o m l ete I s r u o s I n Th e S c ie n ce Of As ro o C p n t cti n t l gy .

A Evil I n fl n f T P Th e Good n d u e ce O h e la n ets .

S fi o Of Drea ms M o es S ns A n d m ign i cati n , l , ig O e n s .

M e n ta l Ph s A n d Bu s ess u a fi , y ica l i n Q l i cati o n s .

S exu a l A n d Co nju ga l Ada ptati o n s

Fro m Date Of Bi rth


It Al so Co nta i n s

Fo r u a e A n d Ufo r u e Da t n t n t nat ys .

How To Avo S k ess A e s A n d P v r id ic n , ccid nt o e ty .

A n d M h a r M A n d r C s s C . a ny t , a p a l e nda s

a P r f M A D B o . J. C O N A LD y ,

i n ifi A s r l A V S c e t c t o og e r n d oca ph e r .

B N H A M T N W I G O , N E YO R K.

98 . M ac n a l d Copyrighted 18 by J Do . P R E FA C E .

8 5 8 4

e . Knowledge is Power . and enables men to be mast rs Ignor ance com

pels men to be sl a ves . n ew Thi s book is intended for intelligent , thinking people , to give them ideas on the problems of life and the occult forces of nature . As a m an thinks so he becomes . The following pages do n ot contain all the information and knowledge t of the world , but are intended to inci e the aspirati ons and indicate the way in which the mental activity of the reader can find Harmony , Health , Happi

nes s and Prosperity .

S uccess is the great desideratum in life . There is no such thing as luck . Why is it then that one person succeed s and another fails It is the differ ent u s e they make of their opportunities . Life is a continuous opportunity . o n E ach d ay bring s something . the choice of which depends whether they

realize success or failure , happines s or misery . ’ A of a person s life shows them how to recognize their opp or

- tu n i ti es . It gives them self knowledge and the ability to know and make use

of what wi ll benefit them .

Read this book and make it the turning point in your life . If you are

n a . u happy , dis s atisfied and unsuccessful in life , m ke a turning point now Y u i y o u r o may be r ght in the midst of the most important period of life , on

i c . . w!h h your whole future may depend Do not let this opportunity pass Know your work , then do The abstruse a n d occult sciences of nature are now bei ng investig ated i t more than for three centuries past, during wh ch time they have been almos u to tally neglected . The great pl anet J piter is nearing the Earth ag ain , and as people are becoming more enlig htened they begin to consider the extr a or di n ar y eff ects that were wrought by the ancient philosophers in ages that

’ bu t wh i ch were called dark , were a great deal more enlightened in many

. m ways than the present There is no doubt that , with the any improvements t r of modern times , we will in the nex one hundred years su pas s the ancients

in occult knowledge .

fl w i r Planetary in uence opens up a field of research h ch , th oug h observ a

tion and experi ment . will in time come to be rec og nized and appreci ated as

being as valuable as chemistry or astronomy . r We cannot see electricity , yet we know of its existence th ough its mani fest ati on s , and have found means to utilize it , not only for the tr ansmission

of intelligence and chemical purposes , but for the production of heat , lig ht

. fl and power We cannot see the sol ar uid , but those who have investig ated i the matter know that it exists , and can tell to a certainty thing s that w ll ’ take pl ace in a person s life when born in the different signs of the Z odi ac

e - or when differ nt pl anets were in mi d heaven . Astrol ogy demonstrates that fl f there is solar in uence , by analyzing the various e fects of the Planets and

Signs . S P E C I A L LI S T O F B O O KS

Li r a r o f P r o f e r o h i n i fi c Do n a l A s r o l o . C n t a i n e d i n t e S c e t b y . M a c d , t g

O n A s t r o l og y , P sy c h ol og y , P h r e n o l o g y , H y p n ot is m , E t c . Du p l i c a t e s o f w h i c h c a n be f u r n i s h e d a t t h e p r i c e n a m e d

g of t h e t m . . Astro’lo y Old Tes a ent Very Ancient Lill y s Gu ide to and Grammar of Astrology .

fl 11 n e . In uence of the 0 Human Life . A valuable w book 2 l n . . V o u m s. The Guide to A’strology Published in London i mm t s Dr . n i e S o G . ’ Daily uide of Transits and Aspects

t a B A l i cu l tu r e. Cul ivator s H nd ook , or Planetary Law in g

B 14 4 B on at u s. Guide to Astrology . eing the Considerations of Guido fl Be i n fi n In uence of the S tars . ing Astrological S g i cati o s. 1 H I ‘ O h O O S C eS . T e Key to Astrology , or How to Read and W ite p

Language of the Stars . A Primary Course of Lessons in Astrology . 2 Celestial Dynamics . Part of Language of the Stars .

L . a r s ight of Egypt S cience of th e S t and Esoteric Masonry . fi B c M t t t . Solar iology . A S ienti c e hod of Delinea ing Charac er

The Primer of Astrology and American Urbania .

Dictionary of Astrology . All Technical Terms Explained . h a n d r t e . Science of Stars Horary Mu’ndane Ast ology S imm on i te s Arcana of Astrology: Dr . Great English W h ot e . Heliocentric Astrology . Gives Positions t Planets

A . om 1e e The Science of . C p t Hand Book and Guide .

a S fl . Zodi cal Physiognomy . Explaining The igns and Their In uences ! fi e ) a r . . wC Hor ry Astrology . Scienti c P ediction London Edition 6 s oQ . 22 5 . Spherical Astrology This book gives Tables of Houses , Lat . to N u fi wC Life of Paracels s Bombast of Hoenheim . Astrologer and Alchemist .

M . oQ Isis Unveiled . The Master Key to the ysteries of Ancient Magic m b l M s l l s k a . oO K ab a l a . w Denudata The Concealed y t e e . From the boo s or Zoh r K e i i i 1 el n . e uQ y to Theosophy . A clear and conc se exposition of this g o V woO S S . Occult ciences , Magical and ecret Practices u' e 1 e B 1 s J . ~ C Mystery of the Ages The S C t oet iu s of Ancient S cience .

t . e cQ Charac er Indicated by Handwriting The best book on the subject . B s u b . Q Zenia t’he Vestal . eing Problems of Vi rations a D . oQ Nature s M arvels . The octrine of Hermes Very ancient

B . h h V . T e Egyptian ook o’f t e Dead ery rare h W at All The World s A Seeking. I B r V . N atu 1 e R d. L The Hidden Secrets of eveale y D . c ean i 1 i l 1 S t cu tu e. Demology . A wonderfully clever book on p

m . Hu an Nature Exposed . he evils of life revealed M a B 2 B . . The S ecret Doctrine . y ad m lavatsky Vols d h V S B G . T e ’oice of ilence and ook of ol en Precepts a n d B M st er l s o e . Barret s Magnus . A rare Ancient ok of y

Hypnotism . How it is done . A complete work on the subject . l 2 B u ddh i s W o n d . 1 . 5 The O’ccult Esoteric P i a cti cal a n d S c . h 3 a h . C iro L nguago e of t e Hand Complete , ientific

os 1 . The Night Side of N a tu 1 e . Or Gh ts and Ghost See s A 1 abi c 0 1 M th e . The K an of ohammed . From original i Sexua l Physiology and O i ig n of Life . An excellent book . n M st e1 Clothed With The S u . A book of y y and Wonder .

m a . Geo ncy . The easiest method of divination P l 1il o 0 h s o s s p y of Exi tence . A history of Deities and Dem n I l l u st l at ed P 1 85 New Hand Book on h enology , Physiology Physiognomy D t 0 1 1 200 s P 1 es r 1 i n oc s . c t o s. The French Book Containing , Famou p

G . O l S . ccu t cience in India iving Initiatory Rites , Ceremonies , Etc A D ’ P R O F. M C O N A LDS



T h e T r u e P os it io n s of T h e M oon i n T h e S ig n s of t h e Z od i a c

Fo r E a c h Da y of T h e Y ea r .

n r d in R u l e s fo r P l a n t i n g a d H a r ve st i n g A c c o g t o t h e M oo n .

n a n d Un f r t n Da s of t h Y a r Fo r t u a t e o u a t e y e e .

U. S . Wea t h e r S ig n a l s a n d O bse r va t io n s . ’ H ow t o R e a d C h a r a c t e r Fr o m t h e M oo n s I n fl u e n c e .

H ow T o R e c k o n S t a n d a r d T im e .

I t G ive s T h e E c l i p se s , M ova bl e Fe a s t s , P l a n e t a r y A s p e c t s.

A st r ol o g i c a l S i g n s , S y m bo l s a n d P h e n om e n a .

r h a r t s M a s a n d O t h e r V a l u a bl I n f r i C a l e n d a s , C , p e o m a t o n . .

T H E B E S T A N D O N LY C O R R E C T merican


By P R O F. J. M A C DO N A L D .

B I N G H A M TO N . N . Y .

P R I C E T E N C E N T S .

A l l B A? d Fo r S a l e A t ook S t or es . A g e n t s wa t ed . W There are constantly being discovered things of mysterious meanings . In no sphere can we fi n d as many revelations as can be revealed in th e l i u heavens . All the know edge man has of the heavenly wonders s b t a s a

drop in a bucket com pared to what exists . T h e importance of Astrology can scarcely be appreci ate d without careful

study and investig ation . It is of far greater value than any system of a ex r i science the world now possesses , for , after thous ands of ye rs of pe

l a ivs nf . ment , its have been found to be accur ate and u ailing

‘ Heretofo re it has been necess ary for the student in occultism to lay ou t a great deal of ti me and money in collec ting the v arious information

required , and even then not obtaining as much valuable and interesting f i i in ormation as contained in this book , wh ch presents t in a condensed and

concise form . a n d i n Astrology , the science so much talked of so little understood this a e n d g , was practiced by the magicians a s eers of Egypt thous ands of years a go . In the compilation of thi s book the author has spent much time search i n hi . g scientific , storical and occult libraries and records The entire ground work and cream of all those stupendous folios and q u artos whi ch were pro d u ced m ti fi ti be f u n d for the ys ca on of the work will o herein , and the results thus obtained are given in such a form as to be easily understood and withi n

the reach of everyone . Even to the speculative metaphysici an it will furnish fl food for re ection . i a e r In th s g of prog es s in human thought and activity , he who would

keep up with the times must be awake and ready to grasp hi s opportun ities.

Originality is not claimed for all the ideas herein contained , as many of hi r e a them have been known for a thous and g ener ations , by the t nkers and

s n r o e s of all ages from Hermes Trismegistus to the present day .



The influences a n d other information given in thi s book are of a general

n ature , and liable to s ome excepti ons , for planetary and other conditions ,

u . s ch as premature birth , will sometimes alter the career of persons A true ’ a n e d correct horoscop , or delineation of a person s life , character and dis r b p osition can only be determined f om the exact d ay of birth , and must e

w ritten out in full for each person . ’ No matter how evil a person s polarity may be , they have the natural

). m forces to overcome it (unless they are idiots Reme ber this , that by vir t tue of inserting the right kind of a graf into an unprofitable tree , we pro wi duce the most superior fr uit . So it is th mankind ; if we know our defects

we can remed y them , and by knowing our talents we can take advantage of

II .

— A R I E S T H E R A M .

(M a r ch l t t o A pr i l 1 9 th )

B h n is a M asculine, Movable , hot , dry , and Fiery Sign . eing t

e first Sign of the n w solar year, it rules the head , face and brain of the microcosm

or M a n . It also rules friends and relatives .

All persons born in this S ig n use the head more than any other part of the

- k e . a n d . w body , and are natural born reasoners thin ers Th ir brain is al ays busy Wr They are independent , have their own ideas of right and ong , and are lovers

n of al l educational pursuits . They are of a stubborn and viole t disposition if

n a n d s m a . d riven to anything , but ki d y p thetic when left to themselves They

a i r love all that is beautiful and harmoniou s . They love plenty of light , ,

h m h i ch . a t e w music , dancing , etc They h ve the fire of nature in , makes them

' u b active and f ll of life . They are liable to all trou le and disease of the head , l face and brain . They need but litt e medicine ; quiet, rest and sleep are all

k l e they require when sic or exhausted . These pfi fp are born in the head of the v ’ i s di fficu l t for th em Intellectual Signs ; they are executive , and it very to serve

e M . M in subordinat positions This being a asculine, ovable , Equinoctial Sign? w the nature is hot , dry , luxurious , temperate and some hat viol ent and quick

to anger . Persons born at this time , have dry lean bodies of medium stature ,

w r . iry hair , swa thy complexion , strong limbs , large bones and a sharp sight

n eu r al i a tooth ach e - They are liable to headaches , g , , small pox , paralysis , apoplexy ,

f h p imples , gumboils and af ections of the eyes and stomach . T ese persons b naturally dominate those about them , yet they are no le , generous and pro

v v gressi e. They are never at a loss to pro ide entertainment for their friends

- They also make excellent mind readers , as they quickly understand without f words any trouble that may be on the minds o their friends . It is impossible

to hide anything from a n Aries perso n w h o has recogni zed his power of mind

i e k n r a di n g or intuition . Ari s p eople are so ind a d sympathetic in their

t e f ar e natures hat they oft n become blind to the faults of their riends , and

. i m imposed upon The chief faults of Aries persons are anger , j ealousy ,

e tu osi t . p y and quick temper , through which they lose many opportunities. Those born in Aries will harmonize best with those born in or either

of the other Air Signs . They should never marry those born in either of th e

Water Signs .

The Sun is the governing planet , and the favorite gems are the opal and

diamond .

The following w ell - known persons w ere born i n th is Sign : G eorge Francis r a m , , S , h J , v John Tyler chuyler Colfax T omas efferson Washington Ir ing , B B , , , , ce Henry Clay Robert ruce Rosa onheur Mahomet Francis Hayden , Prin

B k B B - J B R ismarc , George Cann ing , aroness urdett Coutts , ean aptiste ousseau, T homas Hobbs . A UR S — T H ‘B T I T E ULL.

A r il 2 th t o M a 20th ( p 0 y . )

T a r s F ed a Fem i m n e dr e n o u u is a ix Intellectu l , cold , y , m la ch ly , E arthy

ro fl S ign . It rules the neck and th at of mankind , and also the uids of life or

h . t e lymphatic system . Also rules travel

o e n u Persons b rn in this Sign are determined , unyi lding, and at ral con

s W u eror h . q , bound to ave their own way at all hazards hen sick , their r e

cover b t . rt y is slow , u sure They are generally more fo unate in money than in love aff air s ; yet they are persevering an d th e latter part of their lives are

gen erally more fortunate than the early part . They have many acquaintances,

but few real friends , and are often annoyed by sorrow . persons h a r

z h e mon i e best wit those born in , , or Canc r . These people should

never speculate nor risk money in games of chance . A city life is generally

s s o s of most suitable to Tauru per ons , especially cities on or . near large b die

e . e r e . a w water In busin ss they are natural traders Th y easily excited , slo to

anger and have a terrible temper when enraged . Liable to all throat and heart

r e troubles , tumors , apoplexy , and dropsy and brain disorders . Tau us peopl

- f an d t are kind hearted , free to a ault , easily led through heir sympathies ,

n . pa ssions a d feelings They are always at home in any society or place , and m ar e born leaders . They are victims of theft , and seldo recover lost or stolen

h r m property . T ey have great ability to commit to memo y fro books , and have great mental and physical endurance . They are W m friends as long .

s . bo a they can rule and have their own way Taurus persons are fear s , lgm

ro b an d usually of short , stout build , with b ad full face , thick lips , and road

r od . nose . shiny skin , large melting eyes , and ve y hairy b ies

M e Tauru s is governed by ercury , and the favorite gems are the em rald a n d

- moss agate .

h w w - w w re o i n u : T e follo ing ell kno n persons e b rn Taur s William,

v r . B . s k e s . M M Sha esp are , O li er Cromwell , Ulys es S G ant , S or e , James onroe ,

. u William H . Seward , The Czar of Russia , Nicholas II , Sam el Wesley ,

William Cowper , David Hume , Edward Gibbon , King Edward King

r D l . r W. M W E dwa d , Queen a y uke of el ington , Duke of Connaught , Rev

E M Dr w . R obert Hall , Empress Eugenie, mpress aria Theresa , . Ed ard Jenner 2 N I — T H T I GE M I E W N S .

1 to Ju ne 2 l st (m y 2 st . )

l c u l n is a Variable , hot , moist , Masculine , Inte le t a , Airy , sa guine

r s. a n d B arren Sign . It ules the hands , arms and shoulder Also rules friends

n a d enemies .

Persons born in this Sign are destined to a variable life . They should not

0 11 . ar e t depend friends nor fear their enemies They generally fortuna e , even

l a . in their misfor tunes , and usua ly obt in all they wish for Gemini people are n s s n ot w ot born for hard or dirty work , and should al o take life ea y , and orry

r . al l over but be ve y careful in all money matters They are liable to throat , an d s n lung nervous disea es , accidents to the ha ds and arms , and stomach e disorders . Gemini p ople harmonize best with those born in the Fire Signs ,

Sagittarius , Aries and . They are easily suited , can more readily adapt f s themselves to dif erent conditions and circum tances in life , than those born G . r in any other sign emini pe sons are easy to become acquainted with , and k w i are both good t al ers and listeners , therefore ell adapted to any public bus ness . They love to be admired and advised , but they should always follow

r . ar e s a r e their own j udgments , right or w ong They thinker , and not quick

. o n to believe all they hear , usually agnostics Gemini pe ple are desti ed to n many changes in life , and bei g an Air Sign , their most fortunate places ar e

r . on high g ound They lose many things by theft , which can be easily r e B G covered by inquiry . eing an Intellectual Sign , emini people do best in any b a h usiness requiring he dwork , suc as the management of large enterprises ,

w . riting , building and in real estate They love all scientific studies , are

r . estless , and want to be busy at something continually They are very S generous , and commonly give away or pend as fast as they make , yet are n ever discouraged by disappointments . Gemini people are generally of good w a h , ht , t t , g , , r t a eight uprig s raigh ith lon rms dark hair b igh complexion , s s o quick , harp , piercing , hazel eye , a mo t p werful imagination , excellent fi‘ r . A ecti on te j udgment and unde standing, and keen perceptions a , but not an passionate, and great lovers of the beautiful , both in nature d ar t . The o fickl en great fault of Gemini pe ple is their lack of continuity , and ess ; they o are always anxious to do , or to g , and are very combative and suspicious of al l external appearances ; to convince them requires undoub ted proof They ar e o to tr s inconstant and liable to g ex eme , yet they have great self control .

