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Kelowna Outstrips Penticton, Vernon, Recent Voters' List Tabulation Shows

T he K elowna C ourier N l’MIU-K 82 AudiircJ

'' ■' '1' ......

J t MONDAY. MAY ;i0. 1949 THE KELOWNA COURIER i'A 'IL T W O 2413,444i I aiuhiiiite. Mts. Giiulyi' Wcb.stcr dniatc. ( .Sled a total of 4.947 \..lcs, i cj,;i>tcicd volet.;-, of whom iiUf we base' been s*dlni|.' nn.ere. to the \v!>u puilt'd vules end tlr CCF eandidate. Hiueo ^ oSed tor » peieentsnie of 71.2 Four Huvvi'ver. itu'H’ wit. ;i miliec.ibk.' Wood woilb 4.277 The 64 absen- 4 1 7 ,0 3 3 , 0 ,:- THE KELOWNA COURIER (■ K. : t!!rr liUUEAU <>E CIlttt'f-A riONS last fall A total of 12.940 pcop!.' ^Tol.il l Hiilisb ;.;nods to n-. were on Uie voler;.' list, and out active jeivice vote was 5220.011 0.’> 4.37.017 people were entitled to vole l»0« ^ , til lie ii.i-e!i'>n liate.s shall be lieaniu; a gieat deal jii’o- ill 781 Gcrtii.iii, 85 lUilian Kubniai- r .d j ...... in .isib!. , aie im hided, tlie Lhiited Kinj.;dom bably about “big profits”. “biK busi­ nil.-. df Jio.vid hi tlif F.uropi.‘:ui r S A .i!id Fotcu,''! - S3''9 iK'f year i ji.iVm;: lor so,ne .13 ly K.'icrn AdvcrtlElng KepreaentaUve: ,ii;,-e- III ( aiiad.t. whieli is about the same to give the iinpre;.:iioti that these Bi'iti.sh :ca and ulr lurcc.-:. which a re .'.Iso disiK'scd of all the Gcnnan To Youn f\ V/i.-ckJics, ConcourM Uulldln?. Tr eaptunni: tlio wliole Italian licet. rod omc- Uept . Ottawa Prior III the war the Ihiited Kinj,pIom bad ea-.e. Hij; eornpariie.i and little one;, arc In tlio air. ui> to Januai y, 1943- • 1^. p. MjwLEAN. PublUher jdeiitv of I ,S. dollars ;u h ! we eoiild eonverl nwneil by the shai eholdery and 11 lime of tlu' Casablanca mcctiiu; Planning their Ftiture stndv of the list of shareholders It was a iix'l tiuil 110 silicic Ameri­ our balance: oi sterlin.'; into 1. ,S. dolbiics to can bomber tiad cast a duyliglit \|< >NI)AV. .M.W .^0. r'lO wilT reveal almost without excep- i < ‘ , our ilelits in that (ountry. .since the war, lion that the great majority of liomb on Germany. Air Marshal Harris, chief of the Bomber Com­ wlicii st<-rlin;t lias not lieeii c«mvertilde, the ..hares arc held in small blocks by individuals most, of whom are of mand. told a group of Canadian Canada-U.K. Trade was elose-d lir.st liy wartime gift.s tuul modest means. ’While there arc nc'.vspaper men in Britain in Jaiiii- ar.v, 1944, including lliis rciiorlcr. later from tlie spring of 191b until early in many examples, one, the British I hi .iililri " I ilclivcrcd by Kt. lion. Har AmeVic.-m Oil Company, will suf­ that up to tliat time the U.S. liad ,,jil '.\il ■'ll. ].i<-Alt Uuarcl oi |t \ancouvt*r or less or mi average investment Up to llu; end of 1943 Hie Britisli ,,i i i.iiTe alleiKled by a (.onricT rc- pai> lias lieen e losed by some .'?.^.3U millions of of under $000 apii.'Ce. O ver 18 per discliarge of bomb.i; ui>on Germany Of pfO-cssion to cate ud i. liaci in Hie aggregate exceeded .M.irsliall l*I;ui dollar.s };iven to the British ii-nt hold 10 shares or less, or an ,„,..enlaU'. ■■ on tlie irarobIein eonfront- investment of less than $250. 'Iluis liy eiglit tons to one those east from h»csc c sc ro lot-you F in th^ U..S, planes and it wa.sn't until Hu; tile nited Ivinttdoin and t.,anitda '.sliotilcl (ioveriinu-nt by the United .States (jovernmenl the B.A., like most of the com­ tbc hag rua. JLitj. panies ill Canada, is owned by sjuing of 1944 that Hu; incpoiidei- I,,n n twi. liii^bly iineliil inni.o.scs. It should to p:ty for (J:inadian* products, supiilemcntcd lhou.sand.s of little people, m any of ance of di.scliarge wa.s' aeliieved b.v .i>.A>t |.eo[de to le di/e tlial the trade i.roljlcni since tlie uirn of the year. Iry the release to them widows and retired persons, tlic' United State.s. As Ctiurchill i>uts- who depend on the dividends of a il: “Here. :is in the iirmies and on is not a r.l\.C anada inoldein l)tU .a world the British (io\eminent of the remaining ba- few shares of this or that company Hie sea we ran Hie full course from tlu; beginning, and it was not until can.putyour Heart into b of l-roldein .and, .a-, .^iieli, eaiinol lie ,-*olved by any k'liiee of our I'l-lt) lo.ui at the rate of $10 mil­ to prvoide them with life’s neces­ sities. If the.se companies were ta­ 1944 Hull wo wi're overtaken and - fiootl income; encouragement fo ^sured, ineasiirc.s i.ak< n at l.ondon .and < )lt;iu;i altccl- lions a month. The Al;ir.shall I’ltin is to end in ken over and liquidated, as the .so­ surpassed by Hu; tremendous w’ar elTorl of Hie United States." iii'.', tile trade- 1-etween these two countrie.s. 19.”'J I'lnd between now .uul then the ilow of cialists plan, it is these little pOople, not some non-existent nnllionaircs. Cliurcbill empiiasizes tliat the Mr. \\ il-oii's remarks, too, .sboiild ^dve free U..N. doll;irs to the U.K. will diminish. will) would be the chief and imme­ U.S. through lease-lend enabled ' ’ i-t’L- 'Britain to increase her production I# y°^'^tiiSdiy,aK ovct. “ '■“"'■“'4 ro ,vhca jian.-e t*> lii'esi- jiolilicians who ate cutienllt Mr, Wilson made the point that if Bri­ diate sulTcrers. 'rhere is, loo, a misconception (.'Ifoi'ts by onc-lifth. ’Througli the iMiini; around the eotintry stiying that, if elect­ tain's [iincliases from U;in,'ida were to' remain about the profits made by compa­ materials and w-capons which Htj U.S. gave Britain the U.K. was ac­ ed, th ey \\ill ■•in.ake -te rlin ts e o n e e rtib le in to •'ll the |>resent level the export of -British nies. The general policy of some speakers is to deliberately convey tually able to wage war. “as if -wo doliar.O ' ;tiid nrt^dii^^ th e ;idoi)lion of .slate tra d - ” (M)ds o r serv ices to u s w o u ld h a v e to e x p a n d an erroneous impression by quot­ were a nation of fifty-eight mil­ lions instead of forty-eight." aiid lulaleral trade a.meeinent.s. Mr. VVil- at ;i rale eqti.'il to llu; eontraclion in M arshall ing a large figure and calling it III "profits” without .any explanation. . Shipping losses from enemy ac­ “ “ “■’'■‘"“S >>•■' « = rcaJerins a „ a l sp*.:' ,-iin III ills .^d'ire.ss .slated deiniittdy that Biitiim I’l.in funds. .Such an expansion would appear Some siieakers have even quoted tion by all nations show that 54 -.1,. per cent of the total was British, Zoa. as for ebea,. the R C A P “ 'qk.i''’ onisider.s bilateral trade agreements as but a i,, be imiiussible and Mr. Wilson’s remarks these figures and neglected to stale that they were profits BEFORE the while 10 pci- cent was American. lempiirarv expedient and that lliey luive no e a n n o t lielp but suggest.to us tliat this coun- taxation had been deducted. Churchill concludes this short de­ parture from liis chronological re­ OI „ “ “ ^00 » place ill tliai country’s permanent trade.policy. ' try cannot ho])c, as a permanent policy, to A survey among workers in the United Slates revealed that the ge­ cord of events with these words: riiere was, of course, n o . political-liias in maintain our present markets in the United neral impression was that comp­ “This is all set down, not to claim any profits after taxes had been undue credit, but to establish on a .Mr, Wilson’.s remarks. He is a socialist and Kingdom. footing capable of commanding deducted amounted to “about 25 ■’ak.;: :i b-ading memlier of a socialist government. We must make, of course, every effort to per cent.” Acutally, of course, this fair-minded respect the intense out­ is far from the truth. In Canada no put in every form of war activity of A tali ■ “ 'O offaryouog Caoadiius. But there was no suggestion that any action liold. these markets, but at the same time we over-all figure is available, but a the people of this small island, up­ 1 1 on whom in the . crisis of the hv tlu- Canadian or United Kingdom govern- imist seek wdth equal vigor and enterprise study of over , 3,000 United States 4 * dec-sfoo wfo-d. ,-s , 0 fo, you tnake companies by the National City vzorld’s history the brunt fell.” ments. .separately or jointly, could solve tlie other markets for surpluses which the United Bank of New York showed that in Those words of’ his explain, loo, prolilem. And, certainly, there was no infer- Kingdom, under the most favorable circum- 1948, net profits after taxes was a why his remarks are set down here. mere 7.3 per cent on sales. In 1947, ence that the Canadian (iovernment had fallen stnees, cannot continue to buy. ' the figure was 6.8 per cent. Both of down on the job. ' As Mr. 