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Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ,1 Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1947— Permission to Reproduce, Except on WILL FLY FROM NEW YORK DEC 19 Displaced Catholics Articles.,Otherwi8e Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. J e s u i t D e n v e r " T a n r S D E N V E R C A T H O L I C

By Paul H. Hallett S e r v e “Das schoene Weinachtsfest [the blessed Feast of Christ- j mas] will be pinpeapinched t and cheerless for us. But in spite of V misery_:______andj ______povejRyl_ -we__ 1— intend toM live___»» in the spirit of Christ.’ REGISTER So runs a c,cjjafacteristic sentence from a letter*of thanks for The National Catholic *Wel£are Conference News Service Suppiies The Catholic Register. We a CARE package this writer received from a Silesian refugee, Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller E. Berndt, now a teacher in Kulmbach-Aichig, Bavaria. Services; NCWC and Religious News Photos. Price of paper 3 cents a copy. O r d e r R o m e Just 150 years ago Goethe The Rev. James W. Naughton, S.J., 32, son of MMjrs. penned what many think his finest helplessly on as we slowly weaken Intensely Grateful Mary C. Naughton, 3002 Federal boulevard in Denver, work, Hermann und Dorothea, an in mind and body. Our sufferings has been appointed secretary to the Assistant in charge idyl centering about a German girl will not let up; on the contrary who had been uprooted from her thev are growing worse and worse. For Peter's Pence of the American province at the Jesuit Curia in Ronie. Alsatian home by the nationalism We are crowded together into a He will fly from New York city to Rome on Dec. 19. of the French revolution, and found close, damp room, and vegetate in Father Naughton’s work will hospitality in the Rhine country a miserable, fruitless existence., . . Pope Sends consist mainly of translating let­ amid a prosperous townspeople. We possess only our old, tattered ter# and other transcripts; prepar­ Catholics to Take From the opposite end of Germany clothing. , . . ing letters which will be presented Herr Berndt and his family were “ But the worst of all our plagues to the General of the Society of driven from the farm his family is hunger. We cannot live on the Blessing to Jesus; filing official papers; and Legion of Decencf had occupied for centuries, like­ rations allotted to us. Our strength general secretarial duties. Official wise by a stupidnationalism, acti- is constantly diminishing; we are documents sent to Jesuit head­ rin\yialvated by a criminalrin\yialvated Soviet policy. completely undernourished. My quarters in Rome, and orders Pledge on Sunday He sought refuge in the Rhineland heart bleeds when I see my family Archdiocese emanating from Rome, ary written — hut how different the situation! being undermined in health and in Latin. The Pledge of the Legion bf Let him tell his story: The generous Peter’s Pence col­ Decency will be taken by the faith­ * • * myself unable to help them. We While in Rome, Father Naugh­ get 50 grams of fat and 400 grams lection of $10,000 from the Arch­ ful’ at all the Masses throughopt diocese of Denver is a “ source of ton will , live at the Jesuit Curia, the archdiocese on Sunday, Ddc. "DURING THE WAR we lived of meat per month per person. Be­ which is across the street from hours of death in a hail of bombs. cause of the drought in the sum­ intense gratification” to the Holy 14, the Sunday within the Octave Father in his work of relieving the Vatican City. At the headquarters of the Immaculate Conception, ac­ We cannot return to our beloved mer and fall the potato crop was so in Rome, the Jesuit Genera! super­ homeland. We have lost every­ suffering throughout the world. cording to an announcement l)y small that we received only one vises the far-flung activities of the thing: House, yarti, and little hundredweight of potatoes for the This is the theme of a letter re­ Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. | farm. Only what we had on our ceived this week by Archbishop order. To assist him in his work, The pledge is as follows: period ending August, 1948. We do each country maintains offices in bodies could we take with us. We Urban J. Vehr from Monsignor J. IN THE NAME OF THE not know whether we will last the Curia. have shed tears and tears. Now we through the winter. B. Montini, substitute Secretary FATHER AND OF THE SON have become beggars, and look of State at the Vatican. The letter There is an Assistant for South AND OF THE HOLY “ I am a teacher by profession, announces that the Apostolic America provinces; an Assistant GHOST. AMEN. serve in Kulmbach, and get only Benediction is bestowed upon the for Chinese provinces; an Assist­ “ 1 CONDEMN indecent Nearly 300 Youths a meager wage. . . . We are only .Archbishop, the priests, and people ant for American provinces, etc. .nd immoral motion pictures, tolerated and— [Here the trend of of the Denver archdiocese. The Father Naughton will be the sec­ and those which glorify crime : thought breaks offl. The educa­ message follows: retary for the American Assistant, or criminals. tion of the young is very hard, for Segreteria Di State Being instructed Nazism lives on in its effects. I "I PROMISE to do-all that ' ■ di want only to return to my Silesian I can to strengthen public : SUA SANTITA home. opinion against the produc- | By Mission Sisters No. 161065 tion of indecent and immoral Vatican City, films, and to unite with all "MY TWO SONS, aged 17 and Nov. 27, 1947 Close to 300 public school chil­ 18, are studying at the Oberreal- who protest against them. dren of Denver are currently re- Your Excellency: “1 ACKNOWLEDGE my ; schule in Kulmbach and attending It is my honored duty, on the j' ceiving religious instruction from the upper classes. Real books there obligation to form a right I ' the Our Lady of Victory Mission­ are none. Even paper-bound vol­ instruction of the Holy Father, to conscience about pictures [ ary Sisters. The sisters, formerly umes ai'e almost unobtainable. . . . acknowledge receipt of the offer­ that are dangerous to my ‘ • 'known as “ Catechists," are work- That is why my children are hav­ ing of Peter’s Pence for the year moral life. As a member of ' i ing with children who range in ing such a miserable time of it. 1947, in the amount of $10,000 the Legion of Decency, I ; age from 6 to 17. The democratic forces have been which has been forwarded to Vati­ pledge myself to remain away ' J The Parish of the Holy Ghost weakened by the catastrophic food can City through the good offices from them.' I promise, fur- j.' sponsors the religion courses, un­ situation, and the reaction w; of the Apostolic Delegate. ther, to stay away altogether der its pastor, the Rt. Rev. Mon- given new strength.’’ .—Drawing by Leo Canavan, Staff Artist Jlis Holiness deeply appreciates from places of amusement the sentiments of solid Catholic signor John R. Mulroy. One of Herr Bemdt’s sons + r -r -f-' which show them as a matter ' I At the present time, pupils from piety, true fidelity, and devoted at­ of policy.’’ throws additional light on the lot tachment to the See of Peter ; the Ebert and 24th street schools. of the German displaced persons, Cole junior high school, and Man- which animated Your Excellency in a letter written in good, though and your deyoted priests and peo­ ' uat high school are attending the occasionally halting, English: Collection for Food to Save Five of Hierarchy ple in making this really generous sisters’ classes, which are held “ The refugees had to leave a after .school from 3:30 to 5. Be- offering, and he would have me country where all their hope was express to each one of you his To Attend Jubilee •T cause of the large numbers, the that people can ever have on earth, periods of instruction for the special paternal gratitude. < where their grandfathers, their Starving Abroad This Sunday The fatherly solicitude of the lower grades are held on Mondays (Turn to Pages— Column 6) souls, lov- • • and Thursdays, and the upper I Supreme Shepherd of Of fr. J. S. Garcia .A few weeks ago with all thejlics to join in a concerted relief why Catholics should give to their:ingly embracing as it does the en- class children attend on Tuesdays Rev. Jamei W. Naughton, S.J. Trinidad.— Two Archbishops and '• and Wednesdays. Msgr. Bosetti to Give fanfare and reams of publicity that drive for immediate aid, especially...... fellow...... men in...... Europe, many ofitire flock of Christ committed to usually accompany a promotion for the thousands of starving chil- ' V „ are flose to su.^iimhin’e- to^h's care, goes out in compassionate three Bishops will assist the Rev.: Rooms in the ba.sement of the the Rev. Vincent A. McCormick, Joseph Samuel Garcia, the oldest V,sisters’ convent at 2161 Tremont stunt, a train left California head­ dren in war-torn lands. In manyi'...... ^ °itenderness. especially to the suf- 2 Operas Next April ed East. This train grew as it dioceses the drive was held If,:the blandishments or the insidious fering members of his fold. Your S.J., a member of the New York diocesan priest in Colorado, wheni street serve as classrooms. province. he celebrates the 60th anniversary' '■ The four si.sters, with Sister Denver music lovers are went until, a few days later, it ...... I force used by Communism. It is Excellency will understand then pulled into New York city in sev­ that it is a .source of intense grati­ Father Naughton, who has been of his ordination in Holy Trinity] Regina as the superior, have scheduled to enjoy a treat in r'/T/p r'E’A/ppnrici’V “ church Dec. 17. the presentation of two op­ eral sections and with almost 250 {jriVth irJblyCiKUuoL/I i|prominent non-Catholic, Eugene fication for him, when, through the ordained for only two years, is a achieved remarkable results when The Most Rev. Joseph C. Will- eras by the Denver Grand carloads of food contributions bounteous charity of his beloved member of the Missouri province . it is considered that the children TO SAVE LIVES! IIC. Pulliam, publisher of the-^ndian- ging. Bishop of Pueblo, will cele­ ■ attend the religion classes only Opera company this spring. from citizens of the United States I apolis Star, the Phoenix Gazette, children of the Archdiocese of and for the past year he has been to residents of the starving coun­ Denver, he is enabled to succor teaching at Creighton university, brate the Pontifical Mass on thej , on a voluntary basis. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Jo­ I The collection for the aid of ! the Arizona Republic, and other occasion; the Most Rev. Edwin Vj. The Denver community of the seph J. Bosetti, V.G., di­ tries of Europe. Certainly the I the pitiably needy in Europe | dailies. This is the testimony of other sections of the great Chris­ Omaha, Neb. The .secretary who Friendship Train was. a worthy tian family whose pitiable condi- is working in Rome at present has Byrne. Archbishop of Santa Fej 1 Missionary Sisters is the third rector of the local opera com­ ' and the Far £a«t will be taken | Mr. Pulliam: will- deliver the seTmon; and pres­ pany, announced this week symbol of the generosity so char­ up this Sunday at the Maases | become ill, and Father Naughton foundation in the archdioce.se. GREATEST AGENCY SieL^”' ent in the sanctuary will be the ' Four members of the order pio­ that the “ P-irber of SeTill|," acteristic of Americans. in churchet of the Denver arch- F was replaced on the Crejghton FOR GOOD WILL j additional token of his faculty to allow him to assume his Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Arch­ neered in Colorado by opening a by Rossini, and "Hansel and How many realize that the Gath-11 dioceae. The only hope of thoa bishop of Denver; the Most Rev. ^ house in Greeley in 1944. A sec- Gretel,” by Humperdinck, olics of the United. Stales have auffering aa a reault of the war, : ‘The greatest single agency for grateful benevolence, the Sov- new position. mercy and Americap good will in ereign Pontiff, from the depths Hubert Newell, Coadjutor ofi • !ond house was opened in Brighton will be presented in the City contributed the equivalent of at i who are living and dying in a : “ I am delighted with the pros­ Cheyenne; and the Most Rev. 1 in September, 1945. auditorium on the nights of least eight Friendship Trains, : miaery of hunger, liea in the : Europe today is the National Cath­ of his paternal heart, graciously pects of seeing Rome, and espe­ olic Welfare Conference of Amer­ bestows upon Your Excellency Bernard J. Sullivan, retired Bishop! The community this year cele­ April 12, 13. 14, and 15. loaded with food, for their breth­ ; generoaity of Americana, The I cially since I will> be there for of Patna, India. j brates the 25th anniversary of its On the first two evenings ren in Europe and tthe Far East I only hope, too, of stopping the : ica. We have observed the remark­ and upon your prieste and faith­ Christmas and the liturg®al serv­ able effectiveness of this commit­ ful the fullness of his Apostolic Father Garcia, who is more than ■founding. Mother-house of the so- the "Barber of Seville” will be in the past three years? This food , march of Communiam liea in | ices in St. Peter’s,” Father 88 years old, has seen service in , .'-ciety is at Huntington, Ind. staged, and on the two con­ was distributed to' all without ; aid to these needy. Give gen- j tee's work in all the war-torn Benediction. Naughton said. "I understand liv­ countries of Europe. Had UNRRA With renewed assurance of my one archdiocese and two dioceses. i cluding nights "Hansel and distinction of race, creed, or color. ; erously this Sunday! ing conditions will be a little dif­ He was first assigned to the Santa' Gretel” will be offered. Mon­ Need, and there was plenty of it, been administered with the same high esteem and cordial regard, I ficult, but 1 do not suppose they devotion to the cause of relief Fe archdiocese in 1887, working in signor Bosetti declared that was the only requirement. ; " " remain. will be unbearable.” five different parishes and mis- | All Catholic Men ap- as characterized the Catholic pro- Sincerely yours in Christ, the best possible local sing­ Our government is now in the j Thanksgiving week with the . . Father Naughton is not certain sions before he was appointed I ers, complemented by nation­ midst of authorizing vast aid to propriate slogan. “ Give Thanks by .gram, there would be an entirely Signed-^. B. MONTINI, of the time he will spend in Rome, Subst. pastor. j Invited to Mass of ally recognized artists from help Europe to re-establish its dev-1 Giving.” and, heartenin,'- to report,| (Turn to Page S — Column S) but "the position was put to me In 1894, he was named paftor at the Metropolitan Opera com­ astated economy. Yet the need isl^he response has been a record as a matter of several years. I Costilla, and he also provided for pany in New York, will be so great that the Bishops of thej'u almost all comhiunities. suppose I will be out of the country San Luis, Colo., as a mission. He ‘ De Paul Society cast in the two productions. country are again asking Catho-i Because the food situation has MORE VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for four or five years.” started a school which has become changed, it has been decided that Father Naughton was born in Mercy high .school and the San Luis in the Denver archdiocese the Denver Feb. 7, 1915, a son of Mr. public grade school. He constructed The regular quarterly meeting better plan is to take a cash col­ of the Society of St. Vincent de Girl Runs Gift Shop to'Pay BY INFANT OF PRAGUE NURSERY and Mrs. J. J. Naughton. His fa- chapels in San Pablo, Chama, San lection and to purchase canned ! ther is now deceased. After attend Acacio, San Franci.sco, and San Paul's Particular Council of Den­ food in wholesale lots at the ports ver i.s scheduled for this Sunday, More volunteer workers are 43 babies in the nursery, ranging'jng. Dominic’s grade school and Isidro, of shipment rather than to have needed at the Infant of Prague in ages from 10 months to 28 Regis high school, he entered the He became pastor of San Luis pec. 14. For Loretto Heights Studies an out-and-out food collection with nursery in Denver. Any girl or months. There are 16 between 20 Jesuit order in 1932. He taught as and remained there from 1896 to The Very Rev. Joseph P. the resulting cost of packing and (Turn to Page S — Column S) (Turn to Pnge .7 — Column 6) woman who can help is asked to and 28 months, and every avail­ (♦Heron, pa.stor of St. Louis’ .shipping the food from each com­ call Mrs. James Kenney at EAst church. Englewood, and spiritual munity. It is hoped that the Cath­ 4681. able bed is filled. Volunteer work­ director of the Particular council, olics of the archdiocese, fully ap­ .At the present time there are ers are divided, into three shifts \^11 celebrate a special Ma,ss in preciative of the tragic necessity, every day, and nine paid workers Colorful Figures Had Part Si'. Paul's chapel of the Cathedral will not be outdone in generosity are maintained to make possible at 8 o'clock, to which not only in this urgent appeal to their Fr. Edward Leyden 24-hour care, for the infants. Girl devPaul men, but all Catholic men charity. The outstretched hands, Scout troops'assist in taking care of , the city are most cordially hollow eyes, and spindly bodies of of the children, as do the Junior In Local Fight for Ireland invited. little childrA remove all hesita­ Legion of Mary and St. Mary’s . "We would like particularly,” To Be Honored at tion on our part. The response academy students. By M o n s ig k o r M a t t h e w S m i t h First World war. .About 9,000 Ju^ge Joseph J. Walsh, president, should repeat or surpass th^ gen­ (M em oifi of a Catholic Editor. Copy* persons heard him in the Municipal said, "to have with us in our ob­ erous contributions of former Reception Sunday SNOWSUITS, OVERSHOES righted, 1947. Reproduction in auditorium. He had been preceded servance of the Octave of the Im­ drives. URGENTLY NEEDED * whole or in part forbidden) in his visit by various other maculate Conception a large num­ But there is a further reason A reception will be held Sun- Urgently needed by the During the months when the speakers, .such as Peter Golden and ber of C.atholic men in addition to day, Dec. 14, from 2 to 4 p.m. nursery now that the cold Catholic press of America was Hannah Sheehy Skeffington.: every active and honorary member in the Knights of Columbus club­ weather U here are snowsuit* playing a major part in the fight Before I tell of de Valera, whom of our society. I extend to high Gifts for Burse house, East 16 th avenue and and overshoes for the babies. for Irish freedom, there were many I consider one of the greatest men school, college, and older group' Grant street, in honor of Father It is not necessary that they dramatic personal angles to the of our age, let me describe a Prot­ a most cordial invitation to he Edward A. Leyden, archdiocesan be new, just so long as they affair. estant minister who accompanied with us at Mass and to receive Again Top $1,000 superintendent of schools. The are wearable. Until such Nobody has ever accused the him to Denver. De Valera was a Our Ble.'sed Lord in Holy Com­ public fs invited to meet him and warm clothing is received it Irish of not being politicians. They college teacher of mathematics, and munion that morning. It is unnec- Eighteen hundred and fifty-five welcome him in this new canacity. is impossible for the ^babies were the first to sense that a time he talked like one—cool, clear-cut cessar'- to await a personal invita dollars and fifty cents is all that As Father Leyden works closely to get out in the fresh air. had arrived in human annals when logic, but no great fire. One would tioii. Every Catholic man is asked remains to put the Sacred Heart with the principals of the paro­ Mothers having snowsuits or battles could be won by press not forget what he said; but neither ti) consider this as his individual burse over the top. The burse is chial schools and. as the public overshoes, sizes tv;o to four, agents. We have since seen Ma- would one be emotionally moved. invitation." being sponsored by Archbishop which their own children have hatnra Gandhi free India by the With the preacher, it was differ­ Following the Ma.ss and cor­ Urban J. Vehr for the education of outgrown, are requested to same method. We have also seen ent. He was a firebrand. He said porate Communion, a breakfast a student studying for the priest­ bring or send them to the In­ Egypt shake off its shackles by little, but he did it with grandeur. will be served at the Knights of hood, and the goal is $6,000. This fant of Prague nursery. a simple, well-publicized determina­ His name was Janrea Grattan Columbus home, 1575 Grant week’s contributions totaled $1,- tion to tolerate *hem no more. Mythen, and he claimed te He a strict. The quarterly meeting will Plans for a Christmas party for 002, bringing the total to date to the babies at the nursery have Carefully handled publicity made descendant of the Irish patriotic convene after breakfast. Reports $4,144.50. The gifts were a $1,- a national figure and a presit(en- leader and orator, Henry Grattan of the Christmas basket committee been announced by Mrs. Margaret 000 cheek from an anonymous Fletcher, supervisor. Volunteer tial candidate in our own country (I7465J82O). He wore a Roman and, other special works commit­ Denver Catholic, and a $2 contri­ of Wendell Willkie, who before­ collar and was an Episcopalian tees will be submitted. workers at the nursery and inter­ bution from an anonymous Den­ ested friends have been invited to hand had been prominent in busi­ minister. When Father William For the benefit of those un­ verite. Moreover, $5 was given ness, but certainly not a national S. Neenan .visited the Brown Pal­ familiar with iLs location, St. attend the party, which will be by Frank V. Sheehan to the K. of held Dec. 23 at 2:30. character. Eleanor Roosevelt has ace hotel to call on de Valera, he Paul's chapel is reached through C. burse. enormous ability, but it was not talked to Mythen and asked him th|?, Logan street door pear the Archbishop Vehr expressed the .Mrs. Fletcher, who has been in until she got the publicity that ac­ charge of the institution since last bluntly why he was not a Catholic. rear of the Cathedral. hope that the Sacred Heart burse crues to the President’s wife that The answer was: "I’ll stick where would be oversubscribed before July, when she replaced Mrs. Wini­ she became an international figure. fred Beers, is a 1934 graduate of I am and become a Bishop.” Christmas. It is through ,the es­ People who, underestimate press ‘Proteitant Friend*’ 7y000 Attend Sunday tablishment of burses that the St. Joseph’s hospital school of agents do not understand our age archdiocese will be enabled to de­ nursing. For two years she worked Not^only individuals, but move- A h u p amount of literature, 'Masses in Cathedral fray the cost of educating the forty in pediatrics in St. Joseph’s. In ments and universities, need the most of it extremely well conceived, and more archdiocesan students September, 1946, Mrs. Fletcher press. (Turn to Page S — Column i ) in the census taken up at the studying at St. Thomas’ for future came to the . nursery, where she Campaign Is Mapped Catthedral, Denver, by means of was assistant supervisor under work as priests in the Denver see. Eamon de Valera understood ca^ds distributed at the Mas.ses on The current annual minimum.cost Mrs. Beers. Christmas Music two consecutive Sundays, it was WHEN MISS ANGELA DULIN of 510 Marion street, this. Surrounded by an extremely is $450 per year for each student. Since the opening of the nur­ capable group of men, he had sense indicated that approximately 7,000 Denver, decided to go to college, she 'selected .Loretto The burse fund will remain intact sery in March, 1946, many im­ Programs Will Be individual.s attend Mass there ev- enough to realize that he had to Heights as the school. There was’ only one hiteh. . . . She did not and only the interest dividends will provements and repairs have been give more than an A.O.H. flavor Printed Next Week .epy, Sunday. Cards that were re­ have the necessary funds to- .support herself wjiile in school. That, be used to defray the cost of edu­ made. Recently purchased were a turned listed 4,500 people who at­ Fr. Edward A. Leyden to American propaganda for th6 To be in the band* of reader* however, was a mere bagatelle to a girl of Angela’s determination. cating^ the future priests. new washer and ringer and an cause of Ireland. The old-time tend the Cathedral regularly. She found an old woodworker’s shop at 25 E. First avenue. Contributions to this cause in seldom has an opportunity to electric dryer. before Cbri*tma*, the program* Taking into consideration those stalwart champions like the /risA of mu*ic for ChrUtma* Ma**e* It was dirty beyoni^ description. Angela donifed a pair of overalls any amount a te welcomed. It is a meet or know the sisters, they, too, Officers of the organization are World, the (raelie American, and wb'n did not fill out cards for one and went to work. She swept and mopped and grubbed and painted particularly ' commendable act of are being honored at this time. the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, pres­ in Denver and *nbnrb* ma*t be ress(m or another, this number is Father Peter Yorke of San Fran­ printed in the i**ae of Dec. 18. and decorated . . . and accumulated blisters.. But she got the place religion to remember this work of The following representatives of ident; the R t Rev. Monsignor cisco would continue to do their ^estimated as 5,600. The card looking fine. Then she opened a gift shop. the Church in one’s last will and the faculties will be present; John R. Mulroy, director; Mrs. Choir director* and pa*tor* are 'ce>iiits is not so complete as a part; but there must be others also. asked to have the program* at Now Angela divides her time between ^classes and the gift teatement. Gifts in any amount Annunciation, Sister Theodota John T. Tierney, first vice presi­ heipse-to-house canvass, but the The general Catholic press must be The Regi*ter office by Monday, shop. She dashes back and forth and through really heroic efforts are gratefully received". (grade) and Sister Ann Clarice dent; Mrs. T. A. Cosgriff, secre­ latter is rendered almost impos­ lined up, and also as many as pos­ Dec. 15. , manage.* to keep her grades up to par and hef shop humming. She Address all communications to (high); Blessed Sacrament, Sister tary; Miss Mary Nadorff, treas­ sible by the size of the parish and sible of the Protestant clergy, I Plea*e li*t hour* of Ma**os in has a bit of assistaiye at the shop, but none at the school. The the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Mary Victorine; Cathedral, Sis­ urer; Mrs. L. U. Wagner, record­ the transient nature of a large saw this whole process develop. full. If copy i* not typowritten, sisters, however, report that Angela does not jisk for special favors. Chancery Office, 1586 Logan ter Marie William; Holy Family, pt^ion of its population. ing se5retary;. . . and Miss _ Catharine______De Valera himself came to Den- all name* ihould be printed. She makes up for the handicap by plain hard Work, street, Denver 5, Colorado, j (Turn to Page S — Column 3) Maloney, corresponding secretary, ver to speak not long after the

iL Office, 938 Bannock Street TlJE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone,. KEystonev 4206 Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 ! Food Collection Colorful Figures Had Part Displaced Persons 615 17th Street D o l l s . . D o l l s For Starving Set In Germany Suffer A Choice of In Local Fight for Ireland ' Finest Selection in Denver Sunday, Dec. 14 Terrible Hardships Doll Shoes, Socks and Wigs Complete, Well (Continued From Page One) as the "noblest Roman of them all.” Peter Golden told me, however, Doll Furniture Planned ( Continued From Page One) was sent to the Catholic press by (Continued From Page One) the de Valera group. Part of it that he had wished, more than once, Toys—Games different picture, both economic that Devoy would quit walking parents were living; where they and political, in Europe today. bore the strange letterhead, “ Pro­ testant Friends of Irish Freedom.” along pulling up his suspenders themselves lived such a long time. , Tricycles “ Whatever is given to these dis­ BREAKFASTS After some months, an "Arch whed he was coming from the toilet All things they loved they never tressed people is usually person­ shall see again. Most families are Just ‘a rrived from bishop” who was proclaimed as a and reporters or o^ers were wait­ ally administered by one of the torn by the terrible fate. Parents Priced from 55c to 1.00 "Metropolitan of the Holy Ortho ing to interview him in his office. Si. Nick’s Workshop sisters. They ride trucks and mule- do not know where their children W e Feature an Exclutive Bland of Coffee dox Church of North America” Peter’s one speech probably lifted drawn wagons into every section are and children are seeking their made his way into the letterhead Sweet Roll. Baked Freth Daily From Onr Oeeni of Europe except those places in him from a $25 a week fjr less in­ parents. Three years ago we saw New 'Styled the Balkans from which they have as the president of the'Protestant come as a proofreader to $500 a our relatives for the last time. The Open Week Days 6 :3 0 A.M. - Sunday 7 A,M. Friends of Irish Freedom. Just month as a great Irish orator. (It % been barred by the Russians. Re­ greatest misery which can ever be StuKed Toys lief of all kinds is distributed to where he got his Holy Orders, I was publish^ that he received the on earth was caused by the evacua­ M.K. 7617 < do not know. Probably he repre­ all classes of needy people re­ latter sum in his heyday.) I often tion of billions (millions) of peo­ SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER gardless of race, religion, or color. sented one of the little sects affili­ wondered whether Golden was cap­ ple. , . . The worst is that so many ated with neither Catholicity nor A. B. €. D O LL SHOP And whether it be a can of soup, able of more than one speech. Fin­ people are suffering hunger, for Choice 6 Appetizers, 2 Soups, 7 Entrees, Including Eastern Orthodoxy, but claiming ally, I doubted that he was. But warm clothing, a bottle of sulfa the other part of Germany cannot Mr. and Mr*. John McCourt — 1515 Arapahoe St. tablets, or anything, every article, valid Orders in some line that how he could give that speech! give room and food for so many CHICKEN PIE every box, carries a bright label, either would consider Illicit. Both After a few years, he was re refugees. printed in the language of'the lo­ the man and his sect eventually turning to Denver and took dread­ • • * Individually Baked cality, stating that it came from disappeared from the scene. I fully ill on a train. He was re­ “ I AM SO GLAD that we all In the National Catholic Welfare suspect he was an ex-Protestant moved from his berth and taken our family overcame the war and O R H A U B U T Conference and has been ‘donated minister. to a hospital, where he piously died the terrible weeks during the 2 Salads, 10 Desserts and Drinks 5 p.m. only by all the people of America.’ One day to my astonishment I within a few hours. Some Denver flight from Silesia. . Therefore You No Doubt Have “ That label goes on everything found that the "Rt. Rev. Abbot Irishmen took charge of the body we are considering our. life as a |400 Seats ^ No Liquor • Organ Music the sisters distribute in every James Grattan Mythen” was also and wired to a survivor. Father present from God, with the obliga­ country of Europe. That little label on the letterhead. And some months William O’Ryan said they received tion to spend the life in His will. has done more to offset the vicious later, it was the “ Rt. Rev. Bishop a telegram: “ Cremate the body and In this spirit we can look upon all What It Takes propaganda of the Russians among James Grattan Mythen;” then soon ship me the ashes.” misery and bear all harm ;v this the common people of these coun­ “ the Most Rev. Archbishop James Peter Golden was buried, how­ certainly gives us the power to en­ \ tries against America than any Grattan Mythen.” He too wa.s now ever, after Requiem Mass. His body dure all misfortune. . . . 1 can say to obtain a loan from JIM FURLONG if you need money. The jo H n s o n s other agency of American good part of the “ Holy Orthodox Church that many people found their way- ability to make regular payment* i* all that i* required in is probably dust by this time, but it will. of North America.” is not ashes. back to God in the time of greatest (ome ca*e*. Or, you may uie your automobile, houtehold STORACE S mDUinC CO. distress, when they say that all "In sharp contrast to the almost Right after he had spoken in De Valera Half-Cuban good* or real e*tate for *ecurity. We ha^e alway* approred a treasonable scandal of UNRRA Denver, and we had given him an that exists on earth is perishable. De Valera, was half-Irish and very high percentage of application* received. administration in the Balkans, the enthusiastic reception, I (|ad re­ . . . During the last years these work of the National Catholic Wel­ half-Cuban. He was born in New people perished in despair who had ceived a letter from an old-time York city in 1882. His paternal fare Conference has been a bul­ immigrant priest of Santa Fe re­ lost hold on the eternal truth and MOVIIVO ancestry is usually given as Span­ LOANS QUICKLY MADE ON wark against Russian penetration buking me. He said the man had who broke down with these fragile ish. He took part in the Easter things on which they had built up during these past two years while worked there and had proved him­ Week rebellion of 1916 and, as their life. And we must sec so many For the Safety of Your Goods Americans were slowly awakening self a buffoon. The old-timer was Autos. Furniture, Collateral, First and Second Mortgages on Chambers' Biographical Dictionary people in this labyrinth of error, to the Soviet menace. The eager wrathy because I would not print Improred Denver Real Estate and to salaried employes on their coyly admits in its nice English and we are confronting the bladi devotion of the sisters and their this information. I saw no reason Use Johnson Service on Evei^ Move way, “ saw the inside of several cloud of materialism threatening plain note, without ais assignment of wages and without notify­ helpers to their work, their pro­ that we should. ing the employer. AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN LINES, INC. fusely expressed gratitude to the prisons.” He led the Sinn Fein Re­ us with distress and despair. » "TO AND FROM eVEBTWBERE" Several years afterwards, I publican movement 1917 to 1926, “ People want to better the world Americans for giving them a talked to a Friar Minor who had ‘chance to serve God and huma­ and then the Fianna Fail. The and to prevent war and they do Loans Made Outside Denver by Mail ST0R.40E - PACKING - SHIPPING given, a retreat at Graymoor, N. Y., Irish Free State was established not think that they have to better nity,’ the uplifting inspiration of in the monastery of the Friars of Phone PE 2433 Denver 221 Broadway their saintly faces, made me, a under him as President of the their hearts first. National Social­ the Atonement, who have been kind Executive Council, and then the ism tried to root up Christianity son of a Methodist minister, pro­ to converts. Jlost of the men foundly grateful for the existence republic was founded, with him and all feelings which show man­ Dr. G. J . present were not Catholics, and the as Prime Minister. The republic is kind the way to real happiness and FORD of the Catholic Church, and espe­ retreat master found his task diffi­ cially for the merciful service of an independent nation in every­ peace— and the effects were only JIM FURLONG cult. When he was finished and thing except certain foreign rela­ distress and despair. There can­ Sehaeuble these self-sacrificing sisters.” was ready to drive to New York BETTER SERVICE This appreciation by a non- tions with which it voluntarily not be happiness in the world if city, he was asked whether he works with the British. people leave the way to God and 1735 Welton St. KEystone 2224 Catholic publisher, printed in all would take an Archbishop with SWAYNE Optometrist his papers, should help Catholics It seems that de Valera’s father run after wrong prophets, as H it­ him. He was so fed up by that ler was and Stalin is.” Optn D«ily S:30 to 5:30: 8*turd*ri Till I P.M. Our Branch Off!** MARSH to realize what they have done, died in Denver. He had come here *t Furlona Auta Co.. 539 Broadway. li Oprn Till 5:30 P.M. Specialist time that he climbed in without as a health-seeker, whereas his Ordinarily, it is not wise to send .1 what they can do, by giving gen­ speaking to His Grace, who sati^^'jf^ IVIMBES^ Inc. For Visual erously to the food collection this packages to German addresses one 8.t0 Bannock St. T^. 6113 Eye Care Sunday. mournfully in a back seat. The ^he father died alone. Sev does not know, because of the dan­ friar sat as far to the other side eral years ago. a Philadelphia ger o’f black market frauds. But SpUiufi Fords Sineo 1912 Ph. MA. 6066 Joe Loffreda FR. 8940 310 Mack Bldg. KE. 1)840 as possible. judge wrote to me on behalf of de the sincerity of Herr Berndt and Suddenly, the Archbishdp asked: Valera and asked me to obtain his son is transparent. Packages AAA LANDSCAPING CO. Fr. Jos. Naughton “ Have you ever seen a Greek Arch­ data, if I could, about the funeral of food or ‘clothing can be sent WREATHS — HOLLY bishop? Well, I am one. I am and the burial place. Publicity was through CARE, Inc., BO Broad St., SPRUCE - - MISTLETOE Archbishop James Grattan My­ given in the Denver dailies as New York for $10. Other agencies Complete Holidnv Decorating To Serve in Rome then.” ell as by us. Parish records were with different arrangements for 900 E. 12TH AVENUE The friar admitted that he lxxamined, without success. This is ' sending food or clothing to Ger­ BOOK YOL'6^ORDERS EARLY (Continued From Page One) grunted and said nothing. not too surprising. The records many are the Hudson Shipping were not always well kept in those Co., 15 W. 46th street, New York a scholastic in Campion high Sudden Death ir, and the Tracont. corporation, school, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Some time after this, I read that hectic frontier times. Orangemen Angry 249 W. 34th street. New York 1, He received his Bachelor’s and Archbishop Mythen had come into N. Y. The complete address of the Master’s degrees at St. Louis uni­ the Catholic Church. Then I read When de Valera made his visit Berndt family is H. Berndt, 13a versity. He was awarded a licen­ that he died suddenly while cele­ to Denver, there was a large ban­ Kulmbach-Aichig 19, Bavaria, U. Al. Bennett tiate in philosophy (Ph.L.) by St. brating Mass in a New York hotel quet given in his honor^ with S. Zone, Germany. Louis university, and a licentiate room. He had gone to the city many prominent men present. The in theology (S.T.L.) from St. from Graymoor. He was, of course, Men’s Glolhing Depl. Irish leader made no wild state­ The answer came back; “ You Mary’s college, St. Marys, Kans., not an Archbishop in the Catholic ments. He outlined the justice of and was ordained by the Most Rev. Church, Regardless of whether he can't keep the Irish down!” his people’s cause, and proclaimed Among the orators sent to Den­ Paul C. Schulte in the Immaculata had valid consecration, he was not that they wanted no hegemony Society Brand & chapel of St. Mary's college June allowed to officiate. He was al­ ver to help free Ireland was a ma­ over others, except an intellectual jor. I helped to get him into St. 17. 1945. lowed to say Mass; so his Orders leadership. In time, they would Brayton Clothes were regarded as valid (we pre­ Thomas’ seminary for an address While at St. Mary’s college, Fa­ win. to the students, and he Embar­ ther Naughton compiled a 200-page sume he had not been condition­ Beside me sat a daily news­ ally reordained). rassed me to tears when he took handbook of easy reference, enti­ paper reporter, a soldier in the up a collection. 1 have observed tled Pope Pius X'll on World Prob­ Years later I was told that he First World war. He was cold had been a Catholic collegian in years of newspaper work that The mnv Co. lems. The book dealt with such as ice. A few years later, he was who had left the Church. Since every cause has its unconscionable problems as “ War and Its Causes;’’ a .state official under the banner profiteers. this was said to me by a brilliant 2ND n.OOB “ Peace and Reconstruction;” “ Re­ of the Ku Klux Klan. Later he A picturesque figure who spoke lated Problems, the State, Mar­ but none too trustworthy man, I wrote me a letter of apology. He do not know. I always looked in Denver twice on behalf of the riage, Education, and the Social hoped I would not hold his former Irish was Mary MaeSwiney, sister Question,” and many other topics. upon His Grace, however, as one .Funeral services at Boulevard are easily acces­ attitude against him. I assured of Terence MaeSwiney, the Lord Father Naughton will visit in of the strangest characters who him I would not. sible from any part of the city by street car or ever floated across my life. Mayor of Cork. He died in Brix- Denver until Friday at the home At the head table sat Henry ton prison in October, 1920, after bus — only a few minutes from downtown. No of his sister, Mrs. Paul Rossmiller, Another of the men close tode._.,,, Valera was Liam Mallowes. H e B"«htel. former (Colorado Gover- a hunger strike of 74 days—a case parking restrictions, no traffic confusion; ample 2840 W. 36th avenue. came before the President-“ Dev” I "or- ‘ hen chancellor of Denver that aroused excitement and dis- Jnodern equipment; experienced personnel was then the head of a de jure university. He gave an interest cussion all over the world. Condi- but a non de facto republic—and ing address. The next day anti- tions were such ‘ that there is a thoughtful of every wish. Regardless of the cost, Irish forces cracked so severely probable theological opinion he was one charge covers all and every service is com­ arranged the preliminaries. Mal­ The Denver Catholic lowes helped me in a difficult jour­ at him that he feared the collapse morally justified in the strike, plete. There are no unexpected extras. nalistic problem. De Valera was of the university. He wrote fran­ though it caused his death. Shortly WS AS SEEN ON FIFTH AVENUE Register to speak on Thursday night, and tically to local Irish leaders, who after he had died, his widow andi:¥;:;| GRand 1626 our paper had to go to press Thurs­ assured him he need not worry. his sister Mar>’ came to the United Published Weekly by the Buchtel was a Methodist miimter. States, on invitation of the Araer Wij e know of only one guide a man can trust Catholic Pre.ss Society Ine. day morning. There wa.s no chance of getting a manuscript. Conse­ The forces that led that hot little ican Commission on Conditions in j:;:;:; Ireland. The dreadful Black and for the smartest and finest of hats . . . the ’ 638 Bannock Street. Denver. quently I arranged an “ interview” fight against him were Orangemen. BOULEVARD They were still fighting the Bat­ Tan >varfare between Ireland andi;|;i:;;: Colo. with the President that I made up famous Crest of Knox. Onr new Knox from various talks and interviews tle of the Boyne! (It occurred in England had been under way and !;:;i|S fftontu€Lrup Sub.scrlption! $1 Per Year 1690.) England had been repeating th e'” '" he had given elsewhere in the na­ styles are the hats well-dressed men are tion, and 1 had Mallowes put his One of the Protestant preachers miserable slaughters that had MRS JAS. P. McCONATY FEDERAL .1 NO. SPEER Entered as Second Class Matter blackened her name in previous at the Post Office, Denver, imprimatur on it It saved us from brought to Denver for an address wearing on th«vnation's avenues of fashion. being scooped for a full week, and by the de Valera movement was ages. One-half the business dis­ Colo. the paper with it was already in named Murphy. “ Sure and some­ trict of Cork, for instance, was..... the mails. De Valera showed him­ body fell off the Church in that destroyed. Mary MaeSwiney wasj:::;:|i; self a bit anxious when he learned line of ancestry,” said a Gael to gifted as an orator. She remained from me what I had done, but not me when he learned that the elo­ in America for eight months and J;S;j after Mallowes had assured him quent one-armed cleric was a spoke in 70 cities, usually three to everything was what it should be. Methodist. • seven times in each. She addressed I talked to the two of them, alone, This reminds me of the Mormon many legislative bodies and many [i:;*;: The GIFT YOU CAN EAT in de Valera’s apartment in the Bishop who attended a reception universities and colleges. She re- . Brown Palace hotel. given in Utah to Bishop Joseph turned to this country in 1925 and j:;:::::; Martyr to Hi* People Sarsfield Glass when the latter spoke in Denver April 12, 1926, on Is the Best Christmas Treat! Mallowes was a brilliant young went to that state as head of the the ninth anniversary of the Easter Catholic Church in 1915. The Week rebellion. I-SS man, whose bits of conversation I (The term Black and Tan came from cherished for years. His name name, if you please, was something the khaki uniforma and black halt and itviv Liam is Gaelic for Leo. Not too like Patrick O’Mulligan. arm bands worn by the ('l^ yal I r iib ...... “ How in the world did you be­ Constabulary,!' enlisted in England for long after I conversed with him, service In Ireland during the disturbances he went back to Ireland—and was come a Mormon Bishop?” the Or­ of 1019-21. when the British attempted put to death by the English. dinary of Salt Lake a.sked. to crush the Irish nationalistic spirit.) HI-Q He gave me a bit of history about my own family I had not known until then. The name for centuries was MacGowan. Gow is smith, an is the genitive, and Mac is son; IS YOUR CAR READY FOR WINTER? hence the name, Son of Smith. Be­ Si ^ FRUIT €AKE§ cause the tribal home was near the ^ Drive in for Free Estimate on General Checkui> ^ For Holiday Giving or Eating coast where the English often held sway, they forced the anglicizing W Prompt and Courteous Service m « of the name. It became Smyth. My ^ . Ik grandfather changed it to Smith. W Experienced Mechanic* Genuine Factory Porta W i i Studded with Glaced The pronunciation is the same with ‘‘ FREE PICKUP SERVICE ‘‘ 1 ! 1 lb...... 11 both spellings. [The ancient coat- KNOX “ FIFTH AVENUE" of-arms fits an editor. On the 435 Cherries — Crammed full shield is a burning torch. The VINER CHEVROLET CO. Brwy. Dove Grey, Muslane Tan, $ 4 A . 50 motto is; Expellit tenebras et inim- Suoan Brown, Comet Blue, Black I b icos—“ He drives out darkness and of choice aut meats, plump enemies.” ) 1 V 9 0 c Peter Golden 2 Peter Golden was another of the raisias, taagy citrus fruits Irish workers with whom I became A A 4 ^ well acquainted. He was a bril­ liant, a charming, and a good look­ — aad overflowiag with 3 S I . 7 5 ing man. I have never known a more superb orator. He stayed in Colorado for weeks—and always rich, wholesome gave the same speech, with sKght variations! I heard him 14 or 15 ...... ^ times. Despite the repetition, I did Goodaess! not tire of him, for he could act wonderfully. He was a native of Ireland, who had come to America and gone to work as a proofreader Assemble Your Own on the Gaelic American, New York. Yuletide Baskets from It was a little paper, w i^, I am sure, no money to spare; old John Miller’s mouth-watering Devoy waa its editor, a doughty array of holiday fighter who for a long time made dainties to make recipients! millER'S his living and got hit chief delight in life by biting, not merely happy as kings! by twisting, the lion’ s tell. Toward the end of his days, the d o aea r kock. Pn$umt SUPER m PBKETfl old man went to Ireland and re­ >tS34CalifenitaSt.lf yPtMmaMAIwSISS < ceived a conquering hero’s welcome OppmSte Dewy** Pt, 6ea4» Ca "I""'S Si««£-<2I s i m i n n S

i i i i i i A i i Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 PAGE THREE