The governing planet of Gemini is Venus . The favorite gems are the

- a methyst and all high colored stones .

h w w w r o w t g o T e follo ing ell kno n pe s ns ere born in he Si n of Gemini Plat ,

r W. E r o Dante , Richa d Wagner, Queen Victoria , Ralph me s n , Walt Whitman ,

B Y ff . . e righam oung , Je Davis , Alex Pope , Catherine , Empr ss of Russia , King I W M ore h r George . , illiam Pitt, Thomas o , King C a les Patrick Henry , Peter

h e s e . c o t e Gr at of Rus ia , Richard Cobd n , King George III , So rates , Cagliostr , I T h r . e s n W sl George Stephenson , King Edwa d , Duche s of Orlea s , John e ey,

King James IV . , Charles H . Spurgeon . 3 A N C R T H C R A B C E E .

Ju n 2 2 d t o u l 2 2 ( e J y d . )

t r M F is a Wa e y , cold , moist , phlegmatic , Feminine , ovable , ruitful ,

n . M aternal Sig . It rules the chest and breast Also rules health and life .

ar e a r Persons born under this Sign always most fortun te near the sea , o

rs an d any large body of wate , such as rivers and lakes , by moving abou t ; th ey

a should never stay too long in one place , or at n y one business or occupation . l Cancer peop e have many acquaintances , but few real trusted friends . They

ff ar e a n d have many adventures in their love a airs , they very changeable , should not marry early in life . Cancer people harmoni ze best with those born in , Taurus and , and should never marry, deal with , or

i r - assocfate with those born in a F e Sign . Cancer people are liable to trouble

d a n d with their breast , chest and stomach , headaches , etc . They have a pr ou

d i s osi ti on ver very jealous p g y determined in all they undertake , but easily

- discouraged if left alone . They are generous , kind hearted and sympathetic ,

. i n fond of traveling , but not always successful Cancer people have superior !

~ el l i en ce to ~ l ear n : t g , and are always quick to perceive and new things They take g reat pride in all household matters , but must be at the head . They have good memory and never forget or truly forgive an inj ury . They often tak e


—r T ' ns si h i thfi u t a n a r n t great dislikes to some perso at first g W y app e cause . Cancer

' ‘ i f bu r l ar s o . persons are always afra d g , thieves and poverty They are very

u r conscientio s , have many strange adventures in life , and worry a g eat deal at

B s night . eing a Maternal Sign , signifies that they are natural manufacturer ,

ar e or makers of anything . Cancer people generally short and stout , the

. u u pper part of the body being larger than the lower A ro nd pale face , small d light eyes and delicate complexion . If a woman , estined to many children .

r fi e Generally speaking , Cancer people are ve y timid and dif cult to pl ase . They

v1n ci bl e are 1 n to argument unless their feelings are hurt , when they lose courage. They are industrious , independent , ambitious and progressive . Wh en properly educated and harmoniously married , there are no more brilliant or

e of t h e useful peopl than those born in this Si gn Zodiac .

11 a The M 00 is the governing planet of Cancer, and the f vori t e gems a r e the onyx and emerald , which indicates success in love .

: B The followin g persons were born in Cancer Henry Ward eecher , B G . . l Nathan iel Hawthorne , ambetta . P T arnum , Empress Josephine , Admira

. Ross , King Henry VII . , St . Paul , Admiral Duncan , John Calvin , Julius


e W . C a sar , Isaac atts — LE O T H E LI O N .

Ju l y 2 3d to A u gu st 2 2d .

F M B M I Leo is a Fier y , ixed , asculine, arren and aternal Sign . t rules

th e r v . t . hea t , blood and ner es Also rules prosperi y and losses

Persons born in this Sign are fond of wandering in woods and forests ,

fir e W in inaccessible p laces , and love to be near a good warm in inter . They

bu i l d i th 1 h ai r r om i n en are of good , w broad shoulders , la ge head and fine ; p t eyes ,

t u ruddy complexion , courteous , dignified and courageous , active and ambi io s .

to a l l They are liable fevers , pains in the back , heart and kidney troubles ,

l u er i s . n . . a n d p y They have excellent judgment , but ma y enemies Leo peopl e

a r e most successful dealing in products of the Earth , either mineral or

n ot n . vegetable , but are very fortu ate early in life Argument avails nothin g

w ith them , and they positively will not acknowledge or admit anything con

f - n ected with their love or money af airs . They are kind hearted and even

e . tempered , but very passionat when angry They harmonize best w ith those

n born in Air Signs , and seldom agree with those born in Water Sig s . Leo d persons are nearly always happy and in good humor , and sel om worry . ff They can readily adapt themselves to di erent conditions in life, and are often

subject to extremes . They are independent thinkers and easily led in their

ff n k love a airs , their stro g love nature being their wea ness . They ar eindu strious

k m a tta l n en ts i . o and economical , but seldom ma e high , except n business r

intellectual pursuits , as they would rather plan than work . In the struggle

a k for life , Leo persons lways loo out for themselves and their own .

T he Earth is th e governing planet . The favorite gems are the ruby and F diamond . avorite colors are red and green .

w w - w r w S g M The follo ing ell kno n pe sons ere born in this i n ary Anderson ,

n . R . Joh Ericsson , Lord Tennyson , Charles A Dana , obert G Ingersoll , Rev .

B . J wt , r V . , . S , t , J ohn Ne on King Hen y III P helley Isaac Wal on ohn Dryden ,

. e B W King George IV , Robert Southey , Napol on onaparte , Sir alter Scott , King

i r hn . S e . i William IV , Jo B Gough , Astl y Cooper , Letit a Bonaparte ( mother

of Napoleon ). — V I R GO T H E V I R GI N .

2 3 t o m 2 (A u gu st d S epte ber 3d . )

M r . Virgo is an Earthy , Variable , Feminine , aternal , Bar en Sign Cold

e . and melancholy . It rules the bow ls Also love , courtship and marriage .

a l Virgo people are rather tall , shapely and well formed , cle r comp exion ,

i n dark hair , soft voice , industrious , studious and inclined to rule , sharp

. to business , but very changeable in opinions They are liable all bowel troubles

e th e . a t and diseas s of stomach , nervousness , etc Virgo persons are most fort un e

’ in middle life . They are destined to travel , and are always more fortunate by

n u moving about . They have a strong love at re ; with them to love i s to

a n d k n n worship . They have many decided likes disli es , a d are incli ed to be

s B i bashful or incon tant . eing an Earthy S gn , they harmonize best with

n a . those born in Water Si g s , and should m rry their direct opposites in nature

d n i r Virgo people succeed in all literary an professio al pursuits , in teach ng o t an y large business . They have great respect for weal h . They too often

a n criticise the faults of others , thereby m king e emies . They look for the best

i n l i fe et . things , but too often g discouraged They have great endurance and

w . e make rapid headway , hen once they comprehend anything Virgo peopl

grow old very slowly , and when properly married and in congenial business ,

s ‘ w they enjoy many of the plea ures of life , as they have little to orry about

They are very discriminating and choice in their eating . They are great

a t lovers of music and harmony ; disorder lways destroys heir appetites , they

l c n require everything nice and tasty . Virgo peop e are the result of satisfied o d i ti on s on the part of their paren ts .

n The governing planet is Vulcan . The favorite gems are the onyx a d

cornelian , which insures conj ugal happiness .

The following well - known persons were born in the Sign of Vir go :

e M Oliver W. Holmes . General Lafay tte , Louis Kossuth , Count Tolstoi , . W a . u . Farrad y , St Aug stine , John Locke , James atts , Dr John Dalton , Queen

a on o a n Elizabeth , Alex nder Baron V Humboldt , L rd C ve dish , James Fenimore

- Cooper , Alexa nder the Great . 6 — LI B R A T H E B A LA N C E .

(S ept em ber 2 4 th t o O ct ober 2 3d . )

M M r Libra is an Air Sign . It is ovable , asculine , Rep oductive , equinoctial ,

. t , . cardinal , humane and sanguine I rules the loins back and kidneys Also

rules wealth and fortune .

Libra people ar e w ell formed , of medium build , straight and fine grained .

ul They have a round , f l face , rather pale ; smooth , long , light , glossy hair , light

. e are eyes , and a gentle temper They hav good principles , ambitious and

- . are r inclined to fine arts , and nice clean vocations Libra people natural bo n

' e r an speculators ; they oft n bor ow without y idea how they will repay , and are h continually building castles in the air . T ose born in this Sig n are liable to diseases of the back, loins and kidneys , all female complaints , stomach and blood disorders . Libra people are most successful dealing in books , art and

r o . musical in st uments, and p sitions under the government There are many

‘ O pportunities in middle life , both for pleasure and profit . They have many

l os . r enemies and e many things Libra persons generally mar y more than once,

e an d . and w hen young , they oft n give their friends relatives much anxiety

r n F As this is an Air Sign , Libra people ag ee best with those bor in the ire

— . r u rs Signs Aries , Leo and They lose by t sting too much to othe ,

e n e . and by d pe ding on friends , who too oft n cause them to change their minds

r . They should live on high ground , and avoid all la ge bodies of water They are kind - hearted and will give away all they possess to help a friend without

r . expecting any eturn They can easily tell right from wrong, good from evil , and do not like to see any cruelty or bloodshed . Libra people are never in l r . n love w ith hard or di ty work They are quick in dea ing , impatient , wa t

an to be doing something all the time , and have great spiritual or foresight , d ma n are positive and decisive they say or do. They ar e very susceptible to

psychological control , and should never allow themselves to come under the t w ill of another. They love excitemen of all kinds , and ar e frequently found

' tr avel er s actr esses n i h as lecturers , , and actors , being more imitative tha ff ff n i ve. ve t They are a ectionate and demonstrative in love a airs , and in danger

- of over doing all they undertake , and exhaust their vital powers . The ru ling

- r . planet is U anus The favorite gems are golden tinted ones . Favorite colors ,

crimson and blue .

The following w ell - known persons were born in this Sign of Libra :


B . . B . George ancroft , Miss Frances E Willard , R Hayes , C . A . Arthur, B R M s . n Madame odjeska , Noah Webster , Thoma eed , Admiral Nelso , Lord a 111 Raglan , King Rich rd , Jenny Lind , King Edward VI . , King James

William Penn , John Adams , Samuel T . Coleridge , George Combe. S C O R P I O — T H C O R P I N E S O .

O ct ober 2 4 th to ( N ove m ber 22d . )

n i s F l W er S i . F an Scorpio is a at g It Feminine , ruitful , ixed d R epro

du cti ve . l n s It ru es the privates a d gener ative organs . Al o rules m al es an d

m arriage .

S o d l en str on - corpi persons are well forme , corpu t , g and able bodied , have a somewhat broad , square face , dull complexion , dark hair (generally curly

r or crisp ), short, thick neck , and coarse hai y legs . These people are always

r et i . dignified and rese ved , y act ve and combative Liable to all diseases of the

r n . gene ative orga s , gravel , liver complaints , rupture , etc They are destined to misfortunes , and will meet with many accidents through life . Scorpio

s person are very j ealous , but of a loving disposition , and their jealousy

r x . often causes them much wor y , disappointment and an iety Scorpio persons

n i n B b r ow . are also very susceptible to poisons and death y_ g g eing a Watery

e m r r l a e Sign , thes people will harmonize best in a g , business or friendship b with those orn in the opposite time of the year from themselves , or with

a — n those born in either of the E rth Signs Taurus , Virgo , or Capricor . The

t . most fortunate localities are in low places , near large bodies of wa er Scorpio

i - r n persons are k nd hearted in their way , but their dignified and dete mi ed

- n ature often causes them to appear hard hearted and unfeeling . They are

be n . thoughtful , and can very deceptive if required to accomplish their e ds T They are always respected , fond of luxury , and the good things of life . hey

n e have strong appetites , passions and emotio s , and are generally good fri nds

a s . as long it pays , or they can have their way Being silent , dignified , i t persistent and determ ned , well adap s them to government positions under a

s head to look to for order .

te The ruling planet is Neptune . The favorite g ems are opals and whi stones generally .

The follow ing well - known persons were born in Scorpio : Belva Ann

B B F. W 0 . L w , , t , ock ood Anna Dickinson , illiam ryant enj amin Bu ler The ’

M r i n Lu h er . Prince of Wales a t t , Elizabeth C Stanton , Edwin Booth ,

F a e . Allen G . Thurman , Robert Louis St venson , James A Garfield , erdin nd

M o de C . M Lesseps , apt James Cook; arshal Grouchy , arie Ant inette , King I e . . W n , William III . , King Edward III , Sir illiam Herschel , Ki g Charl s

Admira l Lord Lyons . A I T T A R I US — T H A R C H S G E E R .

m r 2 d to Decem r (N ove be 3 be l t . )

F M as n a R r S agittarius is a iery , culi e, V riable, eproductive, bico poral Sign .

s It r ules the hips and thighs . It al o rules success in new enterprises . h Sagittarius people are of good countenance , face somew at long , ruddy com

h h an plexion , lig t c estnut hair , a little above middle stature , strong bodied , d

- ( o . rs fond of all out do r games and sports These people are liable to feve ,

a n d w stomach bo el complaints , falls , cuts and accidents in hunting , and falls

- from horses , or hurt from four footed animals , or from intemperateness in sports ; also blood disorders , liver complaints and tumors .

t O sex h S agi tarius persons have many enemies among their pposite , yet t ey f i . n receive many presents through l e They love mo ey , and generally die quite

n ot ar wealthy , yet they are adapted to do business for themselves . They e

n u i n well mea ing , generally true to those they tr ly love , but they are often

- ff . di erent , and appear cold hearted They are seldom without money , and

d . indee , money is always their best friend These people are always most s u ccessful on high gr oun d . They will agree best with those born in the Air — G , an d . S tt v t u t Signs emini Libra agi arius people are ery r hful , a n d often say things they ought not to , thereby. making an enemy n u

n T - ; w , t t . ar e a t thinkingly they mean ell bu are misu ders ood hey kind he r ed ,

. u and their generosity is often repaid with ingratit de . They are quick and decisive, often too quick to act and speak . They generally form their ow n

t t w g , t t t . W z conclusions as o righ and ron and ha e any hin g secre hen ealous , W t hey often go to extremes . hen they are devoted and loving i n domestic t i life . hey expect sim lar expressions from their mates , or they lose all i n

’ ter est .

n H The ruli g planet is ershel ( Uranus ). The favorite gems ar e the top az

d . and similar colors , denoting fi elity and truth

The follow ing well - k nown persons were born in the Sign of Sag ittarius :

a k , . F , . M L Fr n lin Pierce Cyrus W ield Samuel W Clemens ( ark Twain ), illian

B . W Beacon sfiel d Russell , Martin Van uren , John G hittier , Lord ( Disraeli ), m Charles Kemble , Sir Philip Sidney , Samuel Cro pton , Thomas Carlyle , W , S , J , C , . Mary Queen of cots ohn Milton harles esley Dr William Cullen ,

n H o , w , , M Admiral o d Erasmus Dar in William Drummo d ichael Nostradamus,

B v r r Jane Austin , Ludwig eethoven , Sir Hump hrey Da y , Capt . Pa y , John A P R I C O R N — T H A T C E G O .

D m ber 22d t o a n u r h ( ece J a y 2 0t . )

an M F r dr Capricorn is Earthy , ovable , Serving , eminine, T opical , cold , y

a n d . e . s ff melancholy Sign It rules the kne s It also rule all public a air s .

A l l ~ n t v dr , , f S r persons bor in his Sign ha e y lean bodies o medium tatu e ,

r r k thin hair , rather dark or sandy ; long , lean face, na ow chin , small nec , and

n . w are r arrow chest They have eak knees , and ve y undecided and mysterious t . , t t t e persons They are liable to many falls cu s and acciden s o heir kne s ,

t e . r n s omach and bowel troubles , and dis ases from worry or overwork Cap icor

people ar e alw ays more or less un easy and unsettled in life . They never

r succeed in business alone , but as they are very executive and great worke s ,

k M or n they ma e excellent partners for the aternal I tellectual people . They

l w or ker s al w a s r . are great , y trying to do seve a things at once Very careful in

all money matters , and have excellent memory . Capricorn people are not de m on str a ti ve f in their love af airs , although they are very conscientious and

. w s n well meaning T hey agree best ith tho e born in Ca cer , Pisces or Scorpio .

n a r e w . They have a cunning , foxy ature and often quite itty They set great value on what the w orld w ill say and are proud , eccentric and indepen dent

. e slow to anger , but very passionate when aroused They res nt all interference

f . er with their af airs by others Capricorn people are think s , reasoners and

s o philo ophers , and are the natural heads of all large corp rations . Capricorn

- ' w t of often u r people love to and often do good beyond ha is expected them , s

passing their own compr ehensions . They contribute freely to all educational

l interests, and often make able speakers , very p easing to the public . They are

n natural orga izers and need good education , and practical experience in self

an d r maintenance , are most fo tunate on high ground .

e - The ruling planet is Saturn . The favorit gems are the bluish green ones ,

which signify quiet and serenity .

