Ie»®te9 I® Wue Stfcm is ©t Utafflt fm a h ii, It© BunMier %«©©fft©, Mountain;® an© Sake®, an:© 6eiend Mm9,

• Vol. II. W'm-xK&iw C q*> Ma&VM, S&T&xa&r, Sj f p t m m m s f& , 1870. N o . 1 .

the eyes. You can’t trust him — Bashful Men. precisely: “ The law office is the Locomotive Speed Kick? Well, I guess so ! Put him place to make lawyers ; the doctor’s iu a ten-acre lot, whei’e he’s got plenty We never saw a bashful man who office the place to make doctors ; the “ How fast do you suppose we are of swing, and he’ll kick the horn off was not the soul of honor. Though printing office is the place to make ed­ traveling?” Charlie Fraser, one of the moon.” such may blush, and stammer, and itors. Many excellent samples of oldest engineers of the , The world’s treatment of man and shrug their shoulder* awkwardly, each are otherwise obtained, but the Lake Erie and Western railway, ask­ beast has the tendency to enlarge and unable to throw forth with ease the best for any profession or any trade ed a Sun reporter as they were stand­ intensify had qualities, if they pre­ thoughts that they would express, yet come out of the places where the par­ ing togather on the foot board of lo­ P E R Y E A R . dominate. This good-natured phren­ commend them to use for friends. ticular trade or profession is carried comotive No. 309, rushing over the ologist could not refrain from slapping There are fine touches i;i their charac­ on.— N. Y. Com. Advertiser. meadows toward Rutherford Park. One Month, on trial, for 10 cts. in the face the horse whose character ters which time will mellow and bring “ I should think we were going had been so cruelly delineated, while out; perceptions, delicate as the faint­ A Royal . nearly a mile a minute.” 0. M. MOORE, EDITOR AKD PROPRIETOR. he had nothing but the gentlest caress­ est tint is to the unfolding rose ; and “ A mile a minute?” said Fraser. es for a tall, docile, sleek-limbed sor­ their thoughts are uoue ihe less refin­ The “ Kedive” is the vice-regal rul­ “ I doubt if you ever road a mile a REGULAR ADVERTISING RATES: rel, that pricked her ears forward and ed and beautiful that they do not flow er of Egypt-— second in rank only to minute. Few locomotives have driv­ 1 Col. IS in. i lwk. | 3wk» 3 in os 6 nios 1 year looked intelligent enough to under­ with the impetuosity of the streamlet. the Turkish Sultan, hut to all intents ing over five feet, and I have One inch, $1.00 $1.50 $3.00 $5.00 $8.00 2 indies, 2.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 15.00 stand all that was being said. “ That’s We are astonished that such men are and purposes an independent monarch. my doubts if a five-foot wheeler can 3 Indies, 3.00 5.00 8.00 15.00 20.00 It was the Kedive, it will be receollect- be pushed a mile a minute. People Quar.Col.. 4.00 6.50 12.(K) 17.00 30.00 an awful good mare,” he added.— not appreciated— that ladies with real­ Half Col., 8.00 12.00 22.00 35.00 55.00 “ She’s as true as the sun. You cau ly good hearts and cultivated intellect ed, who a few years ago, upon the oc­ have a very erroneous idea of the One Col,, 16.00 20.00 35.00 60.00 100.00 see the breadth and fullness between will reward the gallant Sir Mustachio casion of the marriage of the daughter speed of railroad traius. We are not —Payments, Quarterly, in advance. the ears and eyes. You couldn’t hire Brainless with smiles an 1 attention be­ of our General Sherman, presented goiug now more than thirty-five miles that young lady with a vVeddiug-gift SUBSCRIPTION RATES: that inare to act mean or hurt any­ cause he cau fold a shawl gracefully, an hour, and very fast. Few trains 18 Months, Li advance, - $1.50 body. The eye should be full, and and handy compliments with Parisian of jewelry of enormous value— a hun­ make this speed. The passengers in One year, ‘ 1.00 dred thousand dollars, estimated.— Six Months, “ - .50 hazel is a good color. I like a small, elegance, while they would not conde­ cars would think we were going a Three Months, .25 thin ear, and want a horse to throw scend to look upou a worthier man, Now he has just buried his own mile a minute, if I was to pull out Single Copies, - .03 his ears well forward. Look out for who feels for them a reverence so “ favorite daughter,” at the age of the throttle so as to send her forty the brute who wauts to listen to all great that his every glance is worship. fifteen years. It was indeed a right miles a hour. The express trains Poch'JT, the conversation going ou behind him. The man who is bashful in the pres­ “ royal funeral!” make no such time as the local trains. The horse that turns back his ears un­ ence of ladies is their defender when This beautiful young girl, the Priu- Where we lose is with so many stops. til they almost meet at the points, the loose tongue of the slanderer would cess Hauem Reinub, died in the city of No man can staud on a platform car WHERE OUR TREASURE IS THERE WILL take my word for it is sure to do some­ defame them ; it is not he who boasts Alexandria, Egypt. The body was and face the wind goiug a mile a min­ OUR HEARTS BE ALSO. thing wrong. See that straight, ele­ of conquests, or dare to talk of failings removed thence to Cario, and the ute aud live, the breath would actual­ BT W. H. T. gant face. A horse with a dishing that exist in the imaginations alone ; ceremonies of the interment were of a ly be blown out of his body. You I wander down by the river’s side face is eowardly, and a cowardly his cheek will flush with resentment, grand description. The burial took couldn’t couut the telegraph poles go­ Its scenery to survey. brute is nsually vicious. Then I like his eyes flash with auger to hear the place in the Rilah Mosque. iug a mile a minute. Talk to old en­ And there awhile in solitude a square muzzle, with large nostrils, name of women coupled witli a The funeral cortege comprised a gineers of that rate being made wioh I watched the silvery spray. 10 let in plenty' of air to the lungs. coarse oath ; yet he who would long train ot twenty-five bullocks, a passenger train, aud he would laugl . I listen to the warbler’s notes thirty camels,and twenty large wagons Which through iny bower did roam. For the under side of the head a good die to defend them is least hon­ I made a mile a impute once, how­ Like happy spirits borne from hence horse should he well cut under the ored by the major? iy of the — and the animals and wagons were ever. 1 was an engineer then in To a celestial . jowl, with jaw-bones broad and wide female sex. Who ever heard of a loaded with stores of bread, cooked charge of a fine six-foot wheel loco I thought of the joy of those little birds part under the throttle. So much bashful libertine? The anomaly was meats, dates, vegetables, etc., as well motive. There were a lot of rail­ In pleasure God has given, for the head,he continued. “ The next never seen. Ease anil elegance are his as casks of water and syrup. All road moguls on board, and the object And my hope aspired to a loftier theme— along the line or march, these goods To a peaceful home In heaven. thing to consider is the build of the requisits ; upon his lips sits flattery, was to make the best time we could. For these are the words of holy writ, animal. Never buy a loug-legged, ready to pay court to blue eyes and were distributed among the multitude They were to ring the gong when the Those heavenly words so true— stilty horse. Let him have a short black ; he is never nonplussed— he of poor people upon the route. speed was a mile a minute. I thought That where the ’s best treasure is straight hack, and a straight rump, never blushes. For a g auce he is iu Four hundred thousand silver coins vve were making it for some time be­ The heart will be there too. and you’ve got a gentleman’s horse. rapture, for a simple w 1 he would were also scattered among the crowd, fore the hell rung. At length on a I strolled upon a mountain's top The withers should he high, shouldeT© professedly lay down As life?, le i it an 1 t.