1^ Fr. Edward Leyden FATHER JOHN REGAN IS APPOINTED Five of Hierarchy Dr. Lee 0. Haney Dr. Richard L Haney To Be Honored at NEW SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR OF ACCN To Attend Jubilee Optometrists

Father John Rep;an, who has The annual Christmas party of If/lemhers of St. Vincent de Paul Parish I V Reception Sunday been named the spiritual director St. Anthony’s ^ o o l of nursing Of Fr. J. S. Garcia A S e r v i c e of the ACCN, is a graduate of Bos­ Alumni association was held Dec. (Continued From Page One) 827 15th SI.-Phone TA. 2690 'i> (Continued From Page One) ton college, Jesuit school, ahd con­ 9 in the home of Misses Mary, 1921. The peak of his priestly Sister Francis Paula (grade) and tinued his studies at S t Thomas’ Eileen, and Esther Cahill at 2215 career was reached here, and when v i n ^ Sister Alphonsa Marie (high); St. FOR THEeU seminary. He was ordained for the Race street. construction on the San Luis school Francis de Sales', Mother Anna Denver diocese and was assistant Four members of the '47 class was halted because of .fiaancial dif­ Joseph; St. Joseph’s (C.SS.R.), at Cathedral parish for three ^nd of S t Anthony’s hospital are re­ h How much wiser it is to take ficulties, Father Garcia • often the sensible step toward family Sister Mary Edvrard (grade) and a half years. During this period, signing their positions as general speeded the work from his private BANQUET ROOMS Sister Mary Aloysius (high); St. he taught nursing ethics at Mercy duty nurses on Dec. 16. They are funds. protection now. OLINGER’S Vincent de - Paul’s, Sister Ann and St. Joseph’s schools of nursing. Misses Bernice Howland, Julie FOR PARTIES FUTURE NEED PLAN is the Simeon; Father Regan served with the in­ Tokar, Delores Skroch, and Al­ Since 1921, he has been chaplain OF 10 TO 100 to the Sisters of Charity of Cin- logical answer to this problem. St. Philomena’s, Sister Cath­ fantry in the armed forces for two berta Gabardi. The nurses plan Phone PE MS] For R«s Rasarratloa Membership provides Future erine Marie; St. Patrick’s, Sister and a half years. On his return he to return to their respective FINE COCKTAILS AND Cecilia Joseph; St. Louis’ (Engle­ was appointed chaplain at the Fed homes for vacation prior to ac­ FOUNTAIN SERVICE Need Protection for every wood), Sister Mary Silveria; St. eral Correctional institution near cepting steady employment member of the family, regard­ Joseph’s (Polish), Sister MaiTr Morrison. He also teaches at Lor- Misses Corinne Stephens and less of age... at a cost of only Bamaba; St. Mary’s academy, etto Heights college. Frances Peavy, ’47 {praduates of a few cents a day. For com­ Sister Mary Georgette (high) and The annual ACCN Christmas St. Anthony’s school of nursing, Sister Thomas Katherine (grade); party for members and their chil­ are now employed as general duty URF> H Y ’S plete information, consult our St. John’s, Sister Mary Veronice; dren will be held Dec. 17 at 7:30 nurses in New Mexico State Men­ Advisory Department, . . there St. Elizabeth’s, Sister Mary Evar- p.m. in the Catherine Mullen tal hospital in Las Vegas. is no obligation. ista; St. Dominic’s, Sister Mary nurses’ residence, St. Joseph’s hos­ A large number of students Eugenia; pital. Mrs. Sally Moirison, chair­ representing the high schools of f i n e OODS St. Catherine’s, Sister Mary Ste­ man of the program committee, has Denver and surrounding neighbor­ hood communities attended the Where fienver Dines I6lh at phen; St. Cajetan’s, Sister Mary been ill, and Mrs. Mayme Hughe? With Duncan Hinea Boulder 0 £ t M f e ASherman ^ ’ “ Victorine; Sacred Heart, Sister has consented to. serve as chairmaii nurses’ recruitment program held Mary Dorothy; Presentation, Sis­ of the Christmas party. The moth­ Dec. 2 in Holy Ghost hall, Denver. BROADWAY AT ELLSWORTH 0 111 n IIIlilt The program was under the direc­ ter Mary Helen; Our Lady of er is to bring a gift for each child Open 11 A.M* to 2 A.M. Cloied Tuetdeyt CATHOLIC MEMBERS of our Mt. Carmel, Sister Mary Loyola; that accompanies her. This year a tion of St Joseph’s, Mercy, and f: personnel and the finest equip­ Loyola, Sister Agnes Marie; Holy different arrangement has been St. Anthony’s hospital schools of Rosary, Sister Monica Marie; As­ planned bv the committee. The nursing. A panel diiscussion about ment and facilities are assigned sumption (Welby), Sister Mary members of the ACCN are to bring nursing,,a moving picture, and a to every Catholic Service. Perpetua. or seiid a gift of canned food or social hour formed the program. St. Vincent de PauPs Parish The spiritual director of each cash donation for a Christmas bas? Gate* MBC Hoapital f . PT A ’-is requested to be present ket to be distributed to some needy The nurses and office girls en­ r!c«-FrMidtnt also. organization, rather than to ex* joyed a party given by Miss Betty HODGE GROCERY Hostesses for the reception are; change personal gifts as in previ­ Pracell in her new home at 1533 2105 E. Virginia SP. 7503 Red & VThite Food Store ous years. Cherry street Nov. 29. Dessert Mmes. A. F. Zarlengo, John Mil­ Wo have added complete BILL HUGHES, Prop. was served, followed by an eve­ ler, H. Miller, H. Steffan, Elmer St. Joaaph’i Hoapital Line of FROZEN FOODS The Rev. V. R. Hughes, O.P., ning of entertainment. Fr. Joseph S. Garcia Complete Food Service Grant, L. Gallegos, M. E. Cooke, Meats . . . Groceries Thomas J. Morrissey, and from was the speaker at sodality exer­ Mrs. Lynns Naeb is on 30-day cinnati who operate Mount San .398 South Gilpin the Past Presidents’ club; Mmes. cises held on Nov. 30. leave. She plans to visit her home Rafael hospital, Trinidad. He has Fresh Fruits & Vegetables " I f* Smart to Ba Thrifty" Fred H. Thompson, Henry Weber, A new liturgical altar attracting in Illinois. been stationed there for more than Walter Wade, and F. Pomponio. many favorable comments has been Miss Natalie Davis, formerly 26 years. Quality Cleaning; of South Dakota, is a new mem­ The new officers of the Past installed in St. Joseph’s hospital ber of the nursing staff. The fabulous Kit Carson was his LEN’S Pharmacy And Alterations Presidents’ club, who were elected chapel. All Dresses Hand Finished Fitxiimona Hospital godfather at the time he was bap­ L. C. FEHR, Prop. Dec. .3, also will be present. They Mrs. Dorothy Kuhn Grapski was Four new members has been tized in Taos, N. Mex., shortly Member 8L Vincent da Paal'e Parlik are Mmes. Winn Schrodt, presi­ in Denver for a few days last week after his birth Oct. 26, 1859. He Have Your Doetor Phone PARK LANE dent; C. C. McCarthy, first vice visiting Margaret Griffith. Mr. added to the roster of the ACCN. Lt. Catherine Becker, a graduate attended school in Las Vegas, at Lli Your Prescription I'alhedral president; Albert Rotola, second Grapski is administrator of the a .school which the Jesuits operated of Mercy hospital, Baltimore, Md., 2707 E. Louisiana RA. 3739 CLEANERS vice president; A. Rossi, secre­ Loyola University hospital in Chi­ and which wa.s a forerunner of At Loaiiiana and Sentb Clarion 1931 Kentucky tary; T. F. Ryan, treasurer; and cago. whose home is in Altoona, R Regis college, Denver. He prepared A. Harris, historian. Mrs. Jane Mahoney Pojmam of served four years in the Pacific for the priesthood in Niagara uni­ Ol^OlMY area. Lt. Mary Terese Butlovich, Mrs. M. E. Cooke, publicity South Bend, Ind., is visiting with versity, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and N«zi u Clark*'* Cbarck Qaoda her parents and family, Mr. and a patient on ward 12, is a gradu in the Grand seminary, , ^OETH CAYLORD chairman, wishes to remind all ate of St. Joseph’s hospital, "When in loit $piril$ call terry" publicity chairmen to be sure to Mrs. Bernard Mahoney, 1382 S. , where he was '?>«4®'fed Vine. Jane Pojmam is a 1946 grad­ Kansas City, Mo., and served with Dec. 17. 1887. 1634 Tremonl KE. 4.'>54 get their publicity to her, in trip­ the 15th Evacuation hospital in licate, at 4155 King street on uate. Her husband is expected Chopping District the Pacific area. NOTICE TO CREDITORS KREK DEUVEBV FREE PARKING Monday before the Sunday it is later. Anna Mahoney, a sister, is a student at St Joseph’s. Mrs. Nellie A. Knight, patient EiUlc of Olive Mulhern. also known i to be published for all news­ Olive Mulhern. deceased. No. 82684. Mercy Hoapital on ward 12, is a graduate of papers except the Denver Catholic Worcester City hospital, Worces­ Notice is hereby jriven that on the 26th A REPUTABLE DRUG Register. Rose Mary Kellagher, ’46 grad­ day of November. 1947. letters of admin Mary Anne Bakeries STORE uate, is vacationing with relatives ter, Mass. For several years Mrs. iitration were issued to the undersiftned as Gaylord Drug Go. administrator ol the above named estate in Philadelphia, Pa., and in Balti­ Knight did supervisory work in J. ROY B M irb. Prop. Specialists In Rutland sanitorium, Rutland, and all persona having claims against saia 1059 So. Gaylord SP. 3345 NADORFF Denver Deanery Plans more, Md. estate are required to file them for allow Mass., and in McLeon hospital, ante in the County Court of the City and PARTY PASTRIES . Olhar Hoapital* Prescriptions Carefullr Filled 26 Broadway 1024 So. Garlor^ Finest in Wines and Beers f Belmont, Mass. County of Denver. Colorado, within six by Registered Pharmacists ;.lSt< Colfax Ara. FR. 0<77 . Meeting on Dec. 15 Janet Kellerman of 4440 W. Capt. Anna Mary Sweeney, months from said date or said claims will SP. 7413 PE, 7315 Haywood place, and Dolores Car­ be forever barred. Colfax al Uownins Denver army nurse corps, is a graduate B. C. Hilliard. Jr.. KEytinne 3217 The monthly meeting of the ney of 4582 Tennyson street, 1947 of Mercy hospital, Altoona, Pa. Administrator. Phones PE. 2 4 6 4 SOUTH GAYLORD Denver deanery will be held Mon­ graduates of Seton school of nurs­ Captain Sweeney has been in the ing, are now employed at Colorado PE. 2 4 6 5 day, Dec. 15, at 2 p.m. in the Cath­ armed forces for seven years and BOB’S SUPER MARKET COLFAX DRIVE-IX State hospital. Many Mercy nurses has served in tne Pacific area. olic Charities annex. Member of Aiooeiated Grocer* of Colorado TURKEYS FOR THE will be interested to know that Lt. Philomena Wellie, formerly Grocery and Market In an effort to help tlje drive Dolores Carney is the daughter of a patient on -ward 12, has been FINEST QUALITY MEATS. FRUITS. HOLIDAYS being inaugurated by Loretto Marion Fornelli Carney, ’24 grad­ transferred to Sunny Crest sani- Groceries. Meats and Fancy VEGETABLES. GROCERIES Heights college, the deanery will uate of Mercy hospital. Helen torium in Dubuque, Ja. Vegetables Free Dailr DeliTeric* c p 2 6 6 8 Phon* TA. “ 1776" observe “ Loretto month.’’ Host­ Smith, ’47, Seton school of nursing, Mildred Kelch, Mary' Gilbert, The Store tf Quality and Price 1004 S. GAYLORD SP ! 2 6 6 9 AL BONINO. Mar. esses for the day will be the PTA is doing private duty. Lillian Kielbasinski, Phyllis Zim­ and Altar societies of the parishes Please send all news for the Reg­ mer, and Anne Stark had a party Overstake's Pharmacy where the Loretto nuns teach, ister to the president, Dorothy Dec. 3 honoring Mrs. Dorthea n sav n g s HARDWARE which include St. Mary’s academy, Bann, at 1564 S. Columbine street Hoell, former ACCN president, in " 5 T 1000 So. Gaylord RA. 4401 HATHAWAY’S St. John’s parish, St. Philomena’s, by Saturday of each week. Mrs. Hoell’s home. PYREXWAKE. SILEX COFFEE MAKERS ’\et, 2Vi% PLUS Iniuranet! KEMTONE - McMURTRY PAINTS St. Vincent de Paul's, Blessed Many of the children of the Two 1948 members of the Here your savings are not HOUBEgOLD WARE Christmas Cards Sacrament, and Holy Family, and members of the ACCN are active ACCN are Mildred Jancar, who City Lace Cleaners the Loretto Women’s club. Chil­ participants in the Christmas Seal has moved permanently to Cali­ only inveited in FHA and So* Gaylord Hdw. Go* and Gifts for All dren from the parishes mentioned contest in the Catholic schools. fornia, and Mrs. Ruth Yonkers, other prime first mortgage 218 East Seventh Ave Phone. TAbor 7907 1055 So. Gaylord SP. 2961 will provide the entertainment. A large group of- members at­ 990 Grove street. ^ loam, but are alto insured W'e Give S & H Green Slimpa r CURTAINS • PILLOWS CARERILLY CLEANED AND RE- Refreshments will be served. tended the Mother of Perpetual ogainst loss to $5000 by an TURNED SAME SIZE. SPECIAL CARE GIVEN TO TABLE All pastors of the city have been Help solemn novena at St Joseph’s agency of the U. S. Quality Cleaning $5 starts your account. y UNENS. BLANKETS LAUNDERED WITHOUT SHRINKAGE. extended a special invitation to Redemptorist church. attend this meeting. Miss Helen O’Cennell, VNA, has Flowers Washington Park [ommunity FlouiErj £ , WORK CALLED FOR AISD DELIVERED accepted the chairmanship of the Say How nominating committee. Cleaners 1043 SOUTH GRYLOHD CLARK’S FLOWERS Sister May Louis, St. Anthony’s Much You N. W. CHKISTENSVN Store PHONE SPruce73l8 hospital; Sister Mary Jerome, Care— 1087 S. Gaylord SP. 7898 (COMPLETE LINE OP CUT FLOWERS' Mercy hospital; and Sister Frances All Your VAN ZIMMERMAN. Manteer AND POTTED PLANTS Clare, S t Joseph’s hospital, attend­ Christmas LOECHMIR AND LYNCH, INC \W* Dflivcr TA. IS62 FINE FLOOR COVERINGS ed the three-day conference of the Needs Floral Spray* and Corsaget National Council of Nursing which Order Early A Complete Line of Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums 'COLFAX DRIVE-IN USe E. COLFAX was held this past week in Chicago, REASONABLE PRICES— FREE DELIVERY INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE III. w. DRAPERIES — CONTRACT WORK INVITED DOWNING STREET St. Anthony’a Hoapital Talisman Flower Shop PHARMACY Members of Monsignor E. J. ALICE KERL. Prop. Select Your Qift 7501 E. COLFAX AVE. FR. 3008 F’.anagan's Boys Town choir, direc­ EVE BY APPOINTMENT GEORGE M. HILL. Prop. 2111 E. Virginia-RA. 3388 Professional Pharmacist tor, and accompanist were enter­ I Phone CHerry 2767 tained at a buffet supper Nov. 30 901 Downlnt St. by the Sisters of St. Francis. Sup­ *John HarvfT per was served in the auditorium I Frank L. Smith of the nurses’ residence of St, An­ for Her at- thony’s hospital. Sister Mary Louis, director of rm Dime I JOHN HARVEY St. Anthony’s hospital, and Sister Hatchett Drug Store Asella of St. Joseph’s convent re­ c u t c L turned Monday from Chicago, QUALITY FUR.NTTURE "rh* store of Qaollty and SarTtca" J o h n s o n ^ s i where they attended the nurses’ 2404 Eaat Colfax Avenue ?aa* 701 GRANT conferences. Father Bernard Cullen was the Fid Tinie I at Joifphint Oompoondtnf praaaiiptioni la the Important pan ol oar boaineai principal speaker at the capping exercises of St Anthony’s hospital. Style Shop Terms, of Course WE LL PAY YOUR BILLS I Denver, 6ola IN RAIN OR SHINE! Where Friends Meet . . . Telephone K.4. 4679 PlwitfWkT9793 Junior C. D. of A. Units It you, too, would like to pay your bills the EASY way . ., 1020 SO. GAYLORD SP. 8169 I Plan Caroling Trip _ Use Dime-A-Time checks. Save time, steps, energy. Pay your bills w . CLEA.N SCHOOL .ivEiiuE emii by mail... deposit your paycheck All Junior Catholic Daughters by mail. CLOTHES NOW PELLS Brroa and Marla Wlllltaas of America troops of Denver will 2412 EAST COj.iAA I7lh and Waahinglon HA'a 17*7 You can also open this special Where Prices Are Reasonable meet Tuesday, Dec. 23, at 6 p.m. checking account — with any ' I FEATURING in the C. D. of A. clubhouse, 1772 amount, $1 or more. 20 checks, ■ > QUEEN ClEANERS - . Steaks and Home-Made Piet JAMES BONNER. U*r. Grant street, and will leave there only $2. Courteous and Efficient Soles- ■ ^ ! ! S COURSE DINNERS TEXACO FIRE CHIEF I 1231 E. 13tb Ave. shortly after to sing carols at sev­ 'This lOc-a-check covers all • .Servtd from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. week. , eral Denver hospitals, after which dart 12 noon until 8 p.m. Sundayi . > BONNER’S costs. No minimum balance re­ people to Assist You •f QUEEN MEANS CLEAN ^ Cloaed Wedneaday • • TEXACO STATION the girls will return to the club­ quired. No service charge! house for refreshments. Either write for free “Bank-by- GAS. OIL AND ACCESSORIES A new troop, to be known as Mail” envelopes, or drop in at the GREASING AND WASHING the St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Denver National Bank (member A Fine Selection in PHONE KE. *8S1 troop, has been formed. Two of Federal Deposit Insurance The Shirley Garage Spaar and Bannock Danrar d. Colo. business meetings and one social Corporation) . . . and open YOUR OFFICIAL AAA GARAGE have been held. Officers elected Dime-A-Time special checking ac­ • BAGS • COATS PHONE TABOR 1(11 by the new troop are Marianne count—now! • UNGERIE • SUITS Day and Nl(bl Storat*. ttapairtnt, Price's Pharmacy Golden, president; Frances Wood, IVaahInt and Graaalnt Gaaallna and Otk secretary; 'Patty Anderson, treas­ • ROBES • DRESSES IMI-17 LINCOLN RT. Hortcc S. PHet A Son urer; and Kathyleen Reddish, press ima-A-Tima*' «t 638 19th St. at Calif. CH 4703 reporter. A social and Christmas • BLOUSES • SILK HOSE NOB HILL INN party will be held Dec. 22 at 2 DFaavar Nat*l Bank p.m. in the home of Frances Wood, • SKIRTS • HANDKERCHIEFS 42* EAST COLFAX Prescription Specialists Menbtr Ftderal Dapoiit Iniaronea 3625 Lafayette street, Denver. Corporation COCKTAII.S Our Cosmetic Bar Will • SWEATERS • COSTUME JEWELRY 1309 E. COLFAX Delicious Dinners Interest the Ladies . . . INFANT’S WEAR OPEN EVENINGS TILL I "The Style* Are Dlvlna" HOT AND COLD LUNCHES Christmas Gifts Galore BONNIE BRAE Toor Baaiiina la Appradatarf Bara FoanUlo and LanehoontUa Sarrica DRESS SALE Winoo, Etc. .S h o p p in g FREE COUPON CH 4703 Smart styles in gabardines and crepes. More Than Just W « DcliTer Anywhere in City We have a large selection to choose With this coupon you will receive a U-HOLTZ- from. Values to $15.75. 9 to 17 and 10 pair of $2.50 Honeymoon Nylon A Permanent CONOCO PRODUCTS to 20. Also some half sizes. Only Marsolek’s RED A WHITE Hose with every $20 purchase. Cold Waves, Machineless, and Ma­ Labrleation. Car Washing, Balterle* 10.75 Radio & Recharged, Tira Vulcanising chine Waves include all these FRESH MEATS — nSH Applianceppl Groceries & Vegetahlea services: Consultation on correct BONNIE BRAE ALL PURCHASES GIFT WRAPPED FREE Store Yoar Pstroosss Apprselaiid method for your hair — hair re­ E u f CsUsx / CONOCO SERVICE DBLIVERT SnVICB gP. i t i i EA. iU l shaping — scientific test curl — 724 So. University . PE. 9909 2626 E Lonisiana at S. Clayton We Give ^-r^Green Stamps reconditioning' treatment ahampoo • RECORDS* HARDWARE USE OUR CONVENIENT CHARGE ACCOUNT OR LAY-AWAY PLAN — easy-to-care for permanent — • PAINTS • HOUSEWARES Praister’s Rad i While BONNIE BRAE newest coiffure. 1001 ITEMS ORCG CO. AVALON BEAUTY SALON Graeeni aad Maikel ALFRED a ANDERSON, Owaar-Maaatai PAMCT MBAT8, V n aT A B L B S , AND Preteriptions Pilled As I Save at Johnison’is | YES, WE SELL VITA FLUFF RADIO REPAIR QUAUTT CnOCKSlBS AT Your Doctor Orders LOWKB PRICES ^ Open Evenings Till 7:30 P.M. & Phone CHerry 0545 325 East Colfax N-D*r Gearaau* 14-Boar BtrHet Free Delivery SPruee 4447 FOUNTAIN SERVICE • uai E. OU* Avi. (8« Unh. ood OUa) 763 So. UniTersity RA. 2874 IM iW KW KillKiflKifW ilW iiW iiW IOIK IW"

PAGE FOUR Office. 988 Bannodic Street THE DENVER CATHOyC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205

HOSPITAL SERVICE MEN TO HEAR Our Selection of HeigUs Chemists RECIS. LOBEIIO YULE CAROLERS OF K-DUCAT CLUB Suits and Dresses Join National Unit (K-Ducat Yoang People'* Clab) will be invited. The Rev. Fred­ Members of the K-Duett Young erick McCallln is working on the for your Boy (Loretto Haight* Colleg*, Denver) People’s club of S t John’s snd plans with several club members. The Chemistry club of Loretto St. Pbilomena’s parishes will hold I ------Heights college accepted an invi­ a pre-Christmas caroling excursion CYPC YULE PARTY or Girl is tation to join the newly organized to one of the military hospitals SLATED DEC. 19 Science club of the National Fed­ in the vicinity of Denver some time (Cethedrel Young Paople’* Club) complete eration of Catholic College Stu­ in the week before Christmas. Full Xbe»annual Christmas party will In what is believed to. be the dents. The purpose of the club is details about time and place will be held in Oscar Malo hall on first joint ceremony of its kind, to stress Catholic ideals and prin­ be announced by cards to the Friday evening, Dec. 19. The fes­ 62 new members of the sodalities ciples as applied to science. members and in next week’s Reg- tivities will begin at 8 :30 p.m. and of Loretto Heights college and of On Dec. 3, Mary Dooling ad­ ister. will include carol singing and Regis college were formally re­ dressed the student body at Lo­ Meanwhile, a special committee dancing. Santa Claus will preside ceived at an evening ceremony at retto Heights college on the Lo­ is at work on the Christmas social at the exchange of gifts. Loretto Heights chapel pn Dec. retto National Alumnae associa­ to be held in St. John’s school hall Norma Spealman, instructqr. at 8. Father Edward Leyden of Lo- t mR (Infantt lo 6 Ypotb) tion, of which she is the executive Wednesday evening, Dec. It Denver university, will be the « t t o Heights and Father John J. secretary. The new or^njzation has beeh decided to have the party speaker at the monthly De-Icers Quirk, S.J., of Regis officiated at up is a nation-wide association of all semiformal, so the girls may wear dinner to be held at the Catholic the reception ceremony, which was $ 1 .9 8 the alumnae of all the Loretto formal dresses. Charities annex on Saturday eve­ followed by Benediction of the schools in the United States and Admission to the party will be ning, Dee. 13. Dancing, to in­ Most Blessed Sacrament. The has its headquarters in Chicago. by donation of an item of canned augurate the new juke box donated choirs of both colleges sang. Miss Dooling outlined the plan of food or the donation of some sort to CYPC by Mr. and. Mrs. Wolf Father Daniel A. Lord, S.J., na­ organization and the activities of of fruit. All food gathered will Roberta will be held following the tional director of the Sodality of this new association, which will in­ be distributed in the form of dinner. All members of CYPC are Our Lady, was present for the Fox Gift & Baby Shop clude the publication of a maga­ Christmas baskets for several invited to attend. ceremony and, following it, ad­ 11 BROADWAY zine, Lore. Within the next year needy families. It was voted to St. Mary’s Young People’s club dressed the sodalisti who crowded the association will be widely es­ do this rather than to have a of Littleton was host to the CYPC the chapel for the occasion. tablished in the United States and Christmas gift exchange. at a social at Grandview Grange “ Tonight,” said Father Lord, it is hoped that some foreign chap­ A surprise favor will be pre­ hall, Dec. 4. About 125 members “ we have witnessed a beautiful ters will be organized. Loretto sented at the door to all girls at­ of both clubs were present. Danc­ ceremony, the consecration of alumnae outside the'United States tending the party. Christmas dec­ ing, was the main activity of the young men and young women to have expressed their interest in the orations and refreshments will fea­ evening. It is planned to invite an almost incredible ideal. If the new organization and their hope of St. Mary’s club to Cathedral in world outside knew of what you forming chapters. ture the yuletide spirit of the party. the near future. have done here tonight, they Vacation Begin* Dec. 12 A good number of club members Congratul&tions and best wishes would not believe it. And they The Christmas vacation at Lo­ were on hand Wednesday eve­ of club members are extended to would certainly not understand it. retto Heights college begins on Pearl Diemer and Gail Heffernan, This consecration marks an im­ Friday noon, Dec. 12. As a con­ ning for the ice skating party held at Homewood park near Tiny who will^be married in St. Vin­ portant step in your life; it is sequence, the past week has been cent de Paul’s church on Thurs­ something greater than you real­ filled with Christmas activities. Town. Members were guests Tues­ day evening of the Croix de Lour­ day, Dec. 18, before the 9:30 ize. Henceforth you belong to On Tuesday, the annual Christ­ o’clock Mass. Mary in a special way and you mas dinner for the boarding stu­ des club at a dance held at Glas- ier’s bam. The CYPC Discussion club will have assumed the obligation of dents took place and was followed meet on Friday, Dec. 12, at 8 living up to the ideals of which by a group of seasonal playlets. o’clock. Regina Phelan, religious she is the exemplar.” The speech department, under LITTLETON SOCIAL chairman of the club, promised a Measure of Civilizetion the direction of Earl Bach, pre­ PROVES SUCCESS worth-while evening for all. Since “ A civilization can be measured sented an unusual verse-choir ar­ (St. Mary’* Yeung People’* Club, Littleton) all members of CYPC are invited, by its attitude toward women. If rangement of the Christmas story it is hoped that a good crowd will On Dec. 4, St. Mary’s Young a country respects virginity and at the assembly period on Dec. 11. greet the speaker oT the evening. loves motherhood, that country is The Madrigal club, a singing People’s club was host to the Ca­ The hospital visitation group thedral YPC at a social in the strong and can grow stronger; group, assisted in the program. will visit the Veterans’ hospital at but when it has not these atti­ The program was recorded and Grandview Grange hall. Approxi­ Fort Logan on Thursday, Dec. 11. mately 125 attended. tudes, a nation is doomed. You, will form a part of a special Christ­ The group, in charge of Frank by your consecration of self to mas presentation at one of the *Music was by Walter Anderson, Breen, CYPC president, will as­ Jr„ and his orchestra. Intermis­ Mary, have shown that you have local radio stations. semble at the Catholic Charities the highest possible concept of wo­ The annual Christmas banquet sion entertainment was provided annex at 6:30 p.m. and depart for by Jack Race, who sang several manhood. And it is deeply sym­ for all the students and the fac­ the hospital at 6:45. More mem­ bolic that you young men and wo­ ulty will climax the early holiday vocal solos. Refreshments of po­ bers should avail themselves of tato salad, sandwiches, coffee, and men have made this consecration festivities at Loretto Heights col­ this opportunity to perform a cor­ together. You will look upon one White frosting for your dark costumes. lege on the evening of Dec. 11. cocoa were served. The hall was poral work of mercy and bring decorated in a Christmas theme, another as children of the sinless Special guests at the banquet will some joy to the wounded vets. Mary. You will be able to laugh with red and green streamers. Pure white felt hafi created especially for us. include the co-chairmen of the Lo­ together as only those with sanc­ retto Expansion campaign, Judge Tom Stone was chairman of the NORTHSIDERS CO tifying grace in their hearts can One ityle lovelier than the other. Joseph WaLsh and Thomas Tynan, decorations committee. Mrs. Gil­ ICE SKATINC laugh. And after you have left and Mrs. Walsh and Mr.*;. Tynan. bert Chavez was in charge of re­ college, you will go out to build Wonderful values. . . all at the one low price, Before the banquet, the stu­ freshments, and the clean-up com­ (Northtide Young People'* Club) An ice skating party was spon­ the ifuture homes of America dents, attired in formal dress, will mittee was headed by Louis Tru­ strongly and securely on the mar­ take part in the traditional Christ­ jillo. John Bowen, Jr., was chair­ sored by the Northside Young Peo­ ple’s club Sunday, Dec. 1, at riage ideals that Mary gives us. mas carol ceremony in the college man of the entertainment commit­ Homewood Park, near Tiny Town. In an age when so many regard ( £ k chapel. After the banquet, the tee. In charge of the guest book marriage as trivial and virginity S IB Y L H A T S guests will move to the ballroom were Gloria Cecchin and Frank About 60 couples attended. Mem­ bers of the Cathedral club and stu­ as ridiculous, America should be 1619 Stout St. for the entertainment of the eve­ Broemmel, who is the newly grateful for .such young men and elected president. dents from Regis college were AND SLORIOUS iSEW TONE ning. There they will find a guests. Transportation was pro­ women as yon.” sparkling tree to put them in the The regular business meeting Following the chapel ceremony, right mood for Santa Claus’ visit vided by the members and Bill will be held on Monday evening, Keleman and Mary Ellen Grant the Heights sodalists were host­ First, take a look at these original designs by Aifooi and other Christmas festivities. Dec. 22. It is hoped that the club esses to the Regis students at an Vicki Kingsley, a junior, is the made the arrangements. The will soon be able to announce final skaters were accompanied by the informal party in the ballroom. Bach, famed furniture stylist. Then, listen to the lone chairman in charge of the ban­ WHEN PLACING OR RENEWING plans for a parish ball, to which Rev. Arthur L. Kinsella, O.P. . . . developed through improvements by Dr. quet. ell parishioners and their families Optometrist and Optician The Confraternity of Christian Those who attended were so en­ thusiastic that plans arc already William Braid White, leading piano authority. The Doctrine unit at Loretto Heights l]\SURA]\Ci: college has added a new cate­ Golden Altar Unit under way for additional parties. Helen Walsh new Jesse French pianos are now on display. chism class to its many others. About 40 members attended tl« REMEMBER _ meeting Dec. 3 in the St. Dominic Aitadat* Key Yedinak and Mary Louise FRANK ENGLAND. JR. Lautner are teaching some of the Aids Stricken Home church auditorium, which was pre­ W. R. JOSEPH sided over by James Coursey, Jr. SCO Ga* & 'Electric Buildinf ^ 3. Colorad* children at Fort Logan. a'YES e x a m in e d ' Wells Music <: Golden.— St. Agnes’ circle of In the business session a portion TELEPHONE TAbor 6356 2 St, Joseph’s Altar and Rosary so­ of the proposed bylaws was read Phan. TAkot 1880 HOME OF THE ST El IS WAY ciety will again have charge of and approved. Plans were dis­ a 1 8 -3 1 0 UalMtIr BU- Sefon Guild Sets the Christmas party sponsored by cussed for further meetings. the Altar society for the children The next meeting will be held 1629 CALIFORNIA ST.—NBC BLDG. of the parish. This group also sent Wednesday evening, Dec. 17, in Party on Dec. 16 household linens to a local family the church auditorium. It will be Plans are being completed for whose home was recently de­ a Christmas party with each mem­ the card party to be given by the stroyed by fire. ber bringing an inexpensive gift, THE FINEST LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING SERVICE Seton guild at the Catholic Char­ Linen has arrived for a new set not to exceed 25 cents in cost. J ities annex, 1665 Grant, Denver, of altar cloths. The young men are to bring gifts PROFESSIONALLY FINISHED | Tuesday, Dec. 16, at 8 p.m. St. Joseph’s Altar and Rosary for the girls and the young women The purpose of the party is to society met Tuesday afternoon, are to obtain the masculine gifts. raise funds to purchase a mangle Dec. 2, in the church hall. Host­ Charles McCadden and Mary Se­ for the sisters at Sacred Heart esses were Mmes. R. H. Graves, bastian were appointed to arrange SHIRTS only 10c extra convent for Christmas, George Smith, and J. F. Wagen- for the entertainment at the meet­ Reservations may be made by bach. ing and Rosemary Baster arid . . . when we do them with your regular FLUFF D R Y calling the chairman, Mrs. William St. Ann’s circle has finished sev­ Mary Torley were given charge family laundry bundle. City-Elite’s FLUFF DRY McMenamy, FR. 7083, or the co- eral more new luncheon cloths. It of the refreshments. will hold a Christmas party Thurs­ At the Dec. 17 meeting plans for ymr SERVICE IS really economical . . . minimum bundle chairman, Mrs. Elmer Nolan, EA. 5194. day afternoon, Dec. 11. will be made for the New Year’s only 9Sc. When you open your bundle of FLUFF Father Herbert L. Banigan. the Breakfast for the children party, which will be held on Tues­ Dlfy you'll be amazed . . . all your flatwork, table brother of Sister Roberta Marie of who attended Mass on the first day evening, Dec. 30, so as not linen, bed linen and kitchen linen washed, ironed and the Sisters of Charity of Cincin­ Friday, Dec. 5, was served by Mrs. to interfere with New Year’s eve nati, gave a very interesting talk T. G. Garrison and Mrs. L. A. plans of the members. At this last ready to use. All other articles neatly folded and read3' Gurule. meeting of .the year the final for ironing . . . or you may use them,* on the life of Mother Seton. He is spiritual director of the guild. The pre-Thanksgiving day food plans for the games party to be as many of our customers do. without sale was reported a decided suc­ sponsored by the club Jan. 7 will cess by the chairman, Mrs. H. E. ironinU . . . they're just that beauti- / _ The Only Th« firms listed here deserve to be made. fully done. be remembered when you are dis* Short. tributinf your patronafe lo the dif­ LINGERIE Mre. J, E. Conahan reviewed ferent lines of business. BARN DANCE o r * " ''■'> I the recent Denver meeting of the IS POPULAR This Week Call CiiyrElite Archdiocesan Council of Catholic (Croix de Lourde* Young People’ * Women. , h / ' ALTAR BREADS Club) , Beautiful A spiritual bouquet was pre­ One hundred members and SEWING sented to the pastor, Father Barry guests were present at the Croix CITY-ELITE J. Wogan, in his recent illness. Little Girls' Dresses. Kabreldery. de Lourdes dance held in Glasier’s Moaograoiinf. file. The society served more than bam Tuesday evening, Dec. 9. T A b o r 3 3 8 5 THE SISTERS OF THE 100 dinners for a meeting of Guests included members from St. Gowns scouting leaders of Jefferson GOOD SHEPHERD John’s and St. Louis’ Young Peo 10% OFF for Cash & Carry at 2701 Lawrence, 1462 York, 1809 Champa county, in the high school building pie’s clubs. Prizes of candy were and *TH[ BRIGHT SPOT” 20th & Park Aves. TELEPBONE PEARL *4*1 at Golden on Dec. 3. Co-chairmen given to Betty Penick and l o jA 2.98 ,0 7.98 were Mmes. P. G. Hokanson, Sam­ Landerman from Lourdes p^^h, uel Bolitho, and R. H. Graves. and to Joe Liezens from St. Wuis’ Dreamy nighties of satin, crepe The work of cleaning and pre­ parish. /■ and knit rayon . . . so pretty paring the church for Christmas The next meeting of ,«ie club for your lady’s gift. Long, and will be done by the women on will be held in the home.' of Roger full and lovely . . . with cap Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 23. All Lichter, 435 S. Sherman, Tuesday, sleeves, lace sleeves or no who can assist with this work are Dec. 16. / sleeves at all! Grand %'alues at urged to be at the church at 1 p.m. I these Conrad-low prices. Hostesses for the January meet­ ST. FRANCIS’ PLANS ing will be Mmes. H. E. Short, CHRISTMAS PARTY Marion Underhill, and R. H. (St. Frenci*’ Young People’* Club) Jancke. St. Francis de Sales’ Young Lovely Slips ORDER ' V Circle Party Dee. 18 People’s club will have its Christ­ St. Agnes’ circle will hold a mas party Wednesday evening, Christmas party on Thursday eve­ Dec. 17. Members of the Croix 1.98 ^o 5.98 ning, Dec. 18. All members are to de Lourdes club and the Denver meet at the church at 8 o’clock U. Newman club will be guests. Festive, lace-trimmed or tail­ and transportation will be pro­ A large crowd is expected at the ored slips of gleaming rayon vided to the home of Mrs. Hugh g;ala affair to be held at St. Fran­ satins and crepes! Rayon knit Beers, hostess. Mrs. John Polosky 4 cis de Sales’ high school at 9 slips in simply tailored or lacy will assist her. Everyone is re­ frm. styles! 4-gore and flaring styles, quested to bring a 50 cent ex­ fi all in the new longer length. change gift. '' Tearose, white and black. Reg­ HANSEN A HANSEN ular and extra sizes. University Club Sets JEWELERS Wonderful Selection Meeting for 14 1628 ITtb St. of Sheer The next meeting ofS' the St. ONC STORK ONLY DECORATIONS Thomas University cluS, planned for Sunday, Dec. 14, fit 8 p.m. in DENVER SHOPS the Catholic Charities' annex, will Nylon Hose Hand Decorated feature Father William M. Markoe, 503 SIXTEENTH ST. — Open SJ., of Sacred Heart church as “R e C ia C te $1.35 to $2.95 Monday Till 9 P.M. Wreaths and the guest speaker. Father Markoe Center Pieces will speak on tha race question. COLD Remedies 43-51 and 54 Gauge 774 SANTA FE DRIVE A burinesB sheeting and social 15-20 and 30 Denier. SO. BROADWAY will follow V the program with 3457 Peggy Nietips in charge of re­ All shades. ANI? 53 BROADWAY — Open freshments/ Daily 9 A.M, to 5 :30 P.M. / The cW .' has now chosen its list THE r/ of advis*/8. Included are Archbish­ Other Conrad Shops op UrWn J. Vehr, the R t Rev. Sterling, Ft. Collin*, Boulder. BRIGHT SPOT FLOWER SHOP Monsinor John R. Mulroy, the CONRAD’S Ft. Morgan, Greeley, Montreia Very Rev. Raphael C. McCarthy, PHONE FR. 2745 S.J., president of Regis college; Dansberry Pharmacy Josephine at 5th Ave. am}’ J. J. Sullivan, Thomas J. Mor­ rissey, John Curry, and Mrs. L. A ’■IN DBNVEB i r s DAN8BKBRY" fwirrinwinrMiMHiMmunummuiimmywiMmmi Higgins. 14th & Champa KE. 4296

y>.I w

’Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 Office, 9S8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 42(f5 P A G E n V E