The following well - known persons w ere born in this Sign : Andre w B F ! Johnson , William E . Gladstone, Isaac Pitman , enj amin ranklin , Daniel

. s W t , . , , S w , ebster, Rober E Lee Edgar A Poe Thoma Paine ir Isaac Ne ton ’ er r ol d D A rc M of Lor d Cornwallis , General Wolfe, Douglas J , Joan ( aid

R i r e o . ar o M z r n Orleans ), King Ge rge IV , ch d Savage , Lo d Lyttl t n , o a t , Joh

Watt . 10

—L P I S C E S T H E FI S H E S .

' Febr u ar 2 0th to M ar ch 2 0th ( y . )

3. F F r W er Pisces is Variable , eminine , ruitful , Se ving , at y Sign . It rules

i n the feet of mankind . A lso rules females marriage .

c t , c t t re , t t o w th Pis es people are generally of shor hunky s a u of en s o pin g, i l g , , , . , t a lon pale face pale complexion round shou ders shor arms and legs ,

t n a prominent eyes , disposi ion kind , lovi g and e sy going , easy to forgive .

r n They often say and do ve y foolish things , unthinki gly . Pisces people ar e

liable to all diseases , and trouble with their feet and stomach , cramps ,

rheumatism , blotches , impure blood and frequent headaches , caused by w et

feet . They worry and fret , and often look for trouble that never comes . They

b are ver y con fidi n g and often lose through bri ery , deceit , and the dishonesty W of false friends . These people , being born in a atery Sign , are most suc

f r cess u l near the sea or lar ge bodies of water . They are ve y faithful and

i i b t ' conscientious n al l posit ons of trust , u seldom succeed in business for

‘ e l i n d a themselves . Pisces peopl are usually long ved , ? after struggling long

r . through life , die much wealthie than they expected to They have a deep ,

h . hidden love nature, which makes married life necessary to t eir happiness

a u l n They are n t ra ly timid , modest and easily disgusted with anything commo

a . or vulg r Pisces people will defend their friends , right or wrong , and can

s generall y be depended upon to do all they agree . They have strong religiou

feelings, and never depart from their early teachings . They are always

anxious about the fu ture , and fear lest they will come to want . They love

scientific studies and research in every direction . However well qualified , d they lack confidence and shrink from coming before the public , being afrai

they will fall short in what is expected of them .

' em th e The r uling planet is M ars . The favorite g is amethyst , the symbol h of temperance and c astity .

The following well - known persons were born in the Sign of Pisces

ff W. . Joseph Je erson , George Washington , Henry Longfellow , Pope Leo XIII ,

i F s General Samuel Houston , General P. H . Sheridan , Edw n orrest , Jame

M F ), g , adison , Grover Cleveland , rederick Handel ( musician Victor Hu o

M F h k . ichael Angelo, De Joseph ranz Gall ( p renologist), Andrew Jac son 12 A B O UT T H E ZO DIA C .

h h M a gi n a r y h T e Z odiac , or t e Ecliptic , is the path of t e Earth around wh 1 ch t h e Sun . It is divided into twelve parts of thirty degrees each , are

called Signs . 1 1 The twelve Sig ns of the Zodiac are named Ar es , Taurus , Gem ul , Can S a i tt a u r u s C a r 1cor n A qu a r 1u s cer , Leo , Virgo , Libra , Scorpio , g , p , and

Pisces . hi . These Signs are divided into : Northern Signs , w ch are Taurus , Gem — S cor l o S a i tt a u r u s C a r 1 . , p ini , Cancer , Leo and Virgo Southern Signs p , g ' — corn , Aquarius and Pisces . Equinoctial Signs Aries and Libra . Tropic al — — S igns Cancer and Capricorn . Movable Signs Aries , Cancer , Libra and — s S a i tta u r u s . Capricorn . Variable Sign Gemini , Virgo , g and Pisces Fixed — — A u a r i o u s . B Sig ns Taurus , Leo , Scorpio and q arren Signs Gemini , Leo — V . and irgo . Fruitful Signs C ancer , Pisces and Scorpio Masculine Sig ns Li n S i tt a u r u s . s Aries , Gemini , Leo , Libra , ag and Aquarius Feminine g — T . s aurus , C ancer , Virgo , Scorpio , Capricorn and Pisces Fire Signs Arie , — i tt u r u . . Leo and S ag a s W ater Signs C ancer , Scorpio and Pisces Earth — — Signs Taurus , Virg o and Caprico rn . Air Signs Gemini , Libra and

Aquarius .

If the reader will make himself familiar with the above particul ars , he will readily come to understand the figure of the heavens and the situations

of the Signs .

B . 3 y referring to Map No , the reader will perceive that when the Sun e — 21st nters Aries in the Eastern horizon , on the of March , he proceeds r th w r d Bl st No a until he reaches the tropic of C ancer , of June ; he then begins 23d to return to the South until he reaches the Equatorial Sign Libra , of September ; he then continues to decline until he reaches the Tropical Sign 21 st h e of Capricorn , of December , and then returns to the Equator , which oth reaches March 2 . The twelve Signs of the Zodiac are ag ain divided into twelve parts of

- sixty hours and forty eight minutes each . As each of the twelve Sig ns rep ’ ff resent twelve particular parts of man s body , so also do the twelve di erent

parts of the Signs represent his acti ons , quality of life and living . To each p articular part is all otted a signification as follows :

The first part sig nifies Life and Health . It desig nates the size , form ,

complexion and stature of the native . It also signifies a strong or weak

constitution and short or long life .

The second part signifies Fortune , Wealth and Property , money or pov

er t . y , according as the g ood or evil Planets are high or low in the heavens B t The third part signifies rotherhood and Shor Journeys , ruling over

kindred , removing from one place to another , letters , etc . nh The fourth part sig nifies Parents in general , ruling over i eritance and

hi dden treasure .

The fifth p art signifies Children , the state of mothers in sickness or

hea l th .

The sixth part signifies Sickness , and rules over all kind of disease in

the family and among cattle or servants .

The seventh part signifies Love , ruling over marriage or divorce ( separ

ation ), and all love questions or quarrels of wives , husbands and lovers . n l The eighth p art signifies Death , its quality and nature , ruli g will s , eg

acies , dowy , etc .

The ninth part signifies Religion and Superstition , ruling over all relig

ious matters and clergymen of every denomination , visions , fears and sec t r i a n i m a s .

The tenth part signifies Long Journeys and Scientific Pursuits , ruling

dignity , honor , aversion to trades and love of change . fi The eleventh part signifies Friends , ruling over trust and con dence ,

hope and fidelity in friends , counsellors and servants or associ ates . m w The twelfth part signifies Ene ies , public or private , ruling over sorro ffl and tribulation , a iction and malicious persecution . 13 T H E P LA N E T S .

Ther e a r e nine hea venly bodies which throw their light directly on th e

. i fl Earth Eight have no l ght of their own , but re ect that of the Sun , and therefore become visible to our org ans of sight . These are called Pl anets , ff as they are observed to wander . They di er from stars in that they can be t brough nearer our sight by the aid of a telescope , while the stars , even with the aid of the most p owerful telescopes d o not appear any l arger or nearer the Earth than they do to the naked eye . They simply appear as points of l . ight , and are supposed to be Suns and centers of other worlds r e The Sun , being the center of our known universe , has nin e Pl anets hi m volving around . These are known as Mercury , M ars ,

Earth , Venus , Jupiter , S aturn , Uranus and Neptune . th e In a strology the Moon , although being a s atellite of Earth , is called - h a Planet . There are twenty one s atellites or second ary planets , of whic the E arth has one , M ars two , Jupiter five , S aturn eight , Uranus four and ! a n d Neptune one . Also four minor planets or Asteroids , between Mars — u i ter C . J p eres , Pallas , Juno and Vesta

All these Planets , with the exception of Uranus and Neptune , were known in times of th e remotest antiquity . 14 IN FLUE NC E on T H E P LA N E T S .

fl t wh o r The in uence cast by each Plane , ether g ood evil , depends upo n

i . its height in the heavens at t me of birth If well centered in the Sign , or mi d - ff in heaven , it will g ive full e ect , and if just rising or setting the eff ect

wi ll be slight .


n ow bu t l i Of the first of the Planets , Vulcan , we k ttl e. H e i s r ar ely

e n l S un . se n , except duri g an ec ipse of the

M E R C UR Y .

nl be e e e on r ar e Mercury can o y seen with the nak d y occa si on s, an d i mm e then only for a few m nutes , close to the horizon i di ately after sun set or fl before sunrise . Although his existence and in uence was known in very

ancient times , he was seldom seen before the invention of the telescope .

Our S olar S ystem consists of a central Sun , around which all the other members revolve . Mercury , being the nearest the Sun ( distant 36 million mi . i les ), has a di ameter of three thous and miles It revolves on its axis n t - u - th wenty fo r hours , and around the Sun in eighty eight d ays , traveling at e i i . rate of m les per hour Wh le , however , the climate of Mercury is a n m not y colder in Winter than that of the E arth , yet the Su mers are six ti mes as hot and the Sun six ti mes as bright .

fl . The in uence of Mercury g overns the perceptions , memory , and gene i n w w r a t v fl . e principles , but hi s in ue ce ill follo either a good or evil Planet

fl . His natural in uence is to cause mel ancholy , trickery , perjury , etc He e a affects the int llect , causing the native to be searcher after all kinds of mysteries ; to be sharp and witty , ambitious , fond of travel , unweary in fancy and curious . If he is with evil Planets , at time of birth . the opposite of the above will occur , causing the native to become a great li ar , bo astful , wicked , false , idiotic , of no opinion or judgment or learning , and ag ainst everything good and true . i i Those born under Mercury are tall , straight , th n , with a h gh forehead , hi long , narrow nose and face , little hair on the c n , but much on the head ;

. w el l long fingers As to business or vocation , Mercury aspected produces i or signifies literary persons , ph losophers , mathematici ans , astronomers or e astrol og rs , writers or secretaries , sculptors , orators and lawyers , bankers or money handlers , accountants , agents , clergymen . Also thieves and rob

. n bers , if ill aspected Mercury also causes all short jour eys and remov als , success in business and lawsuits . e n Mercury produces vertig o , imperf ctio s of speech , defects of memory ,

o r s . c ld in the head or th o at , epilepsy , madnes s and in anity Mercury als o causes death by violence and accidents in sports , or death by robbers .

V E N US . h i The next Planet from the Sun is Venus . T s Planet approaches nearer the Earth than any other except the Moon . In size and shape it i s si milar to the Earth , and can be seen with the naked eye very plainly . 7 700 mi Venus is , miles in diameter , of les from the Sun , a n d only of miles from the Earth . It revolves around the Sun in 224 e i days , traveling at the rat of m les per hour , and on its axis in about

24 hours .

Venus governs the love nature and digestive org ans , and rules over love and long j ourneys . It si gnifies pure and ennobling instincts and qualities .

Venus is very faithful to the Sign in whi ch it ma y be in . To be born in r Venus is a choice gift of Natu e , but like many other blessing s of life much depends on the use made of it .

Venus causes marriage thr ough natural attraction , and those born with u i Ven s in their Sign seldom ma ke m stakes in marriage , or fail to enjoy all pleasure and amusement . 15 Venus , well aspected , signifies all quiet persons , loving mirth , pleasant, clean and neat in apparel and manners ; musical , cheerful and sometimes je alous . W sh e hen evil aspected , causes the native to be riotous , prodig al , given hi n . to dissipation , lazy , caring not ng for reputati o or honor

Venus represents pers ons of fair stature , light complexion , watery , m a fi elting or loving eyes , a round f ce and an abundance of ne , smo oth hair , an d in fact a delightfully lovely and well sha ped form . Nearly always with a dimple in cheek or chin , and full of amorous enticements .

Those born under Venus produce musicians , painters , actors , jewelers ,

1 n er s . s g , engr a vers and poets a Venus accelerates all dise ses of the generative org a ns , kidney , back a n d t c t c te sto’mach roubles , and auses dea h by can er , dysentery , diabe s and

a . Bright s disease , lso by poiso n

M A R S .

M a w b - z rs some hat resembles the E arth , but is only a out one half the si e , mi being les in di ameter . M ars is of miles from the Sun and

of miles from the Earth . The time of revolution around the S u n i s

686 m . days , with a speed of iles per hour He revolves on his axis in a bout 24 ho u rs .

M ars represents p arental love ; selfish , combative and tyrannical , often destroying others to protect its own . Those born with Mars in their S ig n , ow n while they are loving and careful to protect their , often manifest great hatred and antagonism toward any one who threatens to disturb them .

M ars governs the mother nature , the love of family , and p atriotism or love of country . h e M ars is called the lesser misfortune S aturn being t greater ), and is wi the author of all strifes and quarrels . Persons born th Mars in their

Sig n are lovers of war and everything pertaining thereto , being bold a n d courageo us . be a When in evil aspect M ars causes the natives to w vering , tr aitors , thi eves , murderers , obscene , rash , inhuman , oppres sive , violent . unthankful a n d treacherous . a r e of Persons born under Mars middle stature , strong , with large bones , i ff r brown or reddish complexion , sti , co arse or curly , yellow or red hai , sharp , piercing eyes , bold , active and fearles s . fii M ars produces s oldiers, physici ans or surgeons , butchers , public o cers , workers in metal , thieves , burglars , etc .

Those born under M ars are especially liable to fevers , sores , falls , cuts , a cc1den t s wounds and scars , blisters , distempers , smallpox , from fire , burns , m m et a l 1c 1n str u m en ts som etl m es blows , accidents fro fire arms or , and from suicide .


The next Planet nearest th e Sun is Jupiter ; distance , of 300 i mi les . This is the l argest Planet in our system , over t mes l arger than 12 mi ou r Earth . It takes years to pas s around the Sun , traveling les per hour . It has five S atellites or Moons . Jupiter turns once upon its 10 i s axis in hours , and as its circumference i s about m les , it revolve

24 . very r apidly , miles per hour , or times faster than the Earth

Jupiter is a temperate Planet , and c auses those born under him to be a n d ; H e t temperate , modest honorable e causes , when well as p c ed , the nat to h ave great g ood fortune , full of charity , faithful , liberal , just , wise , pru ' d n t r atefu l . e , g , virtuous , prosperous and a lover of all fair dealing s be When ill dignified or with the evil planets , he causes the native to

unfortunate , a hypocrite , obstinate or ignorant , careless , caring nought for i I S the opinions of others , doing th ng s of a low nature even where there no

n ecessity for it . 16 u h e th e e t e i . J pit r governs art , love of b autiful , grand and subl me In c e orporature Jupit r signifies an upright , tall stature , fine ruddy complexion , e hi a oval fac , gh forehe d , large stomach , thick , full head of hair or be ard ,

. e . broad lips In s peech sob r and grave , but very s anguine Jupiter causes t c t his na ives to be ome judges , lawyers , sta esmen , clergymen , priests and

f hi . bishops , and o ficials in all gh and honorable positions t hi m Jupiter causes hose born under to have apoplexy , liver and lung i complaints , heart troubles , cramps , pa ns in the b ack , blood di sorders and

f . fevers , als o sente nces rom judg es

S A T UR N .

S mi aturn , the cause of all great troubles and ghty evils , is i i n i . e of m les from the Sun In size b ing second largest , m les diam

te . 29 e r It revolves around the Sun in about of our years , traveling i 10 30 e m les per hour . S aturn revolves on its axis in hours minut s , or at th e rate of about miles an hour . It will thus be seen from c omparis on that the nearer the Planets are to i the Sun the faster they revolve around that body , but slower on their ax s ; and the farther from the Sun the faster they revolve on their axis , but slower in their orbit .

- hi i s Saturn has ei ght Sate llite s or Moons and a large Ring , w ch mi les from the surface of the Pl anet and i s composed of innum erable small bodies or S ate llite s revolving around the Planet i n three separate thi ck nesses or layers . S aturn is the author of all malignant ev1 l : he causes those born under h i m y e to be melanchol , malevolent cold heart d , envi ous , covetous , jealous ,

y t . mistrustful , c owardl s ubborn and never contented These people have o i g n t p werful ma inations are reserved , severe in m’an er and speech , bu very solicit ous and patient in obtaining thi s world s g oods . Saturn governs thought and infl uences the religious and scientific pri n l ci es. ni p Satur ne persons always have a cold , dry body , middle stature, pale complexi on , small blac k or grey eyes , never looking up ; larg e ears , hi t ck lips and little hair on head face or body . Shoulders bro ad and large i i i and stoop ng ; crooked teeth , stomac h spare , and th ghs or h ps very nar row with a shuffling walk . If born when both S aturn and Jupiter are in the t Sign , the native will take somewha after Jupiter , and will be better com w t fl . pos ed , i h more hair and esh

S aturn natives are long lived , and unless they have prepared for a i y ra ny d a will bec ome begg ars hermi ts or monk s . w S aturn people ill be found mostly among clowns , laborers , secretaries , m u i miners , plu bers sextons , ndertakers assistants , stock ra sers , g ardeners and all workers in the ground . They delight to inhabit deserts woods , ' caves old rum s mines or in all dilapidate d and obscure pl ace s near gr aveyards .

S aturn causes all diseases brought on by colds and melancholy , such as t t e dis empers , consump ion , palsies , tremblings or n rvousnes s , dropsy , hem

r r h e . o ag s, ruptures , leprosy , etc R A N S U U .

