LAL_booklet.indd 1 27.11.14 18:52 LIQUID ASANA™ LIVE

Liquid Asana™ LIVE is a combination of 12 musicians, 36 yogis, and a crew of 54 flmmakers. Although it was flmed in just 5 days it took 16 years in the making. This is Udaya’s frst ofering which includes live music. The program ofers 12 DVDs, original music composed to movement, and a whole new life for the practitioner. There is so much more here than meets the eye. Only by embarking on the Liquid Asana™ LIVE experience will you begin to realize what this is. The program may seem daunting at frst but trust us, the leap of faith you take will be well worth it. Take the next 40 days of your life and commit to total and utter transformation.


LAL_booklet.indd 1 27.11.14 18:52 We would like to take the opportunity to ofer gratitude to everyone that was involved in its inception: the yogis who participated, the musicians who played non-stop for fve hours a day to create this beautiful one of a kind music, and the crew who managed to capture this. You will hear about them individually throughout this journey and hopefully get to know them by connecting with our Facebook page Liquid Asana ‘Live’ Tribe.

“I believe we are all artists. We all have a song within us, a story to tell, a lesson to teach, or a dream to cast to the wind.” — Micheline Berry


LAL_booklet.indd 2 27.11.14 18:52 40-DAY YOGA, CREATIVITY &

What is your art? What intentions do you want to manifest? What are you letting hold you back? The Liquid Asana™ LIVE 40-day Artist’s Journey is about to change all that. This is a road map for realizing and manifesting what you thought was unattainable. This is a recipe for artistic success. A dash of determination sprinkled in with yoga and meditation will give you the tools to make your dreams come true. You are an artist, we all are. This program is all about creating your own destiny by working on a fundamental shift in perspective. It’s a program that can be done again and again and one which has the potential to improve every facet of your life. As with everything, you get what you give.


LAL_booklet.indd 3 27.11.14 18:52 & ARTIST’S JOURNEY

Enclosed is a 4-part calendar consisting of daily assignments for your asana practice, your meditation practice, and your creative spark. To embark on this journey you will need a yoga mat, a meditation cushion, a journal and a loofa sponge. This program is built on three principals. The frst one is that you can take control of your own life. The second one is that there is strength in numbers. The third one is that human potential is unlimited. You will see all walks of life here because we wanted to show the true face of yoga. Yoga at its essence means unifcation and Liquid Asana™ LIVE unifes yoga, art and music.


LAL_booklet.indd 4 27.11.14 18:52 MICHELINE’S TIPS FOR YOUR ARTIST’S JOURNEY

• Choose a creative project or intention. Commit to it, nurture it and develop it during your 40-day Artist’s Journey. • Start where you are. Don’t waste your precious time on regret or feeling you should be anywhere other than where you are right now. The present moment is the perfect teacher. • Be consistent in your practice. Try to practice at the same time everyday, preferably frst thing in the morning if possible or at an hour you know you can slot in the time for your daily yoga practice, contemplation and creative exploration. • Create regularly. Whether you feel like it or not, whether you believe your art, yoga practice or self-expression is ‘good or not,’ just keep showing up. • Create in stages. Take small steps towards developing your yoga, meditation and your creative project so that you don’t overwhelm yourself. • Allow yourself to make mistakes. As Anne Lamott says, allow yourself to make ‘shitty frst drafts.’ Don’t expect your yoga & meditation practice, or your creative project to fow or look perfectly at frst. Don’t worry about the fnal goal; it will mature over time by your refning and adjusting. Don’t be afraid to throw out old ideas and try out new ones. • The creative process has its own timing. Don’t push the river, dance with it. Trust the time it takes for your yoga practice, creative project and/or intention to evolve. • Always be a student. Read, study, and learn diferent points of view and diferent tech- niques regarding your chosen art. Expose yourself to a wide spectrum of infuences and seek to make new connections between them. This is the key to making your art and self-expression authentic, on and of the mat. • Don’t look sideways. Stop comparing. Nothing kills your creative momentum like indulging your inner critic or comparing yourself to others. Don’t let the jealously or criticism of others sidetrack or sabotage your authentic self-expression. You were born an artist. Creativity is your birthright.


LAL_booklet.indd 5 27.11.14 18:52 • Imitate. Integrate. Innovate. When starting to evolve your creative project, you might start by imitating techniques, systems, and strategies. The next stage of creative development is to integrate, to start applying what we learn from others with our own experience. Finally, in the innovation stage, we trust our creative impulses. We trust our own unconscious from which our most authentic self-expression emerges. • Practice. Practice. Practice. Everyone has the ability to be creative. However mastering any craft or life art comes from practice; it’s not just magic, but rather consistent work and practice at your craft. With practice, you enter a creative fow state that evolves your abilities. • Commitment. Discipline. Trust. Completion. This is my mantra for creative activation and authentic self-expression that has helped me through some of my most intense life projects. Commit to your yoga practice, creative project and/or life intention. Be disciplined to take consistent actions and steps towards nurturing and completing your goals. Trust the process and time it will take from beginning all the way to completion. Complete your project even if it changes form… fnish it! • Ask for help when you need it! Create your go-to support system to help you maintain your yoga practice and creative well-being. Find someone to share your creative process, insights, breakdowns & breakthroughs during your 40-Day Artist’s Journey. • Reduce distractions and multitasking. Focus on the task at hand, whether it be a con- versation, doing the dishes, or practicing downward dog for the 10,000th time. • Live improvisationally. Your ability to be spontaneous in the present moment and to listen to your intuition may have life-changing consequences beyond your wildest dreams and may lead you on creative adventures in life and love that you might otherwise have missed while you were busy making plans. • Sleep well. Nothing nourishes our creative energies like good food and plenty of rest. Sleep when necessary to rest your nervous system and to refresh your brain’s creative cortex.


LAL_booklet.indd 6 27.11.14 18:52 DVD 1 INTRODUCTION music videos + art + extras

To every great story there is a great beginning. Watch the introduction disc to gain a greater understanding of the Liquid Asana™ LIVE Artist’s Journey and the process of how it was made. Here you will fnd an Intro by Micheline, music and art videos by DJ Drez, photographer, Robert Sturman and others, plus a solo practice with Micheline, “Short and Sweet.” You’ll also fnd interviews, behind the scenes footage of the making of Liquid Asana™ LIVE, and of course the production credits. This is a quick bite of a far bigger interactive experience you will fnd on our website,


LAL_booklet.indd 7 27.11.14 18:53 MICHELINE SHORT AND SWEET

The Short and Sweet Practice is a creative, advanced practice in which Micheline took to her mat on the last day of flming. We recommend that you warm up with the Sankalpa, Fire in the Belly, Honey in the Heart or Heart Bloom sequences prior to practicing this Short and Sweet practice, as it moves at a fast pace. As always, respect your own edge. Enjoy fowing freely from pose to pose, guided by your breath, the beautiful music of Joey Lugassy, Craig Kohland + Ensemble and Micheline’s cues.


LAL_booklet.indd 8 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 2 SANKALPA sun salutations + the power of intention

Sankalpa ignites the inner fre of our intention and life art. Translated from Sanskrit, Sankalpa means ‘intention formed in the heart.’ Therefore, our creative journey begins here with a dynamic sequence of Surya Namaskars (sun salutations). These will generate heat and a powerful fow of creative energy throughout your entire body. A form of meditation, each sun salute is an invitation to surf the creative fow within you and dynamically meditate on your intentions.

