107 Part 208—Flood Control Regulations
Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, DoD § 208.10 PART 208—FLOOD CONTROL sponsible for the efficient operation REGULATIONS and maintenance of all of the struc- tures and facilities during flood periods Sec. and for continuous inspection and 208.10 Local flood protection works; mainte- maintenance of the project works dur- nance and operation of structures and fa- ing periods of low water, all without cilities. cost to the United States. 208.11 Regulations for use of storage allo- (3) A reserve supply of materials cated for flood control or navigation and/ or project operation at reservoirs subject needed during a flood emergency shall to prescription of rules and regulations be kept on hand at all times. by the Secretary of the Army in the in- (4) No encroachment or trespass terest of flood control and navigation. which will adversely affect the effi- 208.19 Marshall Ford Dam and Reservoir cient operation or maintenance of the (Mansfield Dam and Lake Travis), Colo- project works shall be permitted upon rado River, Tex. 208.22 Twin Buttes Dam and Reservoir, Mid- the rights-of-way for the protective fa- dle and South Concho Rivers, Tex. cilities. 208.25 Pensacola Dam and Reservoir, Grand (5) No improvement shall be passed (Neosho) River, Okla. over, under, or through the walls, lev- 208.26 Altus Dam and Reservoir, North Fork ees, improved channels or floodways, Red River, Okla. nor shall any excavation or construc- 208.27 Fort Cobb Dam and Reservoir, Pond (Cobb) Creek, Oklahoma. tion be permitted within the limits of 208.28 Foss Dam and Reservoir, Washita the project right-of-way, nor shall any River, Oklahoma.
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