr L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. ests ol putroMB and imhlishcr, to avoid con Icrfield to kiv him horizontal again. itcstion on Wediicsifay niid Thursday nml All of whicli leaves little for me to do. Bnckland, hi.s mcclianic and the late Teacher of co)i»e<)uciit Iiinht work, and to facilitate puh- except add to Arthur h list ox fjiiot- Mr. S.'im Elliott, they left Kelown liciilioii of The Courier on time. ClmiiKC* «( PIANOFORTE & THEORY contract ailvcrtiscinenta will be accepted on .itions. “I think a march is the finest at 6 a.111. ill an improvised coach Iniilt , ® s i . o o Tiiendny an nii ncconiniodallon to an adver­ sort of music, to whistle or to dance PiipilB prcimrctl for cxaiiiinatioiiB tiser confronlcd with an cincrBcncy. hut on to,” says John Philip Sousa, leader of upon a Ford ch.jasis, arriving at Car no account oti Wednesday (or the iollowing mi at 5 p.m. of the Associated Board, Toronto day's issue. Olio of the world'ti Kceat l);inds. Mr. Conservatory of Music, and the new rniiislciil and Contract Advertisements—Kates Sousa liiik.s up whistling with dancing, Carmi was smaller today than at four-year IliRli School Course. quoted oil application...... whicli has also been called moronic, Erual and Municipal AdvcrtlsiiiK—First iinter- that lime, but with the opening of the tioii, lo cents per line, each subsequent Iiiiicr- Init recommemls his revered march to tioii, 10 cenlB per line. pursed lips and, as the professor would new road the Kettle Valley line was *3®.oo Studio - Richter Street ChiHsiried Advcrtlscmeiils—Such as For Sale, have il, vacant minds. hronght into closer touch and it work laist. Found, Wanted, etc., under the bcndinR Phono 517 P.O. Box 294 ‘■Wniit Adrt.” First insertion, 15 cenU per * * • ed for the good of all. "It will be tine; each nddifional insertion, without cIiaiiBe of mat ter, lO cents per line. Minimum cImrKe HOT AND COLD WATER jiiece of the arterial network of road yer week, lit) cents. Count five words to Speaking of marches, the march on­ to the north country,” concluded Mr Luxurious Coats that have the style appearance of gar­ Eacii initial and group of not more than five ward (?) of civilization is watched with .Stirling, “and its opening up will he ments costing many dollars more. They have all the ligiircs counts as’a word. unflagging interest. Not _ so many MISS NOEL SMITH ir BO desired, advertisers may have J'c^ics of great benefit. I am glad of the op latest features and are made of the season’s new crepey addrcH.Mcd to a hox number, care of The years‘ago a sliowcr itatli in a camp portunity to be here on this hapjiy oc A.L.C.M. Courier, ami forwarded to their private ad­ would not be tolerated by the great woollens in black and colours. All sizes. Teacher of Violin, Piano & Theory dress, or delivered on call at office. I'or this he-men wlio made up construction casion, as I was greatly interested in Pupils prepared for London College service, mid 10 cents to cover postage or gangs. They preferred to go unwashed the construction of the Kclowna-Car Examinations. filing. , and “uiisissificd.” mi road when associated with the Studio: Abbott St. Phone 170-R2 But the old order chaiigcth. Up at Board of Trade.” THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1931 the spotless winter quarters of the men at work on the Carmi road, there is Mr. Ted Clark a shower hath and a long lino of wash Introduced by Capt- Horn, Mr. Tcc SECURITY ARCH SHOES THANKSGIVING basins. After the shower had been in­ A BATH A DAY stalled, Mr. Macdonald, the foreman, Clark, of Bcavcrdcll, remarked that it Keeps You Fit In Every Way. lirought a look of panic in the eyes of was indeed a pleasure to speak on be­ Here you will find foot­ (Albert I'". Gilmore, in The Christian his men when he told them they were half of his section. He would like to For Science Sentinel) to take a rinsing every morning. Mac, wear that is noted for fit­ PLUMBING SERVICE of course, was not serious, hut enforce­ have seen the road completed fifteen ting qualities along with In .1 masterly exhortation to right­ ment of such a rule would not cause years ago, he said, but at that time PHONE BILL SCOTT style. New fall models in Business, 164 Residence, 164 eousness, Paul calls upon the Chris­ the certain revolution of an earlier day. little support could be obtained from tians at Ephesus, in recognition of Last Thursday, while Mr. Macdonald Carmi or Bcavcrdcll and Kelowna was Oxfords and Ties. Prices God’s bestowals, to speak to them­ was telling me of his fine camp and of the work being done, a lady appeared lukewarm. He had travelled to Kel­ selves “in psalms and hymns and spir­ from the camp kitchen and remarked owna by stage during the construction $4.95 $5.95 F. W. GROVES itual songs, . . . giving thanks always upon the adequate supply of hot water. of the railroad, but when the K.V.R. M. Can. Soc., C. E. for all things unto God and the Father She laughingly informed Mac she was was completed the road.was lost. Bea- Consulting, Civil and Hydraulic in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” in the mood to take a shower, after in­ En^necr. B. C. Land Surveyor. specting the bath, and asked hint if hot verdell and Carmi renewed agitation Surveys and Reports on Irrigation Works Thus did the-apostle emphasis the ner water bottles were to warm the tootsies for the road and Kelowna followed Applications for Water Licen^— cessity of recognizing God as the source Plans of District for Sale. of the mcti this winter. with its support, but for many years it W HERE CASH WHERE CASH KELOWNA, B. C. of all good, and the obligation of the re There was a far-away look in Mr, was a political football. Now, however, cipients of His bounty to acknowledge Macdonald’s kindly eyes. BEATS CREDIT r U M E R T O N ’ S BEATS CREDIT Doubtless he was wondering if the all united in rejoicing in the opening of it in appropriate terms. This habit of day was to come when every workman the road, although it would be a few thanksgiving is a most important one 1 1 ^ would have a valet. years before it could be called a first- JOSEPH ROSSI to establish, for it turns our thought to class highway. It had taken him one God and to the contemplation of divine MOONLIGHT FOLLOWING ME hour to drive from to the CONTRACTOR beneficence, in itself a valuable exper o Were I a song writer, tearing my point where they were gathered. He Plastering and Masonry ience. But its benefits go much far tair by night seeking new ways to say trusted that the residents on both Office: - D. Chapman Barn then The custom of recognizing, the “I love you” and trying to omit “true” ends would not neglect to take care of •Phone 298 divine source of our blessings and ex­ and “blue” from ev,ery other line, I maintenance of the road. NEW LOWS IN HOUSES pressing our thanks therefore uncovers would most certainly break out in song over the haunting scene presented by Mr. Frank Buckland n%' a well of gp-atitude in the voicing of Even a goose can see the value As taxes are about due we have some very reasonable a shimmering moon on Woods Lake. Mr. Frank Buckland, the last of the k ' which thought is opened and the chan­ Beaming down from a fall sky, its rays of bread-and-milk for boy arid girl offers by absentee owners. nels are broadened through which div­ captured by the sombre, rippling wat­ three speakers, gave a brief history of diet, when the bread is ine love blesses us. We are thus doub­ ers, Thursday’s moon was possessed of the valley and the circumstances lead­ Two-bedroom Bungalows— U. GUIDI a grandeur to catch at the heart of even ly profited by the experience. ing up to the completion of the new SUTHERLAND’S DeHart Avenue...... $1,000 CONTRACTOR _. a heartless newspaper rhan. 