SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 176 River Basin Surveys Papers, No. 18 Fort Pierre II (39ST217), a Historic Trading Post in the Oahe Dam Area, South Dakota By G. HUBERT SMITH 83 602329—6C CONTENTS PAGE Foreword 87 Historical background 90 Description of the site 108 Archeological evidence obtained 112 Architectural evidence 116 Artifactual evidence 130 Construction materials and building hardware; fuel 130 Tools and implements 132 Harness and farriery; wagon parts 132 Furniture and household articles 133 Mihtary goods 136 Personal possessions 137 Trade goods 141 Subsistence 143 Artifacts of native significance 144 Miscellaneous 145 Discussion 146 Recommendations 151 References cited 155 PLATES (All plates follow page 158) 19. a, Site of Fort Pierre II (39ST217) prior to excavation; cellar pit right center; farm buildings rear, b, Blading operations; exploratory trenches (right) mark west stockade line. 20. a, Adobe brick chimney base, House site A. b, Enclosure (probable site of blockhouse) at southwest angle of stockade. 21. a, Detail of north stockade trench near midpoint, b, Northeast angle of stockade trench. 22. a, House site B, view west, b, East fireplace, House site B. 23. Aerial view, southeast, of site under excavation. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photograph.) 24. Building hardware; tools and implements; harness and farriery; wagon parts. 25. Household articles. 26. Household articles. 27. Military and personal articles. 28. Trade goods. 29. Trade goods. 30. Artifacts of native significance. MAPS PAGE 3. Area of Fort Pierre II, South Dakota 86 4. Fort Pierre II (39ST217), Oahe Reservoir (facing) 113 85 86 — FORT PIERRE II (39ST217) A HISTORIC TRADING POST IN THE OAHE DAM AREA, SOUTH DAKOTA^ By G.
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