Kelowna Outstrips Penticton, Vernon, Recent Voters' List Tabulation Shows

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Kelowna Outstrips Penticton, Vernon, Recent Voters' List Tabulation Shows T he K elowna C ourier N l’MIU-K 82 AudiircJ <Jirculanon V'OLL'ME 45 Kelowna. British Columbia, .Monda}', May 30. Iiimr iirrn t- i ...... ' I ' • ' '"-'I ' ’’•■■’w m t r e f -■ y.r; ‘'i# - . TWICE WEEKLY— MONDAY & THURSDAY Speaks Here Wednesday Kelowna Outstrips Penticton, Vernon, WORLD NEWS FLASHES ( By Caruulian Pres* ) Recent Voters' List Tabulation Shows Seventeen Liberals So Far Elected MAY HOLD LAKE LEVI In Newf’land Election with PrO'Cons (City of Kelox%ma Fleuresl Feet S. Okanagan Riding Also Level this morning 101.88 Electing Two, Independent One FRUIT PARLEY Level on Thursday 101.73 Increase ................... .1C Records Biggest Jump ST. JO H N 'S, Ncwff>uii<llaii(l— I'lic Ial)cral parly lias won IN VERNON Low this year (April 17) 99.17 Agreed minimum ...... 99.5 Ncwfomullamrs dcction as a iirovincc of Canada, [tclurns 102.5 I' iMoviiuial I’lectioii figures are atiy eriteriuii. tlie t'iiy u{ Ke­ The 1050 BCFGA con\>cnllon will Agreed maximum ...... today confirmed the trend of landslide proportions tliat be­ 1348 peak level (June 2tt» 104.82 lowna has outslripi)ed liutli \ ernon :iinl I’entictoii in p«ipu- probably be held in Vernon. I came apparent in tiie <-arIy c0mitin{.r follow ing the election on I’rcvious record high, 13Z8 104.5 lalion during tlie last four years. The directors of the BCFGA here Friday. This was revealed tod.ay following eoinpilation >4 the last week received invitations from With 25 of 27 seats he.ird from, the tally showed 17 Liber­ voters' list in .South Gkauagaii. North Gkanagaii and .Siinilka- Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton and MAYOR WILL als were elected, two Progressive Conservatives and one in­ Oliver, nil guaranteeing accommo­ meeii constitueneies. Number of people entitled to vote in the dependent. Liberal leader Joseph Smallwood, who won a dation for 180. If further investi­ ATTEND PARLEY City of Kelowna in tlie eoininjr B.G. election, shows an inerease thumping majority in Bonavista North, termed the election a gation indicates that the guaran­ of 2..S31 com|).ired witli 1945. f)iiriiig the same period, tlie t'ity "remarkable victory,” and told reporters the new province’s teed accommodation in the north­ ern city appears feasible, the con­ Mayor W. B. Hughc.s-Gamos will of X'eriion sliows an increase of 2.0S7, while the I'ity of I’eii- first legislature wouhl sit on June 24. He said the victory was vention will be hold there. Some leave Kelowna on Friday to. attend tieton has an increase of only 1,<372 voters. a magnificent endorsation of confederation and a complete doubt, was expressed that a suffic­ the annual convention of the Can­ C'oiiipanitive figures for (he three eoiistitueiicies ^lulw that repudiation•pudiation of (jeorgetjeorge Drew and Toryism.” ient amount of reasonable accom­ adian Federation of Mayors and the increase in .South ( Ikaiiag.iii is almost ItK) per cent compar­ modation can be found in Vernon, Municipalities in Quebec City next and the executive was instructed to week. ed with North Okanagan and .Siniilkanicen. WOMAN FATALLY BEATEN act in accordance with its findings. He will be accompanied as far I;'ignres reveal that the .South Okanagan voters' list li;is in­ SAULT STE. MARIE, Out.—John Glinsky, .36, was The same situation applies regard­ as Toronto by Mrs. Hughes-Games. creased 6,273 compared with l‘N5. while .Similkanieen has charged with murder after, jiolice said, they found his wife ing Oliver. They plan flying by TCA. jumped .3,54<S. ;ind North ( )kanagan only .L3cS3 o \er tiie s;inic fatally beaten in her bed early today. 'J'he woman, al^o 36. period. died shortly after |)olice were called. Her husband told police For some time there ha.s been a con.^iderable amount of^s|.ieculalion she consumed some sweet nitre during a night-long drinking R. P, W a lro d W ill Succeed W . Vance as to where majority of people are settling in the Okanagan, nic bout, but jjolice said they could find no trace of rubbing alco­ official census was taken in 1941. and the next eheeli will not be made hol. A s B.C Fruit Processors’ Manager for another two years. Political interest swings to the Federal field this week when the The South Okanagan constituency e.xtends from Winfield south to FORD WORKERS RETURN TO WORK national leader of the Progressive-Conservative party, George Drew, Summerland, which indicates majority of new residents are cliou.sing the former premier of Ontario, makes his first visit to Kelowna. W. Vance, general manager of B. men such