Geology and Description of Thorium and Rare-Earth Deposits in the Southern Bear Lodge Mountains, Northeastern Wyoming
l^ft PER COVER PHOTOGRAPHS 1 . Asbestos ore 8. Aluminum ore, bauxite, Georgia 1 2 3 4 2. Lead ore, Balmat mine, N. Y. 9. Native copper ore, Keweenawan 5 6 3. Chromite-chromium ore, Washington Peninsula, Mich. 4. Zinc ore, Friedensville, Pa. 10. Porphyry molybdenum ore, Colorado 7 8 5. Banded iron-formation. Palmer, 11. Zinc ore, Edward, N. Y. Michigan 12. Manganese nodules, ocean floor 9 10 6. Ribbon asbestos ore, Quebec, Canada 13. Botryoidal fluorite ore, 11 12 13 14 7. Manganese ore, banded Poncha Springs, Colo. rhodochrosite 14. Tungsten ore. North Carolina Geology and Description of Thorium and Rare-Earth Deposits in the Southern Bear Lodge Mountains, Northeastern Wyoming By MORTIMER H. STAATZ GEOLOGY AND RESOURCES OF THORIUM IN THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1049-D A description of the size, mineralogy, chemical composition, economic geology, and geologic setting of the thorium and rare-earth veins and newly discovered large disseminated deposits UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, W AS H I NGTON : 1 983 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JAMES G. WATT, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Staatz, Mortimer Hay, 1918- Geology and description of thorium and rare-earth deposits in the southern Bear Lodge Mountains, northeastern Wyoming (Geological Survey Professional Paper 1049-D) Bibliography: 52 p. Supt. of Docs. No.: I 19.16:1049-D 1. Thorium ores Wyoming Bear Lodge Mountains. 2. Earth, Rare Wyoming Bear Lodge Mountains. I. Title. II. Series. III. Series: Geological Survey Professional Paper 1049-D QE390.2.T45S73 553.4'93 81-607092 AACR2 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
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