PART I a TRADITION of CONFLICT 1: Marriage of Convenience
Notes PART I A TRADITION OF CONFLICT 1: Marriage of Convenience 1 Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Uma SolucËaÄo para Portugal (Lisbon: PublicacËoÄes Europa-AmeÂrica, 1985), p. 37. 2 AntoÂnio de SpõÂnola, PaõÂs Sem Rumo ± Contributo para a HistoÂria de uma Revo- lucËaÄo (Lisbon: Editorial SCIRE, 1978), pp. 41±2. 3 `Mozambique Parties Answer Osagyefo's ``Close Ranks Call'' ', Evening News, Accra, 6 June 1962, pp. 1,2. 4 `Memorandum of Conversation' between William L. Wight, Jr, deputy dir- ector, Office of East African Affairs, and Eduardo Mondlane at the State Department, Washington, DC on 16 May 1961. This and other State Depart- ment documents released at author's request under the Freedom of Informa- tion Act, Request No. 9101351 (hereinafter FOIA:). 5Eduardo Mondlane, `Present Conditions in Mozambique', 1 May 1961, pp. 10a, 12 from the Immanuel Wallerstein Collection of Political Ephemera, Reel Number 4, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University. 6 FOIA: Under Secretary of State Chester Bowles to National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy, 23 May 1961. 7 FOIA: `Memorandum of Conversation', 16 May 1961, op. cit. 8 FOIA: `Memorandum of Conversation' at the State Department on 8 February 1962. Participants: Robert Stephens, Office of Cultural Affairs; Charles W. Grover, Office of East African Affairs; and Eduardo Mon- dlane. 9 TelevisaÄo de MocËambique, 20 September 1997. 10 Francisco Ferreira, interview with author in Lisbon, 23±24 November 1988. Ferreira was an exiled Portuguese Communist Party member during Santos' visit to Moscow in 1957. 11 Udenamo and MANU statement, Dar es Salaam, 25May 1962. 12 Evening News, op. cit. 13 FOIA: `Memorandum of Conversation', 8 February 1962, op.
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