All music © 2014 DJ Drez


LAL_booklet.indd 9 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Creating an intention for the journey (creative project, goal or life vision) • Igniting your inner art and building creative fow • Dancing Namaskars as a dynamic and creative meditation

Liquid Asana Practice: • Heat & Energy Building Namaskars (sun salutations) • Creative Namaskar variations

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw of the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain, writer


LAL_booklet.indd 10 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 3 BEGINNER’S MIND vinyasa flow yoga basics

Beginner’s Mind is a state of being that is curious, fexible and open to the creative possibilities of any moment. The journey of transformation begins right here, right now. Whether you’re engaging in this program to deepen your own yoga practice or to ignite a specifc creative project, start where you are. Exploring your art is the spiritual journey. Through this practice you will cultivate the powerful inner art of moving mindfulness, the essence of vinyasa yoga that initiates our creative expression in the world. You will connect deeply to the fow of your creativity at its source within your own body. Beginner’s Mind helps us awaken to the inherent creativity of the present moment, both on and of the mat.

All music © 2014 Masood Ali Khan


LAL_booklet.indd 11 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Starting where you are • Beginning the journey of transformation • Moving poetry of fow in the body

Liquid Asana Practice: • Beginner’s Flow Sequence, Vinyasa Flow Basics and Gentle Flow

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” — Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Buddhist Teacher


LAL_booklet.indd 12 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 4 ROOTS, ROCK AND FLOW standing pose + arm balance fow

Roots, Rock & Flow asks you to contemplate the beneft of stability and the essential power of root support on your mat and throughout your 40-day Artist’s Journey. There is a powerful principle in nature and in vinyasa fow yoga called ‘Root to Rise.’ In nature a seed roots down into the soil, anchors itself and gathers energy before it rises up as a sprout and then blooms. Likewise, in order to thrive in our yoga practice and creative endeavors alike, we need to create a stable, nurturing foundation. In this sequence you will learn to build strength in your roots, creating a stable bedrock that will allow your asana to bloom and the creative energy within you to fow more freely. Put down your roots in good soil and thrive!

All music © 2014 Joey Lugassy


LAL_booklet.indd 13 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Root to Rise: root frst, then bloom • Root Support: the stable bedrock for your creative fow on and of the mat • Muladhara: the root chakra

Liquid Asana Practice: • Standing Poses, Foundational Alignment to Support the Flow

“May all beings know the root of happiness.” — Lokah Samastah Sukhinoh Bhavantu


LAL_booklet.indd 14 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 5 ROCK THE SHAKTI 1 moving meditation + creative activation

Shakti means ‘creative power’ or ‘creative potential.’ In this practice, you will tap into your raw, creative power and experience your yoga practice as moving poetry. This practice is especially useful at the beginning of a creative project when feeling stuck or when in need of inspiration, as it will help you activate and connect to a free fow of creative energy within. This part of your journey is to activate Shakti, stimulating your artistic expression by moving beyond form and structure. Sometimes we just have to slow down so that we can actually hear that wild idea, that inner impulse of creativity (the signal) beyond the vrittis (the noise). Our Rock The Shakti 1 will help you cultivate an ear for your creative impulses so that they may become a splash of indigo on a canvas, a line of poetry, a song danced to for the frst time, a new journey taken. All this is Art. And it’s not just in some of us… it’s in all of us. For we each have a wild dharma and a wild art within. What is the art that is beginning to bubble up from the deep waters inside of you?

All music © 2014 Craig Kohland 15

LAL_booklet.indd 15 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Activating our raw creative power, Shakti and letting it fow unhindered • Moving Meditation: moving in new, mindful and creative ways as a practice • Svadhistana: 6th chakra associated with water, sensuality and creativity • Expressing our creativity freely ‘out of the box’ and ‘of of the mat’

Liquid Asana Practice: • Zen Dancing™~ Creative Moving Meditation, Deep Meditative Flow

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” — Martha Graham, modern dance pioneer


LAL_booklet.indd 16 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 6 FIRE IN THE BELLY, HONEY IN THE HEART core detox vinyasa

Toxins, when burned, can be transformed into fuel for your body, art and creative inspiration. In this Fire In The Belly, Honey In The Heart fow sequence of core work, spinal twists and backbends, you will purify your organs so that deep seated toxins can be moved into the elimination systems of the body. You will ignite the navel center, Manipura chakra, associated with our creative fre and personal power. You will activate the heart center, Anahata chakra, associated with fearless compassion and loving kindness. When these two centers are aligned, a powerful creative alchemy is generated allowing us to detox physically, emotionally, mentally and creatively. Strengthening Manipura, the ‘fre in the belly,’ helps us cultivate the courage to move forward past our fear into our creative dharma. Liberating Anahata, the ‘honey in the heart,’ allows us to do so with loving kindness and fearless compassion, known in Buddhism as ‘Bodhicitta.’ Prepare to sweat, burn and bloom.

All music © 2014 Dave Stringer


LAL_booklet.indd 17 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Strengthening your core power • Transforming toxins into medicine • Igniting the creative ‘fre in the belly’ (Manipura chakra) • Melting the ‘honey in the heart’ (Anahata chakra)

Liquid Asana Practice: • Detoxing Core Work, Heart Openers and Backbend Flow

“I want to know if you know how to melt into that ferce heat of living falling toward the center of your longing. I want to know if you are willing to live, day by day, with the consequence of love…” — David Whyte, poet and author


LAL_booklet.indd 18 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 7 THE MIDDLE WAY balance pose fow

There is a story of Buddha meditating along India’s Ganges River. He overheard a music teacher explaining to his student how to tune a lute. “Not too loose, or else no sound will come forth from the string; not to tight, or else the string will break.” This simple yet profound lesson found in Buddhism and many other mindfulness practices around the world is known as ‘The Middle Way.’ It represents personal, creative and spiritual integration along our life journey by fnding the balance point between two extremes. When we can fnd this balance between rooting and blooming, form and fow, active and receptive, we fnd ourselves living into an open, creative state that is full of possibility. This sequence asks you to explore this idea of your own ‘middle way’ through a full-spectrum practice that focuses on balance poses and fnding your center within the fow.

All music © 2014 Anita Coats (part 1) & © Spring Groove (part 2)


LAL_booklet.indd 19 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Strengthening the muscle of compassion • Integration & balance within the ritual arc of the creative process • Finding your center in the face of change, new beginnings and setbacks

Liquid Asana Practice: • Balance Poses

“Everyone practices in order to fnd out for him or herself personally how to be balanced, how to be not too tight and not too loose. No one else can tell you. You just have to fnd out for yourself. This is the Middle Way.” — Pema Chodron, Buddhist teacher


LAL_booklet.indd 20 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 8 THE POWER OF STAYING hip openers + forward bends

Full creative expression in its many forms involves learning to stay with the process and cultivate mindfulness in the present moment. ‘Staying with’ your creative process is essential to transforming intention into action, idea into form, beginning into completion. In The Power of Staying you will experience a full body mindfulness meditation of forward bends, deep stretches and hip openers that nurture and release the connective tissues of the body. Using the breath to conduct our awareness inward, we learn to relax around our sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts as they arise. Staying with our creative process this way allows us to move from constantly reacting and responding to a more receptive state of creativity, whether on your mat or in your daily life. When we relax and become still, the creative cortex of the brain becomes more active, leading to new ideas and breakthroughs. Slow down, stop the spinning, and become more intimate with breath, the very source of your creative expression. Stillness can be a wonderful adventure.

