
Injustice: Why social inequalities persists


Some 1,616 references follow, a record of most things read and some written while working on this book. A few are from before the current century but most references given here were published between 2000 and 2009 inclusive. In universities people often ask: “have you read ‘X’?”, expressing a little surprise if you have not. If X is not in the list below and was written in recent years, then I have to admit that, when I was writing the book I probably had not read it. I am a slow reader. I spell out words, and there is far more produced today on even a narrow subject than there was just two decades ago. In 1991, for a doctorate concerning visualising social spatial structure (listed below) I collected and read a similar length list of publications, but at that time it was possible to believe that you had read most that was being written on a specialist subject as so much less was available (and all of it only on paper). This is no longer the case. That is very good news. There are far more people alive today who have written books, papers and reports than those no longer living who ever did so. Most new words ever printed in the world were written by someone who is alive today.

Initially the aim of the literature search that resulted in this bibliography was to skim read every relevant academic article available electronically via the University of Sheffield’s library that had been written since the year 2000. After a few years I had managed to read about a tenth of the articles I selected. The tenth is below. You might think that a more systematic search would have been better, starting with key works and looking at who was citing them and what they in turn were citing. However, you miss a lot that is new and novel by working like that. The greatest surprise in reading through this bibliography was in finding just how much academic writing is still so insightful, imaginative and exciting, even hidden in journals with the most boring of titles. A couple of decades of seeing people write to please the whims of those who judge Research Assessment Exercises had made me cynical as to what I would find. How many papers would I skim that have clearly been produced just to satisfy the demands of showing you can spout out volume (for competitive promotion) and write with ideas acceptable to your conservative peers (for acknowledgement and inclusion)? However, given the areas I am looking at and the library I had access to, even though a large proportion of the authors I have read are British, assessment-induced monotony thankfully did not turn out to be the order of the day. Universities remain places where many express their resistance in their writing, if remaining fairly supine when it comes to any other action.

Much of what is listed below is not from academic journals or written in universities. Books probably make up the bulk of the words referred to below (if just a small minority of the titles). Newspaper articles provided both the shortest and usually best-written summaries of many subjects; and various web reports and blogs are also included which cover more esoteric ideas, and a smattering of personal communications are recorded to try to give a fair reflection as to how my particular set of ideas have come to be formed − what determined the twine I tied around others’ thoughts. At the very end is a list of journals from which I received papers to review during this period: draft manuscripts being submitted for publication. These cannot fail to also influence what you think, although part of the job of documenting all this reading is to try hard not to steal ideas, even inadvertently, especially those you cannot reference. In the main text that this bibliography accompanies, references are almost only ever made when a fact is suggested or a sentence quoted. Had I tried to say

1 Injustice: Why social inequality persists

what item from below had most influenced every sentence written, then the text would have both been unreadable and looked like some boast for the writer’s ability to burn the midnight oil. The safest thing to say is that all I read made a difference. I do not agree with many things that are in the list below, but in one direction or another all the claims they contain have influenced me, and many millions of people other than me who have also read their words. No one has quite the same collection of readings or comes to them with quite the same baggage of pre-existing thoughts. This list is what most changed the shape of the baggage in my head in recent years.

I find reading difficult, but the older I get the more worthwhile it is. What is the point of thinking too hard about something if others have done some of the thinking for you? If you have come to believe that human beings are remarkably equal in their abilities, then it makes much more sense to share each other’s ideas than it does to think that only a small elite in a few very particular ivory towers reading from a very few select tomes will ever get to see the light. There remains, however, one key way in which the majority of people in the world who are now literate, and even the minority who have access to the internet, remain locked out of this knowledge even if they are able to find the time, effort and inclination to search. Much of what follows is only available to you electronically if you work or study in a university. The journals are not open access. The books are not available as pdfs as well as in print. Some of the newspapers are even thinking of turning off their digital taps. However, those sources that can be read by anyone will be most read. When it comes to ideas, it is not just the neatest that survive, but those that are most freely available.

Danny Dorling, February 2010.