'Wilson pointed out in the closing those years would popularly be re­ garded as years of abundant pros­ OVER 2,900' A review of our trading position with the passages of his address our objective must be perity. . -u United Kingdom, in the pre-war and post-war to right tlie present unbalance of today be- Most men and women who buy LOCAL PEOPLE KOYAL CANADAJT ajr FORCE $1 worth of groceries in major Ca­ vears will show that our trade with that conn- tween sterling and dollars by re-establishing nadian chain stores are astonished irv has never balanced—we have afways sold as quickly as possible multilateral or many- to know that only about 1 Yz cents ARE EXAMINED is net profit. Few w6uld guess that af-jo-wa -s more lliau we bought—and that relative to sided trade. the meat packers’ net profit is cur­ Mobile T.B. X-ray Unit Hopes rently about 9/lOth of a cent on every $1 sale. Arid the same thing 6,000 Will be Checked Be­ reliable income. She probably ure of some respect, a man who’ applies to every other cominodity. wouldn’t miss hjm^ at all until next sougjit only the simple joys of liv- fore Clinic Leaves pay day. ing, yet who knew much of the For the millions, the convincing, “Here l am at the age of 48, sev_ distant world outside, clear, conclusive fact about the pro­ Topping the 1947 record in the enteen feet down in a rut,” Henr.v ' In a - year he was the acknow- fits of companies is how ’much pro­ first week of its stay in Kelowna, thought to himself. “I will go on ledged leader of the community, fit on the sales dollar. And they are the T.B. free chest X-ray unit has e this way until I die. Yet this morn- In time of fiesta it was Henry astonished how low it is. put through over 2,918 people from By JACK SCOTT Business generally. has been very Kelowna and district. ing, this very instant, I can make Pludge who led the dancers in the lax in the telling of its story. If it the break. I am nothing to Sybil wild rhythm of the Jarabe, the na- D'uring the clinic’s visit here two HENRY’S ESCAPE but somebody who lights the fires, tional dance. had not, it would be impossible for years ago a total of 2,979 people socialist speakers to quote wild and were X-rayed. With still a week On a drizzling grey Monday, driv- Have I the courage to seek the ad He had moved into a charming unidentified figures and label them to go, almost that many have al­ ing toWork in his 1934 Ford tw’o- venture I have always denied my- old hacienda, a place of dazzling with a vague term they choose to door sedari, Henry Pludge decided self?” white walls and red-tiled roof, ready taken advantage of the op­ call “profits.” portunity of a free chest X-ray. S. to run away to Mexico. * * * where the strumming of Mexican Those who complain on the pub­ Smith, technician in charge of the , Like a thousand in an hour the Ford’s radiator guitars tinkled in the soft coolness lic platform about profits argue unit, stated last Friday- afternoon other nondescript cap was pointed down the broad, of the evening. And always the that the companies making the pro­ that he hoped to make up the num­ drones converging open highway.. Six hours later, delicate scent of the bougainvillia fits should be taken over by the ber by the end of the day.. on the city’s heart ^ith $23 still in his pocket, Henry filled the old place with its frag- -fl state, or that they should be forced With one more week left in KeL at the desolate .pindge v/as in Mexico. .ranee. to operate without profits. It would owna, the T.B. free chest X-ray unit hour, Pludge was He had chosen the sleepy village At the end of two years Henry seem that during the next few which is at present hooked up^out- a miserable man. of Acambaro. Acambaro! The very Pludge had erased all the harsh weeks the people have a choice to side the Scout Hall, is expected to He hated his job. word held Latin music. At first he memories of his earlier life. It make; To encourage the operation reach an approximate total of 6,000 He hated the wea- had been the cause for some talk was as if he had awakened from, a of a free economy with a miniriium people X-rayed during its entire - then He hated in the hamlet, this timid little bad dream into sunlight. He had of governmental influence or to stay here. ' . his well-ordered, white-skinned man who lived in begun to write beautiful poetry, move toward the regulation of pro­ Breakdown of the numbers X- lunromantic life, the adobe hut outside the town. As the early evening brought its fits, which means federal control of rayed so far shows that 295 people And he wasn’t He lived in fear that the immigra- blessing he would wander by the business and industry. Will people were X-rayed ni East Kelo-wna a f T any too fond of {ion authorities would come any lake, sometimes reaching up to forget that the average Canadian’s week ago last Wednesday while 427 his wife, either. day. , pluck a banana or a papaya. Filled living standard, uriequalled any­ were put through at Simpson’s Saw­ Superimposed on these irritable gradually he became an in- with the humble philosophy of fnys- where excepting the United States, m ill' the : following day. The re­ thoughts was the technicolor images distinguishable- part of the commun- tery and beauty, he would watch was made possible by a system un- mainder have been X-rayed since of Mexico, a sunny and carefree ity. His face^anned deeply. Wear- sun sink behind old Popo. inhibted by dictuins out of Ottawa’ the clinic arrived in the city a Qt Mexico Hen^ had seen the night the sarapes rad huge jsom- . ^ Such a free system had faults, de­ week ago last Friday. before m a Firtzpatrick Traveltalk brero he itfas just another Mexican. “Put er right in there by Mr. veloped evils, but never so blatant The T.B. clinic is scheduled to re­ at a suburban theatre. Stretched in the shade of a coffee Smithers ’car,” the parkmg lot at- .as elsewhere. main in the city until Monday, June • * * tree in siesta not even Sybil woiffd tendant -was barking. Henry Pludge Profit is the fulcrum upon which 6, leaving for "Westbank the follow­ The decision came easily. It was recognize him, , , iTOk^ iJS* ,Sfd^d*h^eYd the economy is moved Toward ever- ing day. It wiU be hooked up out­ i f % i d & m as if .there were a bright'-little ex- ' A * * ^ ^ increasing employment because of side the school at Westbank for ■rilr 7,-! •to ';ic.ni/ plosion in his mind. Everything Soon he was joining the fisher- duUy. The dam burst in mii^ ever-increasihg expansion due _ to the one day, Tuesday, June 7, mov­ , =:7i) was suddenly clear. He had $45 in men who went after silver fish with ^ d the reality flooded back in. larger population . arid growing ing on to for a one day his pocket, money intended for his their giant butterfly nets m the He manoeuvred ^ reallv needs. The company that fails to stand Wednesday, June 8. landlord. He possessed a gasoline lake that n i i r r o r e d the beautiful parlung space and got^out._I ^ operate at a profit is ”a dariger to credit card good all over, North Am- slopes of Popacatepetl. As he learn- stoP - * labor as weU as to busiriess. tp iiiivp a erica. Sybil, his wife, had a small, ed ^eif language he became a fig- thought to nunseii. r p in ■ ■ COALITION GOT The best reading it has been my pleasure to encounter in inany months is Winstbif Churchill’s se­ 1,644 MAJORITY cond volume of the war, “Their, S u p p o s e you have what you feel is a good opportunity Finest Hour.” It is easier reading IN 1945 VOTE * ,' ■ ■ I F- '- ' ''' .T-'*r . ' i ' than the first and deals with events In the 1945 provincial election which for bank credit. If one bank cannot see it much more drainatic. The first when W. A. C; Bennett was elected 4 0 Y E A E S chapter, I feel, should be “ a must” for the Coalition, total- of 5,908 ; tu 'li.;' iCF iEir. ; tfc'c ' for every student in every Cana­ South Okanagan residents ca§t your way, or if yoii think you can get a better deal dian school. their votes. The number of regisr In that chapter Churchill takes tered voters was 8,159. ‘■*1 t ■ time out from recording the chron­ Mr. Bennett received 3,706 votes, elsewhere, you^re free to “shop around'^ ological march of events and re­ a majority of 1,644'over the CCF cords a few home truths about the war effort of the British Common­ One of the fifty race horses cur­ Bsmks compe'te to serve the most diversified needs, SiE'yiOE and ElPiAVOUR wealth. ’Those, few paragraphs .an­ rently known for their speed on swer quite effectively any sugges­ milady tracks 15 called “Dusty.” tion that the U.S. won Uie war, , no matter how specialized any of them may be . . . Churchill does nothing to mini­ t r y c o u r ie r c l a s s i f i e d a d s . This week complete.^ our -40th year of constructive effort mize the American contribution. Ho gives it full credit but he does pojpt personal, business, or farm loans, money transfers, and enterprise in the Okanagun Valley. out some things that tHe general public does not; appreciate. , coUectiohs ^—to name just a few. He shows, for iristance, that up Many changes have taken place in this time and we are till July, 1944, the British Coir ion- justlv proud of the part we have been allowed to play in its wealth had a substantial! irger number of divisions in com.,ct with More than 95 out of 100 bank loan applications development. ■ the enemy than did the United States. 'This includes not only the We sincerely believe that it is in the best interests of all European and African spheres, but are decided “right in the field”—in the branches—by also in Asia against . Up till to foster the system of free enterprise. Under the Free En­ DEMERARA the arrival in Normandy in the RDM M bank mjanagers who take a personal interest in terprise of business and government in Canada, Canadians autumn of 1944 of the great mass of the Ariierican army, the British have achieved one of the highest standards of living in the were always equal and generaUy serving their customers’ individual requirements. predominant on any front, except world. the Pacific and Australasia. After July, 1944, the U.S. predominated. Lot us continue to support it and look forward to the ChurchilTs figures show that on the basis of “equivalent division” future \vith confidence. the BriUsh had a considerably grea­ ter number of men in the war theatres until near the end of the war. In January, 1944, for instance, the British had 23 2/3 divisions; the U.S. • 16. In July of that year the Maiar«4 figures had changed to 38 2/3 and kbI Going fo your bank i$ not 42 and at the end of the year 49 8«itl«4 OKANAGAN INVESTMENTS and • 79. Foreign contingents oper­ im ISce having fo deal with a state ating with the British such as the EofUad Free Frerich, Poles, Czechs, etc., bureau—but that*s how it would Umited were riot included. be under state monopoly. From the casualty point of view, Churchill points out that the Bri­ MEMBERS tish dead num bered 412,240, to ff which should be added iGO.SOO civi­ INVESTMENT DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA lians killed in the air raids and This advertisement is not pt^lished 30.COO merchant seamen ’ lost. or displayed by the Liquor Control •A.gainst these figures the total casu­ (SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK 2S0 Bernard Avenue Board or by the Government ol Phones 9i>. 332 alties of the U.S. army, navy, mar­ ines and coastguard were 322,188. British Columbis.

