NORTH DAKOTA FISHING GUIDE 2016-2018 (Effective April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2018) North Dakota Game and Fish Department 100 N. Bismarck Expressway Bismarck, ND 58501-5095 701-328-6300 Email:
[email protected] Website: TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1 New for 2016-2018 Fishing Seasons...................... 4 2 Licenses.................................................................. 6 3 Fish and Bait Definitions ......................................... 7 4 Possession and Transportation of Fish and Bait .... 8 Baitfish and Bait................................................. 8 Game and Nongame Fish................................ 10 5 General Regulations ............................................. 12 6 Bait Regulations.................................................... 13 7 Manner of Taking .................................................. 14 A. Hook and Line Fishing...................................... 14 Open Areas and Season Dates ..................... 14 Statewide Daily and Possession Limits ......... 16 Exceptions .................................................. 17 Specific Regulation Information ..................... 17 Fish Size Restrictions .................................... 19 Fish Length-Weight Table ........................... 20 Ice Fishing Regulations ................................. 21 Fish Houses................................................... 22 B. Darkhouse Spearfishing .................................. 23 C. Archery and Spearfishing ................................ 24 D. Underwater Spearfishing