All music © 2014 Joey Lugassy 21

LAL_booklet.indd 21 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Mastering the art of inner stillness and the power of silence • Mindfulness, creativity & fearless compassion • Staying with the present moment • Move from reacting and responding towards choosing and creating

Liquid Asana Practice: • Yin Yoga, Deep Stretches, Forward Bends & Hip Openers, and Mindful Breathing

“Wherever you go, there you are.” — Jon Kabat-Zinn, author, mindfulness teacher


LAL_booklet.indd 22 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 9 DANCING WITH THE UNKNOWN inversion fow

Dancing with the unknown is a beautiful metaphor for life. Along the journey of our full creative expression we face the fear of failing and the fear of judgement, much akin to the fear of falling while going into handstand. Fear is creative energy that has formed a pattern (samskara). Inversion practice helps us to unravel and transform these patterns of fear in the body and psyche alike. This Dancing with the Unknown sequence is made up of stabilizing core work, breath work and standing poses leading to peak inversions to develop trust, courage and confdence in the face of fear. These skills are essential for seeing your creative intentions through to completion. When we turn our world upside down, we fnd new ways of navigating the fow of our creative energies. We surf the waves of change and the ‘unexpected’ with greater ease. This act of embodied exploration and expansion beyond our known comfort zones is the ‘dance with the unknown’ which we all must master in our daily and creative lives.

All music © 2014 Red Musette Collective


LAL_booklet.indd 23 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Alchemy of inversions: transforming fear into trust & courage • Cultivating confdence in our creative expression • Moving beyond our known comfort zones

Liquid Asana Practice: • Inversion Flow • Handstand Sequence

“We lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” — Jack Kerouac, author “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” — E. E. Cummings, poet


LAL_booklet.indd 24 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 10 HEART BLOOM backbend fow

From root to bloom, your life journey can be a path with heart. Heart Bloom will open and activate your heart center (Anahata chakra), releasing a cascade of ‘feel good’ hormones that combat stress, relax the nervous system and simply make you feel good through a balanced, full-spectrum backbend practice. Opening the heart center through yoga on the mat helps us to expand our sense of loving kindness, gratitude and compassion towards others in our daily lives. Using ‘bloom’ as a metaphor, you will be asked to visualize and embody the feeling-state associated with your creative expression taking concrete shape in the world.

All music © 2014 Deepak Ramapriyan


LAL_booklet.indd 25 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Arousing the heart • Root – Sprout – Bloom – Thrive • The Artist’s Journey is a path with heart • Backbends as metaphor of our creative expression in full bloom • How is your life blooming of the mat?

Liquid Asana Practice: • Full Spectrum Heart-Openers and Backbend Flow

“The time came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud became more painful than the risk it took to bloom.” — Anaïs Nin, author


LAL_booklet.indd 26 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 11 ROCK THE SHAKTI 2 ecstatic dance + creative manifestation

What is your art? What life project do you want to let emerge? What new risks are you taking? These are some questions you will ponder and dance out in Rock The Shakti 2, an ecstatic moving meditation that unifes breath, body awareness and creative impulse through your own free form dance. While our frst Rock The Shakti 1 journey was designed to focus our attention inward, our second Rock The Shakti 2 is a higher energy dance practice designed to teach the skill of remaining inwardly connected while expressing yourself in more outward, spontaneous and dynamic ways. This is a great sequence to practice when you are going through a creative block. One of the main principles we practice during this sequence is Santosha (relaxed contentment) with wherever you fnd yourself in your Artist’s Journey.

All music © 2014 Red Musette Collective


LAL_booklet.indd 27 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • Giving our Art: manifesting your creative vision or intention in the world • Unleashing inhibitions to full creative expression through mindful dance • Creative Sangha (community): sharing your art with your tribe • Cultivating Santosha: contentment where you are in your creative process

Liquid Asana Practice: • Zen Dancing™: Ecstatic/Expressive Dance, Meditative Hip Openers, and Pranayama

“Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances.” — Maya Angelou, writer and poet


LAL_booklet.indd 28 27.11.14 18:53 DVD 12 YOGA CHILL LOUNGE restorative sadhana + meditation

Meditation provides the mindful root, the inner art of presence, that liberates our creative expression. Thus, rest and renewal are key to remaining creatively ft. Studies have shown that regular mindfulness meditation can induce heightened states of creativity and stimulate new ideas. Enter the Yoga Chill Lounge, a full body mindfulness meditation accompanied by a trance inducing live soundtrack. You will unwind and reverse the efects of urban stress upon your body and mind by sinking down into the inner art of stillness, into a deep reservoir of breath, relaxation and calm. Through restorative poses, pranayama, and the use of props (bolsters, blocks, and blankets) we support the body and allow our creative energies to renew themselves. The result? An ecstatic state of relaxation and embodied creativity.

All music © 2014 Domonic Dean Breaux


LAL_booklet.indd 29 27.11.14 18:53 Themes: • The Art and Flow of Stillness: sustaining physical and creative well-being • Mindfulness Meditation as a technique to stimulate creativity • Radical Relaxation: releasing, opening and trusting • Returning to the tabula rasa, ‘the blank canvas’: cultivating an empty space from which new creative insights and ideas can emerge • Love, The End Game: At the end of the day, it’s about the love. Period.

Liquid Asana Practice: • Restorative Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditation

“Breath is the power behind all things… I breath in and know that good things will happen.” — Tao Porchon-Lynch, 95 year old yoga teacher


LAL_booklet.indd 30 27.11.14 18:53 MEDITATE ON THIS

All art arises from an embodied creative source within your own body and mind. Meditation provides the mindful root, the inner art of presence that liberates our creative expression. Whether your art is to write, splash paint on a canvas, move your body, crunch numbers or raise a family, your endeavors in life are elevated to a state of art when you act from a present, clear and mindful state of being. As part of our 40-day Artist’s Journey, you will develop a regular sitting mindfulness meditation practice following your asana sequence of the day. While you ignite, activate and deepen the fow of creative energy (shakti) through daily asana practice, you will also gain clarity, inspiration and deep insight into your life and art through daily meditation and creative journaling. Sustained meditation practice can have a profound impact on the quality of your life and creative expression and is an essential part of a balanced yoga practice, especially one like Liquid Asana™ LIVE, which is designed to advance and activate your creativity. The instructions are simple, and yet you may fnd sitting meditation a bit challenging at times. However, stay with it as the transformational benefts and creative insights you will experience will grow as your meditation practice deepens and develops over time. Begin where you are, with patience and a healthy sense of humor for whatever you may encounter along the way.