'What highway. The occasion culminated Plastering, Stone Work &-Concrete At this season .of thanksgiving when that moon would have done to a simple Wilson Avenue_..^.....$1,100 people in accordance with the ancient song writer is not for me to guess, but an objective for which the Kelowna HOME BREAD Park Avenue ...... 7rr.$l,500'^ Residencc:> CORONATION AVE. if it inspired nothing better than one The Body Builder. P.O. Box 436 Phone 634-L custom are again called upon to gather Board of Trade had worked for the Lawson Avenue ...... $L700 of those “moon, June, croon” things I past ten years, Mr. Buckland declared in their usual places of worship, there would slay him ruthlessly on sight. Cut the slices thick. Fighting bears to render thanks to the Father for the Now that the moon is only a memory —access by road to the Boundary and Indians uses up fuel fast. Pile Take advantage of these offers' before the nineteenth. bounteous blessings of the past year, arid I have paid tribute to the beacon country. on more fuel in just the form boys PH O NE 217 or caU at in the skies, let me say a word or two Once Rock Creek had been the cen­ and girls love—bread and butter VERNON GRANITE AND there is more than the usual reason for on the jnguisitiveness of that chap up Or bread and molasses. Fast-gro­ MARBLE CO. grateful .hearts to sing their hymns of there: tre of population in the Interior. From wing people can’t eat too much Quarrying and Gut Stone, Contrac­ joy and voice their prayers of thainks- Moonlight following me. Rock Creek the miners cut their way of Sutherland’s~^Bread. McTAVlSH & WHILLIS, LIMITED tors, Monuments, Tombstones and giving. During the twelve months now Wond’ring what it can see; through to the Okanagan Valley in The loaf you’ve taught us, to bake. REAL ESTATE a INSURANCE General Cemetery Work. All its sym-pa-thy 1862 during the stampede to Mission Just like home bread, and you closing there has become manifest in Is with the la-dy. know how good that is. Designs and Prices may be obtained the hearts of, men more distinctly than Don’t worry about tlie “meet her”— Creek, and many trails were opened from Kelowna Furniture Co., in the Okanagan and Kettle Valleys. Local Agents.' ever before the true spirit of brother­ unless you want to? hood. The Prince of Peace has again Soriie thirty years ago engineers sur­ touched the hearts of men and quick­ THE ETERNAL WRANGLE veyed the projected Vernon-Midway railroad,' which was not built. Ten ened them to a keener sense of broth­ For a number of years I lived in and erly love, awakened anew a sense of around the An'napolis Valley in Nova years ago, when Mr. D. W. Suther­ obligation one to another which finds Scotia, and in that fruitful valley little land was Mayor of Kelowna, opinion expression in an affirmative answer, of the wrangling characteristic of the was that the Kelpwna-Carmi road Okanagan apple industry was to be should be completed, consequently Mr. PHONE 121 Wants you to .come in regularly and look around. Say It With clear and strong, to the traditional heard. I admit the growers there have Follow the open display along the, shelves—^look at query, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” the advantage of proximity to the Old Sutherland, Mr. Elliott, Mr. W. E. things and handle them. I^ | interesting to select Adams and the speaker travelled over Mrs. Buckland Cuts Ribbon Barrier what you want yqur§g|f, This newly awakened spirit, so aptly Country markets and are more easy >r|i|/ I I Your Voice taught and perfectly exemplified in the going than their livelier western broth­ the old tote road to McCulloch and Amid applause, Mrs. Buckland cut ers, but they plod along in good times walked to the Cookson Flat. Mr. life of the Nazarene, promises the com­ and bad and are not faced with. the the narrow ribbon of red, white and ing of a new day, the noontime of necessity every winter of spending their Buckland thought at the time that a blue and the Kelowna-Carmi road was HOT DRINKS FOR COOL WEATHER which will see the nations of earth liv­ time in argument in convention halls, car could be put over the road, but fighting to'discard-the old, eager to try declareci o(^ciafly open. The dream of KEEP THE KIDDIES WARM, HEALTHY AND ROBUST Somewhere there i s , a ing in lasting peace, in amity and good the Kelowna people “had to be shown.” years had materialized. the new. Undaunted, he fixed up an automobile COCOAMALT, friend who would be deligh­ will, .with the prospect of international This business (it has become a busi­ The ribbon was cut up in short strips 1 lb. tins ...... :.... 6 5 c 6 0 c ted to hear your voice today. strife forever relegated to the realm of ness) of “running round in circles” may and, with Mr. George Sutherland and^ be highly amusing to those outside the his mechanic they made the trip to and distributed among the spectators COCOA, PRYS Somewhere there is a friend the impossible. “Where the Spirit of as souvcftirS of a memorable and his­ the Lord is there is liberty," declared valley but it is tragedy to us—rrto all Beaverdell, reaching there in the ear­ each ...... 3 0 c 2 5 c whose voice you would be engaged in and dependent upon the in­ toric occasion, after which the majority the apostle; and none the less is the dustry. Last year one faction of grow ly afternoon of the day they set out CHOC MALT MILK, CHOC MALT MILK, fie? delighted to hear.; Talking and returning by Osbyoos and Pentic­ repaired to camp to. partake of the Ghirardelli’s, 1 lb. tin d U L Bordens, 1 lb. tin ...... O D L concept of brotherhood which precludes ers and shippers clamoured to wipe out tasty refreshments provided by the with friends and relatives the possibility of international warfare control, and they did. .They asked for ton. In the following year, another SWEET CHOCOLATE fiA/» OVALTINE, 9K the establishment of a marketirig' in camp cook. Invitations .to visit the over the long-distance tele­ the handmaid of the spirit of Truth. trip was made—the journey referred Ghirardelli’s, 1 lb. tin U v L large size ...... formation bureau, and they got it— to by Mr. Stirling—Mr. Elliott, who permanent winter camp, which is loca­ phone is like being with The truth recognized and made effect­ not the complete bureau they wished ted about five miles north of the point FLUID BEEF, ' (PJ J 0 X 0 CUBES, meat O A ^ ual in human experience through right­ but in line with their request. If this was then general road foreman, ac­ Johnston’s, 16-oz. and drink, lO’s ...... O lIC n them again. is a sample of voluntary control, it is a companying the party at the request where the ceremony took place, were eous prayers is bearing fruit, fruit of accepted with alacrity by practically im the Spirit grown upon the tree of miserable failure. The Shippers’ Coun­ of Mr. Sutherland, Minister of Public i Your telephone is waiting cil, hanging upon the thin thread of the whole crowd. Arriving at the cook­ brotherly love. Horror and inexpres­ gentlemen’s agreements, has noL weath­ Works in the Liberal government. HOLMES & GORDON, LIMITED for you to pick up the re­ house, which has a well-equipped, spic- sible suffering, the inevitable aftermath ered the storm and is powerless to pre For several years annual pilgrim­ and-span kitchen and mess room, GROCERS PHONE 30 KELLER BLOCK i i ceiver -and talk to some one of war, are the fruits grown upon the vent an open price war. The ijiarkets, ages were made oyer the route, but it I such as they are, are for the exploit­ mere spectators became diners, and at the other end of the line. tree of evil, the trunk of which is mat­ was not until three years ago that Hon. erial sense, the branches ambition, jeal­ ation of all. And we must grin and the cook, Mr. John Cushing, General Ask “Long Distance” for bear it. J. W. Jones, the present Minister of Foreman, and Mr. Jack Taylor saw to ousy, hatred, and egregious selfish­ Culloch to Carmi, which, according to Thursday. The distance from Kelow­ It is obvious that growers and ship­ Finance, was' taken into that part of it that the guests of the afternoon 1 rates and information. ness. T-Eese bearers of bad fruits are revised figures, stretches a distance of na to McCulloch is twenty-two miles, pers will not co-opera'te voluntarily. the country. Hon. Mr. Jones arrainged were ' amply provided for. There was now falling und^r the incessant blows There is too much distrust, not enough for a survey, which was made by Mr. thirty-one miles, twenty-seven of which and from Kelowna to Carmi about S confidence placed in each other. Dio- coffee, tea, pies, cakes, cookies—and of the sword of the Spirit, and friend­ F. W, Groves, who was present on is of new construction, will ultimately fifty-three miles. ^ The construction Renes. with his lantern, looking for an no one went away hungry. Before become as agreeable to travel over as ship, goodwill, and brotherhood are honest man in this valley, would find that day. Work was started by the gangs met twelve miles north of % supplanting the old evils whichVhave leaving, many inspected the wash room any of the existing roads now leading Carmi, or seven miles nearer that point i lots of candidates for the appellation, government about a year ago, until at the rear of the building. Here is from the dawn of human history dom­ yet comparatively few will abide by now cars were present on the comple­ from Kelowna, is the opinion of this than to McCulloch. B . € . TELEPHONE CO. inated mankind. marketing aprreements on the slightest to be found an up-to-date shower bath writer, who travelled over nineteen Considerable grading and .surfacing provocation of panic. That compulsion tion of the road from Kelowna and and a long line of wash basins—not to What could be a greater cause for is distasteful a great maiiy growers from Carmi and Beaverdell, each en miles of it from the McCulloch end remains to be done, and this work is m forget plenty of hot water. on Thursday. While sections of the 'now under way. Grades are slight, none 'i. giving thanks to the* Father than this agree, but it brings order out of chaos. route to -visit the home of the other. momentous situation? But the work is On the other' hand, there is revolt if But a silken barrier stopped them. As Up the hill and along the road stand road still make rough travelling for a exceeding eight per cent, and there is legislation is not diplomatically admin­ heavy car, there are long straight­ no reason why, when the finishing L only just begun. There is much of istered. so we keep jumping from the he had been chairman of the Trans­ six canvas-topped camps, the sleeping GLENMORB righteous praying to be done, much of frying pan into the fire and back again portation Committee of the B card of quarters of the \wprkmen. These have aways which permit a good rate of touches have been administered, com­ prayerful vigil to be kept, to insure into the pan. This year it’s going to be Trade for some years, he had been been comfortably furnished for the speed witHl^lb^^scomf6rt to the^as^n- fortable travel at an average rate of Miss Stuart, who during her fur­ that the great peace movement which, no mean feat to get out of the fire. asked to cut the ribbon, but it was an winter, so, all in all, Mr. H. A. Mac­ ger. The average time required to speed should not be enjoyed over this How long are we people of the Ok­ donald, construction foreman, should make the trip from Kelowna to the road, another valuable addition to the lough from her missionary station in like a beauti^l paean of praise, is anagan. who ought to be fdfted-with in­ honour he would pass on to another i f ! India, has spent the summer with her sweeping over the hearts of mankind,' telligence, to continue this fruit more fitted for the performance—one have quite a happy crew during the point where the ceremony took place, highways of the Qkanagan 'Valley. • cold weather. From September 1st a distance of forty or forty-one miles, W sister, Mrs* W. Hicksi left on M ond^ lose not its momentum or be defeated wran^rfe? It has already become a who for the past ten years had patient­ afternoon for Vancouver, where she in its perfect purpose. So long as evil War of the Roses. Are our great ly listened to; his stories of the Carmi the work has been proceeding on a re­ was two hours. The road to McCulloch “Have any of y^ur childhood hopes, seetns to persist, so long will vigilance grandchildren to build up and tear lief basis. \ . -- is in excellent shape, which assisted In been realized?’’ , will maJte a short stay before sailing down with ito better results ^ road wh>Ie.„sbe darqed his socks—^hu t. "' ■ be the watclnvord of succiesSk . “Yes. When mother used fo ptfil^my^ 1 for India. . . . ^ , It seems-probable. wife, Maude Buckland. That the new highway from Me- reedrding^ gbod, time bn the jaunt bn hair I wished that I did'ri’t Have atiy.” THE KELOWNA COURIEK AND OKANAGAN ORCHARDIST PAGE F IV E TIIUKSDAY, OCTOOEK 8th, 1931 'lersT! *• ♦ ¥ TWENTY YEARS AGO ♦ W A N T A D S Announcements ¥ ...... - - ■« ]•i(l(Cll irnU |)rr line. cAcIi iiiscrt on; min- (I'lom the tiles ot ' riu- Kcliivvii.i ^ IIMUMI i hSitHt, JiO tCHt; ir. tt»a» |>«» liiic; tKcb fcddl- «o line. Each initial and gioui> of uot Mr. A J. Smith rcturmil on J'liday §. ■* Special Sale of Stilus tioiml i|>Mitkm. 10 «:«it» pet li»»c. Mioimuitt inoic than five figtiirs count* u« r\ wold. fii'in a trip to ifu' f oast rharge l>cr week, 80c. Jllatlr fate type, like this: SO cent* per line. I’kaae do not **»W tor credit on theM nl»ertUo- Mi . I.aiip, of 1'Ilisoii, was a t aiiarliaii ThursiDy, Octoher .S. 1911 I’lin lia-f \ < nil Sill;s imw at tIu- 'C new iiieiit*. «» lire co«l o( Looking »nd coUcctlrig I’ai ifii |).isi.cii(,;cr lo llic f oasl on 1 m:s- them i» 'Jiiite out of pio|w>rtio« to tbclr value. ami Iiis jirii'i:.. lleic aie all the newest ei ili nn injjs DA NCI-; f«> Ilal .Syniontls ilay. "111 (lie I'liliti ( 'lint, (III i'lUl.iy No tc»iton»ibilily accepted^ for error* lu wlvcrt* Kclovviiiaits, Satiinl.iy iiiKlit. I.O.O.I ;ind niateiials. Silks were never so low iseineiita rct«rv«delv by telepUofJ*. Ifiiiplc. K-tfc Mr. I’. 