2 Bibliography


Aaronovitch, D. (2007). “If the rich stay rich, what happens to the poor?” The Times. . September 4th. Abdallah, S. (2008). “Family Resources Survey.” D. Dorling. London, NEF, Per Comm. Adam, B. (2008). “Future matters: futures known, created and minded.” 21st Century Society 3(2): 111-116. Adam, S., A. Bozio, C. Emmerson, D. Greenberg and G. Knight (2008). “A cost-benefit analysis of Pathways to Work for new and repeat incapacity benefits claimants.” Research Report No 498. London, DWP. Adeyi, O., O. Smith and S. Robles (2007). Public Policy and the Challenge of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases. Washington DC, The World Bank. Afridi, A. (2007). “Community Cohesion & Deprivation”. Report for the Commission on Integration and Cohesion. London, The Commission on Integration and Cohesion. Ahmed, N. and R. Andersson (2002). “Differences in cause-specific patterns of unintentional injury mortality among 15-44-year-olds in income-based country groups.” Accident Analysis & Prevention 34(4): 541-551. Ahn, N., J. R. García and J. F. Jimeno (2004). “The impact of unemployment on individual well-being in the EU.” Brussels, European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes. Ainley, P. (2007). “Apprenticeship Myths - Letter.” The Times Higher Education. London. November 16th, page 15. Aked, J., N. Steuer, E. Lawlor and S. Spratt. (2009). “Backing the Future: why investing in children is good for us all.”, 2009, from http://www. Alam, M. S. (2006). “Global Disparities Since 1800: Trends and Regional Patterns.” Journal of World-Systems Research XII(1): 37-60. Alesina, A., R. D. Tella and R. MacCulloch (2004). “Inequality and happiness: are Europeans and Americans different?” Journal of Public Economics 88: 2009-2042. Alexander, R. (2007). “Towards A New Vision For Primary Education? Midway Through The Primary Review.” London,, Invitational lecture presented by the Worshipful Company of Weavers, and introduced by Baroness Morris of Yardley, formerly Secretary of State for Education and Skills. Ali, T. (2000). “The Blair Kitsch Project.” Monthly Review 51(8). Aljazeera. (2008). “J. P. Morgan to buy crisis-hit US bank.” Retrieved 17 March, 2008, from 72CFCFA4DDE9.htm. Allen, M. and P. Ainley (2007). Education make you fick, innit? What’s gone wrong in England’s schools, colleges and universities and how to start putting it right. London, The Tufnell Press. Allen, M. and P. Ainley (2010). Lost Generation? New strategies for youth and education. London, Continuum. Allen, R. C. (2004). Agriculture during the industrial revolution, 1700-1850. The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain: Volume 1 Industrialisation, 1700-1860. R. Floud and P. Johnson. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 96-116. Allen-Mills, T. (2009). “Judges jail children for cash.” The Press. Christchurch. March 9th. Almond, S. and J. Kendall (2001). “Low pay in the UK: The case for a three sector comparative approach.” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 72(1): 45-76. Alsina, J. M. C. (2007). “Local authorities’ impact on quality of life in England 2005.” Department of Geography. Brighton, University of Sussex. Master of Science in Social Research Methods (Human Geography).

3 Injustice: Why social inequality persists

Alvanides, S. (2004). “A decade of council tax inequities? Geographical perspectives and a research agenda.” Area 36(1): 41-49. Amin, S. (2004). “World poverty, pauperization & capital accumulation “ Monthly Review 55(5). Amin, S. (2006). “The Millennium Development Goals: A Critique from the South.” Monthly Review 57(10). Amin, S. (2007). “Political Islam in the Service of Imperialism.” Monthly Review 59(7). Anderson, M. R., L. Smith and V. W. Sidel (2005). “What is Social Medicine?” Monthly Review 56(8). Anderson, T. (2006). “Policy coherence and conflict of interest: The OECD guidelines on health and poverty.” Critical Public Health 16(3): 245 - 257. Ando, A. and R. Uchida (2004). “The space-time structure of land prices in Japanese metropolitan areas.” The Annals of Regional Science V38(4): 655-674. Anon (2004). “Council bans goldfish bowls.” ABC news on line USA. au/news/newsitems/200407/s1160927.htm (accessed 18/4/2008). : Saturday July 24th at 8.12am Eastern Standard Time. Armstrong, H. W. (1995). “Convergence among regions of the European Union, 1950– 1990.” Papers in Regional Science 74(2). Arneson, R. J. (2009). Justice is not equality. Justice, Equality and Constructivism: Essays on G. A. Cohen’s Rescuing Justice and Equality. B. Feltham. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell: 5-25. Ash, C. (2000). “Social-Self-Interest.” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 71(2): 261-284. Ashton, J. K. and S. Letza (2003). “The Differential Returns Offered by Mutually Owned and Proprietary UK Depository Institutions: 1993-2000.” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 74(2): 183-204. Asthana, A. (2008). “The 10 deadly evils of life in Britain today.” The Observer. London. April 20. Atkinson, A. B. (2003). “Top Incomes in the over the Twentieth Century.” Nuffield College Working Papers. Oxford. Aughey, A. (2008). “A British National Culture.” Renewal 16(2): 65-71. Avery, R. B. and M. S. Rendall (2002). “Lifetime Inheritances of Three Generations of Whites and Blacks “ American Journal of Sociology 107(2): 1300-46. Axinn, W. G. and J. S. Barber (2001). “Mass Education and Fertility Transition.” American Sociological Review 66(4): 481-505. Aydon, C. (2008). “Not the first scientists: letters.” The Guardian. London. October 16th: 31. Azzoni, C. R. (2001). “Economic growth and regional income inequality in Brazil.” The Annals of Regional Science 35(1): 133-152.


