8th Se1111.Vol. XXIX No. 51

LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

Eiptb Session-Second Part (Eiptb Lok Sabha)

(Vol. XXIX contains Nos. 51 10 60)


hltt: •. , .• (0rIg..... Engl..,. proceedings included In english Version Md Origin•• Hfndf proce8dfnga Incfuded In Hindi VerItonI wll be trepted • authortt8tlve and not the tr8n118t1on theNof.) CONTENTS

[Eighth Lok Sabha, Vol. XXIX Eighth Session-Second Part, 1987/1909 (Saka)] No. 51, Monday, July 27, 1987/Sravana 5, 1909 (Saka)


Members Sworn 1

Obituary References-

Shri 7

Shri C. Madhav Reddi 8

Shri Amal Datta 9

Prof. 9

Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan ... 11

Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee ... 11

Shri Dinesh Goswami ... 12

Shri Abdul Rashid Kabuli ... 13

Shri Mohd. Mahfooz Ali Khan ... 14

Shri Ebrahim Sulaiman Sait ... 15

Shri Amar Roypradhan ... 15

Shri George Joseph Mundackal ... 16

Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia ... 16

Shri Sultan Salahuddin Owalsi ... 16

Shri C. Janga Reddy ... 17

Shri Piyus Tiraky .. 18

Shri V. Kishore Chandra S. Deo ... 18 LOK SABHA DEBATES

First day of the Eighth Session- Second Part, 1987, of Eighth Lok Sabha 1 2 LOK SABHA movement and later when the country got rid of the foreign rule, he was called upon Monday, July 27 1987/Sravana 5, to help consolidate the frUits or frt!edom- 1909 (Saka) a task whIch he tned to fulfil in the best Gandhian tradItions all through his life.

The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Chaudhary Sahib started his political Clock career when he was only 10 his twenties. Chaudhary Sahib was elected to the U.P. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair) Legislative Assembly for the first time in 1937 and continued to be its Member tm MEMBER SWORN 1939. He was again elected to the State Assembly in 1946 and continued to be its Shri Hardwari Lal (Rohtak) member for the next 31 years, i.e. till 19n. Before he rose to the Office of Chief Minis- OBITUARY REFERENCES ter in April, 1967, he functioned as a member of the State Council of Ministers I English] holding important portfolios for over 16 years between 1951-67 except for a short MR. SPEAKER: Hon'ble Members, duro period of 17 months. Prior to that, he ing the brief interval that has elapsed since served as Partiamentary Secretary in the ve met last, the country suffered a grivious State from 1946 to 1957. He functioned as .. ss in the death of our former Pnme Minis- Leader of the Opposition in the State ter, Shri , whom the people Assembly during 1971-n. affectionately addressed as Chaudhary Sahib. It is also my sad duty to inform the Shri Charan Singh was elected to the House of the demise of ten of our former Lok Sabha forthefirsttimein 19n. He was colleagues, namely I Sarvashri Banshi Das the Union Minister of Home Affairs from Dhanagar, Paidi Lakshmayya, Ganesh March 26, 1977 to June 30, 1978 and was Sadashiv Altekar, A. Achuthan. Sardar elevated as Deputy Prime Minister and ~I'angal Singh, PrOf. Nibaran Chandra las- Minister of Finance in January, 1979. lr and Sarvashri P. Parthasarathy I Finally, he was sworn in as Prime Minister .·warka Das Mantri, Ohanna Singh Gul- on July 28, 1979 and held that office tm Ian and Brijlal Verma. January 14, 1980.