15. Willits left on Salnrdav liy Mioi iiiiii;, a mail of llu' iiiii uiiiiiuni name in priei* as they are at tlie iiresenl time III .Siiiilli w.i', lined for mal-.iiii'; ( an.idiaii I’.n ific for Kochesfer, .Min- .111(1 on aiionnl oi i-.vlra diHv will nndouh- FOK SALE—MisccUaticouB Dr. Malhitioii. tlentisl, W illits’ Block, lusol.i. a I'.eiieial iiuir-.iiue of IiiniMif." tedl)‘ adv.anee in |>iiee later. lelepfionc 89. tfc • * * Mr. !•'. 11. Tnrton, of 'roronto, late h'OK SA LK — Small pigt C. L. Graiii- *• w « "Mr. and Mrs. j. 'iV. Jones leliiiiieil of I'.ast Africa, is a guest <>f the May- 1-loriaii I'l.il ( repe, ,i lu■.lv.^■ ipiality silk, ( iiiiies in eolmiis ui apiieot, gcr, Hutlaiul, !!• L. 9-2p VVlil.L BABY CLINIC—Wom­ on Saturday from their jirtdoiiKed h.tir- en’s Institute Hall. hViday. October 16, fair Hotel. Nile, I'oiiipadoui. saxc, jadc. grey, m.se, eggsliell, opean tour, during wliieli, hr-'.ides wil- KOR SAI.E—Ko'i'i'I dll.I split cedar at 2.30 p.m. 1^-1' Mr. R. H. Spelshury, of the Dom­ navy and hlaek. Sl’l'Il'IAl...... $ 1 .3 9 fence posts, also cedar electric light nessini; the Uonmatioii proer-i.sioii, inion and Provincial Soil Survey, is a ICiiiihi'w Waslialile ( repe, .5ouna iii Canada by the House ttf Bishops at vices there two .Sumhiy: Ill •“iieli |)cr yard ...... 7 9 c bulk, brinR your own containers. Phone ery Co. D-tfc (he session of the Anglican .Synotl in The in.'inv friends of Miss Norah moiitli." Navy hhie Tiillela .Silk, a good wearing ((iiality. 436-K, J. W. Hughes, Harvey Yon can have your IkYh'S examined .Meugeiis will he sorry lo learn that she I'orouto. Her yard ...... !...... $ 1 .3 9 is a p.itieiit in the Vernon Jnhilcc Hos­ and glasses supplied as low as .$6 ;U I "Thu now inaohinory for tlio dnplic- Bkick Duchess Satin. KN()WLh'S. Glasses prieetl from pital. HARVEST FESTIVAL AT REGISTERED German Shepherd FIRST UNITED CHURCH tioii of the City wator and olootrio light .SPlCt.IAL, per yard ...... $ 1 . 0 0 (Police) puppic.s for sale; sire, grand $1.50, $2.50 and $4.50, from which you Mr. ami Mrs, L. B. Lefroy left yes- Mire and grand dam imported from can make your own selection. Wc aim terdav hv Canadian I’acifie for the plants is now in iilaoo in tho I’owor All colour.s in Shot Taffct:i, snit.ihlc for p;n(y frocks; Germany, by breeder of dam. Rrown a to give full Optical Service. If you Old Country. They vvill sail on the Services Next Sunday Morning Honsc. 'The new switchboard has yet I’cr yard ...... $ 1 . 0 0 Fine Feather Farm, phone 30B-R1, feel at this time the need of low priced Empress of Mrilain, October 14th. And Evening to he set np :iiid connected and steam glasses, wc arc here to serve you. Heavy (piality I'lat Crepe in black. ICcIowna. ^*'*P connections to the engine and pump to A real harg;iin at, per yard ...... $ 1 . 0 0 9-lc Mr. and Mrs. Ixiuis Gaspardone. for­ The Harvest T'estival and National lUPHOLSTERING, furniture, car *• * •«• mer residents of Kelowna, have rcturn- he made.” tops, cushioiKS and curtain.s repaired; Applicable to Kelowna, rural routes d lo the cit.v from Oliver and have Thanksgiving will he celelirated by * * ♦ riiouBchold goods bought and sold. G. and all post offices in the Okanafjian aken up residence on Harvey Avenue. special services on Sunday morning and ./'"The results of lIos|>it;il lag Day, Valley, the local rate of subscription . W. Stubbbs, Ellis St. Mr. and Mrs. Burns, who had been evening next at T'irsl United f Inn ‘V I held oil Wednesday, Sept. 27th, wore New Stamped Goods to The Kelowna Courier is now $2.00 The minister will preach at the morn­ FOR SALE—9 tube DeForest Croslcy for a full year. No change in short term visiting Mr. Burns’ parents, Mr. and very satisfactory, the total amounting electric radio. P.O. Box ^^2, or subscriptions or rates to other points. Mrs. C. IT. Burns, left oh Monday by ing service on "The Seed-'I ime and to .$313.70, of wiiich $70.85 was collect­ Merc are many new Stamped Needle­ ; phone 433. ______o-2p Local: year, $2.00; six months, $1.25; Canadkm Pacific for their home in Harvest,’’ and harvest hymns, which ed by the Country Girls’ Aid. The three months, 65c. Canada, outside the Winnipeg. work articles for you to work during' the . FOR s a l e —Cor. Pendozi St. and always make a strong appeal; together ladies were indefatigable in sclliiig the Eli Avc., valuable corner lot and Okanagan Valley, and Great Britain: Mr. H. Rive and Mr. G. H. Thorn- with special harvest numher by (he tags, and the men who failed to sport fall and winter months. year, $2.50, United States and other berry, of the Dominion Department of modern six-room house; garden and countries: year, $3.00. 32-tfc choir, will provide the musical setting the little white card with the red Cross fruit trees. Price, $2,500 on easy terms. Agriculture, were registered at the and atmosphere for worship. on it were few and far hetwccii.’, Fancy Organdy Boudoir Cushions, (I*1[ OFC Kelowna Realty Co., 1 Lcckic Block, Mayfair Hotel, during an inspection of * * * each ...... : phone 488; evenings, 392-R. /-tic A young man came to Knowles, the the district. The evening hour of wor.ship will Optometrist, complaining of head­ consist of harvest music rendered by The Farmers’ Exchange shipped over Oyster Linen Cushion 'Fops ...... 75c FOR SALE-v-Plumbing, pipe fittings, aches and poor vi.sion, could not see Mr. Harold Miller drrived in the city the choir under Mr. Percy Hook. 200 boxes of choice apples on Satur­ Organdy Tea Clotlis—something quite new. (P'1 O K new and used corrugated iron. Also to play tennis. After a thorough on Friday to spend a vacation here. day and Monday forexhibition at New Price ...... Black British Paint, which is acid re-1 scientific examination, he was fitted During tifie summer, he managed the The Church will be beautifully dec­ '-Siting, fireproof and salt water proof;,with correct glasses, and is now free branch of the Bank of Montreal in the orated for the occasion and special Westminster. Mr. B. McDonald, Black Fell Cushion Tops and Backs for wool embroidery. CIKrf» rfornHr orice $3 90 gal.; sale price, from headaches, can sec to play all Banff Springs Hotel. thank offerings will he received. Manager of the Exchange, accompan­ Each ...... :|l7 0 g af Metals. Ltd., 1020 games, and shoots well. Naturally^ he ied the fruit in order to personally sup­ is delighted with rc.sults. 9-lc A number of Kelowna people motor­ Stamped Pillow Slips in many designs d*"! O K Tliain St., Vancouver, B. C. 52-tfc From time to time recently, youths ervise its arrangement.” from, per pair ...... * ♦ • ed to Vernon on Thursday last to wit­ have been observed opening mail boxes 'OLD NEWSPAPERS-;Useful (or ness the air pageant there, and many 4i *1 *< THANKSGIVING DAY AT RUT­ remained to attend the dance in the in the post office, a practice which many purppses besides lighting fires^ LAND. Supper, musical programme might easily mean serious inconven­ It is announced that the old-cstab- They prolong greatly the useful me ol and dance. The annual supper of tasty Scout Hall in the evening. ience to box holders. On Monday sc' - ished business of Lequime Bros. & Tinolcum and carpets, when latd be- food stuff will be served at 6.30 sharp, The funeral service of Mrs. Mary eral boys were caught in the act by Co., general merchants, has been sold, 'tweeq .them and the floor. Bundle of and he~followed by a splendid musical Ann Hodder, who passed away on Chief Murdoch, when they were warn­ but the name of the purchaser has not ten poiiiids for'25c. Courier Office. o5-tf programme, under the experienced Tuesday at her home in Rutland at the ed of the seriousness of the offence. control of Mr. Percy Hook, of Kelow­ been divulged.” EXCHANGE age of 84 years, will be held tomorrow Light-frosts touched the district on * * * na. An up-to-date 3-piece orchestra (Friday) from the residence. Tuesday and Wednesday night, hut no will carry on to the finish of a perfect Mr. J. Hieland, employed by Hon. PHONE 361 KELOWNA, B. C. EXCHANGE—Benvoulin, close to day. 