Bert Williams
he MessengerFIFTEEN CENTS A COPY . 00.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,000,0 A Voice From The Dead X Bert Williams An Interpretation ODHOHOHODODO - O ODCHOCHCHOCHDHOODHO THE MESSENGER [April, 1922 . Royal Theatre 15th & SOUTH STS . PHILADELPHIA WHEN IN PHILADELPHIA The Most Handsome Colored Photoplay House in Go to the America . Olympia Philadelphia Stands in a class by itself in . Prominent for the high class Photoplays shown here and the high grado music fur. Organ Theatre by our $ 30,000 Moller . nished CO-OPERATION FOR For information on organistas cooperative spelaties apply to CO -OPERATIVE LEAGUE OF AMERICA 2 Weet 13th Street New York the finest, most gripping THE MESSENGER Published Monthly by the MESSENGER PUBLISHING CO ., Inc , York . Main Office : 2305 Seventh Avenue New Telephone , Morningside 1996 Largest Motion Picture 16e. per Copy $1.50 per Year 446 TOAD ) U. S. U. S. 20. Outoldo House of its kind in $2 Outside , . No. 4. VOL . IV . APRIL 1922 South Philadelphia . CO N T E N TS I. EDITORIALS 385 388 2. EcoxOMICS AND POLITICS STS . 389 BROAD & BAINBRIDGE 3 . EDUCATION AND LITERATURE 394 4 . Who's Who 394 5. OPEN FORUM , July , , at the Entered as Second Class Mail 27 1919 , of March 3, 1879 . Post Office at New York , N.Y. under Act Editors : OWEN A. PHILIP RANDOLPH CHANDLER Contributing editor : GEORGE FRAZIER MILLER W. A. DOMINGO 385 April , 1922. ) THE MESSENGER Editorials ANTI LYNCHING LEGISLATION AND LABOR RUSSIAN CHILDREN STARVING . , Lynching labor , , THE Dyer Anti- Bill should interest WHILE the farmers in the West use corn for fuel , Out of the four thousand or more persons who millions of innocent helpless Russian children , country , be .
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