‘ M-' ‘ -r . ;• . 1 '' , - , I I ' I, '1 7 ’ I, . I : , .1 ■ ; -| r.’ .V ■ r- ... ■ , ‘...... : , ' I K i PAGE THRF1-: THE KELOWNA COURIER MONDAY. MAY SO, Anii. i u ;)ii p!;iy write. A rthur Jc.i- Fei tuakim: a IM m a us a Bern- SCHOOL DRAMA iiid Avuuu" mtetvveclKni, .l-akhii ti-< rue. from Lmiihi! Mne AleuU'.s up- r (r.,.liy UHi Ui«> Old reque;;! tl n GROUP WILL pr. ling : ti.'iy ' l..tUl'.- W unun" tc- S ihkIi was lin' d $2 50 in i ity pi'Iiec Ki;q: t') optn th'- lace to threc- ni);ht and ti>im>rn;nv itiKht at 1> p sn iom t May 20 S P 0 R T S >< Jr-oldv. LtciI in Canada and ow n­ PRESENT PLAY in the teluml auditoiuim 'd by Canadian:.- The re'iu' .'it wa;.; Member:; of the Kelowna Hii-h 'riekets ate oil sale at the dour of ;;r;,.-iit'd ItlV C'OriUER WANT ,\in TS. CAMERA Jlio.'C tv. I) rruruti"'- "f that Satur- Svhool Oranui Club uro uaay obbtiiu'u gii> r o u Q I’U Iv III SI I TS c:.(V afteirio'in will elimax inontl.i. • lit Jn,, 0 *: * # a three aet play adaiiled by the :-chool student. ^ (SjKfUlly Wrltt*-!! fur Tin- Vourir-rt i f (V(te. f< ;r. fi'isie. patience and » * I «"*,!.i f i i l l liy WAI.LY l/.SAK ti.onind Hace horse;; are fitroni; Two niiiiutf 3 i'; just i»ty ut iill it and ■"h'k and many a .'pectator fia;; should UiV.i-. But ifi tho::.- f.vo rniri- b* en thrill' d by Iheii beauty and ut<9 on May I'd was pack 'd tiH [X'Wer as they pound dow n Die tii«' ruipf ru:','. p.ijo.arilry and thrill • treteh in perfect form ol Canada'ti t'.i' .it tuif i lassieTin’ Hut these thorouj'hbred.’s hav ■ Kint:'* I'lal'v inimy weakncs'f.s and are liable io Tho pursi' isn't riiu< h to rp'-ak fall r>rey to many illnesses. That';; about only $10,(K>t) addcil arui 50 vvliy few fo the postt on Plate Kuinoas doi.'.itcd by tlir Kini; ir. day after so many have been nom- i.oriipari'oM to the Kentucky Derby miited for the rac m Pay for it with a fow -cotf The Ontario Jockey Club refused received. In his speech the generalissimo said that " #V"«i ;’.rv to ask the Kind to chandc the con­ he apjieared before acting Police Spain had nothing to worry about even though the ditions despite the plcadinds of M agistrate G. A. McKay in city l^cneral assembly of the United Nations voted ajjainst FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN horsemen from both' west and cast. liolicc court May 27. Spain's admission. Repay by convanient imtalmentM

with headquarters at . Col. Farm Iniproveinont L)uns for many useful Stephenson is no stranger to the city as during the war he was the purposes ore available af, any branch of The PERIOD :e 70-1 first commanclant of the Canadian School of Infantry. Royal Bank of Canada. Take advantage of “In any country,' agricultural or FARM IMPLEMENT this nltraclive finamang plan to improve your FURNITURE industrial, there is nothing that Line in Vernon will assist development and pro­ property and living conditions on the farm. vide greater amenities than ample REPAIRS electric power at reasonable rates,’’ New Buildings, Jmprovemenis, Bepairs and Ex~ VICRNUN—The double line of Inige poles earrying .some 70 Col. Stephenson said last week. • It pays to buy for cash. ^ miles of heavy high tension wire over the hills ;iik1 vallevs “Electrical energy is the one com­ , .Use a low-cost bank loan to tensions cun also be financed through a Farm lietween V ernon and si)rang into life over the week- modity that during this inflation purchase new implements & period has not increased in cost to Improvement Loan. and equipment. Pay cash to end. - 1 1 ) r- o . the consumer and in many instan­ w Quite often we have people coming to us asking if we Tlie line was “activitated” by olticials ot the J>.L. i owei ces the commission has been able earn valuable cash dis­ ELECTRIFY YOUR FARM. Make life easier and can repair and restore antique furniture. Commission in the first test to be made since completion of to reduce its cost to the people of counts. Strengthen your more pleasant for yourself and your family. the line, on which work has bet^n proc:eeding for mondis iiast. British Columbia.” position with suppliers. \Vc now have a master craft.sman with us who specializes Col. Stephenson recently visited You can finance the purchase and installation l-'nllowing the tests, the line will go into active service, with the "Whatshan development on the Terms of repayment ar­ in this type of work. The intricately designed leg of a all its 69^000 volts of electrical energy. lovely old table or chair that has been broken or dam­ Arrow Lakes and reported that ranged to meet your needs. of a farm electric system with a low-cost Farm Until completion of the huge tricts will be another link in the construction is progressing satis­ Come in and talk it over. aged—can be restored to its original condition at a very 'Whatshan hydro electric develop- B.C. Power Commissions rapidly factorily. Commission crews are Improvement Loan. Come in and talk your nominal fee. ment next year, the transmission developing network to serve the building the power house founda­ , plans over with us. line wiU serve a dual function. It vast Interior areas. Engineers and tions and these were finished be­ is connected to the commission’s workmen plugged away at the fore high water. The company buil­ 66 000 volt line between 'Vemon hea'to'' and difficult job of line con- ding the mile and half long tunnel '.' iT C ' I-' ' and the Shuswap Falls plant. -When struction through fuo?™er ^ from Whatshan Lake to Arrow surnlus energy is available from winter so that it could be flmsned Lake has penetrated the mountain TIIE RO YM BARIC OF CANADA HARVEY’S CABINET SHOP Shusswap it will be fed over the on schedule. Tim program was in about 4,200 feet. Phone 155-R2 line to relieve, the commission’s charge of A. D. ‘Dave McKay, 2164 Aberdeen St. steam plant, which, with a hydro the commission’s superintendent of (Charged under the Indian Act plant north of Kamloops, serves line construction, who was a bulk- with unlawful intoxication, Mary « KELOWNA BRANCH J. K. CAMPBELL, M anager Kamloops and the Thompson River wark on liefence for Vernon s Sen- Manuel, Westbank, and Andrew Valley. At peak load requirements ior B hockey team l^ t wmter. Jack, Vernon, were each fined $16 in the Okanagan, energy will flow in Vernon at the present time and costs or in default seven days, HATS south from the Kamloops opera- on this and other Commission work in cit ypolice court May 23. tions. , is Col. D. C. Stephenson, constrdc- OFF! ■When the line goes into service tion engineer, and formerly super- the Okanagan and Kamloops dis- intendent for the Coast division VICTIM OF NEAR MURDER LIKES CAKE

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' V BENNETT TO BE'h'ER SERVICE... m. mmm. “Service” . . . that’s our middle name, and on that score, we don’t have take pur hats off to anybody. Mainly, we sell qua­ 'll'; lity gas and oil, but we also do servicing -I' -.1 I* • ' i i wMM to help you get the most driving pleasure out of your car. We check the motor, bat­ ' k ’ • %■ ' ATTEND THKE MEETINGS tery and tires free of charge, and do car cleaning and lubricating at reasonable Monday, May 30, Peachland Legion Hall— prices. You’ll like the kind of care we give 8 p.m. your car. ■ ; ■ a a .> k- Speakers—W. A. C. Bennett. H. A. Truswcll, wM m and Bob Hayman. Hung bv one foot in a tree by a pair of red-headed youths now sought by police.. David McCarty, 10. of Port Lambton, near London Tuesday, May 31, Winfield small Commun­ Ont finds a cure-all in a piece of Grandma Swicks cake. He -was 'tied ELLIS STREET SERVICE STATION to a bent-over tree, which, when released, pulled him into the air. ity Hall—8 p.m. Wm 13,17 KIU;^ .St. Phone 973 His grandfather cut him down with a knife, and though bruised and Hear: \V. A. C. Bennett, E. C. Weddell, F. L. Weeding, he quickly recovered. __ ' ______■ ." Fitzpatrick. T2IXZXT7Z7i n 7ZT7X TzXSXTTTTiZnS FIRE BRIGADE Wednesday, June 1, Kllison School—-8 p.m. OPPOSES CLOSING Hear: W. A. C. Bennett. Nigel Pooley, C. K. Bull. Thursday, June 2, Benvoulin south, Tuesday, May 31. CKOV—6 p.m. VERNON STREETS Nigel Poolc}'. Italian Hall —^ p.m. • LISTEN Wednesday, June 1, CKOV, 8.30 p.m. "VERNON—Tabled on Monday Hear: W. C. Bennett, Bob Browne-Glayton, evening of last week by the Ver­ I.. R. Stciihens. non City Council until the matter L. R. Stephens. TO of the proposed closing of 37th Av­ Thursday, June 2, CKOV—5.45 p.m. enue is settled, was a letter from Saturday, June 4, Kelowna Scout Hall Jiob i lajnian. the • Vernon Fire .Department. This -—8 p.m. CKOV opposes the closings of any cross­ Friday, June 3, CKOV—8.30 p.m. A NEW THREE DIMENSIONAL PLYWOOD ings on the grounds that it will af­ Hear: Premier Bvron