Uranus has a si mi lar m fl u en ce to the S u n in many ways . It has a diam t i th e e er of miles , is of m les from Sun , and takes nearly 84 15 000 years to revolve around that body , traveling at the rate of miles ! er - p hour revolving on its axis in about three and one half hours , traveling

miles per hour . c e Uranus g overns the oc ult or spiritual forc s of life , and causes those h i m e born under to be eccentric , abrupt or violent if disturb d , subject to e t t sudden or unexpect d gifts or benefi s , to be partial to antiqui y and all u ncommon studies and unsettled in married life . 17 g c x Uranus ives a somewhat hairy body , small eyes , dark omple ion ,

- , g c y , g b ow h lean reat eating apacit enerally legged ( or t e op posite ), bro ad

shoulders , full of revenge and malice , but not nearly as marked as tho se

. fl born in S aturn Otherwise it has similar in uences as the Sun , although its et e real nature has not y b en fully determined . ff Uranus is known to produce strange e ects on the body and mind . As fa r ff n as known it a ects those bor in Libra and Scorpi o mo st . N E P T N E U .

— . D Neptune Di ameter miles ista nce from the Sun 2, of

m 1l es . 166 Time of revolution , years , traveling at the rate of miles e t hour ; revolving on axis in ab out thr e hours , traveling mi les per

1ieorur . a s fl h So far known Neptune has very little in uence on uman l ife , but from what ca n be n oticed its i nfl uence is s omewhat similar to Jupiter a n d u Ven s .

T H E M O O N .

’ I m or n Kn owl ed e e r p t a t g R ga d i n g t h e E a r t h s S a t el l i t e .

The Moon has more influence on human life than any Planet except th e

Th e Moon is miles in diameter and travels around the Earth at the 2 rate of miles per hour , and passes through the Z odiac in 7d ays , 7 3 4 5 . hours , minutes , seconds

‘ d u d i , pr o ci ng col , t c T'he Moon is a Fem nine Planet moist and phlegma i pers’ons . When high in the heavens or well dignified in the S ig n at a per s on s : birth , she signifies those with composed manners , a searcher after n d scientific knowledge , a tender , charitable nature , a a lover of everything n d honest a ingenious ; easily frighten ed , loving peace and to live free from

care , responsibility and worry . N aturally inclined to move from place to

place . e When ill aspected , she causes those born under her to bec ome idle , car

l es s , given to drink , and delighting to live a begg arly and discontented life . fl th e e Those born under the in uence of Moon are of fair stature , pal

complexion , round face , g rey eyes , one eye always a little larger than the fl other , or a little higher ; short , stubby hands , and a gener a lly eshy form,

with much hair on all parts of the body . i To be born under the Moon sign fies high positions for ladies , as they

are alw ays well thought of by those in high positions . Girls born of p oor

parents will rise to great distinction .

The Moon , by reason of her swift movements , v aries those b orn under h er in many ways , causing them to be constantly changing in their disposi

t f i . ions ; O r this reason travelers and pilgr ms , letter carriers , etc , are born

under her ; als o fishermen , hotel keepers , hunters , messengers , brewers ,

n mi . urses , dwives , dealers in liquids and store keepers g enerally

The Moon causes apoplexies , colic , stomach troubles , pleurisy , kidney

a n d a . bladder diseases , dropsy , and female disorders gener lly The transit of the Moon th rough any sign of the Zodiac will accelerate an y disease which may afflict the p art of the body in which the M oon is in

a t the time . Accidents are more liable to happen to the p art of the body in hi M w ch the oon is in at the time . B e very careful of that part of the b ody h i a in w ch the Mo on g overns . If physicians and surgeons would famili rize themselves with this subject th ey Would s ave many lives and much needless ff su ering . L The Moon was called by the ancients ucina , Cynthia , Diana , Phoebe , i u P r n t t a a n d r S e i a . La tona , N oc c , Luna O p p 18

’ b a e Persons orn on the nineteenth day of the Moon s g are ugly , mali cions and very dis agreeable persons ; they are’always in poor health . Pers ons born on the twentieth d ay of the M oon s a ge a r e stubborn a n d e g reatly given to cheating , quarreling and fighting , yet they always becom

a . wealthy in old ge It is a g ood d ay t’o beg in new operation s . Persons born on the twenty - fir st d ay of the Moon s a ge are always unlucky in g ames r of chance e in s peculations . If they are natural born speculators they then ecom e n d i n for dishonest , deceitful and e in ruin . Th s is a evil d ay new gu 1 s n ess . ’ - a e a r Pers ons b orn on the twenty second d ay of the Moon s g r e fo tunate , cheerful and greatly bel oved by those about them . This is not a g ood da’y - s for women in busines s . Persons born on the twenty third d ay of the Moon a e n u g are fortun ate , but they have ung overnable tempers and are always i c happy n m arried life . It is a fortun ate d ay for all busi’ness of a publi - a i n ature . Persons born on the twenty fourth d ay of the Moon s ge are h ghly

h i . esteemed and g reatly trusted t rough life , often honored by h gh positi ons

This is an excellent d ay to start on a j ourney .

Pers ons born on the twenty - fifth d ay of the Mo on s a ge meet with much sicknes s and many dis appointments through life; they become cruel and e wicked and are liable to g o to pris on for long terms . It is an unfortunat’ - d ay for all busines s . Persons born on the twenty sixth day of the Moon s a a e h ge are beautiful and become quite wealthy in old g , although their yout

nf t . i s very uncertain . This is an u ortuna e d ay to travel ’ Persons born on the twenty - seventh day of the Moon s a g e are u n for tu n t a e in the way of sicknes s and accidents . They have a very mild temper , d s and are very p atient and agreeable in their i position an’d make many - d M a e friends . Persons born on the twenty eighth ay of the oon s g are sub ject to much sicknes s and trouble in love a fl a i r S f bu t are quite fortunate in a n d money matters . This is an excellent d ay for fishi n g and hunting , all busines s connected with real estate .

T H E S UN .

The hu man mi nd will strive in v ain to comprehend thi s immen se bul k of

fire whi ch gives us light and heat . The size of the Sun is probably times larger than the Earth and all the Planets c ombined . Its di ameter is d i fli cu l t th e supposed to be 000 miles . It is just as to understand how Sun keeps all the Pl anets in perpetual motion around him as it is to under stand Planetary infl uence .

The specific in fluence of the Sun in a Sign is succes s . If he be in con 1t junctio n with a Planet he destro y s that influence to a certain extent , be

fl . i n 1 g ood or evil , and as sures his in uence instead To insure success l fe , the Sun should be free from all m a l efic aspects . In fact , it is better that he have no aspect whatever The Sun acts in a medium manner between the nature of Jupiter a n d

M ars . It would require full M oons to produce a d ay as bri l li ant as on e ffi t o of cl oudles s sunshi ne . The heat the Earth receives annually is su cient t melt a l ayer of ice 100 feet in thickness , ex ending over the whole Earth , and y et the heat and light of the S un stream off into sp ace i n every direction . The attraction of the S u n is such that a man weighi ng 150 pounds o n . i d the Earth would weigh pounds on the Sun , an attr act on that woul instantly crush him . 0 V O C A T IO NS

’ r i n Best A d a pt ed t o A n y P er s on s N a t u r e A cc o d g t o A s t r ol ogy .

— U GN S A r ies au r u s an d Gemin i . T HE INTE LLE CT A LS I , T ters u These Signs produce agents , authors , minis ?dr ggists , chemists r managers , matrons , elocutionists , j ournalists , lecturers , o ators , nurses , e s editors , politicians , publishers , report rs , scienti ts , statesmen , teachers , a engineers , librari ns , governesses , auctioneers , stock dealers , postmasters , conductors , real estate brokers , corporation presidents , physici ans , archi m teets , professors of scientific studies , bankers , merchants and co mercial travelers . — E S IGN S C an c r Leo an d V ir o. T H E M A T RN A L e , g s These Signs produce contractors , blacksmiths , denti ts , shoemakers , i en ter s c a p , dressmakers , tailors , millers , milliners , jewelers , machinists , w m a sons , painters , plumbers , manufacturers of wood and metal , type riters , r e ssm en en i stenographers , cashiers , bookkeepers , barbers , compositors , p , g ’ meers , fir emen , as s ayers , midwives , j anitors , soldiers , s ailors , bleachers and b dyers , rewers , brick and broom makers , gl assblowers , cabinetmakers , wh eel r i h ts mi l l r i h ts u n g , g , photographers , physicians , nurses , chemists , g s a nd and locksmiths , leather workers , engravers , di tillers , factory hands

‘ i ar m k er s e s laborers , c g a , confectioners , ston workers , writers and build

— P O UIN G S IGN S Li r a S co io an d S a ittau r u s. T H E RE R D C b , rp g

These Signs produce actors , actresses , architects , artists , butchers , sol diers , bankers , executioners , inventors , j ailors , undertakers , l awyers , sur m i geons , usicians , poets , printers , s ngers , bookbinders , geologists , a stron omers , surveyors , judges , art critics , authors , clerg ymen , agnostics , civil , minin g and electrical engineers , journalists g overnment officials , theatrical managers and showmen .

S N G - C a r c r i P T HE E RV I S IGN S p i or n . . qu a ou s ah d isces. fl These Signs produce farmers , g ardeners , miners , orists , clerks , cash r i e s , bookkeepers , planters , stock raisers , merchants , hotel keepers , bankers , storekeepers , s ailors , fishermen , lumbermen , detectives , policemen , watch men , quarrymen , foremen , preachers , superintendents , hackmen , teamsters , m i n peddlers , com ercial travelers , porters , laborers the earth , s alesmen , s aleswomen . typewriters , stenographers , telegraph oper ators , secretaries , m machinists and che ists . ’ One of th e most important factors in judging of a pers on s business or profes sional abilities i s a knowledge of his social and educational qu a l i fi

. A cations common laborer , uneducated , may have finer mental abilities ff than a physician or a statesman , but the di erence in the educational and social surroundings of the latter enables them to exercise their abilities with fl a diff erent degree of success . The natural in uence of the planets under whi ch a person was born als o acts as a g uide to the disposition of the per son to the vocation indicated . The Sun and Uranus gives the person ability in occult and mystical em ployment , something of an uncommon nature where the mind can expand ; to ffi01 a l ffi o positions and a political life , holding high o ces either under the g overnment or large corpor a tions . m n The Mo on gives inclination to a com o , every day business . S aturn to s ome quiet work or an uncongenial trade . Jupiter to the higher sciences , w m l a . , medicine , theolog y and co merce s M ar to the army , navy and all mechanical pursuits where iron or other metal to ols are used . Such pers ons may become either surgeons , s oldiers , engineers , blacksmiths , contractors or miners . ff Mercury tends to literature and all work requiring mental e ort . a Venus inclines the person to art , music , the drama and singing , lso to all light employments and dealing in small articl es 21 D S IGNS A N O M E NS .

A n I n t e r es t i n g A r t i cl e on M y st er i o u s P h en om en a Wh i c h C er t a i n l y xi s t s i n er Da Li f e E E v y y .

o a r e or All pers ns more les s skeptical about signs , omens and forewarn B u mi ing s . t everyone will ad t of instances where admoniti ons and fore warning s have been followed by events of a pleas ant or a painful nature t o those who ha ve received them . The belief in signs and auguries has been cherished by ma nkind ever since the creation . The f ollowi n g are a few of the signs whi ch forewarn ma nkind at v a rious times n b d Whe rea , cake or pie will burn in spite of you , your husband or i lover s a ngry . T o forget to put coff ee or tea in the pot is a sure sign of

. i comp any If y ou sing wh le making bread you will cry before it is eaten . If your apron becomes untied it is an indication that s omebody i s s peaking

. o i t off of you If y ou g to bed w hout clea ning the table , the youngest in the wt l l family get n o sleep . A young coupl e on g oing to housekeeping must have an old cha ir to o bring g od luck . If , when making a bed , you chance to forget one of the

u i n n . n t w l . sheets , y o w ll so o hear of a weddi g D o o t irl a chair on one eg

You are turning friends from y ou . For a chair to break down up on which you are sitting denotes coming b ad news . If furniture falls off a lo ad while you are moving , expect sicknes s or losses . A ring ing or buzzing of your right ear signifies that you will hear some pleas ant news . A ringing of y our left ear signifies some unpleas ant news or

t e tel l . intelligence . A violent itching of h nose fore s trouble or sorrow To i sneeze in the morn ng means misfortune i s near you ; in the afternoon , g ood i m i fortune is near y ou . An itch ng of the lips signifies that so e one s slan n r s dering you . An itching of the b ack of the eck signifies that you o ome t u r one related o y o will soon suffe a vi olent death . An itching of th e r i ght hand sig nifies that you will receive s ome money . An itching of the left h and i u signifies that y ou will p ay out s ome money . An itch ng of yo r right shoul ni der sig fies that y ou will have money bequeathed to you . An itching of the left shoulder sig ni fies that you are about to bear a burden of some kind .

Should your right elbow itch you will hear some pleas ant news . Should r t a you lef elbow itch you will meet with a dis appointment . If y our stom ch w itches you ill be invited to a feast . b to u n If your back , thighs or knees itch it signifies that you are a out d er o i g s ome great change in life , the nearer the feet the itch ng is , the more beneficia l the change will be . If y our ankles itch you will meet with increased w domestic pleasures . If y our right foot itches you will t ake a j ourney , ith

success . If your left foot itches you will take an unpleas ant j ourney . If the

hi etc . first t ng you see in the morning on awakening a bird , animal , man , ,

p ass to your right , it signifies a fortunate d ay ; if they pas s to your left , an nf t et u ortun ate d ay . It is most fortunate to wake up on your righ si de and g to out on the right side of the bed , likewise it i s best to sleep with your head

t . the North . If you put on your righ shoe first you will be fortunate all day If y ou put on your left shoe first you will find everything g o contrary through

the day . M ay is an unlucky month in which to marry . It is considered

very unlucky to pass under a ladder or upon a gr ati ng in the sidewalk . If i s a in stirring your tea the l eaves or stalks keep in th e middle of the cup , it

to ken that you will s oon be married or talk to a stranger or absent friend . d o r i n ess If a g becomes restless o howls at n ght , it is a sure token that sick

or death will so on visit the neighborhood . It is unlucky to sneeze before

no on , but lucky to sneeze after noon . The horseshoe has , from time imme - c on si d mori al , been considered a protection from ill luck . The caul i s als o

ered an infalible protectio n from drowning . To awake in the morning on

- s e i s . the right id lucky . Nose bleeding is an omen of ill luck 22 Washing in the s ame basin of water with another will invariably pro ‘

. ou t duce a quarrel If y drop a letter af er writing and sealing it , any request

it contained will be refused . To have a picture fall out of its frame or a t stone out of a ring , or the wa ch out of the pocket is an extremely bad omen . m The removal of a long worn ring fro the finger is also very unlucky . A dark person coming into the on the beginning of the new year ( sol ar 2l st - ) g ; . year , M arch , is a si n of ill luck a light person pres ages g ood luck

Sudden or shooting pains in the body are omens of some bad news . It is

very unlucky to destroy spiders . It is very unlucky to hear an owl screech

. be at night , it is the omen of s ome terrible calamity It is unfortunate to , o ff called back . In such cases always sit down or take your feet the floor

to b r eak the spell . It is lucky to step out of doors in the morning with the

right foot , unlucky to do so with the left . It is a sign of a dis appointment

to brush or comb the hair after dark . To whistle or sing before breakfast

sig nifies the person will cry before supper . To drop a dish cloth signifies

the arrival of company . If a spider comes down before your face it sig ui

fies that you w ill receive money from some unexpected s ource . t If y ou speak a rhyme involun arily , and before speaking ag ain make a

wish , it will be fulfilled . Dreams which occur in a strange bed , if told before

. cat breakfast , will come true To remove a when chang ing residence brings

bad luck ; if the cat follows of her own will , it signifies g ood luck . If a

vacant chair is turned or rocked violently , the next person to sit in it will be t ! dangerously sick wi hin the year . It is very bad luck to kill a cricket . To have a cricket on the hearth is the luckiest thing in the world . A person et w will never g rich that tries to see to work bet een daylight and dark . A husband and wife will never become rich u ntil their wedding clothes are

worn out . It is a bad omen to postpone a marriage . It is bad luck to pas s

any sharp instrument to another . To sing during eating is a bad sign , and signifies dis appointments . It is a very bad sign to cross a funeral pr oces

sion ; it foretells the death of a near friend or relative . To break a looking glas s also forete lls death in the family . If thirteen persons sit down to a

. T o table to eat or drink , one will surely die within a year becom’e fright d u ened at a snake foretells sickness . If a og howls nder a sleeper s window

it foretells sicknes s or death to the sleeper .

The howling of dog s always portends trouble of s ome kind . If you n break your shoestri g , or if it becomes untied , beware of your wife , husband

or lover , they will play you false . There is luck in all odd numbers except

13. Medicine is always directed to be taken three , seven or nine times , or in odd hours . S alutes of cannon are always odd number’s . Seven is alway s a w lucky number . There is al ays a change in a pers on s fortune every seven w years . No one ill have more than seven years of bad luck . To find a

knife or any sharp instrument is a sign of dis appointment . It is always u n

lucky to lay knives or forks crossways . To see the new Moon over the right

shoulder or to have money in your pocket at that time is quite fortunate . If fl a bee or bird ies into a room it is the sign of news coming from a distance .