-ioi; thousand priest© fudevv'vM the (iown grade, with a full uead of steam, All nat uc u> behold, well set back and hftoad, but don’t is he who fills our dens with wrecks wagous, singing, offering up prayers when vve were spiuuiug along as if we And there 1 found a hermit pale get them too deep in the chest. The of female purity ; it is he who profanes for the departed, and clapping their were going to destruction, and the In a ruinous cottage old. hands after the fashion on such occa­ motion of the piston going over the I asked him why he lived alone fore leg should be short. Give me a the holy name of mother, desolates Amid that dreary wild ? pretty straight hind leg with the hock the shrines where domestic happiness sions in the Eastern countries. center could no longer be distinguish- | No friend to cheer his lonely hours low down, short pastern joints and a is throned ; ruins the heart that trusts Then came the family of the youth­ ed the bell rung. We had reached the No sire and no child. round mulish foot. There are all in him ; pollutes the very air he ful Princess, the high State officers, rate of a mile a minute. It was the He answered, once I had friends to bless, kind of horses, but the nuimal that has breathes ; and all under the mask of a and the coffin (hewn out of rough fastest I had ever road before or since. And my heart was Ailed with ; wood) borne by leading officials. In 1 tried hard to make a mile a minute But no bright spot to me is left these poiuts is almost sure to be grace­ polished geutleman. Ladies, a word the rear of this, came three Eunuchs, 011 But this home which shelters me. ful, sightly, good natured and service­ iu vour ear. Have you lovers, and subsequent miles, but it lacked His heart seemed bound to that wretched able. As to color, tastes differ.— would ycu possess a worthy husband? bearing upon three golden shovels three or four seconds every time. I cot. Bays, browns and chesuuts are best. Choose him whose delicacyof deport­ each a copy of the Koran, or Mahom- couldn’t squeeze another mile inside His only treasure ’tis true, Roans are very fashionable at present. ment, whose sense of your worth leads edan Bible, to be buried in her grave. of sixty seconds. When you hear a And where the hearts best treasure is Upon the top of the wooden coffin mau telling about a passenger train The heart will be there too. A great many greys and sorrels are him to staud aloft while others stand bought for shipment to Mexico and arouud you. If he blushes, stammers were placed the jewels of the Princess, that ran a mile a minute, don't say I looked again and I saw a child, Cuba. They do well in a hot climate, even at your approach, consider them valued at a milliou and a half of dol­ anything about it, but mentally He was gathering wild flowers gay. under a tropical suu, for the same as many signs of his exalted opinion lars. scratch off a good allowance.— N. Y. And thus he toiled and labored on After the burial, the priests caused Till he was called away. reason that you fintf light colored of your sex. If he is retiring and Sun. Oh ! then he cried I am ready to go, clothing most serviceable in summer. modest, let not a thousand fortunes the bullocks to be slaughtered, in front F l o w e r B a s k e t s . —A pretty ar­ And quit this place of toil,. weigh him down iu the balance ; for, of the mosque— when they were roast­ That circus horse behind you is what rangement for flower baskets is to take And plant my flowers where they will many people call a calico horse ; now depend upon it with him your life wili ed, and eaten by the multitude. The the common wire baskets, or even the bloom, I call him a piebald. It is a freak of be happier wit-h poverty than with priests remained for seven days near In fairer and better soil. ox muzzle, line this with wood moss many another surrounded by the splen­ the grave, praying for the soul of the Ah ! this m ethought is a Christian’s hope, nature and may happen anywhere.— and fill with rich dirt. The running dor of palaces.— Ex. deceased Princess, and the entire And this the Christian’s zeal: Western Farm Journal. vines should droop over the edge and He is willing to toil and never rest ceremonies, from commencement to Till called to quit the Held. ending, were said to be of the most the climbing ones left to twiue around C o l l e g ia n s as E d it o r s .— The But when his father calls—come home It having beeu stated by the Cam- costly aud gorgeous character that the handles. The »triped myrtle young man just from college knows Ae is always ready to go ; deu (N . J.) Post that “ The funniest have ever been witnessed in the an­ makes a very pretty centre plant. A less about the 'workings of his own For where the heart’s best treasure is, and most comical writers are seldom cient city of Cairo. half-dozen baskets filled with suitable The heart is there also. government than any other in the brilliant in conversation— the most of plants and vines will go a great way world. A department in any of our I hurried back to the busy town them, in fact, are stupidly dull iu this A smart commercial traveler of tow'ard rendering the doorway and finiversities or colleges to train men Where I had been before, every day life,” H. Clay. Lukens, of Chicago thought he wauld be cunning, porches attractive. Here, also, is a Each one was hurrying to and fro for newspaper life would no doubt be the New York Daily News, who knows so he had his trunk labelled “ dyna­ good opportunity of exercising the skill To amass the shining ore. of advantage to some young men. It from experience of what he affirms, mite.” He got it checked aud put on iu puttiug rustic frames around old I heard the rich man count his wealth. might be well to understand that edi­ And talk of his liberal share, remarks: “ A stereotyped heresy.