From: [~~~~~~~fI(( ~~~~]USAMA) </O=USA/OU=M A/CN=RECIPIEN TS/CN~ b6, b7C ··-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- i• Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2014 5:29 PM ,.----- ------ --·--- - To: ["-·---b6;-·b7C·---·-·:(USAMA)!- ·-·-·bECi)1c·-·-·-~usa.doj go_y?.:;i b6, b 7-_~_juSAMA) ':----------lisa:ao·. ov>i_______ _ b6 , b7C ,(USAMA)! b6 , b7C·. ov>· :-_l?_~!_l?Jf·bic- ·--.}-~-rusAMX)°<;b6 b 'TC___- '@usa .do{go-~;;; r~ ·bs~·-bll- ·-](usAMA) r·-·-6,C6tc·-·-·~-iisi.aoj. gov > r -·-·-·-·bif i/ic·-·-·-·-·-·:0sAMA) r-·-·-bs:·-i:;1c··-·-·-4i"ii"s"a~doj. gov >; •·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·7.-·•·•·-·-·•·•·-·.. 1·-·-• - · - · - ·r-..:r-.:n.u·.:l"'..:r-.:!"'..:r-.:1"'..:r-.:!"'..:r-.:l"'.i • (... ....... • • • ., ••••••• • p : b6 b7C :(USAMA)! b6 b7C @usa.d0J gov>; Fn -·- .;ti;1c·~------(USAMA) \-·-·1>·1i",-·&1c-·t:gTiisa:aoTi(6v>; ;-·--·-·-·~s.-bf€~-~~~[USAMAV--ti~~~C:~:'·-·o~>; ("""":'""i;e:"b=;-c·-·-·-·-·-·-·[UsAMA)C~~~~~J7-r~~~J?9usa .doj .g'o-,;;:·1 b6, b7C kUSAMA) r~..-b6, ij"fc;'"'-·lyiisa~dofgov > '-·-·---·-·-·--·-·---·-·---·-' 1--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-.I Subject : FW: The INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT on Terrori sm Update: 21 March 2014 From: The Investigative Project [mailto:update @ctnews .org] Sent: Friday,M arch 21, 2014 5:08 PM To: I b6, b7C (USAMA) Sub.iea:·1fie"IN'vtSTIGATIVE PROJECT on TerrorismUpda te: 21 March2 014 The Update 21 March 2014
[email protected] General security, policy 1. Iranian ship, in plain view but shrouded in mystery, looks very familiar to US 2. Al Qaeda urges followers to bomb world targets with instructions on how to make a car bomb 3. Chinese police university trains Beijing hackers 4. Pentagon goes hypersonic with long-range rapid attack weapon 5.