Babones, S. J. (2005). “The Country-Level Income Structure of the World-Economy.” Journal of World-Systems Research XI(1): 29-56. Bacardi-Gascón, M., M. Leon-Reyes and A. Jiménez-Cruz (2007). “Stigmatization of Overweight Mexican Children.” Child Psychiatry and Human Development 38(2): 99- 105. Bacci, M. L. (2008). “Conquest: The Destruction of the American Indios.” British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference. Manchester, The paper of the 2008 book. Baggini, J. (2008 (second edition)). Welcome to Everytown: A journey into the English mind. London, Granta.

4 Bibliography

Baillargeon, J., S. A. Black, J. Pulvino and K. Dunn (2000). “The Disease Profile of Texas Prison Inmates.” Annals of Epidemiology 10(2): 74-80. Baines, D. (1994). “European Emigration, 1815-1930: Looking at the Emigration Decision Again.” The Economic History Review 47(3): 525-544. Baines, D. and R. Woods (2004). Population and regional development The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain: Volume 2 Economic Maturity, 1860-1939. R. Floud and P. Johnson. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 25-55. Baldwin, S. (2000). “Living in Britain: why are so many amphetamines prescribed to infants, children and teenagers in the UK?” Critical Public Health 10(4): 453-462. Ball, S. J. (2003). Social Justice in the head: are we are libertarians now? Social Justice, Education and Identity. C. Vincent. London, RoutledgeFalmer: 30-50. Ball, S. J. (2008). The Education Debate. Bristol, Policy Press. Ball, S. J. (2008). Staggering backwards to the future: Conservative Party education policy. Is the future Conservative? J. Cruddas and J. Rutherford. London, Lawrence & Wishart: 23- 30. Ballas, D. (2007). “Greeks grow taller.” D. Dorling. Salonica, Per. Comm. Ballas, D., G. Clarke, D. Dorling, H. Eyre, B. Thomas and D. Rossiter (2005). “SimBritain: A spatial microsimulation approach to population dynamics.” Population, Space and Place 11(1): 13-34. Ballas, D., G. Clarke, D. Dorling, J. Rigby and B. Wheeler (2006). “Using geographical information systems and spatial microsimulation for the analysis of health inequalities.” Health Informatics Journal 12(1): 65-79. Ballas, D., G. Clarke, D. Dorling and D. Rossiter (2007). “Using SimBritain to model the geographical impact of national government policies.” Geographical Analysis 39(1): 44-77. Ballas, D. and D. Dorling (2007). “Measuring the impact of major life events upon happiness.” International Journal of Epidemiology 36(6): 1244-1252. Ballas, D., D. Dorling and M. Shaw (2007). Social inequality, health, and well-being. Well-Being: individual, community, and social perspectives. J. Haworth and G. Hart. Basingstoke, Palgrave. Ballescas, R. P. (2003). Chapter 15: Filipino migration to Japan, 1970s to 1990s. Philippines- Japan Relations. S. Ikehata and L. N. Yu-Jose. Manila, Ateneo de Manila University Press. Bannerman, L. (2008). “People could see her gaunt face at the window but toddler was left to die alone and unloved.” The Times. London. June 13: 13. Bardsley, N. (2000). “Interpersonal Interaction and Economic Theory: The Case of Public Goods.” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 71(2): 191-228. Barford, A. and D. Dorling (2006). “A new approach to mapping the world: Visualizing facets of international health.” National Medical Journal of India 19(4): 234-238. Barford, A. and D. Dorling (2006). “Worldmapper: The world as you’ve never seen it before.” Teaching Geography 31(2): 68-75. Barford, A. and D. Dorling (2007). “Re-ordering the world.” Geography Review 20(5): 8-11. Barford, A., D. Dorling, G. D. Smith and M. Shaw (2006). “The cause for quiet celebration.” British Medical Journal 332(7549): 1095-1096. Barford, A., D. Dorling, G. D. Smith and M. Shaw (2006). “Life expectancy: Women now on top everywhere.” British Medical Journal 332(7545): 808. Barker, J. C. (2000). “Hurricanes and socio-economic development on Niue Island.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint 41(2). Barker, K. (2005). The Housing Market and the Wider Economy. State of the Economy Conference, London, Institute of Economic Affairs. Barker, K. (2006). “Interview with Kate Barker.” Financial Mail Women’s Forum Retrieved 12/9/2006, from Barnaby, F. (1997). “Nuclear Legacy: Democracy in a plutonium economy.” Briefing 2. www., The Corner House.