'Tickets, while they last, 60c; Miss Joan O’Brien, who for the past serious damage has been reported. Price Ellison on the old Postill ranch, Vernon Road, ten acres of truck land year had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Tomatoes arc about over, so early children, under 12, 35c. 8-2c frosts have no effect upon that crop was terribly injured on Tuesday night ■ and comfortable home; outbuilding. . * ♦ * • Carton, left yesterday by Canadian Na­ Will exchange for small home in Ke­ tional for Vancouver, en route to New this year. The Reweliffe Cannery pro­ by a kick from a horse, the whole front 1 lowna. P.O. Box 667, Kelowna, or Mr. and Mrs. Burton L. Kurth will cessed considerable tonnage this year. be heard in a Lecture Recital of Fblk York and her home in Ireland. of his skull being crushed and the brain EMBARRASSING MOMENTS ^phpne 392-R evenings, 7-tfc Canadian National Telegraphs have exposed. The injured-man was brought Song and Classical selections at First Mr. and Mrs. Mattson and son, and installed a direct wire from Kelowna WANTED—Miscellaneous United Church, on Friday evening, Mr. arid Mrs. T. Ci'owe, of Beaverdell, to Calgary and Ednionton._ This wire in to the Hospital yesterday, and an Oct. 23rd, at 8 o’clock. Admission, SOc. spent the week-end in Kelowna, hav­ IS.c also connected direct with_ the Cal­ operation was performed at once to re­ WANTED—A capitalist to finance a ’ 8-4c gary Grain Exchange and will ensure N ing motored over the'^neW7Carnii road. lieve the pressure of the fractured skull H i P \ \ grape farm; best vines from Tran- They were guests of the Mayfair fast service to those points. on the brain, but blood poisoning had -sylvania, Roumania; pruning and grow- . PEONIES—October is the time- to ! Jotel. V'W Arr//\/(r ^ ing methods explained. John Btlrz, No- plant Peonies.. I have over 100 of the Fire of unknown origin destroyed a already set in and the sufferer passed best varieties for you to make a selec­ shack in which a transient resident was lowna. 9-lp Rev. Father W. T. Nichol, Chancel- iving on Sunday night, at about 8.30, away early this morning. Hieland was tion from. F. R. E. DeHart. 8-2p or of the Roman Catholic Diocese of a riian of fine physique and rugged con­ WANTED—W din^ to learn Beauty British Columbia, left on Monday by when the Fire Brigade were summoned ■C7 Culture. Our expert instructor will Canadian National for Vancouver, fpl- to the scene. The shack, which was stitution and he made a splendid fight :soon qualify you to earn good salary in DIED ocated near the lakeshore, not far dis­ for life, but his injuries were too severe ^ I > owing advice of the death in that city tant from the house, being—constructed this line of work. Free tools to all of Archbishop Casey. •to-permit oj any chance of recovery.” Students enrolling before the first of RENFREW — At 54 Inglewood jy Mr. W. G. Scott on Cadder Aven­ the year. Apply: Modernistic Beauty Drive, Toronto, Sunday, October 4th, Mr. Charlie Watson, of Princeton, ue, was built recently by its-owner^on A stop press' wire received just as .Academy, Box fe2, Penticton, B. C. Elizabeth Miller, wife of Walter C. purchasing agent for the unemploy­ property belonging to Mr. C. Quinn. 8—3c Renfrew, of Okanagan Mission, B. C. ment camps of this section, was here The improvised furnishings were ^Eo the Courier was about to publish an­ 9-lp this week meeting local dealers desir­ ost in the blaze, which broke out when nounced that the Farmers’ Exchange jaiGHEST prices paid for rifles and ous of filling orders for camp supplies. the^esident of the cabin was absent. had won thirty-one-prizes m the five- shot guns. Spurrier’s. ~ 5-5c BIRTH —The Penticton Herald. . The large dining room of the Royal box exhibits at , out of w i) Anne Hotel was packed to capacity last '“NOBBY” buys second-hand furniture LANE—At the Kelowna General The Most Worshipful Grand Mis­ thirty-eight entries, the total amount­ and junk. Chimney sweep. SEND tress, Sister I. Burt, of the L.O.B.A., night on the occasion of the ing to $650, and that the plate entries, Hospital, Sept. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. general meeting -of the Canadian Club,^ FOR NOBBY. Junk Parlour, Water J. D. Lane, a daughter, 9-lc anaimo, was in the city last yveek, a elcHihited hjTTtfrrB lack wood on hehalK r e St. pbone 498; res. 515-R. 45-lfc guest of Mrs. Frank Varney. She was which was followed'by an outstanding entertained by some of the local sisters address by Mr. B. K.. Sandwell. B.A., of the Agricultural and Trades Assoc­ W E BUY, sell or exchange household of Montreal, learned lecturer and writ­ iation, had won a further amourit of ’goods of every description. CalTand and a few from Vernon. “ r. T-«trn*t>tr.cT‘ 49-tic er, who dealt in a masterly manner $70. ^ce us. JONES & TEMPEST. FIRE BRIGADE WILL Mrs. C. Kitson’s many friends will be with the economic problems of the.day, * * * . with particular reference to Britain’s NOT HOLD BALL sorry to learn that she is seriously ill The weather report for September r o o m AND BOARD in a nur-sing home in Victoria. Mrs. abolition of the sold standard. Owinj; T H IS Y E A R Ixitson has spent the last three sum­ to lack of time for preparation, a full shows comparatively early frosts on the COMFORTABLE roomi and board. mers in Kelowna. Her son, Mr. Jack report of the meeting? is deferred unti. 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th, with respec­ Phone 181, Mrs. Mandefield, Eli Av. TO THE PUBLIC:—. ^Kitson, is living on the west side of the next week. tive minimum temperatures o f 31, 29, 26 5H0UJ iJUlNOCiU 9-3p ake. . Dr. Harold Wolverton and wife, and 28. King Fctltirei Syndkatf,-Inc., Crot Britain rtghu rotrvd- Owing to depressed economic missionaries in India under^ theT3ana- ■DUT OF- TOWN GIRL wishing to conditions, we have decided not Citizens^are asked to remember that dian Baptist Foreign—Mission Buaj'd, attend Business College wishes free to hold our annual Ball this year. B. C. Products Week extends from with their two young sons, were ^si- ■ board in a private home in return _for October '3rd to October lOth, so that pears, first; any other winter variety While we have always received there is yet time to show their patriot­ tors to Kelowna on Monday last, when WESTBANK locked the door. About $20 worth light services. Write P.O. Box S'W, appreciated support from the members of the First Baptist Church of boots and men’s underyv’ear had of pears, third; collection of peaches, •Kelowna. 