It is unlucky to stumble going up stair s. To stumble at any time signifies dis appointment . To whistle on the water will increase the wi’nd . It is for tu n a te to see a star shoot . It is fortunate to have a spider s web stick t o

o f a . . h g g you T e spillin _ s alt foretells strife and qu rrelin To rub the hump

n ~ of a broke back is considered very fortunate in money matters . It is con si d er ed very unfortunate for a bettor to speak or be spoken to during a

horse or other race .

It is good luck for an orphan child to come in the house . Always wrap a new baby in old or bo’rrowed clothes , if you wish it to be fortunate . It is unlucky to show a child s clothes to friends before it is born . A new born b e 24 child should left in bed with its mother hours , or it will die young . Children weaned whil e tree s are in blossom will have gray hair very early i in life . It is unlucky for a ch ld to see itself in a mirror before it is a year

old . A child born with thick , heavy hair will die rich . To feed a child with

a sil ver or gold spoon will make it wealthy . Rain drops on a y oung baby

will give it freckles . i t n f bl - i u ck Wh e spots on the ails indicate g ood ortune ; ack spots ill , and yel low s pots death . T o enter a h o use by one door and leave it by another i i s s unlucky . It is unlucky to have your cl othes mended while on you . It unlucky to see the n e w Moon through glass . For a woman to receive a pair f r o g arters f om a man , or for a man to receive a p air of cuffs from a woman — s i s a very g ood sign . In sneezing Once , a wish ; twice , a ki s ; three times , et a dis appointment . To g up and turn your hat or chair around will change your luck at dice , cards or any g ame of chance . It is unlucky to meet a widow on starting a j ourney , but very lucky to meet one at the end of a j ourney . — On Cutting the Nails Cut them on Mond ay , cut them for health ; cut them on Tuesd ay , cut them for wealth ; cut them on Wednesday , cut them for m n ew news ; cut the on Thursd ay , cut them for shoes ; cut them on Friday , : cu t - cut them for s orrow them on S aturday , see your lover to morrow . The man or woman is sure to fail

Who on Sund ay cuts h i s nail .

I t is very unlucky to be called back on starting a j ourney . To meet a priest in the m 0 1 n i n g used to be considered very unlucky . When a vessel i s b th n e bec almed , wind can be produced y throwing a cat overbo ard , but e o who does it will never reach shore alive . In visiting , if you hear a clock

and a bell strike at the wrong time , be sure you end your visit , or you will w u m t w be dis appointed . Sno in S m er or thunder in Win er denotes a r or

other calamities . T o put y our clothes on wrong side out , or to take them

ff e . o immedi at ly , has always been considered a sign of dis appointments It

d . o ff is unlucky to be marrie at night If a pillow fall the wedding bed , the

one who laid on it will die first . Pers ons born in the s ame S igns of th e Zodi ac will never be happy in

a . m rri age If a newly married couple take their wedding trip on water , they

should never g o down the stream . It is unlucky to refuse any request of a 1 bi d n d w widow . S ave some of your wedding c ake 0 ea a you will never ant i it . It is unlucky or a s gn of dis appointment for a widow to look in a tea

or cofl ee p ot . If a widow will look in the full Moon on her birthd ay she

will see her next husband . It is a sig n of dis appointment for an unmarried

person to sit between a man an d his wife at a table . It is a sure sign of a

marriage for a widow to eat at the house of a parson . A man who mends

his own shoes , or a woman who makes her own clothes will never be rich . u u If y o are deeply depressed in spirits , it is a sign that y o will hear

go od news . If the crown of your head itch , you will soon be advanced to

s ome more honor able po sition . It is not lucky for a maiden to marry in

h . o d colors , or a widow in w ite It is unlucky to pick up an d glove , or a

piece of money , but p as s the first and spend the latter as soon as p ossible . u N ever tell a dream until y o have broken your fast . If your hair falls out fli i ti a c on . y more than usual , you will have some sickness or Should our

right eye itch , you will look upon some pleas ant sight , or a long absent ou friend . Should your left eye itch , y will soon look upon s ome unpleas ant

sight .

If a slat falls out of a bed , it is a sign of coming riches . It is a sign of

dis appointment for a window curtain to roll up askew . When a mi rror is ou bi broken , if in l arge pieces , y will have a g trouble ; if in small pieces ,

lots of small troubles . Sleep with a pair of scissors under y our pillow ; it will keep away bad

dreams . To clean house on Sunday means hard work and poor pay all the i rest of the week . If you drop food at the table it is a s g n someb ody is

i t ou . begrudging to y If a pers on , in rising from the table , upsets a chair ,

it is s aid to indicate that he has been telling lies . If the tea leaves g ather

about a s poon held in the middle of the cup , it is a sign you will very soo n

see your lover . The persistent g oing . out of matches is s aid to be a sig n of

dis appointment . Always hold a lighted l amp in your rig ht hand , or you a r e i will be unlucky . If you homesick or worried over anyth ng , you will

be relieved by putting a handful of s al t in the fire . 24 M A child with dirty hands will be very wealthy . The new and full o on are the best times to marry or trans act import’ant events . To change the date of a wedding is unlucky . To wear a bride s g arters is a sure sign o f T h e marri age . first Wednesday in eith er June or October are the luck iest d ays in the year to marry . It is a sign of dis appointment for two pers ons to pass on a stairs or a ladder . If a corpse does n ot g et rigid for some time u after death , it is a s re sign that another of the s ame family will die within the year . It is unlucky to raise an umbrella in the house .

It is always unlucky to sweep out the house ou are leavin . It is very y ' g l vV unlucky to sweep dirt out of your front door . A a y s take a new broom n ew i n ou into y our house first . To sp t on the ha ds or on the first money y receive on a Mond ay morning is very lucky : It is very lucky to’rub the c n . hump’of a broken b a ked perso It is unlucky ’to destroy spiders webs or r birds nests . A pers on sprinkle d with pigeons blood will die with thei

- boots on . Any un’common circumstance denotes trouble or ill luck . If rats or mice gnaw one s clothes it signifies bad luck and loss of money . ou If y light a lamp and start to carry it somewhere , and it g oes out , it is a sign you will be disappointed . Many icicles hanging from your house fl are a sig n of wealth . A coal ying out of the fire predicts a sudden acqui n n d sitiou of riches . If a glas s falls in your prese ce a is not broken , great

ou . success awaits y If the door key persists in getting rusty , some friend i s laying up money for you . The falling of sever al tin pans at one time th indica tes a wedding . It is unlucky to sit ag ainst the grain of e table at cards . ca n It is a sign of disappointment to let a comb drop , but it be counter off acted by stepping o u the comb before picking it up . To break the point ‘ n a lead pencil when writing is a sign of b ad news . Whe one breaks a pair of shears or scissors , it is a sure sign of a divorce in the family . Should a whisk broom fall from the hands of a negro while he is brushing your o clothes , it is a sure sign that you will have a fight on your hands if you g out that evening . You will sur ely quarrel with some one of your own family if you raise a n umbrella in the house . T o spill pepper is a sig n of a fight . It signifies

- bad luck to hang a g arment on the door knob . If you lay an umbrell a on i the bed it is a s gn you will quarrel . If you throw water out of a window y ou will have cause to weep . It will bring g ood luck to the new home if the head of the family takes with him from the old home some slip or root of a tree or vine . To accidentally place a tea kettle on the stove with the spout toward the b ack 1 s a sign of company .

To drop the key out of the door is a sign of company . To let the iron i n . g bo ard fall means a large company of visitors , possibly a surprise party et To g a torn napkin at the table foretells a fortunate journey . It is unlucky to lay plans during a meal ; they will not succeed . For a person to rise from the table to light a lamp or a candle in order to be able to finish a ou a i meal is a bad omen . If y accidentally drop knife or fork , or sc ss ors , fl or a pin or needle , and the dropped object sticks up straight in the oor , make a g ood wish and it will surely come true . When the lid of your stove falls on the flo or you are going to receive i undeserved scandal . If , when tak ng pie out of the oven , it should fall on fl the oor , upside down , it is a sign s omeone has died and left you a great fortune . To make tea too strong is a sig n you will make friends . If you make it too weak , it signifies that you will lose friends . To split a clothes pin when hanging out clothes is a s i gn you will hear bad news . o ff It 1 s unlucky to cut pie dough ; it must be pinched , or the maker will d o or ke always be po or . If you should lose your y when away from home , i t r is a sign you are wanted at home . A person that neve shuts a door will never own a house . If a door is pushed twice before it cl oses , another per ' o son will soon come through the door . To forget to lock your d or at night is a sign that you will hear of a death that concerns you . When one drops

fl . a glass on the oor , and it does not break , it is a sign of g ood news WH A T DR E A M S M A Y C O M E .

A n I n t e r e s ti n g C h a p t e r f or t h e C h i l d r e n of S l eep .

n a n d a There are four kinds of dreams . The first , between sleepi g w king , r S e ni o dreams proper ; the c ond , those which one sees concer ng another , or t a vision ; the third , tho se who se in erpretation is shown to the dreamer , or a revel ation ; the fourth , those which are rel ated to the dreamer in a nocturnal visi on . There is also a kind of combination of the above called apparition .

Those who would have true dreams must have an undisturbed mind , a sound body and an intellect not made dull by late suppers or strong drink ,

b . not s ad by poverty , nor excited , angry or incited y vice

ni Every dream has its sig ficati on , and dreams c omm only go by contra ries . B y dreams we are more or les s inf ormed of events which afterward

. e happen to us When the body i s asl ep the soul is awake , and transports itself everywhere , even where the body would be unable to go .

A dream is that which shows the truth hi dden u n der c er ta i n th ings . A vision is simply a thought , happening while the person is half asleep and half awake . A revery occurs when the pers on has been thinking steadily on

a subj ect throughout the day and dreams of it at night . An app arition is h - simply a vision t at occurs to weak minded persons . Dreams that occur hi w le the mind is tranquil and the stomach empty are always fulfilled . i f To dream of ro ads indicates fortune ; clear and bright , g o od fortune ; ' n d t a f r u n e n d . if dark g loomy , evil o a future reverses Ring s signify mar r i a e i g , money , friendsh p . The serpent is the emblem of falsehood and

i . hi enmity and denotes enem es It should put a pers on on s guard , as it fore fli n warns him of trouble , vexation and annoyance . The c o , the emblem of

death , signifies long life and happiness ; also an increase of property through d o industry . It also portends news from friends ate a distance . The g , the

emblem of fidelity , denotes friends and jealousy .

To drea m of squares indicate s peace and prosperity ; oblong figures ,

domestic troubles . Straight lines indicate peace , j ourneys , and happiness c and long life . W avy or crooked lines indicate vexations and annoyan e ;

t . if crown or tri , deno es unexpected fortune To dream of a cr oss

a o . means the death of a friend , and denotes dversities , tri als and sorr ws

fl . e To dream of owers is fortunate It indicates j oy happines s , sp edy riches ,

r o s r u r i . a p pe o s m a r a ge and a happy life . Letters signify news If they are

e . clear and easily read they indicate welcome news , r ceipt of money If dark h t and t ick they denote unpleas ant ne’ws . To dream of trees indica es g ood si n i health and a fulfillment of a person s wishes . To dream of mountains g fies friends and g ood f’ortune . Clouds signify success . The brighter they are th e . e great r a person s happiness To dream of the sun , moon and stars r e denotes happiness and great go od fortune , high honors , changes in life , s ect a bi l i t p y and industry , according to their brightness .

To dream of birds is fortunate . It sign ifies that the person will over i come his difficulties by perseverence . To dream of an mals in general (ex ce ti n d i di fli cu l ti es p g the og )denotes m sfortune , l oss by theft , trouble and , and that the pers on must use the utmost watchfulnes s to ’overcome these things . To dream of children denotes trouble in a pers on s love aff airs ;

great expenses coming u nexpectedly . To dream of women denotes happines s

i n . and joy general . To dream of men indicates visitors , presents , etc To w dream of orms or creeping thing s , clocks , woods , or any dis agreeable

th ing , indicates rivals in love aff airs and in busines s matters , hypocrisy , r deceit and false friends . To dream of fish signi fies news f om abroad , con fiden ce of friends , travel , some fortunate event or improvement in the per ’ ff t son s a air s . To d’ream of houses or large cities indica es a favorable change in the person s fortune , and that they must be cautious and careful i n their dealings To dream of traveling denotes embarras sment and delays . 26

1 2 4 5 10 15 1 7 19 7 10 17 27 M 15 1 6 January , , , , , , , ; February , , , ; arch , , 28 7 10 16 20 21 7 4 10 22 ; April , , , , ; M ay , June , , ; July August 1 10 20 29 30 3 4 6 21 22 4 16 24 5 6 , , , , ; September , , , , ; October , , ; November , , 28 29 6 17 22 . , ; December , 7, ,

: 3r d The foll owing day s are very un favorable for all things J anuary ,

30th 1 t 4th 2n d 3l st . April , July s , August , October , and December Pers ons having surgical O perations performed on or wi thi n seven days of above d ates seldom recover . The most fortunate d ays of the year are : January l st a n d 13th ; Feb r u a r 5th 28th 3r d 22n d 30th 5th 22n d 29th y and ; M arch , and ; April , and ; M ay 4th 28th 3r d 8 12th 15th a n d 18th 12th and ; June and th ; July , ; August ; Sep b 1 st 7th 24th 2 t 6th 15 13th a n d tem er , , and 8 h ; October and th ; November 19 e 3r d th th ; Dec mber and 26 . These d ays are not only fortunate for begin ning new things , such as starting a new business , beginning a journey , send i n i . but r e t o be g ch ldren to school the first time , etc , they a fortunate days born on , as the natives inv ari ably die wealthy .

All males born on the following dates will be unfortunate in all specu ff l ation and will su er from loss of property . They are nearly always dis s atisfied , and should never marry as they will cause much unhappines s and dis sension . They should also beware of false friends and of a l l accidents

' 3 4 5 6 10 12 13 M a J anuary , ; February M arch , , , , ; y 12 13 20 21 26 27 1 2 9 10 24 3 4 10 11 16 , , , , , June , , , , ; July , , , , ,

17 18 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 31 1 3. , ; October , , , , ; November ,

All females b orn on the following list of d ays are particul arly u n for tu n . ff ate They should be very careful about pl acing their a ecti ons , as they are susceptible to dis appointments in married life that may result in divorce or worse . These statements are given from a cor rect kn owledge of astro n fl l l log ic al calcul ations , showing when the stars shed an evil i uence on a B female kind . eware of elopements and clandestine marri ages :

5 6 14 20 21 2 3 9 10 16 17 22 23 1 2 J anuary , , , , ; February , , , , , , , ; March , , 8 28 29 24 25 1 2 22 5 6 12 13 , , ; April , ; May , , , June , , , 18 19 3 4 b 9 16 20 27 9 10 21 29 , ; July , ; Septem er , ; October , ; November , , , , 30 D 4 6 1 21 . ; ecember , , w Females born on the follo ing d ays are considered very fortunate , d especially in their love a airs , and are destined to more than the ordinary chance or prospects of marri age : 1 2 15 26 27 28 11 21 25 26 M 10 24 January , , , , , ; February , , , ; arch , ; April 6 15 16 20 28 3 13 18 31 10 11 15 22 25 9 14 15 28 ° , , , , ; M ay , , , ; June , , , , ; July , , , 6 7 10 11 16 20 25 4 8 9 17 18 23 3 7 16 August , , , , , , ; September , , , , , ; October , , , 21 22 5 14 20 14 15 19 20 22 23 25 . , ; November , , ; December , , , , , , t Females born on the above da es , even though b orn of po or parents , w m possess some superior qualities and ill be ad ired by their superiors ,

thereby having chances to rise abo ve the sphere of their birth . It has been proven by experience and observation that every woman undergoes some

- - fi r t . important event in her thirty s year , and man in his forty second year i It may be g ood or it may be evil , therefore all should be cautious at th s

time . B , y caution , industry and perseverence and a strict reg ard for d oing th fl which is right , persons c an overcome the evil in uence of a Planet or

acc lerate their go odnes s .

The writer having ascertained the hour of death in nearly four thous and

cases of all ages from hospital records . finds that the greatest number of 5 ’ 6 . deaths occur from to o clock in the morning The next , during the hour

before midnight and the hour before no on . The least number of deaths 12 3 7 . occur fr om to and to 10 P . M 28 E M B LE M A T IC A ND S YM B O LIC M E A NINGS O F


— THE SUN The emblem of Wisd om .

— THE MOON The emblem of the Im agination .

— MAR S The emblem of Strength .

— MERCURY The emblem of the Intellect .

— JUP I T E R The emblem of Power .

— VENU S The emblem O f Love .

— SATURN The emblem of Substance . — URANU S The emblem of M ystery .

— f ARIE S The s ymbol O Life and Force .

— TAURU S The s ymbol of Form and Power . — l GEMINI The symb o of Will and Imagination .

— CANCER The symbol of Creation .

— LEO The s ymbol of S acrifice .

— VIRGO The s ymbol of Reflection and Intuition .

LIB RA- The s ymbol of Equilibrium

— S A G I T T A UR US The symbol of Skill and Humanity . — SCORPIO The symbol of Generation .

— CAPRICORN The Symbol of Evolution . I — A QUA R US The symbol of Thought .

— PI SCE S The s ymbol of Ideas .

R O T A T I O N O F TH E E A R T H R O N S A U D T H E UN . 29 J I L A S T R O P H R E NO LO G C A C O M P A R I S O NS .