as Bill Vance, he said. central portion of the Valley in which to live. DICTROIT—About 1,200 Ford maintenance workers re­ He will speak at the Kelowna Scout Hall Wednesday afternoon at C. Fruit Processors Ltd., will retire He had devoted many years of his Following are the comparnlivc figures for the three cities ;md the turned to their jobs today at tlie conclusion of a C.I.O. United 2:30 p.m. The same evening ho will address a meeting in the Penticton at the end of this month and will life to furthering its interests and three constituencies. be succeeded by R. P. Walrod. This 1949 1945 Auto Workers’ 24-day strike, l>ut the Ford Company e.stimated high school gymnasium. City of Kelowna ................................... 6,512 3,681 2,831 it may be two weeks before full production is resumed in all The -dynamic Pro-Con leader has a busy schedule ahead for his six- announcement was made on Thurs­ day visit to British Columbia. In that time he will deliver eleven major day by A. G. DesBrisay, president City of Vernon ............................•............... 5,657 3,560 2,097 its plants and tlie 106,000 employees are Inack on the job. speeches. His addresses while in Yale riding will be in support of the of the company, to the directors of City of Penticton ............ 5,754 3.882 1,872 Pro-Con candidate. Mayor T. Jt. B. Adams, of -Vernon. the BCFGA. Fruit Processors is a Similkamecn- ................. 12.489 8,941 3,548 The agreement, leaving the main issue in the speed-up dis­ South Okanagan ...........................:.............. 14,432 8,159 0,273 pute to arbitration, was reached early .Sunday after days of Mr. Drew will leave Vancouver for Penticton on the morning of grower-owned and controlled com­ June 1, using a chartered plane. He will motor to Kelowna, attend a pany. North Okanagan ........................................... 10,983 7,600 3,383 steady negotiations. About 65,000 United Automobile Workers’ luncheon tendered by the executive of the Yale Pro-Conservative As­ Mr. DesBrisay in making the an­ Meanwhile the provincial elec- of America employed in two plants, ratified it by big margins sociation, and address the Scout Hall meeting at 2:30 p.m. In view of nouncement, paid a glowing tribute tion campaign is starting to reach at a meeting later in the day. The strike cost the Ford Motor the fact this is Mr. Drew’s first visit to tlie Okailagan, seating accommo­ to Mr. Vance. He pointed out that boiling point, as both W. A. C. B en­ dation is expected to be at a premium. Mr. Vance was retiring of his own nett, Coalition candidate, and Tom ANY TAKERS? Co., and workers an estimated $77,000,000. volition and the company was sor­ Wilkinson, C.C.F. standard-bearer, The Pro-Con leader is being accompanied by a staff of five as well Anyone interested in making Its ten Eastern Canadian newspfipermen who are also in the party. Mrs, ry to lose his services. stump the riding before the electors FODDER SHORTAGE ON PRAIRIES The fruit industry owes much to go to the polls on June 15. $5 for the Red Cross? Drew is with her husband on the trip. W. Brink. Woodlawn district, REGH^A—A fodder shortage appears alrnost certain in 'rhis morning, W. S. King, return­ ing officer for Kelowna district,* an­ has made that standing offer for Western Saskatchewan this winter, agriculture minister I. C. nounced that an advance poll will the return or inforrfiation lead­ Nollet said today, even if the province gets an average rainfall open in the fire hall for South Ok­ ing to the return of a prized for the remainder of the season. Former Local Man Killed and Two anagan voters only, on Thursday. female /“Dutch” rabbit, due Friday and Saturday, June 9, 10 shortly to bring forth a litter. WOULD RELAX TRADE BARRIERS and 11. Hours will be from 1 to 9 The doe and eight young rab­ p.m. * bits were stolen sometime Thurs­ TORONTO-^Charles Sawyer, U.S. Secretary of Com­ Others Injured in Road An absentee poll also will be set day evening. merce, today proposeii to tighten economic ties between Can­ up in the Scout Hall on election “If I can get the doe back. I’ll day, Mn King stated. Mr. King ex­ give the Red Cross $5,’’ the rab­ ada and the U.S. The reduction of trade barriers would be a A former Kelowna resident was Latest report on the condition of bit-raiser told police when he Mr. Gather was that he had regain­ plained that any voter in British big step in the right direction, he said. killed and another Kelowna maii Columbia is entitled to vote absen­ reported the theft. is in serious condition in Chilli­ ed consciousness for a while and ' Police are investigating re­ then lapsed back into a coma.
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