8-2c ism by purchasing as liberally as possi­ Kelowna,, people and have taken ble of the manufactures and produce of had the pleasure; of meeting and renew­ Mr. Wansborough, a retired C.P.R. been stolen. ^ second. Box of Wealthies, second. Mr. pleasure in presenting a social ing acquaintance with Dr. Wolverton, Tucker also won a special prize for one b o a r d and rooms for one or two function above the average, we the province exhibited and stocked by who was here eight years ago. Dr. official from Toronto, is paying a long On Monday morning, the inner door ladies in private home. P.O. Box local stores. of the office of the Co-operative pack­ box Delicious; one box Wealthy and 1067. 5-tfc do not feel inclined to impose and Mrs. Wolverton expect to sail for visit to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Henry upon the generosity of our .The regular session of the City India on November 7th, taking with Parker. It is his first visit to West-'-i ing house was found broken. The one box McIntosh Red, this award en­ friends in time of stress. Rather Council w'as scheduled for Monday them their three youngest children. -bank—and—he—is—delighted__with_the_ burglar entered byi a window in the titling him to a trip to, the Vancouver TO RENT than lower the* standard of the night, but no business was transacted, Their two boys will remain with their country. basement which he had taken out. He Winter Fair. Fire Brigade Ball, we are of un­ adjournment being made to Tuesday, grandparents in Vancouver. At the Kamloops Fair 26 out of 31 d w e l l in g s for rent—6 rooms, $15 animous opinion that the wisest October 13th, as a mark of respect to then went upstairs to the office. Mak­ month, city light; 2 small’ houses, move is to abandon the function the memory of ex-Mayor D. W. Nothing has been heard of Constable Miss Merle Howlett and her friend ing a hole in the corner nearest the lock, prizes were won, the following by $12 and $15 month. G. A. Fisher, this year. Sutherland. All the members of—the R—J—WallFof-the-City-PoIice force, returned'to Essondale on Wednesday, he pushed the panel in aijd unbolted Mr. Tucker: Plate exhibits: Grimes 9-tfc Council were in attendance. who has been missing since Thursday agent - KELOWNA VOLUNTEER last. Friends of the young policeman where Miss Hewlett has an important the door. Nothing of value was taken. Golden, first; Gravenstein, first; Weal­ FOR RENT—Harvey Avenue, fully FIRE BRIGADE, ' Hanging side by side in the rotunda stated that he had expressed the inten­ position on the staff of the Mental Everybody is wondering where the thy, first; Alexander, first; McIntosh modem stucco bungalow, on half- R. M. Ray, Secretary. of the Royal Anne Hotel, where they tion of going on a hunting trip and had Hospital. next visit will be paid. Red, first; any other fall variety, first; ;-acre lot, full basement, furnace, garage. 8-2c were placed yesterday for exhibition, bought equipment for that purpose, hut Golden Delicious, first; Jonathan, sec­ Kelowna Realty jZo , phone 488; even­ are the portraits in oil of Rev. J. Wil- leave of absence was not obtained from Mr. J. U. Gellatly, the well known ond; Winter' Banana, first; Yellow ings, 392-R. 7-tfc iiariis Ogden, D.D.. and his daughter. the Chief, who was out of the city on iiut specialist, has been seriously ill for Mrs. A. J. Pritchard, L.R.A.M., business when the Constable disap­ EAST KELOWNA Newtown, first; any other winter var­ jpOR RENT—Furnished housekeeping A.R.C.M. The likenesses, faithfully peared. ^^hile he had been on the- the past week but is now making slight iety, second; Hyslop crab-apples, first; rooms, modern conveniences; wm- portrayed on the canvas in life size, force only a short time, he had been progress towards recovery. Miss Mosj^ At—the recent Fall Fairs, held in D’Anjou_pears, first; any other.variety lortable, economical~Phone 380, Cen­ are the w.ork of Fanny G. Ogden (Mrs. recommended for a permanent position, teacher of the Public School, has Armstrong and Kamloops, Mr, Chas. tral Apartments. 44-tfc THE KELOWNA Percy Dunn) of this city. and this fact deepens the mystery sur­ winter pears, first. Box exhibits: one rounding his disappearance. also been away from school through Tucker upheld his reputation and also box McIntosh Red, second; one box sickness. that of our district by assembling and any other fall variety, third; winter red LOST AND FOUND BADMINTON CLUB Mr. T. G. Norris left on Saturday by ♦ * • Canadian Pacific for Ottawa, where he Residents of the “jungle” are voicing showing fruit grown by himself and variety, second. l o s t —Sunday night, from fire truck, SEASON 193i-32 will protest the appeal of the bank in objection to the government’s proposal Messrs. Jack Garraway and Barney Messrs. R. G. Ritchie and Dick Stuart, * * * ’ brass hose coupling. Finder please the Wm. Mack versus Royal Bank of- to remove them to the Exhibition Buil­ Browne and Miss Jacqueline Paynter W ILL OPEN ding for the winter or until required for which won many prizes in the plate The soft-ball results for the week in retura to Fire Hall. 9-lc Cariada case, decision in which was are -taking third year High School by THURSDAY, OCTOBER ISth given in favour of Mr. Mack at Van­ relief work. They have forwarded a classes for apples and pears and also our local school matches stand as fol­ with ^temoon session, 2 to 6. couver last winter. The Royal Bank resolution to Victoria requesting that private tuition under Mr. Dickinson. the box apple divisiori. This showing lows: appealed to the Supreme Court of Can­ no action be taken in the matter and This is a great privilege for these pupils East Kelowna, 19; Mission Creek, 9. that the forty cent dole be maintained. was made in the face of considerable GEORGE W. WEAVER PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS ada, and Mr. Norris will contest this who would otherwise have been obliged competition and is worthy of great East Kelowna, 17; Junior High and PUBLIC INVITED appeal on behalf of hjs client, -Mr. The idea of a “soup kitchen” does not to go some distance to_ a High School. VOICE SPECIALIST Mack. appeal to them, and the majority are praise, as the following lists show: School, 11. objecting to being housed with any of At the Armstrong Fair 37 prizes in Singing and Elocution Sessions, of play for season will Rev. Canon H. A. Solly held a ser­ For terms, etc., enquire of Mrs. The sad .news was received by rela­ their number who might be uncle^. all, the following by Mr. Tucker. Plate KELOWNA FRUIT AND Pritchard, L.R.A.M. be: "^esday, Wednesday and tives on Sunday morning of the death As an alternative to moving to the vice in the Anglican Church on Sun­ 9-2c Friday evenings. Sunday, Thurs­ of Mr. Richard Willoughby, vvhp suc­ Exhibition Building, they would pre­ day. He lias been away for abdut a classes: Three varieties fall cooking VEGETABLE SHIPMENTS day and Saturday afternoons. fer quarters \in rooming houses. Fail­ apples, first; three varieties fall dessert There are vacancies for qew cumbed to a prolonged illness at Van­ month at an annual convention in couver. • In addition to his wife and ing that, they are prepared to^ live out apples, second; three varieties winter Carloads members. other relatives, he is sidwived by two of doors in the “jungle, which, they Ontario. V A boy miay not get much comfort out claim, is more sanitary than being hor­ ■■ ♦ * • cooking apples, second; three varieties 1931 1930 Senior Member’s subscription daughters resident here, Mrs. Harry winter dessert apples, third; Delicious, For Week Ending Octob^ 3rd, 1931 of his first smoke but he gets a lot of $H.50 Snowsell and Mrs. E. Kinnersley, and ded in one building. Meanwhile, pre­ During the past week there have been parations are under way for their^ac- second; Wagner, second; Jonathan, experience. Junior Member’s Subscription, a sister, Mrs. George GroMsmith, of quite exciting times at Westbank. On Fruit ...... *..w..