The 57th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association Hyatt Regency Columbus Columbus, OH November 12-15, 2015 Page | 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS MMLA OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 3 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE MEETING . 4 SPECIAL EVENTS . .7 FLOOR PLANS OF THE HOTEL . .13 EXHIBITORS AND SPONSORS . .15 DEPARTMENTAL MEMBERS . .16 INDEX OF SESSIONS . .18 PROGRAM OF SESSIONS . .19 2015 FEATURED AUTHORS . .101 2015 AWARD-WINNING TEACHERS . .103 INDEX OF PARTICIPANTS . .104 Page | 2 Midwest Modern Language Association Organized 1959, Incorporated 1971 Officers for 2015 President: HILLARY NUNN, University of Akron Vice President: EMILY LUTENSKI, Saint Louis University Past President: ANDREA KASTON TANGE, Macalester College Executive Director: CHRISTOPHER KENDRICK, Loyola University Chicago Program Coordinator: LINDA WINNARD, Loyola University Chicago Executive Committee JASON ARTHUR, ROCKHURST UNIVERSITY SAMUEL COHEN, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI ARLINE CRAVENS, SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY RACHEL GREENWALD SMITH, SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY ANDREA KNUTSON, OAKLAND UNIVERSITY EMILY LUTENSKI, SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY Website and E-mail Address |
[email protected] Membership Information For a one-year membership in the Association, which includes subscription to the MMLA Journal, dues are: $70 for full professors and administrative personnel; $65 for associate professors; $55 for assistant professors and schoolteachers; $35 for adjuncts, instructors, lecturers, or librarians; $30 for students, retired, and independent scholars; and $90 for joint members. For a two-year membership, dues are: $135 for full professors and administrative personnel; $125 for associate professors; $105 for assistant professors and schoolteachers; and $170 for joint members. For a three-year membership, dues are: $195 for full professors and administrative personnel; $180 for associate professors; $150 for assistant professors and schoolteachers; and $250 for joint members.