Sorn in a poor peasant family, Shri Cha- Chaudhary Sahib proved himself to be ran Singh had a Iqng career devoted to the very able administrator in whatever capa- service of the country, particularly the city he functioned and left lasting impres- rural poor. Chaudhary Sahib belonged to sion of his straightforwardness and a generation which saw India fight for and simplicity . win her freedom. He suffered imprison- ment several times during the freedom Agrarian reforms and ameliorating the 3 Obituary References JULY 27, 1987 Obituary References 4 lot of rural India had been the underlying matic compositions and was conferred passion throughout his life and he worked several honours. relentlessly for the welfare of the agricultu­ rists. Chaudhary Sahib was largely respon­ Shri Lakshmayya , assedaway at Hyde­ sible for the widely acclaimed U.P. rabad on 28 April, 1987, at the age of 83 Zamindari Abolition Bill which set the pace years. and pattern of land reforms in other parts of the country. While conferring perma­ Shri Ganesh Sadashiv was a memberof nent rights even on sub-tenants and squat­ the First Lok Sabha during 1952-57repre­ ters to free them from exploitation, this senting North Satara constituency of the measure also entitled Harijans to receive then State of Bombay. surplus land without payment. A veteran freedom fighter, Shri Altekar Shri Charan Singh suffered a paralytic took active part in the freedom struggle stroke on November 29, 1985 from which and suffered imprisonment. A well known •• he never recovered. Finally, on 29 May, social worker, he was associatedwith sev­ 1987, he left us at the age of BSyears. In his eral social and educational organizations death the country has lost a great patriot, in various capacities. A pleader by profes­ freedom fighter and administrator. A man sion, he was interested in Art, Philosophy, of deep conviction, he was an unrelenting Sociology, Politics and Economics and advocate of agriculture and cottage indus­ contributed essays and articles on these tries which to him were the bedrock of subjects to Marathi journals. Gandhian economy. A true son of the soil, Chaudhary Sahib would be long remem­ Shri Altekar passedaway at Sataraon 15 beredfor his life-long service to the toiling May, l,987,at the age of 92 years. peasantry of our land. Shri A. Achuthan was a member of the Shri Banshi Das Dhanagar was a Third Lok Sabha during 1962-67 repre­ member of the Second Lok Sabhaduring senting Mavelikara constituency of Kerala. 1957-62 representing Mainpuri consti­ Earlier, he had beena member of the then tuency of Uttar Pradesh. Earlier; he had Travancore-Cochin Legislative Assembly beena member of the Uttar Pradesh Legis­ during 1948-52. lative Assembly during 1952-57. A well known social worker, Shri Achu­ A well known social'Worker, Shri Dha­ than worked for the uplift of weaker sec­ nagar worked for the removal of socialdis­ tions of the society. He also took active abilities and disparities and for the part in the spread of co-operative move­ promotion of an egalitarian society. A ment and education. teacher by profession, he also served as Editor of a Hindi monthly from 1952-54. Shri Achuthan passed away at Kot­ tayam on 9 June, 1987, at the age of 71 Shri Dhanagar passed away at Etawah years. on 18 April, 1987. SardarMangal Singh was a memberot Shri Paidi Lakshmayya was a member of the Central Legislative Assembly during' the First Lok Sabhaduring 1952-57 repre­ 1934-46 from the then province of East senting Anantapur constituency of the erst­ ��a� , while State of Madras.

An advocate.by profession, Shri Laksh­ A valiant freedom fighter, Sardar Mangal mayya was associated with several social Singh responded to the call Mahatma organisations in various capacities. An Gandhi for the cause of freedom of the eminent academic, he wrote several dra- nation and left Government service 5 Obituary References SRAVANA 5, 1909 (SAKA) Obituary References 6