Johnson. W. -A.. C. Bennett. J H. A. 3'ruswcll. fect potential fire fighting 'opera­ tions. That closure of, any approaches A Man ot Action h'tch wood i.s manufactured witli a waterproof glue line for both suggested would seriously affect the actions of the Fire Department, is exterior or interior use. a statement! The local fire fighters urge that crossings be. left as they Etch wood is made from highly selected tir plywijod witli the soft­ are. Initiative As ari ' alternative, they puggest' wood hurui.slied froip its surface. ' that •ivarning. signals be placed on the crossing^ .most suitable- for use I’dch WDod is as hard as hardwood. / in case^of.fire...... , \ The first choice of the Fire De­ partment as, a single crossing;for a fire lane is Schubert Avenue. The a Better B W ie second choice is Barnard and 35th Avenue. “ If the second choice is made, m then e%’t:ry effort should be made to have 35th opened from Pleasant Valley to 19th Street, to relieve the bottle-neck at Schubert and Pleas­ Builders SuppljiUil- ant Valley Road, and provide two means of approach to the eastern PROVINCIAL ELECTION JUNE 15 Agents for Kelowna and District section of the city.” TTie letter con­ cludes by suggesting that the opin­ (Issued by Coalition Campaign Headquarters) Phone 757 1054 Ellis Street ion of the rire Underwriters and the Fire Marshal’s office be obtain­ ed before action is decided. t h e KELOWNA COURIER MONDAY. MAY 30. BMil

day afteriKK'n due to a v\ct pl.a>- tbr.-'" .*nd f.iar-.’Utter , Hi. fuddet , POSTPONE BOXLA ism surface. bviekc-tl turn up l.n Rrand »tyi*’ > ex- TIGHT PITCHING T he eelteduled Vernon at ICam- HAROLD COUSINS terday, eorsiUisUintt only two bob- loop® tilt alio was pcwlpotreU owuir ii;-’.-; but aejurati.t that no runm-t.'s TILTS SATURDAY to Iho areitu floor beinn uncmnpU't- ii..<;lied bom'- DUEL FEATURES ed in lime. FINALLY GETS Meatrw bile, Kamioop . lA'gion ii - Scheduled Kelowna at Salman rnained undefeated at the top of Arm senior B Inixta fixtute of Sat- TltY COl'RIKR CI.ASSIFlfCD.S the b.Kip as Hill McDonald turned WOMEN’S GAME urd.'iv nlnbt was called olT Satur- FOR QUICK KLSULTS HIS NO-HITTER in hi;, fifth con:u'Cutive pi.cbiru: iriunip with a 5-2 'vm .it Pentic­ l‘’ortnct Kelowna Chutkei A liomc run. two fiiutle.* and ,i ton. |.;ui of error;; made the dillercnce CANADIAN ARMY—INSURANCE FOR PEACE Pitchc;i Greatest Game of Kelowna Ke time. BOX SCORE MEN WITH p ’ r, .1 i /. .i! it witb tbe Kelowna er. Zena Hantueei. UKK put together Hi 'I S ix ' J. year, liutled the p.rea- lour runs to take tbe Athletic Oval Follovvinf! i-s the box score of tbe W in at Tonasket Sunday i,. > • of hi'j life .it Oliver S un­ ie.ij’ne fixture -t-O Wednesday nij’.nt. Kelowna Red Sox-Kamloops C.Y. AMBITION day a icorele'at iio-lulter .ngalmt Ktbel Barn ev was nicked for only BALL SCORES O. baseball game at ICamloop.s O uthit 0-5. Kelowna Red Sox to shoulder the loss. ARE 15M(l.;< (;ort. W;uih. four ‘an/'le;, by the Ace.s, formerly 'Tuesday—the openinK fixture of Tlirce of the Sox safeties were known as Kelowna lliKh School w ere the more sicriou-s in the "com­ n.-eidlni: to try his fortunes with IJAHr.BAIiIi the Iwo-dny $1100 tournament. Ke­ edy of errors ' at Tonasket yester­ good for extra bases. Hatik Tos­ (Jhvei KIk'i this year, the fjreat 3.'>- Juniors, B.C.'s hij’h school juirior lowna was knocked out In the first tenson got the long range honors Interior League day as they rolled up an B-t) win yeai - old speed- Mifllian iham iis. round by C.Y.O. 0-1. for their second .straight victory in of the day with his threo-bagger ball artivl final­ Vernon 11, Itutland Cubs 7. The win ke|)l HEK alone nmond while O'ShaughncBsy and Cec Fa­ G oing Kelowna AB R H PO A E a row. ly made the ball Uijvelstokc 7. Kamloops C.Y.O. 1. the undefeated. It was tbe Junior vcll slashed out doubles. .1. Wlrindd 0, Gnrrow, 2 b ...... 5 0 1 1 0 2 A five-run splurge in the lust of fame after Aces' first loss. Kiclbiskl, S.1 ...... 4 0 1 0 2 1 inning on u walk, a sacrifice, three TTiough the Kelowna boys com­ on the door sev­ International League Newton, c ...... 4 0 0 7 0 1 costly errors, a free base via the mitted three errors, only one of the eral times. With P laces! Kelowna B, Tonasket 0. Tostenson, lb ..... 4 0 0 B 1 0 hit-by-pltchcr route, a single by 11 Americans to got on, reached h 1 s teamin.itcs TEMPERATURES third base. Tonasket fhreatoned in poiiiiditii' Larry Kamloops 5. Penticton 2. Favcll. r£ ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 Rudy Kitch and a double by Glen Hrldf'cport 0. Oliver 10. May M ax Min R. Kitcli, rf ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 O'Shaughnc.ssy wrapped up the ve­ their half of the finale when plnch- ilov.'i'is for 15 (feet) 2 1 1 2 3 0 rdict for the Elks-sponsored Sox. hittcr Duchow singled with one a- bit;;. Cou.sins rc- Junior League 1949 OShauBhness, 3b ... In Canada’s Active Army 20 ...... 79 54 F. Klt-sch, If ..... 4 0 1 2 0 0 The game, by previous arrange­ way, but Kiclbiskl got G. Vlsscr to cidvi’d full cred­ Kamloops C.Y.O. 10, Kelowna 2. fly out and struck out Goblet. because trades training is avail­ 27 . . 73 50 .200 Hill, cf ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 ment, was played at 10 a.m., while able In all corps. Ikim a.s you it for a 10-0 vic­ 41 .210 1" 0 1 0 0 0 the rest of the day was devoted to BOX SCORE tory before a ca- SOFTBALL 28 . . . 02 Peters, cf ...... learn and titialUfy for increased Sunday IbtlilblUon 2il . . 89 44 Lesmeister, p ..... 4 0 0 3 3 0 the annual Tonasket rodeo. Kelowna AB R H PO A E ^ pay and promotion. Competent CousliiH pacity h o m e Eddie Kiclbiskl, pitcher-.short- L'rowd Penticton 0, Uiitlntid Rovers .5. Garrow, ss ...... 4 0 0 4 1 1 in.struetors and latest teclinical Porco Billiards 0, Black Bomb­ Anyone wlio works for money 35 1 7 27 0 4 patcher for the Sox. was cast in Newton, cf ...... 5 1 1 4 0 0 equipm ent. "Jot;" bad burled more than one alone is very poorly paid. the winning role, while Icharl, in 2 one-bitter before and several two. ers .1. Kiiiiih)op.s C.Y.O. AB R H PO A E R. Kitch, If ...... 4 1 1 1 0 Garay, 2b ...... 5 0 0 3 5 0 spite of funning 14 Sox batters, had Favcll, rf ...... 5 1 1 2 0 0 Kaminishi, 3b .... 4 2 1 1 0 0 Tostenson, lb ...... 4 1 7 0 0 rF o l c life of cornrcick'sl)ip (mcl socuiity McDonald, rf ..'... 5 1 2 2 0 0 O’Sbaughnossy, 3b 4 0 1 1 1 0 Hordsay, If 4 10 10 0 Stewart, c ...... 5 0 0 8 2 1 Francis, cf ...... 3 10 2 0 0 Koenig, 2b •...... 2 2 0 0 2 1 Join the C anadian Ai my Active Force EKcIcy, lb ...... 5 0 1 10 0 0 What's Doing?\ Kiclbiskl, p ...... 3 1 0 1 0 0 Morton, c ...... 5 0 1 0 1 0 TUESDAY AnM umcemani Haywood, ss ...... 3 0 1 1 2 1 30 B 5 ‘27 7 3 l''or Full Barticulars Write Now Prehara, p ...... 4 1 2 1 1 0 Men's Softb.'ill—EIlcs vs. Porco E Billiards, 0.30 p.m., Athletic Oval. T onasket AB R H PO A 11 PERSONNEL DEPOT Roy Visscr, 3b .. 3 0 1 0 1 0 4050 W 4th Avenue 38 6 B 27 9 1 Women's Softball—Colfec Royals Kronschnabci, 2b .. 4 0 1 2 3 0 KAMLOOPS ..... 100 131 000—0 vs. Junior Aces, Athletic Oval. Robinson, ss ...... 4 0 1 0 2 4 VANCO UVER, B.C. KELOWNA ...... 000 100 OOO—1 0:30 p.m. Ray Visscr, rf .... 4 0 1 0 0 0 SUMMARY—Runs batted in: Senior B Lacrosse—Vernon Ti­ H. Visscr, cf ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 CITY BUS SERVICE gers vs. Kelowna Bruins, Memorial Lorz, If .....1...... ;... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Hill, Prehara, Francis, Egcly, Ka­ minishi. Two-base hit: O’Shaugh- Aiena, 8:30 p.m. Allen, If ...... 0 0 0 0 0 1 nessy. Stolen bases: Kaminishi. Mc­ G. Visscr, c ...... 4 0 0 14 1 1 (THOMPSON BUS LINES LIMITED) Donald, Francis, Haywood, New­ HOLD PREDATOR SHOOT Mriel, lb ...... 3 0 0 9 0 1 MR. BOAT FOR ton, Kitch. Sacrifleo: Francis. ■VERNON—^Forty-four old mag­ Gobict, lb ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 FOR SALE Kelowna, B.C. Left on ba$cs: Kamloops 10, Ke­ pies and three crows were bagged Ichart, p ...... 3 0 1 1 1 0 lowna 10. Bases on balls: Off Pre- by hunters during the predator ♦Duchow ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 HIRE OR A REAL SUMMEIt HOME hard 2; off Lesmeister 2 . Struck shoot held Sunday, May 22, by the ON LAKE CHELAN out: By Prehara 7; by Lesmeister Vernon Fish, Game and Forest 33 0 6 27 a 7 EFFECTIVE JUNE 6, 1949 7. Hit by pitched ball: By Les­ Protective Association. First prize “■Singled for Allen in ninth. ‘ meister 2; by Prehara 1. Umpires: went to the foursome captained by Score by Innings MR. Wash Ryan, with 110 -birds. Chalmers and Arthur. Kelowna ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 5 —8 2-CABlN Tonasket ...... 