LAL_booklet.indd 31 27.11.14 18:53 A Short List of Regular Mindfulness Meditation Benefts:

• develops greater self-awareness, body awareness and insight into your life • increases focus, clarity and creativity • cultivates patience, fearless compassion and elegant listening • lowers stress, relaxes the nervous system and can lower blood pressure • stimulates the creative cortex of the brain leading to breakthroughs and ‘aha!’ moments • reduces aging by increasing the gray matter of the brain • helps keep the brain agile and more able to problem solve, create, and process pain & difcult emotions • helps diminish the inner chatter so that you can hear the creative signal within you through the noise


LAL_booklet.indd 32 27.11.14 18:53 SITTING MEDITATION INSTRUCTIONS

When/Where: Meditate in your Creative Power Spot in a quiet place where you will be undisturbed. What you’ll need: Meditation cushion or chair, timer, journal, candle and/or incense.

1. Sit in a comfortable position: Sit on a meditation cushion with your legs crossed and create a relaxed but frm triangle of support between the base of your spine and your two knees. If you need more support or have any pain in your hips or knees you may choose to sit in a chair, feet parallel on the foor. 2. Maintain the pelvis neutral: Sit in a comfortable position that allows your spine to center and elongate, shoulders relaxing down away from the ears, and head foating to the sky. Keep your spine straight and balanced over the pelvis. 3. Concentration: Begin to direct your awareness to the rhythmic rising and falling of the breath in your body. Follow the sensation of breath from the tingling in the nostrils to the feeling of the lungs and ribs expanding and contracting. We notice body sensations as they rise and fall away without trying to change them or analyze them. However, if you start to have acute pain somewhere, adjust your seat or sit in a chair.


LAL_booklet.indd 33 27.11.14 18:53 Before you begin: Light a candle and/or incense, set your timer according to the 40-day Artist’s Journey calendar and make sure that your creativity journal or paper and pen is nearby.

4. Mindful breathing: When thoughts, feelings, sensations and emotions arise, don’t try to push away what is uncomfortable nor grasp at what is pleasant. We cultivate a relaxed awareness of what is happening as it actually arises, without getting lost in our conclusions, emotions or judgments about it. We stop the spinning of reactivity by over and over allowing the present moment to be as it is while mindfully breathing. Tears may arise… breathe. Laughter may arise… breathe. Memories may arise… breathe. What you’re going to have for lunch may arise… breathe. When you notice your attention has drifted of into a thought or a noise you heard around you, just keep bringing a gentle awareness back to the present moment and the next full breath. Repeat.

5. Completion: When your timer goes of take a moment to gently return your awareness to the environment around you. Take a few deep breaths. Place your hands in ‘namaste’ at the heart center and gently bow the head to the heart, ending your meditation practice.


LAL_booklet.indd 34 27.11.14 18:53 CREATIVE JOURNALING

The Creative Journal is a personal canvas to freely explore and express yourself. From your journaling you will derive deep insights about your life art. You will create transformational art projects from these insights throughout your 40-day Artist’s Journey. Write freely about any creative ideas, emotions, memories, etc. Just let the pen move and write what comes out freely without censoring yourself. Sometimes deep insights, memories, and poems will arise in your daily Liquid Asana™ LIVE vinyasa practice and meditations. You may be surprised at what Dharma (life lessons) and creative ideas start to emerge. Be sure to keep a journal handy. Recommended journaling supplies: 8½ x 11 journal and art supplies for drawing, painting and collaging.

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your own heart.” — William Wordsworth


LAL_booklet.indd 35 27.11.14 18:53 CREATIVE SPARKS

Our 40-day Artist’s Journey also includes The Creative Spark Practices. These are daily practices that liberate, ignite, inspire and activate your inherent creative energy and life art in new, sometimes deeply transformational ways. These Creative Sparks will also help you clarify, nurture and develop a specifc creative project or intention over the 40-day Artist’s Journey. Full instructions for The Creative Spark Practices can be downloaded at: with online registration.

“To draw, you must close your eyes and sing.” — Pablo Picasso


LAL_booklet.indd 36 27.11.14 18:53 CREATIVE WAVE 1 ~ preparation, envisioning & beginning the Artist’s Journey 1 ‘ABC’ CREATIVE ACTION LIST + THE ARTIST’S GPS Where in your daily life are you putting your creative energies and attention? Choose and build momentum on a creative project for your 40-day Artist’s Journey. Take concrete actions towards completing your creative goals everyday. Clarify your creative vision, life goal or intention in relationship to your current reality. 2 STOP PROCRASTINATING Really. Just start. Create that crappy frst draft. Squawk on that musical instrument. Tell her/him you love them. Procrastination is a simple of form of creative anxiety that is allevi- ated when you take action, however small. Following through on your creative Dharma is soulful work and an act of love. Take it one step at a time. 3 YOUR CREATIVE POWER SPOT Design a creative sanctuary in your home, free of distractions and clutter, where you can make a creativity altar, practice, meditate, refect, read, write, and create. 4 ARTIST’S JOURNEY VISION BOARD Create a vision art board/collage through any medium to represent your creative project, life goals and/or intention for your 40-day Artist’s Journey. 5 TABULA RASA - CLEARING THE CLUTTER One of the most powerful ways we can liberate vast amounts of creative energy is to reduce clutter. Clear your living and work spaces by throwing out, recycling and/or giving away that which you no longer need. Organize and clean what remains… drawer by drawer, closet by closet, room by room. 6 YOUR INNER TRIBE Create your support team for guidance, moral support, enrichment and balance during your 40-day Artist’s Journey. There are moments in our lives, personal, professional and creative, when we simply need the support of another. A teacher, a therapist or another artist who can help us develop the skillful means required to evolve into the authentic cre- ative expression that is our birthright. A healthy sense of self and well-being, independent of judgement from self and others, requires regular inner work. Learn to ask for help from the reputable, supportive sources when you need it to stay in balance.


LAL_booklet.indd 37 27.11.14 18:53 7 CREATE A ROUTINE Keep a daily routine. Create a morning ritual. Be consistent. Keep to a daily schedule for your creative work that supports your eforts, time and energy. 8 SMILE AT FEAR Creativity is the ability to take a risk. Visit the places that scare you as a mindfulness prac- tice. Whether it’s kicking up into handstand or telling someone that you love them. Do one thing this week and throughout the 40-day Artist’s Journey that you really want to do, but are afraid to do. Smile at Fear. ;) 9 GRATITUDE FLOW This meditation is used to transform negative states of mind into positive ones. It is one of those special meditations that you should practice often. In order to do so, focus on the things in your life that you are grateful for. Repeat this practice daily, especially when you are feeling frustrated. You will be amazed at its power. 10 DIGITAL DETOX. The creative power of the present moment is amplifed when we reduce the static noise and constant barrage of distracting stimulus. Without silence, there is no music. This is a ritual day of returning to a simpler rhythm to help focus and restore vast resources of creative energy and inspiration. After your asana practice, go ofine, stay of your com- puter, TV, tablet and cell phone today. If you can’t do so for the whole day, commit to it for at least a few hours. Get intimate with silence. (Repeat weekly throughout the 40-day Artist’s Journey.)

CREATIVE WAVE 2 ~ incubation & mindfulness tools for creativity 11 ‘ABC’ CREATIVE ACTION LIST + THE ARTIST’S GPS Reassess where you are focusing your attention and creative energies in your daily life. Continue to clarify your most meaningful life goals. Fine-tune and create an action plan for your 40-day Artist’s Journey creative project. Focus on giving forward propulsion to your intentions, ideas, dreams and visions.