-...140 (aged 14-18) ------$5.00 Woodlawn, with whom their many commmodation in the building, where Friday morning, it was found that first; Northern Spy* first; Winter Ban­ friends sympathize in their bereave­ nine men are at work. One hundred ana, second; Grimes Golden, first; any Mixed Fruit and Vegetables 35 Politician"T hat was a fine speech NO ENTRANCE FEB ment. The late Mr. Willoughby visited cots, with mattresses and blankets, are Miss M. J. Dobbin’s store had been Vegetables .....—— ...... 29 . onr candidate made on the fuming his'rister here four years ago. He was being installed, as well as four heaters; broken into. A piece of the door bad other variety, third;, Hyslop Mab-ap- Cabned Goods' (C.N'.RI) .... 3 . question, wasn’t it?” ' Full particulars from Hon. S ^ . in his 67th , year. Interment took place and a kitchen will be provided. There been sawn out. under the lock. ; The ples/ second; Bartlett, pears, third; D’. .Fanner; “It wasn’t , so had; but a : P.O. Box 296. on Tuesday at Mountain View Cem- are now about two hundred men hv- Anjou pears; first; Flemish Beauty 207 239 . f ^ d night’s' rain would have done a injg in the “jungle.” burglar then put his hand in and un- l^fiight more good.” ' ’ ieitery.,


Keep a IMcture Record of your THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY F@r Sale TAKE A KODAK FOR SALB^ on a monthly payment plan.— Modern house, ALONG AND TAKE conlainin(>; two bedrooms, kitchen,

H.^tS p.m. The Young People's De­ WILL ROGERS DISCARDS partment will liold the regular inect- HABITS OF LIFETIME RUTLAND ing in the Church I’arlonr. Mr. I’'. M. m Black will he tlic speaker, and all Comedian Wears Fashionable Raiment The I\.A .(‘. held an enjoyalilc dance young people arc asked to rally and FRIDAY AND SATURDAY In “Young As You' Feel” in the Community Hall oii h'liday even­ till the iiarlonr. OCTOBER 9th and 10th ing last. A good crowd danced till ilic Tuesday, at “urday) at 11.30 a.m. at Rutland. All tq_send-particulars thereof to the un­ Corner Richter Street and Sutherland Avenue are welcome. dersigned forthwith. Thurs., Oct. 8, Harvest Thanksgiv­ ~ Dated-^t—Kelowna—B—Grr^this—8th ing—(continued)— Garrett’s—llHarYCst LUTHERAN CHURCH Cantata” will be sung at 8‘p.m. Boy Orange Hall, Bernard Ave., Wm. L. Zersen. day of October, 1931. Pastor, phone 655-R. E. M. CARRUTHERS, and Tenor soloists. Cqllection for the Next Sunday we shall celebrate our Official Administrator for the El­ Choir Fund. m UOSON'S Oct. 11th. 19th Sunday after Trinity. annual mission festival. German ser­ ectoral District of South Okana­ vices will be held in the morning at 10 try Kellogg’s Corn Flakes if you Want BAV gan. Kelowna, B. C. . 9-2c 8 a.m. Holy Communion. o’clock and in the afternoon at 3 o’­ 9.45 a.m. Sunday School, Kindergar­ clock; the Rev. R. F. Holtzen, of Van­ ten and Bible Classes. couver,' speaking in the forenoon,, and to make the children’s appetites stir! li a.m.. Matins, Sermon and Holy the Rev. C. Janzow, of Nelson, in the Communion. afternoon. The, choir will sing in both Crisp flakes of healthful corn, full of 7.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. services. Those coming from distant * * ■ * points will eat in the Hall. ST. ANDREWS, OKANAGAN The B. C. Conference will hold its flavor— they are simply MISSION. Oct. Hth. 19th Sunday annual sessions in the Lutheran H ie f h e s t after Trinity (Harvest Festival). 11 Church at Vernon this Thursday, Fri­ a.nii, M,htins, Sermon and Holy Com- P o s s ib le muriioh. 3 p.m., Festal Evensong and day and Saturday. Q u a l i t y - Sermon, when some of the Parish GUILD OP HEALTH Church Choir will help. Weekly Scripture Study for all in­ An old mellow High, terested in Spiritual Healing. land Whisky . . . a RUTLAND and EAST KELOW­ NA. Harvest Thanksgiving Services Matt. 5: 27-30. Matt. 12: 34-37. Matt. Rum in public favor 15: 10-20. Matt. 15: 25-31. Luke 17: for two centuries... will be held on Sunday week, Oct. 18, 11-19. Mark 11: 20-24. Genesis 1. ever bought with ab­ at 11 and 3 o’clock respectively. The immense effect of the mind on solute confidence be­ THE UNITED CHURCH OP CANADA the body is becoming better realized cause back of both is Bcand U Ideal for In&ntfeed* First United, comer Richter SL and _ Bernard in these days. We realize it is a like­ \ they Ave. Rev. A. K. McMinn, B.A., Minister. a reputation 261 Mr. Percy, S. Hook, Organist and' ness of the Infinite Mind and its ef­ years old. C* •a Anne their own chddrea. Choirmaster. fects. It is said that every mental state Mr. J. A. Lynes, Physical Director. is followed by bodily change, and ev­ 9.45 a.m. Church School, all depart­ ery thought tends to discharge into ments «cept the Young People’s. some motor effect. So to say “I only Milikew... Special services celebrating National thought” is as foolish as to say “I only, COM IMOORPOR/WBO ST9 MAY 167a Thanksgiving Day and the Harvest sowed.” Yet this thought has been Tbb advertisemeht is hot published or displayed by the Liquor _ Artsde'BIds.,-Vancouver Festivail. i guessed through the centuries, and was Control Board or tho Goverioanent of Bntisb Columbia. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon continually used by our Saviour. In subject: “Seed-time and Harvest.” His miracles He continually emphasiz­ • •#•«•••••*••••••« gMie&mo.tem mU&mr ermxm-^ 7.30 p.mv Evening Worship and ser- f ed the supremacy of the mind over frtiita or hoaor femmUsr FOB HIGH CLASS JOB PRINTING GO TO THE COURIER ) vice of harvest music. bodily conditions. PAGE SEVEN