00 0 000 000—0 SUMMARY — Earned runs: Ke­ COMMERCIAL CRUISER Sperle*s Last Inning Home Run lowna 1. Two-base hits: Favell. O’- Shaughnessy. Three-base hits: Tos­ FISHERMAN With kitchenette and din­ Change of Bus Route No. 1 tenson. Left on bases: Kelowna 8, ette. Sleeps four in two pri­ Beats Mirtle In Pitching Duel Tonasket 7. Sacrifice hits: Garrow, vate cabins. You can live Kiolbiski. Stolen'bases: Newton, any place on the lake all Kitch. Bases on balls: off Kielbiski, Commenciii.b’ at Corner of rendozi St. and Bernard Ave., thence northerly on Here is a chance to add to summer where fishing is good A home run by Matt Sperle in ball Association, at Athletic Oval 2; off Ichart 3. Struck out: by Kiel­ in this 20-foot Steelcraft. I’endozi .Street to Mill .‘\v e .: thence westerly on Mill Ave. to Water Street: was 12-0 biski 6; by Ichart 14. Hit by pitched your equipment ' and save the ninth inning with two runners thence southerly on Water Street to Bernard Ave.: thence Westerly on Ber­ Sperle, still undefeated in league ball: by Ichart 2 (Tostenson, O’- money. Read this ad in the nard .\ve. to Abbott .Street: thence southerly oh Abbott Street to Strathcona on clinched victory for Porco’s Bil­ play this year, and with a < one- Shaughnessy). Umpires: C. Ogle, L POWERED BY H5 ILP. hitter to his credit in an exhibition States paper. ■\ve.: thence easterly on Strathcona Ave. to Pendozi Street: thence southerly liards over Kelowna Elks in an­ MacKay. CHRYSLER CROWN other classy duel between two_ of tilt, duplicated a previous feat this MOTOR on Pendozi Street to Osprey Ave.: th nee westerly on Osprey Ave. to North the best softball hurlers in the city. season by winning his own ball Bamaunaga We have just heard from the .Street: thence southerly on North Street to \Vest Ave.: thence easterly on Final score in the senior men’s fix­ game with additional power at the Canadian Custom Office and ture of Kelowna and District Soft- plate. This indestructible all-steel We.st Ave. to Pendozi Street: thence northerly on Pendozi Street to corner you can buy this fine Crui­ cruiser with The world’s re­ Up to the ninth inning, Gordie ser for fishing Fleet or Boats t>{ [A-ndozi Street and Bernard Ave., place of commencement. Mirtle, Elks’ moundsman, was run­ putation for safety was new PIN K EY ’S ning neck-and-neck in the see-sa-.v for hire as long as it is used August, 1947, and HAS RUN battle in spite of earlier homers by for Commercial Business, at LESS THAN 20 HOURS. NOTE:—Subject to the- consent of the Public Utilities Commission. Any, objections to opposition batters Doug Moulton only 15 per cent duty plus this chanjge of route may be filed with the Superintendent of Motor Carriers, Public and Lloyd Gilmour, both \vith a 1949 STEELCRAFTS Utilities Commission, Vancouver, B.C., within fourteen (14) days from its date of issue. 0 Sales Tax. mate aboard. SELL FOR $5,902 . But Sperle’s last inning four- raissmamsur—'was bagger was the crushing blow that WELCOME TOURISTS! spoiled Mirtle’s hopes of evening We have several good buys in the count against Sperle. Mirtle Enjoy Your Stay, MY PRICE ONLY struck out five and Sperle had 10 Come and Bowl good used Cruisers. ' outs via the whiff route. Night or day! In a senior B women’s league $ 4 ,0 0 0 game at Rutland also on Friday, Write C. E. Warren, Steel- the*^ hapless C.Y.O. crew dropp^ ■ . SEE ■ their fourth straight game, this BERT’S craft dealer. Lakeside, Wash­ time to the Rutland Juniors. But BOLODROME ington. the winless CYO’ers seem to be CLYDE WARREN improving as they were downed 265 Lawrence Ave. First Creek, Lake Chelan only 5-1, an alm ost com plete tu rn a ­ Will accept Canadian maney. bout from some of the the one­ Phone 872 sided scores previously racked up. m m ,r a B TIGERS, BRUINS CLASH TUESDAY How What Pid i

Current version of the Vernon Tigers, Interior Lacrosse Associa­ tion senior B champions, will be in action against Earl Wilson’s well- rounded-out Kelowna Bruins in Memorial Arena tomorrow night. • Both squads already have been tested in the infant boxla schedule, but this will be the first meeting between the two that placed first and second in last year’s playoffs. Local observers predict Tuesday night’s clash will be a “natu^” with the Bruins slight favorites. Game tim e is 8.30. Booney, one of the three boxla- wise Sammartino brothers, this year is coaching the Tigers, suc­ ceeding Bumie Feedham. All of last year’s Tigers are around this year except Don 'Thompson, Frank Redman, Meb Vye and Roy Beech. Three starry players who appear­ ed with Kamloops Young Liberals here Tuesday last—^Ab Mills, Bob Monohan and Harold Foulger soon may appear in Vernon livery. Mon­ ohan was ■with the ISgers last year and Mills two years ago. gives POLLY-VOUS

'SPEOAL deluxe FOUR-0OO8 S£DAI« ■riih lort<3*r I I 0L^** whaelbo*^ FRANCAIS? you value where or POLLY-VOUS (o u a f^ l ANGLAIS? it Polly Sayrs: “In any langu­ Here’s the new Plymouth . . . a car ihai likes to be compared for value I age Roily’s the best auto body man in town.” In the new Plymouth, Engineering magic greets you right from the start. Y'ou don't grope for a starter button. You don’t pull on a choke. You simply turn the ignition key—and the engine starts! In' the more powerful 97 horsepower engine, there are THA7iSASMOOrf/\ many Chrysicr-Engineered features, such as— 1-ring pistons for MWJ Counls! U.J'**’ better compression, fuel and oil economy—a Boating oil intake '.CD U CjmpieL’JnrP cjfi? and oil filter for longer, more cflicient engine life. Your dealer w s*ri: j-i-j !/ will show you many more. Plvinouth d

),x»Jsav-s:r--r.r7.jf-viJ5XZ52322iESiJi^^ b u s in e s s " PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR KIN-BEES LOSE u ------I EMERGENCY WJlKItES THK BEST BLACK TO WANTED BY YOUNG MAN 3 LOT'S ON LAKESHORE. Excel­ 1 buy V'rni.ti,tn Blind's? Why. Mf A Hoorn ami board < W. Stebbini:, Box view both up and down Iho lake. INITIAL HOME !n-U< r : UII. call in person' Kstinialcs 127. Kaimloop;!. B C. U2-2i> SBIX'IAI— Just 2'j miles north from Kelowna COUHIKH COUUTESY i;ladly jtiven. no obllKalion. Mea- Inirge, older type hou.%e. suitable Post Office. ’,uii'incnl.> also taken. This is Jurl TiHlHK OirFOUU BOOM furnish­ for rooming or boarding house. In Gravel road to the door. Taxes low. GAME TO CYO ES LIKE Ambulance ...... 1225 one of the many fine services at ed su.te. need .at oncc-UBGENT. first clas,s residential area. Close Electric light now being inslallcd. Kel j'.vna's friendly s tore—Me A M<‘. Beplv Bhone 200Y-5, Gordon Mirlle. to school and hospital. Standing on I’rice according to size and location. Classy Kamloops Squad Has Police ...... BO-tfc U2-lp large lot which could bo sub-div- Sec these lota Immcxliately—Wed­ Idcd. Bendix wa-shcr and stove in- nesday or Sunday afternoon; you Little Trouble Turniii}!; Back FINE CHINA WANTED TO RENT FOB JULY Hospital ^ THEBE IS NO NEED TO SEND cludtHl. For quick, cash sale, only wUl be .surprised at the beautiful Kelowna Team your furs out-of-lown! Sujsport lo­ and Aujtu.'it at or near Kelowna by Si>ccial ...... $0,500. view.—A quiet country lioino so cal industry! Help your own home ;i very reliable Vancouver family, close to the city. Apply evenings. F ire H a ll ...... 196 leferencer. if retiuired. House willi SMALL CROWD town! Mundcls oiTer you a com­ WHY BAY RENT? • • • plete fur sloraae service and are four bedrooms, modern, lakeshore Comfortable bungalow, two bed­ GORDON D. HERBERT M E O K 'A L d i k e c t o b y fully f|ualillcd to offer expert coun- or close to lake. Must be a nice 1084 Ethel St. Tel. 874-R Visitors Make the Most of house. If suitable, rent asked of rooms, living room, kitchen, bath­ FOR 8EBVICE r,el. There Is no finer service any­ room, utility room, in good residen­ 81-2C Stcalinf; Bases on Kin-Bees where than you i;ct rlKht in Kcl- secondary Importance. Bhone 332 BEAUTIFUL FINISHES If unable lo contact a doctor Kelowna. Gl-lc tial location. Full price $4,200. Tills FOR QUICK SALF—0 roomed Five Errors phone 722. own—at M andcl’s. BOtfc property can bo purchased for a oa WALLS. FURNITURE. WOODWORK house on quiet street. Owner must Kelowna Kin-Bees knew they down payment of $1,500, and pay­ leave city. 82-4p YOUT.B LIKE "HOME BAKERY” USED CARS, TRUCKS m ents of only $25.00 a month. were really up against tough op­ DRUG STORES OPEN: products! Ask for, reach for these position here Sunday as they ab­ everytimo—at your grocers. De­ MOTORCYCLE—1948 Harley Da­ FOR FARMS, ORCHARDS, LAKE- HENRY’S REALTY sorbed a 10-2 beating at the hands SOFTONE is tho WcdncMlay, June 1st— livered fresh daily. Baked just the vidson, model 125. AS new. Mile­ SHORE LOTS, AND HOMES. of Kamloops C.Y.O. Juniors In a way you like them. OOtfc age 2500. Phone C58-R-L