to Join the Non-Cooperation Movement. representing Raj am pet constituency of He suffered Imprisonment several times Andhra Pradesh. He also had been a for his participation in the freedom member of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Lok struggle. Sabha during 1969-70, 1971-77 and 1977- 79 respectively. Earlier, he had been a A distinguished parliamentarian, he was member of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative a member of the Nehru Committee which Assembly during 1955-62. prepared the first draft Constitution for India in 1928. He also served as a member An agriculturist by profession, Shri Par- of thE; Pay Commission set up by the thasarathy was a seasoned parliamentar- In 1946. ian. He served as Unton Deputy Minister of Parliamentary AffairS during 1970-71. He Sardar Mangal Smgh passed away at was also associated With several Parlia- Chandigarh on 20 June, 1987, attheage of mentary Committees. A widely travelled 95 years. person he attended the Inter- Parliamentary Conferences at Deihl and Prof. Nibaran Chandra Laskar was a Canberra and World Parliamentarians' member of the Second Lok Sabha durtng Meet at Cairo In 1970. He was a delegate to 1957-61 representing Cachar consti- United Nations General Assembly In 1974. tuency of Assam. Earher, he had been a member of the Constituent Assembly and Shr; Parthasarathy passed away at First Lok Sabha dUring 1947-50 and 1952- Kodur on 4 July, 1987 at the age of 71 57. He had also been a member of the years. Assam Legislative Assembly dUring 1~ 52. Shri Dwarka Das Mantri was a member of the Third Lok Sabha dUring 1962-67 A veteran parliamentarian, Shn Laskar representing Bhir constituency of partiCipated actively in the proceedings of Maharashtra. the House. He served as a member of the Public Accounts Committee during 195~ A well known social worker, Shri 57. He had al~o served as a member in the Dwarka Oas Manto was associated with State Council of Ministers in Assam during several social, cultural and educational 1951-52. organisations in various capacities. He took keen interest in the spread of educa- A distinguished academiC, Shn Laskar tion and cooperative movement. worked for ten years as a Senior Professor of Sanskrit and Bengali. A dedicated social worker, he was associated With several An advocate by profeSSion, he was an social organisations In various capacities. able parliamentarian. He served as He took keen mterest in the movement for member of the Estimates Committee of removal of untouchability. and worked for Lok Sabha. the welfare of weaker sections of society. He also took active part in the rehabilita- Shri Dwarka Das Mantri passed away at tion of refugees. He served as a member of Seed on 11 July. 1987 at the age of 61 'he All India Cottage Industries Board dur- years. ,g 1949-52 and of the Food and Agricultu- II Organisation dUring 1~52. Shri Dhanna Singh Gulshan was a member of the Sixth Lok Sabha during Prof. N.C. Laskar passed away at Sil~har 1977-79 representing Bhatanda consti- JiP 25 June, 1987, at the age of 80 years. tuency of Punjab. He was also a member ) of the Thrid Lok Sabha during 1962-67. " Shri P. Parthasarathy was a member of Earlier, he had been a member of the erst- ~he Seventh Lok Sabha ~uring 1980-84 while PEPSU Legislative Assembly and 7 Obituary References JULY 27,1987 Obituary References 8

Punjab Legislative Assembly respectively country by the strength of his character during 1952-57 and 1957-62. and his convictions, by a Single-minded pursuit of his objectives. His vision of rural A veteran parliamentarian and a social development was a passion. His death has worker, Shri Gulshan served as a member deprived us of a patriot and a statesman of of the Union Council ot Ministers during his Simplicity and his intensity. 19n-79. He served on the Public Accounts Committee of the State of Punjab. A vete- I would like you to convey the condolen- ran freedom fighter, he suffered imprison- ces of the House to the entire country and ment several times for his participation in the bereaved family. My tribute to the other the freedom struggle. colleagues also who had passed away dur- ing this intermediate period. An agriculturist by profession and a ded- icated social worker, Shri Gulshan took SHAI C. MADHAV REDDI (Adilabad): active part in the welfare of the down- Mr. Speaker, Sir, I associate myself with trodden. He was also associated with sev- the sentiments expressed by you in your eral social and educational organisations. obituary references on the passing away of Poetry and sports were his special late Chaudhary Charan Singh. You have interests. rightly described him as a champion of the Indian peasantry. He was not only a cham- Shri Gulshan passed away at Bhatinda pion of the Indian peasantry but he was on 14 July, 1987. also a deep thinker, a great protagonist and a great worker for the upliftment of the Shri Brijlal Verma was a member of the peasantry. At many times, because of his Sixth lok Sabhaduring 1977-79 represent- down-to-earth ideas on economics, polit- ing Mahasamund constituency of Madhya ics, planning and plan priorities, he had to Pradesh. Earlier, he had been a member of be in the midst of many a stir. Yet, he never the Madhya Pradesh State Legislative budged from the path which he had Assembly during 1952-72, except for a chosen. brief break. Sir, you have described him as for- An able parliamentanan, Shri Verma thright, honest and a man of high charac served as a Cabinet Minister in the Union tar, and it is in this respect Chaudha'\ Govemment. He also served as a Minister Charan Singh is very relevant to ~' in the Madhya Pradesh State during 1967- because that particular commodity ha~ 69. A veteran freedom fighter, he took become very rare these days. In the da}- active part in the freedom struggle and suf- when we talk so much of corruption an( fered imprisonment. the need for purity in public life, the exam- ple of Chaudhary Charan Singh's chara, An agriculturist by profession, Shri ter is a great pathfinder for us. Verma evinced keen interest in the spread of cooperative and farmers' movements and Sir, the veterans of the freedom struggle, worked for village development. the national movement are passing away one by one. Very few of them have been Shri Brijlal Verma passed away at Ahme- left with us. These were the great men who dabad on 19 July, 1987 at the age of 71 had built the nation, who had given us the years. values, who had built the ramparts of democracy and left those ramparts to us to THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI RAJIV be guarded by us. On occasions like thi, GANDHI): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I rise to pay when we are remembering them, we homage to Choudhary Charan Singhji. He should pause and think for a while and try was a veteran of our freedom struggle. He to understand whether we are guarding grew to the highest position in U.P. and the those ramparts properly. 9 Obituary References SRAVANA 5, 1909 (SAKA) Obituary References 10