— considerable of a lot of scallops, aud flower pots. Flower boxes for brack­ tors, like poets, are born, not made. And nay when he had lived to be old See these men, as we have seen them, went on to Madison iu a hurry to get ets or for the table in auy airy or sun- God makes great commauders, not His home it would prepare. known and do know them. Charles ahead of a drummer for another house uy part of the room, may be made of I heard the devoted Christian pray West Point. West Point helps, hut Farrar Browne was remarked for his iu the same line, and sell a big hill of stout cigar boxes, but don’t paste That his sins might be foregiven, without its advantages they would spontaneous joviality, and Robert Jay goods. He arrived all right, but his scrap pictures on them. Never deco­ And I through like him I would rather have have been great, the accidents or cir­ Burdette’s great charm is his fund of trunk had not come. He stormed rate with flowers any vessel that will A treasure laid up in heaven. cumstances beiug even. Law colleges For these are the words of him who spake auecdote, coupled with a rare gift of around and waited for the next train, hold flowers, for however perfectly do not make great advocates. Har­ As man ne’er spake or knew: most amusing conversation. Samuel when his rival came in with his trunk they are imitated, they are not as per­ vard has produced 100 failures where That where the heart’s best treasure is Laughorn Clemens is no slouch in a and went up town and opeued out.— fect as when made by nature. If you The heart will be there too. it has produced one member of the mixed company; William Tappan The excited drummer began to swear wish something bright for your win­ V bar who stands preeminent. Thirty Thompson at sixty-seven is noted for with one hand and telegraph with the dow as a screen for your pots, make a years ago there were more brilliant men his geniality ; poor Mortimer Thomp­ other. He at length found that there wide hut low screen to button to the at the bar in this country from coun­ son and Lieutenant Derby were both was a trunk answering the description window shelf—a sort of border for the try school-houses than from universi­ the raciest of bon-vivants, and Alphon- stored in a vacant warehouse in Chi­ shelf on which they are placed. It ties and colleges. The ablest and How to Select a Horse. so Miner Griswold is always funny, cago, but as it was labelled “ dyna­ can be made of splits woven together most distinguished editors this coun­ because he doesn’t think it worth while mite,” nobody would touch it. He with woolen cords ; or it may be made try has produced graduated from the A horse-dealer who was interview­ to go through life with a long face and explained that it was all a joke, and of thin board covered with chintz, or a printing office— Southwick, Ritchie, ed in regard to the secrets of his busi­ a short temper. True humorists every begged that it be sent at once. The border of heavy velvet wall paper. A Buchiugham, Croswell, Bennett, Gree- ness, said : “ I can’ t explain what a one, and the world is better for their next day it came, hut his rival had deep wine color, with a narrow gold ly, Forney, Dawson, Kiusella and a real good horse is. They are as dif­ merry quips and droll portrayals.” sold $3,600 worth of goods and had border at top and bottom is very pret­ ferent as men. In buying a horse host more. Too much refinement is gone to see another customer at La ty ; or else a lattice work made of you must look first to his head and as insipid as too much coarseness is Crosse, a day ahead of him. They walnut splints aud lined with scarlet eves fer signs of intelligence, temper, The other day a Boston firm adver­ distasteful. A department to culti­ say he didn’t swear any when he took cloth. Another pretty way is to use courage and honesty. Unless a horse tised for a book-keeper; the next vate editors may help some young a can-opener and scratched the ‘ -dyna­ the tilled wall paper, or the pots may has brains you cau’t teach him any­ d a y ’ s mail brought 347 answers. One men, hut it will never make them suc­ mite” off of his trunk, at the hotel, be placed in a window box, covered thing, any more than you cau a half­ advertisement for a clerk in the Free cessful in the profession unless they but he looked pale around the gills. with bark and lichens. Any of the witted child. See that tall hay there, Press last month brought the first day have the stuff in them. We have above ways are pretty, and a bright a fine looking animal, fifteen hands 130 applications, dud a greater num­ seen a purse made out of a sow’s ear, Fannie Blue, a black woman from color around the pots, covering up high. You can’t teach him anything. ber of letters and personal applications but it was a poor apology for a purse ; Virginia, died iu New Orleans the their ugliness, will make the plants Why? Well I’ ll show you a differ­ next day. An advertisement for a and we have seen several editors, ed­ other day at the alleged age of 125 look beautiful. ence in heads ; but have a care ot his week in a Detroit paper for a good ucated at our best colleges, who never years. She remembered to have seen A little girl asked her grandma heels. Look at the brute’s head— carpenter brought only four replies. amounted to much. Mr, Fairman, a small hoy named G. Washington how many glasses of beer it takes to that rounding nose, that tapering The moral of this is obvious. Young of the Elmira Advertiser, an able grad­ whipped by his father for telling a lie forehead, that broad, full place below mail., learn a trade. uate from “ the ease,” states the case about a cherry-tree. make a person walk lame. public get, in most cases, missrepre- Maine Election News. Penobscot county, all but 15 small A man passing through a gateway in places, gives a total of 13,581. For the dark, ran against the post. “ I f sentations ; when a man changes his Davis 6887, Smith 5702, Garcelon wish that post was iu the lower re­ political views, he is suddenly found to The latest election returns are from 992. Republican majority 193. Last gions !” was his remark. “ Better be of no account, any way— from the 376 towns and plantations. The total year the same towus gave a total of wish it somewhere else,” said a by­ other side of the fence. His charac­ vote cast in these is 124, 274 divided 13,298 For Connor 5649, Smith stander, “ you might run against it ter traduced,and he is made tiie butt of as follows : Davis, 62,552 ; Smith,42,- 6948, Garcelon 701 ; opposition ma­ again.” jority 2,000; Republican uetgaiuthi* ridicule aud low blackguardism. Men 914; Garcelon, 18,559; scattering, The insurgents have sent messen­ year 2193. Towns to be beard from gers to all tribes calling on the whole E E F t Y E A R . of honor some times shun politics as 249. The majority of Davis iu these gave the opposition a majority of 610 country to rise in arms against the towns aud plantations is 830. One Month, on trial, for 10 cts. they would a skunk, for fear of con­ last year, but the ratio of gains will British. There are fears that the sequences. We read that there is hon­ The remaining 123 towns and plan­ bring the margin very close, and it Ameer has joined the insurgents to will probably require an official count. or among thieves,but are prone to be­ tations cast the following vote last save himself. All but two towns in Piscataquis Phillips, Franklin Oo., Me. year: Conner 5201, Smith 4563,Gar­ lieve there is little in polities. “ Our” give Davis 1859, Smith 129u, Garce­ The local papers at St. Petersburg Saturday, Sept. 1.S,1S70. crowds are always magnified beyond celon, 3259 ; total, 13,023. The op­ lon 171. The same towus last year state that Tobolsk, the capital of position to tlie republicans had a ma­ all reason, while tne opposition is