Guild Will Display Northside Church aosaas; ■'1 / DR. JAMES P. Layettes and Altar To Be Decorated GRAY Linens at Meeting Before Christinas Optometrist A display of layettes from vir­ tually every circle of the Arch­ (St. Patrick’s Parish, Danvac) rtSVAL CARE bishop’s guild, as wen as a large The work of redecorating the " BYES' EXAMINED collection of hnished altar linens church was started this week and from individual members, will be it is expected to be completed by yiSlIAL TRAINING o n a F i r m a feature of the organization's an­ nual Christmas meeting scheduled Christmas day. Fomulatioa for Friday, Dec. 12, in the Fran- The Rev. Theodore Haas bap­ 212*18 Colo. Bldg., 1616 Calif. S t salian library, 236 S. Sherman. tized Colleen Marie, daughter of Phone for Appointment The layettes, as in former years, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Miller, with will be distributed through the Eugene and Margaret Marker TA- 8883 Catholic Charities and Ave Maria sponsora; and Wendy Marie, clinics, according to the social ac­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs Dominie tion chairman, Mrii. Elizabeth Carfino, with Joseph Carlino and Say a; and the altar linens will go Mary Bello, sponsors. to worthy Colorado mission Mr. and Mrs. Louis LaBate are Horan-Service is built on the firm and churches. Mrs. Mary Kinkel will send boxes of altar linens to the the parents of a girl, born in St, Missionary Sisters’ chapels at Anthony’s hospital on Friday, ROAST TURKEY lasting foundation of sincere, personal Greeley, Brighton, and Denver, Dec. 5. This is their second child. and the new Carmelite convent at M . and Mrs. Ben Berlinger of this SPECIAL THROUGH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 attention to the bereaved family. The Littleton. parish are the grandparents. Mr. and Mr*. Clair John Sohuls COM PLETE After reports by the various Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Leluca are { members of our firm serve the family committee chairmen and circle - f + + the parents of a girl, born in St. 6 COURSE DINNER presidents. Archbishop Urban J. Joseph’s hospital on Friday, Dec. WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS 5. The little girl is the grand­ with the same completeness with which Vehr, guest speaker, will ^ive a LUCILLE L. TANCREDO IS MARRIED 8EBVBD DAILY AND SUNDAY llilO A. M. TO 8 P.M. brief talk on mission activities. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Poll- tIO IKATS . lOe PARKING dori. they would wish to be served. The meeting will be climaxed by a CLOSED MONDAYS NEXT DOOB short Christmas program and re­ Mrs. Roy DePranco (Nancy freshments will be served by the IN ST. CATHERINE'S CHURCH RITE Petraglia) and daughter, Mary "She entertainment committee. Ann, of Paterson, N.J., are visit­ Miss Lucille L. Tancredo became All guild members who are spon­ train. Her full-length, two-tiered ing her parents for the holidays. the bride of Clair John Schulz in veil, lent by her sister, Mrs. Lib soring “ Little Sisters” at either Fifteen young men are practic­ Crolden O Lantern Queen of Heaven or St. Clara’s a double-ring ceremony performed Cook, fell from a tiara of orange recently before the Rev. Robert blossoms and seed pearls. The long ing every week for the parish orphanages are invited to attend 1265 Bdwj., Near ISth Are, ’5 Syrianey in St Catherine’s church. train had scalloped edges. The basketball team. They will partici­ RESTAURANT KE. fi204 the Christmas party Dec. 15, spon- pate in the Parish Basketball jored by the counselors at the re­ Miss Tancredo, given in mar­ bridal bouquet consistea of white league. Father Haas is coaching spective homes. If unable to attend, riage by her father, Joseph, wore roses and stephanotis with a de­ the team. ■ each "Big Sister” is requested to a gown of heavy blush bridal satin tachable corsage of two large or­ send a substitute. with a sweetheart neckline, modi­ chids in the center. Sunday will be corporate Com­ Horan & Son Chapels At the "Thank You-USO” dinner fied leg of mutton sleeves coming The matron of honor, a sister, munion day for the Holy Name held Dec. 3 at Lowry Field for all to a point over the wrist, and a Mrs. Ann Villano, was dressed in society, both junior end senior, KEy«tona 6297 KEystone 6298 ex-USO workers, the Archbishop’s full skirt terminating in a court an aqua crepe gown with a high and all the other men of the Cleaning at Its Best 1527 Gevetand Place guild was well represented. Ac­ neckline, double-cap sleeves, a parish. The monthly meeting of cording to reports from Mrs. straight skirt with a slit up the the senior society will be held on Dorothy Dandrow and Miss Mary Guild Will Hold front and a slight train. In her Thursday evening in the school. 3 DAY SERVICE Nadorff, some 70 members received hair she wore a fresh'^flower tiara Starting on Wednesday after­ V.' invitations in appreciation for of roses and stephanotis. She car­ noon after school, girls’ basketball Pickup and Delivery .5 work in various capacities during Yule Fete Dec. 15 ried a cascade bouquet of salmon- practice will be held under the the war years. colored gladioli with rose centers. supervision of Mrs. Elaine Har­ TWO STORES Members of the Precious Blood (Presentation Parish, Denver) The bridesmaids, Libby Cook, a rier, who will act as coach during circle met in the home of Miss sister; Verlee Rogers, and Marie the coming season. 594 So. Broadway — PE. 4686 Mora Sullivan Dec. 6 for their Presentation Parish guild will Lundy, a sister, were dressed iden­ hold a Christmas party in the Com­ The December meeting of the monthly meeting. tically to the matron of honor, only school PTA will be held on Tues­ 2025 W . Alameda — RA. 0612 On Dec. 10, Mrs. Rosemary Mc- munity hall Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. Pres­ in a salmon-rose color. day afternoon, Dec. 16. A repre­ (Across From Valverde School) Shane entertained members of idents of all parish organizations Miss Colette Shea sang “ Panis sentative attendance is urged as Little Flower circle at a Christmas have planned a party and dance Angelicus” and an “ Ave Maria” final plans for the children’s party, at which time gifts were There will be a tree, entertain­ before the ceremony. The Rev. Christmas party will be made. All SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS exchanged. ment, and refreshments. All mem B. J. Paolazzi accompanied her. Recent meetings of Our Lady of mothers and parishionera inter­ bers of the parish are invited to After the ceremony, a reception ested are invited to attend a movie Loretto circle were held in the c'me and join in the fun. homes of the following members: was held in the Empire room of to be shown on Friday afternoon. In October, in the home of Mrs. The Holy Name society will re­ the Shirley-Savoy hotel. Mrs. Tan­ An admission charge of 10 cents Irene Hoar, when the Halloween ceive Communion in a ^oup Sun­ credo received guests in a navy will cover fine entertainment. Denver’s Largest Dealer motif made an enjoyable meeting day in the 8 o’clock Mass. blue moire dress with hat and Hoard 9 to 12i 1 to 8 Phone MAin 3437 and party. Miss Catherine Maher The children of the school gloves to match. She wore a Jiuge **After All, It’s Service That Counts’^ entertained at the November meet­ turned in 4,200 pounds in the last lavender orchid. WAI^TED TO RENT ing. Games were played, and paper drive. Since the start of Following a wedding trip to the CfLthoJie widow and veteran ton. Mnfor prizes were awarded to Mrs. Louise school this year the children have Broadmoor hotel in Colorado RegiB College, in argent need of ai>t. Dr. J. J. O ’Neil, Dentist given $125 to the building fund Springs, the couple are residing or home. fum . or unfarn. for perma­ O’Brien and Mrs. Frances Ed­ nent Denver residence. Will pay ad­ monds. through various projects. in Denver.— (Photo by Lainson) vance rent and fumiBh the best refer­ 1335 Broadway 1314*1338 Acoma The December meeting and The Needlework club will meet ences. Suite 722 Mack Building, 16th and California Streets Chri.stmas party, with an exchange in the home of Mrs. R. L. New­ CALL GL. 2071. MRS. STILL On Clvlr C«Bttr of gifts by “ Secret Pals,” will be comb, 204 S. Irving, Thursday, Son in Germany Seeks held in the home of Miss Evelyn Dec. 18, at 10:30 a.m. for the Miller Dec. 18. annual “ Secret Pal” and Christ­ Mrs. Helene Schaffer IF"' Miss Dorothy Walsh will leave mas party. A luncheon will be Ludwig Heinrich of Zwei- with her nephew, Michael Peak, to served at 12:30. The regular meet­ brucken, Germany, is seeking the spend the holidays with her sister, ing of the Altar and Rosary so­ whereabouts of his mother, Mrs. FINE— SELECTION ciety will be held at 1:30 o’clock. Mrs. Marjorie Bernard!, in Flush­ Helene Schaffer, nee Ella Hein­ OF— FALI^FURS ing, L.I., N. Y. rich, who went under the stage Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Brien are Intteiast... V«t at World War No. 1 name. Helene Costriella. Mrs. the parents of a gfri, Mary Eliza­ Laywomen Will Hold Scha'ffer, born Aug. 12, 1891, was beth, born Dec. 7 in a local hos­ in Denver since A pril^ 1916, and COLFAX AT WASHINGTON pital. Mrs. O’Brien is the former K E 4 S 7 6 Retreat on Jan. 18 last heard from wn 1938 inwas a KODASUK PROJKTOR Louise Krabacher. Denver. From August, 1915, to The annuel day of recollec­ 1920 she resided with Mrs. Carl \ Revisions Put 'Amber' tion ipontored by the Catholic F. Heinrich, 1117 Lawrence street, KODASIIDE PROJECTOR, Master Model Laywomen’e Retreat atio- Denver, and from 1922 to 1925 she —the new 1000-wott projector . . . snopt out ciation will be held Sunday, attended Denver university. Any­ traniparencie. in beautiful color with a living Into 'B' Classification .Jan. 18, in St. Joseph’, con­ one knowing Mrs. Schaffer’s realism . . . fine for the home . , . powerful New York.—The Legion of De­ vent, Franc!.can mother- whereabouts is asked to write to enough for club, church, and similar use. cency has announced that Forever hou.e, 282S W. 2Crd avenue, Ludwig Heinrich, <22 b) Zwei- Priced from $181, depending on choice of Amber, the first Twentieth Cen­ with the Rev. Richard Arnold, brucken, Germany, Ob. Horn- lens. Come InJor o demonstrolioni tury-Fox film to receive the “ C,” S.J., of Reg^i. college a. re­ bachstaden. ANNOUNCINQ of “ condemned’’ classification, has treat ma.ter. been removed from that rating and The day will open with VAVAVVAVWVSV.VVAW. placed in the “ B” or “ morally ob- M a.. at 8 o’clock and clo.e jectionable^ln part” category. with Benediction at 4:30 p.m. Radio*Dispatched The Denver’s The Legion commented: “ Revi­ The (i.ter. will .erve break- fa.t and dinner. The fee for CHECKER CABS sions made in this film were ED DtJNDON, Mer. deemed sufficient to meet substan­ the day i. $2. Re.ervation. can be made by calling Mr*. KODASLIDI FROJEaOR, Model 3A . . . tially the original objection of the TA. 2233 Legion that it glorifies immoral­ Philomena Hodge., 1225 better-than-overage performance at a budget NEW ity. Forever Amber, however, still Newport, EA. 0462. price. Lumenizing (ultra-hard coating) of entiro lacks the adequate morally com­ optical system increases screen brilllonce 50%. pensating values that should be V/lth Kodak Projection Ektanon lens, 3-Inch, f/3 .5 -S 4 7 J0 . Seeil herel MERCHANDISE present in a story of this kind.” > New Science Hall St. Paul.— The dedication of (h ■ ” .s - 'V- ;-y. ^ >5' A 1 b e r t u 8 Magnus hall, new $1,500,000 science building on f.is COUPON BOOK St. Thomas’ college campus, has been scheduled for March 8 and 9, 1948. JDSAS EASTMAN STORES INC. SP. SP. $25 Worth of Coupons 7415 COAL 7410 Waih. and E ifl. TELEPHONE KEystone 6321 1635 CALIFORNIA ST. in Denominations of Lamp ind E rt $9.65 Double Screen 25c, 50c and $1 Not $8.60 Streeter Lump ____ $11.95 and Egg.. At POHNDORF’S we are . . . Which You May Buy On Our Easy FUEL SERVICE Broadwpy How to Save Money Pay Plan . . . $5 Down, Balance in 3 featuring the following On Personal Loans Equal Monthly Payments SHOE REPAIRINC (Plus Small Carrying Charge) WHILE YOU WAIT CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 1 , Arrange your financing BEFORE you .bjiy; then pay cash. Men’s Cameo $ .00 This is a wonderful way to buy everyday 2 . Borrow no more than the exact Rings From.. 20 amount needed. Ronember tha\ it necessities and pay for them a little at a time. sy xeM/x/Nfi must all be repaid;.with interest. Just purchase one (or as many as you like) Men’s Zircon $Qft.OO ( mxsufoes Rings From...... h U of these new Merchandise Coupon Books at 3 . Repay monthly out of income, in our Third Floor Credit Department . . . pay the shortest time your budget will $5 down on each one . . . take 3 months to pay permit Larger payments will re­ the balance. Coupons are in denominations of duce your interest cost 25c, 50c and $1 . . . so easy to use for whatever 4 . Borrow only from a reputable bank, you need . . . in any department in our store. Citixens Savings Bank — the ex­ Take advantage tomorrow of this new service clusive Morris Plan Bank in Kubber heels, iop lifts, toe at The Denver. s Denver^*-has faithfully served fhis pieces^ half soles, full soles, community for over 34 years. Ladies’ Compacts ^jP.QO Men’s Dress ' $>1^50 Join Oui^ r attached b j experienced 5 . WHERE you borrow is important From. Sets From. Christmas .• P. S. A Merchandise Coupon Book Is a Wonderful shoemakers while you work to YOU! Let us explain why. Savings Club Idea for a Christmas Gift or shop. We also remodel < You're Welcome, shoes, cut out t«>es or heels, Now rebind, take in sides to fit. POHNDORF’Sr make shoes longer o r ‘wider. Thousands of Other Items to Choose From in C i t i z e n s S a v in g s B a n k . Every Price Range ESTABLISHED. 1913, For Qualltj Shoe Repalrinp^ at Papular Prices— Pisil Our Shoa OPEN MONDAY ’TILL 9:00 1644 WELTON STREET • MAIN 6255 ‘fChere Denver Shops With Confidence"— KE. 2111 Repair Dept, . . . Basement 17TH AND TREMONT (Opposite the Brown Palace) \ THE HOUSE RECOMMENDED BY YOUR FRIENDS MEMBER FEDERAL TiEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION

4 ...... : . . . i :V PAGE SIX Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KE3rstone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947

St. James' Society NEW OFFICERS SELECTED FOR YEAR St. Vincent's Aid PASCAL CELERY Meet Dec. l2 BY ALTAR SOCIETY IN ENGLEWOOD Conducts Meeting FOOD FOR C h r is t m a s (St. James’ Pariah, Denver) The regular meeting of St. Vin­ The Altar and Rosary society (St. Louis’ Parish, Englowood) Light of the Papal Encyclical on cent’s Aid society was held in the PUDDINGS will meet in the Montclair civic Mrs. H. Hoy was elected presi­ Christian Education” was the home of Mrs. John Vail of Denver KREMEL GIFT PACKS $2.50 building Friday, Dec. 12. A lunch- dent of St. Louis’- Altar and Rosary topic of Father Edward Leyden's Dec. 2. The president, Miss Eva society at a meeting in the school, talk to the PTA at the meeting in . c l Atiort. Varieties m eoii will be served at 1 p.m. The Walsh, presided. An interesting A 4-ox. pl(z...... I C I hostesses for the meeting are following a luncheon Monday. the school on Monday evening. account of the ACCW meeting was Delivered Anywhere in U. S. A. — $3,35 Mmes. Earl Bell, W. E. Bickel, Chosen to assist Mrs. Hoy were Father O’Heron also spoke, en­ given by Mrs. Joseph Walsh, .Sis­ JIFFY-LOU ] John J. Connor, and E. F. Culler- Mrs. Donald Hardin, first vice couraging the PTA members to re­ ter Francis reported on the boys’ Butterscotch, ton. president; Mrs, Arthur Michaud, ceive Communion with their chil­ activities, She said they enjoyed Chocolate or Vanilla second vice president; Mrs. Judson dren on family Communion day, Members of the welcoming com­ wonderful Thanksgiving, with MIXED NETS Crookham, third vice president: the third Sunday of every month. the traditional turkey dinner. 4-ot. pltg______7c Clear Creek Farms mittee are Mmes. Sticksel, Noll, Mrs. Gabriel Smilanic, fourth vice 1-Ib. cello...... 46c Francis Smith, Kerrigan, and Reports from the various com­ There are many Christmas en­ president; Mrs. Warren Otto, fifth Bigelow. The executive committee mittees were received by the presi­ tertainments scheduled for them CANDY (1 Mile East of Mt. Olivet Cemetery) vice president; Mrs. J. W. Keegan, dent, Mrs. E. L..Glenn. A letter of through the month of December. BRAZIL NETS of the Altar society met with the secretary; and Mrs. Paul Brady, pastor to prepare a list o f nomi­ appreciation will be sent to the city Sister Francis said the Christmas Di Marini Tanzil SATIN MIX treasurer. Installation of the new officials for the installation of a novena will start at the home on 11800 W. 44th Ave. nees for the election of officers officers will take place at the Janu­ 1-lb. cello...... 45c i-ib. c,ciio...... 27c at this meeting. signal light at Floyd and Broad­ Dec. 16, and the members of St. ary meeting. - way. Parents are asked tovcaution Vincent’s Aid and friends of the THIN SHELL Pbonei: Arrada 96193 & Arvada 969R3 Mrs. 0. J. Schmitt will give a The outgoing president,’ . Mrs. the children about cr o s ^ g S. home will be remembered in the CAXDY MIX final report on the sale of Christ Perry Fisher, and the vice presi­ Broadway and paying the proper rayers of the sisters and the boys, \ Satin Mix mas cards. Miss A. Girardot, cir­ dent, Mrs. J. Pierzina, both of the attention to the new signal■ lights.li ■ ihe thanked all who had helped to lO-oi. cello...... cle captain, requests that all cir­ new Lady of Lourdes parish, were Mrs. B. Keims announced the make the recent benefit games l*lb. cello.. 27c cles make a final financial report presented with rosaries by Father awarding of prizes to the fourth party for the home a wonderful RAISINS of the year at this meeting. Mrs. Joseph O’Heron. Perpetual mem­ grade for the largest number of success. FREIT CAKE Charles Garrison, the president, berships were also given them by Thanks Are Extended Jane Martin DEL jllONTE mothers and dads in attendance at Seedless % n will preside at this meeting. All the Altar society in appreciation of the meeting. Miss Walsh and Mrs. Fred women of the parish are invited 16.01. cell*..... 40c 15-oz. pkir...... IOC their work. . ' Brownie troop 11 sang Christ­ Kemme, chairman of the games and urged to attend. DEL MONTE The women of the parish are in­ mas carols and Jean Glenn played party, thanked all who had par­ On Wednesday, the St. James’ vited to meet in the church Thurs­ ticipated in the benefit. FREIT SALAD Seeded -i a piano selections. A’ pantry shower 15.0X. pkz...... lOC Men's club met in the Civic build­ day and Friday mornings, Dec. 18 for the sisters was conducted after Mrs. Etienne Perenyi sang a Libby Choice ing. A buffet supper was served and 19, to .clean the church for the meeting. Refreshments were group of aongs in keeping with the THOMPSON the men at 7 p.m. Dave Finnigan Christmas. Luncheon will be served Christmas season. Her accompanist No. 2 4 can...... 45c Seedless 3 0 c served by the sixth grade mothers 2-lb. Kraft bajr and Marshall Reddish were in in the rectory each day for the under the direction of Mrs. Cyril was Mrs. Gibbons. charge of the supper. After the workers. The (parishioners are in­ Bratrsovsky, sixth grade room Father Harold Campbell, pastor FIGS THOMPSON VARIETY OF BUHER COFFEE CAKES business meeting an intereysting vited to assist in the Christmas mother. of Blessed Sacrament church, was Blue Ribbon Finger Seedlc. talk was gipn by Jack Carberry, preparations being made by the the guest speaker. He talked on his Style 4-lb. Kraft bac.. PK tn Batter Cruit . . . Walnot and Poppy Seed Strode) . . . French Stmiel Party Set Friday . . . Old Fatliioned Cinnamon . . . Many Delldooi Frolt Pilli sports edit® of the Denver Post. society through contributions for recent trip to Quebec, which he The Young People’s cluS will be visited after an absence of 30 8.0X. cello 20c DEFFY FRESH STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE AND PIES— topped A large crowd was in attendance. flowers and decorations in the spe­ cial collection on Sunday, Dec. 21. the guests of Father O’Heron at a years. Father Campbell said he GINGER ALE with pure whipped cream. Twini Baptized COLA Baptized Sunday were the twin The annual Christmas party for Christmas party in the school on was deeply impressed by the sin­ . . . or make up your own FANCY LIGHT FRUIT CAKE— fUled and flavored with members will be held in the school cere manifestation of faith pro­ LIME RICKEY choice fruits and nuta. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Friday evening, Dec. 19. Members basket of fresh fruits and SPARKLING WATER S. Miller, Judith Vaughn and Diane on Monday, Dec. 29, following, a fessed by the French Canadian of the Lourdes Young People’s Catholics. -He commented on the Bottle Deposit Required Marie, with John M. Clark and covered-dish luncheon in the school other fancy foods club are also invited to attend. The numerous road-side shrines, which Helen M. Haehn as sponsors by at noon. Hostesses for the party party will be held in the school at 1 1 c GOLDEN BROWN BAKERY will be Mrs. J. Bettinger, A. Mi­ were in evidence throughout the Bottle proxy. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fattor 8 p.m. Quebec province. He said that al­ Phone Eng, 190-W acted as proxies. chaud, and G. Moore. Mrs. G. Smilanic, chairman of Ruth Baron, Don Hardin, Kenny though there were the wonderful Heinz Puddings f i.. Med o n 49c CORNER HAMPDEN & ACOMA, ENGLEWOOD Mrs. T. Ray Young was hostess May, Adeline May, Jean McAtee, Basilicas of St. Joseph and St to the ,Ave Maria circle Dec. 1 in the sick committee, reported nine Only a few minutes drive from Denver Gene Michaud, and Helen Poole Anne de Beaupre, the smaller her home. High scores were patients were visited in the Swed- Mince Meat Delicious. 19U-OZ. sh...... 28c ishleVi sanitarium,onmfAV»li«vM two iv in« Porter’s will meet in the rectory this Fri­ shrines were more impressive in by Mrs. W. E. Dolan and Mrs. M. day evening at 8 to plan for the their expression of religious M. Reddish. The January meeting sanitarium, three in Temple sani­ M^alnUtS Baby Emerald, 1-lb. cello...... tarium and four in their homes. party. fervor. 36c will be held in the home of Mrs. Invitation Extended Marshall Reddish of 2370 Leyden Assisting Mrs. Smilanic were Mrs. Donata Debra Dahl, daughter of G. Moore, Mrs. J. Waller, Mrs, J. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dahl Sister Francis extended an in­ V^sInUtS Lkc. Diamond, l-!b. cello...... 46c street. vitation to all members and friends CHRISTMAS THRILLS The St. Jude circle was enter­ Markey, and Mrs. C. Leichner. was baptized last Sunday. Spon­ to attend the boys’ Christmas party Hostess DeliBbt. No. 2 ^ can...... tained by Mrs. William Seery with P’TA Heart Fr. Leyden sors were Robert ind Mary Dahl Fruit Cocktdil 39c “ Parent Responsibility in the with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eiswirth on Sunday night, Dec. 21, at 7:30 a buffet supper in her home. Mrs. in S t Vincent’s home. Martin Foley and Mrs. Frank Phil­ as proxies. Fruit Sdldd Libby Choice, No. 2 b c^n...... 45c Aristocrat of Celery The St. Louis conference of the The meeting was concluded with lips. The next meeting will be in a tea served by the hostess, Mrs. the home of Mrs. Stephen Kay at Guadalupe Statue St. Vincent de Paul society invites BeSnS Sriargate Fey. Cut. No. 2 can ...... 22c /4sk for catalogue and prices the parishioners and friends who John Vail. on Ruby Blood Grapefruit, 1136 Syracuse street. The John Ruth Memorial Ush­ would like to assist in providing Sugsr Belle, Fey. Blend, No. 2 can...... Christmas Wreaths and other PedS 18c ers’ club will hold its monthly din­ From Mexico Given Christmas baskets to place their Gifts. contribution for this purpose in an ner-meeting Thursday, Dec. 18. Coffee Edwards, 1-lb. can or gls...... 51c The_ members of the Holy Ro­ envelope and drop it in the collec­ sary circle met Dec. 4 in the Joe To Denver Church tion basket at the Masses on Sun­ Coffee Airway, 1-Ib. b a g ...... 44c OPEN Casper home, 1630 Newport. High day, Dec. 21. SUNDAY. scores went to Mrs. James and (Sacred Heart Parish, Denver) The men and boys of the parish b u ilU Molasses Brer Rabbit Gold I.abel. 16k)z. e1»...... 24c DEC. It Mrs. McCrayner. Mr;s. Jesse Hoo- A new statu5 of Our Lady of are invited to receive Communion s tu n if cA h ild e re n ! TILL I yer was a guest. The next meeting Guadalupe, which Otto Gerspach with the Holy Name society in the will be held Jan. 8 in the home of brought from Mexico City and do­ 8 o’clock Mass thfts Sunday. The Flour Kitchen Cruft,Cruft. 25-lb. cotton baghag ...... $2.43 O'CLOCK Insure your kiddies' FOR YOUR Mrs. Kathryn Snow, 1337 Newport nated to the church, will be blessed regular meeting will be held in the E xt Choice Black, I-lb., cello...... 17c CONVEN­ street. with solemn ceremonies on Friday, rectory on Monday evening at 8 growth and strength Figs IENCE Dec. 12, at 8:30 a.m. o’clock. A final report will be made by serving American After the blessing of the statue, at this meeting on the recent Beauty M acaroni Mixed Dried Fruit Sugar Drop, 1-lb. cello...... 33c there will be a Solemn Mass with games party. often. Contains all Regis Lads Send panegyric in Spanish, followed by Helen Poole, prefect of the Ma the vital elements Most appreciated Christmas Gift! |?j? Benediction of the Blessed Sacra­ rian sorority; Irene Michaud, and De Luxe Box delivered anywhere in U. S.... Gifts to Indians ment, during which a special prayer Norma Zetwick, together with Fa­ to Our Lady of Guadalupe will be ther O’Heron, attended the Sodal AFEWA.Y klost attractive package leaving Denver regardless of commodity. recited. The Rev. F. S. Ziccardi, ity union dinner in the K. of C (Regit High School, Denver) S.J., pastor of Mount Carmel home Sunday evening, when Father Clothes, shoes, books, and toys church, Trinidad, will be the cele­ Daniel A. Lord, S.J., spoke, to fill 18 crates were collected in brant of the Mass and of the bless­ Honor Roll Given IIAlJi; BKO!^. the past two weeks by the students ing of the statue, and will alsd de­ Westerkamp Bros. of Regis high school and sent last liver the panegj'i'ic. Pupils who placed on the honor M A I l K i l T Monday to the Holy Rosary Mis­ More than 100 devout clients of roll in the past six weeks were KE. 9043 5106 Wash. sion for Sioux Indians at Pine Our Lady, under the direction and First grade, Larry Kehoe; second CORN FED MEAyS EVERYTHING A GOOD GROCERY grade, Gary Proutt; third grade Master Key Shop SHOULD HAVE Ridge, S. Dak. guidance of Mrs. Leonila Mijares, n S H AND POULTRY The collection of the articles will act as sponsors. I Frances Chance; fourth grade, aP3 tSth 8* n BEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICKS Nancy Sirokman; fihh grade, Ed —WE DELIVER— was a project adopted by the whole The children’s choir, under the 1030 W. Colfax TA. 7297 student body. Frank Barone direction of , Sister Mary Adele, ward Butterfield; sixth grade, Barbara PoltChio; Seventh grade Harry Hedeman, Srtie Haggerty with Mrs. Marie Smith at the or­ Rose Richardson and Barbara James Hill, and Creaghe Gordon gan, will furnish the music. Medals Member Natl. Locksmith Aani. were in charge of the drive and Heckethorn; eighth grade, Shirley SERVICE CALLS AUTO KEYS of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be Michaud. GIANT PEARS Rocky Mountain Trout supervised the collecting and given as souvenirs to the sponsors. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED INTERMOUNTAIN ELEVATORS Large gift box delivered any Packed in iced de lux^jrift box. packing of the articles. The pastor, the Rev. A. S. Dimi- place in the U. S. 12 to 15 Guaranteed perfect deiiyery. expresa paid. Scholarship chino, S.J., is grateful to Mr. Gers­ Gorgeous Pears $ 3 .3 5 5—94 to 104-inch...,|4.75 pach for his donation, and deeply A . A . A . in each box . 5— 11 to 114-inch..... 5.30 Exams Held thankful to Mrs. Mijares and to GROCERY AND MARKET, INC. FORT MORGAN Giant Apples ...... $3.35 7— 9 4 to 104-inch.... 5.30 Preliminary examinations for all those who contributed and EARL BAILLIE and ANDY SEKFOZO. Proprieton Selected Fruits...... 3.35 worked hard to make this an out­ 3— 12 to 12 4-inch...... 5.30 the Westinghouse scholarships 40S8 Tejon Street GLendale 7753 were taken by 15 Regis high school standing feast in the history of FLOUR MILLS Phone TA. 2221 Freth Boston Pork s o . Fancy Imported boys this week in

EVERYBODY LIKES YOU’LL ALWAYS FIND TOWN TALK CHOICE CUTS V Yes, It’s the talk o f the town AT THE We Have ^^^JE S S SUPER MARKT N e x t tim e y o u b u y Chicago Mkt. Turkeys b r e a d b u y Good Bakery Goods 'The firms listed here deserve to be remem­ TOWN TALK bered when you are distributing your patronage YOU CAN DIPIND ON TOWN TALK QUALITY in the different lines of business. COPTtiCNte WaW« M&CORUOl*. INC. DINTIt* CO^OIAM HURRAY RROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. V O S S B R O S . Robot H. — Psnl V. AL T. Murray

; \ .a I Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, ICEsrstone '4205 PAGE SEVEN

Mercy Nun Attends NCCS Official Honored HNS of M t. Carmel THE THING TO DO nmusEmenTS— Dinine 'When You Can’t Afford Disappointment Pnrley in Chicngo Will Meet Dec. 12 ENJOY AN INVIGORATING DRIVE P B RECRERTIOn On Nurse Training In Parish Rectory To-’ k Sister Mary Jerome, director of (Onr LaJy of Mt. Carratl Pariah, Holland’s LA RAY HOTEL Theatre the Mercy school of nursing, Den Denver) ^Excellent Food PE. M 77 ver, left Dec. 2 for Chicago to rep­ The Senior Holy Name society IN GOLDEN PARK 1028 S. Gaylord resent the Mercy nursing schools will meet Friday, Dec. 12, at 8 " Attractively Served Wednetda7'TharedA7>Frt4a7«Sfttardax, of Colorado at a nurses' meeting p.m. in the rectory. The senior For LuDcheon or Dinner December 10«1I«12*1S: in the Palmer House. From Oma­ Holy Name members will receive Sensibly Priced ALL TECHNICOLOR PROGRAM ha, she traveled with six Mercy Holy Communion Sunday, Dec. 14, Yoa*U Like the Food, Service and Atmosphere Margaret O'Brien Sisters of Nebraska and , who in the 7:30 o’clock Mass and the Enjoy Our UNFINISHED DANCE are nursing educators in their re­ Junior Holy Name members will DINING ROOMS OPEN DAILY and spective hospitals. The meetings receive Holy Communion in the 9 From 12 to 2 at noon— 5:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. . DELICIOUS Roy Roirere - Dale Evana were held Dec. 4, 5, and 6, to dis o’clock Mass. Sundays and Holidays From 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. APACHE ROSE cuss the new trends in nursing WAFFLES education and how they affect the The St. Philomena Study club Phone Golden 68 for Reservation, or ; ( } will have a Christmas dinner party Served All Day Sundaj'MondayvTaeaday, present status of the Catholic just drive out and come in December U-IS-IS: schools of nursing, Thursday, Dec. 11, in the home of Rex Harriaon - Maureen 0*Hara Mrs. Goldie Santopietro, 3922 Private Dining Together with student nurses of Navajo street, who will be assisted FOXES OF HARROW St. Anthony’s and St. Joseph’s hos­ Room Available and by Mrs. Lena Sutley. The mem­ pitals, the Mercy students partici­ bers will exchange gifts. The guests The Bowery Boya pated in the recruitment program NEWSHOUNDS of honor will be the Rev. Thomas ^USS BENNEH held at Holy Ghost hall on Dec. 2. Lo Cascio, O.S.M., pastor; the Rev. Miss Charlotte Stack, R.N., educa­ Hildebrand Brunetti, O.S.M.; and NOW TWO LOCATIONS Matlneea Saturday A Sondaya. tional director, and Miss Patricia SIXTEENTH the Rev. Salvator Gagiolo, O.S.M. XyBROADWAY Restaurant 2 P. M. McAndries, senior, contributed to The club will have no meetings un­ a panel discussion on nursing. til after the holidays. m. to 9 Days ■ Week There were many trunks in ^ i - s The English section of the Altar Greene $ Drive-In Restaurant dence at the nurses’ residence of Mercy hospital. No one was plan­ society will meet Tuesday, Dec. 16, ning a trip in the near future, at 8 p.m. in the rectory. Election W West 8th. Ave. at Speer Blvd. and Wazee Market however. The trunks were “ swing­ of officers will take place. A ing high and mightily’’ over the Christmas party will be held after ’ Featuring . . . . bulletin boards as white paper MAJOR GENERAL CHARLES C. CHAUNCEY, the meeting and gifts will be ex­ elephant.s announced the date, the. changed. The refre.shment commit­ •BREAKFAST from 45c ark lane hotel commanding general of the technical division of the Air tee consists of Mrs. Rose Lilly, time, and the purpose of the white' Training command, shakes -hands with John P. Curry, NCCS head COCKTAIL LOUNGE chairman; Mrs. Florence Patch, elephant auction. The party was in Denver, after presenting him with a certificate of honorable • LUNCHEON from 4Sc PRESENTS sponsored by the sodality on Dec. Mrs. Josephine Ciacco, Mrs. Susie service for a job well done. The occasion was the mammoth “ Thank Gavito, and Mrs. Goldie Santo­ * DINNERS from 65c ■ 10 and was under the general You” banquet tendered to 1,800 United Service Organizatio'ns (ySO) 5 pietro. Mrs. Susie Gavito is in Music In A chairmanship of Miss Betty workers at Ix)wry' Field Wednesday evening, Dec. 5, by personnel • Booth and Counter Service Waters. charge of entertainment. A special 1 SENTIMENTAL of both Lowry Field and nearby military installations in apprecia­ prize will be donated by Mrs. Mar­ The Rev. Harley Schmitt, chap­ tion of USO work during the past six years. W MOOD lain at St. Francis’ sanatorium at gie Villano. At the last meeting the With the Colorado Springs, conducted the special prize was donated by Mrs. three-day retreat for the sodalists COLLEGIANS TO PRESENT PROGRAM I^na Sutley and given to Mrs. NOTICE! Johnny Neill on Dec. 6, 6, and 7. The confer­ Catherine Destefano. ences were given at McAuley hall. The St. Juliana Study club will Our Charbonnet Room On Monday morning, Dec. 8, after AS PARK HILL ALTAR SOCIETY MEETS meet Wednesday, Dec. 17, in the a. Quartet the sodality Mass, Father Louis home of Mrs. Mary D’Ascenz. Available for One Large Group for New Year’s Eva Bloomer, S.J., received seven new After the meeting, a Christmas MUSIC FURNISHED — DANCING PERMITTED . - ENTERTAINING NIGHTLY (Blested Sacrament Pariah, Dec. 17 honoring Miss Helen Allen, members into the sodality. Two party will take place and the mem Call PE. 090.5 Weekdaya Dancing 8:3 0 to 12:30— Sandaya 4 to 8 of the group. Miss Betty Waters Denver) bride-elect, whose marriage to hers will exchange gifts. C ^ No Cover Por Reaervatlona and Miss Ruth Rettstat, are con- Following recitation of the James McCoy of Dixon, 111., will The turkey party held last month ! verts, having been received into Rosary in the church at 2 p.m. take place on Dec. 27. in the home of Mrs. Rose Carlone CUNNINGHAM'S RESTAURANT (6. > Charge Phone PE. 4611 the Church in the past year. The Friday, Dec. 12, members of the Members of St. Anthony’s circle was a success. other new sodalists are Irene Is- 1578 So. Broadway •Altar and Rosary society will con will hold their annual Christmas • The members of the St. Juliana maey, Louise Center, Agnes Pei- duct their final meeting of the ^ Thursday, Dec. 11, at the club and the Mt. Carmel PTA >yr v»'«r w wwwwwwww' per, Mary Rita Montoya, and Elsie present year in McDonough hall. room. officers attended a luncheon Dec. 9 ta Covi. Girls of Loretto Heijrnts college at St. Dominic’s. C BEST FOLKS OF ALL The Wyoming club of Regis col w present a program. A nomi Fr. Leberer Baptixei Niece Spaghetti Lovers wi “EAT-AT-THE-HALL” lege sponsored Miss Mary Cullen’s | nating committee will be an- Charlene Marie Leberer, daugh­ The following were baptized in the week: Iris Ann, daughter of Here’! the treat yoo’re bten waitinf for. Joe M. Bland, Mgr. picture in a contest held there tolnounced to choose officers for the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. choose a queen for the corona-]coming year. Hostesses for the Leberer, Jr., was baptized at St. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sarcino, Etay on the badyct. too. All tha ApaghetU ?h Hotel Coffee Shop tion dance Dec. 10. Miss Cullen | social hour will include Mrs. Karl Francis de Sales’ church by her sponsors being John and Josephine rou can eat for only _ _ ^ Di Cino; Bonnie Lee, daughter of 1221 Cnrtia Street awarded second prize. A ; Mayer, Mrs. Charles Parslow, Mrs. unci', the Rev. Joseph' Leberer. OCR 65c LUNCHEON8 / O C ■ A. -A. A A A A A A .i Mercy senior, she was one of the] Roy L. Cleere, and Mrs. Edward Sponsors were Carl Boggis and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strafaccio, ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD queen’s attendants at the dance. 'Downing. Mrs. Frances Boggis. sponsors being Marshall and Marie Piccone; Vallerie Elizabeth, daugh­ , Fourteen Mercy students in full I Members of the Holy Name and I Robert Orvil Hickey, infant son ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zam- And iMok at Thie- luniform represented their sodalityigt Vincent de Paul societies,!of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0. Hickey, belli, sponsors being James and at St. Francis de Sales school on I Columbus, Dads’ club, was baptized Sunday by the Very Elizabeth Kerr; Thomas Frank, Homt riadt Rarlolia, F ii«l Chicken Dec. 8, when Father Daniel A. Cub and Boy Scouts are asked to i Rev. Harold V. Campbell. Joseph in tha Ba«kn serving luncheon were Mrs. headquarters; 1 3 6 4 Franklin more than 50 cenLs, Bride-Elect to Be Honored William Horst, Mrs. James Shanks, street, Denver, on Monday and YOUR BEST Miss Jeanne Crapo will entertain Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin. Thursday evenings at 8 o’clock. A HOTEL VALUE Members are requested to make « After the business session Mrs. social get-together is enjoyed on their reservations early by phoning C. V. Gooding reported on the Wednesday evenings, also at 8 Miss Elizabeth Sheeby AL. 0158, Scout Party Slated] conference she recently attended o’clock. or Mrs. T. D. Fahey, EM.’ 4742. in California. Miss Virginia In addition, members of the SHIRLEY-SRW0^r_H^ i DENVER M m - ■ ■ • , / I Bailey talked on visual education Talbot club are conducting a pub­ J I . Vincent S Cirl scout work. lic educational program on alco­ Elizabeth of Hungary There will be no further meetings holism every Sunday at 8 p.m. in Look First ot the Shirloy-Sovoy until February. the reading room of St. Paul’s for Your Home-town Friends Parish, To Be Broadcast Topic (St. Vincent de Paul’s St. Gerard’s circle met for din­ chapel in the basement of the Ca­ Denver) thedral. The entrance to the read­ The annual Christmas party for ner at the Park Lane hotel Dec. station KFEL of Denver on 8. A business meeting and bridge ing room is on Logan street. the Ave Maria hour at 11:30 p.m. the Boy Scouts of troop 140 will be given by the Scout Mothers’ •followed at the home of Mrs. John Club headquarters at 1364 Dec. 14 will present the story of auxiiiarv on Wednesday evening Morrison. Bridge honors went to Franklin are open at all times. In­ i%R<;ONAIIT HOTEL St. Elizabeth, wife of Ludwig and 'u .n -r^’ IMrs. James Cudmore and Mrs. G. Dec. 17. in the school hall. The formation about the program may­ Where Denver’s Soeielv Entertains for Luncheons and Dinners queen of Hungary. Eliza'jeth was T. Bockhorst. Mrs. Louise Chil- be had by calling the manager, espoused to Ludwig at an early age South district court of honor for FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIO.NS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES. ders was a guest. FRemont 4431. DANCES AND DINNERS I HO.NE MAIN 3101 and became queen at the age of the scouts will be held in Byers She spent her days as queen high^school on Monday, ffeautifnl Ballrooms Private Dining Rooms in caring for the sick and pov­ Dee. 15, at 7:30, and all parents erty-stricken. despite her dignity and friends of the scouts are and the obstacles placed in her urged to be present to help troop 140 keep the attendance banner. Blue Parrot A path by the king’s mother. After s her husband’s death, Elizabeth Women’s night will be observed X L'se Our Chrittmm Lar-mvnr Plan was cast out of her home and by the Pinochle club on Thursday s\ TREE stripped of her wealth while her evening, Dec. 11. is back! Mr, Waller J. Kerwin The quilt shown in the recent spouse’s brother seized the throne w-ith Presents from Santa Claus for all the children Aitociated with unlawfully. Having made pro­ needlework .sale of the Altar so­ ciety was given to Mrs. M. J. DELICIOUS LUNCHEONS FROM 40c— X vision for her children, she en­ X. tered the Franciscan order and Pfarr, 726 S. Gaylord. COMPLETE DINNERS FROM 90c JOS. M. FISHMAN died a holy death when 24 years Members of the Holy Name so­ s Jetceler and Optometriit old. ciety will receive Holy Commun­ "“ suNSiys"'' FREE PARKING DIAMO.MIS . tUCKKTS ion in the 7 o’clock Mass on Sun­ w a t c h e s . ROSARIES day, Dec. 14. fimiliHt’siKiiiettei wnh SIORGE COULOURIS f'RO.SSES . COMPACTS rfoly Family circle sponsored a ST. CHRISTOPHER MEDALS Holiday Greetings Christmas party in the home of MIRACL'I.OUS m e d a l s «nd CHAINS 3 & W D EM H /% IV 1 vv45^ SCAPULAR MEDAI.S Mrs. George K. Niehouse Wed­ Official AAA Restaurant 1718 Broadway Open Every Day nesday, Dec. 10, at 1 p.m. Lunch­ Glasses on Credit "RUBE" eon was served and an exchang­ 8 0 7 1.5th St. TA. 0029 ing of gifts took place. Those present were Mmes. Bugosh, Dahl, EKANDER Litonati, Rohrback, Sorrels, Te and Hit Maat, Virgil, Connors, and Fehr. FOR DINNERS DE LUXE OR MIDNIGHT SNACKS St. Vincent de Paul’s circle of 71 ORCHESTRA the Altar and Rosary society will be entertained at a luncheon and W e Wish Our Many Patrons a Finest in Dance Music Christmas parly at the home of Mrs. C. P. Burns on Tuesday, Dec. E D E L W e i PH. SP. <307 100 SO. OGDEN 16. Gifts will be exchanged. j M e rry Christmas and a IT Hera (Juality Pond Still Prevailt and at Moderata Com! Ozanam Club to Meet 1644 GLENARM Open 11 A. M. lo 3 A. M. Bide-o-Wee Cafe In K. of C. Clubhouse Happy and Prosperous New Year CoapIcUls RanaTittd and Kadccaratcd The Ozanam club, which is com­ 8 A.U. U IM P.8. Dally Extayt SaaOayi posed of the Catholic social work­ 1600 Ogden ers of public and private agencies A Breakfaat # Lunchaon in Denver, will hold its regular A Dionera meeting in the Knights of Colum­ New Fountain Service bus clubhouse Monday, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m. 1023 Broadway KE. 9731 Miss Margaret Neiters is presi­ dent and John P. Curry, secretary.