r r a t ^ n m m u A Y . o c j o b e r 80 i, i w i rrrr MAIN CURRENT OF thr pcf soiialif y nl .Smi.ilt , .iiid \vhi( 1 HUMAN THOUGHT vvit.s a ( h.ti .H t( risl If of 1’II l.tiid',’. gic.it MALT EXTRACT i i,t nu n. riiiily t .11 ■, .litfr SiH i.itff. m.olyi with COD DIVER OIL (Continiifil lr<>m page l.l VV<’ rccomiiK’iu! this j>icparutioii ilum, .Aiisliillf, a wcallliy young "i.iUt, ' as a Cijlil weather tuiiie. It builds I'o ainvf .it any onidiisii>n it wa“ ( aoif to Atlifii:, liiiiii Sl.igt'ii.i • hi llif Xmas Apples U[> the resislauee and is iiivalu- luiHasary l<> nuiki’ a hurried icsinnr le, Itins losing alioiit $5(M)00 when 9-tfc HAIRDRESSSING tical and rich men of not so fine ehar- slie asl'ied to he omitted from the will of Iier mother who recently died, as the .icler were elected to tlie .Senate. Tlien possession Of tlie money was contrary to lier vows of eelihjicy and non-pos­ P A R L O U R session vvliieli slie look When becoming a disciple of Gandhi. Richter Street materialism heeame their god, super­ stition :md idolatry crept in. Oriental G iinibrtable FRIDAY AND TUESDAY vulgarity was imported, and tlie fine, tlie monks. At tliis time, however, A R T N O T E S SPECIAL tliere apiieared .a 3'onng monk named honest eliaracter of tlie Romans was You can pay more but you K o o m s Marcel and Haircut, 70c changed entirely so that in 410 A.D. ICrasmiis, wliose leacliing was tliat (Hy Helen Dickson) cannot find a purer, clearer $ 1.5 0 tlie Golliic Cliristian king, Alaric, took ( liristianily was es.sential to the safety Over a year ago 1 had tlie pleasure of Doris Everett. Phone 609-Ll Rep. Pint Iiossession of Romo with jiractically no and welfare of mankind, that religion seeing and writing alioiit a jiortrait ol gin than . . . opposition. was a rule of life, tliat God was rc;il Veil, .'\iclideacoii Greene, painted by IIK Cro»v«inor In quiot, oom- Jesus of Nazareth was liorn ;il)ont and fnlnre judgment a fact. fortalilo and convenient. Out Mrs. I’ercy Dunn. Two fresh portraits Tof the train« «ine, yet wltliln a the end of the first tiiird of the I^oman Under tlie influence of siicli iiien as of prominent peoiilc, hy the same artist, block or two of tlio beat theatre*, STERLING bankfi, clulia, dcimrtmcnt «torc» Era, and man vv:is taiiglit th.it tlie soul Wycliffe, Tlioiiias Moore and Henry are now on view in the J^oyal Anne. I and IntorcatInjK aliop*. STOCKWELL’S of man was to deal direct witli God, the Eighth, learned and kingly, Eng- (luestion whether the people of Kel­ Every anpolnt- LIMITED that there was to be aii inward spiritual and began to wake up, hut during tlic owna are properly appreciative of this ment and>d aervico London D ry GIN la the very heat nt Phone 324 change in man and a desire for right­ latter part of Kiiif; H enry’s reign m at­ talented artist living among them. It is moot roaaonnhlo Cor. Bernard Avc. and Ellis St. 1 prilDoa. eousness. During the latter part of erialism hegan to set in. When James strange that in a town so fully alive to nor one that equols Sterling the Roman Era, the only good ferment the First took the tlirone the people tlie value of music, art has apparently for smooth delicate flavor left was Christianity. Christ’s follow­ Iiad gained such a greed for money that no welcome. and value. SPEOAL ers were slowly growing as flic result England became a liyworcl for shoddy All those- who love music, whether Rep. Q u art of tile teacliings of tlie few effectual material and for cheats and liars, hut they arc connoisseurs of art or not, will For oalo at Vendora, or direct from the Uquor ^nu4l Board MnU FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Oruor Pcpartment» Viotojria» C* ____ _ With every packet of thinkers. There was a world weari­ men like Milton, Cromwell and others lie greatly interested in the portrait of ness of the odious forms of magic and kept doing effectual thinking, te;tch.ing Mrs. Pritchard, treated with the sym­ G r o s y e n o r SHELLS superstition and a fertile ground for the people the truths of .SocpatOsC Plato, purchased we will give pathy that is a characteristic of Mrs. ll-B TWO EXTRA SHELLS. tiic growth of tlie new religion. The .Aristotle, Augustine and Erasmus, tliiis Dunn’s work. The delicate colouring This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor 'ike ‘friendhf Gothic king was a Christian, and dur­ acting as a ferment for the salvation of of the subject, draped in mauve with Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Get your Lucky Ticket for ing the early part of his reign August- the nation. The revolution under pink lights, is thrown out by a dark the Table, to be given away ne, the Monk, through the reading of, CrO'Tiwcll, who taught consideration of green plush curtain, subtly handled^ A H o t e l Saturday night. 1 book of Cicero’s and Aristotle’s Ten one’s fellow man, was a great step in touch of warmth is given to the colour Categories, became a devout student the progress of civilization. He set up composition by a silk shawl in which V-ANCOUVEBw, P.C^. and adopted Christianity. His teach­ a tolerant, benevolent democracy and, peach blends with a subdued orange. ing was that the moral law should reign during his reign, England stood high Every detail of the picture ig painted ^aipress^Sfllaltt anion'gstwh'ewiafiws': ^He^saidl “The" ‘BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS” over all human life and he . so taught con amore. , the church, but this led finally far be­ mind is the man; if that be kept pure, a 'The other canvas is a forceful port­ W OK1.D CB&ITISE CANADIAN PACIFIC yond what he had intended and the man signifies somewhat, and, if noR I rait of Dr. Williams Ogden, the father ( December 3rd from New York church sought temporal power. He would fain see what difference between of two talented daughters. The picture ,sj4%CANAPAS BUILD him and the beast. He Hath only some © $8000 . . . BUT BOOK NOW I started the western church on its jour­ is a strong composition, based on the m ATEC activity to do more mischief.” Only $16 a-day . . . to play for 128 thrill-filled days . ; • to- ■ m k im m m i BRITISH ney; he taught that the love of God pyramid. The handling of the textures •- stop at 81 high-spot ports and places , . . on this cruise L STEAMSHIPS was the end of man; he.swept away the In the middle of the eighteenth cen­ in this canvas is especially noteworthy; triumphant. Minimum, $2000. A few “bargain”.acconc^o* pagan idea of sacrifices to please God; tury, John Wesley travelled throughout the folds of the gown are exquisitely dations ... on B and C decks ... from $2700 to $3400. '„

I / , inasL

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, I®31 t h e KELOWNA COIJKIEK AND OKANAGAN ORCHAKDIST PhQK EIGHT MR. I). W. SUTHERLAND WEATHER REPORT FOR BRITAIN AND THE MONTH OF' SEPTEMBER GOLD STANDARD (Continued (roni page D ®“'LOW RATES : SPORT ITEMS : ( ( Ompilcd by I’. B. Willit‘, Obsc (Continued froju v*nc D :? UttOo, pioviiM ial (-U'ctiun «il I92H. Altlnnu;h I * fro m Rotbert t- ♦ Mux. Min. Rain u 11'■ lu I ('s'-f III ill all t-oiitrsts. Iiis staiid- ■iiiii; 11c had spent .Honic tunc iti a fin iin' )D D no»»»• J and many other chanqcB and Improve* Sc-|>ti'inbcr Temp. Tenqi am iai Itoiisc in l .'uidoii, said Mr. Black, illK with tin- iH-nlilc of Krlowii.) uaN I" • It • III inenU tor your comfort and convenience. shown by a marked di.MCg.-ird of paity llM MacDofialiS BADMINTON 1 ,8 0 48 and ha P(I Pt< • •HI I $20 view rooma . . . all with bath. > 82 .'■)() ■ if niafinitude. He \vi,>ul(>M .Si(>tl;md. which stood on its own feet F'or many years a prominent Mason 6 ...... 59 37 ..55 and a member of the I’rcceptory I.Stl). 40 ,ind after which th,- Can.-nlian sy.stem Women have their eyes on price. This flat)' was set at tin- annual nircl- 7 ...... <)() was paUernc)!. hut .Scotli.sh einrenry liram-li of that onlei, the general res- 44 pei I and esteem in vvliieh Mr. .Suther­ (They should have these days) — iiig of tbe Ixclowna ILoInnnIon (.liil), H ...... fi7 was not as highly valued as Bank ol 9 . h3 38 I'niKland notes. Isnulish ciirm iev vv;is land was held by bis lirellneii was But they should not overlook hcitl in Badminton Hall on T iu-s

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