LAL_booklet.indd 38 27.11.14 18:53 12 THE ART OF MINDFUL COOKING & EATING The Art of Food as an enriching mindfulness meditation. Clean out your refrigerator and kitchen cupboards and stock them with nourishing whole foods. Put out a bowl of fresh fruit. Infuse your cooking and eating with mindfulness, loving kindness, creativity, and a heightened use of the 5 senses: smell, sight, taste, touch, sound. Make food an art to give and to receive. 13 METTA – LOVING KINDNESS MEDITATION Cultivate the art of loving kindness toward self, others and all beings. Metta meditation (Maitre in Sanskrit) is the 2,500 year old Buddhist practice of wishing happiness for all beings through all we encounter in life. Repeat as many times throughout the program as you can, especially in moments when you need to conjure some loving kindness for yourself and others. 14 INSPIRATION – TONGLEN BREATHING MEDITATION A Buddhist breathing technique to help transform our personal sufering and mental/emo- tional toxins into a path of compassion. Receiving and giving. Sharing joy. Transforming poison. Cultivating fearless compassion. Breathing in and out for us all. 15 KISSING THE EARTH – WALKING MEDITATION Awakening the power of the present moment through mindful walking. Preferably in na- ture, a quiet neighborhood or a backyard. 16 ELEGANT LISTENING – THE SENSE DOORS A mindfulness practice of embodied listening through the 6 sensuous portals of the body and the 3 feeling tones through which we all experience life. 17 NATURE ARTMAKING AS A MINDFULNESS PRACTICE Creating is the most natural thing in the world, as natural as your breath and the babble of a brook. On your next mountain hike or beach walk notice the tremendous creativity in nature, the fascinating design of a simple leaf or fower; the song and dance of an ocean tide or river stream. Meditate with nature. Then make something using natural materials. Leaves, sticks, dirt, rocks, etc. can help you get in touch with the natural world and the more primal side of yourself. What is wild in nature is still wild within you.


LAL_booklet.indd 39 27.11.14 18:53 18 FIERCE COMPASSION – FORGIVENESS MEDITATION A powerful forgiveness exercise and mindfulness meditation to free up tremendous amounts of pent up emotion and creative energy. Be kind with yourself today. 19 HEALING WATERS RITUAL Herbal Soak, Detoxing Body Scrub followed by nurturing Abhyanga Self-Massage. (Re- peat once a week during 40-day Artist’s Journey.) 20 RIGHT SPEECH – THE KIND AND NECESSARY WORDS Right Speech is the mindfulness practice of clear, truthful, uplifting and non-harmful com- munication. Nothing drains our creative resources like gossip and miscommunication. Ask yourself, “Is your speech necessary or unnecessary? Timely or untimely? True or false? Gentle or harsh? With a good or a harmful motive? With a loving heart or hostility?” How is your speech afecting the lives of others?

CREATIVE WAVE 3 ~ inspiration & liberating creative self-expression 21 ‘ABC’ CREATIVE ACTION LIST + THE ARTIST’S GPS Reassess where you are focusing your attention and creative energies in your daily life. Continue to clarify your most meaningful life goals. Fine-tune your action plan for your 40-day Artist’s Journey creative project. Focus on giving forward propulsion to your inten- tions, ideas, and visions. Take concrete actions, however small, every day this week on your creative project and to do lists. 22 SCRIBBLE DRAWING A mindful art exercise to bring to surface your creative unconscious material, to explore your inner symbolic language and archetypes and to liberate your authentic creative ex- pression. 23 PERSONAL DHARMA MANDALA Use your own life story for inspiration to create transformational art, poetry and journaling. Carl Jung referred to mandalas as “the psychological expression of the totality of the self.” Mandalas are everywhere…they are the structures of our cells, our fora, our world, and our universe. They can be found in both ancient and modern cultures.


LAL_booklet.indd 40 27.11.14 18:54 24 IMPROVISATIONAL PAINTING Use intuitive painting as a meditation practice to free up your uninhibited creative impulses and let them fow. 25 INSPIRATIONAL COLLAGE Inspirational art making. Select a poem or a quote that deeply moves and inspires you with which to create a collage. Integrate the words of the poem or quote itself. Draw, paint or collage to represent the feeling that is evoked in you. 26 TRANSFORMATIONAL SELF-PORTRAIT Create 4 expressive self portraits as: a) you as your greatest fear b) you as a super hero c) your “inner” self d) your “outer” mask Paint with expressive colors, words, images and shapes in any medium you choose. Be fearless in your exploration. 27 HEALING ART We all sufer loss, anger, fear and disappointment. Choose one of your greatest fears, griefs or difcult emotions you may be experiencing and create a collage, a dance, a poem, a painting or an art installation around those feelings. Share your art with someone you trust and journal about your experience. 28 YOUR PERSONAL ARCHETYPE MANDALA Create a mandala with your personal archetypes to gain greater understanding of your own psyche, creative unconscious and symbolic nature by identifying the main arche- types through which you experience life. 29 THE ARTIST’S JOURNEY TRADING CARDS Make a series of expressive art cards that you can give away and share with others. Use your journaling insights, your life archetypes, poems, quotes and your own 40-day Artist’s Journey creative project as inspiration. 30 PRAYER FLAG Create a mixed media prayer fag to hang somewhere in your home or to put on your altar as your creativity totem. It may contain images, words, collage, painted images.


LAL_booklet.indd 41 27.11.14 18:54 CREATIVE WAVE 4 ~ tools for integration, momentum & completion 31 ‘ABC’ CREATIVE ACTION LIST + THE ARTIST’S GPS Reevaluate where you are focusing your attention and creative energies in your daily life. Assess where you are now compared to where you started the 40-day Artist’s Journey. Revise and fne-tune your Creative Action Plan in outline form. Moving forward, spend time every day, however small, accomplishing something on the outline. Take concrete actions. 32 ENGAGE WITH ADVERSITY ~ DEVELOPING THE MUSCLE OF PERSEVERANCE Learn to transform adversity and setbacks into challenges that cause you to learn, grow and persevere. Creativity ebbs and fows. Develop the ‘grit’ necessary to continue au- thentically creating and expressing your life art through mistakes, failures, and adversity. 33 FOLLOW THE ‘YES’ A powerful tool to build creative momentum and help you avoid wasting precious time and energy on dead ends. ‘No’ is often the riverbank that steers you towards a powerful new, unforeseen direction in the creative process. Keep fowing and following the ‘Yes’ in life. 34 CREATIVE PROJECT SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT Every week make a deposit, however small, into this savings account. Start building the root support for your vision. This account is solely for your creative aspirations and life goals. 35 SAMU – LEAVE THINGS BETTER THAN YOU FOUND THEM Samu is the daily mindfulness practice of leaving people, things and your environments better than you found them. Clean and refresh your home, work space, creative power spot, and altar. Add fresh fowers, fruit and anything else that will enliven and nourish the environment. Leave others better than you found them. 36 MAKE MISTAKES AND PRACTICE Nothing frees up creativity like knowing your craft. Practicing your craft leads to mastery and enables you to improvise and create within it. With practice, you become friendly with making mistakes and better able to enter a creative fow state. Start valuing the lessons that mistakes teach you.