TOE* TOP HATTERS RESTAURANT A unique group for your entertainment Now Appearing Nightly 8 to 12 We Are Now Taking Reservations 1410 LOUNGE for Christmas Dinner AUDITORIUM HOTEL .Your Favorite Cocktails Expertly Prepared and 1578 So. Broadway - * Phones SP.‘9700 - PE. 0905 Served by Competent and Congenial Personnel 1410 Stout

I f

K\ :IPAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Baimoclc Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystonp 4205 Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 :

§t. John's Parish At Loretto Heights Drive Dinner Sale of Seals Aids Quality Work Reasonable Prices ONE DAY SERVICE IF DESIRED ^ COnOUER’S Knight Service Co. Tuberculosis Group Branch Store — 26 E. 11th Ave. The united efforts of all groups MIKE AUER NOW ASSOCIATED WITH— FOOD STORE MOBIL PRODUCTS in the community are needed to (f‘ornurffjf(*>ninQtr\'Soni eradicate tuberculosts, which last B r o a d m o o r C l e a n e r s CompUt* Auto Servic* year killed 145 Denver residents, Burke Bro*. (Member* of St. Franci* de Sale* Parith) Skilled Mechanics Dr. Lloyd Florio, city health offi­ 718 E. 6TH AVE, F.M. 2789 cer, said in a statement commend­ PE. 8485 712-718 So. Pearl . 6th Are, at Detroit FR. 3396 ing the work of the Denver Tu­ berculosis society and urging sup­ i- BROW N’S - Radios & Appliances port of its Christmas seal sale. Red & White Pointing out that the society de­ FRESH MEATS— PISH, GROCERIU Sales and Service rives the entire support for its V tscu bln. FVuiU. Bikirr Good* HONEST WORK-PAIR PRICES extensive tuberculosis control pro­ PHONE EA. 1844 gram from funds contributed by the public during the seal sale, Daily Delivery AL-FIN RADIO which opened Nov. 24 and contin­ i CHRISTMAS TREES ^ 0 6 E. 6lh Ave. at IJnK'ersIly 2316 E. 6ih Ave. FR. 9.386 ues until Christmas, Dr. Florio % said it is to the interest of every Choice Selection member of the community that the y The firms listed here de­ EMPIRE PHARMACY seal sale be a success. ^ TINTED TREES C. R. Armitronr. Prep. serve to to be remembered Because tuberculosis is a com­ J WREATHS - ROPING when you are distributing PRESCRIPTIONS — SUNDRIES municable disease, even one case Fountain Servic^ in the community is a threat to i^I Open Fjvenings & ,Sundays 'your patronage in the dif­ WINES • BEERS. ETC. every other resident, Dr. Florio ferent lines of business. Your Patronage Appreciated pointed out, and no effort should 'i LINCOLN AND ALAMEDA E. 6th Ave. at Corona— TA. 4305 be spared to find every case in the community. “ Tuberculosis has a long, symp- tomless onset,’’ he explained. “ Peo­ Principals Discuss ple may, therefore, have the dis­ OLIVER’S ease— and spread it to others— Si. Franciis de before they realize they are ill. Teachers' Salaries Early tuberculosis can. however, WVWVWWWWVWMPt MARKET Knows the Secret of be discovered by means of the The raising of lay teachers’ chest x-ray. That is why your Flowers RICCAR Denver’s Finest Your Hair salaries in Jesuit high schools to at tuberculosis society and your least the level paid in the public health department urge every Selection of Ask About This A'etr ^ace schools was one of the chief aims Express your TEXACO SERVICE adult to have a chest x-ray at Sentiment best— FISH & POULTRY of the principals’ meeting of the least once a year.’’ GRAIN-FED MEATS MYLADY EDITH Jesuit educational association, Quality Praducti held last week in St. Louis. Fine Selection 1312 East 6th Ave. BEAUTY SHOPPE The Rev. Paul F. Distler, S.J., Loyola Phono PE. 4629 Minnit Ketscler. M^r. principal of Regis high school, who RA. 1818— FREE DELIVERY SPARK PLUG TESTING MARFAK LUBRICATION 2804 E. 6th Are. EA. 0788 attended the meeting, revealed that a thorough study of the salary FORGET-ME-NOT B Tire Repairing situation wa.s launched during the Rocky’s Pharmacy * Battery Recharging two-day session. At the same time, Prsicription Draggitts CIRCLE DRIVE Lucky Hardware the discu.ssions revealed that a 2001 E. 17th Ave. FLOWER SHOP J Firestone Products hAlsmeda st Linmln PE. 99Sf MARKET dearth of trained librarians poses Phone EA. 9867 28.5 So. Downing B L. Bennett - E. R. William* Paints — Toy* a problem for Jesuit high schools Your Druggist It Your Meat* - Fi»h - Grocerie* Gift* — Houteware* throughout the country. Neighborhood Friend Fresh & Frozen Fruit* General Hardware Principals of all Jesuit high Vegetable* schools of the Chicago, Southern, ((22 E. 6th W*e Delirer FR. 8891 2701 E. 2rd at CUyton EA. 7833 and Missouri provinces of the So­ Ideal Hardware and JACKSON’S ciety of Jesus attended the meet­ A BRILLIANT ASSEMBLAGE of clerical and la.v N(. Dominic’s) ing, besides regional directors for leaders, both Catholic and non-Catholic. attended the Appliance Cut Rate Drugs each province. SAVE TIRES — BUT AT OLSON’S initial dinner in the Loretto Heights campaign Dec. 4 in the Shirley- PRESCRIPTIONS St. Joseph\« P arish Topic* DitcuMcd CHRISTMAS TREE Savoy hotel. Father Daniel A. Lord, S.J.; Gov. Lee Knous, and FOUNTAIN SERVICE Other topics discussed concerned LIGHTS AND DECORATIONS Archbishop Urban .1. Vehr were among the speakers introduced by FOOD FREE PROMPT DELIVERY the reliability of the entrance ex­ 611 £. Alameda RA. 5968 the toastma.ster, Judge Joseph J. Walsh, co-chairman of the drive, OLSON’S STORES Call SP. S44S Downing A Alsaiedi aminations used in the various which seeks ?500,000 for desperately needed expansion at the Heights. TOMMY'S SANTA FE SHOE schools, academic guidance, group Shown, left to right, upper picture, are Thomas J. Tynan, .Mrs. 2750 W. 29lh GL. 3613 HOSPITAL insurance of .students, problems Anne Sullivan, Governor Knous, .Archbi.shop Vehr, Judge Walsh, BARBER SHOP connected with repeaters and trans­ Jni.ph Colcniit. Prop. Father Lord, and Sister Frances .Marie, president of Loretto Heights 3030 E 6ih EA. 1801 TOM REILLY — MERRILL BAINTER fer students, the Tiome room, and SOUTH PEARL Work Done While You Wait college. Your Pnlrnnngp Appreciated the principal's relations with vari­ The miner and tough looking ’49er in the lower picture is Miss Dwyer Drug REASONABLE PRICES ous educational organizations. 722 Santa Fe Drive 742 SANTA FE DRIVE Hortense Ford. The charming pioneer wife is Miss Marjory McGinn. WHITTAKER PHARMACY Definite plans were laid for com­ The two beautiful young women who are playing “ Emily,” the hit -Gut Rate Drugs- mon examinations for the schools of the evening, are Mi.ss Ann Cuthbertson on the north end, and PIIARMAC ¥ 1498 So. Pearl for comparison as to achievement. Miss Rita McEnulty on the .south end. Shown in the background are Ph. SP. 4683 Prescriptions Called WATCH REPAIRING A testing manual for high school Thomas J. Tynan and Mr.s. Anne Sullivan.— (Photos by Denver News “ The Friendly Store’* NATIONAL teachers which will give the teach­ For and Delivered Reel) Prescription Specialists CCTRATE BRIGS Fine Watch and Clock Repairing er a handy form for examinations ines • Beers, Etc. All Work Guaranteed BRANDS STORE and a brief review of the ways and W. 32nd and Perry GL. 2401 means of scoring tests and weigh­ Electric Shavers By Bottle or Ca*e HIGH GRADE MEATS ST. PHILOMENA'S MEN'S CLUB SETS w . T . o w e : ^ s ing their various divisions was one Remington - Shick - Sunbeam 1400 So. Broadway VEGETABLES and GROCERIES of the most promising textbooks Holy BAUR’S CANDIES 730 Santa Fe Drive 741-743 Santa Fe KE. 0747 previewed at the meeting. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY DEC. 18 SWIFT’S ICE CREAM RA. 2405 PAT O. DARBY. Prop. Joe Dwyer Herman Lidkc Watkins & Sons Bob & Van’s Was Daily Communicant (St. Philomena’i Pariih, Denver) that the society defray the cost of GOOD CLOTHES NEED St. Philomena's Men's club will new altar furniture. Mrs. J. T. NOT BE EXPENSIVE (FORMERLY BILLY VAN'S) Oakland, Calif.'— Rear Admiral Cronin read the final financial re­ MEAT MARKET John Jerome Gaffney, who man­ have its annual Christmas party in QUALITY CLEANING Alameda Drug Store Quality Foods— Meats the .school hpll Thursday, Dec. 18, port, and the meeting adjourned 744 Santa Fe Drive aged the navy’s supply system 'i after the closing prayer by Mon­ the Pacific from Pearl Harbor dur­ at 8 p. m. THE REASONABLE PRICES V. O. PETERSON, Prop. Fish— Groceries signor Higgins. Refreshments Toor Garments Insured Agslnst Firs W« Deliver Orderi of $2.00 or More PHONE TA. 9104 ing the war, died here at the age Members of the Holy Name so­ ciety will receive Communion in were served in the social period and Theft Cat Rate Drugs 820 San la Fe TA. 0.538 FR ESH n S H of .56. Admiral Gaffney was that followed the meeting. known at Pearl Harbor as a daily the 8:15 Mass Sunday, Dec. 14. ENGLISH Fountain Service • School Supplii communicant throughout the war Members of the Altar and Rosary Members of St. Philomena's Your Business Appreciated PTA are reminded of the recep­ period. society will be in the vestibule at ^odBfelt Alameda and Broadway i Call J all the Masses this Sunday to ac­ tion and tea to be given by the TAILORS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP cept gifts for flowers to decorate CPTL in honor of the Rev". Ed­ 901 FIFTEENTH STREET CLEANERS AND DVERS J c o T l I the altars on Chri.stmas. ward Leyden, .superintendent of E«tAte of £llen Mary Hambly, slao known Combine Quality and Style S28 BROADWAY MERK’S schools, in the K. of C. hall this'? PhofiM PE. StSS A PE. 3754 1 a n d W o o d 1 S9 Eil«n M. Hambly,^ alao known m Mrs. J. A. O'Neiirs club is meet­ at Prices You Can Afford VICK’S Ellen Hambly. deceased. No. 8I43T. ing with Miss Margaret O'Connor Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m. All S By Sack — Cash & Carry V Notice ia hereby jriven that on the 6th members are invited. DRUG STORE Thursday. Dec. 11. (FORMERLY MAHONEY DRUG) B or Ton* pplirered ■ 1 WINES, BEERS, ETC. \ day of January. 1948, I will present to the St. Philomena's Altar and Ro-' Prricriptlon* Accarattly PIIM Denver. Colorado, my accounts for final sary society met Dec. 8 in the MAY WE SERVE YOU 7 s Bottle or Case s settlement of the admini.atration of said KOTOLO’S Ic* Cream — Fonatala Sarvln estate, when and where all persons in in­ home of Mrs. John Covillo. Mrs. 1 GAS !&^0ILS I 5 We Deliver 5 terest may appear and object to them, if George Schwartz and Mrs. George 796 So. Broadway 1300 So. Pearl PS. 758 they so deaire. Gunnison were co-hostesses. Thc^ Standard Gat and Oils S 258 Santa Fe Drive 5 Notice is also hereby sriven that there ff Santa Fe Fuel Co. m has been filed in said estate a petition president, Mrs. J. F. Jordan, pre­ sided. 'There were 45 members Open Every Day M 1001 Santa Fe CH 5015 M S K E . 7 9 4 3 1 askinR for a judicial ascertainment and determination of the heirs of such deceased, present. ' BUCHANAN’S and settimr forth that the names, addresses Mr.s. T. C. Rhoades led the reci­ and relationship of all persons, who are Christian Bros. Wines or claim to he heirs of said deceased, s< tation of the Rosary. Mrs. Jordan Buchanan\ear and present their proofs. ect and in wCrk on small linens. ^'insurance of All Kinds^^ BERNARD L. HAMBLY. Administrator. Mrs. Jordan gave a report of Reduced t o ...... A.. $1.25 CLEANING James W. Creamer. the November meeting of the Den­ Cleaners , Attorney for Estate, ver deanery and asked for a good 6740 F.ast Colfax DExler 4213 I 205 Majestic Bldg.* Denver. Colo. attendance at the meeting Dec. 15. Yonr 1284 So. Pearl David F. Finnigan R. W. Sutherland Loretto day at the deanery. An interesting report of the receif COMPACTS Neighborhood SP. 3662 i quarterly conference of the ACCW Cleaner Diamonds-Watches was given by Mrs. Quinlivan. ?wwvwuwA'aVWw^Wir Lfo J. RoTfr Wilfred F. Bennett The firms listed here de­ The firms listed here deserve to Re%. Telr. EA 6243 Re«. Tele. EA 1963 The president thanked Mmes. .Now only... 95c 1383 S. Pearl SP. 4908/ be remembered when you are dis­ serve to be remembered Herr, Johnson, Fisher, and Zook tributing your patronage to the dif­ ROYER and BENNETT and Jewelry for the sanctuary work of the past ferent lines of business. INSI'RANTE — ALL LINES when you are distributing month. Mrs. Grace Burke and 40i CalKorni* Bulidin*. Dfnver, Colo. Mrs. P. F. Burtis volunteered to Olfico Tdf. TAbor S323 your patron.ige in the dif­ SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EAST assist this month. Mrs. P. F. Wil­ Values to 1.50 OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS ferent lines of business. SUNDMAN’S DENVER AREA liams, Mrs. H. T. Zook, and Mrs. Now H. B. Fisher will a.ssist in the extra COMPLETE LINE OF CHURCH GOODS Watchmakers and work of Christmas decoration. More a.ssistant.s are needed for the 2.50 to 3.75 Jewelers values now .... H o l j F a m i l y preparation of the Christmas crib. Sto&dw&V Qattreleti The following will take the col­ 27 BROADWAY ^ ^ RA. 1383 59 So. Broadway lection for flowers for Christmas Dry Goodt— Shoes ^ at the church this Sunday: Mmes. IVECKLACES Ootheg^Notions Cronin, Schwartz, Zook, Lawrence R E D D I § H ’ § ; Hanifen. MeConaty, Covillo, Hol­ Anniineiation COMMUNITY Red & White land, Sheehy, Syrianey, Brady, GROCERY and MARKET Herr, Miller, Reilly, Coupe, Jor­ o n l i n e LOWEST MERCANTILE CO. COMPLETE POOD SERVICE dan, Gunnison, and Quinlivan. D R U w b PRICES IN DENVER 8*71 T.nnyaoo GL. 871* Monsignor William M. Higgins - BISHOP’S - 3961 Trnny.aon GL. 3626 W'e Give S A H Green St«mp« gave an interesting talk on the dig­ 5c TO $1.00 STORE nity and importance of the labor CORN FED MEATS union and its members. He quoted \ STORE 1626 E. 34th Ave. 0 K POULTRY A.ND nSH from an address by Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston. Bracelets ~M01 FRANKLIN ST. TEL. CH. 7507 GLEANERS & DYERS TEIVIVYSO]^ Monsignor Higgins also gave a vivid description of the astound­ IRA T. THOMAS. Prop. NOW OPEN— STORE NO. 2 ing beauty of dawn and sunrise in GOLD — SILVER — RHINESTONES Yoa'II Alway* Find It At Meat Market 5200 W. COLFAX Mag R e Serve You? the Grand Canyon. 4016 Tennyaon GR. 0443 Mrs. S. W. Bishop suggested All Styles Included — $3.75 DOWNING’S 4120 Tennyton CL. 5084 Hardware - Ptlnt - Glasa - Plambine WE RECEIVE NEW And Electrical Supplie* MERCHANDISE EVERY DAYl i: Toys—Games ;; Cathedral Aged 100 Milwaukee. — Five Wisconsin Comer at 3210 Downinc Shop BISHOP’S Often i: Dolls—Teddy Bears :: For Quality Bakery Goods Values Now only „... $ 2 .0 0 Open Until ( P.M. — Satnrday I P.H. Try prelates attended ceremonies not­ i: Sporting Goods ing the centennial of St. John’s Cathedral. Bishop William P Open Evenings ’til Christmas H ;; Clark's Hardware : WEISS BAKERY \i O’Connor of Madison, a son of the J, A. Jk W. J, W olf over quarter century in St. Prance* de Salec* Pariah 4 ;: 4034 TENNYSON ST. ! 4024 Tennyson St. Cathedral parish, delivered the St. Tatherine’s • • GL. 9282 ALL PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX sermon at the Pontifical Mass, cel­ ebrated by Archbishop Moses E. Why Pay Carfare? Woodman Pharmacy Kiley. Also in the sanctuary were Our Every Day Price* BOB&TED’I BILLY’ S INN Bishops Albert G, Meyer of Supe Save You Money CHARLES HITT. Prop. 4400 Tennyson GR. 1321 Red & White Grocery A Hark' rior, Stanislaus V. Bona of Green Prescriptions Carefully Filled Good Foods e w e l ^ s h o p PINE SELECTION The Sick Are Never Bay, John P. Treacy, Coadjutor MEATS. FISH AND POULTKT Meet Your Friends Here of La Croase, and Roman R. At- Guido Shunake Drugs “ Once Tried , , . SatltflesT' 44lh & LoweJI Phone CL. 9733 Refuted at This Store 3918 Tennyion GL. 9052 II EAST BflVflUD HUE. • 8P 1573 ■ kielaki, Aiuiliary of Milwaukee. GR. 9934 38th & CUy 2707 W. 36th GR. 277


i . - . . i . T l^ rsd a y , Dec. 11, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE NINE ^EOPLE^S CHERCP Tide of Battle Turns liombard, Colaiano, ‘Muzzy’ I Pace All-Parochial Ballot Pete Lombard, Bob Colai­ Ip ^yiost Valuable ano, and Muzzy Vecchiarelli were the most nearly unani­ mous choices of the fans in the balloting for the 1947 Register All-Parochial football team, but Gene Benson of Mullen high, who did not place on the team, was chosen by a large majority as the most valuable player of the season. Lombard, Holy Family team The voice of the people hat heen heard. We think the fans showed end, was selected for a flank posi­ admirable accuracy and pertpec- tion on almost every ballot re­ livei and we noticed that few of ceived. He outdistanced his nearest the votes showed overbearing prej­ rival. John Hctt of St. Francis’, udice. nearly two to one. Hett grabbed But before commenting on the the other end post by a slim mar­ fans’ choice, we wish to let our gin over John Volosin, Annuncia­ own voice be heard. We hereby tion team. nominate Scotty MacGregor of An­ Colaiano, smashing Cathedral nunciation team as “Coach of the fullback, had a majority even Year.” Furthermore, we second the bigger than Lombard's. He re­ nomination, and we (all one of us) ceived 128 votes compared with 24 declare him unanimously elected. for Benson. No other fullback re­ This is one man’s opinion: Scotty ceived more than three votes. did more with his material this Vecchiarelli, who received an season than any other coach— appreciable number of ballots for though several other mentors did quarterback, was still the top noticeably excellent jobs. GENE BENSON, Mullen choice of the fans for halfback. gh’s workhorse fullback, He was followed closely by Bill TAUT AS A HIGH-TENSION WIRE and loaded with just as much I heads for the hinterlands. The play occurred in the last 15 seconds of s chosen in the Register poll Gillin, Cathedral, who in turn Probabl.v the most surprising choice of the fans was the selection voltage is Bill Mullane, Holy Family high quarterback, who is shown the game and averted a touchdown that would have tied the score, fan I as the most valuable player barely edged out Tom Young of ‘ the season. St. Francis’. of A1 Mares as the all-star team’s as he intercepts a pass intended for Bluejay End Milt Seby (34) and | quarterback. We hoped for but did Most of the other players who not expect this verdict, particu­ + 4 - + + were chosen piled up clear major­ larly after other selections had ities in the balloting. At the Icgis High relegated Mares to the “ honorable I tackles, Gil Costa of Holy Family -mention” list. (high and George Heronema of the I Annunciation team were exactly We think the reason for the dif­ tied when the last vote was tallied. ference lies in the fact that the Holy Family Gridders Win Right jvid Squad I Each received 76 votes, Register poll asked for selection of j Jon Kerr of Cathedral was an- a quarterback, a fullback, and two I other topheavy choice at the guard halfbacks, instead of four backs. As .spot. Opposite him is Bob Douglas one fan pointed out in a letter, there was no player who equaled s Honored of Regis, who, though far "behind Mares in the specific task of a Ref'S high school's football Kerr, nevertheless had twice the To Play for State Championship quarterback, i.e., direction of the uad and their dads were honored tally of the Annunciation team’s team on the field. We never saw c. 8> at a dinner in the Regis Evenetich, who placed on the sec­ Mares look to the bench or wait for ond team. llegft dining room at the close of a sub to give him instructions on Junior Cards Down Tigers to Play reason in which they showed tre- Northside Team S t iff Drills Prepare Jack L a n g r e n, Annunciation strategy. (If he had waited for a indous improvement and forced team, had a 22-vote edge over sub, he would have learned noth­ e league-leading teams into a Fred Sabell of Holy Family high ing, for Coach MacGregor does not Little Tigers, 7-6 Pueblo Catholic Edges Past Jays »y-oif to determine the paro- for the all-star center position. play bench quarterbackO ial championship. Some fans, in order to mention The Cardinal Juniors of Annun­ Rangers for 2 Tests Chief tribute of the speakers, Sabell, switched him to guard or ciation grade .school edged past For State Title In Tight Battle Encouraged by the recent 91- wev(r, who included Jack Car- tackle. Our democratic beliefs prevented Highlands pretty tough foes for Holy Family school’s Little Tig­ 43 victory over Port Warren at early season games,” Varnell says, I nf the Denver Post; "Scotty" Annunciation team placed first us from giving even a hint, but ers Sunday in a preliminary to the Holy Family high’s Tigers Holy Family high pulled the whole purpose of opening a Cheyenne, but still far from over­ "but we hope to make a creditable ac'Gt''gor, coach of Annunciation and third in the balloting for quar­ senior loop playoff between Ca­ will be the first representative victory out of a very hot fire confident, the Regis Ranger cage ?h s?hool; William H, McMul- 12th category, “ most valuable showing.’’ terback. Selected by a big margin thedral and Holy Family high of the Denver Parochial Sunday in the final seconds of squad worked out strenuously this Both games will start at 8:30 J r , of Notre Dame; and mem- a.s field general was A1 Mares, a player,” was to giva the voters a schools. The final score was 7-6. chance to recognize the services of league to invade the home its gridiron clash with the week for the two collegiate con­ p.m. and tickets will be on sale at rs o the Regis high school fac- big factor in the Cardinals’ highly The Redbirds manufactured tests to be held this week end in tj*. tMs paid to Coach Clarence Gene Benson. The fact that they the door. I successful '47 season. Bill Mullane their touchdown on a pass from grounds of Pueblo Catholic Cathedral Bluejays, when Bill the Armory, Third avenue and Lo­ jCelly’ ’’ Kellogg for his work in did is in our opinion a tribute to of Holy Family high placed sec­ Quarterback Manny Riedel to high's Shamrocks, when the squads Mullane, Tiger quarter, stuck out gan street. velnfjing a definitely underdog ond, and Rich Pfeifer grabbed the good sense, the fairness, and meet Sunday, Dec. 14, in Centen­ a hand and robbed the Jays of a Exposed by Reporter the memory of the average fan. It Right End Don On Friday night, Dec. 12, the 1 uad w io one of the most throat­ honorable mention by receiving nial stadium, Pueblo. The winner touchdown. Rangers meet the Indians from New York.— In a factual, excit­ ing feams to play in the Regis 18 votes. has been some time, after all, since Mumford. Fred of the ctosh will be named state the Mustangs appeared in action The play occurred on a pass Adams State college. On the fol­ ing, and extremely well-written 1 tdium all season. No fewer than 14 players were .Maes, left half- grid champion of Catholic high from Cathedral’s Joe* Greco, in­ lowing night they face New Mex­ before Denver fans. jack, cracked book, Hal Lehrman, a veteran Gu^ts of honor included the mentioned as the most valuable schools. tended for End Milt Seby. The ico Highlands university in the ?ry Rev. Raphael C. McCarthy, player of the season, but Benson, through the right newspaperman, has exposejl the We had to throw out a couple of The Shamrocks are counted un­ Jays were on the Tigers’ seven- .same arena. I J., president of Regis college; with 55 votes, was easily the most juard .spot to derdogs even in their own terri­ yard marker, at the end of a de­ Coach Larry Vamell devoted “sound economy” and “ democracy’’ 1 e R,v. James Moynihan of the voles. One of them chose Tom .ally the extra popular choice. Others who were Young as tackle, halfback, quar­ tory, since their record does not termined scoring march. Mullane the week to eliminating several that prevail in countries taken over I jrochial league, and Bill Taylor, thought by the fans to have been joint. compare with the Tigers’ unde- slipped an outstretched arm in terback, and most valuable. An­ weaknesses that had been evident by the Soviets or their puppets. 'gis follege student, who a.ssisted major factors in their teams’ suc­ A fumble by front of Seby, grabbed the ball, j, in the game at 'ach Kellogg with the "B” squad. other had Tom Reichert at end. he Annunciation Russia’s Europe, written by Lehr- cess were Langren, Vecchiarelli, Young at guard, and John Vec- I and dashed 70 yards to end the , Letters were awarded following Young, and Reichert. .earn, recovered j ARCHBISHOP DONATES I danger. C h e y e nne. Al­ man after a two-year tour of East­ e dinner, which was served by chiarelli at both tackle and full- by John Young; though pleased ern Europe, shows that Communist The voting tabulation follows: bark. In fart, Pete Lombard wa.« TROPHY The Tigers were leading at the others of the high school boys. for Holy Family,; Russia is a Czarist slave state with Ends the only lineman placed on the Archbishop Urban J. Vehr j time as the result of a second- with the flashy Don Mumford set up the Tiger ^ new labels, that its ambition is to I m e Lombard, Holy Family team....152 line. of Denver will donate a tro­ ! quarter TD scored by Johnny Vec- action of veter- enslave the world, and that the score. Young fell on the fumble | phy to the team winning the 'chiarelli on an over-the-shoulder on the two-yard marker. John, an5'and newcom- democracies will compromise with state Catholic football cham­ 1 catch of a long aerial from Mul- ilrphanage Society U There is always injustice in an Bohan, fullback, splintered thej ^ ers to the varsity it, and appease it at their perjl. all-star selection; that is particu­ pionship, it was diaclosed ilane, and they protected their Lehrman started as a “ lopsided Cardinal defense on his second at­ edge after Mullane’s spectacular g a 1 i k e, Varnell larly true in the lower brackets. Wednesday by the Rev. Barry liberal with no knowledge of the tempt, but the try for extra point Wogan, business manager of j interception by running plunges said that in some 0 iVleet on Dec. cathedralTackles 12 Some players who received very Soviet menace to human freedom.”' was stopped, I and the Redbirds’ the Denver Parochial league. I into the line until the final gun The December meeting of the few votes might have been men­ one-point edge proved enough for respects the team Costa, Holy Family team ...... 76 The trophy will remain per­ The Bluejays had all the better 1 ueen' of Heaven -Aid society will tioned more frequently if the victory. is still ragged Sweaters for the Entire Family at Heronema, Annunciation team 76 ballot had contained a place for manently in the posteision of jof the day’s statistics, but were Mills’ Low Prices ! htid on Tuesday afternoon Doyle, Cathedral ...... 40 Outstanding for the winners that some of ec. 16, at the home in Denver. second-team nominations and hon­ the school represented by the unable to complete any of their School-Award Sweaters with re­ McClellan, Cathedral ...... 20 orable mentions. But that would were Mumford and Maes on of­ championship squad. scoring campaigns, tcon n f ace. who th e newcomers inforced elbows and non-stretah- his > the last meeting of this'Anaya, Mullen ...... 13 rang up a total of . s * have made the whole business too fense and Eloy Mares, left end; able cuffs at Mill’s low prices. ;ar. (j^eports of the recent cardi ’ Guard j For the Tigers the victory 19 points In the TieeCi 01 complicated. John Gorham, right guard; Leo spelled the right to meet Pueblo irty*and games party held on I r- j i Schenfeld, left tackle; and Gil feated season. Pueblo Catholic rv;:;''>,rV WarT^S experience. COLORADO tturday afternoon and evening, ...... On the whole, we think the won five, tied one, and lost'one. Catholic high this Sunday for the voters chose wisely and well. Castellano, back on defense. Holy state Catholic high school cham- “ W e consider KNITTING MILLS ec. 6. will be made. The sisters Lougla.s, egis ...... 42 Family school’s best backs were The Denver loop has maintained a the Queen of Heaven home and Evanetich, Annunciation team 37 consistent superiority in recent monship. The Cathedral and Holy Adams State and New Mexico 1434 Wtllon Ph. CHerry 9533 Walsh, Cathedral ...... 24 The engraved bracelets won by O’Hayre and Bohan. Young and Family teams remain co-cham­ embers of the Aid society wish Steve Horan put in good perform­ seasons over the Southern Colo­ acknowledge and express grati-jC- A ecchiarelli. Holy Family.... 16 those who placed on the Register’s rado Parochial circuit, though St. pions of the Denver Parochial ances for the Tigers on the line. loop. A Large (de for all co-operation. ' Center first-string all-star squad will be Mary’s of Colorado Springs de­ Ataortment of The following articles were pre-1 Langren, Annunciation team.. 90 awarded at the same time that feated St. Joseph's and gave the ■ Most impressive offensive star Greeting nted: Handmade spread, do- Sabell. Holy Family team...... 68 letters for this year’s competition Cards' Grid Banquet .Annunciation Cardinals a stiff of the day was Bob Colaiano, Garde Carberry, St. Joseph’s ...... 5 are handed out, in so far as pos­ battle this year. Bluejay fullback, who gave Tiger ated by .Miss .Maria Frazzini, to plentylefans of worries in the sec nna Bauer. 4921 Decatur; cake. sible. Some teams have already had Quarterback their football banquets, and in Will Be Held Dec. 16 The entire Pueblo team was in ond half, thou^fh the Northsiders’ dnat'd by Mrs. M. lacino, to i Mares, Annunciation team..... 89 these rases the awards will be made the stands last Sunday to watch line held him in a pocket in the P. G. Bruno. 4535 King ^ Mullane, Holy Family team..... 30 in some other way. the Tigers’ game with Cathedral. first two periods, a-eet lamp, ^donated by Mrs., Pfeifer, Annunciation team...!.. 21 The .Annunciaton Boosters’ club The title tilt is being staged in Vecchiarelli was the only Tiger nna Bednar arid son, Francis, toi Fullback ■ .1 iuHiimiiiroTni’^iipraii'mi'ii®a!"3! will sponsor a dinner on Tuesday, Dee. 16, in the Olin hotel in honor Pueblo at the insistence of the able to gain at all consistently on w. George Stadler, 342 S. L m - |c o la ia n o . Cathedral ...... 128 Southern loop champ^ for whom Mn street; and handmade child Sj ...... ,...... 26 of the 1947 Cardinal football the ground against the Jays, and K, of C. Bowling | squad. Arrangements for an at­ the season just concluded was the most of the 'Tiger advances were Large Assortment of veater. donated by a friend, to ^obb. Holy Family team...... 3 most successful in the history of rs. Coyle, 1732 .Albion street. tendance of 200 are being made. scored through the air, with Mul­ Halfbacks the school. lane and Vecchiarelli doing most Homemade Candies and Salted Nuts The society wishes to thank Vic Bud Kerr, assistant on the Den­ Tentative starting time of the ebnt and his committee for con- Vecchiarelli, Holy Family League ’( ver university coaching staff, will of the pitching. game is 2 :30. A large crowd is ex­ Bill Gillin, despite an injury Canes, Beads, Roses, Chocolates, Santa ictirg the games party in ihe team ...... 105 %rrjm»ri;n'-ni'Tnninn:rw:;i ’. be the main speaker on a varied pected, since interest in the Sham­ that obviously hampered his ef­ Clauses, -French Creams, Ribbon Candy /eni\ g. Gillin, Cathedral ...... 92 program. Kerr played for Notre TEAM STANDING rock squad is at a new high this fectiveness, was still dangerous jewing Croup Hold Sale Young, St. Francis’ ...... 64 Dame in his college days and was year, and a large number of Tiger aerially. He and Mullane both Th{ St. Gertrude sewing group, Reichert. Regis ...... 28 W L Avjt. an outstanding professional per­ BERG CANDIES 29 BROADWAY Haberkorn, Annunciation team 15 SecretAriei ...... 16 768 supporters will make the trip to punted well, with Mullane con­ nder the supervision of Mrs. Mi- Navigators ...... 21 18 767 former at end. Pueblo for the game. tributing one kick that traveled 58 1ft 765 tael 'Covillo, has completed * ■ ,n Chancellors ...... 21 Lettermen will receive their The game will be heard over sta­ yards and got the Tigers out of a jar's work marked with outstand-|M|>f#ik|o5 W jll AffoniJ Guards ...... 2t 18 768 Depulie.s ...... 20 19 778 monograms from Coach Scotty tion KMYR, Denvqg. dangerous trap. g sicccs.-:. An all-da.y display ’ ' ” '" " '® ^ M n eH U Warden* ...... 16 21 774 MacGregor, -and players on the id s lie was held on Wednesday Trustees ...... 18 21 763 Register all-Parochial team will Open House at Vail Grand Knif^hts ...... 14 26 756 terrhon, Dec. 3, in the home of be awarded engraved bracelets. , STRONG CTO TEAM FROM WEST COAST lovilld. and the proceeds of INDIVIDUAL STANDING Musical entertainment and the e sa e have been given to Mother Community Center Camea Avg;. showing of films of the Cardinals’ incere ^jeason^s^j alutationsi nge| i of the Queen of Heaven Scherer. W »r...... 182 La Motte. Chan...... 83 179 last two games will be featured. TO BATTLE DENVER BOXERS ERIDAY tme...... o ...... he applied, ,___ to - the . purchase Many notables have been invited Carr. Kav...... 39 177 Guests wnll include Harold Ferris, Special a found movie projector. Alto attend the open house of the iLauveti. Dep...... 36 174 pa.st commander of the American Denver fans will witness Arthur Boston, Lightweights Prices on nch^'ti party to celebrate the j Vail Community center, 1904 W. 121'Moran, Moran Nav...... 86 169 Legion; Jack Fitzpatrick of radio Peter Servince and Henfy Mar­ tcce* of this project and to ouU avenue, Denver, Sunday, Dec. 14., ...... 80 169 16 thrill-packed bouts Friday 36 167 station KFEL; Jack Carberry, night, Dec. 12, when the Denver tinez, Welterweight Robert Place, ne t?te work for next year waslAmong them a r e ArchbishoplK' Miriicher. Guarda 166 sports editor of the Denver Post; Elks’ Golden Glovers battle a Middleweight Heywood Smart, Christmas Gift Boxes Id on Wednesday afternoon,! Urban J. Vehr, .Monsignor John R. J'- Wazner, Trua...... 165 and Bob Hoyt of the Register. reportedly strong and Heavyweight George Thomas. ec. iO Mulroy, Governor Lee Knous, andi^!”^- 163 163 Father James Moynihan will be Catholic Youth Organization team In addition to the eight inter­ Mciibers of the group and pa- Mayor Quigg Newton. |T."'Beriin? Chlm!' 39 160 master of ceremonies. of Fine Cigars onejses are Mines. Michael Co- in City auditorium in a benefit city bouts, there will be other The open house w ill display an | Reilly. G uards...... 27 1.59 show for the 1948 March of scraps between leading Denver llo, James Covillo, D. DiSalvo, exhibit of the craft work done byi5*"’,’V' I ” ...... !! 167 Those wishing to attend or to FJJLL LINE OF 167 sponsor a player may make reser­ Dimes campaign. amateurs. . Ro plo, John Guerin. James Zar- the children during the past year.|D““f*D,p '';. 167 ngo, W. H. (irimm, Charles Per- vations with Father Moynihan at All proceeds from the two and During the stay in Denver of In charge of the program will beiMason. Dtp...... !... ss 167 one-half hour long program, icheui. .A. Piscitilla, .Angeline Frank F. Barrareras, assistant r>»hmer, G. K...... (tf...... S9 166 TA. 2030. the Los Angeles group, the two Imported Pipes by Famous Makers scheduled to get under way at 8 illy, leucy Covillo, P. Patch, James director ; Mrs. Florence Hanna, and Marlaux. Guardi ...... 3S 156 teams will be entertained by local Kane. True...... >...... 33 166 o’clock, will be earmarked for organizations. Wednesday night Such at Comoy, Punhill, G.B.D., Harwood and Peterson atali!. Rose Lilly. John Briola, Mrs. Ellen Trepper. On the recep­ G. Mariacher, War...... 36 166 Oldest Basilian Beckius. Trua...... ?...... 30 163 aid to polio-stricken children. the athletes were dinner guests of atheTine Smith, S. F. Chiolero, tion committee welcoming the Representing Denver in the ring . Goetz, G. J. O'Bryne. M. A. Kruse, War...... 6 163 .— The Rev. Michael J. the Knights of Columbus. Thurs­ guests will be Mrs. John F. Vail, Mill.. Chan...... 27 152 will be eight of the city’s out­ Humidors and Pipe Accessories loauro, Otto Buehler, George chairman; Mrs. J. Leonard Ryan, C.S.B., treasurer-general day’s schedule includes an after­ Clary, S « . 36 161 standing amateur pugilists. Fly­ noon mountain drive with Elks Christmas Gift Packages o f Cigarettes «ndt, A. McCormick, and Anna Swigert, president of the Denver, (TDonnell. G. K. 39 161 and oldest member of the Basilian weight Theodore Smith, Feather­ aroll of Denver, and -Mines. A. B. 37 146 Lodge 17 and dinner ■with Amer­ Deanery Community Centers, Inc.; v'iV'*’ 36 147 Fathers in North America, died at weight Rudy Ankele, Bantam­ WE WILL BE HAPPY TO MAIL GIFT PACKAGES ANYWHERE hocjte, E. L. Russell, J. N. Marks, ican Le«on Post number one. The Mrs. L. A. Higgins, and James Swizert, Trua...... 39 147 weight Ernest (Red) Martinez, nd 1. G. Marks, of Ventura, Prijatu, Nav...... 36 147 St. BasiPs novitiate, Richmond Elks will also be hosts for dinner P. McNeive, executive director of Lsghtweights Art Irltfndo and Bill alif. the Denver deanery. Jarrat. Chan...... 39 143 Hill. Father Ryan entered the Friday night. Hay. G. K...... 24 140 o>-der in 1896, and was ordained Harper, Welterweight Herman The show is being sponsored by A. Wagner. Sec...... 39 139 Porter, Middleweight Melvin Nel­ Wm. Bensev Cigar Store Moore. G. K...... 33 136 ir 1900. In the United States he Denver Elks Lodge 17. Tickets J. Berlin. Guards ...... 36 131 served as treasurer of St. Basil’s son, and Heavyweight A1 Garcia. ranging from $1.25 to $3.75, tax S 822 17th St. Wo Deliver MA. 96SS latlllo, Trus...... - ...... 39 131 college, Waco, Tex., and as pastor Martinez, Irlando, Porter, and included, are now on sale at the Feeley. Chan...... 39 128 of historic St. Ann’s church, De­ Nelson were the 1947 Regional May company. Visit Our Gift Dept. Kiascll. Mav...... 30 126 Lent. War...... 27 123 troit. He had served as treasurer- Golden Gloves champions, and An­ ; RADIOS— Arvin, Fada & Delco Rowe, Dep...... 24 122 general since 1936. One sister kele was 1946’s bantamweight survives. champion. Irlando is a former Proctor Appliances High Team Game Cathedral student. ^ Vi car Ever kitchen Ware Secretaries ...... 911 Denver’s team has been work­ W. J. LAWLES§ Trnitees ...... 868 70,000 at Jubilee Mass Vases and Glass Ware Grand Knighti 676 ing out nightly in the Elks’ gym, 1602 ADAMS Manila.— In a message issued 1417 California street, and will Sile.v Coffee .Makers High Team Seriea on his golden jubilee as a priest. be in tiptop condition for the West Christmas Tree Lights and Decorations Wardens ...... 2,634 Archbishop Michael J. O’Doherty Steretariss ...... 2.477 coast invaders, TVainer Tommy Tricycles — Bicycles — Scooters Grand Knights ...... 2,471 warned the people of the Philip­ Golden said. RESTYLING pines to beware of Communisn). The Los Angeles boxing team Tool Kits in All Sizes High Individual Game 1 , The jubilarian celebrated Mass arrived Wednesday, Dec. 10, by La Motta ...... 262 United Airlines and will work out Seat Covers, All Sizes and Colors K. Mariacher ...... 248 before 70,000 persons who packed" Btekius ...... 247 the stands and field of Rizal Me­ daily in the Elks’ gym. 60 SP. morial stadium earlier in the day. The team, made up of West REMODELING High Individual Seriea lo. Bdwy. STOKER AUTO STORES 0546 More than 80,000 Catholic school Coast favorites, consists of Fly­ Seharar ...... 626 weight Bobby Dail, Bantamweight 602 Ailaint E A . 8159 La Uotte ...... 621 students later heard him preach L Tommy Yamoaka, Featherweight Carr ------— ...... S96 at a Solemn Holy Hour.