On behalf of my party I pay homage to is a great need of our time in this land of the departed leader. Gandhiji where honesty and integrity are a great legacy. He was one among ttfose SHAI AMAL DATTA (Diamond Har- who in the true Gandhian spirit tried to bour) :'1 associate my party and myself with make agriculture and rural development the grief expressed at the death of Chaud- the very pivot of our economy. He was a hary Charan Singh, the late Prime Minister politician who had often the heart of a child of India. I also join the others in paying at his oldage. He was no doubt happy homage to the memory of the leader. when there were some hands which raised him to power. He was shocked like a child Sir, in India, he distinguished himself as when he found the very same hands a freedom fighter but in his long and even- brought him down from power. Then, he tual political career he has served in var- realised that politics is not an exercise in ious public offices with utmost sincerity innocence, but is an art of the posSible. Sir, and integrity. His simple way of life has as far as Charan Singhji is concerned, he become legendary and I think we should was even prepared to accept the blunders all take the example from the life led by him that he had committed. Someone has said even when he was ocCupying the highest that politician is one, who can tell what will office in the country. He was a person who happen in the next moment, next day, next held to his convictions very firmly and he month, next year and afterwards tell the has made a unique contribution to the phi- world why it did not happen that way. But, I losophy of economic development of the do not think Chaudhary Sahib was trying country, particularly for rural development to explain away some of his failures and and how the country should progress. In the blunders; he candidly admitted them. I that respect he made a significant contri- think, he was a motivating force for the bution, and let us not forget that those are kisans to fight against the urban loot of the the ways in which the country has to pro- rural poor and that is a great contribution gress and we have to take example from that he has made. the life of Chaudhary Charan Singh and see what we can get out of the example Very often, the motivators are more which he has set for the nation. important than the administrators, because the administrators can change, I join the others in paying homage to the they can take over more responsibilities, nemory of the late Prime Minister. but the motivators are very few in numbers, they are to rouse the entire nation and PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE build up consciousness among them. This (Rajlpur): Mr. Speaker, I join you and oth- was the consciousness that was built up by '.... in paying tribute to the late Chaudhary Shri Charan Singh among the rural popu- bharan Singh and other veteran Partie- lation and the kisans in this country. ;nenta1ana. In his life even at the fag end he had to struggle with death and for a long Chaudhary Sahib is no more today. But, time at the fag end of his life Chaudhary I think the best way to pay tribute to Charan Singh remained hovering on the Chaudhary Charan Singh is to see that, border of life and death. Probably he was irrespective of party considerations, we not conscious of the pain and agony but unitedly work for the uplift of the rural for thole of us who could watch him, for us poor. That alone will be the best tribute to It was a great agony and pain to watch Chaudhary Charan Singh. Chaudhary Charan Singh remaining on the border of life and death. There are others w'th whom some of us were 888OCiated. There are my colleagues Even those who differed with his political - Mr. Verma. a Member of the Janata and other perceptions had no doubt that Cabinet, and other veteran parliamentar- he had unique integrity and honesty which ians, men like Shri Atlekar, who was a great 11 Obituary References July 27, 1987 Obituary References 12 social worker of Maharashtra and also SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI (Guwahati): known for his spate of reforms. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I associate myself with all the sentiments that you have expressed Many par1iamentarians today are on the and the han. Prime Minister and other lead- obituary list. I pay tribute to all them. Sir, ers of the OppOSition have expressed I join you in offering condolences to the regarding Chaudhary Sahib and other members of the bereaved families. veteran Members of Parliament who have left us. DR. S. JAGATHRAKSHAKAN (Chen- Chaudhary Sahib was a controversial galpattu): Mr. Speaker Sir, on behalf of All figure in Indian politics. But there was India Anna D.M.K. party, I join my col- nothing personal in that controversy. The leagues in paying our humble tributes to controversy was as a result of his convic- the departed leader. A great patriot and tion. He felt that our entire planning pro- freedom fighter. Shri Charan Singh, was a cess and the economic policies were champion of the rural poor, especially the urban oriented and did not reflect the need weaker and downtrodden section. The of the rural poor. By that token he had country will remember for several decades antagonised the urban elite but created a his great and dedicated service to the place for himself In the minds of the rural nation, and particular1y to the Indian pea- people. sants, his passing away created a vacuum He lived a fullness of life upto the age of in the field of Indian peasantry .. Shri Cha- 85. In a sense probably, death being inevit- ran Singh, who had risen from an agricul- able one has to accept It with fortitude. tural family. was a champion of the agriculturists. One of the greatest leaders, Our direct contact with that generation Shri Charan Singh, has passed away. May of men, who fought for freedom and gave his soul rest in peace. away everything without expecting any- thing in return, is gradually being lost day SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE by day. (Panskura): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I rise to join So far as the other Members are con- you and our colleagues in expressing our cerned, I did not have the privilege of com- homage to the departed leader Chaudhary ing In contact with most of them except Charan Singh as well as some of the other Shri Nibaran Chandra Laskar who repre- colleagues. sented Cachar constituency of Assam for a long period. Of course, I met him after vir- Sir, I had very little opportunity to work tually he retired from politics giving way to with Charan Singhji. But, through our pub- his son to represent that constituency. lic knowledge, we know him and his dedi- cation for the cause of peasantry Shri P. Parthasarathy was one of our col- impressed us. The Itnle time that I could leagues here in Parliament. And I had the spend with him during one of the occa- privilege of being with him in the Umted sions in the national life was when the Nations where both of us regarded as alter- Maya Tyagi incident took piaGe in Bagh- nate delegates. pat. You will be remembering, Sir, that dur- Also I had the privilege of coming in con- ing that time. he took a very steadfast tact with Shri Brij Lal Verma. attitude in defence of us, the women, apart Ion behalf of my party, my colleagues in from the peasantry. I had been to his house Parliament and myself wish to express our and was very much impressed by his sim- deep condolences for the death of all these plicity of life. Therefore, Sir, for these quali- eminent personalities. I hope, you will con- pay my tribute to the memory of the ties I vey our sincerest condolences to the leader. departed bereaved families.