seen gave Connor 1541, Smith 1341, Gar­ West Siberia is threatened with in­ jority in these towns and plantations cendiary fires. Soldiers are patrolling through the little end of the telescope ; celon 215. Davis’ majority 398. Op­ last year of 2612. position majority in same towns last the streets. The Czar has arrived at their acts, statements and personal ap­ The same ratio o f increase o f the year, 15. Lavidia. vote in the towns not heard from as in pearance come iu for a share of abuse Davis’ majority iu Sagadahoc coun­ The first of the debt suits ou the in very large aud bold-faced type. those whose vote has been received ty is about 1115— a gaiu of over 300 would carry the total vote o f the State bouds of the city of Elizabeth, New Out upon these“ boils.” When hundreds from last year. Jersey, was tried recently and re­ at the present election near to 139, The fusiouists have carried Somer 0. M. MOORE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. of people are present at a meeting, 000, against a total vote last year of sulted iu judgments agaiust the city set county by a diminished majority. aggregating $750,000. and the editor of any paper which cir­ 126,169 ; aud an equal ratio of repub­ Last year they had 1400 majority, but Notice to Subscribers. culates among the audience, sees fit to lican gaius iu these 123 towus aud so far as heard from their majority plantations as iu the rest of the State missrepresent the gathering in any or has been cut down nearly a thousand. This mark upon the margin of your would leave Mr. Davis lacking from X paper indicates that the time paid for has all particulars, what doth it profit him? Waldo county returns are nearly expired. If you desire the paper sent longer, 300 to 500 of an election by the people. complete and show a Republican gain notify at once. Phillips Price Current He simply injures the party which he Should there be no choice by the of two Representatives. The fusion- seeks to aid, aud puts a double dis­ people the Legislature, both branches ists elect six representatives, two Sen­ Corrected every Friday. Political Sores. count upon any and every statement of which are republican, will elect ators and the entire county ticket by Apples—cooking.35 @50; eating, 75 @ $1 ; dried Daniel F. Davis Governor. The total 5 3 7 , . he may make thereafter. What the about 400 majority. Smith’s majority Beaus—yellow eyes, o quart; pea, o vote this year will be 13,000 larger will be between 200 aud 300. Last Butter—tirat quality, 12@16 4? tb. What! going into politics? N o; people want is the truth— the whole than last year. year the opposition majority was 2950. Cheese—Factory. 10 W tb. Home made 12. we are still on the fence, and it being C0^e6_H io, 10 <® 25 V &; Java, 30 @ 35 truth and nothing but the truth. If As to the next legislature, the Sen Republican gain 2500. Cora—Western 72 @ 75 Flour—5.00 3 7.00 t? bbl a very high one, we have a somewhat they can't get the whole truth, they ate will stand 19 Republicans to 12 Washington couuty has elected two Fish—dry cod, 5 @ 4 ; pollock, 4; hake, — ;roc.k Fusion, as follows : extensive view of the political field on want as much o f it asjthe finances of Republican Senators, and the whole cod, — Re 3. Fus. Lard—pail, 11 V lb; tierce, 10 either side. A while ago we were the concern will admit. And after the Androscoggin...... Republican couuty ticket. Molasses—40 3 45 if’’ gallon Twenty-four towns in York county Sugar—granulted, 10 t? tb; cut loaf, 12; coffee- astride the fence where three fields— election, they expect to get the news, Aroostook...... 1 crushed, 9K; standard yellow, 9 give Davis 6480, Smith 4170, Garce­ Tea—Japan, 30 @ 50 ^ H>; Oolong, 35 @ 50 or two fields and a pasture were seper- whether it be for them or against them. Cumberland...... Potatoes—SOatiO V bushel Franklin...... lon 2306. Oats—40 @ 45 bushel . , ated, but lately several old bucks have But the old bucks shake their heads Beef—by the hundred, 5.00 @ 7.00; steak 10 & 12 Hancock...... An editorial of George William V tb; roasts, 7 @ 10; corned, 5 @ 6 demolished the seperating line between as much as to say, “ you keep well up Kennebec...... Poxdtry—chickens, 8 @ 12 V tb; turkeys, 12; or­ Curtis in Harper’ s Weekly, upou the dinary fowls, 7 @ 10 two of the enclosures and the occu­ on the fence, or you will get butted K u ox...... 1 New York Republicau convent ion Pork—roast, 638 ^ tb; round hog, 6 @ 8; cle a r salt pork, 8 5 10; ham s, 10 @ 12 pants have become decidedly mixed. all over the Pine Tree State !” so we Lincoln ...... says: “ The Republican nomination Mutton—6 3 8 rib; spring lamb, 6 @ 10 Oxford...... 2 Veal Steak—12r tb: roa st, 6 3 8 They made a united and not wholly take a firmer grip aud hold on for for Governor of New York is an ex­ Nutmegs—8 r oz Penobscot ...... 4 ceedingly unfortunate one and all that Starch—10 3 12 unsuccessful offort to held up the dear life— and more observation of Piscataquis...... Soda—6 3 8 lms been said of the unwisdom of pre­ Cream Tartar—40 r tb “•Virginia” fence which kept the black men aud thiugs generally, as we jour Sagadahoc...... cisely such a nomination remains true. Dried Currants—10 V tb Raisins—8 312 sheep out of the public pasture, but it nev ou. Somerset...... 2 The importance of the result in this Onions—5 r tb seems that the breaehy fellows have W aldo...... 2 State both in the election of tills year Vinegar—35 r g a llo n J5P°As will be seen by au adver­ Washington...... Pickles- 8 r tb come back again, having more stock aud next is such that it was the duty Rice—8 3 10 r tb tisement in auotber columu, our low Y o r k ...... 3 Kerosene Oil—20 @ 28 r g a llo n in the field than was counted on. of all Republicans who understood it [The above prices are at retail.] er village jeweler is about to close up to select some candidate truly repre­ PRODUCE MARKET. But this has not much to do with 1 0 12 his business here. He will locate iu sentative of its principles aud pur­ Apples—Winter. No. 1, 2.0052.25 V barrel; drie our subject. When we speak of po­ Last year the Seuate stood 20 Re­ poses, some candidate of political in­ 3 54 Brunswick. We shall he sorry to Beans—yellow eyes, 1.65 3 1.75; pea, 1.50 @1.75 litical “ sores,” we are casting no re­ publicans to 11 Greenbacks and Dem­ dependence wholly unconnected with medium, 1.65 r bushel lose Mr. Will, who has made Phillips ocrats, and the House 65 Republicans dissensions and alieniations in that Eggs— 12r dozen flections upon those who were last Hil l— r ton; straw, 5.00 his home for nearly two years. How to 86 Fusion. 8.00 Monday given to uudersand that their party. The vociferation of the ne­ 0 ‘its—40 3 — V bushel ever we wish him much joy in the an­ The House will probably stand 91 cessity of harmony cannot concpal the Potatoes— 50 3 40 services wouid uot longer be requisite Wood—hard 2.00 3 2.25 V cord nouncement of a new partner, just Republicans to 60 Fusion, as follows; fact that the campaign has opened in Pelts—50 3 1 00 to the good of the country, after Jan., a dispiritiug manner, aud nothing blit Hides—IK above the advertisement. May they - *—18 i 8—s *—18 (9-"'\ W ool-25 3 SO rib ’ 80— nor to those who endeavored to liep. Opp. Rep. Opp. the consciousness of the immeuse con­ live long aud prosper. Androscoggin . ... 