.1 I PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REI’.ISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thurs4.ay, Dec, 11, 1947

Joseph Jonke, 88, Important as Glasses Are . . . At Sodality Rally in Denver Leading Catholic Their aid to your visual comfort and efficiency depends upon our professional services and technical skill. These essential aids to your seeing: ability are found here in our 'exclusive optical Pioneer, is Buried parlors and our own grinding; plant. iVoN) experiencing our 4Sth year in the $ame location, Joseph Jonke, 88, outstanding Colorado pioneer, died Dec. 2 at ^ ^ u o t e 0 0 0 SWIOERT BItOS. his home, 1515 Ames street, Den­ ver.-Mr. Jonke, a retired dairyman all types of securities, specializing in those of the Optometrigtg and builder, at one time operated Rocky Mountain Empire. Better Firion Good Service the Mayflower in Denver and the for Every Age At Right Prieei West Side Jersey We deal in government, municipal, and co^ 1550 Calif ornim KEytUme 7 6 5 2 dairies in Jeffer­ poration bonds, preferred and common stocks. son county. He GLAS8BI INDtVIDOALLT ITTtBD worked on the Our statistical department will be glad to ana­ constr4iction of lyze your list of holdings and make suggestions. St. Anthony’s yiiuiuiMiuiiujmmmimuiiiiM hospital. Mining Exchange, K i t- tredge. Charles, I THEODORE REQUIESCANT and the Mack buildings. In MEMBER CHICAGO BOSWORTH IN PACE Central City he helped in th e STOCK EXCHANGE SULLIVAN-' IHACKETHAL erection of the I MARGARET CANNON, 2026 Eudora.' Church of the As- Jo**ph Jonk* Wife of Miebae] J. Gannon; mother of sumption. &GOMPANY mI Air Conditioned Mra. Jean Leibman, Helen Cannon, and Mra. Margery Murphy of Chevy Chaae, He was a member of the Holy KEystone 6241 Md.: Siller of Charlea F. McGuire, Mra. Name society, St. Vincent de Paul MORTUARY Sarah A. Ladd, and Mra. Eiitabcth K, society, the Third Order of St. B Graham. Six grandchildren alao survive. INVESTMENT* « Requiem Maas was offered in Bleated SHOWN AT THE SODALITY RALLY Leyden, archdiocesarf superintendent of schools; Francis, and was the last charter Joseph Horriran and Alma Cummings of St. Fran­ I 1449>51 Kalamath St. Sacrament church Dec. 9. Interment Mt. member of the old St. Francis JOHN J SULLIVAN, F*ES. . b a n k e r s Olivet. W. P. Horan A Son service. Monday in St. Francis de Sales’ school, cis’ high, and Father Daniel A. Lord, S.J., of St, Benevolent society, which donated MARY COLLINS, 1186 Stout street. Louis, national sodality director. I Phone MAin 4006 Sister of Elizabeth Collins. Requiem Mass Denver, are, left to right, the Rev. Edward A. the high altar to St. Elizabeth’s ImnimniiimimiiinminniinnniragiiitmtiitmiiiniimnmnMnn was offered in St. Leo's church Dec. 9 - h + + church. Mr. Jonke also donated to Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mor* + + + ■ the church the side altar paint­ tuary. BERNARD F. SHERIDAN, at Okla- ing of the death of St. Joseph. 17th at CALIFORNIA ST. • DENVER, COLORADO homa City, Okla. Husband of Mildred Born April 15, 1859, in Krain, LET US GUIDE Sheridan; father of William B. Sheridan 450 Students Atterid Sodality Rally Austria, he came to America with of Denver and Mra. Donald J. Dotson his bride, the late Ursula Oster- of Lynwood. Calif. Requiem Mass was More than* 450 students from read a letter from the Most Rev. the holiness of the members de­ m^nn, in 1888. The couple settled offered in Loyola church Dec. 9. Inter­ Regis and Loretto Heights colleges, TJrban J, Vehr, Archbishop of Den­ pends upon true education for life. ment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. Besides the students, 40 religious in Denver, and later moved to LOUIS J. CAGGIANO, 3706 Tejon St. Anthony’s, St. Joseph’s, and ver, addressed to them. Jefferson county where Mr. Jonke street. Husband of Rose Caggiano; son- and many priests from various in-law of Mrs. R. A. Hauro. Funeral Mercy nursing schools, and the The Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J., schools were present. The order of laid the first lines for public util­ services are being held Thursday morn­ high schools of Denver met in St. national director of the sodality, the day was ak follows: ities in that area. Upholstering by ing. Dec. 11. at 10:30. Interment Mt. Survivors include two daughters," Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. Francis de Sales’ high school on spoke on “ Your Catholic Edu­ 10, general session, the Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.; 10:45, recess; Miss Josephine K. Jonke of Denver JAMES E. STEARNS HI. 4612 Sheri­ Monday, Dec. 8, to attend the rally cation.” In a very impressive way dan boulevard. Infant son of Mr. and for the purpose of Simulating more 11, ‘ College and Nursing School and Sister Mary Leolus of the Mrs. James Steams. Jr. Funeral services interest in the Blessed Virgin's so­ Father Lord proved to the sodalists Sodality Organization,” the Rev. Dominican Sisters, Winnetka, 111.; were held Dec. 10. Interment Mt, Olivet. two nephews, Peter J. and Max M. your (Memorial Selection Boulevard mortuary. dality. Arrangements were under how education must be a trans­ Thomas Bowdern, S.J.; “ High Smiley Bros. EUGENIA UMBRICHT, 2805 S. Lin­ the direction of the Rev. Aloysius formation from adolescence into School Organization,” the Rev. Jonke; and a niece. Miss Bernfce coln street. Wife of Armond Umbricht: M. Rieckus, S.J., of Regis college. adulthood in order to meet the Daniel A. Lord, S.J., 12 noon, re­ M. Jonke, all of Denver. A cousin, Mtny peopit havt dtlijed thf por* mother of Lucien E. Umbricht; grand­ chaM of i monument. Thii bappena After the welcome extended by the problems of life today. The idea cess; Mrs. Katherine Hendrickson, Loup mother of Fred E. Umbricht. Requiem City, Neb., and the Rev. Thomas Since 1923 timo and affatn when there are to Mass was offered in St. Eliisbeth’s Rev. Gregory Smith, pastor of St. was stressed that the sodality is 1:30, “ Personal Holiness Com­ man; placet for montT. Bot toda^- church Dec. 6. Interment Mt. Olivet. Francis’, the Rev. Edward Leyden, simply the relipon class in practice, mittees in High School,” the Rev. J. Burke, Winnetka, 111., also were thingi are different! There are to Spillane mortuary. superintendent of Catholic schools with the objective to “create a spir­ Frederick Zimmerman, S.J.; "Per- present. ironj thinffi (hat can't be boaghu NICHOLAS Dt FEO, 4068 Mariposa in Denver, greeted the sodali.sts and it” and “ build up values,” and that ■sonal Holiness Committees in Col­ A Solemn Requiem Mass was j that It teemt an ideal time to ''catch street. Husband of Bridget De Fco; fa­ For nearly 25 years Smiley Bros, have led the upholstering op" on (hote that can. And a tm lj ther of Mrs. Dominic Asborno, Mrs. leges and Schools of Nursing,” the offered in St. Elizabeth’s church fine monument it one of them. Florence Davis, and Mrs. Richard P. Rev. Daniel A. Lord, SJ;'; 2:15, Dec. 6. Interment was in Mt. parade in Restyling, Recovering and Repairing. Fine crafts­ Anthony; brother of Mrs. Michae) De We are memorial craftamen of manj recess; 2:30 “ Apostolic Committees Olivet. Theodore Haekethai mor­ manship, prompt service and moderate prices have helped us geara* etanding in tbit community. Jiacomo. Six grandchildren also survive. Requiem Mass was offered In Our Lady Famed Scientist Priest in High School,” the Rev. Daniel W’hether you with a aimplt marker or tuary. maintain this enviable position. of Mt. Carmel church Dec. 6. Interment A. Lord, S.J.; “ Apostolic Commit­ an elaborate monument, may we help Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. you to make a wiae aclertion? tees in Colleges and Schools of A complete line of beautiful fabrics and choice of styles ALICE ELIZABETH HARPKE. Marsh- Nursing,” the Rev. Frederick Zim­ A Beautiful and dale Park. Evergreen. Wife of Robert F. will enable you to transform your old furniture into a new Won Fight Against Polio merman, S.J.; 3:1.5, brief general ERICKSON Harpke; mother of Carl. Nancy Jane, Dignified Catholic Service ‘ mode of living comfort. and Marianna Harpke. Requiem Mass assembly; 3:30, Solemn Benedic­ at Reatonable Co*t is being offered in Holy Ghost church continued his studies at home, tion, St. Francis de Sales’ church. MEMORIAL CO. Thursday morning, Dec. 11, st 10:30. Washington. — The promotion Olinger service. of the Rev. Dr. Hugh T. O’Neill where he struggled to regain his M Phone DE. 0988 note, for n Smiley representative 920 Speer Bird. ERNEST C. BOWMAN, 2020 Cali­ to full professorship of biology at health. By a special dispensation THREEFOLD OBJECTIVE T F. Oppoaite Sunken Gardena fornia street. Son of Ernest L. Bowman, the Catholic University of Amer­ he was able to study for the priest­ OF EDUCATION GIVEN U — All Estimates are Free. Hollywood; brother of Le Roy Bowman. B Elolse Blair, and Mrs. Selma Thompson. ica drew from the Allentown, Pa., hood, and in 1925 he was ordained. On Saturday, Dec. 6, sodality i ) E Requiem Mass was offered in Holy Ghost Morning Call the comment that He came to the Catholic university moderators and teachers from the B church Dec. 6. Interment Mt. Olivet. Finest the priest “ is likely to be classed shortly afterward. various high schools and colleges in U 8T. Day mortuary service. the city met in the Cathedral high Upholstering SNOW WHITE BERT E. FRAI EY, SR., 916 W. as one of our best modem explor­ After years of patient trading, Byers place. Husband of Lilliin Fraley; ers as well as a pioneer in ad­ bargaining, and research, the school to hear Father Lord. He ad­ D father of Florence Daigle, Milton A.\ 0 vancing the Teah.i of knowledge.” priest-botanist built up the vege­ dressed the group on the “ Aim of M James B., Robert F.. Burt E., Jr., and Education,” giving a threefold ob­ LAUNDRY AND Lillian Ann Fraley; son of Mr. and Mrs. Father O’Neill, whose plant col­ table life collection at the univer­ fO I William Manning; brother of Pearl jective: 1. To make an adolescent N lection. have become world fa­ sity founded by Father Langlois, I Petrafect and Roy Fraley. Two grand­ mous, supervises the Langlois her­ the botanist of the Louisiana a jtrown adult; 2. to help him A c children also survive. Requiem Mass grow up to become “ self reliant”— 3 5 3 5 E Colfax A v e ^ S jj^ ^ ^ o n e DExter 0988 CLEANERS was offered In St, Francis de Sales' barium— one of the 10 largest in b*yous, to an aggregation of more church Dec. 9, Interment Mt. Olivet. the United States— and teaches than 130,000 specimens. much more “out” than “ in” the Y 7Xe “rilestu (^i4Mctt/t *tuL JERRY E. BOHAN, 3751 Osceola botany classes at the university. • classroom, by research, debatq, Cily-Wide Pick-llp Service street. Husband of Marie Bohan: father Although his infirmities hinder school paper, drama, music, etc,; of Joseph. John. Mary Ann. and Geral­ He went to Alaska recently with the extent of his field work. Fa­ dine Bohan; son of Bartholomew Bohan: Oie army quartermaster corps ap­ 3. to equip the students to meet ther O’Neill manages ti penetrate the peculiar times in which they DAY MORTUARY 2307 Champa brother of Emmett Bohan. Rosary serv­ parently to study the breeding the Arctic wilds by means of ices will be held in the Nash-Miller live in order to create adults ac­ 2406 Federal BWd. mortuary Thursday evening, Dec. 11, at places of Alaska’s “ sabre-toothed jeeps and airplanes. TA. «7 «0 — AL. 6638 mosquitoes.” Officials of the cording to the pattern of Jesus 8 o'clock. Requiem Mass will be offered Christ. G L . 5 7 0 9 in Holy Family church Friday morning corps indicate, however, that his NOTICE TO CREDITORS at 9 ‘30. Interment Mt. Olivet. work is of a “ top secret” nature EfltaU of Irvin Hammond Hays, also known Let oi fhow 'o o montimenU MICHAEL TORRES, 2234 Curtis as Irvin H. Hays and Irvin Hays, deceased. street. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel and involves something highly im­ we have erected in Ah. Olivet No. 82649. Torres: brother of Angeline. Frances, portant to the armed forces. Notice is hereby Riven that on the 3rd Cemeterv. Minnie. Susan, Helen. Gilbert, Frank, and Vincent: grandson of Mr. and Mrs. American botanists recognize day of December, 1947, letters of admin­ Beautiful Services A. T. THOMSON Vicente Gallegos and Rebecca Torres. istration were issued to the undersiRned Father O’Neill as an expert who as administrator of the above named estate Funeral services were held in Sacred can "look at a leaf and tell you At Costs Any Family MONUMENTS Heart church Dec. 6. Interment Mt. and all persons havinR claims aRsinst said where it came from and what kind estate are required to file them for allow­ 600 Sherman St. TA. 8018 Olivet. Can Afford ADOLF CASTELLO, JR.. Wiggins. of country it inhabited.” ance in the County Court of the City and Funeral services were held Dec. 6. In­ County of Denver. Colorado, within six terment Mt. Olivet. Born 50 years ago in Allentown, months from said date or said claims will Father O’Neill suffered an attack be forever barred. SISTER M. AUGUSTINE HEALY of infantile paralysis in his early B. C. Hilliard. Jr.. Spillane Mortuary Requivm Mass will be offered In Raton, * Administrator. . Mex.. for Sitter M. Augustine Healy. youth. Forced to lea-»e school, he GEO. P. HAGKETHAL NOTICE O f FINAL SETTLEMENT 1545 So. Broadway PEarl 0723 Sister of Mercy for more than 30 years, who died in Mercy hospital. Den­ St. Anne’s Circle Plans CsUt« of Frank C. Shannon, also known FUNERAL DIRECTOR Mr$. John H. Spillane ver. Sister Augustine, who was born in aa Frank Coleman Shannon, deceased Ireland, returned there this summer for Yule Fete in Arvada No. 81347. 2205 East Colfax at Gaylord a visit with relatives. She was teaching Notice is hereby Riven that on the 28rd RegUtered Funeral Director Arvada. — (Shrine of St. EAst 1857 and Embalmer in Springer. K. Mex., when she had to day of December, 1947, I will present ^ come to Denver for medical treatment. Anne)— The annual Chritt- the County Court of the City and County Interment In Raton. W. P. Horan A Son of Denver. 'Colorado, my accounts for service. ma« party of St. Anne’* circle will be held Wedne*day, Dec. FINAL SETTLEMENT oX the administra­ tion of said MtaU when and where all per­ Call a ELLEN G, DONECAN 17, at 8 p.m. Member* de­ sons in interest may appear and object to CONVENIENT ECONOMICAI, SHOPPING Requiem Maas waa offered in St. Philo- them if they so desire. e r e mena's ckureh 8 Mrs. Ellen cided to make thi* year'* H , every Catholic service is super­ fSr B. C. HILLIARD, JR., Gertrude Donegan. who died Dec. 6 In her party a dinner, with hu*band* Administrator. vised by Francis J. Cervi, former student Z O N E C A B home, 1586 Fillmore street. Born in of the member* invited. I'lasHilied Ads { De Witt, la.. Oct. 7. 1861, Mrs. Donegan Ticket* will be $1,50. All 11 will pay yoa to read ALL of lb* following advertitement*. ^ of St. Thomas Seminary. IVUin 7171 lived several years in Eagle Grove, la., NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Prompt, CoorteoQi Strvlot before moving to Denver In 1901. She couple* of the pari*h are in­ ESTATE OF ^ M U E L L, THOMPSON. Capitol provide* complete, beautiful and CHEAPER RATES had been a widow since 1938. Surviving vited. Re*ervation* *hould be DECEASED. No. 79644. memorable Catholic service at a central loca­ CLEAN NEW CABS are three daughters. Mrs. George P. made with Mr*. John Moore, Notice is hereby Riven that on the 80th Clarke and Mrs. David Haggerty, both day of December. 1947, I will pzsfsent to LOST ______I WANTED TO RENT tion—and at costs any family can afford. of Denver, and Mrs. A. B. Hansen. Cedar Arvada 475, by Monday, Dec. the County Court*of the City and County D r. O. C. Werthman^ LOST Sterling Silver Rosary. Ask for illustrated booklet describing Capi­ < Rapids, la.: six grandchildren, apd three 15. of Denver. Colorado, my accounts for Reward. A r L doctor and expectant wife desire great-grandchildren. Interment Mt. FINAL SETTLEMENT of the administra­ C«ll EA. 7 «0 . * furnished apartment or house till July 1. tol's facilities and services. Furnished without and Associate 4 Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. tion of sa4d estate when and where all 1948. Call .Mr*. RitUr, Fr. 8276. obligation. i $100 to Preacher persons in interest may appear and object BRICK REPAIRS Dentists LOUIS J. VOGELSANG Young Catholic couple detire furnished or to them if they to desire. SPECIALIZING ID brick pointing and re i Louis J. Vogelsang. 77. a resident of unfurnished apartment or house. Call AI. Wilton, N. H.—Members of the ROY E. ZOBEL, pairing, also caulking and painting. MA PLATES i Denver for 50 years, died Dec. 2 in his Execuior. 1787 daya. home, 1389 Lipan street. Mr. Vogelsang Sacred Heart church gave more 5656. WALTER EVANS. 1946' Pearl 8t 606 15th Street 1206 15th Streets was born in Burlington. la. He was ai than $100 to the Rev. Harold M. NOTICE TO CREDITORS WOOD SALE— Kindling, range, heater WANTED TO BUY CRPITOLfnORTUflRV KEyttone 8721 TAber 6761 ^ sociated with the General Iron Work: Frye of the Congregational church, Turnace. fireplace blocka, mill enda—De­ for more than 10 years, and had been re ESTATE OF JAMF^ U PURCELL. DE- livered S3-Q0 KEystone 2460. FURNITURE, antiques, tools, linens, tired since 1935. Surviving are hi: who was leaving Wilton to accept a CEASED. No. 82466. I4th Avanu* at Lincoln (0 p p . State Capitol) KEyston* 0281 wife, Pauline: a daughter, Mrs. Angela Notice is hereby given* that on the 12th pianos, washing and sewing machine* and position in the Congregational MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS miscellaneoua item*. GR 0159. Thaxton; a brother. Henry Vogelsang church at St. Johnsbury, Vt. day of November. 1947, letten Testa­ and two sisters, Mrs. Barbara Shea and mentary were issued to the undenigned as RECONDITIONEI) pianos, player*, (rand*, Mary Vogelsang, all of Denver. Requiem Executrix of the above named estate and oriran* (pipe *nd leedl, orchestral instro- PAINTING Ma.ss was offered in St. Leo's church of the Territorial Daughters of Colorado. all persona having claims against said ment*. T. R. Walker. 1345 S. Broadway Dec. 6. Interment ML Olivet. Theodore Surviving are a brother. J. H. Black. estate are required to file them for allow­ SP 1364. FREE ESTIMATES. Interior, Exterior Haekethai mortuary. Denver; and two nieces. Mrs. J. D. ance in the County Court of the .City and painting. Texturing. Steaming. Caulking, just Goo(J Printing Grigsby of Lahdover, Md., and Mrs. County of Denver, Colorado, within six Sanding. Phone Englwd. 751-W. PE. 5674. OSCAR C. HURD Norris A. Miles of Denver. Requiem months from said date or said claims will American Pennant Requiem Mass was offered in St. Louis' Mass and interment were in Medford, be forever barred. PAINTING & PAPER HANGING ABEGG-FEUOWS Printing Co. churrh. Englewood. Dec. 5 for Oscar C. Ore. ALMA L PURCELL, Mfg. Co. Hurd, 3110 S. Marion, a resident of HOB PAPER HANGING and painting *■! Executrix. MKGR'S. OP 515 14th St. • Denver • KE. 4054 Denver for more than 40 years and ROSE M. BRADY A Baringer. IBS Madiaon. EA 2285 EDWARD C. DAY, HI-SCHOOL AND FRAT BANNERS. former ^'ReRister" employe, whose death Rose M. Brady, 4997 King street, died Attorney. was announced last week. Mr. Hurd, Dec. 9 in St. Anthony’s hospital after a SEALS. STATE PENNANTS. SCOUT ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 102 Municipal Bldg.. BANNERS who was born in Farm inR t^ 111., March short illness. Miss Brady was bom in Denver. 1877, moved with his parents to Cen­ Ireland, and the family came to Denver CHENILLE EMBLEMS. FREED SLAVES OF LIQUOR, now they CUT OUT tral City. He was married there 43 when she was two years old. She at­ MONOGRAMS AND CAPS free other*. Alcoholica Annnymoua. Box S34 Iltb 8 t . Pontla* RalMIng. RE *Ut 1259 years sro. In Central City he was asso­ tended St. Catherine’ s grade school, and FOR SUCCESS HE HIGH QUALITY ciated with his father in the newspaper was graduated from St. Mary's academy business. After moving to Denver Ka in 1930. She was a member of the guiiiH ninipim iH iiiiE H B You and vour CongreM custom made suit of our finest granite monuments worked for the E. J. Hurd PrintinR com­ Junior Tabernacle society and the Arch­ DORAN are certdiin to go place* 1 There's nothing pany. Three years aRO he came to The bishop's guild. Surviving are her parents. like precision tailoring and mathematically i» attained by the channel ReRister, and was employed here until his Mr. and Mrs. John Brady; and one sister. HATTERS perfect fit to give you that well-turned-out process of quarrying and the retirement last July. SurvIvlnR are his Helen M. Brady. The Boulevard mortuary I " ^ * 1 iUcsadtthnitnf appearance befitting a man of importance. wife. Mary J. Hurd: two sons, Oscar is in charge of funerdl arraDgeroents. Barrie* Ezclaslrtly’ Make your fail selection now from our big newest line production meth­ F. Hurd and William B. Hurd: a dauRh- E L K C O A L stock of imported and domestic woolena. ods of cairing. We join with ter, Alice M. Ficklin; four brothers. IN MEMORIAM 733 E. Colfax at Clarluon Henry C. and Edward J. Hurd, both of other well established dealers In fond and sacred memory of our OALL, MAIN 6388 T h e Denver, and Ger H. and J. D. Hurd of dear son and brother, Louis J. Eppich. PWr grtt Pick-ap and DaHmy Laboratory Tested^ in group buying, for cash, in California. Fifteen grandchildren also R.M. 3/e, U.S.N.R., who pasaed away Barrie* survive. Interment Mt. Olivet. Spillane Dee. 11, 19'44. Sadly misted by his Tlolhin^ To. carload lots. Because of these mortuary. mother, dad. sisters, and brothers. MORE HEAT . . . idvantages, and our own large SUITS AND lOPCOATS JOSEPH A. PICCdLI LESS ASH, NO WASTE 433 15lh St. “Special Attention to Clergy” TA. 4718 I'olume, we are able to offer Requiem Mass was offered in St. Elisa- TAILOR MADE Mall Ordtra READY MADE you— beth's church Dee. 10 for Joseph A Gives 1 RCRNS SLOWER . . . PiecoH. 56, an automobile insurance The' salesman, who died Dec. 7. Mr. PiccoH CLEANER a . HOTTER • Finest workmanship suffered a heart attack as he entered Regis stadium, and he died almost in­ Friendship Cerner • A wide selection of stantly. Surviving are bis wife. Mary: designs two daughters. Mra. Regina Thompson Yet It Costs No More!! snd Mrs. Agnes Donovan; and a son. 4423 W, 43rd Avenne • A choice of 8 beau­ Tony Piccoli. Interment Mt« Olivet. tiful granites Olinger mortuary. Our Shop of Distinctive Gifts CASH MARIE T. BLACK NOTHING —all at surprisingly low prices. News was received in Denver of the For All Occasions and death of Miss Marie T. Black, former Denver resident, who died Nov. 26 la Charming Knicknacks for Beautifying We Will Pay Cash for Small JACQUES BROTHERS Gold Hill, Ore. Mies Black was bom In Your Home DOWN Denver Dec. 2, 1866. She was a member Homes in or Near Denver. of the Pioneer Women of Colorado and MA'" Since 1902 HAND PAINTED CHRISTMAS CARDS Little as MONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION I V I H 5335 Quick Action — Call®or See 28 E. 6th A tc. ALpine 2019 FLOWERS CHRISTMAS WRAPPING PAPER $5.00. a MONTH Sp«dal Pnacral Spraj o(*4* W 8«*asa*J new aii Hand Carrad Jawal and Cigaretta Mnaie Boxe* Wrtath *t gnat btaotjr, $!*• Aa *pp(*- prUt« (zpnnioa tt ajrttpatkz (r*a * ( m One of Denver*s Oldest, Reliable Dealers UIIUIRinS & GREERE or a m a p . Catherine and John Lumpp TA. 6266 COLD SPRING THE BLOSSOM SHOPS 3635 Blake St. 1641 Stoat Immediate Deli:jreryl MONUMENTS Uptown. 221 E. 7tli Ave. CH. 1416 Phone GR. 2805 ELK COAL CO. IKAUTIFUl CMRirtS s Park Hill. 1619 Locvft DE. 1I9S I *^CALL AND CBAKGB I7*i! Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4206 PAGE ELEVEN

