www.utahnursesassociation.com The official newsletter of the Utah Nurses Association February, March, April 2013 Quarterly circulation approximately 28,000 to all RNs, LPNs, and Student Nurses in Utah. Volume 22 • Number 1 Inside President’s Message Kathleen Kaufman, RN, MS GRC tab on the UNA website. Please look over these President reviews frequently so that you may act according to the best interests of nurses and healthcare in Utah when you January 1st, 2013 marks contact your state senator or representative. Any member the beginning of my term as interested in working with the GRC committee to review your president. I welcome bills should call or email the UNA office as soon as the opportunity to serve the possible. (Most of this work is done online.) An effective members of the Utah Nurses nurse is an involved nurse! Maliheh Clinic Volunteer Site Association, the nurses of This coming year will also be a year of preparation for Utah, and the citizens of the 100 year anniversary of the Utah Nurses Association. Page 5 Utah who require healthcare. Your board welcomes your input regarding appropriate My service is broad, activities to celebrate this event. Please contact us via including informing you email at
[email protected] or by a letter to the editor of issues, discussing those of The Utah Nurse so that others can see your suggestion issues with you, and also for celebration of UNA’s 100th birthday. We welcome all representing you in various ideas and encourage you to think creatively. Naturally we pubic formats. I welcome Kathleen Kaufman also welcome broad participation in the selected events input at all stages of my that will occur in 2014.