These Heads show h ow the Plan ets and S igns of the Zodi ac com p are r a ff w ith the Phrenolog ical Chart , p oving th t Phrenology is an o s pring of n the ancient scie ce of Astrology . The Intellect n ual Sig ns , Aries , T aurus , Gemini , correspo ding

23 37. with C . D . to The M aternal Signs , C an

8 14 19 34 . R e cer , Leo , Virgo , with to to to The S a i tta u r u s producing S igns , Libra , Sc orpio , g , -

13. with E . 6 to The Serving Signs , C apricorn , 1 . 5 . Aquarius , Pisces , with A to

The Pl anet Mercury governs the Intellect .

Jupiter g overns M anufacture . S aturn and the

Moon g overn Reprod uction and Imi tation . Mars

and Venus g overn Labor and Love . The Sun is

the Hyleg or g iver of Life .

N O . 1 .

— — 1 . JUPITER Represents the Mor al and Reasoning Faculties .

— — NO . 2 . S ATURN Represents the Selfish Faculties . — 3 - o NO . . THE MOON Represents the S cial Faculties — — l F 4 . R e r e ac NO . VENUS p sents the Conjug a

u l ti es .

— — th e 5 . R e r e NO . MAR S p sents M anufacturing

Faculties .

— — NO . 6 . T H E S UN Rep resents the Sublime and

Occult Faculties . — c NO . M E R C U R Y Represents the Per ep

tive Faculties .

1m URANU S is er r a tl c nervous , my stical , pulsive , occult and bar ren . Rules over Alu minum .

i h N O 2 , , S ATURN is c old , . ert , secretive selfish

. i . t mid , persistent , laborious and b arren Rules over Lead

J , , , g UPITER is warm , temperate , vital , jovi al generous honest s an uine

and fruitful . Rules over Tin . a MAR S is fiery , billions , ctive , comb ative i nflammatory , cruel , destructive and barren .

Rules over Iron .

THE SUN is hot , electric , majestic and com manding . Rules over Gold . H E T MOON is cold , watery , changeable ,

O . maternal and fruitful . Rules ver Silver

VENU S is warm , moist , s anguine , loving ,

ambiti ous and fruitful . Rules over Copper . ch a n e bi MERCURY is g a e , swift , mercenary , i nconstant and indi ff erent . Rules over Quick

silver .

N O 3. - f B . O N . Th ese prognostics are a general th em e a c c . nature , depending upon where the Pl nets are pla ed in annual asp ts 30 DIC T IO NA RY O F P H R E NO LO GIC A L T E R M S

e H e A s A ppl i d t o ad N o. 3 .

— e x . 1 . AMATIVENE S S Love b tween the se es — 2 . n PARENTAL LOVE Love of childre a n d pets. — 3 . . FRIEND SHIP Love of society 4 I N H A B I T I V — e . ENE S S Love of hom — 5 . CONTINUITY Constant , steady . — B . 6 . COM AT IVENE S S Courageous S C T I V E N S — 7. DE T R U ES Executivenes s

— L E N Y S . 8 . A I M TI ENES Love of eating V S — f 9 . A C I S I T I E N o a r QU ES Economy , love cqui ing . — V E N S . 1 0. SECRETI E S Reserve discretion — 11 . . CAUTIOU SNE S S Prudence , watchfulness — S m . 12 . P B AP RO ATIVENE S A bition , love of praise

- — — E . SELF STEEM Self respect , dignity

— 1 4 . e . FIRMNES S D cision , perseverence I CONSCIENTIOUSNES S ntegrity , love of justice .

1 . a . 6 HOPE Expect tion , anticipation

— 1 7. . SPIRITUALITY Faith , intuiti on

— 1 8 . A . VENER TION Respect , devotion

— 19 . . BENEVOLENCE Kindnes s , sympathy

— S T R C T I V E N E S . 20. CON U S Ingenuity — fi 21 n em en t . . IDEALITY R e , l ove of beauty and purity

— O . IMITATION Mimicry , opying — - 23. M IRTHFULNE S S Percepti on of wit . 4 — i .2 . t . INDIVIDUALITY Observat on , examina ion — 25 . . FORM Recollection , faces and shapes — 2 6 . SIZE Measurement of magnitude . 2 7 ! — f . WEIGHT Perception O balancing . — 2 8 . COLOR Judgment of v ariation . 2 — 9 . ORDER Love of s ystem . 3 — 0. CALCULATION Menta1 cogniz ance . 3 — 1 . LOCALITY Recollection O f scenery .

— V . 32 . E ENTUALITY Recollection of circumstances — 33. TIME Punctuality . — 34 . T UNE Sense of harmony . — ' 35 . LANGUAGE E xpr essi on of ideas .

— 36 . r i CAUS ALITY O i g n a l i t y . 37 COMPARI SON— Reas oning — . UG A LI T Y . A CONJ Matrimony , love of one B B — . S U LIMITY Love of grandeur , infinity .

— C . HUMAN NATURE Perception of character . B — D . AGREEA LENE SS Persuasiveness . — v VITATIVENES S Love of li ing . 31 P LA N E T A R Y C O NJUN C T IO N S .

S di fficu l aturn and Jupiter indicates los ses ; tardy financi al succes s , or i be ties in busines s ; thwarts good Jupiter may promise ; however , there w ll

succes s in landed property , inheritances , etc . The native g ains honors , but or at some cost to himself . Has honor conferred on him , a responsible situ

. t . ati on Good fortune in the end , at ended with l ocal honors S aturn and M ars indicates thwarted ambitions ; difficulties in u n der t ak

ing s ; enterprises fall through ; d angers to the ruling Sign . Deferred ho pes . o f O . L s s cour age . Los s of rel atives S atur n and Sun indicates loss of inheritance ; dangers in the life troubles in the acquisition of wealth ; increased mental p owers ; danger of

revers a ls . ff S aturn and Venus indicates inconstancy ; troubles in domestic a airs ,

married life , etc . ; danger of losing a child , especi ally if a d aughter: Obsta

ff a fl a l r s. cles in love a airs ; delay in marri age . Some fatality in love i S aturn and Mercury ndicates concentr ati on of mental powers , gravity ,

discretion . Tendency to scientific pursuits ; intelligence conducive to s uc

ces s . Independent spirit ; difficulties in monetary aff airs . Undertaking

serious studies . ff S aturn and M oon indicates mental dis orders , and s ome a ecti on of the

urinary ducts . Adversity . D anger of dr owning . Troubles in d omestic u life ; may be loss of wife or mother prematurely . D anger d ring voy ages .

The native becomes c areful in money matters , and has need to be s o .

Mechanic al inventions will succeed . D angerous illnes s . With females , bad

- for child birth . Inclines to suicid al thoughts . a n a o r u ccess l Jupiter d M ars indic tes military honors , i s in any marti a

occup ation , in government and public functions . Favors voyages and l aw

r oceed l n s. p g Gives industry and s pecul ations . Jupiter and Sun indicates a rise in the position O f the native ; g ain ; I h honors , according to the station in life . Celebrity or good reputation . d u str y and morality .

Jupiter and Venus indicates favor and support O f high personages , H l es peci ally women ; g ain ; inclination to love a ffairs or marri age . a pp

nes s , tr anquility , and steady progres s in the life .

Jupiter and Mercury indicates tendency to judicial or ecclesi astical work .

Cleric al , liter ary , or profes sional honors ; schol astic succes s . Prudence ; discreti on ; dev oti on to duties and to the means O f advancement ; g ives the ove ' a m of children ; g ain by one s works , and the use of the faculties ; loi ti n o . Jupiter and Moon indicates inclination to religion ; to success in public life ; gives happy voyages or benefici al changes ; health ; friends ; g ain in

whatever occupation is followed . Favors from ladies O f r ank or fortune .

M ars and Sun indicates difficulties in the career ; affli ctions ; treacheries . va cl l D anger of wounds by iron or fire ; or of grave burning s . The mind is b O f t l ating and unsta le , no fixed resolutions , y e inclined to some bold enter

. prises D anger to the sight , especially the right eye . Military succes s , if

the occupati on be of that nature .

! M ars and Venus indicates discords , emb arras sment , and disputes occa si on ed ff by females ; troubles in love a airs , in the married life or the home ; um f i m injuries and cal nies ; contagious a fections O f the body . Passionate

. pulses If married , danger of sep arati on , or grave dishonors .

M ars and Mercury indicates quickened intellec t and increased e fi or ts . l Success n active enterprises ; but s ome d anger of being cheated .

M ars and Moon indicates inclination to the practical arts ; eng ineering ,

. w 1th ou t etc ; but much profit . M any j ourneys , and perhaps a voyage .

D anger to the eyes , especi ally the left . D a nger of serious wou nds . Violent tendencies ; fevered mind and body . P l anetar on u n cti on s on cl u e ( y C j C d d .

S u n a n d d b Venus indicates gain and reputation . Fortune favore y the a i n h . s sistance of women of posit on or mea s , honors , and appiness The n ative inclines to marriage , and may do so to advantage . Friendship and

. fl confidence are given to the native Position will be in uenced by women , and greatly helped thereby .

Sun and Mercury indicates the use of the faculties conducive to fortune .

The native strikes out s ome useful pl ans , and may succeed in their develop ment . Inclination to literature ; i n tellectual pursuits . Advancement in the occupation . Gives new friendships .

Sun and Moon indicates O bstacles in marital relations . Troubles in the s oci al and business position by means of females . D anger to the eyes . B rain dis orders ; bad fevers . Illness . New relations and enterprises , attended with succes s and honor . Promotion . D angers in voyages and ou r n e s j by drowning or accident of other kind . Inventive faculties arouseyé

Venus and Mercury indicates errors of judgment . Troubles by jealousy .

Passion . Pleasures o f all kinds attract the nati ve ; and the more effeminate qualities of the nature are stimulated . The native is disposed to the study of light arts ; may incline to the drama . Gives a taste for dress and female s ociety . S ome troubles through women .

Venus and Moon indicates troubles in the domestic life , in love , or mar r i a e . . v c g D anger of unfaithfulness The nati e is light and , fickle in his on

ff . duct . Removes his a ection from one object to another The wife or part ner causes trouble , and may be subject to dishonors . The native inclines to pleasures more than usual . Mercury and Moon indicates activity of mind ; scientific studies ; poetical f aculty or literary t a ste sti mulated . Succes s in studies and profession .

. l Right use O f the faculties conducive to reputation Nautic a tastes , love of traveling by water . Good credit . 33 C T O NA O F T M S DI I R Y E R US E D I N A S T R O LO GY .

A B — fl SCI S SION To frustrate or prevent any in uence .

- a n d AIR S IGNS Gemini , Libra Aquarius . AFFLl C T I O N — A Planet being in an evil aspect to another . — ANARETA The Planet that destroys life .

— ANGLES The four houses where the Sun rises , sets , culmin ates a n d

arrives at midnight , viz . East , North , West and South . AP PLICATION — The approaching of one Planet toward another — ARC The distance between any two points in the heavens .

— AS CEN DANT The Eastern horiz on . — B a ASPECT eing placed at certain dist nces or degrees from a Planet . B s l AM IENT The Heavens when poken of in a genera way . A SCEN SION— The distance any body in the He a vens is from the begin ni O f . ng the Ecliptic , or first point of Aries

B a nd . ARREN SI GN S Gemini , Leo Virgo — BE N E FI C S The Good Planets . B — A tw E SIEGED Planet being enclosed between o others . — — R I COR POREAL Double bodied . — — B I I N T I T 144 . QU E i Being degrees apart CADENT— When a Pl anet has pas sed a n y ang le and rema ins withi n

~ - n O f . o e third of its semi arc cusp of that angle That is , when the Planet o 3r d 6th 9th a n d 12 . ccupies the , , th houses in full

— CAZIMI The Sun being within a str ong position . — CONJUNCTION Being in the s am e Sign . COLLECTION OF LIGHT— When a Planet r eceive s the aspects of a n y t two or more other Planets which are themselves no in aspect . COM B U STION— When the Sun takes the character of any Planet and substitutes his own . — — S i n i n t f C O SIGNIFICATOR g fica O love and marriage . The Moon is i n i fi t r s g c a o for man , the Sun for woman . C T I V O S — CONJUN I U Two Pl anets being in the s ame line . — CULMINATE To arrive in midheaven . — CU SP The point of change between two Signs . C I R C LE S O F PO SITION— A term used in calcul ating the polar eleva ti On of any Pl anet . CONVERSE MOTION— That motion which is caused by the rotation of l the Earth , and causes the Sun and Moon to appea to rise and set . ’ DECLINATION— The distance of any Planet North or South of the

Equator .

DE C E N S I O N fl T h e going down of any Planet from the meridian above n to that below the Earth . For instance , the Sun continues to descend eve after sunset until he reaches the meridi an of midnight . DE C E N DA N T — That space from the Western hori zon one- third the dis tance to the meridian above th e Earth . — DIRECTION The distance between any two Planets . — DIRECT MOTION T h e oppos 1te of C onverse Motion . DIURNAL A R C — The length of time— t ha t part of the hea vens i n whi ch a n y Pl anet is at birth , above the Earth . DECREA SING LIGHT— Wh en a Pl anet i s p a st th e conjunction H: de creases in light . 34

T E R C E P T E D— n a IN Whe Sign is between the cusps , but not in either . I N E D— B JO eing in an aspect .

D — Or LATITU E The distance any Planet is North S outh of the Ecliptic . La titude on the E arth is the dist a nce O f any point North or South of the

Equator . LON G I T UDE — The distance any st ar or Planet is from the first point of

Aries , or the beginning of the Z odi ac . Longitude on the Earth is the dis t ance East or West from a given meridian . — LUNATION The time from new Moon to new Mo on . LIGHT O F TIM E— The time of the Sun by day and the Moo n by night LORD — That Pl anet whose house is occupied by another is said t o be h t e Lord or rul er of the other .

O S — - 1 . MA S ULINE S IGN All odd numbered Signs , beginning with Aries , — MEDIUM Midheaven . — MERIDIAN The pl ace where the Sun is at no on . B — MOVA LE SI GNS Aries , C ancer , Libra and C apricorn . I — MER DIAN DI STANCE The distance any body is from the meridi a n .

— r . MODERATOR When the Sun , Moon or Earth acts alone o for itself M A LE FI C S — — The evil Pl anets Herschel , S aturn and M ars . NOCTURNAL ARC — The length O f time any p oint in the Heavens is

w u . belo the Earth , or from the setting ntil the rising of a Planet NODE — That p art of the Ecliptic where a Planet passes either to the

N . . orth or South NIGHT HOU SE S— Those Signs in which the Pl anets are stronger by n ight than by d ay . — B 180 OPPOSITION eing opposite , or degrees apart .

— - t . ORIENTAL When a Plane is East of the meridi an , or mid heaven

— - th e er di a n . OCCIDENTAL When a Planet is West of g l n i , or mid heaven — PEREGRIN Having no dignity .

- PL A TIC Any aspect that is not exact . PARALLELS — Equal distances from the equator or meridian

— POLAR ELEVATION The l atitude of a country . PROMITTOR— Planets become P r omi ttor s because they promise an e vent . — RADICAL Refers to the root from which everything is judged . RAPT PARALLEL S— Are where two bodies are carried away until they c ome to equal distances from a meridian . — RECTIFICATION Correcting the time of birth . RETROGRADE— The b a ckward motion which Pl anets appear to have r f r om the motion of th e E a th . — REVOLUTION T h e moving of the E arth around the Sun . — r el v d a RECEPTION When any Planet is ec e s a dignity by another . R E FR A N A T I O N — When two Pl anets are comi n g to an aspect and O n e f a ils to reach the p oint in time . — A . SPECULUM table showing aspects , etc — S EPARATION When an aspect or infl uence is p as sed . S I GNIFICATOR— The Planet which is lord of the house that rules the ma tter inquired aft er . — SUPERIOR S AND INFERIOR S Powerful and wea k influences . — SIGN A p art of the Z odiac . The path of the Earth around the Sun i s divided into thirty degrees and called Signs . SWIFT IN M OTION— When a Planet a pparently mo ves faster than its m ean moti on . 36 ’ MA D LD PROF. J. C ONA S NE UNI ERS ALCA LENDAR W V . , h s C alendar w ve th e da of th week an rson was o T i ill gi y e y pe b rn .

we as for th e ears as ll 2 00 y p t .

ULE b wh ch the sh o l en a can be rove . T o t e i ven ear omitti n th e cen tu r add i ts i h art al so R e . y i r ca d r p d h g y , g y , 4 p ; T h e rem ai n er w i l i ve th e da h w e the da of th e mon th a d th e rat o of e mon an d v e b . l t e ek as n h t , of y i t h di id y 7 d g y , fo ow s 1 en otes S u n a 2 M on a u es a We n es a h u rs a 6 Fri a 0 S atu r a . ll , d d y , d y , 3 T d y , 4 d d y, 5 T d y, d y, d y

ov . o f u n i r a n d u l . a an d t . . e . A n . a . . F M ar N T h e at or s S o . an d De . R . 0 . 1 . O c M A b . . c. 2 . . u 6 i j p p j J 3. y 4 g 5 ,

T h i s C a l e n d a r C o p y r i g h t e d 1 8 9 6 .

Di cti on a r o A str olo i ca l T er ms C on cl u de ( y f g d. )

— E X — B e 30 SEMI S TILE ing degr ees ap art . — D E — B n SE SO UI QUA RAT ei g 135 degrees ap art . — 90 r SQUARE Being deg ees ap ar t . — ein 60 SEXTILE B g degrees apart . — E — B SEMI SQUAR eing 45 degrees apart . TAB LE OF HOU SE S— A list of calculations adapted for those who

desire to cast nativities . — TRAN SITS The passing over any place of the Planets . — B 12 TRINE eing 0 degrees apart . M — A n t ni TER es sen ial dig ty . N Y — TESTIMO Having a n a spect . TRANSLATION O F LIGHT— Conveying the influence of on e Planet to

a nother . — TRIPLICITIE S Es sential dignities . The Zodiac being divided into O f th e F four Triplicities or sets Signs , known as iery , Earthy , Airy and

W atery . Agreeing with the four elements into whi ch the a ncients divided

the world . E — mi VOID OF COURS For ng no aspect . E Y S — a a n d WAT R SIGN C ncer , Scorpio Pisces . — x ZENITH The meridian or p oint e actly over head . 37 P LA N E T A NGS R Y R ULI .