5 Injustice: Why social inequality persists

Barnaby, F. (1999). “How Not to Reduce Plutonium Stocks: The danger of MOX-fuelled nuclear reactors.” Briefing 17., The Corner House. Barrow, J. D. (2008). 100 Essential Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know. London, The Bodley Head. Bartels, L. M. (2008). Unequal Democracy: The political economy of the new gilded age. New Jersey, Princeton University Press. Bata, M. and A. J. Bergesen (2002). “Global Inequality: An Introduction.” Journal of World Systems Research 8(1): 2-7. Batty, G. D., G. Der, S. Macintyre and I. J. Deary (2006). “Does IQ explain socioeconomic inequalities in health? Evidence from a population based cohort study in the west of Scotland.” BMJ 332(7541): 580-584. Batty, M. (2006). “Rank clocks.” Nature 444(7119): 592-596. Baulch, B., A. Weber and J. Wood (2008). “Social Protection Index for Committed Poverty Reduction: Volume 2: Asia.” Manila, Asian Development Bank. Bauman, Z. (2008). The Art of Life. Cambridge, Polity. Bauman, Z. (2007). Consuming Life. Cambridge, Polity. Bauman, Z. (2000 (2nd edition)). Globalization: the human consequences. Cambridge, Polity Press. Bauman, Z. (2006). Liquid Fear. Cambridge, Polity. Bauwens, M. (2007). “The peer-to-peer revolution.” Renewal: a journal of social democracy 15(4): 25-37. BBC. (2003). “Drugs minister admits taking cannabis.” Retrieved 28 April 2008, from BBC. (2006). “’Minister for fitness’ appointed “ Retrieved 6 June 2008, from http://news. BBC. (2007). “School leaving age set to be 18 “ Retrieved 12 January, from http://news. BBC. (2008). “Cat dung coffee up for £50 a cup “ Retrieved 10 April 2008, from http:// BBC. (2008). “Report lists new ‘social evils’.” Retrieved 6 June 2008, from http://news. BBC. (2008). “Rescue for troubled Wall St bank “ Retrieved 17 March 2008, from http:// BBC. (2008). “Test results ‘may need scrapping’ “ Retrieved 14 July 2008, from http:// BBC. (2008). “UK income gap ‘same as in 1991’ “ Retrieved 16 December 2008, from BBC. (2008). “Use Ritalin only as last resort for kids with ADHD, guidelines say.” Retrieved 24 September 2008, from guide.html. BBC. (2009). “Fee rise ‘must aid poor students’ “ Retrieved 27 July 2009, from http:// BBC. (2009). “Government adviser to join Tories.” Retrieved 15 February 2009, from BBC. (2009). “Personal insolvency at new record “ Retrieved 7 August 2009, from http:// BBC. (2009). “Porritt parting shot at ministers “ Retrieved 27 July 2009, from http://news. BBC. (2009). “Private clinics face safety check “ Retrieved 30 September 2009, from Beam, A. (2007). “Review, Robert Frank’s RICHISTAN : A Journey Through the American Wealth Boom and the Lives of the New Rich.” New York Times. New York. June 10th.