I also pay my tribute to all the other [ Translation] cotteagues. SHRI ABDUL RASHID KABULI (Sri- 13 Obituary References SRAVANA 5,1909 (SAKA) Obituary References 14 nagar): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I on my own with capitalistic policy, presently being fol- behalf and on behalf of Jammu and Kash- lowed by the administration in this mir National Conference, join you, the country. Prime Minister and other opposition lead- Once again, I.on behalf of the National ers in paying homage to the departed Conference and on my own behalf, pay leader Chaudhary Charan Singh and other humble tributes to Chaudhary Charan veteran parliamentarians who have left us. I Singh and other great veteran Parliament- would also like to say that with the death of arians who have done a great service to the Chaudhary Charan Singh, it seems that country. gradually we are being deprived of the ser- vices of the great leaders who made sacri- SHAI MOHO. MAHFOOZ ALI KHAN fices in very difficult circumstances to (Etah): Mr. Speaker, Sir, as my tribute to secure freedom for India, on the call given the departed leader Chaudhary Charan by Gandhiji and underwent untold suffer- Singh, I just want to read out two verses, ings for preserving the great ideals, tradi- although much can be said about him. tions and prinCiples dear to our country Chaudhary Sahib was born iti a poor fam- and for the development of the country. ily, in a dilapidated house having a Therefore, I want to exhort the new genera- thatched roof. One can imagine the ideas tion that the goal wilt not be achieved just of such a person when he joins the Govern- by paying oral tributes to these great lead- ment. It is true that he was a leader of the ers. They will have to proceed by keeping farmers, a sympathiser of the poor, a in mind the big deeds, ideals of and sacrifi- leader of the backward classes and always ces made by these leaders for the country thought only for the poor and the villagers. to achieve freedom. Only then can India Today Ell per cent of our population lives in progress and develop. villages and this factor remained in his mind in pursuing his ideology. There are Chaudhary Charan Singh was a Krsan no two opinions that Chaudhary Charan leader and the struggle of those farmers Singh was a very honest, very strong and a has great bearing on the farmers struggle very courageous person. He was also an in Kashmir. The struggle started by the obstinate person, there is no doubt in it National Conference under the leadership When Chaudhary Sahib had decided one of Sheikh Mohd Abdulla was against the thing. he would not accept others' views. urban elite and big land'ords. Today when Undoubtedly, Chaudhary Sahib who dur- the hon. Speaker made a reference of U.P. ing his life time became Chief Minister of Zamindari Abolition Act, I was reminded of Uttar Pradesh twice. became the Prime the endeavour made by the leader of poor Minister of India and served the people, farmers for the betterment of the peasants. was a Gandhian in true sense. I shall Just after 1947, the National Conference appeal that today's politicians should fol- abolished Zamindari system 10 J&K and low the foot-prints of Chaudhary Sahib the farmers were given ownership rights keeping in view his life and history. without any compensation. I think it is much required in today's India. We will I have the same words for those ex- have to abolish the Zamlndari and dis- Members who have left us and whose pense witb big landlords. If we truly want to names have been read out by the hon. follow the path of GandhiJi and want to pay Speaker, but beang a new Member I do not homage to great leaders like Charan Sangh know them. in true sense, tnen I would like to tell the In the end. I would recite two couplets: Prime Minister and the big leaders of the Aaj lekin hamnwan country that they should make efforts to provide an administration which may help sara cham man matam mein hai, usher in true socialism. end atrOCities on farmers and abolish zamindary system. We Shamma-e-roshan bujh gai should make sincere efforts to do away bazam--e- siyasat matam main hal. 15 Obituary References JULY 27. 1987 Obituary References 16