E a c h S i gn of t h e Zod i a c Di vi d ed i n t o Dec a n a t es of T en Degr ee s E a c h ,

R u l e d by C er t a i n P l a n e t s a s H e r e S e t For t h . ARIES

F r D . e i st ecanate Ruled by Mars and Mercury , Indicat s a warlike and

a . ggres sive spirit , desire for political or public work Favors injuries to the h ead and face ; also favors military service and renders the native change a ble and eccentric in many ways .

Second Decanate . Ruled by the Sun and Ur anus . Indicates a proud and

. r positive nature desiring to control and rule ; ambiti ous , aspiring , gene ous ,

m a l l a cti bn s . extravag ant , i pulsive and despising mean Courteous , but

firm ; well ad apted for g overnment positions .

e . . t Third Decanat Ruled by Venus and S aturn Indica es strong passions , f g u n for and love o pleasure , art and poetry . Kind; lovin , generous , but t u n a te . TAU R US

First Decanate . Ruled by Mercury and Mars . Indicates a political and t creative mind , g ood disposition , intui ive faculties , sensuous , desiring ease

f . u . and com ort Well adapted for m sic , drama and fine arts Men easily

secure the patronage of women .

Second Decanate . Ruled by the Mo on and Neptune . Indicates a very changeful and romantic di sposition , with strong imaginations , love of pleas;

ures and the g ood thing s of life . This Dec anate is g ood for women , but bad for men . For women it indicates wealth and the acg ui si ti o n of real estate .

- . u Third Decanate Ruled by S at rn and Mars . Indicates dependence and

servitude , poverty , or difficulty in attaining wealth . Native is very sensi ff r tive , dispo sed to many dis appointments through life in love a airs , dest oy n u n for i g pleasures in married life . Als o indicates many enemies and an u n a te t life in general . The good is indicated by great fidelity in attach ments . GEMINI

D t . i n First ecana e Ruled by Jupiter and Venus . Ind cates a huma e and

fi e ti n . very generous nature , but unfortunate in placing a c o s Gives to o much self co n fidence and leads a man to be his own enemy in all love and

ff . money a airs , but cap able of many thi ng s by his own exertions Shows

. u intellect to be strong , but judgment perverted Misfort’ne is les s to be feared from enemies than through the wrong use of one s abilities . Indi

cates literary and leg al pursuits .

. i Second Decanate Ruled by Mars and Me r cury . Ind cates success in

the study of literature or science . A violent and quarrelsome nature , dis d posed to acts of ingratitude . The native will meet with acci ents in travel

i n . g , sickness and disease through indiscretion .

Third Decanate . Ruled by the Sun and Uranus . Indicates a brilliant

intellect , fame , small fortune , but many j ourneys ; helpful relations ; an

x i n . an ious , restless life , but eventual succes s literary or artistic pursuits


First Dec anate . Ruled by Venus and S aturn . Indicates many friends

among elderly persons . A generous , amiable nature ; kind and attractive t oward the opposite sex ; fondness for pleasure and pers onal decorati on . i m Second Decanate . Ruled by Mercury a n d Mars . Indicates strong a i n a ti on s u g , love of travel and learning ; fortune will come thro gh tongue

or pen , but many enemies will be made thereby . t Third Decana e . Ruled by Mo on and Neptune . Indicates love of travel

and romance , adventure and occult and mysterious enterprises . Popularity , t h e patronage of women and acquisition of property by honorable means . 38 LEO .

F D . irst ecanate Ruled by S aturn and Mercury . Indicates a strong , f b i fi ' orci le nature , d f cult to control . Poverty and trouble in life through ‘ d omestic infelicity or hazardous speculations . Hard , positive , lacking sym

- . n fi n . p athy Deceptive , distrustful , lacking self c o d e ce Too independent a n d . m inopportune Wasteful of vital powers . Alway s laboring , but seldo i ach eving success .

. r n Second Decanate Ruled by Jupite and The Sun . Indicates a i ort

o . nate and pr fitable n ature , kind , humane and sympathetic Fortunate in all n speculatio s ; faithful in domestic life and dutiful to family . Will g ain by marriage or leg acy .

D . r Third ecanate Ruled by Mars and Mercury . Indicates a st ong ,

r c . fo ceful nature , capable of and desiring to ommand Frank , generous , and i nh er i destined to many short j ourneys in which success i s shown . Large t tance and acquisition of proper y at close of life . Always successful over enemies .


First Decanate . Ruled by the Sun and Uranus . Indicates a very - ff r patient , non combative nature ; rather suffer a liction , privation or rest aint a n d than argue a point . Long life is indicated , but it will be a secretive retired one , with little intercourse with the world .

Second Decanate . Ruled by Venus and Neptune . Indicates an artistic a n and literary person . Kind , genial d full of life . Very fortunate , great traveler ; disputing in family or domestic life , and rather inconsistent .

Third Decanate . Ruled by Mercury and M ars . Indicates a quick , sharp , alert and dextrous nature ; apt in education ; changeable , restles s , b full of business ; high honor and merit g ained y own abilities . Very par ti cu l a r in all matters of diet and clothing . B LI RA .

First Decanate . Ruled by the Moon and Neptune . Indicates a kind , fl s ympathetic but weak nature , easily in uenced ; disposed to be extrav a g ant s and unsteady . Very clever in bu iness pursuits , but very changeable and B r estless . est adapted to a public business , especially real estate specula t ions . M Second Decanate . Ruled by Saturn and ercury . Indicates much t rouble through elderly persons in early life , but succes sful at end . Many rises and falls through own fault . This native is often poor and abused in m a fi ecti on s arried life , yet they are steadf ast in their .

Third Decanate . Ruled by Jupiter and Venus . Indicates a generous ,

‘ kind and amiable nature . Destined to a happy marriage , much wealth , m . be any j ourney s , faithful friends and generous enemies A person much l oved for their justice and honesty . S C O R P I O ‘ —flf . str on en First Decanate Ruled by Mars and Mercury . Indicates a g ,

. f r ti . o e ge c nature , capable of great attainments Great power endurance and courage , scorning d anger and defeat . Ambitious and impulsive in love l f . e a f airs . Li ab e to sicknes s or disease from indiscretion and excess Thes ‘ of th i r p e ople are born to command , but are not successful in busines s e O WE

r o n d S econd Decanate . Ruled by the Sun and U anus . Indicates h nor a d d ig nity , with masterful and g overning qualities . These natives are prou , h aughty and tyrannical , cap able of great cruelty . Fame and reputation are sure to reward those born in this Decanate .

a n d . Third Decanate . Ruled by Venus The Moon Indicates exces ses and folly in all love aff airs . Strong p assions and emotions . Many secret enemies among the opposite sex . Disputes in married life always result in d i saster . 39 S A G I T T A UR US .

a First Dec an ate . Ruled by Mercury and Venus . Indic tes much strife

for . in married life , but great ability general work Good judgment , quick

e . i intellect , but disposed to neglect and disord r Many enem es , but many b conquests . These natives can rise in life y the exercise of their intuitive faculties and s u peri or judgment.

M . Second Dec an ate . Ruled by the oon and Neptune Indicates much i romance and imagination . Tr a vel n foreign lands , love of reading his tory , hunting and s ports . Li able to death away from home and family ,

r f . l e probably accidental , from own carelessness o oolishness Fortune by g

acy . A very restles s , active person . i t Third Dec an ate . Ruled by S aturn and M ars . Ind cates sober empera ment , but strong pas sions and emotions , well under control . Fortune will

m e l w . S . co s o , but sur e , by great perseverence Love of peculation Friends

are few , but tr ue and steadfast . CAPRICORN

V . First Dec a n a te . Ruled by Jupiter and enus Indicates a masterful

a n d a . ambition , but often beset by doubts n rrow symp athies Strong in all religious venerations and feelings ; a fa talist or a believer in the occult , and

b . ever fearful of destiny . Also indi cates self confidence and high am itions S ome secret or family evil alwa ys hol ds these natives in check or threatens their fair destinies amb Second Decan ate . Ruled by Mars and Mercury . Indicates intense

u . bitio , great enthusiasm These natives attain high achievements in mili

ff . tary a airs , but are in d anger of overstepping the limits of prudence Pow er fu l t and numerous friends often prevent a downfall . Also indicates grea a r e energy ; cruel and desp otic , with many rivals to contend with , but who

always conquered .

D . u . Third ecanate Ruled by the Sun and Sat rn Indicates a cold , dl i ti n e s o s o . stern , proud p , lacking sympathy The str uggle for life for thes s n ative is ha rd and devoid of sympathy .


First Decanate . Ruled by Venus and Jupiter . Indicates a bright ,

d . cheerfu l and humane dispositi on . with many frien s These natives excel in h the igher sciences , fine arts and industri al affairs ; holding high positions e in all soci al g athering s ; devoid of unruly passion or excess , sob r and

a . f a n d temper te Als o indicates success in foreign lands , g ains o property

succes s in n ew enterprises .

D . b Second ecanate Ruled y Mercury and S aturn . Indicates scientific

and philosophical pursuits , great depth of thought and patience ; s ome

inven tive faculty productive of succes s . Occult research ; a penetrating , sol i tu d e a independent mind with g reat power of assimilation . Love of , n fair ame , g ood reputati on , and slow but sure success . l Third Dec anate . Ru ed by the Mo on and Neptune . Indicates a mel an ch ol y , changeful and lugubri ous nature , full of strange fears , terrors and i weird exper ences , visions and apparitions . Females cause much evil to al l

who come in contact with them .


First Decanate . Ruled by S aturn and Mercury . Indicates loss of posi o n ti n through false friends and secret enemies . Strong religi ous sentime ts , a ff often inclining to fanaticism , troubles and annoyances in love airs

through elderly persons , d anger from drowning or being buried alive ; early f death or af liction of parents .

Second Decanate . Ruled by Jupiter and Venus . Indicates high posi tion and success in money affairs ; more than one marriage or inconstancy ; many eminent friends . A kind , warm disposition and genial nature , very

sympathetic , but l acking in fidelity . Plenty of wealth and success . 40 D . Third ecanate Ruled by Mars and Uranus . Indicates los s by str ife

w ith enemies through some secret or unknown means . B etter success in e a n d foreign lands , although constantly bes t by danger trouble . Many fl annoyances from married p artner , separation ; easily in uenced by opposite

sex . Often assisted by friends in high p ositions , but not always reliable o r

dependent . Many opportunities lost through too much enthusiasm . A p a s i on te s a nature , often disreg arding consequences and leading to other dis a p

p o i n tm en ts . These Dec a n a tes are often very useful in determi ning the part of a Sig n

a pers on was born in when exact date of birth is not known . n a tu r a l The characteristics pointed out in each Decanate are ones , c a pa ' ble of much modification through s ocial and educational plane of life , which

ft n s . i so e , changes and specializes every nature T C NT O Y or P T O M HE E IL QU LE Y .

B ei n g t h e Fr u i t - of H i s T e t r a bi bl os o r Qu a d r i p a r t i t e ( Fou r Book s )of

T h e I n f l u en c e of t h e S t a r s . Q T hes e One Hundred Aphorisms were written by Claudius Ptolemy the ! , h i s . greatest Astrologer (Astronomer )and Geographer of times ; A . D 75— 167 .

r b I . Judgment must be egulated y thyself , as well as by the science , for i t is not possible tha t particular forms of events should be declared by any si person , however scientific ; nce the understanding conceives only a certain v general idea of some sensible e ent , and not its particular form . It is ,

therefore , necess ary for him who practices herein to adopt inference . They

only who are inspired by the deity c an predict p articul ars .

II . When an inquirer shall make mature search into an expected event , there will be found no material difference between the event itself and his

idea of it . e III . Whosoever may be adapt d to any particular event or pursuit , a will assuredly have the s t r indicative thereof very potent in his nativity .

IV . A mind apt in knowledge will discover truth more readily than one

practi ced in the hi ghest branches of science . l u 1 s d V . A skil f l person , acquainted with the nature of the sta rs , enable ff e fi to avert many of their e ects , and to prepare himself for those ects before

they arrive .

VI . It is advantageous to make choice of days and hours at a time

well constituted by the nativity . Should the time be adverse , the choice will

in no respect avail , however favorable an issue it may chance to promise . fl s VII . The mingled in uences of the stars c an be under tood by no one who has not previously acquired knowledge of the combinations and vari e

ties existing in nature .

VIII . A s ag acious mind improves the operati on of the heavens , as a

skillful farmer , by cultivation , improves nature . m IX . In their generation and corruption for s are influenced by the i l t celestial forms , of wh ch the framers of ta ismans consequen ly avail them

selves , by observing the ingresses of the stars thereupon . n m a l efics t X . In the electio of days and hours , make use of the , é the s ame moderate extent as the skillful physician would use poisons in order

to perform cures .

XI . A day and hour are not to be elected until the quality of the object

proposed shall be known . an d m XII . Love hatred prohibit the true accomplish ent of judgments ; m o and , inas uch as they lessen the m st important , so likewise they magnify

the most trivial things . 41 t XIII . In every indica ion made by the constitution of the heavens , t r . second ary stars , whe her auxili ary or inju ious thereto , are also to be used

XIV . The astr ologer will be entang led in a labyrinth of error , when the seventh house and its l ord shall be afflicted . an XV . Signs caden’t from the ascend ant of y kingdom are the ascend B u t ants of that kingdom s enemies . the angles and succedent houses are i the ascend ants of its friends . It is the s ame in all doctrines and n sti tu ti dn s .

ben efics XVI . When the may be controlled in the eighth house , they bring mischief by means of g ood men ; if , on the other hand , they be well

ff hi . a ected , they will prevent misc ef u l l fe a XVII . Give no j dgment as to the future of an ged person , until the number of years he may live shall have been reckoned . ben efic XVIII . If , while a may ascend , both the luminaries should be ‘ e in the s ame minute ( of the s ame degree and sign ), the native will be qually and highly prosperous in all thing s which c an befall him . So , likewise , if B u t the luminaries be mutually opposed by the east and west . the contr a ry

ff m a l fi . e ect will be produced , should a e c be on the ’ f a d XIX . The ef ic cy of purg ation is impe ed by the Mo on s conjunction with Jupiter .

XX . Pierce not with iron that p art of the body which may be g overned by the Sign actually occupied by the Moon .

XXI . When the Moon may be in Scorpio or Pisces , purg ation may be advantageously used , provided the lord of the ascendant be coupled with s ome star posited below the earth . If he be coupled with a star placed above the e a rth , the p otion swallowed will be vomited up .

XXII . Neither put on nor lay aside any g arment for the first time when the Moon may be located in Leo . And it will be still worse to do so , should she be b adly aff ected .

t a h i v XXIII . Aspects between the Moon and s Trs g e the native much f activity ; and , if the stars be in power , they indicate an e ficient , but if weak , an inert , excitati on to action .

XXIV . An eclipse of the luminaries , if in the angles of the nativity , or efl t s of an annual revolution , is noxious ; and the ec take place according to the space between the ascendant and the place of eclipse . And as , in a solar r eclipse , a year is eckoned for an hour , so likewise , in a lunar eclipse , a month is reckoned for an hour . '

- . si n i fi t r i n mi d XXV The progression of a g ca o , posited the heaven , is th to be made by right ascension ; of another posited in the ascendant . by e oblique ascension of the p articul ar latitude .

. l si n i fi XXVI There is obvious concea ment in the case , if the star g S u n r cance of any p articul ar affair be in conjunction with the , either unde t r . the ear h or in a pl ace fo eign to its own nature On the other hand , there is manifestation , should the star be raised to elevati on out of its depression , ‘ and be located in its own place .

XXVI I . Venus gives pleasure to the native in that part of the body which may be ruled by the sig n she occupies . It is th e s ame with other stars .

XXVIII . When the Mo on may not hold a famili arity with two pl anets , as i s desirable , care should be taken to connect her , if possible , with some

fixed star combining their q ualities .

X . n X IX The fixed stars grant extremely good fortune , u connected with c the understanding ; but it is most ommonly marked by calamities , unless the planets also agree in the felicity .

XXX . Observe the creati on of the first king of any dynasty ; for if the ascendan’t at that creation should agree with the ascend ant of the na tivity of

i . the k ng s son , he will succeed his father 42

LI . Make the Sign occupied by the M oon at the time of birth the Sign a scending at the conception ; and consider that in whi ch she may be posited a t th e t th e S n concep i on , or the opposite one , as ig ascending at the birth .

n LII . M e of tall stature have their lords of nativity in elevation and , ' t heir asc endants in the beginning s of Signs ; but the lords of men of short s tature w ill be found in declination : It must also be seen whether the Sig ns

be right or oblique .

. t . t t bu t LIII The lords of n ativi y of sligh or hin men have no latitude , t s hose of tout or fat men have ; and , if the latitude be south , the nati ve will

be active ; if north , inactive . b LIV . In the construction of a uilding , the principal rulers , if coupled w ith a star below the earth will impede the erection . ’ fl LV . M ars evil in uence over ships is diminished if he be neither i n th e - th ese c mid heaven nor in the eleventh house ; but if in either of pla es , he i r enders the sh p liable to be captured by pirates . And if the ascend ant be a fl b W f icted y any fixed star of the nature of M ars , the ship ill be burned .

