
Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Retrospective Theses and Dissertations Dissertations

1931 The effects of molybdenum and on the malleablization of white cast Everette Lee Henderson Iowa State College

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Recommended Citation Henderson, Everette Lee, "The effects of molybdenum and chromium on the malleablization of white " (1931). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 13307. https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/rtd/13307

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Iverette Le® Henderson

A Thesis Submitted to the Q-raduate Faculty for the Des^ree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY

Subject Phyeleml GheaiBtry


Signature was redacted for privacy. la ehara;® of Miijor w®

Signature was redacted for privacy.

Head of Major Department

Signature was redacted for privacy.

D@afi of Graduate College

Iowa State College 1931 UMI Number: DP12425


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The writer tales this means of exprese-

iag his sincere thanks to Dr. W,H»Jennings

who aww^gested and directed this investiga­ tion for his asslstano# and encouragement

during the progress of the work and In the

preparation of this thesis.

Y~ 33T3 - 3 -


I. IlTRODtJCTIOl 4 II. SIVIEW OF fHl LITEHATy-RE 6 A. (General Effect of Added Element® on (Jraphltizatlon and Physieal Properties 6 B'. Diagrams at Iron-Csrbon- lolybd©fflim Systeas . » • 11 C. Cast Gontalnlog MolyMenam and 0^rO33iii2Jl^ • »• l4 1. Molfbdenwffi...... 14 2. Qhrmtmm 16 0. Fhysloal factors fhlch Affeet Rates of (Jraphitlzation . 17

III. SXPSRIMENfAL KBtHODS AID VAT A 19 A. Materials OseS 19 B. Preparatloa of tii© Alloys ...... 20 G. GMemioal Oomposltlon of the Alloys. . 21 0 • Heat *^reatjsent 24 1. fbotofr^r&phie Stmdy 29 IT. DiSCirSSION OF RESULTS 43 A. Fraotleal Qonslderatlons ...... 43 B. Some fbeoretical Oon®Id©rat lone ... 48 V. GOSCLTJSIOMS AND SOMHARX 51 ¥1. BIBLIOGRAPHY 53 - 4 -


During the Isat aeosfle th© qualities aemanaed in cast

Irons hav# eontlnually become more exacting and severe. The manufacturer has been oallea upon to produce a material with definite Improveaents In many physical properties such as tensile strength, toughness, , hardness and machin- ablllty* Some progress has been made by the judicious use of certain alloying elsaents and the lowering of the time re­ quired for the annealing cycle. Durinf 19S5"19^ aa intensive program was Initiated in this laboratory under the direction of Professor Anson Hayes with the view of a thorough Investigation of the various factors that were involved In the production of malleable iron from white east Iron by a shortened annealing cycle. But fol­ lowing the Initial work of Hayes and Diederlchs (1), Hayes and Flanders C2) and Hayes, Henderson and Bessaer (3), It became evident that a complete study of the physical factors and the ohesleal factors that affect graphltlzation was essential.

Since that time these investigations have continued under the direction of Professor Hayes and through his successor.

Profesaor 1 .H-.Jennings, Jr. In spite of the aasa of contributions to the literature of cast iron, very little definite Information Is available con­ cerning the effect of soae of the elements on the rates of decoapGsltlon of iron , FeaG, In the preparation of salleable Ipen from ooaiaercial wJalt© oast Iron with Its lower and ©apbon eouteat ae oom|>ar©6 to the gray oast var- ie%f. This l0 particiilarily applicable to aolyMenum where most of th® Infonaation eoacernB gray oast Iroa.

The purpose of the Investigation, reported In this paper, was to stady the ©ffeets of molyMenam, ohromiam and various

^offlteinatlons of these two elements on the decoiapositlon of Iron oarblde, PegG, in whit© cast iron. -fi­


I. deneral Iffeet of Aflded Slemeats oa 0raphitlzatlon and Fbysisal Froparti©®.

It is aoaietlmes difficult to drais definite eonolusloss concerning the effect of special elemeats oq the properties of anj for® of cast Iron. This Is due to the many factors that si«8t fee eojisidered as affecting the final eonaition of the pre­ set, Cast iron cannot be considerea as a simple of iron ana . It is probably a conglomerate, not of simple alloys an