The other verse !s ·by Zigat'": fought for remunerative price for the agri- cultural produce, and it is Chaudhary Zigar rahe wafa mein Sahib who thought that there must be naksh aise chhor aya hun, some parity of price between the agricultu- ral produce and the industrial products. Ki duniya dekhti hai We convey our condolences to the aur mujhko yaad karti hai. bereaved families.

[English] SHRI GEORGE JOSEPH MUN- DACKAL (Muvattupuzha): I hundred per- SHAI EBRAHIM SULAIMAN SAlT cent join with the sentiments expressed by (Manjeri): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I rise to asso- the House and our dear Prime Minister's ciate myself with the sentiments expressed sentiments about the sad demise of by you, the Prime Minister, and other lead- Chaudhari Charan Singh and other lead- ers at the sad, demise of Chaudhary Cha- ers of our country. By the sad death of ran Singh Sahib. Chaudhari Sahib we have lost a great Gandh-ian, a great honest administrator Chaudhary Sahib was an illustrious son and above all a good friend of farmers of of India and our country has become our country. When he was in power he did poorer by his passing away. He served the great service to the farmers, especially to country in different capacities as Chief the rural poor for the development of our Minister of Uttar Pradesh, as Home and country. We cannot forget that ours is an Finance Minister in the Centre, and finally, agricultural country and he was born agri- ap the Prime Minister of this country. He culturist and he has been presenting the was a man of integrity and simpliCity and, cause of the agriculturists. So, I am joining in fact, he was the leader of the masses, with you in expressing our heart-felt con- particularly of the down-trodden and the dolences on the passing ~way of Chaud- kisans. I convey to his family, through you, hari Sahib. I am also joining with other Sir, our condolences on his sad demise. leaders in expressing our grief at the sad Together with this, I also express my con- demise of Shri R. Achuthan from Kerala. dolences at the sad demise of various col- He was a great Gandhian and has done leagues who have been in this Parliament great service to our country. in different periods. Those people had served the cause of the country in the very SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOOWA- grand manner. I convey to the families of LlA (Sangrur): On behalf of my party I pay all of them, through you, my condolences my humble tribute to Chaudhari Charan on my own behalf and on behalf of my Singhji who remained a true Gandhian party, the Indian Union Muslim League. throughout his life and has contributed to Thank you, Sir. the rural uplift and that of agriculturists.

