19 19 In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Dispenser of Mercy. 19 19 Published by : Tel +97126265151
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[email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISBN: 978-9948-36-806-9 First edition 1441 H. - 2020 ©All rights reserved to Al Hosn Research & Studies Centre No part of this book maybe reproduced or transmitted including printing, publishing, photocopying, or storing by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Chapter of al-Ahzab the chapter of al-Ahzab 5 The Chapter of al-Ahzab In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Dispenser of Mercy T he chapter of al-Ahzab(1) (The Clans): Allah Glorified is He says: IH G F E D C B A O N M L K J Prophet, be mindful of God and do not give in to the disbelievers and the hypocrites: God is all knowing, all wise[1] (The Quran, al-Ahzab: 1) The Word of Allah the Almighty ‘Prophet…’ (al-Ahzab: 1) is an address to Messenger Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him and the one who is delivering that address is the True Lord the Almighty. ‘Messenger of Allah’ is his title, but his name is Muhammad or Ahmad as is mentioned in the Quran. When a human being is born, he is given a name which denotes him. So, when that name is mentioned, people’s attention is drawn to the one to whom that name has been given. People who are named have a particular environment in which they are known, while other people possessing the exact same names have another environment in which they are known.