6 3 6 3 “ oust” somebody, and didn’t succeed. sequences of a Republican defeat Brighton Cattle 3Xm*lcet Aroostook .... 5 3 4 could secure victory uuder such aus­ Nay, verify ! But rather to a much t ^ ’ As to Railroad news, the Shan Boston, Sept. 10. Cumberland...... 8 12 15 5 pices.” Cattle. Sheep. Swine. At market this week, 4,163 7,800 10,370 needed reform within the party— or uehans are about through to Strong Franklin...... 1 4 1 JflWestern cattle, 3424; Eastern rattle. 1459; both parties. Having been and still village with their grading. Work has Hancock...... 6 3 8 1 Mr. Editor.— One day this week, Milch Cows and Northern cattle, 148. LJeef cattle— Extra quality. 5 87 35 t>2,S t ...8 5 11 2 my family and self made a tramp up being among the people, with rhe peo­ been begun on the Strong trestle Kennebec...... First Quality, 5.12K5 5. 50 1 loO lbs. Knox...... 6 2 6 to Lufkin Pond, where we had a grand Sec d Quality. 4 7555 00 ' live wt. ple, and for the people, we hav ■ seen Sleepers are coming in rapidly. One Third Quality.4 37 5 4 62* J Lincoln...... 1 5 3 3 ramble and gathered lots of posies.— Poorest grades, 3 00 «4 25 something o f the true spirit whi ii lias half mile o f track was laid at Farm- 3 Our little grand-children had a de­ Brighton Hides at - 3 7Kc V tb; Brighton Oxford...... 7 1 5 Tallow at 4% 3 5c r lb. moved men’s souls during 'in past ngton Thursday. Mr. Mansfield am IVnobscot...... 2 16 8 10 lightful skip and run across the brook, Country Hides 7 a 6K0 r tb; Country Tallow 4 a 4Q c r tb. campaign. What the hone-i yeoman­ locomotives are expected at once. It Piscataquis . . • 3 3 through pastures and woods and down Calf Skins at lOallo r lb; Wool skins, $l.a$l. Sag d a lio c.... 4 to the shores of the pond. On our 50; Lamb Skins 50a55c each: Sheared Skins 25c ry of all parties have looked f o r and is expected that work on tlit* lattice 50c. Somerset...... 1 7 3 5 way home we made a call ou our old Store Cattle.— Y earl ings $8314 ; 2-year old* sought after, has been candid and bridge, at Phillips, will begin at once. friend, F. M. Lufkin, where we had a $12n22; 3-year olds $23 5 45 F head. Prices for W aldo...... • • • 8 2 6 small cattle depend upon their value for Beef free discussions of the issues of the Washington. . ...6 4 7 3 treat of splendid ripe pears, called the prices ranging from 3‘, 34c V lb live weight. f3p*Some kind friend, desirous of Milch Cows—Extra $43 a 70; ordinary $20 a day. Not bulldozing; not blackguard­ Y o r k ...... 7 7 8 Summer Russet. Mr. Lufkin has the $40; making us a present, bethought him- — — — — largest and best assortment of plums, Working Oxen.—The supply In market for ing, nor missrepreseutatiou of facts, Working Oxen was larger than the demand self of the happy idea of sending liis 65 86 91 60 pears and apples in this part o f the required and trade for them has been very though they are stubborn things; but town. Wc also called on friend D. F. slow. likeness, and as there was no photog­ Androscoggin casts a total vote of Swine — Fat Hogs — prices advanced at true aud candid statements from all Hodges, where we found a large vari­ rapher in town, shot and forwarded us 9022. Davis 4569, Smith 2499, Gar­ IK Sl%c V tb live weight sides. ety of fruit. Mr. H. understands ap­ one of those long-necked birds. Its celon 1954. Republican majority 116. The financial question— the leading Last, year the county cast a total vote ple culture aud can give varieties . Wool Market. odor was natural, but we do uot rec­ well. S. D ill. subject for discussion in the campaign, of 8165; Connor 3804, Smith 2230, Bo s t o n , Sept. 10, ollect the name. Domestic—Ohio and Pennsylvania pick-lock is one of vast aud mighty importance Garcelon 2131. Opposition majority A Memphis despatch says that W . 40 342c; do choice X X .'19 g38c; . ESTY, We are prepared to do the Thursday. their intention of renewing their sub­ most attractive summer resorts of the Dealer in scriptions, our list wo dd decrease to world, would also be naturally bene­ FLOUR! — The Phono, child hopes to im­ the number of one hundred and fifty. fited by a visit from the fraternity. Groceries and Confectionery, HEAVIEST MU prove with age. We trust all will re, w soon. —AND— PAINTS, OILS & VARNISHES. — The September fishing season is — Accepting a kind invitation, the Come and see my goods and prices. The Most Deli cite, now in full blast. J. D. ESTY, (Old stand of Major Dill.) Ph g . family visited die hill-side farm Phillips, Oct. 18th. . 6 —FROM— — The saviours of the railroad— of M. C. Kelley, E q , a few days forty generous men ! siuce, and spent a t'e hours in look­ Thousands of Persons Cured ing over his splendid farm and excel­ It BY WEARING A Mammoth Poster — Wanted— a cord o f good kind lent apple orchard. Mr Kelley makes —TO— ling-wood, at this office. Sagendorph’ s Miniature Medical Galvanic a study of caring for his apple trees, BATTERY. — The State election has occurred, and should be gratified at the result, Cures Headache, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Rheu­ matism, General Debility, Asthma, The Nicest Wedding yet we heard nothing “ drap !” for they are as clean and thrifty look­ Catarrh, Heart Disease, Etc., Etc. — There was a “ Nigger show” at ing trees as oue seldom sees. A mag­ will or Visiting Cards! nificent view is obtained from his home, Price, $1.00. J. R. FLANIGAN, Agent, 89 -IN— Lambert hall, Thursday night. Court street, Boston, Mass. 5t* and Phillips village lies in full sight — Our neutrality must and shall be in the valley below. F. A. KIMBALL, M.D, THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART! preserved !— until further notice — The Greenbackers held a large pay —AT— — Mr. Orrison Dill has our thanks mass-meeting in Turner last Saturday, for a generous mess of green corn. at which a large ox was “ barbecued,’ Physician? Surgeon BOTTOM PRICES Office in Beale Block, — Mr. and Mrs. Towle, of Winth or roasted whole. We were remem rop, are visiting friends in Phillips. bered with a morsel of the roast, but Phillips, Maine. our exalted position (on the fence) you — A party from Temple and Phil­ would not admit of our partaking there­ Sam’l A. Blancliard, lips went on to Mt. Blue Thursday of. Our bird seemed to enjoy it. C-U-S-T-O-M — There was a pleasant social We presume our Republican cotem­ dance, at Fuller Hall, last Monday poraries would facetiously remark that Boot & Shoe Maker! evening. the demise of this ox (or “ steer” ) — REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. — to ^ “Among the various kinds of work we represented the death of a certain — Do not overlook the Universalist Rubbers, Rubber Boots, can guarantee satisfaction upon, may be men­ party which was buried on Monday. picnic, in Bradbury’s grove, to-day J50_____ S. A. BLANCHARD, Phillips, Me. tioned— (Saturday). — We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the attrac ALDEN J. BLETHEN, — Many Philhpians attended the tive advertisement, in another column, buy MAMMOTH POSTEESi Baptist Quarterly Meeting, at Madrid, of the New York Store, at Farming- Qlb. _ TTT