The Denver Catholic Register J Co-operate W ith the Forest President. ...Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Registorials E ditjar .Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. Conservation Program Matiktfing Director...... Rev. John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Litt.D. Associate Editors— M. F. Everett, Jour.D. Rev. Francis Syrianey, munities help man to achieve such i n ice, timidity, shame, arrogpnee, The Following M.A.; Linus Riordan, A.B., Litt.M.; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A.; Plan for Peace basic social needs as security, rec- • LKJ OiTIUy and harrow-mindedness in regard to the faith. Is it possible we are Rev.; John Ebel, M.A.; Rev. Robert Kekeisen, M.A.; James Feely, ognition, and response and some­ Accredited Dealers , Or Goad to War? times even new experience in a In the Faith also smug, too self-satisfied to re­ M.A. greater degree than in the city. alize that among our circle of ac­ t By R ev. J ohn B. E bel By R ev. J ames B, H am blin quaintances there are many who Handle Only Approved Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. Insanity and suicide rates are » V ______Of all the twisted thinking in lower in rural than in urban areas, They had been friends for envy the security and consolations that are ours in the Church? Why Published Weekly b y - lower, middle, and higher circles iRs are delinquency and crime years; served together in the navy, and Tagged Trees today, probably the most illogical rates” (Introductory Sociology, not invite all your friends to share THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) is that displayed by the proponents Raymond W. Murray, page 649). played golf together, and thrown with you the good things of Ca­ 938 Bannock Street, 1 of peace plans. We thought that As for more food resulting from business each other’s way. Came a tholicism? JIED Ta4G Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 the “ Planned Parenthooders” had the flight to the cities, the facts time when one was invited to spend reached the nad(r when they pro­ seem to prove the exact opposite a week end at the other’s suburban Federal Forest Service Subscription: $1 per year. * posed the simple expedient of to be true. In Europe today, for Sales Tax Blues gradually killing off the human example, it is not the highly indus­ home. But the host suggested that By James T. Feely Club Subscription, with The Register, Local Edition, $1.30 per Year. race— at least their plan guaran­ trialized nations, such as Germany, his guest arrange his arrival in the W HITE TAG No Club Subscription Price Offered Outside Colorado. teed reaching the goal. Things where agricultural tools and im­ afternoon because Saturday was a The depression-born Colorado holy day of obligation and the iiH>mwh3RESLC0N5tw«tpH ft State Forest Service would be peaceful enough if there plements are plentiful, that are family would be attending Mass, state sales tax is still with us. And Thursday, December 11, 1947 were no one around to kick up a comparatively well off as far as Look for This Sign having late breakfast after Com­ how we are about to be afflicted fuss. the food situation is concerned. Orrin Knapp, 4550 Colorado Blvd. munion, etc., and would not be able on Jan. 1, 1948, with an inflation- On the contrary, it is the agricul­ Raau Tackle Shop, 38th at Federal Blvd. But the plan proposed in River­ born city sales tax. tural countries that know least to meet and entertain the guest Elyria Greenhouses, 4751 York Street side. Calif., recently by James F. properly. In fact, the host relates, OFFlClALi ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER about the bitter pangs of hunger There is small consolation for Ted Taylor, East Colfax at Race Price, acting chancellor of Den« the guest had to talk himself into W h e Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. Poland, for example, with 90 per the taxpayer in the fact that the S. H. Buchanan, Cedar at Logan ver university, seems to thwart its an invitation to join the family at We 6^nhrm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ cent of its population on the land, city fathers are making only a Louis Burton, Broadway at Arapahoe very purpose. Instead of peace, Mass. ever appea^^n its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or it can result only in more war, was already reported nearly a year one-per-cent take on the groceries Rocky Mountain Nurseries. 4141 East Colfax Av*. And when they got to the church, he buys every day, whereas the ^hose of th e^ ficials of our Curia is hereby declared official. from opr way of thinking. Chan­ ago to be almost without need of Harry Barr, 1000 East Coif ax state collects two per cent. All in We hope The Register will be read in every home of the cellor Price, in an address before food imports. The same is true the host was surprised lo see the Roy Speck, 4001 Colorado Blvd. all, that adds up to a three-per- Xrchdiocese. the Southern California Institute of most of the Balkan countries, guest take a Missal out of his Brooks Bryant, 38th at Grpve 'I We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in of World Affairs that is studying of Hungary, of Romania— barring, pocket. He went to the Communion cent tax on the amount of the re­ Virge Edan, 3682 West Alameda ■’the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. methods of preventing future of course, the acquisitiveness of rail with the family, and after tail purchase, to say nothing of Evergreen Specialty Co., Colfax at Garfield the various hidden taxes on many ^ « URBAN J. VEHR, wars, advocated the shifting of the Red armies. Mass kept them waiting an extra Don Frawley, 3300 Downing Street items he has to buy. 'Jan. 29, 1942. Archbishop of Denver, 150 million of the world’s workers If frustration leads to war, then, 15 minutes while he said the Ro­ C. T. Taylor, 7320 East Colfax On top of all that, we have the i ______from agriculture to industry. the rural nation will be the more sary. Ott Coal Co., 1800 East 39th little gimmick known as the Will Bills Trading Post, 5320 West 38th Ave. peaceful; if hunger leads to war, Outside the church, explanations This shift, asserted the chancel­ again the agricultural community bracket, adopted to avoid the use Rhodes Floral Shop, 5225 West 38th Ave. Christ Is American Too lor, would increase rather than will be less inclined to overrun were in order; for the host, al­ of tokens. We have no quarrel decrease the world food produc­ though he had known his guest for with the man who devised the ' ^ iy Paul H. Hai.lett tianity, is and always has been their neighbors’ fields. On both tion “ by bringing about consoli­ counts, the acting chancellor’s ar years, did not know that he was a bracket— but the way it works is U'e were glad to hear that Isaac part of the common law of Penn- dation of effort.” “ Out of the Catholic. And this was the occa­ astounding. Bildersee, an assistant superin­ •sylvania;” and another given by gument collapses. His plan, in world's 2.2 billion population.” he stead of gaining peace, can result sion for a lecture. It went some­ After Jan. 1 the state and city tendent of schools iriSNew’ York, Chancellor Kent of New York; is reported to have said, “ 800 only in war. And we go on sup thing like this: sales taxes on a 25 cent purchase ; MORGAN, LEIBMAN S HICKEY < who last week had ordered the “ The people of this state, in com­ million are gainfully employed. Of porting the program of the Na­ “ Of course you did not know I will amount to two cents. Accord­ exclusion in the schools under his mon with the people of this coun­ these, 60 per cent are in agricul­ tional Catholic Rural Life Confer­ ing to the percentages, it should" care of all Christmas songs and try. profess the general doctrines ture and 40 per cent in industry, am a Catholic; for the simple rea­ l\SVRA\CE SliVCE 1897 ence to get as many people as pos be only three-quarters of a cent— •decorations distinctive of Christian of Christianity.” a situation which should be re­ son that in all the years you have sible back to the land, and to keep one-quarter city and one-half BUY MORE FIRE INSURANCE NOW dogma, had revoked his order— Nobody demands that any Jew­ versed.” known me, in all the things we glad for the honor of our dear on the land those who are now state. Our three-per-cent tax has ish child perform acts repugnant Having been exposed consider there, because they are better off, have talked about, you have never suddenly become eight per cent. • Lord, glad for the interests of to his conscience; in fact, where ably to the tenets of the National brought up the subject of my re­ Gu ftnd Electric Bldg* Phone T A h fti^ fS America, and glad for the very economically, socially, morally, To our mind the retail sales tax, the Jewish attendance is as great Catholic Rural Life Conference, and religiously. ligion. I became a Catholic three Jewish children whom Superin­ as it is in Mr. Bildersee’s schools with its brackets and its pennies we find this difficult to accept. years ago— but I had to do it on and all its infernal bother, has al­ SA.A.AA A A A tendent Bildersee thought he was there should be no reason why When we have long agreed that my own initiative. I was impressed considering when he made his ways been bad. Tokens, as has Hebrew pupils should .not perform many of the ills of modern society by the way the Catholic men faced The Typical been proved in Colorado and else­ A decision, “ given in the spirit of Judaic acts of worship and display would be, if not cured, at least death during the war. I wanted to sveing to it that what is done does where, only add to the confusion, A Jewish symbols, provided Christian considerably alleviated, by a re­ know why they were not afraid to A rioi offend the sensibilities of even American School even though they do eliminate the children were not compromised in turn to the land, we can look upon die, why they could do the brave Beautiful A < ne child." inequalities of the bracket sys A conscience. But'the point to re­ a proposal to jam 150 million more By Millard F. Everett things without apparent fear, why In the first place, we do not tern. A member is that when Christmas is laborers— and their families— into An important point was made they were such good soldiers. I A think that any Jewish child is banned from the public schools wanted what they had; but the No one likes it — except, of Wreaths A pained by seeing crosses and stars our already over-stuffed Indus- ^ ^ Lord, S.J., in they are not neutralized; they are trial centers as slightly irrational. ,: * n * t Catholic fellows did not care about course, the tax spenders. It is 1 nd cribs and angels or hearing paganized. Even wider of the mark are the 1**® Denver talk at the Loretto the rest of us. You went to your estimated that they will have an A Christmas Trees A iarols proclaiming the Incarna­ Heights campaign dinner Dec. 4. chaplain before battle, you re­ additional $4,000,000 a year to tion. This writer spent two Christ- reasons Professor Price gives for A his proposal: “ Individual frus­ He said flatly that the snjaller ceived Holy Communion, you were spend— quite a tidy sum. A- •nas seasons in a Jewish hou.sehold. Stable Doctrine religious schools such as Loretto A ’ , luring that time the radio of that tration would be lessened by in­ satisfied. But you never gave a Certainly the businessmen do Roping- A Heights gave the most American thought to us who had no Confes­ not like it. For them it means family was permitted freely to creased food production, and pro­ A A Moral Miracle duction of more tools for farmers type of education in the United sion or Communion. And I resented more headaches in collecting the A 5mIt the music of hymns that States today. your smugness, your self-satisfied tax and in paying the city. .And Boughs and Table A Aught or implied the dogmas of By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen would lead to a larger food sup­ A attitude. I finally had to approach the consumer is going to have to Christianity, and nobody felt the Why does the Catholic Church ply.” The Founding Fathers, he went A a priest in a Pullman smoker. And fill his other pocket with pennies A .Jeast bit embarrassed. In Denver condemn birth control? Why i.s As for the individual frustra­ on, knew the need of education for A I took instructions for 18 months to be ready for every emergency. Decorations a Jewish child cannot walk down Catholic teaching opposed to di­ tion, who is more frustrated in democracy. They knew that liberty A vorce? Catholics are frequently Europe today, the city dweller or and education march side by side. before I felt I was ready for Bap­ Perhaps it would be well for most A the main streets of the city with­ tism. But when I was baptized and A out hearing a street radio caroling asked questions like these. The in­ the farm dweller? Who is hun­ The early schools in America were of us to secure one of those coin­ Grave Blankets A teresting thing about these queries grier, the factory mechanic or the private religious institutions. made my First Communion, not a changing gadgets motormen have. A forth the tidings of the Redemp­ soul in the church greeted me or A tion from a Jewish-owned depart- the fact that the “ Catholic peasant who can raise his own America’s founders, religious men Then, at lea^t, we could keep our went out of his way to tell me I pennies in one place. A *ment store. Church” is always the one oppos­ food? Who is happier, the city themselves, would have been A ing, or condemning, or combating laborer with no job but cleaning shocked at the thought of schools was welcome, and no one has since All that— and it would be sO SOUTH DENVER EVERGREEN A Of course, any intelligent Jew­ cared what happened to me. You ish child knows that the only some evil practice. Strangely, al­ up rubble, or the farmer who still without God. much simpler for both the state though the Church is constant in has his land, his community and who have always been Catholics and city to impose their tax on A reason Sundays and Christmas are Nevertheless for the past cen­ have no idea what the sacraments NURSERY her fight against abu.ses, the sanc­ .social ties, and his hopes for the gross retail sales and permit the A absen-ed at all is because of their tury public schools have been di­ mean to us converts; you take the A Connection with Christ, and that tion for these fundamental moral future? vorced from God. At the present merchants a corresponding mark­ MRS. O. S. FALKNER, Prop. A laws goes much deeper than eccle­ good things for granted; you do A ^ if the nation ever retrogrades so And lest this be taken as an ex- time serious campaigns are under up in price. Actially, though such 1534 South Broadway SP. 2350 siastical authority. The basic au­ not care whether the rest of the a system has been suggested ever A far away from Christianity as to traordinary situation coming in way to prevent even the mild as­ world ever enjoys them. I could lose altogether its Christian tone thority is God, who promulgated the aftermath of war, see what a sociation with religion found in since the retail tax came into ex­ His law first by implanting it in have been enjoying the sacraments istence. we have never seen any they will speedily be di.scarded. noted sociologist, has to say: “ It the released-time program. Catho­ five years before this if the Cath­ Moreover, if sufficiently thought­ human nature, and later by pro­ is generally believed that the inti­ lics, who support the public valid objection to it. RESERIE YOLR KiLLA^f YO\M nouncing it audibly through the olic guys in the outfit had not been ful, the Jewish child will realize macy and the depth of social bonds schools through taxes and operate so selfish.” In the long run, however, the that if that day comes there will be lips of His Divine Son. permitted in such 1 rural! com- their own in addition, in many legislators are probably doing the The convert’s story certainly no concessions to the Jewish faith Things like birth control and di­ places find their children, because people a service. So long as they in public schools or elsewhere. vorce are opposed to what is known founded and the present Roman they attend Catholic institutions, suggests a different angle in the matter of conversions. \Ve Cath­ have to dig for pennies they are Yes, despite the conduct of some as the natural law because they Church. forbidden even a ride on public going to remain conscious of the ENJOY GAS HEAT olics have been accused of coward­ jChristians. history proves that in are detrimental to the social struc­ The slow disintegration of solid school busses. fact that they are paying a tax— ture as .Almighty God established the long run only Christian doc- doctrine that has been occurring In the face of the many difficul­ and often a greater sum than the it. And whatever tends to destroy ever since Luther’s heresy brings 'trine is a protection to the Jew. ties that have beset them, the work U. S. Catholics Thanked law would have them believe. And the divine order of things is con­ into relief today a society that AS CHEAP AS COAL! 'i For this is a Christian country. of such religious as the Sisters of so long as they are conscious of trary to the Divine Will. And clings jealously to real Christian "Not in the sense that the majority Loretto is admirable. Father Lord For Czecho-Slovak Aid that, there is hope that some day Escape from shovels, ashes and of the people observe all the ele­ whatever is contrary, to the Divine law. .At present, divorce is accepted they will make enough noise to he Will is sinful, without reference as a commonplace affair; birth con­ recalled the dangerous pioneer mentary precepts of Christ or conditions that they endured 80 heard in even the state house and coal dirt this winter. When your ^how all the elementary truths to the authority of any Church, trol is so ordinary as to be included New Y"ork.— Two letters from years ago and paid them tribute City hall. •about Him. but in the sense that even the True Church. in neo-pagan marital instructions, the Czecho-Slovak Hierarchy present coal supply is used, Killam and its nefarious implements ad­ for courageously bringing refine- ,• a r ^ (Anything said against sales tax ■Christianity has so determined oui Consequently, when non-Cath- ment to the crude civilization of thanking Catholic Americans foF is not to be taken as objection to engineers will be ready to make a vlegal and .social structure that if olics say that the Church is con- vertised as openly and widely as gifts of food received and at the soap flakes. Yet the Church con­ the gold rush days. old-age pensions. One of the most quick conversion of your furnace in /it should ever become unnecessary, demnine a particular abuse, they serious .social problems in the state 'by popular acquie.scence, to defer are really saying that the Church demns both these practices as con­ Now they need more equipment same time stressing the need for 3 to 4 hours time. Reserve your trary to the law of God; nor will to keep on with their work to the additional relief were received at has been relieved by old-age pen­ to any Christian custom or institu­ is continuing to uphold what God sions, and we must put up with a tion, then this will no longer he she be shaken in her stand. extent demanded today. Accredit­ NCWC War Relief Services head­ Killam Burner today for fully auto­ enjoined on all men, regardless of state sales tax as long as it is America. Intelligent Jew.s, like ing associations set a high stand­ quarters. their beliefs. All men are bound Hardly less obvious is the gen­ necessary to continue this system.) matic, clean, economical gas heat. George Sokolsky, cheerfully ac­ by the precepts of the natural law eral downfall of important doc­ ard of physical facilities. These One was the joint message of knowledge the fact. —whether they realize it or not. trinal tenets outside the Church. are afforded by the great univer­ the Czecho-Slovak .Archbishops HEATl.NG EFFICIENCY FOB 30 YEARS ■And it has been formally And in fundamentals they must When prominent Protestant clergy­ sities, to which large endowments and Bishops drafted at the general have been given; but to acquire meeting in Prague in November recognized by the Supreme Court, realize it, for their consciences are men begin to doubt the Divinity of CATHOLIC RADIO LOG and the other was a personal let­ in the ca.se of The Church of ike quick to remind them of basic good Chri.st, thinking men should start them is a struggle for the smaller ter from Archbishop Joseph Bcran G A S B U G N £ R C O . Holy Trinity vs. the [inited States and evil. to wonder whether the Protestant religious school, endowed prin­ Station KOA of Prague. Both were addressed ( 18in ). In proof, the tribunal cited Returning to the Church’s de­ has not failed. cipally in the generous service of CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, priests and nuns. Yet educa­ to Archbishop John T. McNicholas the Christian language of the com- fense of the natural law in all its If these points were minor de­ 4 p .m . Manufacturers and Gas Engineers mi.ssion given Columbus by the implications, we find one of the tails in the Christian fabric of be­ tion, in the fullest meaning of of Cincinnati, Episcopal chairman ASK AND LEARN— Sunday, (■.stholic Sovereigns of Spain and most cogent extrinsic proofs for lief. then we might justly be ac­ the term, which must include for­ of NCWC War Relief Services. 11:15 p.m. mation of character as well as of 236 Broadway Call RAce 2871 the charters grated the individual the truth of the Catholic Church. cused of quibbling. But ,we con­ succe.ssful drive. This is the first Station KVOD colonies. It cited the .Mayflower If the Catholic Church is alone in tend that the.se matters are of mind, is of the greatest importance HOUR OF FAITH— Sunday, time in more than 80 years that Covenant and the Declaration of her support and exposition of the paramount importance and can in this “ the most complicated 9:30 a.m. civilization that men have ever de­ Independence, which “ recognizes original, pure, unchanged law of not be dismissed with a shrug of the Loretto nuns have asked pub Station KMYR the presence of the Divine in Christ, is it not logical to assume the shoulders. The fact is—other vised.” Education, as Father Lord licly for funds. Their devoted rec SACRED HEART PROGRAM human affairs.” It referred to the that perhaps her claim to be His 1 Churches have failed to keep the pointed out, is a pre-eminent pub­ ord and the needs of their .students, — Week day* at 7:15 a.m. First .Amendment to the Constitu­ only Church is true? We cannot doctrine of God securely intact; lic service, for it is not corrective of today should find a ready- Station KFEL tion and to the clause in Art. 1. posit this as the -greatest proof they have wavered in belief with as are others, but is preventive. response, not only among Catho­ AVE MARIA HOUR— Sunday, Sec. 7. “ Sundays excepted.” It of the one true Church, but we do the whims of their congregations. The enthusiasm seen at the bril­ lics, but also among those who 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. quoted a decision given by an contend that it provides at least The Catholic Church alone has re­ liant assemblage of religious and wish to further the status of Den­ FAMILY THEATER — Thurs­ attorney general in Pennsylvania a strong indication of identity be­ mained firm and steadfast in lay leaders from all faiths at the ver, of Colorado, and of the Rocky day, 8 p.m. MCVINC 6 STORAGE that "(ihristianity, general Chris­ tween the society that Christ guarding the deposit of faith. dinner Dec. 4 gave evidence of a Mountain West

STORAGE SPruce 2671 Are Your Lintcn to LOWEST PRICES FULTON IN THE CITY LEWIS. JR. f 12.58 So. Pearl' Daily, Monday thru Friday Valuables Protected? 0:30 P.M. KFEL Are your valuables safe from fire ami liieft, or are they “ just somewliere about tlie liouse?” Don’ t YOU PAY ONLY 5 0 ^ A ROOM A MONTH lake a elianee. L.se a safely tiepusit box at the .American .National Bank of Denver. M Ain 5 3 1 4 Lse the .American's new Parking Plaza, too. Con­ venient parking for the general public; FREE 1 1 im jA-liour parking for liank patrons. mTmrn i s F. J. Kim iiiitiF * FRANK KIRCHHOF g Chairman, Board of Directors ADOLPH KUNSMILLER 1 i l AMItICAN t'OlW STKlK f I01\ to . President N«tlON*l MNX ; BU’ILDERS We Appreciate Your Patronage 708 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo.


O t The American Fixture Co. Mftasfaetartn of CHURCH PEWS AND AUTARS THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK D e n v e r CHURQl FURNITURE BANK, BAR, AND STORE FDOTURES .... AND LAWRENCE STREETS Milltoork of All Kind* FRANK KIRCHHOF. President 1232 ARAPAHOE ST. f . S I A ^ Secretary. DENVER, COLO. ■ R P i i i—

i PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947

NEW SLATE OF OFFICERS ELECTED Cathedral PTA Gets LULLABY LANE BY ST. DOMINIC'S ALTAR SOCIETY Spiritual Bouquet Colorado Scenery PHOTO PLAQUES (St. Dominic’s Pariah,. Denver) badges and presided at the “ scout The Cathedral PTA received a IN BEAUTIFUL “GOLDTONE” MRS. PETER J. JONKE treasured Christmas gift from the % An election of officers was held sin^’ that followed the presenting of awards. Girls from the fifth and Cathedral sisters. The gift, con­ • • for at the meeting of the Rosary Altar sixth grade troops and their lead­ veyed in a beautiful Madonna INFANTS' WEAR society Dec. 9 fn the church audi­ ers were guests of troop one. card, informs the members that torium. Miss Madalene Sullivan, Among the awards and promo­ they are to be remembered in nine vice president, who presided in the tions were: Carol Ann Strelesky, Christmas novena Masses in honor Christmas Qifts Full Line of Children’s Wear absence of Mrs. Frank Stone, advanced to first grade; Coleen of the Blessed Mother and her Son, including a Solemn Mass on Up to 8 Years Age turned the meeting over to Mrs. Maddox and Sara Jo Gassen, ad These lovely, unusual plaques of t3T)ical Ward Anthony, chairman of the vanced to second grade; and pro­ Christmas day. ’ nominating committee, who pre ficiency badges won by Dor^hy All Cathedral parents are in­ Rocky Mountain scenes, are sented the following names for Wilmot, Jo Ann Ingling, Jean Me vited to attend the reception mounted ready to hang. the various offices: Mrs. Harry Graw, Mary Keeley, Argia Gri honoring Father Edward Leyden TRUDY DOLLS Hughes, president; Mrs. A. F. senti, and Geraldine Pilz. on Sunday, Dec. 14, from 2 to 4 Zarlengo, vice president; Miss Among the other merit badge p.m. in the Knights of Columbus With three different faces Helen Anzer, secretary; and Mrs,’ winners were Barbara Bugg. Bar­ clubhouse. Ted Day, treasurer. bara Reilly, Louise Patrick. Patsy Plans for the Christmas party These nominees were unani­ Farrell, Mary Lou Grisenti, Nancy for the children of the g;rade 0 . R O A C H Toy5 • Games - Gifts for Children mously elected by the members. Hamill, Kathleen Mahoney, Joan school are nearing completion. The The pastor, the Rev. V. R. Hughes, Heifer, Felicita Zarlengo, Betty committee, with Mrs. R. Fulham scenic photography and Grownups too O.P., then gave an address to the Zarlengo, Ida May Valdez, and as chairman, includes Mmes. F. gathering on “ Reverence to the Shirley Byers. Plans are under Dechant, H. McKernan, J. Marsh, GIFT WRAPPING FREE Holy Eucharist,” and pointed out way for the troop’s Christmas ac­ W. Evans, 0. Robb, V. Murphy, the important part performed by tivity among the underprivileged. P. Golden, F. Haas, and W. Kelty. 200, Cooper Bld^. DELIVERY SERVICE the society in its administration of Cagers Get Together St. Patrick’s 'club circle will the sanctuary work, and congrat­ The parish basketball team can­ meet in the home of Mrs. H. Col­ Telephone ALpine 205^ 278 So. Downing RA. 6060 ulated the members on the efficient didates met Dec. 7 in the rectory lins, 1344 Eudora street, Tuesday, manner in which this work has reading room with the Rev. Ar­ Dec. 16. been conducted in the past year. thur L. Kinsella, O.P., to plan par­ The Rev. J. G. Forquer, O.P., ticipation in the Catholic Parish Blewnted K arra m en I former moderator, thanked the re­ league. About 12 candidates re­ tiring officers for their splendid sponded to the call, with several work during P947 and urged their other names being received from Rental Library ROSS VARIETY STORE continued co-operation with the prospective members who could new officers. The former offi not attend in person. PARK HILL NOTIONS - INFANT WEAR cers are Mrs. Frank L. Stone, pres­ Plans were discussed for the ob­ Hardware - Toy» ident; Miss Madalene Sullivan, taining of a gymnasium for prac­ BOOK STORE 2214-16 Kearney vice president; Mrs. Phil Gartland, tice and for obtaining the services treasurer; and Mrs. Patrick Con- of a competent coach. Uniforms FRUMESS MARGARET GRINSTEAD DE. 4488 4624 E. 23rd Ave. DE. 1361 boy, secretary. and basketball equipment have al­ $100 Donated ready been secured. Further in­ formation is awaited regarding the The Rev. J. J. Eulberg. O.P., We Specialize in Permanenl Offic* DE. 4266 proposed schedule of games to be Complcta Real Eiiate Strrlea moderator, presented a check for Wavini! and Hair Styling arranged by the league; and it is $100 to the pastor on behalf of hoped that the squad will be ready THELMA KASSOl^ JOHN F. BRUNO the society for the purchase of the for competition when the schedule BEAUTY SALON Realtor new brass monstrance standard is released. The team is being and veil used at the Holy Hour, sponsored by the Holy Name so­ 2876 COLORADO BLVD. “ Let Ua Valot Tonr Property for Quick Sale” for the new pedestal for the statue ciety of the parish. PHONE DEXTER 1188 of Our Lady of Fatima, and for DENVER, COLORADO 6107 EAST 22ND AVE. Young People to Meet THELMA KASSON. M»n«atr Reel Estate Sales — Loans — Insnrance the pedestal on order for the The Young People’s club will statue of St. Jude. ^ GOOD WORKMANSHIP meet in the church auditorium at ^ BEST MATERIALS At the business meeting which 8 o’clock Wednesday evening, Dec. K EARN EY followed the installation of the new 17. At this meeting pertinent ques­ ; KEARNEY BARBER SHOP officers, general plans for the new tions will be discussed and the or­ year were discussed, particularly ganization of the club further de­ 6111 E. 22nd Ave. at Kearney the parish card party io be spon­ veloped. This meeting will be open ; SHOE REPAIR sored by the society Wednesday, Specializing in Chlidren'a and to prospective members over 21 ^ Harold S. Perrigo Jan. 21, in the church auditorium. Ladies* Hair Cuts years of age from Catholic par­ ► 6115 E. 22ND AVE.. AT KEARNET To perfect plans for this social ishes on the north side. The social event and to arrange for the stand­ hour will be given over to a Christ­ ing committees of the society, Mrs. mas party. Hughes called a meeting of the of­ The Holy Name and Ushers’ FRANC FOR FLOWERS ficers to take place Tuesday after­ club will meet Thursday evening, noon, Dec. 16, in the rectory read­ Dec. 11, in the reading room of the 3833 E. 3rd 2212 Kearney St. ing room. rectory to make final arrange­ FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT VALUES At Harrison Plans were made for the mem­ ments for the Christmas holiday EA.1816 DE. 4207 bers, under the chairmanship of services and church decorations. Mrs. James Simms, to visit the hos­ Among the business items to be Shop Now While Stocks Are Complete and pitalized sailors in this vicinity discussed will be of the support of Lay Away for Christmas! Put all your gifts during the Christmas season. Mrs. the basketball team now in process Simms will be assisted by Mrs. of organization. James J. Coursey, on one account. It costs no more to buy on NOW! Ward Anthony, Mrs. W. R. Mul- president, will preside and several lane, and other mothers who had new members will be presented. A DE. social hour will be enjoyed after PICK UP AND DELIVERY sons in the navy during the war. Preceding the election of offi­ the business meeting. The members LIBERAL SERVICE FOR PARK HILL cers, a baked ham luncheon with will receive Holy Communion in coffee and dessert was served to the 7:30 Mass Sunday. Dec. 14. CREDIT 60 members by Mrs. A. F. Zar­ The Holy Hour this week, Fri­ lengo and committee. After the day evening, Dec. 12. will be held CREST meeting, a social hour of cards was from 7:30 to 8:30 and will be Cleaners’ and Tailors’ Dyers enjoyed by those who wished to conducted by the Rev. Leo C. remain. Gainor, O.P. The sermon will be Park HiU'i Keweat, Most Modem Cleaners^Taiiors delivered by Father Forquer. Sodality Hax Special Setsion After the novena prayers to the 2210 Kearney DE. 6430 A special meeting of the sodality Infant of Prague, Our Lady of Fa­ 10% O ff Cash and Carry was held Dec. 9 in the rectory re­ tima, Mother Cabrini, and Blessed fectory to elect officers for the Martin, the relic of Mother Cabrini coming year and to make a final will be venerated. *TOU DESERVE THE BEST—BRING YOUR CLOTHES TO CREST" report on the recent minstrel show. Special rehearsals are being The election was conducted by the held by the mixed choir on Mon­ Rev. J. B. Dering, O.P., spiritual day and Friday evenings for director, and resulted as follows; Christmas music. The Mass in Misses Elaine Nielson, prefect; El­ Honor of Fray Junipero Serra is Fairfax Hardware SIMMONS DRUG CO. vira Palowski, vice prefect; Dolores being prepared by the singers for (Coltaa et Fairfax) 2870 Colo. Rlvd. Nielson, secretary; and Mary Ann the Midnight Mass and the cus­ HARDWARE. GLASS. PAINTS Mahoney, treasurer. The officers tomary carols are in rehearsal for LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED EA. 99.53 will assume their responsibilities 11:30 p.m. preceding the Midnight EA. 3777 5022 E. Colfaa WE APPRECIATE TOUR at the next meeting. Mass. Edward J. Callan is direct­ H. U RINEHART. Prop. PATRONAGE The minstrel show played to two ing and Mrs. Daniel Di Donato is enthusiastic audiences Saturday organist. afternoon and evening. Dec. 6. Two new prie-dieux, a gift of Marfak Lubrication Car Wsahtnf John C. The afternoon performance for the Mrs. Mary D. Ritchie, have been SchoU children was witnessed by a large installed in St. Anthony’s chapel group. before the shrine of Mother Ca­ Bailey’s Service brini. They are of oak construction FINEST The evening show for adults with leather upholster),'. ___ MEATS AND was well received and the members 28th Sc Fairfax FR. 9924 GROCERIES of the cast had to respond to re­ Firestone Tires Willanl Batteries 2815 Fairfax peated encores for the favorite FR. 2706 songs and specialties. After the two-act entertainment, the floor was cleared and dancing was en­ Kl. Philomena\ joyed to the music of a special or­ chestra. Refreshments were served The firms listed here de­ BRUNCH - BAR and a little doll “ Miss Doe,” was serve to be remembered COMPLETE M E A L -n A.M. to 1 P.&L given to Mrs. Mary T. Carey, 2730 After the Show Grove street. At the meeting Tues­ when you are distributing Drop in for Snacks, Lnneh, Sodas day night, the committee reported that a total of more than $150 had your patronage in the dif- MARTYRS DRUG 3301 E. Colfax at Adame been cleared from the show to ap­ ferent-Tines of business. FR. 9886 ply to the new statue of Our Lady of Fatima and to assist in the work of entertainment for the patients JERRY’S RESTAURANT at Fitzsimons hospital. Specializing In Spachettl. Chriitmas for Veti Planned Steaks. Fried Chicken. RaTiotl _NOW- Expert Radio Repairing The sodalists decided to ^nake Jerry's Restaurant extensive preparations for the Authorized Agents Christmas entertainment of the 3401 E. Colfax at Cook patients at the hospital, and a DE. 9940 volunteer committee w a s ap­ General pointed to start the work of trim­ Electric ming and decorating three Christ­ mas trees for ward 5-C. This work INTEMANN'S FOR Radios is to start on Monday night, Dec. 22, and the sodality members will Mixers assemble Wednesday, Dec. 24, Toasters Christmas eve, to distribute gifts to the patients. Free De/irery PTA to Meet Dec, 18 Work Guaranteed Three Montha The PTA will meet Thursday Have Your evening, Dec. 18 in the school hall THE BLARNEY SHOP at 8 o’clock. The Rev. Donald Mc­ • MI8T CHEWS • MINT WAFERS 3205 Eait Colfax at Steele FR 9986 Mahon will address the group on • CHOC-COATED F IA T MINTS CLOTHES • CHOC HAND ROILS • BRITTIES “ The All-Catholic High School • CHOCOLATE-BUTTERED CREAMS The tirmi Hated here deaerre to Play.” He will outline the plan in Ted Clinton use among the Catholic high (Our Own Manufacture) be remembered when you are dU- CLEANED tributlas your patronaft to the dif­ schools of the city for the produc­ 3225 E. Colfax EAat 2690 tion of an annual dramatic per­ ferent tinea of buaineaa. formance and will ask the support for of the association for the students’ , * Make Your Holiday Dinner Complete efforts. The fifth grade, under Sister Theodora, will present a WINTER See Christmas play. FRANK AIYTONELLI Conrt of Awardi Held Girl Scout troop one held a court NOW! of awards Dec. 5 in the school hall. TED’S Miss Virginia Bailey, field director for Fine Wines and Beers of the north district, presented the WE DELIVER 3504 E. Colfax FR. 8881 St. Clara's Aid Heors GIGANTIC Report on ACCW Parley St. Clara’s Aid society met at Gleaners and Laundry SHIJTTO BROS. the orphanage in Denver Dec. 3 with 22 menmers present. Mrs. E. 700 E. Colfax at Waihiniton GIFT BOXES Castilian read an interesting re­ port on the last ACCW meeting, FAMOUS PASCAL CELERY stressing activities for Aid socie­ MA. 6101 Shipped all over V. S. A. ties. Project results are to be re­ FRUIT BASKETS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS ported to the chairman, Miss Eliza, 10% Diseonnl beth Sheeby. The telephone com- E A 4586 rilittee appointed includes Mmes. On Cash and Carry Free Delivery 3211 E. Colfax A. C. Carroll, R. J. Sanders, J, E. Simms, and Mary Wartner. - -i.

th u rsd a y, Dec. 11, 1947 Office. 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER * Telephone, KEyatone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN

NEW LOURDES PARISH LAYS PLANS North-Side Parish Record Players FOR FIRST MARM m s CARNIVAL Plaas Games Party All Prteai INDIAN ' (Our Lady of Lourdea Pariili. beaver) (Holy Family Parish, Danvar) GE and ZENITH RADIOS The new Parish of Our Lady of LourdeSt is completing The annual ChHstmas games t plans for the first annual Mardi Gras and carnhml dance to be party will be held Saturday, Dec. held on Shrove Tuesday before Ash Wednesday every year.' 20, at 8:30 p.m. in the school hall. CURIO SHOP The Mardi Gras this year will be held on Feb. 10. 1948, in Twenty turkeys and a complete the Knights of Columbus hall. The parish plans a re^Iar will go into the buiTdir turkey dinner have been an­ masquerade ball, the proceeds of which ilding nounced as gifts. fund for the new church and school. The members of the 1812 California St. TA. 2951 (Recordc4lbum ^ parish hope that this Mardi Gras will become the social event All PTA members ars asked to Make Pleasing Gifts of the year, and that its popularity will grqw from year to attend the receptiop in honor of Denver 2, Colo. year with the parish. The MArdi Gras will be set into a real the Rev. Edward A. Leyden, arch­ Our Record Department Features carnival atmosphere. Details of the arrangements will be made diocesan superintendent of schools INDIAN GURIOS-INDIAN JEWELRY the Latest Hits . . . Also Classical known in future R eg itter news. Sunday, Djec^ 14, from 2 to 4 p.m. and Semi-Classical ^ The Altar and Rosary society met Thursday night and made in the Knights of Columbus club­ final arrangements for a parish children’s . party scheduled house, E. 16th kvenue and Grant NAVAJO and GHIMAYO RUGS for Dec. 22 at Glasier’s barn. The feature of the party for the streets. The clergy and the prin­ Colorado Appliance Co. children will be a marionette show produced by Mrs. Friede cipals of the grade and high BEADED BELTS - HAND TOOLED PURSES Gilbert and Mrs. George McClelland. There will be a short schools will also be honored guests. 28 BROADWAY and 1135 BROADWAY movie and singing of carols. Guests of honor at the children’s The Altar and Rosary society Made from Unborn Calf and party will be the Catholic children from the State home for enjoyed the hospitality of the nUUUflOlllO Buekikin, Fur Trimmed. WESreRN SOUVENIRS neglected and dependent children. The party will start at 8 auditors and officers at the Christ­ p.m. Dec. 22 in Glasier’s barn, 5000 E. Kentucky. All the mas party Dec. 4. An exchange of OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TILL CHRISTMAS children of the parish are invited. gifts was held. We “ Le Croix de Lourdes” club held a bam dance at Glasier’s All members of the Altar and CHRISTMAS TREES Deliver Dec. 9. Guests for the dance were the Young People’s clubs Rosary society who say the Rosary- from St. John’s and St. Louis’ parishes. Some 40 members daily are asked to make a report TREES OF ALL SIZES of the Young People’s club joined in the progressive dinner on at the January meeting. Mmes. Sunday evening. Beach, Isenhart, and Scott volun­ Three Christmas Masses are planned for Uje new parish Wreaths — Roping — Decorations teered for the sick committee in in the State home gym. The Masses will be at 6:30, 9:30, and December. Mrs. H. A. Fallico and Grave Blankets 10:30 o’clock. The 6:30 o’clock Mass will be the children’s Mrs. E. M. Gaylor are the sacristy Mass, at which time the newly formed children’s choir, under workers for Dec. 13. St. Rita’s cir­ ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED FOR the direction of Miss Marlene Kurtz, will be introduced to the cle will have a Christmas party NIGHT SELECTING parish. Wednesday, Dec. 17, at 1:30 p.m. The activities of the new parish are increasing so rapidly in the home of Mrs. J. C. Maguire, that Mrs. Mark Behan, president of the Altar society, has called Two Locations __ ___ 6520 W. 48th avenue. Following a for help and has appointed four new vice presidents for the short business meeting, gifts will society to help in the work. These vice presidencies will not be exchanged and games played. be honorary, but will entail a great deal of work. Mrs. A. W. The hostess will appreciate it if I SAM BUCHANAN LUCILE GARGAN J Denny was named second vice president. Her duties will be reservations are made by Tuesday, to care for the growing catechism classes now being taught Dec. 16. ^ Cedar St So. Logan So. UniTeraity St Expotition by the Sisters of St. Francis. More than one hundred children are now enrolled in the school. Transportation of the sisters and special children’s programs will be her responsibility. Mrs. Mount Grads Planning Fred Thompson, as third vice president, will be in charge of Annual Dinner Dec. 16 the shrine now being erected to Our Lady of Lourdes. Mrs. Jerome Pierzina is in charge of the ways and means committee. The annual Christmas meeting Mrs. Frank Casner, as fihh vice president, will be in charge of the Mt. St. Scholastics Alumnae ' / of entertainment. association will be held in the Den­ Officers of the FSJ Young People’s club met in the home ver Athletic club, 1325 Glenarm . . . ond it's of Miss Margaret Briggs of 2019 S. Franklin. Jean Hannigan, street, Tuesday, Dec. 16. Dinner I ! Charles Welch, and Marlene Kurtz attended the meeting and will be served at 6:30. Members only made arrangements for a hayrack ride for this Sunday evening are cordially invited and it is at Glasier’s barn. The younger group will meet Sunday after­ hoped that all will attend. noon at 4:15 p.m. in front of 2020 S. Lafayette street, where cars will take them to the barn. ’ 5.95' ! . fe y\.l0 ^ c ttc t ANNUNCIATION PARISH PTA PLANS For That J IL tan a CARD PARTY ON THURSDAY, DEC. 11 Tailored Look solid sterling bon bon dish at a price you Usually pay for silverplate. Generous size. Unusually heavy silver weight. The handsome gadroon bor­ %lotei (f^eputaUon (Annunciation Pariah, Denver) ceive Communion Sunday in the See der adds to its singular beauty. 5 inches in diam eter...... $5.9S The PTA card party will be held 8:30 Mass. •Federol Tax Included Thursday evening, Dec. 11, at 8 The Altar and Rosary Pinochle o’clock in the home of Mrs. Wil­ club will meet Monday evening,; liam Condon, 3814 High street. Dec. 15. in the school library. FRED B0NA.T W e accept charge accounts. Mail orders are filled promptly. Admission will- be 50 cents, and The Junior Newman club meets! everyone is welcome. Further in­ every Monday evening in the hall.! CUSTO.M TAILOR formation may be had by calling The Discussion club meets Tues-j TA. 0400. day evenings at 7:30 in the; church. ' I 534 L5th St. Mrs. Januks, 3690 Race .street, Perhap.s the most significant thinR about The Spanish club of Annuncia-j TA 7209-2300 • 2ND FLOOR UNiVtRSITT BlDOs I. our store ia its reputation for selling the finest of I was given a complete turkey din­ tion high school will initiate new Imported & Dometlif BROTH ERS everything, including Genuine Orange Blossom ner at the recent PT.A party. members Friday, Dec. 12. Offi­ I 6TH a CHAMPA STS.s DINVER 2, COIO. Diamond Rings. The emphasis on diamond quality The Altar and Rosary society cers are Stella Delgado, president; Gabardines, Sharkskins, JLWtLRY OF niSTINCTION is matched by strict elegance of will hold its annual turkey dinner Bert Martinez, vice president; and design in many variations. Price and quality and gift exchange party at Hagus Gerald Aragon, secretary. Worsteds, Etc. comparisons ai^ always urged. hall on Thursday, Dec. 18, at 1 There will be a program and o'clock. Those wishing to partici­ refreshments for the new mem­ As llliigtralfd pate in the gift exchange must Natural or White* Gold Weddinjr Rinsrn from ...... 75.00 bers, who are Rosalind Urban, SoliUiirc Rinpa from ...... 100.00 bring a gift of not less than 25 Helen McGenty, Sally Salas, Marie Platinum Weddinc Rinjra from...... 100.00 cents value. The regular meeting Lucero, ‘Marie Marquez, Edwena Solitaire Rinetc from...... 150.00 and election of officers will fol­ FcderRl Tax Included. Stevens, John Bowls, Irene Roy­ low the party. All members are bal, Mary Sena, Robert Sandoval, invited to attend. Connie Mares, Therese Pacheco, \ The Holy Name society and Dorothy Martinez, Rosella I older boys of the parish will re- Stremel, Fred Romero, Beverly Shinn, and Marcella Ulibarra. Do h m -A l l e n The Boosters’ club will enter­ • QUALITY JEWELERS tain the high school football team .SINCE 1879 Thursday evening at the Olin 600 SIXTEENTH STREET hotel. Father James Moynihan has DENVER arranged an interesting program. IRONING