LAL_booklet.indd 42 27.11.14 18:54 37 SEVA – CULTIVATE THE ART OF SERVING OTHERS Start helping those around you. Find ways to regularly be of service to others. Use your abundance to help others. Use your gifts to be of service. Gifts are to be given. Make something for someone else… a meal, a poem, a hug. 38 FEED YOUR INNER ARTIST Regularly go out to the theatre, an art opening, dance performance, concert or poetry slam, etc. Let yourself be inspired by someone else’s brilliance. Really take it in. Journal about how you were inspired tonight. Perhaps you felt a pang of envy? Transform that into curiosity and creative action. What ideas got sparked in you? 39 COMPLETION Completion is often the most difcult phase of the creative process. A lot comes up at this stage. Don’t look sideways. Do your creative work diligently. Keep showing up. Try not to compare yourself to others. Take steps towards completing consistently. Note where you are in your Artist’s Journey creative project and what steps you have completed. Celebrate the progress you have made! 40 LOVE YOURSELF. LOVE OTHERS. GIVE YOUR IDEAS AND DREAMS A CHANCE. LOVE YOUR ART. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT. FORGIVE. RISK. REPEAT.

“Creativity is the ability to take a risk. To actually put yourself on the line and risk ridicule, being pilloried, criticized, whatever. But you have a creative idea you want to put out there and... you must take that risk.” — Sting

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” — Pablo Picasso

“It is only when we begin to relax with ourselves as we are, that meditation becomes a transformative process. The pith instruction is stay. . . stay. . . just stay.” — Pema Chodron, Buddhist teacher, author


LAL_booklet.indd 43 27.11.14 18:54 WHY CREATIVITY MATTERS

Creativity is who you are, it is one of your greatest gifts. At it’s essence it’s what keeps us alive. Beyond the artist’s domain of paint brush and museum, creativity allows us to build bridges across rivers and cultures alike. When you¹re faced with problems, creativity fnds solutions. Creativity helps you to become more happy and spontaneous and to experience the world in its full potential. Research has found compelling evidence that mindfulness practices, such as yoga and meditation, stimulate creative thinking and problem solving. Liquid Asana™ LIVE is a cohesive yoga and meditation program specifcally designed to inspire and ignite your creativity, and to begin to see your own life as the Artist’s Journey. “Art is not just something you hang on a wall or place on an alabaster pedestal. Art is who you are... it is the very expression of life’s creative mystery, moving uniquely through you as the human soul aroused.” —1love, Micheline


LAL_booklet.indd 44 27.11.14 18:54 ABOUT THE MUSICIANS

Music has the power to unite, heal and create deep states of relaxation as well as ecstatic swells of celebration. 12 master musicians gathered to create unique music and rhythm soundtracks for each of the sequences of your Liquid Asana™ LIVE program. Every note, every song, every drum beat you hear in this program was performed and recorded live at the time of shooting, in sync and in symphony with our breath, stillness, movement, asana and ecstatic dance alike. So as you practice these sequences, you too may feel these musicians playing intimately for you. I am deeply grateful to each one of them for their musical gifts, friendship and collaboration over so many years!


LAL_booklet.indd 45 27.11.14 18:54 RED MUSETTE COLLECTIVE

Formed in 2010, RED MUSETTE is an open collective of master musicians, DJs & Spoken Word Artists from around the world. Renowned for their ability to rock the dance foor or chill the yoga room, RED MUSETTE produces genre-bending music from Funky World Beat to Downtempo, Roots Reggae to Classic Blues, East Indian to Electronica, Pop to Poetry Slam. Their sound is infectious. Their motto? “Music is medicine; Rhythm, the cure.”

To purchase this live music soundtrack and for full music credits, visit:


LAL_booklet.indd 46 27.11.14 18:54 DOMONIC DEAN BREAUX

Artist. Musician. Domonic Dean Breaux is a multi-instrumentalist, focusing on woodwinds, as well as an esteemed multi-media artist. Breaux’s Dreamstates and Dome, featuring the bansuri fute, have been staples in the yoga community for over a decade. Sought after for his improvisational skills and his ability to bend wind into beauty, you can hear him at yoga classes, festivals and on countless devotional albums.


LAL_booklet.indd 47 27.11.14 18:54 ANITA COATS

Singer. Songwriter. Warm tones and circular patterns paint the backdrop for songs that are heartfelt and evocative. Southern California native, Anita Coats uses the ups and downs of life as her songwriting inspiration, making her music undeniably relatable. In December 2013 she had the honor of performing her inspirational spoken word poem I Must Speak at the TEDx Austin Women event. Her albums to date include Anita Coats, High & Low and The Curse & The Gift.


LAL_booklet.indd 48 27.11.14 18:54 DJ DREZ

Producer. Composer. DJ Drez blends yesterday’s roots with the innovative urban beats of today. Drez’s accomplishments during his gradual evolution from Hip Hop DJ to World Music Taste Maker have made him one of the top DJs and producers in LA’s eclectic music scene. When he isn’t in the studio producing, spinning at an underground Hip Hop club or jamming with local artists in impromptu late night sessions, you might fnd him on his yoga mat. Drez’s unique talents are in high demand at yoga classes and retreats, as well as nightclubs and music festivals through , Asia and the US. His trail blazing, genre-bending body of work has been documented in magazines ranging from The Source to Yoga Journal.


LAL_booklet.indd 49 27.11.14 18:54 SPRING GROOVE

Singer. Songwriter. Musical Medicine Maker. Spring Groove is a world-folk & Broadway performer delivering musical medicine. Spring Groove is internationally recognized as the chanting troubadour that brings secular and sacred audiences together to sing their hearts open. Her 10 critically acclaimed CD’s range from folk to pop to ecstatic & meditative mantra. Performing over 100 shows a year, her concerts meld the infuences of Americana Folk and Eastern Mantra and are described as uniquely authentic, eclectic and uplifting musical experiences. She is a native New Yorker and former Broadway performer (Grease, Saturday Night Fever and her own show produced by One Healing Arts Company, Spring Alive). Spring is also an award winning singer/songwriter honored by Billboard Magazine and the LA Music Awards.


LAL_booklet.indd 50 27.11.14 18:54 RYAN HERR

Producer. Composer. Performer. Ryan Herr is steeped in the practice of improvisational music, pulling from a variety of genres and a multitude of instruments to create his array of musical soundscapes. He has been performing and improvising music for over 18 years in venues and festivals around the world. As a self-taught musician he learned to use his ears in order to make music with others, which has led him down a diverse and dynamic musical path, stemming from Latin classical guitar, to thumpin’ electronic beats. In addition to several solo recordings, Ryan has also recorded and performed with The Polish Ambassador, Shaman’s Dream, Wildlight, saQi, JPOD, Ayla Nereo and The Wailers. He has performed with members of numerous other acts including The String Cheese Incident, The Motet, Buena Vista Social Club, Taj Mahal.


LAL_booklet.indd 51 27.11.14 18:55 MASOOD ALI KHAN

Percussionist. Composer. Producer, Masood Ali Khan creates a unique musical sound with his mesmerizing combination of the hang drum and sacred mantras that inspire a meditative spiritual experience. Born in , UK from Indian Muslim parents, Masood enchants audiences in yoga studios and music festivals worldwide with the evocative combination of his voice with the haunting quality of the hang drum. He has released 2 sacred mantra albums: The Yoga Sessions: Masood Ali Khan and The Yoga Sessions: Hang with Angels, from the Yoga Organix/White Swan label garnering acclaim around the world for its healing and meditative sound. In 2013 he produced and released an eclectic music project Mantra Grooves. Masood has produced and directed sold out musical events of Rumi and Hafz Poetry readings to live music and loves collaborating with musicians in the spiritual and world music scene.