6 Bibliography

Beatty, C., M. Foden, P. Lawless and I. Wilson (2007). “New Deal for Communities National Evaluation: An Overview of Change Data: 2006.” Communities and Local Government Research Report 33. Sheffield, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. Beaverstock, J. V. and J. T. Boardwell (2000). “Negotiating globalization, transnational corporations and global city financial centres in transient migration studies.” Applied Geography 20(3): 277-304. Beaverstock, J. V., R. G. Smith, P. J. Taylor, D. R. F. Walker and H. Lorimer (2000). “Globalization and world cities: some measurement methodologies.” Applied Geography 20(1): 43-63. Beck, U. (2000 (2nd edition)). World Risk Society. Cambridge, Polity. Beckford, M. (2009). “Teenage pregnancies on the rise despite £286m campaign.” The Telegraph. London. 20 February. Bell, M. M. (2009). “The problem of the original capitalist.” Environment and Planning A 41(6): 1276-1282. Benatar., S. R. (2005). “Moral imagination: The missing component in global health.” PLoS Medicine 2(12): e400. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0020400. Bennett, G. G., M. Scharoun-Lee and R. Tucker-Seeley (2009). “Will the Public’s Health Fall Victim to the Home Foreclosure Epidemic?” PLoS Med 6(6): e1000087. Bennett, J. (2008). “The social costs of dangerousness: prison and the dangerous classes.” London, Centre for Crime and Justice Studies. Bennett, J. (2008). “A Tale of Two Cities Neighbourhood segregation by income in two urban case studies.” London, IPPR. Bentham, M. (2007). “Britons oppose Muslim veils in our classrooms.” Evening Standard. London. Tuesday 13 November: 8-9. Berg, C. (1962). Madkind: the origin and development of the mind. London, George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Berg, M. (2004). Consumption in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Britain. The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain: Volume 1 Industrialisation, 1700-1860. R. Floud and P. Johnson. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 357-387. Berman, S. (2007). “The once and future ideology.” Renewal: a journal of social democracy 15(2/3): 12-20. Berthoud, R. (2007). Work-rich and work-poor: three decades of change. Bristol, Policy Press. Berthoud, R. and M. Blekesaune (2007). “Persistent employment disadvantage.” Research Report No. 416. Leeds, Department for Work and Pensions. Bertrand, E. (2006). “The Coasean analysis of lighthouse financing: myths and realities.” Cambridge Journal of Economics 30(3): 389-402. Best, R. (2008). “Reinvigorating Communities: the power of place.” Smith Institute Lecture. London. Beugelsdijk, S. (2006). “A note on the theory and measurement of trust in explaining differences in economic growth.” Cambridge Journal of Economics 30(3): 371-387. Beveridge, W. H. (1912). John and Irene: or Thoughts on Women. London, Longmans, Green and Co. Bhorat, H. (2006). “An Income Grant to all South Africans?” Brasilia, Poverty in Focus, UNDP International Poverty Centre (IPC). 9-10. Bibby, J. (2009). “Karl Pearson.” D. Dorling. York, Per Comm. Bibby, P. (2007). “Company Directorships.” D. Dorling. Sheffield, Per. Comm. Biddle, L., A. Brock, S. T. Brookes and D. Gunnell (2008). “Suicide rates in young men in England and Wales in the 21st century: time trend study.” BMJ 394756039: bmj.39475.603935.25.