All Gradet of Tabernacle Society We Photograph Anything Anywhere Lignite and Bituminous FOOD FOOD Stoker Coal Gains 19 Members, The l^hoto I'o. PRESERVATION PREPARATION KODAK FINISHING RAY COAL CO. Chairman Reports 320-22 Scvenlcctyh KF.jsione 6114 Denver 1165 So. Penn PE. 4604 A large attendance greeted the president, Mrs. James M. Knight, when the Tabernacle society met at the home of Mrs. Ella M. Week- baugh in Denver, Dec. 5. Several DRESSES guests.were present, and Miss Bar­ Tremendoui Selection! — Just in Time for Christms bara C. Bach, membership chair­ Honeysuckle and Honeylane Cotton Dresses man, reported 19 new members— 16 annual and three life. On display were .sets of vest­ ments for Hawaii made by Mrs. A. E. Murchie and her sewing group; altar cloths, surplices, and albs made by Mrs. S. W. McNa­ mara, Miss Anne Redmond, and their circle; small linens by the club of which Mrs, Leonard Swi- CERTIFIED gert is chairman; cinctures made LIGHTING and donated by Mrs. A. E. Seep, Sr. Gifts for some of the missions were volunteered by the following: Mrs. John L. Dower, a ciborium; Mrs. Ralph Heckman, a Missal; Mrs. Martha Keller, a Communion paten; Mis^ Elizabeth Sheeby, a cope for ,the Camelites. Gifts of old gold were received from Mrs. Gill Graber, Mrs. J. B. Halloran, and Mrs. Elizabeth Landwehr. CERTIFIED Miss Eleanore Weekbaugh enter­ LIGHTING SLEEPING tained with several piano selec­ tions: Vocal solos, including COMFORT Christmas carols, were rendered by Mrs. John J. Sullivan and Mrs. Etienne Perenyi. Her* th»y are— more of these famous Archbishop Speaks The Rev. Dr. David Maloney, dresses than we've hod in years! Crisp, spiritual director, extended greet­ ings to all present, and presented sparkling gift styles—for every girl the Very Rev. Walter J. Canavan, pastor of the Cathedral, a guest, 1 from tiny tot to teen-ager. See them— and the Most Rev. Archbishop Ur­ ban J. Vehr, the guest speaker, recognize the wonderful values! Finest who commented upon the wonder­ ful work of the Tabernacle society, cotton prints, pastels ond combinations. which is evidenced in all the Dainty frilly styles, ajid tailored schoolgirl missions, and which is greatly ap­ preciated by the priests and pa­ types. Complete size ranges: rishioners who are privileged to attend Holy Mass and other serv­ Honeysuckles*, sizes 1 to 3 and 3 to 6 !4 . . ices. The Archbishop also referred r n f to the new Carmel, which is as Honeylones*, 7 to 14. yet not completed. The Carmelites DISPOSAL w a t e r devota their lives to prayer and HEATING *8efl. U. $. Pot, Off. self-sacrifice, which are bound to UNIT bring many blessings to the com­ munity. Archbishop Vehr spoke about the Holy Lana, and expressed Other gift dresses, concern about what might hap­ from $1.98 to $3.98 pen to Bethlehem, Nazareth, Geth- semane, and the shrines there. In closing, the Archbishop 'Through the years— it's always wished all the members, their fami­ APPLIANCES ON DISPLAY AT DEALERS STORES \ lies, and friends, many blessings Sears—at Christmas time!** and a joyful Christmas. ' * No Mooting in January No meeting will be held in January. In February Mrs. L. F. Public Service Company of Colorado HUS 1740 Broadway * McMahon will be hostess to the Phone KEjretoae 1155 Tabernacle society. PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street *^THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 Carolers in 'Bethlehem' PIPEII DRIVE SET IT ST. atyoor service Qifts WITH SPICK AND SPAN DELIVERY (St. Francis do Salas’ Parish, rc , foe 39 ytor*, good cool from Denvar) > The RIO GRANDE FUEL CO. gTTiw to The paper drive will open in the s s m )fo (/ grade school on Dec. 15 and extend E , has wormed Denver. You con nutik to Dec. 18. Christmas holidays start ^ depend on the RIO GRANDEI lik p il on Dec. 19. Anyone who has papers T reasure to give toward the drive, but does not have children in school, may contact an^r of the school children and they will be glad to pick them ^IdoGia]id£FiMl6! up. The receipts will be used to the 2nd at Santa Ft Orivo benefit of the grade school. Talophona TAbor 2211 A special invitation has been ex­ tended to the spiritual director, mother superior, nuns, and mem­ bers of the PTA to attend the re­ ception honoring the Rev. Edward Vespers In Vienna is an enchanting story of Vienna f i n A. Leyden, new archdiocesan su­ in 1946 by Bruce Marshall, the author of “ The perintendent of schools, which will Recommended Firms be held in the Knights of Colum­ World, The Flesh and Fr. Smith.” bus hall on Sunday, Dec. 14, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. for AUTO Not even the arrival of the British Colonel and The Friday morning breakfast his staff for billeting at the convent upsets the de­ fee has been raised to 15 cents, votions of Mother Auxilia and her flock. owing to the increased prices of „• ...... the food served. The increase is SERVICE Behold This Heart. As one reads this story of the life necessary because this project is of St. Margaret Mary, one is struck with the thought solely self-supporting and is not that truth is often vastly more interesting and enter­ FEATURED IN THE CANDLELIGHT Miller, Jackie Lowrey, Rita Ecklemen, Lois sponsored through the government procession preceding the Christmas play, project as is the lunch program. taining than fiction, Eppich, Dorothy Halter, Lillian Cavarra, 12 Shopping Days ’ till Christmas Bethlehem, in Oscar Malo hall Dec. 18, and Winnie Smith, A vote of appreciation is given f The author has made excellent use of the ma- are these carolers, left to right, Mary Kay Mrs. W. H. Marvel, whose leader-1 .ship made a delightful success of I GIVE SO.METHI.NG ¥ terial taken from records of the Visitation and Jesuit the sodality luncheon served to .30' Orders. Women's Organization nuns and 108 delegates from the DIFFERENT various schools Dec. 8. Colorado Has Business Meeting CANDUUGHT PROCISSION PLANHED Springs and Boulder, as well as all The Rocky Road to Dublin is the autobiographical the city schools, were represented. A Gift Certificate for story of Seumas MacManus— often called the Dean The regular meeting of the •Assisting Mr.s. Marvel were Mmes. i Queen’s Daughters of Denver was of Irish Storytellers. Told in the third person, this is BY CATHEDRAL ADVANCED CHORUS E. Curry, J. McCarthy, J. Tram­ Auto Seat Covers held Dec. 7 in the home of Mrs. mell, M. Behan, R. Alexus, J. B. a master storvieller’s own story of his boyhood and Byrd Hesselbine and Miss Loietto (Cathedral High School, Denver) ter, with the choir of Monsignor Glavins, F. Linsenmaier, L. Sen- For Your Sweetheart, Friend’i early manhood, Loughran, with Misses Eulalia The Cathedral advanced chorus Joseph J. Bosetti. genberger, R. D. Vasquez, and T. or Fa m ily’s Car Baroch, Ida Kirwan, and Lily M. Carroll. Packham as co-hostesses. of 60 voices under the direction of There will be great happiness Mr. MacManus has accumulated an extraordi­ Forest Fishell and Sister Ana­ and well-laden tables in store for Mrs. J. B. Glavins attended the (Maybe for Your Pastor’s Car?) narily large following who read and reread his Miss Marie Bellmar presided. stasia will participate in a candle­ at least 100 people in Denver this art and music round-table discus- IBs Smart to Say: books. Miss Nell Ryan read the minutes light procession preceding Bethle­ Christmas if Cathedralites are gen­ .sion held at the Chappell house of the last meeting, and Miss .Mar­ hem, annual Christmas play. Se­ erous in their mission contribu­ Dec. 12. “ Wy Auto Seat Covers fT'ere Custom Made By— garet Hamilton gave a report on lections to be sung include ‘‘.A Star tions, according to Mary Reisch- The mothers and dads of the Dust on the King’s Highway has the authentic and the recent ACCW quarterly meet­ Was His Candle,” Del Riego; man, president of the Cathedral Cubs in pack 126 were guests of Woodrow Wilson Auto Upholstery' ing. colorful detail, the action and suspense of a his­ "Wreathe the Holly,” Brans- chapter of the Catholic Students’ Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Dunst ^ (Mtmbtr s( Bt. Frsncii Sslis’ Parish) torical romance: but its theme is the devotion and Miss Marie Kreiner reported combe; “ Silent Night,” Gruber; Mission Crusade. for an evening of cards and re­ that the recent card party was a heroism of early Spanish missionaries in Mexico and and “ Joy to the World,” Handel. Faculty nroderators, Sister freshments Dec. 7. Tresent were 696 So. Broadway PE. 5264 success, socially and financially. The group will also sing carols at Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Marriott, Carl California. The author, Helen C. White, is noted for The organization voted to furnish Louis Adelaide and Sister Roberta the Civic center Dec. 21. Marie, are inviting all high school Woertman, B. O’Laughlin, B. Law­ her fine novels. the annual Christmas treat to the ler, G. Mos.sbrucker, Paul Doyle, E. Midnight Mass will be sung by and grade students to contribute Little Sisters of the Poor for the r'oyle, J. Dwyer. L. Sengenberger, the advanced chorus under the di­ canned goods and money dona­ residents of Mullen home. J. Switzer, F. Holland, Kershaw, rection of the Rev. Richard Hies- tions for meat before Dec. 18. Mrs. .Julia O’N'eill presented the G. Mulqueen, and Mrs. C. D, Mc­ Sterling Silver Rosebud Bracelets...... $3.35 to $5.00 nominating committee’s slate, Filling baskets for Denver’s Donnell, and Mr.s. J. Hunter. R A D I O S E R V IC E Oxidized Sterling Rosebud Bracelets...... 70c from which the following officers Loyola PTA Plans needy has long been a Cathedral Forty grade school boys reported A Complete Sendee for Car or Home Radios Other Sterling Silver Bracelets...... $4.50 to $6.00 for the year 1948 were elected: tradition. This year 25 baskets for the cage session when practice We Will Serve You Best Marie Kreiner, prc.sidcnt; Nell will be filled. Delivery will be opened on Dec. 4. Joe Hynes, coach, Ryan, vice president; Elizabeth Party for Students made Dec. 20. regretted having to cut the team to Lewis, treasurer; Mary Rose Bang, bang, bang, go the ham­ the present number of only 20 boys O’Brien, recording secretary; JAMES MOTOR CO. (Loyola Pariih, Denver) mers wielded by the members of now practicing daily at Byers jun­ Josephine Hagman, corresponding Our Lady’s sodality as they reno­ A Christmas party for the school ior high school gym. It is hoped 1278 Lincoln Dodge & Plymouth Sales & Service KE. 8221 secretary; and Lila O’Boyle, his­ vate old toys for the children at the that the Widgets will do as well in torian. children, sponsored by the Loyola Margery Reed Mayo day nursery. CRIBS PTA, -will be held Dec. 19 at 2 basketball as they did in football Miss Ida Kirwan presented Mrs. With a daily attendance of ap­ this year. p.m. in Loyola hall. The committee Charles Schroeder, whose review proximately 100 children, the Meeting of the League of the Cardboard______5c to $1.50 of the book, T/ic Small One: A in charge of arrangements con­ nursery is conducted by the Sis­ Sacred Heart will be held Tuesday, Story for Those H'Jio Like Christ­ sists of Mmes. James Kloberdanz, ters of Charity and is located at Dec. 16. at 2 p.m. in the assembly mas and Small Donkeys, was Francis Worland, John Beckman, 1128 28th street, Denver. room of the rectorv. I Marble Dust______20c to 75c greatly enjoyed. Emil Frei, Bernard Murphy, Yvo Trainor, Richard Sullivan, and Al­ “ The good deeds of the sodality A social hour followed, during will be gladly accepted by Santa which Miss Bellmar, retiring pres­ bert Linnebur. Priest Honored on Christmas morrting when he ident, and Miss Kreiner, the new Mrs. Frank Honeyman, 2625 \ Composition______$4.40 to $75.00 \ finds that the Cathedral sodality president, presided at the tea Race street, entertained the St. Theresa Pinochle club at a lunch­ has helped him to make a Merry table. The next regular meeting Christmas for the children at our will be held in February. eon and cards on Dec. 5. Honors went to Mmes. Cook and Weber. nursery,” says Si.ster Salome, su­ ART MALAATI, II\C. Candidates were received into perior. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE the Altar sodality and the Young Senior homeroom two is spon­ 1733 GLENARM TAhor 8287 Ladies’ sodality Dec. 7, and into soring a skating party at Mam­ INSURANCE the Children’s sodality on! Dec. moth Gardens Friday, Dec. 12, for Prayer Books 8. Father Joseph A. Herbers, the China missions. Tickets are 60 ffi.J., officiated. The new members cents per person. All are invited. DEXVEK'S Fli\EST JOS. J. CELLA of the Altar sodality and the Young Ladies’ sodality were enter­ 1120 Seru>-'iT Bldg. B Q D \ A PAIAT SHOP HAIL HOLY QUEEN tained at a tea after the reception. Unit Names Leaders PHONE KEYSTONE 2633 Members of St. Margaret Mary’s QVICK SERVICE! club were guests of Mrs. Robert Body • Fender • Paint • Upholstery by CALLAN-McHUGH LES TER ’S Catlett on Dec. 4 for luncheon and At St. Catherine's bridge. Honors went to Mrs. Calvin All Makes Williams, Mrs. William Frawley, $3.25 - 6 50 WATCH REPAIRS and Mrs. Yvo Trainor. (St. Catherine’s Parish, Denver) OVALITY AT A PAIR PRICE 7>Diy 8tnHc« At the Altar and Rosary meet­ Onw-Ycar GnarantM Mrs. Richard Sullivan enter­ tained members of St. Catherine’s ing Dec. 2 Mrs. G. E. Rowe, presi­ Blessed be Cod by Callan-’McHugh....$3.50 to $12.00 1529 Welton CH. 2447 Bridge club Dec. 9. dent, was re-elected for a third CAPITAL CHEVROLET CO. term. This is the first time this My Prayer Book by Fr. Lasance...... $3.25 to $14.00 Sodality Officer* Appointed rfUULJ^JUMLaJLaJUMLBJ^AJRJIJI ■■ ■■■ The newly appointed officers of has occurred in the society. Mrs. 13th and Broadway TAbor 5191 Catholic Girl’s Guide by Fr. Lasance..$3.25 to $ 7.25 the Altar sodality are Mrs. Walter Val Jones was elected vice presi­ f J. Wade, prefect; Mrs. Emil Frei, dent; Mrs. Oscar Nelson, secre­ Young Man’s Guide by Fr. Lasance..$3.50 to $ 5.50 I DRYER S ASTLER assistant prefect; Mr.s. George W. tary; and Mrs. Leslie Johnson, fi­ THE REV. T. LOUIS National Auto Body & Radiator Co. PRINTM6 GO. Haffey, treasurer; and Mrs. Abbie nancial secretary. Mrs. Frank Wil­ FRANK J. NASTLEY. Member Sl Francis de Ss Im Parish Flath, secretary. son was re-elected treasurer. KEENOY, S.J., head of the BADIATORS, BODIES. HOODS AND FENDERS KEY OF HEAVEN The members of the Altar sodal­ Mrs. John Piquette, chairman of chemistry department at Regis col­ REPAIRED AND MANVFACTURED Programs and Circulars lege, has been appointed to the ity have cleaned the altars and the membership drive committee, Repsirinc Wreeki a Specisity Quality PsIaUnB Pocket Prayer books...... 25c to $ 4.40 Tickets for statues and all the woodwork in presented 43 new members: Mmes. Colorado Engineering council, it Bazaars and Carnivals the church preparatory to Christ­ F. L. Welsh, Amolsch, Swartz, H. was revealed this week. The coilitbil PHONE TA. 2»U DENVER 17 EAST EIGHTH AVBKUB Slednian Sunday Missals...... $2.80 to 8 3.50 mas. They will decorate the church Schneider, Malone, Coffee, Moore, is an organization of the 19 lead­ Quickly Produced ing engineering and scientific sO' Daily ."Wissals...... $3.00 to $13.00 with flowers, trees, and wreaths Maurice, McAndrews, Mueller, Reasonably Priced for the Christmas season. Sullivan, Dulmaine, H. Andersen, cieties of the state. Father Keenoy, Buckley Bros. Motors a member of the American Chem­ UNION LABEL IF DESIRED Tuesday evening thfe Holy Name Coppli, Des Moineaux, De Salvo, Sales — STUDEBAKER — Service society entertained the Loyola Dewhurst, De Feo, A. Figliolino, ical society, will serve on the com­ Denver’s Finest and Best Equipped Shop 1936-.S8 LAWRENCE ST. school football players with a ban­ M. Figliolino, Camel, Marion mittee on professional practice, (. whose real aim is the furthering a u t o REPAIRING ON ALL MAKE CARS KEystone 6.348 quet in recognition of their excel­ lacino, Lutito, Isucci, Danger, EXPERT BODY AND PENDER WORK — QUALITY PAINTING of engineering ethics. ormrarwY* w rw i lent efforts during the past season. .Mary Lombardi, Ramkin, Scavo, STEAM CLEANING - WASHING - LUBRICATION - SERVICE Shore, Still, Weaver, Micheal Zar- 660 So. Broadway — New Location — RA. 2826 ROSARIES lengo, Ntgri, Nevin, De Camillis, McNeill, A. R. Taylor, Hogan, Le- All sterling Silver rosaries...... $3.90 to $16.15 pace, Foster, Dearth, and Anna m a k e y o u r Williams. Sterling Silver pearl rosaries...... $3.90 to $10.85* 7 St. Gertrude’s circle has had. L'HHERE’.s El warmth and color and feeling in the two parties, one in the home of b a t t e r y l a s t I Give tone of the Exquisite Acrosonic. There's response to the most elusive Kate Plane and the other in the home of H. Schneider. Something mood. There's beauty and charm in its superb styling that makes Mrs. Rowe asked for volunteers Keep electrolyte for cleaning and decorating the I For The Car This the most invitijig corner more inviting— the most gracious home church for Christmas. at proper level PICTURES more gracious. New models are on display in our show rooms—- Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Root Christmas were reported improved by Mrs. Make sure cables Klamann. 2 Sallmans Heads of Christ...... $1.75 to $6.00 Mmes. Keene, Mershon, and ore sound MARSHALL Chambers pictures ...... $1.50 up Klamann were thanked for their services in maintaining the altars AUTO SUPPLY Other framed pictures...... from 15c in November; and Mmes. Jacques Keep your battery J. B. DONIPHAN, Mgr. and Slattery will take care of them 3 Hummel Figurines...... $2.00 to $7.00 during December. Inasmuch as fully charged \L. 2083 there will be no meeting in De­ 1S30 BROADWAY cember, the group is asked to re­ Hove generator ceive Holy Communion in a body 4 Sunday, Jan. 4, and occupy the ‘set properly ■ EXPERT — — —— front pews. AUTO REPAIR “ Joe” Vomg Father D. A. Lemieux addressed Keep the terminals All Makes PACKARD SPECIALIST the group. Easy Time Payments CATHOLIC- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schmittling 5 clean and tight tr iL L MAKE TOUB CAR YOUNORS . t and son, Raymond, attended the Northwestern Auto Go. Auto Service Station Notre Dame-Northwestem football Bannock and Twelfth CB. 8234 game in Chicago. The son and 849 Broadway TAbor 6201 father returned home immediately Q re e tin g Cards and Mrs. Schmittling visited her sister, Mrs. W. L. Carroll, in De­ AUTO REPAIRING troit before returning. PACKARD Of individuality with appropriate Experimneed Mechanics Ths Only Psekard Bsrrle* ta Osatsr The first grandchild of Mr. and Catholic sentiments and art work... 5c to 35c ill Hak* Cars Mrs. E. J. McNicholas was born 411 Work GuarsDtssd Packard Denver Co. Dec. 7 in Los Angeles, Calif., to ^ Distributors Box of 21 assorted...... ••••••••••• xo THf BAIURY PICKED BY ENGINEERS JMr. and Mrs. C. W. Leonard. Mrs. Now Id Oar Nsw BaiMiac Leonard is the former Maxine Holly's, Auto Service 1700 Liocoin TA. SSFI McNicholas. DAVE STAUB IIS 80. Bruadway BP. »»S7 The James Clarke Church Goods Housej FAVOR RECEIVED The firms listed here de­ ILETlMlllffllMAER A Register reader wishw to ex­ serve to be remembered ] press thanks for a temporal favor AUTO SERVICE when you are distributing Established 1902 1636 Tremontuiit PlaceJTuset:: 1 The Baldwin Piano Co. received through prayers to the OVERHAUUNG AND BRAKE TA 3789 Denver 2I, Colo. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Lady SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY your patronage in the dif­ aWYSLER-PLYMOUTH of Perpetual Help, St. Jos^h, St MOTOR REBOBING upmmmoz 1623 CALIFORNIA ST. Jude, S t Anne, fte Little Flower, ' Brak* and Ucht Inspeetlsa ferent lines of business. iQoaaMvumfAY MnunaaMtB and Frederic Ozanam. 2725 W. 29th GL. 5645 Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE FIFTEEN

AS NEW AS THE ATOMIC AGE NEW VESTMENTS USED FOR 1ST TIMElGuests at W om en's Club Book Review ONE HOUR CLEANINO SERVICE Beaver Cleaners & Tailoin ON FEAST DAY OF BLESSED MOTHER REWEAVINO, REPAIRING, REMODEUNO 7 CERVI Phona MAIb 8813 FRANR BRAVER (St. John’s Parish, Danrar) evenings the Rev. Charles Jones 111 IITB ITRCrr by A* Hodtni As Tomorrow Used for the first time on the will end on Monday evening, Dec. Christmas Feast of the Immaculate Concep­ 16. A tour of the church and ex­ tion was the beautiful new set of planation of church symbolism for white vestments lined and trimmed all interested persons will be made Tree Lot with blue. The vestments are the on Wednesday evening, Dec. 17, at gift of the Altar and Rosary so­ 8 o’clock. A new series of instruc­ Look at Your Hat— ciety as are the attractive new tion classes will begin in the lat­ 1050 East Colfax purple antependium and tabernacle ter part of January. “ Everyone Else Does!” veil for use at Requiem Masses The KIRAY discussion club for The WelJ-OreMed Man !• Using Avenue and in the Advent and Lenten Catholic high school students will This Service seasons. not meet during the holidays. The (Between Corona and The present series of instruc­ next meeting will be the second FACTORY FINISHED 'Downing Streets) tions on the Catholic faith given Tuesday of January, Jan. 13. An at the discussion class on Monday average of 15 students have been attending the bimonthly discus­ ROBERTS sions. — the hat man _A gala KIRAY Christmas party LADIES’ HATS TOO! will be held Tuesday evening, Dec. SPruco 4726 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 258 Broadway BURTON’S 16, from 7:30 to 11 o’clock. All

The old reliable, back at his old stand. 13th Year. Broadway at Arapahoe

All kinds and colors of Christinas Trees, Lights, Series, Candel- abras. Wonder Stars. All Colors. If you have light bulb prob­ retto Ifs Now Here under the’ lems, see us. I Sievers. The of arrangements Remember Burton’s at B’way and Arapahoe dudes the followin'L cers: Michael Cloughi The Finest-and Newest Ruth Tynan, St. Francia’ f.^ Humble, East: Joseph Gall BURTON'S IS BACK Regis; and Betty Mlurray, Mary’s. vf';; ,D BOOK REVIEW Benecia Batione, Mrs. John Van Houten, Mrs. Dry Cleaning Plant... St. Jude’s circle members were heM L»«tk' 1^0 Heights Wo- Gibbons, Mrs. Kenneth Moriarty, Mrs. Roy Roberts guests of Mrs. Dan Miller for men’s cIubTfit jGuests of Mrs. of Salina, Kans.; Mrs. Lawrence Phipps, Jr.; and luncheon in her home Dec. 5. Mrs. Edward T. i^ w n above, Miss Inge' Thomsen, house guest of Mrs. Phipps, from Switzerland. Also at Mrs. Gibbons’ table but Miller’s sister, Mrs. George Mc- Reading clockwise back Caddon was a guest. Mrs. Martin “ .the not appearing in the picture were Mrs. Frank Ash­ Save —“Dough** Harrington will be hostess to circle row are Miss Carrie ley and Mrs. Bernard Fitzsimmons. Denver Has Ever Had! members on Friday, Dec. 19. 93 Mrs. Abbott Plunkett entertained N DEC. 14 TO END NOVENA Call—“Arapahoe the members of St. Joseph’s club with a Christmas party at the Cos­ Book Reviews With the Latest and Best Equipment mopolitan hotel on Wednesday, OF GUADALUPE by highly (killed workers, each ipacialittoperated Dec. 10. Heard by Club in hit or her lin Mrs. Louis F. Palaze was hostess (Our Lady of' __ following couples were | to Little Flower circle members (Loretto Heights Women’s Club, D en a ri charge of the various with luncheon in her home on Denver) j rp» « • -V connected with the no-' ALL TO SATISFY EVERY CLEANING NEED Wednesday, Dec. 10. The guests A luncheon meeting, featuring ® novena eing ei^. KE.R341 2162 Arapahoe St. book reviews as the main attrac- Our Lady of Guadal ^ ,erminating day on CAM. spent the afternoon sewing. Mrs. Tom Eres, • DRAPERIES • CO.MFORTERS St. Rose’s club members were tion, was held Dec. 3 by the Lo- terminate Sunday, Dec. 14,’ ^ a»V Sanchez, Mr. retto Heights Women’s club. Den- an important procession arouni guests of Mrs. George Strahl for Idartincz, Mr. • SLIP COVERS • BLANKETS luncheon and bridge in her home ver. I the chapel grounds immediately ai#d J in n 'Hirtine: Mrs. Edward T. Gibbons, chair, after the 10:30 Mass. Each night Dec. 9. Mmes. George Rothweiler and • RUGS • FURS 99 and Edward Egloff were awarded | during the novena Father Vin­ Edward 6(» the bridge honors. ! chairman, wish to thank Mrs. IV il- cente Minelli, C.R. is lieliveringi Sanchez, Why Pay More? ham Menamy, courtesy chairman; the sermon. • RIRMTURE CLOTHING OF EVERY TYPE Mr. and Mrs. George VV'olfgang Leon, Mr. and" (Trademark) Mrs. VV. E. Dolan, decorations On Friday, Dec. 12, the Feast Mr. and Mrs. Tom will be hosts to St. ’Thomas’ club chairman: Mrs. Hugh Stewart, pro­ members with bridge in their home of Our Lady of Guadalupe, there gram chairman: Mrs. John E. will be a Solemn Mass at 10 The firms listed here dai ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS on Saturday evening, Dec. 13. Plyni, general anangement.-! chair- be remembered when you Wm.W.Myer Drug Stores o’clock. On Sunday the two tributins your patronage to the* Mrs. Frank Freeman and Mrs. t man; and all the officers and mem- Masses will be at 7:30 and 10:30, ferent lines of business. Ludlow Flower are in charge ofjbers who helped make the affair I.N'CORPORATED the second Mass being advanced the care of the altars and sane-'a success. a half hour from the usual 11 Colorado Owned Stores tuary during December. A musical program preceded the o’clock time because of the pro­ See the New 1948 LAUNDRY Miss Elizabeth Schilling, daugh­ review. The Madrigal club sang cession. .At this Mass the Antonian Englewood HOO Santa Fe Dr. ter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schil­ two numbers and Miss Virginia choir will sing. ELECTROLUX Broadway and Ellsworth 16th and California ling, is recovering slowly in a lo­ Ginn, violinist, accompanied by .All societies of the parish will ^ N IN G Mrs. Betty Bonfils as pianist, gave cal hospital from serious injuries take part in the Sunday proces- House Cleaner l.StI) and California incurred in a traffic accident. three selections. .sion. They will carry their respec­ St. Vivian’s card group met in pifONns Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McCarthy tive banners. Music for the pro­ For that very tpecial R^e Do l^ot Hate Special Sales But Sell You at Our the home of Mrs. David Douglas spent last week end at the Broad­ cession will be furnished by Don Dec. 5. Mrs. Douglas won first Lowest Prices Every Day on All Drug Merchandise- moor hotel in Colorado Springs. Juan and his Latin .Americans. Christmas Present ,, , , T u . r.rr,A I prize and Mrs. Reddick won sec- .After the event a turkey dinner 1 7 tW.\2 a? A i) TfU'l • Joli" s PJA are|(jjjj Guests were Mr.s. L. VV. Call FR. 7776 invited to attend a reception for|Sullivan and Mrs. Max Gray, will he held all afternoon in the the Rev. Edward A. Leyden new| gj Cecilia’s sewing group will church hall, lasting until 8 p.m. and ask for archdiocesan supenntendent of Foster Bruno at The price is $1 per plate. At 8 ‘E x c f^ ] p.m. a dance for the parish is be­ schools, to be held in the Knights 4535 Irving street on Tuesday, of Columbus clubhouse on Sunday. ing sponsored in the American BILL TRINNIER Prompt COAL Delivery Dec. 16, at 1:30 p.m. Legion hall in Aurora. Dec. 14, from 2 until 4 o’clock. The The Infant of Prague nursery CPTL is sDonsoring the reception. has invited the members of the Boulder Valley, lump or egg...... ton $9.55 Mrs. A. M. Holland of San Ma­ sewing group to a tea to be held teo, Calif., is visiting hep sister, in the nursery on Tuesday, Dec. •V V Golden Ash, lump or egg...... ton $9.55 Mrs, C. C. Herman. 23. from 2 to 5 p.m. Anyone in­ The Tekakwitha circle will meet terested in this project is invited ' 1 Centennial, lump or egg...... ton $11.10 with Mrs. P. C. Allen Friday, to attend. Harris or Wadge, lump or egg. . .ton $12.00 Dee. 13. Mrs. Clair Dulin’s card group John Stephen, son of Mr. and met in the home of Mrs. Katherine Harris or Wadge, nut...... ton $10.85 Mrs. John S. Flower, was baptized Couglin Dec. 5. Guests were Mrs. Sunday by.the Rev. John P. Moran. James McConaty and Mrs. Janies On the Job Training Course for % We Deliver in So. Denver and Englewood Sponsors were .Arthur Maroney P. Reddick. Mrs. James Davis won and Mrs. Frank Freeman and Mrs. first prize and Mrs. Dulin won Leonard Freeman. second prize. Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeSciose Kroonenberg Coal Co. are the parents of a boy born in St. Joseph’s hospital. Fr. Lord Addresses 1909 Soulh Broailway SP. 4478 The Boy Scouts of troop 161 en- NURSE ASSISTANTS 25 YEARS IN PRESENT LOCATION jo.yJd a skating party at Skate- land roller rink on Monday evening. Sodality Members The boys were accompanied by //VA John Garden, A. E. Carver, Paul “ The most wonderful davs of Murray, and Dave Blake. my life were .spent in parish sodal­ ity program.'r’ a.sserted the Rev. 10 HOURS’ DEVOTION Daniel .A. Lord, S.J., at a dinner WILL I LIKE BEING A NURSE ASSISTANT? Archdiocoe of DenTcr Sunday evening, held under the auspices of the Denver Archdioc­ Week of Sunday, Dec. 14: Yes—if you like people. You will have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping sick Regit college, DenTer. esan Sodality union, at tlje Knights of Columbus hall. people get well and preparing yourself to understand and use simple sick room procedures. Father Lord was the principal' speaker at the dinner, at which I .seven Denver parish .sodalities I were represented. Father Lord; | Father T. S. Bowdern, S.J.; F. L .' WILL I GET GOOD TRAINING? Zimmerman, S.J.; and Miss Mary- Dooling, all of the Queen’s Work, I A splendid one—Y^ou will get twelve weeks of classroom and ward instruction and always central office of the .sodality in St. CORSETl Louis, were in Denver as guests of work directly under the supervision of a graduate nurse. You will learn miu-h about tlie the Sodality union. Father Lord -C O S TS NO WORE-OFFERS outlined a concentrated and work­ care of the sick—and mo.st important of all—you will learn the psychology of working with A MONEY. BACK GUARANTEE able program for parish sodalities, and said that the sodalitv is one and getting along with people. BRAS • GIRDLES * FOUNDATIONS! of the finest helps possible to the MrswiT. L. Perko parish priest. The Sodality union held a council h r your dole wHh new bteufyl ' meeting last Friday evening in WILL IT LEAD TO A PERMANENT JOB? Holy Gho.st hall, at which the Rev. Frederick McCallin was introduced CH. 7184 to the sodalists as the new spiri-| Yes—Yon will be guaranteed a permanent position in the hospital. You will also receive .5304 Harrison St. tual director replacing Bishop Hu­ bert Newell, now ('oadjutor of a salary while you learn. Employment contract includes 1 week vacation, 1 week sick leave, Cheyenne. The meeting was at­ and 5 holidays per year. tended by the prefects of the va­ Order Chrittmaa Photoi rious parish sodalities and the of­ ficers of the sodality union. NOW A tentative program for the com­ ing year was outlined, and will WHAT ARE THE QUALIFICATIONS FOR A NURSE ASSISTANT? MAURICE STUDIOS be discussed in detail at the next \ regular Sodality union meeting You must be over 18 and under 45. You must have 2 years of high school or its equivalent. 975 Broadway CH. 3926 Jan. 6. Plans were completed for the dinner held last Sunday eve­ You need good health and you must like to work with sick people. You must be resource­ ning. The council discussed the pos­ sibility of volunteering to assist at ful, trustworthy, and cheerful. * the Catholic library by working one or two days a week there. The Catholic truth committee of the individual parish sodalities, in co­ operation with the Catholic truth WHERE CAN I FIND OUT ABOUT COURSE? (iommittce of the union, will donate at least one new book a month to Call or write Nursing Department, Glockner-Penrose Hospital, Colorado Springs, Colorado, the library. Plans for the coming year were for an appointment today. First class will ‘staid about January 5, 1948. also discussed. Tentative plans call for a series of lectures on beauty We Offer a aids, wearing apparel, and other t^mpleie Opiiral Servfre subjects of interest to young HOSPITALS ARE FAMOUS FOR THEIR SERVICE TO HUMANITY women. Plans are already being Examination. Refraction, formulated to .sponsor again a ■-J Prescription series of marriage conferences, All Claasei Manufactured in which the Sodality union began last Hospitals Need Nurse Assistants Now Our Own Laboratory year. It is planned to have the lec­ tures open to both young men and Quick Repair Service women this year. Brekea Leotca Dapileatea Father McCallin outlined a def­ Oenllft Prcacriptloai FIIIm) inite program for the union to fol­ low in helping parish sodalities koCKNER-PENROSE HOSPITAL ! ^ HARRY M. LUSTIG and in encouraging them in the work of the sodality. A new con­ JOSEPH VOLOSIN stitution of the union will be StatfRagtstarad Optamatrlau drawn up by Father McCallin and Colorado Springs, Colorado 93S 15th St. KE. 3683 the council, and will be made l i b e r a l c r e d i t t r r m b available to all directors of parish sodalities in the near future, , BOB

1'AGE SIXTEEN Office^ 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947

Frank Kirchhof Gives Back From Mexico Trip • PAINTED TREES St. Cajetan’s PTA Party for 225 Orphans Two hundred and twenty-five • 2-TONE TREES children from the SL Clara or­ phanage in Denver were treated • FIRE-RESISTANT Plans Breakfast to a special Thanksgiving party in TREES TO ORDER the dining rooms of the St. Clara (St. C«jetan*« Parifh, Denrer) home Thanksgiving day. The din­ Best ielrction of frees, roping, The PTA meeting Sunday, Dec. ner and party were provided by blankeli in city. 7, had a large attendance. Father Frank Kirchhof, Sr., of the Ameri­ Andrew Burguera, C.R., spoke im­ can 'National bank, who has, for DE. 6096 pressively on the privilege and re­ 35 years, made it a custom to treat sponsibility of parenthood. Plans the children and the sisters on for the breakfast and food sale Thanksgiving. EVERGREEN Dec. 14, immediately after the 8:30 This year the children returned Mass, are under way. Among the thanks by honoring Mr. Kirchhof members contributing to this proj­ with a performance of their SPECIALTY CO. ect are Mmes. Cristobal, Valdez, rhythm band and by special songs Chavez, Gallegos, Torres, and Ar­ and speeches. COLFAX AT GARFIELD mijo. Mmes. Armijo and Alir^s Party Given for 75 Girli are chairmen. Another Thanksgiving party Additional planning for the an­ was given for the benefit of 75 nual PTA social is now being made girls from the Queen of Heaven by the ways and means committee, orphanage, sponsored by 25 Den­ Mrs. Vigil and Mrs. F. Gallegos, ver businessmen and instigated by WE LIKE TO FIX RADIOS with Manuel Armijo in charge of Jack Albi of the Albi Western.Dis­ / ~ We Are Happy to Announce That We play service. advertising. Donations for refresh­ Have Taken Over the Bufineit at ^ ments for this event will be taken The girls were firstyjgjj^' by this committee. Dec. 27 is the date for this PTA function. Tickets y be secured from the school ELECTRO PRODUCTS CO. children or PTA members. 2117 E, Center Ave. Under the direction of William Bernard, organist and director for jnt. SP. l'831 the St. Cajetan’s choir for the past while, Where We Will Be Mighty Happy to Serve You 18 '"ars, members are rehearsing mer party the Midnight Mass. This is to in­ e day ended FRANKLIfJ^ ANDERSON JIMMY BAUME clude parts of an original Mass in “of ice cream and honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, anage. written and composed by Mr. Ber' nard for the choir. A new pastor ella of ancient Hispanic origin is also planned for the Misa del Gallo qt St. Cajetan's. A WEDDING TRIP to ^ The Carmelite society and the joyed by Mr. and Mrs. Micjb«|ifl The Holy Name society will receive Communion corporately in the 8:30 couple, married in Our LwJj' ' ^Jltirch, are Mass Sunday, Dec. 14, and will making their home ifl former hold their respective meetings the Miss Mary Palmejg,i«iyj( same day at 2:30 p.m. in the church basement hall. On Dec. 12, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Masses will be celebrated by the parish 13,500<)iYlW lj»lMN NOVENA priests at all three churches, which include Guadalupe and Victory parishes as well as St. Cajetan’s. L ' 'S CHURCH The Very Rev. John OrdinM, > . ra . . I Americas Fine Light Beer' C.R., pastor of St. Cajetan’s.^^1^ ptontt Paruh,! The Rev. Robert Kreutzer, pected home from his E u roff^ 4)^ C.SS.R., announces a special jouvn by Dec. 15. • !^'W^.flre^(ifpTuesday Mother of Christmas ham gapics party for Help novena devotions Monday, Dec. 22, at 8 p.m. in the gain be held at the usual parish hall. Parishioners and irs: At the 8 o'clock Mass and friends are invited to attend. at 3 and 7:30 p.m. Total attend­ PTA Party Dec. 17 ance at the solemn novena was The regular meeting of the PTA approximately 13,500. Some 7,775 was held Tuesday evening, Dec. petitions and thanksgivings were 2. The attendance prize was received during the novena. The awarded the third grade. The com­ Remember the Rev. Vincent McCartan, C.SS.R., mittee for the first Friday break­ who conducted the novena, leaves fast included Mrs. M. Kammer, Thursday evening for Davenport, chairman; and room mothers, la., where he is located at the Re- Mmes. J. J. Werthmann and G. demptorist parish. Koenig. The 7:30 Mass on Sunday will be offered for the members of the Mrs. E. Mooney, grade school in Holy Name society. The regular music teacher, played two. violin meeting is scheduled for Tuesday solos accompanied by Mrs. H. evening after the novcna devo­ Sedlmayer. The grade school girls’ tions. choir, under the direction of Mrs. Monday night the games party ^I^ney, sang Christmas carols, will be held at 8 o’clock in the; P'ans were made for a Christ- parish hall. ' party to be held Dec. 17 in The Very Rev. Harry S. Smith, honor of the Mercy Sisters who C.SS.R.. held a novena at Immacu- in the grade and high schools, late Conception church, St. Louis; Refreshments will be served pre- E R T H E the Rev. Anthony Huber, C.SS.R., party. which will begin one at St. Alphonsus’, New Or- at 3:15. Bunco will be played and leans. La.; and the Rev. Evan prjzes will be given at each table. For tlie greater convenience montkly deposits of tkis amount. Gautreau, C.SS.R., Completed a All membei^ are invited to help M SSIONS novena at Visitation church, aftair a success. ol tke tkousands wko use Wkat a simple way to kave cask wken Kansas City, Mo. Fathers Smith mcinbers of St. Josephs and Gautreau are expected in Den- FTA are invited to attend & re- tkis convenient way to kave you need it and avoid worrisome kills. ver this week ception to be given by the Past S ?:i^3FrH E ARCHDIOCESE Convent Near. Completion Presidents’ club honoring the Rev a prepaid Christmas, we are Work at the sisters’ new home Leyden, supermtendent of opening our Cluk early tkis year. at 568 Galapago street has been Catholic scHm Is, to be held Sunday l l ^^4-0 practically completed. The-sisters afternoon, Dec. 14 from 2 to Just figure tke amount of cask you will soon be able to use the new Knights of Columbus quarters, thereby making it no will want for youi- 1948 Ckristmas COLWOMTIOMIBAIIIK Form of Bequest for longer necessary for the teachers Following the meeting refresh I * * * g EVi:>mXNTH sn u x T a t c h a m p a • d c n v e i to commute between the schools ments were served by Mmes. R. ...divide tkis ky 25 and make twice MEMBER FEDERAl DEPOSIT INSURANCE COCPOtATION Establishment ol and Mercy hospital. Necessary al- Surner, M. Ward, C. Lansville, Iterations and repairs have also and R. Ochs. Funds for Education iW n completed in the rectory. The I new lighting in the high school i is a delight to students and of Priests: LARGE PE Nrw, Gomplrte m SUNDAY MISSAL ■ teachers. | Either All Encliiih. 480 Psgrs or Lfttin»Engtixh. 512 Pagei Large Type IDEAL RELIGIOUS GIFTS NEW FEATURES Ixiwcst Price lAargc,.Typ« Missal Mardi Gras Tour Only Sunday Misaal with eompleU Improved Art Board .39 For the Entire Family pulpit text of all EpUtIcs and Binding, Red Edges ...... / G o spels. Dnro-I./eather. De Luxe, ■eW Only Sunday Missa! with new Cate­ AVAILABLE AT 2 Ribbona 1.20 I Leaves on Feb. 6 ; chism drawn from each day’s Masf Only Sunday Missal with full*pn.