LAL_booklet.indd 52 27.11.14 18:55 CRAIG KOHLAND / SHAMAN’S DREAM

Music Producer. Percussionist. DJ. Medicine Music for the Sacred Journey. Craig Kohland is driven by the healing rhythm of the drum and the creative expression of the sacred. Craig’s multi-faceted music project, Shaman’s Dream, has been at the forefront of the yoga and ecstatic scene since 1995. It has produced some of the key albums used in this industry, including Kerala Dream, African Dream, Prana Pulse and many others. Through his work with the Shaman’s Dream World Groove Ensemble, Craig has co-facilitated hundreds of ecstatic dance and world music concerts, and has provided live music for countless yoga classes and ritual retreats. He performs for festivals and yoga/ecstatic dance communities all over the world.


LAL_booklet.indd 53 27.11.14 18:55 JOEY LUGASSY

Singer. Songwriter. Chant Artist. Joey Lugassy is a renaissance musician and composer whose evocative music spans many genres, merging art, performance and prayer. His singer/songwriter journey has taken him from London’s Prog Rock underground to receiving two Emmy nominations for Best Song to singing on a mountaintop sanctuary for Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. He is known for his wide spectrum of genres including rock, soul and sacred, and for his introspective, slightly quirky lyrics and evocative ballads. He wrote the song ‘Today’ for Amnesty International’s video campaign for women’s rights. He composed the rock opera, Adam. He is the producer and front man of the multimedia concert, The Beatle’s Yoga. Joey’s take on music for yoga fuses his original songs, Sanskrit mantras and uniquely interpreted covers from Bowie to Peter Gabriel and Radiohead. Based in Los Angeles, Joey Lugassy performs and leads kirtans internationally.


LAL_booklet.indd 54 27.11.14 18:55 CHRISTO KARAM PELLANI

Master Drummer. Percussionist. Educator. Sound Healer. In addition to being recognized as an accomplished recording artist, producer, and healing drum circle facilitator, Christo is also in high demand for accompaniment to a myriad of expressive movement artists and dance troupes. Because of his uniquely dynamic hybrid world drumming/ percussion style, Christo is known as the Planet Drum of Kirtan. His extensive drumming and percussion repertoire includes international concerts, festival performances, flm/TV scores and playing with a variety of world, rock, R&B, and devotional artists including Air Supply, Mary Wells, Nina Hagen, Breath of Life Tribe and many others.


LAL_booklet.indd 55 27.11.14 18:55 DEEPAK RAMAPRIYAN

Singer/Songwriter. Multi-instrumentalist. Composer. Producer. Deepak Ramapriyan, a.k.a. ‘The Other Deepak,’ evokes extraordinary experiences in listeners of all kinds. Classically trained in violin since age 4, Deepak lends his immense talent to elicit a remarkable range of emotion, from soul-centered meditative bliss to ecstatic jubilation, inspiring his listeners to go beyond the ordinary and access transcendent states of joy and spiritual communion. He is the virtuosic lead singer and violinist for the rock/pop band, The B.O.L.T. and the world sacred music band, Breath of Life Tribe. He has played with great talents such as India.Arie, Rihanna, Jai Uttal and many others. His acting roles include co-starring on the television show Modern Family as well as the flm Shiva and May, both released in 2014.


LAL_booklet.indd 56 27.11.14 18:55 DAVE STRINGER

Kirtan Artist. Public Speaker. Dave Stringer’s sound marries the transcendent mysticism of traditional Indian music with the exuberant, groove-oriented sensibility of American gospel. Dave Stringer has been widely profled in publications all over the world as one of the most innovative artists of the new kirtan movement. An articulate and engaging public speaker, Stringer probes the dilemmas of the spirit with a wry and unorthodox sense of humor. Initially trained as a visual artist, flmmaker and jazz musician, Stringer’s work intends to create a modern and participatory theatrical experience out of the ancient traditions of kirtan and yoga, open to a multiplicity of interpretations, and accessible to all. Stringer has released 7 albums under his own name, and his music is played in yoga studios worldwide. His voice also featured on numerous blockbuster movie soundtracks.


LAL_booklet.indd 57 27.11.14 18:55 EDDIE YOUNG

Cellist. Bassist. Artist. Eddie is a kirtan musician, artist, video editor, dad, grandpa, husband. Life Is Bliss! Eddie’s 27 year career as a humorous cartoon illustrator is well know throughout the motion picture and television media, with clients including Disney, Warner Brothers, Hanna-Barbera, and many more. A master cellist and bassist, Eddie has played music and drawn funny pictures since he was a kid in the 50s. Now he’s a kid in his 60s! Discovering the sacred music of kirtan was a life-changing event. Making friends in this kirtan community has been a blessing beyond words. Eddie is the father of four lovely children that are all happily married and raising families of their own. Eddie and his wife, Susan live in Long Beach, CA and appreciate every single day together.


LAL_booklet.indd 58 27.11.14 18:55 ABOUT THE VISUAL ARTISTS

Several master artists also collaborated on the creation of this Liquid Asana™ LIVE Artist’s Journey. After and in between yoga shoots, they were set loose on the flm lot of Nu Boyana Studios to make their art. In many cases including the whole yoga tribe in their creative process. I am deeply honored and grateful for their contribution to the creative alchemy that is Liquid Asana™ LIVE. Check it out on Intro Disc #1 and the included poster.


LAL_booklet.indd 59 27.11.14 18:55 ROBERT STURMAN ‒ artist & photografía • Robert’s iconic work has defned the art of yoga photography. DJ DREZ – world music tastemaker & artist • Drez’s many tastemaking talents include elevating grafti art. SIMON VARSANO – still photographer • Simon’s gaze brings out the soul of anyone who steps in front of his lens. DOMONIC DEAN BREAUX – fne artist & photographer • Domonic’s artistry brings beauty into the world through any medium you place in his hands. EDDIE YOUNG – illustrator & designer • Eddie’s art brings out the child even in the hardened cynics.


LAL_booklet.indd 60 27.11.14 18:55 ABOUT THE LIQUID ASANA™ LIVE YOGA TRIBE

“Liquid Asana™ LIVE is represented by an extraordinary tribe of yogis who came in from all around the world to create the program before you. Yoga unites across borders. Here you will fnd yogis beginning their practice and master teachers alike, straight and gay, black and white, young and mature, from diverse yoga lineages, coming together to show the power of love, creativity and unity that this Liquid Asana™ LIVE project represents. They worked and played hard to create this program with me. I am forever grateful!”

