New Mineral Names*
American Mineralogist, Volume 70, pages 436441, 1985 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Pnre J. DUNN, Volxrn Gosrl, Jonr, D. Gnrce, hcnr Puzrw,ncz Jauns E. Smcrnv, Devro A. VlNro, ANDJANET Zttcznx Bergslagite* (OH)n.oo.10.66HrO. Determination of the exact water content the discoveryof better S. Hansen.L. Felth, and O. Johnsen(1984) Bergslagite, a mineral and its structural role in eggletoniteawaits with tetrahedral berylloarsenatesheet anions. Zeitschrift liir material. Kristallographie,166, 73-80. Precessionand WeissenbergX-ray study showsthe mineral to : S. Hansen,L. Felth, O. V. Petersen,and O. Johnsen(1984) Berg- be monoclinic, space grotp l2la or Ia; unit c.ell a 5.554 : : : : slagite,a new mineral speciesfrom Liingban, Sweden.Neues b 13.72,c 25.00A,f 93.95',Z 2; this is equivalentto the Jahrb.Mineral., Monatsh.,257-262. substructureof ganophyllite.The strongestlines (20 given) in the partially indexed powder pattern are 12.(100X002), Descriptive analyses(Hansen, Fiilth, Petersen,and Johnsen, 3.13(30X116,134,m9),2.691(25Xnot indexed), 2.600(20{not in- 1984)defined bergslagite as a new mineral specieswith the follow- dexed),and 2.462(20\notindexed). ing composition:CaO 28.57,BeO 13.0,AsrO, 51.58,SiO2 2.48, The mineral occursas a rare constituentin small pegmatiteor HrO 6.0, sum 101.63wt.%o, corresponding to empirical formula miarolytic cavities in nephelinesyenite at the Big Rock Quarry, Cao.nnBer.or(Asos?Sioo8),and ideal formula Little Rock, Arkansas.Associated minerals include albite, biotite, CaBeAsOoOH. acmite,titanite, magnetite,natrolite, and apophyllite.Eggletonite Least squaresrefinement of powder XRD data, indexed on a is found as acicular radiating groups of prismatic crystals up to monoclinic cell, resulted in the following cell dimensions: 1.5mm in length that are elongatedalong [100] and twinned on a : a.8818(9),b : 7.309(1),c : r0.r27(\4, : 90.16(r)",Z : 4.
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