cvcning.s, CHECK w m i US BUSINESS PLACE AND HOME Mnlnllne-Okunagan Junior Baseball woohablo insido oil V. n . Wllllts & Co Ltd. E. M. Roberts. Eavington. Vernon. rrrs. riiarmacy I WANNA GO TOO, MOM! TO WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION for sale—centrally located, llffs Is League fixture. town Uint is! That rent-a-bugi'y B.C. 82-4p AT OUR HEADQUARTERS FOR a real snap. $12,500. Further par­ Coming to Kelowna with a one paint for colorful 7 to « p.nt. win no loss league record and a .service is really a whiz! Let’s go to CHEV. j-i-TON^ TRUCK. GOOD REAL ESTATE AND INSUR- ticulars on application. Harding's and rent one for me. Us shape, anyone looking for a reliabh' win over ICamloops C.Y.O. seniors loveliness. SOFTONE CUSTOMS kid wil have fun on your shopping INTERIOR AGENCH5S IVTD. LUNCH COUNTER, 20 STOOLS, and a tic with Kamloops Legion ilOUBS: little truck, this is It. Apply behind seniors in exhibition^ games, the .spree! OOtfc Manweilers Store. Rutland Rd. 200 B ernard Avenue including all fixtures and stock. Ex­ oomos in threo 82-Ip Kelowna, B.C. cellent turnover. $9,000, Priced to Hub City junior ballmen had little 8 a.m. to 11 pjn. P.D.8.T. GUARANTEED SERVICE FOR all sell. trouble turning back the Kin-Boe.s niakc.s of wa.shers.” Phil Eastman. FO iT S ALE—1935 f N IF THE HOME YOU WANT IS in the league’s debut here before economical finishes— l e m i t a h Lakeview Washing Machine Repair good condition. Heater. Good tires. NOT SHOWN ABOVE. ENQUIRE Grocery business and home for only a handful of fans at Elks’ Sta­ HELP WANTED Shop. Phono D34-R4 70-tfc etc Please phone 834X1 around AT OUR OFFICE AND WE WILL sale—situated outside Kelowna, dium. FIiAT.SEMI-GIiOSS, \ 730 pm »“-3P g e t IT FOR YOU gas outlet. Frigldairc, cooler, etc. Kin-Bees might have made a real RESILVElUNG MIRRORS. Mirrors Buildings, stock, flxturcik, all in­ light of it except for'a bad hole be­ ”” ATTENTION made to order and old mirrors re- _ a t r-« and GLOSS. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS cluded. $17,000. One half cash. hind the plate. Young Joey Gior­ silvered and remodelled into mo- F O R oAl-

e n m im m

iyc,;c, ’’■"’Vi J ‘ ■.IV , ■ , ' '/ / ' J ' ' r , ,1^ ' 1, ' ' PA G E S E V E N THE KELOWNA COURIER MONDAY, MAY M. IWi contain |>rv>bitiUcU noxious weed },tH'd.s Is subject to lU'tenUuu and pi ovttl. by uu In.sjH'ctor of the Pliuit 1(1 -A U t.: -.V.u.-.' ^ 'iay inoirii*u: c o l ­ POISON IVY North Okanagan Voters confiscation, with Ministerial ap. li., •, W.i' ■, .S!r(ft ».( II ('.iwstori rroducla D)vi.sion. Any such seed '■ .'V l;fu«rs H The Ideal icachinu a Canadian Custonva lAirt lO. , : ,i ' H if il' il/ 1 of Kt'’- DANGEROUS of Entry is oiUcrcd to bo rleported, 1. ;. ill; >i( • a»v '■sici': : « 0 | TO PEOPLE Nei^bourhood VKUNON In tho Koi lb Okana- NOXIOUS WEEDS K.m cloclotal district, ft.SUIJ more f'li :i MTiiindt'r .iboul If jumplo m.iy c.i.'t their vote in tho jDONT “RAISE ! jioi ' a i'.'v ,'t ir.y ;• (iiiy'r. y coir.ill in r<'rs- did in the same di.'tiict in 1915. I t HE ROOF” ! ! ■■•. lUi f hr- ;il III!, UNDER CONTROL Aecoidiiu; to till' voter.s' list. In the In till' iteKulnUuiis under the 'Iti ■ 1m ,t |)n--.'< ritativi- miM.-.ui \ » » “a'll ABOUT THAT DRAIN- hands of the printers now. tho to- Dominion .Seed Act. dudder. Held y> Jc.iin 1 m! or rit rifar it ..i-siin! t il lei'lstration of volei.s in the bindweed, lio.iry ereys. leavy £purj;e AGE PROBLEM! ;i .Mtho ii'J: 11 iv'r.' rally i;ru'.v:j a.' North bkaiuutan H 10.9U3, eumpar- ami Kusslt.n Unapseed are desit;- (or ti.iiNii' vi"M’. ' f i38Ka3^^ pkiiit 111 Caiiaila iuivim; trifoliate •335; Lumby, 100; Oyama, 09; Okan- seeds, leave;; and while fruit. affan bandiiiB, 01; Layinjtlon. 78 Followinj! are the 1949 reiUstra- (p d e A e ^ lions Willi 1945 figures in Ann.stroiig ...... 1,478 (1,150) WHEN IN VANCOUVER Aslitoii Creek ...... 119 (, 30) Clienyvilie ...... 73 ( 40) THERE IS ONLY ONE Coldstream ...... 309 ( 359) Commonage ...... 17 ( 13) 1600 KINGSWAY IN SPRINKLER IRRIGATION.. Deep Creek ...... 84 ( CO) Encloiby ...... 000 ( .573) Investigate Community K”in™ fZ Ewings 1,aiding 2(5 ( 35) W lu re your friend lU)!’. NJ'.f\l. will gi\V you an l)oncsl Fiiilry ...... 9 ( 10) deal at LIFETIME elliciency Grandview ...... 50 ( 41) f r o m h ig h c u f f Grindrod ...... 209 ( 311) Before Deciding on H o m e Hilton ...... 42 1 17' KINGSWAY MOTORS — Phone FA8521 ______^ VKUNON—-Wliat VKUNON—Wliat benan began as as a a Hullcar ...... 102 ( 90 > / . • • il, ' pleasant fishing Iriii, ended in a Hupei ...... 74 ( 49) 1600 Kingsway—V f\N C O U V ER means LIFETIME (This is the third in a series of articles written in the pdrriblc tragedy for three Vernon * Kcdloston ...... 43 ( 30 > spoi lsmen Thunsday of last week ( 135 > iiueieotinterest Uiof readersivci who are contemplating I- O building or buy- Ernie Sparrows. 18, son ot Lavington ...:...... ’203 ...... 099 ( 5191 P * 5 1 ing a house.; . . . Mr. and Mrs. George Sparrow, fell Lumbv ...... CROP miSCRANCS ...... 5G ( 03) llu'ir cntliiisi.isin fur ljonic-invncrsIiii>. families sonic- his death from a ( 133) \ ^ M ara ...... 152 times bail to eoiisider'the extent to wliieli elioiee of a eoninuni- about a mile and a half -wuui m Okanagan ...... 120 < 103) 1 ateve/'dee/'eaffMd' cosfff.L Hvwili U-.ru not only their contcnUnenl h. .he new home li3 S ''p 3£ ' 174 < 90.) ...... 385 ( 3901 Init the future \ alne of the ])ro|Jcrty a.s well. Aclu.ill} , ni view Sparrow, accompanied by Eddie Oyama ...... Shuswap Falls ...... 37 ( 6 ) of its si"nificanee to satisfactory living, neighborhood selee- Field a n d Peter Hanson, all of Ver- % . . . w h/eh exp/a//?^ w h^ Sugra Lake ...... 32 ( 30) >« tion must lie regarded a.s a inauei oi m.-,i .mpu.i.tt.cc thr-quarry'' Trinity Valley ...... 25 ( 17) SUMMER FUEL \ fhoupAtfuf 0xowexffwff/^f' decision sliould be made until careful study lias established q y Vernon ...... 5,057 (3,500) the snitabilitv of the community. , The circumstances leading up to North Okanagan A Limited Number of Orders For City Delivery It is unlikely that all the quali- is for them an investment as well the fatal fall are not definitely Total ...... 10,983 (7,000.) Will be Accepted For OH.. tics of the ideal neighborhood will as a residence. known, but police believe Sparrovy be found in the communities in- Manyiriuiiy Factors » .ioiu.3 to!,« Consider , was descending the cliff in search A police check-up caught seven vestigated. ' Long.established neigh- In the majority of instances, fam- of Mr. Field who was fishing off a ‘^^j”i"JasV’wcek overstaying the borhoods may be lacking in some ilics seeking home-owjicrship want nearby point. Mr. Hanson was one - hour------parking limit on down­ BOX CUTTINGS respect because of improper plan- houses and communities where they sleeping on the top of the cliff, town streets. Fines of $2.50 vyere f > AND luiienine while vvi,,,^ i.v,..new areas will ..— -probably,------can live in contentment for -years— . , Killed------Instantly------paid by w aiver by the following: be in the process of acquiring the perhaps a lifetime. Valuable mror. pohee think that in making his a . 'Wheatley, R. M. Johnston, amenitiesaiiiL’imiusi which wiiiuii meet liivvib **»v.i.«v.***modern -stan------mation------regarding. . -r the trend , or ae- way aiLiuji;along m the e too of thehax- >-****,cliff, w yy^ t . oiaiuuuiv,Starchuk, A. E. Manville, -t dards of good living. The aim devopment Avhich may be expectedexpeciea 3 paj,j.Q^ slipped and toppled over williamlyji Esson. D. H. Clark, Arlene FIR SLAB-WOOD should be to select the community can be gamed^by enqummg into gtruck a protruding Ra^onsky. ... The complete portable irrisatfOn which comes closest to meeting the com nunity s history. Other factois dge about 10 feet down, then felllen ------——------“ At $5.00 per Unit ppresent re s e n t uuuand futurex u iu ic needs ...xof thew... to— be considered ^re the existance -lo35 leei;feetfggj. to10 ag iurock cr. below.uciuw. From there ...... puuedpulled tnethe bodyuouy uuiout u.of the ..... —lake,---- system, designed, installed and family.family If the area has a planned of deed restrictions, building codes, ,■ . o body,Unriv . rolled-rnllpH into *i— the water,water. ipjjg water...oic. was.irac exceptionallynvcentionallv dirty,dirty. Delivered Within City Liniits future, early inconvenience can be zoning regulations, health and san - about four feet' deep, making the search difficult, guaranteed to deliver lifetime satis­ accepted, but you should check with tary ordinances, the possibility 01 j^jj^gattopg are the youth was dead —— " faction with greater efficiency, less local authorities to ensure that pro- industrialization or commercial e.