T) ■ n « J 6^x10,10x12,13x20, 20x12-24- Wednesday. Attorney at Law, OHU W JJlliS 1 35-48-60-72-8F96-108, etc. ton. While down there, recently, we PORTLAND, MAINE. — The Greenbackers have evidently called on Mr. Austin, the proprietor, E§F”Prompt attention given to all business i 5x13 inches, 6%x20, sent from Franklin County. Practice in all Dodgers] 10x26, etc,, etc. etc captured Franklin county, with the and found him pleasantly located in the courts of the State, and special attention exception of Senator. the lower store on the river side of Your FLOUR and given to practice in the United States Courts. Pi T»r»nl Q t>ci i Hain and Fancy Circulars, of VJli 0 111 Chi b ( any size or shape desired. Main street. His store is a model of — Hon. Wm. P. Frye, on his way W. M. CHANDLER, neatness, and is filled with a first-class to his lakeside camp, stopped at the Town Reports, Elmwood, Tuesday night. assortment of groceries of every de­ BLACKSMITH! scription. Our up-country friends and Flxillips, Maine. School Reports, — H. H. Viniug has begun the dig­ all others, when in Farmington, should GROCERIES ging of a cellar for his new house, to consult their own interests and give Catalogues, be erected on Seward Avenue. the New York Store a call. Particular attention paid to Interfering and Over-reaching, also to Edge Tool work. —Mr. Chas. C. Dill sends a crab- — In anticipation of the railroad Law Breifs, apple branch, 20 inches in length, and the facilities it will afford for "D1 „ „ 1 , „ j Warrantee, Quit Claim and Mort- at Farm for Sale. J jia n K S 1 gage Deeds; Bends, Bills of Sale, holding upwards of 50 apples. travel between North Franklin towns HE subscriber offers for sale Notes, Drafts, Receipts, etc., etc. and Farmington, the traders down T his farm in West Phillips, — This is the season of the year containing about 80 acres; outs when it is useless to inform the boys river are availing themselves of our 30 tons hay; good chance ready Bills of Fare, advertising columns, in order to reach for crop this season. Farm that stolen fruit is not the sweetest. well watered. About four miles from Phil­ all classes. We last week contracted the lips village, on good road- Farm adjoining Bill Heads, — Mrs. B. D. Whitney, who has with Farmington traders for two half farm of John Smith, Jr., Address, JOHN A. McKENNEY, spent several weeks with her brother, column cards, which will undoubtedty 27. Phillips, Maine. Envelopes, Mr. E. J. Ross, has returned to her be carried by them the year through. J. JSS. Iji AXJ3J, home in Gardiner. One-half of the space is this week Note Headings, — Salem made a gain o f 32, in a occupied by the new New York store, New York Millwright and Machinist, vote of 68, for the Republicans. There and the other half will appear soon GARDINER, - - - MAINE, Letter Headings, in the shape of a card for the Boston GENT for “ Burnham’s” Standard Turbine are several “ banner” towns in this A Waterwheel, also a large lot of 2d hand Clothing store, showing its advantages wheels, geers, &c,., for sale iower.than the Shipping Tags, section, for different parties. owest. Flour and gristmills a specialty. to our readers. Send for prices before purchasing. 23 — A loose pully at the mill of E. J. Ross, oue day recently, caused a fire — Wednesday afternoon “ we and Store, House for Sale. which was fortunately discovered in ours” took another trip up river to the The subscriber offers for sale his farm of Mr. Silas M. Wing, and were house and double lot, situated in A First Class Assortment season to extinguish the flame. rear of the village school house, kindly treated to as fine a variety of Phillips. Lot sufficiently large for — We should be glad to purchase fiuit as we have yet seen. He has an two sets of buildings. Good cellar with well an occasional mess of green corn (from Farmington. under the house. Will sell low for cash, or orchard of four or five hundred ap­ part down and time for ballance. one to seven times a week), and other ple trees, all of which are thrifty and 3ml 52tf S. A. WILLS. garden vegetables, if they are to be well cared-for. His fruit trees com­ E. n. SHEPARD, ? had. prise egg-plums, blue aud green gages, On Hand At the Elmwood Hotel. — The election in Phillips passed off damsons, plum granites, pears, etc., Italian Queens! And For Sale at All Times, quietly— nearly all the voters turning while grapevines are numerous and Livery & Boarding Stable. will seli choice Italian Queens, after June out. The result for Govenor in town, prolific. He has an extensive nurse­ I 20th, for $2.00 each. Purity and safe arrival GOOD TEAMS AS CHEAP guaranteed. WM. H. HUNTER, was as follows : Davis, 177 ; Smith, ry of fruit-trees, of all kiuds, and is Strong, Maine. constantly adding to his already large To Let, 1 as the cheapest. Office Over Post; Office, 109 ; Garcelon, 33. Last year, Con ® ILL, SEWARD. Phillips, Post Master and nor, 167 : Smith, 115 ; Garcelon, 22 ; and productive orchard. Mr. Wing 13tf E. H. SHEPARD. D Coroner. 6m 17* PHILLIPS, ME.

1 w m m m aaam m spoke to a man whom I had just time to see retreating behind a clump of Warranted j u s t o p e n e d berry bushes at uo great distance. EUREKA! EUREKA! But I was not too late ; I saw him, I GRISWOLD STUBBLES. knew him, I recognized him as Gris FURNITURE B. F. HAYDEN’S Stubbles, a person for whom I had no D B Y From time immemorial, arid indeed, great affectiou. MARKED DOWN, DOWN! even long before the commencement “ Why should you fear him, Lucy?” AND of that epoch, if we may place any I asked with feigned surprise aud sup­ TO SUIT THE TIMES. faith in the pages of story writers, pressed indignation,” I added with heroes were and are to this day in the desperate reluctance. Call and See for Yourselves. Fancy Goods Store habit of receiving rich legacies left “ He— he loves me,” she replied, ------A ------Picture Frames, Writing them by old bachelor uncles, who, with a shudder ; he has told me so • FULL LINE OF NEW good-naturedly, and in a spirit many a time, long before you came to Desks, Brackets, pure philanthrophy, it would seem, live with us ; but I can never, never die on purpose to make their nephews like him. Beside he hates you Mont­ CARD BASKETS, happy. I had just fallen heir to a gomery.” Bracket Saws, “ Nonsense, Lucy ! Who told vou small fortune left me as a frail memo­ Cottage Bedsteads, DbY U S ! rial that I once had an uncle of just this?” such a sort. I was a young man at “ He, Griswold Stubbles himself, Lounges, Dining Chairs, CONSISTING OF that time, a clerk in a merchant’s of­ told it to me, and said he would be re­ Bleached Cotton Goods, 9c, best 10Go. venged about something; but 1 did Cane Chiirs, Cane Rockers, Unbleached do. do. fice with plenty to do at a handsome Unbleached Extra Goods, 7c. fortune of three hundred dollars per not wait to hear all he said, for I was Wood Seat Rockers, French Cotton Flannel, 8>£ and 10c. Good Straw Tick, 9>3o. annum, and positively no holidays. so frightened that I ran away. Did Chamber Nets, Good Feather Tick, 15c. you see? he was following us then.” Twilled Crash, 5c. A desire to live in the country and be Cliil£c. G rand Up- Red Table Cloth, 50c., good. old boyish longing came upon me in man, with a handsome enough face, Extension Tables, Common B E A T T Y gBSAM______right Cabinet Brown Table Cloth, 35c.. good. Organ. Style 16Sft. Height., 73 in.; Depth, 24 in.; Gray Flannel, 15c. all its strength, and overwhelmed me but for its dark, grim expression.