7 Injustice: Why social inequality persists

Biel, R. (2006). “The Interplay between Social and Environmental Degradation in the Development of the International Political Economy.” Journal of World-Systems Research XII(1): 109-148. Billings, A. and A. Holden (2007). “The Contribution of Faith to Integration and Cohesion and the threat posed by ‘enclavisation’ in some northern towns.” Report for the Commission on Integration and Cohesion. London, The Commission on Integration and Cohesion. Birall, P. (2009). “Connections: Perversity US-style.” Town and Country Planning 78(10): 444-445. Birchall, J. and R. Simmons (2004). “What Motivates Members to Participate in Co operative and Mutual Businesses?” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 75(3): 465-495. Black, C. (2008). “Working for a healthier tomorrow.” London, The Stationary Office. Black, J. (2007). “The Problems of Being a Conservative Academic: Jeremy Black Considers The Challenges Faced by a Conservative Professor in The UK.” The Social Affairs Unit Retrieved 24/7/2007, 2007, from archives/001562.php. Blackman, T. and R. Blackman-Woods (2007). “A Response to Dorling’s ‘Inequalities in Britain 1997–2006: the Dream that Turned Pear-shaped’.” Local Economy 22(2): 118-122. Blackwater, B. (2007). “Review of Adam Curtis, The Trap: what happened to our dream of freedom.” Renewal: a journal of social democracy 15(2/3): 139-142. Blair, T. (2007). “What I’ve learned.” The Economist. 31st May: on-line. Blakely, T., M. Tobias and J. Atkinson (2008). “Inequalities in mortality during and after restructuring of the New Zealand economy: repeated cohort studies.” BMJ 336: 371-375. Blanchflower, D. (2007). “Happiness and Well-Being Across Nations, Presentation given Thursday 29th March 2007”. London, Economic Research Council. Blanden, J. and S. Machin (2007). “Recent Changes in Intergenerational Mobility in the UK:.” London, Sutton Trust. Blandy, S. (2008). Secession or cohesion? Exploring the impact of gated communities. Community Cohesion in Crisis? New dimensions of diversity and difference. J. Flint and D. Robinson. Bristol, Policy Press. Blastland, M. and A. Dilnot (2007). The Tiger That Isn’t: seeing through a world of numbers. London, Profile Books. Bloch, A., N. Sigona and R. Zetter (2009). “No right to dream: The social and economic lives of young undocumented migrants in Britain.” London, Paul Hamlyn Foundation. Bloom, D. E. and D. Canning (2007). “Commentary: The Preston Curve 30 years on: still sparking fires.” International Journal of Epidemiology 36(3): 498-499. Blumstein, A., F. P. Rivara and R. Rosenfeld (2000). “The rise and decline of homicide- and why.” Annual Review of Public Health 21(1): 505-541. Blundell, R., H. Reed, J. V. Reenen and A. Shephard (2003). Chapter 1: The Impact of the New Deal for Young People on the Labour Market: A Four-Year Assessment. The Labour Market Under New Labour: The State of Working Britain 2003. R. Dickens, P. Gregg and J. Wadsworth. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. Böckerman, P. and P. Ilmakunnas (2009). “Unemployment and self-assessed health: evidence from panel data.” Health Economics 18: 161-179. Bollier, D. (2007). “A new politics of the commons.” Renewal: a journal of social democracy 15(4): 10-16. Bonnett, A. (2003). “Geography as the world discipline: connecting popular and academic geographical imaginations.” Area 35(1): 55-63. Bonnett, A. (2003). “Response to Stannard.” Area 35(3): 323-324. Bono, E. D., E. Sala, R. Hancock, C. Gunnell and L. Parisi (2007). “Older people: a gendered review and secondary analysis of the data.” EOC Working Paper Series (number 62). London, Equal Opportunities Commission.

8 Bibliography

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Journals the author has been a reviewer for over the writing period. This reading will have also influenced what he has written: Area; American Journal of Public Health; Annals of the Association of American Geographers; Annals of Human Genetics; Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy; BioMedCentral International Health and Human Rights; BioMed Central Public Health; British Journal of Educational Psychology; British Journal of Sociology; British Medical Bulletin; BMJ; Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society; Cartographica; Electoral Studies; Emerging Themes in Epidemiology; Environment and Planning A, B, C & D; European Journal of Public Health; GeoCart Proceedings; Geoforum ; Geographical Analysis ; GIS Research; Health and Place; Health Statistics Quarterly; Housing Studies; International Journal of Epidemiology; International Journal of GIS; International Journal of Health Geographies; International Journal of Population Studies; International Journal of Social Research Methodology; International Journal of Urban and Rural Research; Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology; Journal of Economic Geography; Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health; Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society; Journal of Social Policy; Journal of Social Research; New Zealand Geographer; Paediatrician and Perinatal Epidemiology; Party Politics; Political Geography; Population Space and Place; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; Progress in Human Geography; Radical Statistics; Regional Studies; Regional Trends; Representation (Journal of the McDougall Trust); Rural Studies; Social History of Medicine; Social Policy and Society; Social Science and Medicine; Sociological Research on-line; The Lancet; Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers; Transactions of Geographic Information Systems; Urban Geography; and Urban Studies.