- jjjg jjody entered the water. vision has been made for the miss- pansion and the effect which th.:. Only eye witness to the acciderit • r o o f i n g — SIDING trouble and lower maintenance cost mging serviueb.services. The j-iic home-planner’s o t**''*"'-* growth of adjoining • cpmmumtie'-uv. ■'vas Howard Russel, who with his Asphalt shingles, blue, red, green and black—$3.44 to $5.40 bimdle. S. M. SIMPSON LTI choice of neighborhood must there- might have on the neignnornooa. bj-pther, Arnold, was working near than any other system built. fore be rr.ade with regard to the ■ Assessment of the type or ne)v quarry, a short distance away, Nails available. Roll and Dpsu- Exclusive desisn; lighter, self area’s present suitability and, to a families which have recently taken heard the boy’s lated brick from $3.30 per roll. locking. Embodies unique larger degree, in relation to plans up residence in the area is also screams.------COD. orders accepted. Modern PHONE 313 “double pressure seal" for its future development. recommended as a guide to the con- The Russell brothers and Mr. Roofing, 205 West 1st Ave.. Van­ 4 ji coupler gasket—it’s locked Communities. like people, vary in tinuing suitability of a neighbor- Hanson rushed to the scene and couver. 79-4C Your nearest REDIRAIN in> can't slip, tear or ride up. their general characteristics. Some hood. Find out whether or not after a short 'search Mr. Hanson dealer is: Inserts easily without tools. are neat and prosperous; others are prospective neighbors have inter- Self-draining! poor and untidv. A good criterion ests arid live in circumstances simi- , of a neighborhood is often the per- lar _to your own, Certainly any JACK FUHR centage of houses ‘occupied by own- family will be more content living Limited ers. While this does not mean that in a neighborhood where families VERNON’. B.C. a community having a large number are of about the same social and of rented houses will necsesarily be financial level. unsatisfactory it should be recog T h e \yelfare and convenience of I >M S.i nized that some tenants have only a the family must always be remem- ,;,‘:.UOj.eAST,,';CORDOVAySTi'-i';;j':r)'. and so have little desire to repair Because of their major role in fam- or improve the property. On the ily life, the proximity of churches, other hand, home-owners will na- schools and shoppmg centres should turally show greater pride in and be noted. While it may not be de­ concern for their property which sirable to live too close to any one ■______1 ' , II n— of these, all should be within a ^ reasnoable distance. Their exist­ ence will also have a definite bear­ ing on the value of the property. The prospective home-Owner should . bear in mind that, although he may XS-i.t ill' have no children of school age, . schools may be of great importance to him at a later date or to a sub­ National leader Fro-C^ Ppirty sequent purchaser if he decides one day to sell. Good transportation is also, essen­ tial. Suitable means of travel will l i i i i be necessary for all members of the family in their various activities. T P MAtl CANADWNS Closely allied with transportation is safety. Has the neighborhood a good reputation for traffic acci­ ARE TAI.KING ABOUT dents? Is there adequate police JO and fire protection? The existence of recreation and amusement centres is a requisite for any modern community. Theatres . should be located in the neighbor­ hood and facilities for golf, tennis, swimming and other sport? readily acce^ible, ^ WM / ’ ’ Avoid Nuisances Do not overlook: the disadvantages AND of nuisances such as ^ smoke from trains, noise from heavy traffic or obnoxious odors originating from industrial plants or refuse dumps. While these are sometimes un­ avoidable in certain areas, thought should he given to selecting an area/where they are mmimized if not totally eliminated. * Under, the headings of services, utilities and improvements, investi­ gate such matters as garbage collec­ tion, telephone service,, electricity, i'. water supply and road conditions. In considering home-ownership Adams the importance of neighborhood selection should no^ be overlooked. Careful examination of the com­ munity before building or buyipg YALE PRO-CONSERVATIVE will require a little time and effort but it is a form of investment in­ CANDIDATE i surance that pays dividends in greater living satisfaction. Yea, in any drink, flavour comes AT first . . . that’s why Old Inspector RUTLAND WOMAN is B.C.’s favorite rum. Mellow . . . hearty . . . over four years old . . . STRUCK BY AUTO Hall A Rutland ; woman was- given Kelowna ©W Inspector is the rum you serve medical treatment Thursday even­ ing for a bruised shoulder received with confidence! when she was knocked from her bicycle in a collision with an auto on the Tataran road, Rutland. Checked at and then released was Mrs. Joyce Dowich. The bicycle was wrecked beyond repair. „ . WEDNISDAT, lUNE Joe Donovan, aged about 50. Rut­ land, was charged in district police R-7 court Friday morning with dan­ gerous dri\'ing ns a result of the OU> INSPECIYHI accident. Stipendiary Magistrate G. A. McKay fined Donovan $25 “ADVANCE WITH ADAMS” and costs. REF.ACE .ALLEYS SOON Annual re-surfacing of the Bolo- VOTE PRO^ONSERVATIVE IN DOMINION aECTION RXJWI oVBR 4'KCAItS OU>. dronie alleys is slated for the first (rsiued by 'Yale Pro-Conservative Headquarters) © week in June. Proprietor D. (Bert) Grouette intends to shut down for This (sdvertisefnent is not published or displayed by the Liquor Con.ro! Board a week or so while his alleys are or bv the Government of British Columbia. worked on by an expert from Van­ couver. THE KELOWNA COURIER MONDAY. MAY 3«. !»«•' FA'.K EU.HT pers for the growers. ever in at least one .short crop year, Co iiciiil Hospital on Ttniif-day, May |:artiug amt otlier uiuynn tric*! fea­ I’, BralXiion. More About He added that the term.*! of the it was found that the deductions on 20. to .Mr, ;»nd Mrs Alexjinder Rob­ tures. All thr<-<:’ v/r«i*'- lh< ir r.ninr,* at LOCAL POLICE the |ire!«.’nl scale w ere not sufTici- ertson. Fart Kelowna, a daughter. Victoria a litUc while They pre-wnt contract prevented BC Tree BILL DAVIDSON Fruit:! from .setting aside rc.scrve.s ent to enable the company to meet STEWART-- At the Kelowna Gen- "Barbara Allen” has had one of .,r» now ( liuibU' fur primiotion to all its obligalton.s. It l.s to correct < ial Uoapital on Friday. May 27. the longest run,s on the hit parade the I.IIIH v( serK'itnt. to tide over short proeluction years, DECLARE WAR PRAIRIE the only such funds accumulated this situation tlml the eonitKuiy to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart, of British ballads. It war. luentioned PASSES POUCE luring the nonnal ones for bad reeks the •'maximum cltui.se" as Ki lovvna. :i diuigliter. in Pepys Diary. debts and conUiigeucies. Conse­ pio|><>:;cd in the contract. HOLD FUNERAL ON OLD CARS quently It doe,*: not lie within the Between them. Canada's two ma­ EXAMINATIONS From Page 1, Column 6 Cofjxira) William Davidcon. Kt'- |7AI> flT Y MAN txjwers of the company to make jor railway systems maintain near­ owna. ts> one* of Uirt c OkanaiWm T W I V V -1 I * Operators of Defective Autos drcii Eugene. 12. and Barbara Lou. provirdon in years of Iteavy produc­ ly 50.000 miles of track. 10,OW) brid­ corpora!* In the B.C. I’rcrvinclal i.ast rilcB for Vincent F. lauie. May Face Dangerous Driv­ two and a half—will be making tion for a shortage of incotne when BIRTHS ges, 180,000 culverts and over 100 Police to have passed cxaminatlotu 1477 St Paul St, who passed away ing Charge their home here as soon as school the crop is below normal. lunneLs. fM- M-rcearst The other two arc in Kelowna General Hospital on is out for the summer vacation. The deductions provide the ncc- STACK—At the Kelowna General Mr. K it Id , 1087 Richter Street, CorjKiral J A Knox, Yi rnon. and Saturday, May 28, were held this "Jalopies" and other vehicles in itisary funds to pay tlic operating llu.spitnl on Thursday. May 20. to Many people are often displea-sed afternoon from the chapel of Ke­ has resided In the city and district co.st.s of BC Tree Fruits. Any sur­ Mr. Sind Mrs. Arthur Sttiek. I’each- with a portrait because they are un.safe condition were the target of for the past three years. He is lowna Funeral Director!!. Bev. D. a police warning i.ssucd here today. plus from the deductions is return­ liUKl, n son. used to seeing their faces in tlie M. Perley. First United Church, of- married and has six children. ‘ ed each year to the growers. How­ ROBERTSON—At the Kelowna mirror, which reverses the hair Trafllc "check-up” tickets will be The proud partners of Benvoulin flclatintr Hemnln.'