— Length, fiUin. T h r e e |2*> Sets JteetlN. T h ir te e n His gray, serpent-like eyes were never TABLES. (III) Stop*. F iv e (5) O cta v e * . French Veneered Pan­ Gray Flannel, extra, 25c. with pleasant anticipations of futurity. eled Cases highly finished, and a beautiful, neat design, Red Flannel, extra heavy, 31c. known to look kindly even on his own C lo tn . CJ-Rxi-ta.xxa.isi, H o i - lleatty’s Improved Knee. Swell, and Beatty’s new Excel­ Blue do. do. do. 35c. Well, I was alone in the world, and sior Orand Organ Knee Swell. The mechanism, design, White Flpnnel, 13c. dog. Still he was a rich man’s sou— lan d C lotn for and music in this Organ renders it the most desirable LOOK— Plaid or Check Flannel, for men’s my own master now, which is more ever before manufactured lor the parlor or drawing­ a near neighbor. He loved Lucy C u r t a i n s , room. Retail price asked for such an instrument by Shirts, 9>£, 15,25c. than most persons can say who are Agents, three years ago about $371). UO. M y offer, Only Examine. Clayton, hated me ; was consequently $06.25. “ alone in the world.” Curtain. Fixtures. Pay for the Instrument only after you have fully If at Old John Clayton was a life-long my rival— was consequently my ene­ your own home. If it is not as represented, return at my expense, 1 paying frciglit both ways. Remember, this offer DRESS GOODS. acquaintance, and an old friend of our my. Lucy’s words had made a deep Cribs & > Cradles, is at the very lowest figure, and that I positively will not deviate from this price. I idly warranted for (i years. Black Alpaca, Double Width, 20c. impression on me. I tried hard to Every Organ sold, sells’ others. jV j The most suc- do do do do extra nice, 35c. family. He was a farmer, tolerably Looking Glasses, eessful House ill America. More unsolicited testimonials laugh off the gloomy feeling that was than any manufacturer. I have extended my sales now Twilled Cashmere, double width, brown and well off in this world’s goods, and over tile entire world. The sun shines no w here hut It lights blue, 25c. growing richer as he grew older. I stealing over m e; but the more I Looking Glass IPlates, my Instruments. Since my recent return from an extended Colored Alpaca, 12>£c. Twilled Cashmere, 15c tour through the Continent of Europe, 1 am more deter­ Knickerbocker, from 8c up. laughed the more gloomy I became. mined than ever that no city, town or village throughout had otten been invited to spend the the enti’ o civilized world shall lie unrepresented by my A Good Blk All Wool Cashmere. 50c.; extra 65. W e saw no more of Griswold Stub­ Bureaus and Sinks, celebrated instruments. Having recently been Good Gray do do 55c. summer with him on his farm. I had Cardinal and Light Blue Cashmere. written him acquainting him of my bles that day, which half induced me Husk Mattresses, Pure Hair ELECTED MAYOR Call and Examine. good fortune, and had just received an to believe that after all, seeing him iy own city, and intrusted with its BONDS amounting: M A T T R E S S K S. to oiismihIb oi* dollars, should be sufficient proof of nv n*- answer congratulating me on my sud­ had been only a mere fancy. That itihiiiCy. |3rNi:>V PIANOS for $125, *}.'<.>, * 1 4 5 nnd night as I lay half asleep upon my upwards. Beware of Imitations! Illustrated Newspaper TRIMMINGS. den prosperity and begging me to pay Feathers, Feathers! gives information about cost of P ianosand Organs, i n*t Black, Brown and Blue Velvet Stripe—some him a visit. Here was just what I pillow, my soule was troubled with Address DANIEL F. BEATTY. thing new for Trimming—$1.00 per yard. Washington, New Jersey- Black Silk Velvet, 1.25. had been lodging for. I needed no misgivings aud vague imaginings that Black Silk, 1.00 and 1.25. persuasive second invitation. One knew uo end. Certain now were two Brown, Blue and Steel Silk, 95c. COFFINS and Black Lastings, 40 and 50c. day in early June I collected my lug­ things; I loved Lucy Clayton with all Ex-Soldiers, Brown, Blue, Steel, Green Lastings, 65c. the deep, pure devotions of my heart; Buttons to match Dress Goods and Trim­ gage together,and bidding my landlady [ATTENTION. mings. The best line of Trimmings in Phil­ I hated Griswold Stubbles. The hour CASKETS good by, was soon to Ready made and fitted at short notice, and Pensions procured for all officers, soldiers lips. Gooseberryville. was late— long past midnight. The will be sold as low as anywhere in the COUN­ tnd sailors of the late war, disabled in any windows of my chamber were open. TY, of equal quality. I am prepaired to attend way by wounds, injury, disease of any kind, HAVE TAKEN GREAT PAINS TO MAKE Aud this only brings me to the be­ FUNERALS witli my Hearse for a very small or rupture, incurred while in the United I this one of the most attractive stores that There was a full moon in the sky, Compensation. States, Military or Navy service. The widows, the public has ever seen in Phillips. All that ginning of my stor}T which the reader children, fathers and mothers, of such soldiers long experience and thorough knowledge of may think too short for so much pre­ and the sweet brilliant, silvery light E. M. R O B IN S O N , and sailors whose death was caused by their the people’s requirements could suggest has face. I shan’t sav one word concern­ streaming in illuminated every corner service in the late war, ARE ALSO ENTITL­ been concentrated in one grand offort to sur­ No. 3, Beal Block, ED TO PENSION. pass all. ing how glad my old friend was to see of my room. Suddenly I heard a Soldiers of the war of 1812 and their widows Our stock of miilli|>K, - - - Maine. are entitled to a pension, where 14 days service me, nor of a thousand other little inci­ noise ; the room for a moment grew has been rendered. LADIES’ quite dark ; I rubbed my eyes hard Phillips, Apr. 12d, 1879. Bounties due all SOLDIERS who enlisted dents of kindness. I.shall pass over for TWO or THREE years prior to December all that, leaving the reader to imagine, to make sure it was not a dreem.— D. H. K n o w l t o n . F. E. McLe a r y . 12th, 1863, and who have NOT RECEIVED There was a dark shadow on the floor ; more than $100 bounty, provided they were if he will, what a good, kind old discharged for Wounds, Injury, End of Term, Fancy Goods! gentleman Mr. Clayton proved himself it was the shadow of a man. Statled, D. H. KNOWLTON & CO., or Close of War. Widows, children and other I looked up, and beheld— what?