— 1love, Micheline


LAL_booklet.indd 61 27.11.14 18:55 INTERNATIONAL YOGIS

Evgenia Baldina, Amala Regina Ann Kardash Guenter Recht Charlie Barnett Natalie Keiper Jackie Robbins Emily Celichowski Dearbhla Kelly Beate Sophia Scholz Flor Sip Chu Xavy Kuyay Sandra Schrödel Lisa D’Arrigo Susie Grace Leduc Irina Stefanova Elitza Datcheva Debbi Murphy Robert Sturman Ashika Gogna Michael Murphy Megan Vetula Selina Gullery Noeli Naima Marisa Smith Weppner Andrew Hisashi Lauren Petersen Justin Michael Williams Marion Inders Cheri Rae Nikolay Yorgov, Wizard Teodora Ratcheva 62

LAL_booklet.indd 62 27.11.14 18:56 A NOTE FROM YARIV LERNER

Every time Udaya creates a program magic happens. A group of like-minded individuals from all walks of life come together for a brief time and combine their creative energies to manifest much more than they could do on their own. I thank Ambika Leigh, who frst connected me with Micheline. I also thank Patty Van de Bogart, who saw this project through. Last but not least, Rob Edie, who always pulls me back from falling of the edge while allowing me to dance there. Finally, a huge thank you to Micheline for holding this space and having the courage to bring her best.


LAL_booklet.indd 63 27.11.14 18:56 AND THAT’S A WRAP!

Creating Liquid Asana™ LIVE has been a life-changing journey for me. It has been an unforgettable, heartful, and healing celebration of yoga, art, music, love & tribe. I’ve been transformed in ways that I did not foresee, walked through fears that shook me to my very core. I grew beyond my familiar comfort zones, laughed from my soul, adjusted to getting up at 5 am, and exposed my soft spot, sometimes with grace and ease, other times with awkwardness. One of the greatest takeaways from this whole journey has been how making mistakes can be joyous... how making mistakes is actually crucial to the creative process. I had a huge breakthrough on Day 2 of shooting when I could not get through my intros without fumbling over my words, which ended up in a ridiculous hilarity that transformed the energy on the set moving forward. Yes, it’s ok to make mistakes; a simple, but powerful lesson. Remember this. And here is where I thank Yariv Lerner of Udaya Entertainment for believing in this Liquid Asana™ LIVE wild child of a tribal project of mine enough to bring it to fruition. With his faith and support we brought together 12 musicians and 30 yogis from 10 diferent countries, then shot the project with the latest camera equipment and a stellar crew. Most importantly he gave me such safe sanctuary to just be myself... perhaps the greatest take away of all. “Just Be Yourself.” I believe with all of my heart in the archetype of the Yogi Artist. I believe that yoga is a sacred art that is seeded in each person with a unique potential, creative expression and consequential bloom. I believe that realizing our life art is as deep a spiritual practice as it gets. And so it is my deep wish that this Liquid Asana™ LIVE Program supports your creative journey, nourishes the yoga of your own life art and inspires your own authentic badass creative expression. Trust that you are enough…that your art belongs in the world. It is never too late to squawk on that violin, stumble through a new dance, confuse yourself with your own poetry, stand on your hands, to love deeply…again. For when you make art from the raw material of your own life and forge authenticity from the wet, vulnerable truths within, happiness ensues. This is the Artist’s Journey. Let’s take it together. “Bon Voyage!” — Micheline 64

LAL_booklet.indd 64 27.11.14 18:56 SPECIAL THANKS FROM MICHELINE BERRY

My deep gratitude and big love go out to so many… • to all the yogis, musicians and artists who came out to support me and this soul passion project that refects our deep conviction in the healing, unifying power of yoga, music, art and tribe… • to my friends, family, teachers and mentors alike for your nurturing, love and support over the years, through thick and thin… • to Executive Producer, Yariv Lerner and his incredible team of dream makers at Udaya Entertainment, thank you for making all of this possible. You made a dream long in my heart come true… • to my husband, Joey Lugassy, my enduring love, my rock. I could not have done this without you. And I thank YOU, holding this package in hand, for taking this journey with us. I am honored. We cannot wait to meet you, practice with you, create with you and support your own Artist’s Journey ahead! 65

LAL_booklet.indd 65 27.11.14 18:56 SPECIAL THANKS


LAL_booklet.indd 66 27.11.14 18:56 ABOUT UDAYA ENTERTAINMENT

Udaya Entertainment is a lifestyle media company that puts the style back into life. We ofer visually engaging, cinematic yoga classes on our streaming site and produce life enhancing programs such as this one. Visit us on to view our other programs and subscribe to our classes. We are very proud of our teachers and grateful to you for allowing us to share our passions with the world.



LAL_booklet.indd 67 27.11.14 18:56 I believe in ‘modern tribe’ ... the one of many languages, songs, colors, creeds, dances. As a yogini/artist and lover of world art & culture, I strive to create “environments where people from all walks of life can explore their inner mysteries and dive into the deep waters of their life art. I envision a world where we all become more peaceful artists, day by day, dance by dance, down dog by down dog. Aho mitakuye oyasin… To all of our relations. ABOUT MICHELINE BERRY ” Micheline is a yogini, multimedia artist and flmmaker. Her Liquid Asana™ LIVE vinyasa yoga journeys, teacher trainings and Yoga+Art retreats integrate yoga with creative process, fow with mindful stillness, creativity with intellectual vigor, world art & culture with personal introspection. As a pioneer in the art of integrating live world music with yoga sadhana, Micheline’s work is often accompanied by a live ensemble or DJ. Her trainings, workshops and retreats powerfully catalyze clarity, embodiment and creativity. Empowering the art in others is her passion and over the years she has helped people from all walks of life liberate their creative expression and successfully develop and give momentum to their life art through her unique fusion of yoga, mindfulness meditation and creative process. Based in Venice, CA, Micheline leads Yoga, Creativity & The Artist’s Journey trainings, festival workshops and retreats internationally, including her two hubs in Europe and Brazil. To learn more: and


LAL_booklet.indd 68 27.11.14 18:56 PRODUCTION CREDITS

Producers Yariv Lerner Micheline Berry Patty Van de Bogart Creator & Writer Micheline Berry Director 1st unit Jason Reim Director 2nd unit Andrew Fairbank UPM Denitza Daverova DOP Anton Ognianov Preproduction research Dearbhla Kelley Ofce coordinator Zlatozara Bozhilova Producer assistants Edis Seliminski Jonathan Wolf AD Asen Asenov Script suprvisor Tatiana Urquiza Camera operators Dimitar Nedelchev Petko Lungov Ivan Vatsov Aleksandar Kenanov Neven Mihailova Focus pullers Vassilena Goranova Paula Nenova Focus Hristo Aleksandrov 1st AC Vladislav Mateev 2nd ACs Nikola Angelov Lubomir Somov Yonko Balevski Head technicians Nikolay Georgiev Downloaders Dimo Aleksandrov Nikolay Stoyanov EPK Mihail Boevski


LAL_booklet.indd 69 27.11.14 18:56 Photographer Simon Varsano Sound Engineer Kris Casavant Sound Mixers Ivaylo Natzev Vladimir Kaloyanov Editors Gergana Angelova Adam Labrie Music Direction Joey Lugassy Musicians Domonic Dean Breaux Anita Coats DJ Drez Spring Groove Ryan Herr Masood Ali Khan Craig Kohland Joey Lugassy Christo Karam Pellani Deepak Ramapriyan Dave Stringer Eddie Young Visual artists Robert Sturman DJ Drez Simon Varsano Domonic Dean Breaux Eddie Young Set design Michael Stebbins Packaging design Robert Edie George Matsev Jason Reim Patty Van de Bogart


LAL_booklet.indd 70 27.11.14 18:56 LAL_booklet.indd 71 27.11.14 18:56