' i ] Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE SEVENTEEN

ST. MARY'S ALTAR UNIT TO MEET Colorado l^prings llitdeton Society Missals in Pews COMPLY WITH THE NEW IN COLORADO SPRINGS ON DEC. 12 COLORADO FINANCIAL Conducts meeting Colorado Springs.— St. Mary’s for the winter. After the holidays At Rifle, Meeker Altar society will meet Friday, Dr. and Mrs. McCrossin will spend Dec. 12, at 16% W. Bridge street. some time in Florida. RESPONSIBILITY LAW Littleton. — The monthly meet- Preceding the regular meeting the The Catholic Study club No. 2 Rifle. — My Sunday Missal Is inf^ of St. Mary’s Altar and Rosary Rosary will be recited in St. meets Thursday, Dec. 11, at the being placed in the churches at society was held Dec. 4 in the par­ Mary’s church at 1:45 p.m. home of Mrs. Stephen Boyko, Rifle and Meeker for use by pa­ 6.40 ish rectory. A large group of Monday evening at 8 o’clock, 1025 E. Boulder street. The dis­ rishioners during Mass, the Rev. Bodily Injury and Property women was present for the meet­ the Rev. Michael Kavanagh will cussion will be led by Mrs. Mary Paul J. Reed, pastor, announced. * 8 ing, at which Mrs. L. E. Stone conduct the discussion class in St. Hill. Mass was celebrated in both and Mrs. Jesse E. Nicholas acted Mary’s school assembly hall. Miii Pattnga Elected Rifle and Meeker on the Feast of Damage Insurance Denver as hostesses. The closing of the Forty Hours’ The newly organized Colorado the Immaculate Conception. Current Six The members of the Altar and devotion held in St. Mary’s church Sprinprs Society of Medical Tech­ $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 Month* Rate Rosary society, with the women The Rev. Clarence Kessler, pas­ took place at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. nologists at the first meeting held tor of St. Stephen’s church at (8*tisf1«« Toar leraJ reoalrtaitAU.) Lifetime mem­ of the parish, received Holy Com­ 7. Dec. 4 elected Miss Margpierite bership fee munion in a body in the 8 o’clock Glenwood Springs, was the guest Visiting in Alabama Patinga president; Sister Marie speaker at the Holy Hour closing $5.00 — paid Mass Dec. 7. Next Sunday, Dec. Charles and Ruth Guthrie, vice Over 500 district and claims offices to Dr. and Mrs. W. P. McCrossin thie Thirteen ■ ' ■Hours’ ■ service - at St. once only. 14, the Holy Name society, together presidents; Sister M. Cypriana, serve you. Farmers is rated A-plus— C D. O’Brira COMPLIMENTS OP plan to spend Christmas and New Mary’s church Sunday. with the men and boys of the par­ secretary; and Charlotte Lewis, (excellent) by Best’s (the accepted authority on insur­ OLSON & BENBOW ish, will receive Holy Communion Year’s with Mrs. McCrossin’s treasurer. The officers will be The service began with Mass PERKINS-SHEARER in a body in the 8 o’clock Mass. mother, Mrs. W. H. Hassinger. installed the nejrt. meeting of the and a solemn procession at 8 a.m. ance companies). PLBG. & HTG. CO. The Ave Maria circle of the Their daughter. Miss Virginia organization on Jan. 1 at St. Fran­ The hours of adoration were divid­ Archbishop’s guild met Dec. 2, with McCrossin, is the guest of her ed among the parishioners. JACK E. HALL AL. 0466 1U2 No. Tejon 116 North Weber Su cis’ hospital. Meetings are sched­ Mrs. Wayne Duckworth as host­ grandmother in Birmingham, Ala., uled for the first Thursday of The contest on the cedar chest COLORADO BPRINR8’ Tei. Main 3066 ess for the meeting in her home on each month at the various hos­ filled with linens is proceeding 425 Temple Court Bldg. SMARTEST STOKE North Sherman avenue. The eve­ pitals. well, Mrs. Mike Brennan, presi­ 628 Fifteenth Street n ning was spent in sewing church Meeting Conducted C. D. of A. Name Secretary dent of the Altar and Rosary so­ Store for Men linens, and members also brought Thursday evening at 8 p.m. the ciety, reports. (Over Home Public Market) Boys Shop tC-l flM their contributions for the baby regular meeting of the CathoHc Contributions of linens have U tl'l J ID LUI'I u layette. Among those present were By Meeker Society Daughters of America, Court St. been received from many members Women’s Casual Shop Mmes. Robert Koran, L. King Ger- Mary 513, was held at the DAY of the parish and additional con­ QTlolors Sn tig, Louis Higgins, John Huls, Meeker.—A special meeting of hall, 125% S. Tejon street. At tributions are expected. FARMER^; ♦‘HI-TEEN” SHOP Henry Huls, Turley Angle, Robert the Holy Family Altar and Rosary the November meeting Mrs. Rose Mrs. Robert Collins and daugh­ Ritchlin, and Howard Kinkel; and rOR GIRLS 11 TO It SALES SERVICE^ society was held recently in the Waddell was elected financial sec­ ter, Sandra, are spending a few AUTOMOBILE A. Misses Catharine Maloney and home of Mrs. John Murray. retary. Members are requested to days with Mrs. Collins' parents, Gloria Cecchin. It is planned that The president, Pauline Sheridan, send dues to her at 1017 E, Dale Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cook. The INSURANCE THE MUST BEAUTIFUL the next meeting of the Ave Maria street. DINING ROOM IN THE CITTI called the meeting to order. Ten Collins home is in Minturn. HEIDELBERG’S circle will be held on Thursday eve­ members responded to roll call. Mrs. Mary McIntyre returned Miss Johanna Flanagan spent ning, Dec. 18, in the home of Mrs. Mrs. Ambrose Oldland volun­ last week from Long Beach, Calif., last week end visiting friends and CLOTHING RUTH’S OVEN L. King Gertig. At that time the teered to furnish all the paint and where she attended the funeral of relatives in Denver. MOST DISTTNCnVB COFFEE SHOP annual Christmas party will be varnish necessary to redecorate Mrs. Della Zimmerman-Hillerman. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bierschied and M«n’« Fumithingt FINE PASTRIES held. the church. This made it possible Felix Schmitt Die* family and Jackie Weaver, all of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conrad and ORDER COAL NOW 10 NORTH TEJON ST. 220 No. Tejon Si. to have the church painted and.^he Felix G. Schmitt, 4 McKinley Fruita, spent Thanksgiving at the their young son were recent woodwork varnished. It was not place, died Dec. 2 at a local hos­ Pete Bierschied ranch near Ant­ visitors at the home of his parents, possible to have the floor refinished pital. Born Nov. 1, 1895, in Du­ lers. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Conrad, in at this time. buque, la., he was a member of The Quirino Madonna family. VIe Recommend '•*NK MORRISSEY Louviers. The former are now re­ St. Mary’s parish. He is survived Anvil Poiijts, has returned ’from siding in Wray. A letter was read from Father May Realty Co. Paul Reed approving the project. by his mother, Mrs. Catherine Denver. PINNACLE - WADGE • Sperio/ Mrs. Anna Brooks left by train Schmitt; a daughter, Janaan; a Mr. and Mrs. John Steele, Anvil Dec. 9 for Casper, Wyo., where Mrs. Alice Cunningham stated SPRING SERVICE that she would contact the former son, Gerald: three sisters, Mrs. Points, were dinner guests at the HARRIS-BLACK WALNUT she will visit in the home of her Sophie Moore, Colorado Springs; W. A. Hardesty home Saturday. Cars — Trucks son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and members of the choir and with the REALTOR addition of the new members, Mrs. George Myers, Dubuque, la.; Father Reed has been invited *to IN BITUMINOUS COALS 7 W. Cuchorras Mrs. • John Brooks. Mrs. /Brooks and Mrs. John Hines^ Teosta, la.; become a member of the Rifle will remain in Casper until Sun­ should make it possible to have C O ^ A l , PIKEVIEW COAL INSURANCE music in the near future. and two brothers, Alfred J. Lions’ club. day, Dec. 14, and while there will Schmitt, Los Angeles, and Peter ► The December meeting of the so­ Recent Baptisms in the parish DENVER’S CLEA.NEST LIGNITE act as baptismal sponsor for her J. Schmitt. Star City, Canada. A LOANS “ 1/ VouT ISeedM Are Electrical ciety will be at the home of Pauline include those of: MA. 6181 grandchild. Miss Marcia Ann Requiem High Mass was offered NO SOOT— NO CLINKERS Can Main 939” Sheridan. Election of officers will Margaret Ann Carroll, daughter Brooks, who was born Nov. 6. Dec. 4. Interment was in Dubuque, WIRING-FIXTURES AND REPAIRS be held. of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Carroll, All Grades of Stoker and Steam Coals E. Pikes Peak David Robert Norman, infant la. Meeker, with Mr. and Mrs. William Ave. Berwick Electric Go. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nor­ Members of the society held the The December meeting of the Murray, sponsors; man, was baptized by Father Fred­ previous meeting in the home of •Mtar society of the Pauline Franklin Eugene Colescott, son Colorado Sprinj^s J. D. BERWICK erick McCaliin Nov. .30. Spon.sors Mrs. Ambrose Oldland. PIKES PEAK FUEL Colortdo Spiingt, Colormd# chapel, Broadmoor, was held in the of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Colescott, were Ella Norman and Frank Nor­ Nineteen members answered to home of Mrs. John Haney, 4 Holly Rangely, with William H. Huber man. roll call. avenue. and Mrs. Lorraine Jeffries, spon­ 635 Curtis St. Phone MA 6181 Mrs. Gilbert Chavez, Mrs. Sam Father Reed reported that all the Miss Wilma Carney, a senior sors; /n “ 47” Save ffith Safety Chavez, Jr., and Miss Doris Sum WILLIAM G. CHARON OFFICE MAIN 41SI—RES. MAIN 6171 school age children whose names at Scripps college, Claremont, Ethel Johanna Pontius, daugh­ mers were hostesses at a surprise he had received would be sent the Calif., will come by plane Dec. 22 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pon­ Optometrist M. E. MeCARTY stork shower honoring Mrs. Nick Catholic Messenger, and a paper to spend the holidays with her par­ tius, Grand Valley, with Mr. and Trujillo in the Chavez home at ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Car­ Mrs. Paul Nolte, sponsors. ^ i n North Tejon St. LOANS — REAL ESTATE — BONDS for the younger children. Our 506 S. Nevada avenue Nov. 30. Little Messenger, would be dis­ ney. Miss Carney will be accom­ Officers for the coming year FIRE — INSURANCE — AUTO AURORA PHONE MAIN SC» Approximately 20 guests were tributed. panied by her roommate, Miss were elected at a meeting of the COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. 9 Vi W. Tejon present for this event honoring . Father Reed said that Mr. Gal­ Mary Regan of Lewiston, Me. Meeker Altar and Rosary society Mrs. Trujillo, who is the former Mrs. Louis Curtis will be host­ Friday. Miss Alice Chavez. lagher had been asked to take charge of the new oil furnace and ess Saturday to members of the The new officers are Mrs. Pauline Better Iniurance Choir Practice Set FAMILY SHOE STORE ENTERPRISE TENT to be responsible for heating the Kensington club at a 1 o’clock Sheridan, president; Mrs. Law­ JOHNSON’S CORNER Lower Rate! St. Cecilia’s choir will practice luncheon. A Christmas program rence Gallagher, vice president; CEO. B. PAUL. Prop. every Sunday after the 10 o’clock church whenever necessary. / is being prepared by Miss Jose­ Mrs. Elizabeth Amick, secretary; X-Ray Fitting AND AWNING GG. Mass until after Christmas, with A Sunday school was discussed TEXACO PRODUCTS and Father Reed stated that he phine Nordell. and Mrs. William Murray, treas­ Curtis Ho Ingram 123 South Nevada Avenue the exception of the third Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Lane will urer. SHOES AND HOSIERY FOR Repairing - Batteries - Services of the month, when the children re­ would a.ssist in teaching and or­ AU. 533 Colfax Ava. DIST. MGR. PH. 1264 be host.s at a dinner Sunday night Approximately 15 members at­ ceive Holy Communion in a body in ganizing one. e n t ir e ; f a m i l y H Mil* Weat of Fitxaimona MAin 5640 752 E. Pikes Peak STORE AWNINGS NOW Some as.sistance was asked at 7 o’clock to members of their tended the meeting. It was voted the 8 o’clock Mass. Mrs. Harold birthday club. to make a donation from the society V. Craig, director of the choir, in keeping the surplices and linens Get Baur’ » (o f D e n v e ^ cleaned and pressed. Miss Roberta McFayden will funds to the Community Chest. asks that all members and girls leave Saturday for Chicago, where Plans were made also for dec­ NIEW FASHION The firms listed here de­ Candy and Ice Cream at FOOTWEAB who are interested in becoming Father Reed read an amusing article entitled "Madonnas of the she will be a bridesmaid in a orating the church for Midnight Cleaners & Dyers serve to be remembered 55 Year$ of Quality members of St. Cecilia’s choir be wedding of a former Northwestern Mass on Christmas. Mrs. Alice present at the practices. Mop,” which gave a true picture of when you are distributing Johnson-English the difficulties involved when the classmate. Miss Louise Jansa, who Cunningham will be in charge of JOBS R. JOHNSON I ALSO BOSIERT AND BAGS The Junior Newman club in St. women all gather to clean the will man-y William Balinnan. Miss music for the Midnight Mass. om rt Plant your patronage in the dif­ 1 Mary’s parish will meet Monday The interior of the church at Drug Go. church. Jansa has been a frequent visitor SPruc* 0079 19031 .E«*t Colfax ferent lines of business. ■» ; I The Yorhes Shoe Go. evening, Dec. 15, in the parish rec­ in the home of Miss McFaydert. Meeker is being redecorated. Mr. 630 E. Alamtda A n. Aurora 83 I LENTUERIC Tolletrie. tory. Father McCallin will hold The hostess served refreshments / Tejon ot Bljon SL Phono 1400 and everyone had a most enjoyable The Newcomers’ club will have and Mrs. Ambrose Oldland are separate meetings for the boys and a 7 o’clock dinner Saturday at furnishing the paint for the work. V , PETE BEROl^il girls at that time. The girls will ^'"ciiests were Mrs. Rummelhart of home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cost of decorating is being borne 61ST YEAR meet with him at 7 p.m., and the Delaney. by the Altar and Rosary society. FTRJVITURE SHOP boys will meet with him at 8 p.m. Rifle, Mrs. W. T. Hollenbaugh, Bulova & Gruen and Mrs. W. T. Hollenbaugh. Jr.; A guest who will arrive in Colo­ Christmas Midnight Ma.ss will UPHOLSTERING. Miss Remigia Whitmore^ daugh­ also be celebrated in Rifle. Christ­ GAMBLE’S RE-UPHOLSTERING AND Watches ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitmore, and Mrs. Reed of Manchester, N. rado Springs the first of next REPAIRING H., who was visiting her son, Fa­ week is Mrs. Jerome Gordon of mas hymns will be sung by the Slip Coven and Draperies opened the new Whitmore Beauty choir under the direction of R. W. Uada to Oroer k a p e l k e :^ shop in her home at 155 Harrison ther Reed, at this time. Palo -\lto. Calif. The former Isa­ bel Evans, she will visit her par­ Cook. Mrs. Cook is organist. Furniture Made to Order 9 S. TEJON avenue. Her associate in this busi­ HEAR THE IVEW 7 ^ 8. Caacada Ave. Slain 6109 ness will be Mrs. Morine Warfield. ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Evans. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen en­ Confirmation Set COUNCIL OF NURSES R CA VICTOR tertained at a dinner on Thanks­ CONDUCTS SOCIAL rK :0 12 1-i The Murray Drug Go. The Heyse Sheet giving day. Their guests, in addi­ The Council of Catholic Nurses IBetal and Roofing tion to family members, were Mrs. Sunday in Roggen held a Christmas party in the Hottest Number In Town E. V. "TED" MURPHY "Superior Service Stores" INCORPORATED Sidney Phillips and her two chil­ Glockner-Penrose hospital Dec. 8. HEATING ROOFING Mrs. Ruth Kehoe, who has been Main Store Phone Mniij 144 dren, Lillian and Robin, and Mrs. Rojjfgen. — The Sacred Heart ORDER SHEET METAL Phillips’ sister, Mrs. Barbara Bell. chairman of the committee for Em. 25J3 or Au-9 Main Btora — 16 North Tejon St. 219 Norih Weber Street Altar and Rosary society met at Phone; Main 552 Charles McAllister, son of Mr. special attention to sick members, North Store — 831 North Tajon St the home of Mrs. John Buchholz, Eat 1888 and Mrs. Evan M. McAllister, is with Mrs. Ben Linnebur as co­ is moving to Gulman, Colo., where her husband will be associated COAL home from the marine corps. The hostess. The fall festival com­ PUTNErS McAllister family resides on South mittee handed in a satisfactory re­ with the hospital. Captain Kehoe CHURCH GOODS Santa Fe drive, has just been released from the HEADQUARTERS port for that event. Plans were NOW IIO.ME — SUPPLY Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Unrein and made at this meeting in prepar­ army at Camp Carson. (Formerly Kathrens) LARGE STOCK OF RELIGIOUS fami)y, who reside in. Sterling, Lida McKenna, secretary of the Better to Be Safe and Warm GIFTS AND GREETING CARDS ation for Confirmation, which will HARDWARE PAINT were recent visitor| in the home be held on Sunday afternoon, Dec. •ACCN. visited her family in Than Cold and Sorry of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Snahn Breckenridge recently. Miss Mc­ ROOFING THE WIGWAM 14, at 2:30 p.m., for 14 children. 9735 E. Colfix Av«. Aurora 249 on Datura avenue. Mr. Unrein is At this meeting the society also Kenna, besides carrying on her du­ PROMPT DELIVERY ins E. PIKE.S PEAK AVE. a nephew of Mrs, Spahn, ties at Glockner-Penrose, is a stu­ AURORA DRUG AURORA* COLORADO voted to purchase a vacuum SERVICE Seoi W McBride AO 213 The senior choir of St. Mary’s cleaner for cleaning church rugs dent in aeronautics at the Pine parish sang at a High Mass Dec. and draperies. After the business Valley airport. The li.<5ted here de­ 7 at 8 o’clock. Miss Catharine Ma­ meeting, refreshments were served, Miss Olivia McColl, who left Rugby Coal Co. PURSE BROS. loney directed, with Mrs. Robert Colorado Springs in August, has serve to be remembered and the guests also enjoyed a wire I.G.A. SHANGHAI CAFE Ritchlin at the organ. recording of the Buchholz brothers’ enrolled at the College of Mt. St. Joseph-on-the-Ohio, where she will 1144 Fifth St. when you are distributing quartet, singing “ Silent Night” GROCERY & MARKET .4uroro’t Finest Cafe major in science. your patronage in the dif­ St. Joseph's Guild Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Erker and GBOCEBies — MEATS — FKUIT8 AMERICAN uid CHINESE FOODS the four youngest children re­ t VEGRTABLES A U. 1143 9746 Ea. Colfax ferent lines of business. VILLAGE INN turned Wednesday evening from ' 9702 Baal Colfax Ave. Ph. Aorora 222 To Meet on Dec. 13 their trip to Kansas. Harlan, Jean, St. Joseph’s guild will meet and Gary were staying at the at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13, home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward in St. Francis de Sales’ con­ Erker, so as not to miss any school. vent. 301 S. Grant, Denver. Raymond Pelz is now showing W H u ltlm hy)VEL§»lEH Members are reminded that the home movies that he took at AURORA HONE PUBUC MKT. the annual pantry shelf party the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. for the St. Joseph Sisters will Gerald Sigg. PARK FREE Joe Bucci, Mgr. & Opr. AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR THE be held at this time. Hostesses Mr. and Mrs. Matt Pelz drove for the meeting will be Mmes. over to see tier parents, Mr. and AIRLINES AND STEAMSHIP LINES E. B. Daly, Mary Halter. E. Mrs. Ben Linnebur, Thursday eve­ Cummings, George Eppich, B. J. O’LEARY, Manager ning. MOREY SHARP PRESENTS and Arthur Wren. Mr. and Mrs. George Sigg were •PICIAL ATTENTION TO CLERGY AND RELIGIOUS in Greeley Tuesday and in Denver Fort t'ollin.^ Wednesday on business. ■”* Smiley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pelz and Danny, David, and Jimmie enter­ Macom tained the Miles Milan family with and the VISITORS ARE ALWAYS home movies and refreshments WELCOME AT Sunday evening. Western Alfred and James Linnebur left SHINN’S PHARMACY Monday on a vacation trip to RELIGIOUS MEDALS Playboys NORTHERN HOTEL COR. Detroit Sterling silver 2.25 to 8.50 IN PERSON Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Dyess were PH. 92 F t.^ ollin . n A.M. to shopping in Denver Wednesday, lli30 A.M. Mrs. Michael P. Rau is home EVERY In ft. Colltns again after a week in Denver. She SATURDAY on Hiwayt 87 and t87 expects to go back later for a OVER further check-up. KFEL DREILING MOTORS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchholz ON Bnick and G.M.C. visited the Benedictine Sisters near “MARKET Boulder a week ago. They took SpecialitU sdme things for the sisters to send QUIZ” Salei and Expart back to 'Bavaria, where many IN THE MKT. "REAL SAVINGS HARMONY^ Reynolds Aluminum ' Service members of their order still live SURPRISES under trying conditions. The sis­ GALORE Let Us Poreelatnvce Your Car ters here make real sacrifices in Bodies and Trailers Telephone 626 ‘ “ tailored” To Your Needs order to help those in need. STOP AND SHOP NO. 2 ALL SIZES '■1; ■ IMMEDIATE BENNY NA88EH, Owntr DELIVERY — A-G— Now— 7540 E. COLFAX— DENVER “ IF YOU SEE RUST, Two Store* to itfi ' , i' •' IT’S NOT ALUMINUM" Serve You AURORA HOME P U B li; MKT.


h 1 /

PAGE EIGHTEEN Office. 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 11, 1947 Brighton Servers Sister Mary Alma Marks Edgewater Children | H B ^nun & 16 mm Movie Film Rental Library' HOUflEHf AKER'S I Closing Out New Stock DEPAKTHIENT Invested at Rites Procticing Music Brighton.— The solemn investi- 50th Jubilee in Religion (St. Mary Magdalene’s Parish, of I’6 mm and 8 mm Home Movie Film Subjects] Edgewater) I iure ceremony for the Knights of (St. Mary’s Academy, Denver) the Jubilee Mass, addressing con­ Patronize Theae Reliable and Friendly Pinna e Altar was held in St. Augus­ The children of the parish, S: gratulations to Sister Alma, spoke tine’s church on the Feast of the On the Feast of the Immaculate under the direction of Mrs. Opal Conception, the golden jubilee of of the pearl of great price which Bumgarner, are preparing Chnst- I AT V z OFF Immaculate Conception, Dec. 8. Sister Mai^ Alma Carroll was she has treasured so faithfully as THE ACE PAINTIAG Twenty boys were invested in the mas music. A practice willn be held celebrated by the community of she participated in the teaching in the church Saturday at 3 p.m. CONTRACTORS, Ine. cassock and surplice and received and domestic works of her com­ McVeigh Company certificates, and six beginners S t Ma.'y’s academy, of which Sis­ The Senior choir, under the di­ BARNARD FURNITURE BTEPHiCN U 8C B A r» Prepi ter Mary Alma is a member. The munity, and he asked, “ Who of us rection of Mrs. Mary B. Hoare, I made the pledge of the Knights PAINTING ANU M-MURTnrS PAINTS A Rev. John B. Ebel, who offered can estimate the value of those 50 will sing at the Midnight Mass. g 4 0 4 0 Tejon Ph. G L I796I UECORATING VARNISHKS of the Altar and received certifi­ golden years, and who can know cates. Mrs.■■ . LeonaLeo Lo^ue■ also will as­ CONTRACTORS WALX PAPKR - KBMTONK the sacrifices and achievements, ■■PHONOGRAPH RECORDS! Ktm KcUautw Those who were invested were sist with the music at the Masses 1328 Inca K£. 0718 Slides of Madonnas the joys and sorrows of all those on Christmas day. 1934 So. Broadway PE. 0265 Ronald Starbuck, Steve Gallegos, years?” Harlan Schmidt, Vernon Wind- Daily Masses during Advent are -C A R L J. • holz, Leby Sandoval, Fred Peter­ Sister Mary Alma comes froth offered at 6:30 and 7:30. Devo­ Johns-Manville ROIJI^II son, Leo Schumacher, Stephen Shown Newmanites a family which has given a number tions in honor of the Sacred Heart Pocsic, Michael Smi^, Bobby of priests and sisters to the serv­ are held on Friday evenings at Refrigeration Service STROHMINGER Baca, Herbert Masters, Arthur Boulder— Professor Francis ice of God, some now deceased 7:30. and others still living in Michigan, The members of the Altar so­ Household & Commerrial Aragon, Artie Sandoval, Wilfred Geek of the fine arts department ROOFS Electrical Contracting Illinois, and elsewhere in the Mid­ ciety will seek donations for flow­ Ueeiuwl lUid bonded la Citr ol Deaetr Baca, Arthur Naranjo, George showed slides of Italian paintings Guaranteed Service Maes, Fred Baldwin, Bert Star- west. The daughter of Peter M. ers for the Feast of Christmas For any type Home or Building 817 14th S t buck, Charles Brown, and Tony related to the Christmas season at Carroll and Jane Fox Carroll, both after the MassSs on Sunday, KE. 1657 848 B’dwy. Bag IIS W Dec. 21. Sandoval. the regular meeting of the Univer­ natives of Canada, Mary Eliz­ AND Dennis Starbuck, Romie Saks, abeth Carroll was born in A Christmas treat for the chil­ sity of Colorado Newman club on dren of the parish will be ar­ John Kalcevic, Carmen Sandoval, Sunday, Dec. 7. The painters Chicago, 111., in 1875. When she Doroteo Maes, and David Naranjo was four years old, the family ranged by the Altar society at its ranged from primitives through monthly meeting and luncheon SLETTEN CABINETS received certificates. the late Renaissance period. Mr. moved to Denver, where Mr. Car- HOME INSULATION The ceremony closed with Bene­ roll for many years held positions Thursday, Dec. 11. Mmes. Syas, D. P. SLETTEN. Owner Geek concluded the show with a Thibault, Weiland, Stevens, and Home Cablnete and Cuetom-BuUt PumHnrt diction of the Most Blessed Sac­ number of Raphael Madonnas that as railroad contractor for the For h’ree PLCNRING Rock Island and other railroad sys­ Grant will serve the luncheon. Coll KE. 5236 Estimates W* Speciallxe In Store Fixturea rament. are seen very rarely because they Emergener fEork tc StrrliM Archbifhop to Officiate are in private collections. Mr. and tems. Mary attended school at THE BEST UN LUGGAGE Phone t Bnc. Ittl-N B 4111 So. Weekintten Mrs. Geek were given honorary St. Elizabeth’s school and Lo­ STt- Of All Kinds 1163 WKLTON TA. 44M All the men and boys of the retto Heights academy, from parish are invited to attend the memberships in the Newman club. R. H. Kimball Co. Ea.y Term. During the business meeting it which she was graduated in June, No Down NEW SERVICE— Communion Mass at 8 o’clock, was announced that the Inter­ 1897. In September of that year, A* Payment Repairing of Oriental Rage Sunday, Dec. 14, to be celebrated 419 Midland Saving. Bldg. NDERSO mountain Province of the Newman she entered the novitiate of the Required By a Meetei Crafteman by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. Clubs had been chosen as the meet­ Sisters of Loretto at Loretto, Ky., TRU(HK Denver, Colo. RUG CLEANING Tickets are on sale for the ing place for the national conven­ receiving the garb and the name. GCO moth proofed end biiorcd breakfast to be served by the EsL 187S _Jahii.-ManTllle Princhistd Applicator.. Interior - Exterior Painting tion of Newman Clubs in the sum­ Sister Mary Alma, Dec. 8. Com­ KB 30 7A Altar and Rosary society in the 1(44 BVoy. MacCRACKEN Phone CH. 6581 mer of 1948. Marian Vogel of pleting the two-year novitiate, Sis­ SuecMson to Vaodarpool parish hall immediately after the 7S7 Uncohi CH. 6ST7 Denver 6, Colorado Boulder was elected to the post of ter Alma was missioned to St. Mass. Mrs.. John Inik is in club historian. Mary of Loretto, Montgomery, 1042-44 Santa Fe Drive charge of the kitchen, and Mrs. Edwin R. Clavton FIREPLACE Buffet Supper Held AldT, where she tought for two T. J. Luttrell is in charge of the and a half years. The remainder Plbg. & Ht£. Co. A buffet supper was held at jdining room. of her 50 years have been spent in 1618 UfAYETTF; ST. Many non-Catholic men, profes­ Newman house from 5 to 7 p.m., FIXTURES Colorado, at St. Mary’s ir, Colo­ DENVER. t'Ol.llRADO sional and business, have been in­ Sunday, Dec. 7, for all club mem­ rado Springs; St. Peter’s, Greeley; Gas and Electric Logs vited to be the guests of the Holy bers. The meat loaf, salad, and MA. 2310 Holy Family school, and St. Mary’s Res. Phone - EAst (29S I543LARIMER* Alpine 3422 Name society for both the Mass other accessories were prepared academy, Denver. Cortain and Flex Serrena. Gratea. And- and the breakfast. and served by Shirley Origer, Mary Iruni and Flrt Seta, in all flniahta.. Louise Wise Elected Queen's Teen The Altar and Rosary society Ann Pleasants, Marie McGee, Tile and marble for all uaet. _____ S t im t f k t held its annual Christmas party Jackie Brakhage, Rose Bessol, and Friday, Dec. 5, Louise Wise was Bacon & Schramm I and meeting in the parish hall on Marian Brennan. awarded the traditional gold and Heatilalor Fireplaces Dec. 11. Mrs. A. A. Kipp pre­ blue pin as Queen’s Teen of this COMPOSITION ROOFING The Newmanite choir of 50 month. It was awarded her for sided at the business meeting. Mrs. voices sang at the annual memorial TILE ROOFING DEWER MARBLE & TILE CO. , outstanding merit by a vote of th / “ Since We Installed a Fred Starbuck was installed as service of the Boulder Elks Thurs­ ROOF REPAIRING 1330 Stout Est. 1891 Phone MA. lAR* the president for the coming year. day, Dec. 4. The choir made its the girls and the faculty. Louise Barber Gas Conversion is a senior, active in work for the Mrs. W. E. Shull, Mrs. Joseph Mat­ dehut at Mt. St. Gertrude’s acad­ 4020 Rrightnn Bird. CH. 6563 sodality, friendly, and considerate Burner” thews, "Mrs. Adam Kreutzer, and emy, singing the 10 o’clock Mass of the others in the school. Gae Furnacee • Gai Floor Furnaces Washing Machine Mrs. John Marino were installed Sunday, Dec. 7. Stove an«l Furnace Parts Even Good Equipment Must Be Installed Properly as vice president, secretary, treas­ The Newman club held a dance Monday, Dec. 8, Father Daniel All With AUTOMATIC CONTROLS A. Lord, S.J., spoke at the Sodal­ Still Available ImmediaU InaUllation — Frt« Eatimat* urer, and corresponding secretary, at Sacred Heart school Friday, Enjoy the controlled, comfort­ Repairing respectively. Dec. 5. Approximately 50 members ity union convention. Attending GAS FURNACES'' from St. Mary’s were Catherine able warmth prpvided by a UNITED HEATING & Discussion Club Meets and guests from Loretto Heights COLUMBIA Nutipe Conversion The St. Augustine Discussion and Regis colleges competed for Morroni, Patsy McCormick, Betty The Geo. A. Pollen 22 Years Experience Murray, Beverly Murray, Marlene G.AS BURNER. .Minneapolls- club met in the home of Mr. and the prizes that were given for Company Honeywell controls; 26 yeairs AIR CONDITIONING CO. Freudenstein, Betty Little, Mary CH 5S11 1326 Urimar Bt V'ORK GUARANTEED Mrs, Eugene Beals on Friday, Dec. the right answers to a tune quiz. 1333 Lawr«nc« Street experience devoted exclusively Braven, Kay Booth, Annabelle TABOR 1321 DENVER. COLO. Llften to Our Radio Procrataa 5. Basketball teams for both men to the manufacture of finest gas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthews and women are being organized to Monaghan, Shirley McNamara, burners; quiet operation, low • P. M.e KMYR ------1:65 P. KFEL Jean Shea, Marlene McCabe, Do­ Bob's Appliance were hosts to the St. Thomas Aqui­ play in university intramurals dur­ cost. i nas club in their home on Sunday, ing the winter quarter. The New­ lores Kavan, Dorothy Hansen, Au­ The firma Mated bore daaerva to Warm Air and Square Type Dec. 7. man choir will sing Christmas drey Fitzsimmons, Yvonne Bot- Draperies be remembered when jrou are dit* GR. 0159 tone, and Eileen Lawless. tributing your patronage to the dif- The annual novena in prepara­ carols on University Hill Friday Boiler In.tailed for $195-00 feroDt linea ol buaintaa. We alio buy washing machines tion for the Feast of the Nativity evening. Dee. 12. The junior mission project, I of All Types will begin Tuesday evening, Dec. which was scheduled to be held ! For Homes, Cburclies, FURNACES 16, at 7:45 and will continue every Dec. 11, has been po.stponed until I Schools, Theaters, Etc. GAS DEL PATRICK HEATING after the Christmas holidays. SAi\Ull%G AJVD evening at this time until Christ I W . SpecUHi. In GRAVITY mas. All are urged to make this HNS in Westwood Marlene McCabe entertained a FLOOR REFINISHINIG FORCED AIR novena. few of her friends in her home PADDING KNEEliRS AND SHEET METAL FREE ESTIMATES - EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Saturday night. Attending were j Immediate Conducts Meeting ! for Churchei Throoghont Colorado In.tallation 200 B'way PEarl 7862 CERJVICH Floor Sanding & Refiniahing Co. I Mary Mulcahy, Beverly Murray, Society in Keenesburg Ruth Ann Kennebeck, Shirley TERMS ^ FREE ESTIMATE 645 a SHERMAN SP 7QB9 (St. Anthony’s Parish, Westwood) Witaschek Drapery Co. McNamara, Jean Shea, Betty Mur­ I 24(3 B m n t SL, DrnT.r Assists War Orphans A Holy Name meeting was held ray, Lou Ann Eakins, and Rosie Dec. 10 in the home of Leo Murphy. j Phones GK. 3488 and GR. 0320 DLFFICY AIYD SOIYS Keenesburg.— The Holy Family Schuster. The group will receive lllinf.---?J>.l;.'-.i'Ullllll“'-. SHEET IRETAL ANiD IRON WORKS Altar and Rosary society met Communion in a group in the 7 St. Mary’s is .sponsoring two iiiiiiis^^as iiiiii Thursday at the home of Mrs. o’clock Mass on Sunday, Dec. 14. drives for the missions here at 2810 W. SEVERN PLACE home and abroad. The classes are James Bmak. A new member, Mrs. On Sunday, Dec. 14, the Altar N O SP ITAl /Vote Offer for Immediate Delivery Ralph Souters, attended this meet­ now bringing in dolls for the. poor and Rosary society will hold a bake families here in town and money AlUr Ri^ttinn. Ornemrntel Iron Pnlptu. PUygroond Eimipattnl. reneee, Steel Windewt ing; also welcomed were Mrs. sale and needlework isale after the EQUiPM E U t i n e t m OuLeideWelding Our Specialty. CH. 8 6 5 * Ralph Strong and Mrs. Sadie to buy CARE packages for the 9 and 11 o’clock Masses in the .poor families in Europe. Knox, honorary members of the lobby of the oAeroplane ballroom. society who live in Denver. The honor roll for the first All the women of the parish are quarter has been announced as Hospital - - • Institutional Specializing in Quality Plumbing and At this meeting the society asked to donate some bake goods. IK&ILFAFE&S packed a big box of clothing, toys, follows: Seniors— Joanne Little Wheel Chairs • Dish Trucks Mrs. Margo Padillo announces and -Ann Freiburger; juniors— Heating Repairs and goodies to be sent to the nine the birth of a boy in St. Anthony’s Wheel Stretchers # Tray PATTERNS TO MEET EVERY NEED war orphans who are being cared hospital. Yvonne Bottone, Dobres Kavan, Truck.- a Inhalators Eileen Lawless, Mary Alice Alten- Instrument Tables for by the Society of Christ Our William Christian Jamsen, Jr., King in Danville, Va. These little dorf, and Rose Starf; sophomores Electric Food Conveyors SLATTERY & COMPANY son of Mr. and Mrs. William Chris­ — Carol McGee and Mary Kay Casters • Industrial Trucks girls, between the ages or six and tian Jamsen, Sr., of 3121 W. Vir­ eleven, were brought over from Cunningham; freshmen— Jo Anne I4K COURT PI. PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTiDRS ginia, was baptized Dec. 4. Spon­ Elliott, Helen Crisman, Marian ARMSTRONG JOHN J. CONNOR, President Italy recently, and are completely sors were James and Jane New. TA.ins ROBERT F. CONNOR. Vice Pretldenl dependent upon the sisters and Scherer, Lora Lee Andrews, Con­ CASTER CO. Baptized this week will be Dale nie Smith, and Kathleen Lignan. 1726 .MARKET STREET PHONE MAIN 7127 or 7128 friends of the order. 828 I4T11 ST. Brown and Mrs. Gladys Sartnar Friday night. Dec. 12, the and daughter. Bernard Sartnar Mothers’ club will sponsor a JJarty TAbor 4692 M c G L ' I K K will be sponsor fos Dale Brown at which a console radio-phono­ and Patricia Snyder will be spon­ graph combination will be on Moving - Storage sor for Mrs. Gladys Sartnar and display. Express daughter. As a gift to their parents, the, TERMITES Like to Paint? _ A meeting was held on Monday grade .school children are present­ Are Hidden Enemies and May Be DcMroying Your Home oir L o tD Rates night in Presentation church to ing Otis Carrington's The Shep­ Properly Right .Now, iv ^ in r H I "i'- COLOR from the KF. 6425 2149 Weiion St organize a choir for St. Anthony’s herd's Christmas. It is a story of r m L'quid GUM is wate> and alkali proof. church. how modern children found Christ Don’t Wait— Call SP. 46 7 3 for Free Inspection w biister lor concrete or Wood floor will not peel Mr. and Mrs. Eli Thyfaiilt of through service to others. LewMston, Ida.; Miss Audrey Mae The entire grade school will By Our Terminix Specialists , of Zurich, Kans.; Mrs. Eva Glick. participate. The afternoon per­ DRAPER'S Miss Lilly Robinson, and Mr. and formance will be at 1:30 on Mon­ DENVER BRICK STAIN CO. Mrs. Rose Blair of Denver spent day, Dec. 15. The evening per­ COLORADO TERMINIX CO. Sunday afternoon in the home of formance will be at 8 on Tuesday, (Licensee of E. L. Bruce Co., World’s Largest Termits Control Organlxatioa)| CHerry 1083 FURNITURE CO. Mr. and Mrs. Mike O’Brien of Dec. 16. 1455 Fox St. 1065 S. Sheridan, Denver. 24 East Alameda .Ave, Denver SP. 4673 UPHOLSTERING Christmas Party Set & REPAIRING Hospital Guild Sets By Navy Mothers’ Club The Rocky Mountain Navy ^ New Custom Built Meeting for Dec. 15 Mothers’ club 462 will hold its an­ Living Room Suites SOFT and CLEAN: nual Christmas party and ex­ m m 14 7sirs tzpsrltnca St. Anthony’s Hospital guild will meet at 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 15, change of gifts on Monday, Dec. 926 W. 6th Ave. MA. 4507 at the Nurses’ home auditorium, 15, at 8 p.m. at 1772 Grant from your TAP WMWWWWWMWM W. 16th avenue and Perry street, Denver. All members are invited Denver. to attend. Fix Cracks Around Expert Q eon roin-drop *)ll waier Irom your kipsl li'j not only pouibl, but you will be money, time, RE-ROOF Re-Upholstering Sinks with pleasure and ccmlorls ahead a . soon as a WEST­ ERN DOMESTIC SOFTENER i. InsiaUed In your Hard Water CUSTOM HADE ^Floors ^Wails ^Ceilings ^Acoustics home water .yalem by your plumber Homehold U a TH IEF ! With Elaterite Draperies & Slipf> chore, will be immedialely eoMd No more Dea‘1 Wf a«rd are our particular business — * gummy sirealc. alter bock-breoking scrubbmg. •M«l to«4B yea- N vaulM Covers No more hard, gray clothing Irom your wash •aea- Law*# a dsava^ FOR LOWER HEATING BILLS REEVES & COMP.4NY are recognized auth­ HYDRO- Scale will .lop forming In your plu.mbing. You'll ar* •CUM *a flo**#. imNu Fina Selactioa of uM one-lourth as much » a p with belter results. auhM cad waedvark. THIS WINTER! Fabrics and Materials orities on installations of beautiful, long-last­ Bathing will become luxunous. you'll have soli, Ctofi aera# aa tha BEAUTIFUL TABLE LAMPS sudsy shampoos, and shaving will be eosier.'Even 6»pmta teal* la ahea^ ing Floors, Wails, Ceilings and Acoustics for the mllkhouse. orchard and stock will do belier CALIFORNIA POTTERY SEAL laf. lr» ao laaaer aacaa> Western Elaterite Roofing Company Churches, Homes, Apartments, Business. with soil water—and, with all oi this, the savmg •err la usHm Qia Waaft will come very near to poying for your softener tact a«d waat Wlafa Equitable Building Lo Belle Studios ► MARBLE the Ursl year it Is usedi laia racr keea. CH. 6651 The durable white plas­ ill 1452 So. Broadway RA 6971 Our durable tic that remains flexible'. Aipbalt Tile Spread Hydroteal in SOFT WATER hat 1,001 LOOK! ! ! HE IS STILL SHOVELING COAL — ARE YOU? cracks around wash uiei. Means trays, sinks, in stucco, REMEMBER cement, brick work, BETTER LIVING around window frames. Tear akmber c a laalall A WBrON DOKEinC WA- SEND FOR A Heatwell Burner Has Forced TO lOmifZI la « law bean tee, A WEmEN la de- vela^ by « eeeyey wbleh boa ocqolred lia Tuaewbew- THIS FREE Can be painted over taeoi yean la naolociustaf aoA- Combustion (Blower) aoan lag teiye ladetrlel ploaai with oil paints to any wbare actl performcaea la c WHY ACCEPT LESS? MOST. Tba WISTtAN la feed ireeOfctt (be k>c« loaktaf. 1 neokea obeol ibe Send loi Uua raoork* desired color. tpoce aaad by e weaar There IS a Difference! Yaa w|8 acra naat al able book TeOi bexf al f a t WOTON la aott woiei UgbtenI wofk In kJtebea. both- oucay aofa fax*, ttapiy lata room, ioundry, alic INVESTIGATE « fwUub ar vobra peiledkeUy houae. orchard ond and m flaw el rtaaaalii od bom. To get ttua eyto-' opeamo b ^ . send ua m feed aa aew. Ibe opbeep •! \ V , urvii 7 ' THOMS « WESTHH lafotm bet a tow ^ your name ond od; WHYipONT HE PHONE SP 1088 AND END ALL^TOIS? dnm ond the name; V^lll InsLsI) M TTsMiwAlt ^mm ____ . . . Linoleum **SeaT tor ear deflflritol / ^ ond 'oddiaea el youY : i Ws will Install a P«wnt fumacs or boUsr. Givs you sconomtcal. staody, dsoa, ante- beektoi Tefl Water ' ea toe neorea* phiabar A, 36 MONTHS TO PAT Stndio poatMid. TODAY. vUl I Denver 2 i I NO DOWN PATMKNT 1438 Court Plata MAXWELL ENGINEERING CO.. 1432 U gT Colorado MA. 2288 WESTERN FILTER CC. stockyards Station Denver 16, Co'lo.

i b