— heirs of deceased soldiers are also entitled to has been gotten up with the express purpose to be. BOUNTY. of supplying the wants of Griswold stubbles bending over me Colored soldiers a n d t h e i r h e ih s are also It was a great old-time country entitled. Your Mothers, and with a gleaming Spanish dagger in Book, Card & Job INCREASED PENSIONS Your Sisters, and house, Mr. Claytou’s was, with a great Your Cousins, and his hand ! are due to thousands of pensioners under re­ Your Aunts. many gables to it aud a likewise plen­ PRINTERS, cent acts of Congress. Call and be convinced that what I advertise is tiful supply of chimneys. There were Finding his vtctime awake, disap­ Send to us for blanks and instructions. so. 2 & 3 Knowlton’s Block, PAYMENT obtained for Property taken and pantries in every corner and butts in pointed and unnerved him for a mo­ Farmington, - - Maine. used by the U. S, Army and for Horses lost in LOOK! every pantry. The kitchen was a ment, but only for a moment. The the Volunteer service. Officers accounts set­ next instant he was upon me. It was tled. Linen Laces, 7 to 40c. per yard. large, old-fashioned apartment, quite With New and Improved Facilities, Superior Rejected,Suspended,Barred and Restoration Cotton Laces, 2 to 10c. “ in keeping with everything else around a death struggle. I couldjuot cry ou t; and Fast Running Job Presses, we are enabled claims a specialty. Hamburg Edgings, 3 to 25c per yard. my longue cleaved to my mouth. A to do the Finest Printing (of any kind, from If you desire c o r r e c t information rela­ Good Linen Handkerchiefs, 5 and 10c. it. It was always so bright and clean the Largest Poster to the Smallest Label),with tive to any class of claims, write to us, enclos­ Worsteds. Worsteds, 12c peroz. weak youth naturally, I now felt the despatch, at the Lowest Prices. ing p o s t a g e s t a m p s , and you will receive a Card Board—all the leading styles. that I used to imagine it took particu­ Orders by Mail promptly attended to. 43 prompt reply. 40c buys a good Corset. strength of a giant in my limbs. But Very respectfully, £1.00 buys the best Corset. lar pride in being called the kitchen. RICHARD P. EVANS & CO., Dr. Warner’s Health Corset, 1.00. ‘ ‘No connection with the high-toned it could not last. Each moment I felt REMEMBER Attorneys at Law, 50c buys a good 3-Button Kid Glove. rooms above” was written all over it. myself growing weaker. I thought 1 — THAT— W a s h i n g t o n , D C. 1.00 buys the best Juvan Kid. must be bleeding to death. • I was |»~PIease name the paper in which you saw 1.00 buys the best Black Kid. There for you was au example in this advertisement. 36tf 15c buys a lace collar for the baby. terribly hewed about the body aud E. A. W IL L Ribbons, plain. 5c per yard. humility that other kitchens would do “ Grograln, 10c per yard. arms. Still the ghastly struggle went 5c buys Dress Braid. well to imitate. Of course it had that Does Good Work S. L. BALKAM, 2c buys Spool Cotton, 200 yds. huge old fireplace— that dark, secret, on. But the end was near ; 1 heard 5c buys French Cotton, 500 yds. footsteps without— ass’stance was at ON STRONG,...... MAINE Ladies’ Hose, 5,10 and 25c—call and see them. mysterious fireplace — peculiar to Ruches, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5c apiece. hand. My assassin, I thought, was d e a l e r i n farm-house kitchens. But the old WATCHES Ruches, by the yard, all prices. preparing himself for the home plunge Shetland Shawls—cardinal, blue and white. kitchen has gone to where all good German Town Yarns, 18c. when the door burst open and in rush­ Our own yarn, all shades. kitchens go, and this may be called ( x ( i Ladies’ Under Flannels. its obituary. ed old John Clayton aud several of Children's Under Flannels. his stout farm hands. The rest can Clocks! (’all and see the new styles of Hose, all sizes. A good old honest pump stood at GROCERIES Rubber Bracelets, 5c to 25c. some distance from the house, and be imagiued. And Jewelry. Children's Hose, Knitting Cotton, Dress But­ I soon recovered from my wounds, Choice Tobaccos & Cigars! tons, Ladies’ Back Combs, Ladies’ Belts, Lin­ further on was the well, with its pro­ No. 3 Beal Block, - - Phillips, Maine en Collars and Cuffs, and hundreds of other verbial appendage, a moss-covered which, though painful, were not dau- articles not mention. bucket. gerous; aud whether in the end I married Lucy Clayton or not, leave M ou ntain V ie w Mr. Clayton was a good-natured, GHENT’S thee, dear reader, to amuse thyself, to plain, simple old gentleman, aud his i t Medicines Chemicals fancy aud conjeture. o I T 8 E , daughter, Lucy (his only child), was —AT OUTLET OF- Medicines, Ae. With regard to Griswold Stubbles, Furnishing Goods. a sweet, delightful angel, as innocent ALSO it need only be said, that gentleman Rangeley Lake, ]VEe. of the world as a robin and as confid­ Gent's Neck Ties—all styles and prices. met his just reward, though he had SURGICAL & DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Gent’s Linen Collars— ’2 for 25c., warranted ing as a child. It was simply impos­ pur linen. my forgiveness, aud served a long sible not to love Lucy Clayton ; and H. T. Kimball, Prop’r. Fine Toilet Soaps, Paper Collars, 10 to 20c. time in prison, where he at last died. Linen Cuffs. as for me, well— well, I shan’t now 50c buys a good Colored shirt. Brushes, Perfumery, White Shirts at low prices. interrupt the story. The Mountain View House Gent’s Under Flmnels, 50c and 75c; best trade As for Gooseberryville, I had often Is located at the outlet of Rangeley Lake Fancy and Toilet Articles,Etc. in Phillips. Jas. Morrison, Jr., near the Steamboat Landing, and in close Call and examine. gazed at pictures of my rural life in proximity to the best trout Ashing in Maine— the picture stores till I actually forgot A T T O M lf ADD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, miles from Indian Rock Parties furnished S- L. BALKAM, STRONG, MAINE. with. Boats, or Guides, at short notice, and at CLOCKS that I was anything but a country boy. PHILLIPS AND MADRID, ME. reasonable rates. *3m44 AND Gooseberryville was just such a beau­ Office at Phillips open Saturdays. Office at Madrid open every evening. May be found M. W HARDEN, R.R.Ties Wanted! tiful picture, with verdant valleys, balance of the time on my home farm. JEWELRY shady groves aud sunny streams. Having retired from the Political field for the present, am prepared to attend strictly to FASHIONABLE 60,000 At prices lower than the lowest. Clocks from Dear me ! it is like a pleasant dream business. A First Class Fire Insurance Agency EDAR TIES WANTED for the SANDY $1.25 to $7.50. One wanting a clock can save to wander back in fancy to the old will he carried on in both offices. Collections C RIVER RAILROAD, for which CASH money by calling. and Probate Practice a specialty. Business will be paid. Dimensions, feet long, five I also keep a full line of Stationery, Fancy sent by mail to either Phillips or Madrid Post HAIR DRESSER Box Paper, Perfumes, Key Rings, Drinking scenes aud be a farmer again. inches thick, and not less than five inches Office, will receive prompt attention. 28 face. The HEART OF HACKMATACK will Cups, Match Safes, Boot Brushes. Hair Brush­ One sunny afternoon Lucy was also be taken. For further particulars, en­ es, Soaps. Raizors, Razor Straps, Tooth Brush­ with me in the orchard. The birds Next to Barden House, quire of the Direct ors of said Company. es, Curtain Cord, Picture Cord, Tassels, Combs. By order of the Direators. Traveling Bags, 50c, $1.25 and $1.50. seemed to sing their sweetest as they L. A. DASCOMB, Phillips, IVLniiio. PHILIP H. STUBBS, Clerk. &c.,