! are beinj; for- issued to drlvern and to owners wartied to Vancouver for crema­ Strawberry Farm do not predict a who operate their cars with defects bumper crop this year. All they tion. such as burned out hendlight-s, tail e.stirnntc is about 2,000 crates. But WE STAND Mr. Lade, who came to Kelowna lights, defective windshield wipers, m to retire nearly 10 years a«o after next year should be more than horns, clouded or shattered wind­ doubled. an active life ns a miner, was born shields. BETWEEN In Renfrew, N.S.. 71) years ago. He Use Irrigation GCF PUBLIC MEETINGS Sgt R. B. McKay. NCO In charge They explained that the plants had spent nearly 50 years In this of Kelowna IJ.C. Provincial Police, province, and had a host of friends arc prevented from bearing the Whose turn to YOU also asserted that drivers opera­ first year by snapping off the blos­ SCOUT HALL THURSDAY, in several section.s of'B.C ting their cara with bad brakes or soms. Tlien each year, if cultiva­ AND LDSS! During World War 1 he .served other obviously dangerous defects ted and grown properly, the yield jQiiie p.BBi. snap the pictured with the 72nd Seaforth Highland­ could be charged with dangerous iticrea.scs until the maximum is Z - & ers. He was a member of the Ke­ driving. readied. ]>o«sa*t matte*—let it be lowna Masonic Liodge. This action by the police depart­ In the accompanying picture, part HAROLD WINCH and ytm e t*"**!* m ant, or cren SMle Besides his wife, he is survived ment sdpporls the community's of the 10-acre farm Js shown, with BRUCE WOODSWORTH Hobby I Anaco Plcnaehrome PETER MURDOCH by one brother and four sisters: spring safety program, "Trafnc Saf­ the mountains overlooking the mobra it MMtrl Insurance - Real Estate Fred, Vancouver; Mrs. H. A. Mac­ ety Week,” a campaign started by Ea.st Kelowna orchards In the back­ National Housing l^oanx Donald, Vancouver; Mrs. J. W. the National Safety Council and ground. A Cub ' tractor is being R U TLA N D , Thursday, June 2, 8 p.m. This wood erful oB-'weatber Crawford. Stew art, B.C.; Mrs. M. sponsored here by the Junior Cha­ u-sed for cultivating. During dry Dkn hldea erpoeure nuatokm. Over Bennett Hardware Harold Winch and Tom Wilkinson glvea you omoxlnsly good pie- Telephone 301 Brydcn, Fort William, Ant., and mber of Commerce. spells, irrigation water Is used Mrs. H. Root, Springlleld. Mass. “To be a good driver means you bringing the life blood to the ten­ tnrat—even on rainy day«l arc just ns concerned about the der plants between the scores of or­ OTHER MEETINGS Make Anaco Plcnacbromo safe condition of your car as you derly rows. arc about following traffic regula­ Speakers: Tom Wilkinson and others. yoor fomily filml THE tions," Sgt. McKay said. “Jalopies BENVOULIN, Wednesday, June 1, 8 p.m. and rundown cars are a public ha­ More About ' * ‘ * i . zard.” RAYM ER AVE. School, Fri., June 3, 8 p.m, GRAND OPENING The Junior C^hamber of Com­ OKANAGAN MISSION HALL, Monday, mA>«MOU» n riAVIMoB TMfJtTOB ss PARAMOUNT THEATRE merce suggests that motorists check WILL the following safety equipment: June 6, 8 p.m. jOM WILKINSON Phone 58 about THURSDAY, ICtli JUPTE Availability of Beats brakes, headlights, rear and stop INCREASE lights, tires, windshield wipers, Hear J. F. HAMPSON over CKOV Monday, May 30, 6.30 - 6.45 p.m. WED. TIlUll. C.30 - 9.17 p.ni. mufflers, steering, glass, horn and THE ALL-WEATHER FILM I From Page 1, Column 8 MAT. WED 2 p.m. (not cont.) rear-view mirrors. Authorized by South Okanagan C.C.F. Campaign Committee 82-lc NOW SH0WlNG,’p“" the phrase “a sum not to exceed” it. H. Brown, riunj>. in the contract would enable the "Tlie Modern Apothecary” sales agency to deduct only that ADANAC ERRORS, amount which it becomes apparent will be necessary during the pro­ IT'S tHI gress of the season for its opera­ TEMPERS HELP tions, and in any case should the TOM WILKINSON - - JUNE 15 BROWNS BIG LOOK deduction made prove to be more " IN MUtICAKI MERCHANT WIN thna the actual sum required for PRESCRIPTION the reason’s operation, the surplus OWEN 1. JONES -JUNE 27 would be. as it is now, rebated at V ote PHARMACY Rutland Blows Up in Empire the end of the season to the ship- mm Day Final at Summerland rsromouni prtuntt lottn* MuniT SUMMERLAND—A general blow­ fAIRBANKSJf.i I up by Rutland Adanacs combined YOUNB-BOMMIHBSJsf/: with smart playing by Summer- " 7 ^ land gave the Merchants a well- o vs % ''i! Ds '' S > k ^ u deserved 10-4 victory in the final game of the baseball tournament theAccused' L ady in E R M ip here on Empire Day. At no stage of the game Rutland y o ifK •Itt WENDELL COREY TErHNJi COLO SAUJAFTE • DOtIGUSDia threatened to walk off the field in also protgst to the calls of Umpires Jim also Henry Fonda - Dana Andrews Heacysides and Joe Sheeley. Ad­ anacs reached the final against SCENIC and NEWS in A Spine Tingling Action Story 'Summerland by beating Princeton ’A BUY BOOK TICKETS “THE OXBOW INCIDENT” 8-4 in the afternoon opener. Convenient - Economical Summ erland ... 013 041 1—10 13 1 “WELCOME NEIGHBOUR” Film Rutland ...... 000 010 3—- 4 6 8 . Coffey and Schwab; Wostradow- BOARDS OF TRADE MEMBERS ATTENTION ski; Linger, Bach and Brummet. “WELCOME NEIGHBOUR” Film Stowing AGAIN TONIGHT. More .^bout Procter & Gamble’s Famous Soap J T R A F F IC L SA FETY ^ ★ - k t h a t d o e s i n t h e Fam ily W ash! FYom Page 1, Column 8 dents last year were 1,150,000 peo­ ple, the National Safety Council reported. The death rate a million ’Wm £W As//7 miles of travel dropped from 9.8 ho 1 in 1946 to 8.1 in 1948 — the lowest ' SO N? AAAOe BEATS 0 U2 AT on record. . Here’.s further proof While there has been an improve­ GETTING WHITE THINGS WHITE ment, traffic experts point out there “Your Dollar Buys More still is a “big job to be done.” A EVEN Dl NGl EST TOWELS1 FeM Ladies Wear” » large share of the credit for the lowering of accidents is due to ' W ^ i the stron’g support of the “Stop Ac­ Discover for yourself that cidents” Campaigns by newspapers this statement is true. Shop all across North America, the NSC reported. this week at the FeM — for Hard-Working Committee m In charge of the local Jaycee an­ Dresses, Blouses, Jeans, Nylons and other fash­ nual tampaign is Ernest Gray, vice- president and chairman of the T ri­ ionable merchandise. fle Safety Committee. The commit­ tee includes Ken Harding, Doug Monteith, John Jamieson, Harry Witt, and Jaycee president, L.es Wilson. ' • Special speakers are bemg de­ SPECIAL! tailed to city schools to instruct pupils on traffic safety regulations and the necessity for observing •traffic laws. Cyclists will be one of the main targets of speakers. m s / / / DbZ IS SAFER-EVEN FOR When Visiting PRETTY RAYON UNDIES-THANi CLEAR and SHEER I Kelowna, B.G. ANY OTHER GRANULATED STOP AT THE a LAUNDRY SO AP! DH.UXE AUTO Shop Early ! COURT X 1780 Vernon Road New Cabins, all modern, soine with Pembroke baths, electric stoves and Fridigdaires. COTTON DRESSES 78-8C So cool to wear. It will be love at first sight when you see these Plaids, Stripes, Spuns. m U & U A, $4.95 ^ $14.95 There’s no other soap in the world like DUZ!

Yes, Duz is here! Your dealer has it! —how clean it gets even the grimiest brighter. Remember, you get heaps of BLOUSES Get a box today—try it next washday. overalls, the dirtiest work shirts! Why, real soap suds in Duz—rich, hard­ See for yourself how this one great there isn’t a soap made that beats working suds that last and last. Once Keen Sport Blouses, white and plain shades. Good soap does everything in your wash fast, Duz at getting out dirt! you see those wonderful Duz suds at quality spun rayon and fine cottons Complete range of clean and safe! And yet, with all its terrific cleaning work, you’ll want them for all your sizes. power, "Duz is safer for your colored wash, every washday—because Duz See how Duz does your white wash. does Everything! It gives an amazing whiteness to the wash than any other granulated laun­ $1.69 $3.98 dingiest, time-yellowed sheets and dry soap! What’s more, it gives yoiu: TONIGHT towels—even adds extra whiteness to colored washables—prints, patterns, 10.15 p.m. yoiu- brand-new white things. Indoors polka-dots—a wonderful, wonderful YOUR GROCER or out, they’ll dry the whitest white brightness. HAS PUZ^GET A BOX JEANS TOM ALSBURY you’ll get with any soap! So get Duz today—right now—and see how it helps make every washday t o d a y ! Ideal for sportswear. Designed HERBERT See how Duz does your heavy wash for rough and tumble activity. All sizes. GARGREAVE J 1] $3.25 JiM BURY CKOV LADIES’ at 10.15 p.m. WEAR VOTE CCF E.xclusively LADIES’ WEAR 1578 Pendozi Street Inserted by C.C.F. Provincial Campaign Committee. M me nmf£y mwe/