SHRI AMAR ROVPRADHAN (Cooch I also pay my tribute to Sardar Mangal Behar): Mr. Speaker, Sir, on behalf of my Singh who not only held a senior job as a party, Forward Bloc, I like to join you in Government official but also worked in the paying my respect and homage to Chaud- freedom movement with Gandhiji and hary Charan Singh and other veteran parlia- Nehruji. mentarians who have passed away. I also pay my tribute lo Shri Dhanna Mr. Speaker, Sir, we differ with Chaud- Singh Gulshan. hary Charan Singh politically and from the economic pOint of view also, and we are [ Translation] very much against his land reforms policy. But we must appreciate one thing that it is SHAI SULTAN SALAHUDDIN OWAISI Chaudhary Sahib who had constantly (Hyderabad): Mr. Speaker, Sir, In this 17 Obituary References SRAVANA 5,1909 (SAKA) Obituary References 18 house, humble tributes are being paid to [English] our former Pnme MInister Chaudhary Charan Singh. A veteran freedom fighter of the country has left us. I, on bellalf of my SHRI PIYUS TJR.~KY (Altpurduars): On party, pay homage to him and associate behalf of my party R.S.P. and myself I join myself with the sentiments expressed In with the House to pay homage to the this House. departed leader Shri Charan Singh. India is basically an agricultural country and a large number of people are kisans. Chaud- SHRI BALAAM SINGH YADAV (Matn- har; Sahib was a great klsan leader. In pun): Mr. Speaker, SIr, at senal number 2 other words he was the real leader of the under the obituary, the Member's name IS nation. In his death the millions of kisans wrongly written as Shrl Bansl Das Dhan- have lost their voice. The gulf due to his gar. The correct name IS Shn Bansldhar death will remain unfilled for many many Dhlngar. ~ars to come. Those who go never come back. But we have with us their ideals to follow. Let us all pay the right homage to MR. SPEAKER: I Will see the departed great leader by following the path shown by him.

SHAI C. JANGA REDDY (Hanam- konda): Mr. Speaker, Sir, today In thiS House tributes are bemg paid to late Chaudhary Charan Singh. I, on behalf of SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. DEO my party and on my own behalf, pay hom- (Parvathipuram): Mr. Speaker, Sir, on age to him. Chaudhary Charan Singh did behalf of myself and my party, I rise to join whatever he wanted to do dunng the you and this House in expressing the senti- Janata Party rute. Due to hIS defecnon, the ments that have been expressed for the era of non-Congress Governments came departed leader, Chaudhary Charan Singh into eXistence in 1967 and agam In 1980, and other hon. Members of this House who due to him, the non-Congress Govern- lost their lives. Sir, Chaudhary Charan ment at the Centre fell and the Congress Singh ra&e fr(lm a humble beginning to Government agam came Into power. occupy one of the highest offices in this Being a farmer, he wanted to get power to oountry. Sir, his spartan way of living and serve the farmers. Therefore, it IS said that his unquestionable integrity are examples whatever defections he made, he made to the people of this country to emulate. them .n the Interest of tarmers. If elections Sir, through you, I would like to convey our In Haryana had not been on the cards, land heartfelt condolences to the members of for cremation of Chaudhary Sahib near the bereaved families of Shri Charan Singh AaJghat would not have been allotted. and other colleagues who lost their lives.

MR. SPEAKER: Please be discreet MR. SPEAKER: We deeply mourn the sometimes, at least..... (Interruptions) loss of these friends and I am sure the House will join me in conveying our con- SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: He believed dolences to the bereaved families. The that the development of the country lies in House may now stand in silence for a short the development of the villages. He was while to express its sorrow. always ready to make sacrifices for the sake of farmers. I, on behalf of my party, convey my condolences to his bereaved The Members then stood in silence for a family and pay homage to him. short while. 19 Obituary References JULY '0.1987 Obituary References 20

MR. SPEAKER: The House now stands 11.42 twa. adjourned as a mark of respect to the The Lok Sabha then adjourned till Eleven of the Clock on Tuesday, July 28, deceased, to meet again tomorrow. the 1987/Sravana 6, 1909 (Saka) 28th July, 1987 at 11.00 A.M.

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