LV I W hi e. . l the M oon is in her first quarter , withdrawing from her con ' junction with the Sun , the bodily humors exp and until her second quarter

in her other quarters they decrease .

. t ffl LVII If , during a sickness , the seven h house and its lord be a icted ,

c hang e the physician . a an LVIII . Observe the pl ce of aspect , and its distance from the ascend ant of the year ; for the event will happen when the pr otecti o n may

a rrive thither . B LIX . efore pronouncing that an absent person shall die , observe w hether he may n ot become intoxicated ; before decl aring that h e shall r e c ei ve a wound , see whether he may n ot be let blood ; and before s aying that e s e n h shall find trea ure , examine wh ther he may e t receive his own deposit ; l l m f or the fi ures of a these thing s ay be similar . g ’ . th e n d LX In cases of sicknes s, observe critical days , a the Moon s ,

progres s in the angles of a fig ure of sixteen sides . If those angles be well ffl a ffected , it is favorable for the invalid ; if they be a icted , unfavorable . i s i n i fic ati ve o f e f LXI . The Moon s g bodily matters , which , in resp ct O m otion , resemble her .

LXII . B y marking exactly the beginning of a conjunction ( of the Sun

and Mo on ), judgment may be made of the v ariati on of the weather in the f e nsuing month . It will depend upon the lord o the angle of every figure , for he controls the nature of the atmosphere ; as suming also at these times t h e quality of the existing weather .

LXIII . In the conjunction of S aturn and Jupiter , pronounce according w t o the nature of that one which may be higher in elevation . Follo the s ame r ule with other stars . th e W LXIV . After ascertaining the lord of enquiry , see hat power he m a y have in the annual revolution ; or in the ascendant of the new Moon ; and pronounce accordingly . ' ff of LXV . In the least conjunction , the di erence the mean conjunction , !

u n ff . a n d i n the mean conj ction , the di erence of the greatest conjunction n LXVI . Consider no profection by itself alo e , but make reference also t o th e . the qualifications and impediments of , stars

i . LXVII . Years are diminished by the imbecil ty of the receiver m l efi LXVIII . A a c , when matutine , signifies an accident ; when ves per t ine , a disease . ’ to LXIX . The native s sight will be impaired if the Moon be opposed t a n d i h he Sun , j oined w t nebulous stars ; and if the Moon be in the western a th e m a l efic h S g i n ng le , and both stars in t e eastern angle , the un bein an

a . a ngle lso , the native will become blind 44 LXX . Ins anity is produced if the Moon have no connection with M er c — ury and , if neither of them be connected with the ascendant , S aturn being n in occupation of that ang le by ight , but M ars by day , especi ally if in Can d aem n i a fi ti n cer , Virgo , or Pisces , a o c a ec o will be produced .

. m a u l i n e S i n s LXXI If both luminaries may be in sc g , in the nativities n of males , their actio s will be consonant with nature ; but if s o placed in the

nativities of females , they increase their action . And M ars and Venus , if

matutine , incline to the masculine gender ; if vespertine , to the feminine .

LXXII . M atters of education are to be considered by the ascending ; h con di ti o n a r l u m i n lord’s of triplicity matters of life , by the lords of t e y ary s triplicity . ’ . a u ed oc LXXIII If the Sun be found with the Gorg on s head ( O p t M u s ), t ben efic t ben efic r e and no aspected by any' star , and if here be no p sent in th e l r d d i the eighth house , and o of the con ti on a r y luminary be oppo sed to M ars , or in quartile to him , the native will be beheaded . If the luminary culminate , his body will be maimed or mangled ; and if the a spect in quartile

G w . be from emini or Pisces , his hands and feet ill be amputated

. a . LXXIV M ars , if ascending , uniformly gives scar in the face

LXXV . If the Sun be in conjunction with the lord of the ascendant , in Le e e r e r a ti ve , and M ars hav no p og in the ascend ant , and if there be no ben efic in the eighth house , the native will be burned .

- . c on di t o n a r LXXVI If S aturn hold the mid heaven , and the i y luminary be opp osed to him , the native will perish in the ruins of buildings , provided the Sig n on the lower heaven be an earthly Sig n ; if it be a watery Sign , he su fi t d will be dr owned or oca e by water ; if a human Sign , he will be stran gled by men , or will perish by the halter or the scourge . Should there , how ben efic d h e ever , be a in the eighth house , he will not su er death , although

- will be brought near it . ! LXXVII . Profection of the ascendant is to be made for matters affect i n n th e g the b ody ; of the Part of Fortu e , for extrinsic circumstances ; of

Mo on , for the c onnection between the body and the spirit ; and of the mid heaven , for the employment or profession . h a s LXXVIII . A star often dispenses influence in a place in which it no prerog ative thus brin in unexpected advanta e to the native . , g g g

. W th LXXIX hoever has Mars in e eleventh house , does not g overn his master .

. 0 LXXX If Venus be in conjunction with S aturn , and have any lord

i . house in the seventh house , the nat ve will be of s purious origin

. i : LXXXI T mes are reckoned in seven way s , viz by the s pace between two s i g n i fica tor s ; by the space between their mutua l a spects ; by the approach of one to the other ; by the space between either of them and the place appro r i a t e d p to the proposed event ; by the descension of a star , with its addition or dimi n ution ; by the changing of a si gn i fic a tor ; and by the appro ach of a pl anet to its place .

LXXXII . When a figure may be equipoised , observe the horoscope ( or th e figure at new or full moon , and , if that also be equipoised , be not hasty m in g iving judg ent . I ff LXXX II . The time of obtaining a grant indicates the a ection between the applicant and his prince ; but the seat ( or part of heaven indic ati n g th e g rant )sh ows the nature of the office . th LXXXIV . And if M ars be l ord of the ascendant at e time of entering

' r u l ed on pos session , and posited in the second house , o co p with the lord of sec n d h i o e . the , , bring s much m schief con fi u r ated th e LXXXV . Should the lord of the ascendant be g with

r e e a a . lo d of the second house , the prince will spontaneously cr at m ny ch rges w t M on of th e LXXXVI . The S un is the source of the vital po er ; h e o , n atural power . 45 - L . h y XXXVII Mont ly revolutions are made in twent eig ht days , two hours a n d about eigh’teen minutes . Judgment is also made by s ome persons a t hi by means of the Sun s progres s ; th is to s ay , by s p artile equ ations to

that degree and minute which he might hold at the beginning .

LXXXVIII . In making profectio n of the Part of Fortune for a Whole w annu al revolution , a s p ace equal to that bet een the S un and Mo on is to be

reckoned from the ascend ant . th ’ ff LXXXIX . C onsider grandfather s a airs from the seventh ho use ’ e , and the uncle s from the sixth . si n i fica t or n XC . Should the g be i aspect to the ascendant , the hidden event or object will corresp ond in its nature with the ascendant ; but if th e

ascend ant be not s o as pected , the nature of the event will accord with that wh i ch ~ th e si n i fi ca tor h of the place in g is posited . T e l ord of the hour sho ws o its co lor ; the pl ace of the M on its time ; and , if above the earth , it will be h t . T e F c t a novel thing ; if below , old Par of ortune indi a es its quantity , h h . t e whether l ong or s ort The lords of terms , and of the l ower heaven and

- mid heaven , and of the M oon , show its subst a nce or value . h be . s X CI S ould the ruler of a sick person combu t , it is an evil por ffl tent ; and especi ally if the Part of Fortune be a icted .

XCII . S aturn , if oriental , is not so highly noxious to a sick person ;

nor M ars , if occidental .

XCIII . Judgment is not to be drawn from any figure until the n ext con j unction shall have been c onsidered ; for p r inciples are v aried by every co n

junction ; and therefore , ta avoid error , both the l ast and the next should be

. combined i of si n i fica tor XCIV . The pl ace the more p otent g indicates the thoughts

of the inquirer .

XCV . The stars rising with the tenth house prove how far the native h may be fitted to the occupation whic he follows . i n i fi ti n . s c a o s XCVI In an eclipse , such g as are made nearest the ang les

sho w the events decreed . The nature of the stars in accord ance with the d c o - eclipse , planets as fixe stars , and also the appearances ascending , are

likewise to be c onsidered , and judgment i s to be g iven accordingly . w XCVII . The event inquired about ill be speedily accomplished , should

the l ord of th e new or full Mo on be in an ang le . fl . n XCVIII Shooting stars and meteors , like owi g hair , bear a second

‘ a r y part in judgments .

XCIX . Shooting stars denote the dryness of the air ; and , if they are

projected to one p art only , they indicate wind therefrom ; if to various parts , t they indicate dimi nution of wa ers , a turbulent atmosphere , and incursi ons

of armies . i n C . If comets , whose d stance is eleven Signs behind the S un , appear i

ang les , the king of some kingdom , or one of the princes or chief men of a d ’ king dom , will die . If in a succedent house , the a airs of the kingdom s t c . reasury will prosper , but the g overnor or ruler will be han!ged If in a c adent house , there will be diseases and sudden deaths . And if comets be fe e n in motion from the west towards the east , a foreign will inv a de the cou

f e or mes i . try ; i f n ot in motion , the e will be provincial , do t c

T H E E N D.

46 '


Astrolog y must not be confounded with fortune telling , magic or mys ' r l te a n ki n d . y of y It does not te ach a fixed destiny , but points out what wi l occur if a person drift blindly through life . One may be born with some very evil tendency and may be doing constantly everythi ng that will a ccel e i t w r ate , but if they know here their we aknes s lies they can eradicate or avoid it . Reasons why everyone should obtain a horoscope of their lives and become better acquainted with th e great science of astrolog y .

It makes a m! an or woman acquainted with themselves . It shows them n what profes sion , occupation or vocatio in life they are best adapted to , and in t i which they will succeed . It will poin out very correctly the t mes of pros er i t a d p y and adversity , thus showing when to push ahead or speculate n when to keep quiet . ou b It will describe the person y should cho ose for a wife , hus and , friend, or partner in your business . It also points out the clas s of people you

s m . hould avoid , who would prove your ene ies w It will show th e diseases a pers on is naturally subject to . It ill show

n ot . a n d t persons whether they are liable to accidents or , if so , when hey are n i w most in da g er of those acc i dents . It w ll show in hat part of the country or the Earth a person will be most prosperous . It will point out the most u n ew propitious time to commence a v enterprise or important undertaking , ! a n d m . when best to travel or change , or remain at ho e

It will show whether a person is destined to die rich or poor . It will

i . show whether a person has more friends than enemies , and v ce vers a It w w s ill show hether a person will recover l o t or stolen articles , or obtain their wishes . w i It will show hether a person is destined to marry or have ch ldren , and w hether those children will be fortunate or unfortunate . It will show whether

a person should deal in real estate or pers onal property , or risk money in e sp culation .

It will show whether a person will win or loselawsuits . It will point ’ w out a pers on s principal faults a n d greatest talents . It will sho how the married may avoid domestic infelicity and enjoy the pleasures of life .

It investig ates and teaches the Great Univers al Laws of Nature , and has been accepted and practiced by some of the greatest and most intelligent men and women that ever lived . A horoscope will show the positions of the Planets and of the Earth in

the Zodiac at any g iven date , past or future . c m t o w Astrolog y makes no lai any supernatural po ’er , magic or mys ter i fl y of any kind . It is simply a description of the person s l fe as in uenced m by the Planets and S i gns as reckoned fro the date of birth .

u Persons desiring a f ll , written , personal horoscope , can have the s ame

by giving their d ate of birth as near as possible , height , weight and com

plexion ; also state whether married or single , wid ow or widower , male or f - emale . Do not forget to also enclose a one dollar bill . Register y our let

ter , or place your name and addres s on the envelope , so that in case I should

to . not receive it , it will be returned you UR UC KY DA Y S Y O L . hi c Days on w ch it is best to do , or not to do , ertain thing s , such as buy i n e g and selling , beginning new enterprises , signing p apers or writing s , sp c u l a ti n t i g , pushing love aff airs or trans ac ing business with the oppos te sex ,

can be accurately determined from Planetary influence . M Y TE R M S A R E A S FO LLO W S : 00 1 . o Fortunate days for current year , $ Predicti ns each day , one year , e 00 1 00 h 1 . Pr dictions each day , one mont , Questions answered , six for

N A LD B x 848 B . . . A C O o Address plainly to PR O F . J M D , , inghamton , N Y P LA N E T A R Y A S P E C T S .

The planeta ry conditions that prevailed a t cer tain times and produced certa in n a , s h w c phenome a will produce a imil r p enomena hen onditions prevail again , M w w ercury produces ind , Venus rain , Jupiter fine eather , Neptune and Uran w t c . us cloudy and dull eather Mars thunder , Sa urn old and rain S u n u w e and Neptune prod ces fair and warmer ather ; Sun and Uranus , sud s h S , or S u n w ir den c ange ; un and Saturn cold rain snow ; and Jupiter , armer, fa w S u n w t S u n s w S u n an d eather ; and Mars , ind and hunder and Venus , ho ery ; r w e y , ; , t w a h . Mercu ind and rain Sun and Moon fine , pleasan t er

w an d Moon and Neptune produce mild eather ; Moon and Uranus , cloudy l squal y ; Moon and Saturn , cold , cloudy , rain ; Moon and Jupiter, fair, banked : M clouds ; Moon and Mars , very changeable oon and Venus , windy and stormy ; M w . M oon and ercury , colder , cloudy, indy

n , ,c , ; , Neptune and Uranus dull loudy rai y Neptune and Saturn cold , cloudy a n d w a n d w rainy : Neptune and Jupiter , armer mild ; Neptune and Mars , indy M w or and fair ; Neptune and Venus , showery , cloudy ; Neptune and ercury , ind showery

r w Uranus and Saturn , cold and rainy : Uranus and Jupite , dull and armer ; u u U a n d Uran s and Mars , rainy , clo dy ; Uranus and Venus , rain , cloudy ; ranus : Mercury , windy , stormy

u w r M Saturn and J piter , ind , ain and thunder ; Saturn and ars , rain and thun

a - w der ; S turn and Venus , hard rain Saturn and Mercury , cloudy , ind and rain .

u M w J piter and ars , fair, armer , thunder ; Jupiter and Venus , fine and mild ; w Jupiter and Mercury , very indy , fair, s a n d w Mar and Venus , heavy rain ; Mars Mercury , ind,rain . hail .

s w . Venu and Mercury , indy , showery , cloudy

n w Neptu e stationary , dull and cloudy ; Uranus s\tationary , cloudy and indy , l t ver fi n e w ~ Saturn stationary , co d rain ; Jupi er stationary , y and indy ; Mars sta tion a r w et y , windy , s tormy ; Venus stationary , and rainy ; Mercury stationary ; dull and disagreeable

T L — S - l i c T O R E A D H E C O UDs. How oft looking or de ate , rosy clouds at sunset ,

d - A d a l . foretel fine weather Dark , heavy , har edged clouds , mean wind , rk ,

m w . A . gloo y . blue sky , is also indy light , bright blue sky , indicates fair weather f So t . sickly clouds , contain more rain than wind A bright yellow sky at sunset w A . A . s . means wind pale yello , rain A greenish yellow , mean wind and rain

. s s bright greenish sunset , means much colder weather A bright red sun et , mean ! ! w A r ed n . k fair eather sky in the morni g , means bad weather A mac erel sky u C means rain C mulus or heavy banks of clouds , presage fair weather irrus or h S e fia k w . y clouds , mean a c ange of eather tratus , or clouds in layers , indicat

e d . l s . rain . Nimbus , or low , h avy c oud and scu s mean heavy rain

B e g i n n i n g o f E r a s , P e r iod s , E t c .

BE M . BE G . A M E . N . GAN NA E AN

C e on c C c e u 1 2 B C n ti n e r a 0 B . Byza E 74 4 M t i y l J ly 5, 4 3 M a cedon i a n E r a h E r a S e t 6 S e t . 1 1 2 J e s p . 7, 5 57 p , 3 T n an r a O ct 1 1 da n e e t . E 2 c an M u n S 1 8 . Gr e i p , 559 y 9 , 5 8 S id om a n E ra ct n ta n ti n o e E r a S e t I 0 O . I I I O C o s pl p , 55 , aesa ri an E r a S e 8 A u 0 C . x n dr an E r a . 2 2 1 Al e a i g 9 , 55 pt , 4 l i an Y ea i o n ti oc S e . 1 2 u an . I E r a f A h pt , 549 J J , 4 5 an 1 S an i sh E ra a n I ia n P er od . 1 8 J ul i J , 4 7 3 p J , , 3 A u u sti n E r a Fe ct 1 00 8 b . 1 2 M u n d a n e E r a O . , 4 g 4 , 7 h ri ti a n r a C s E n . w h M u n da n e O ct . 1 6 1 a . 1 1 J e is , 37 J , A D D u i n f m e f m 6 2 estr ct o o er u sa e S . I 6 Fou n da ti on o R o e 2 7 J l p , 9 E r a M acca ees N ov O ct I 1 . 2 1 6 6 br ah a m . 2 0 E ra of A , 5 b 4 , E ra f h r m en an s u n eese E r a O ct. 1 1 1 o t e 2 Ja pa , 3 3 A i J ly 7, 55 m a ds u I 6 M oh a m m edi an E r a u l 1 6 6 2 2 E r a of O ly pi J ly , 77 J y , A r 2 P er s an E r a u n e 1 6 6 2 R om an E r a p . 4 , 753 i J , 3 ’ S h owi n g Wh at P ar t s of M an s B od y E ver y P l an et S i gn i f i es i n t h e

T wel e S i n s v g .


The practice of medicine is the art of restoring the sick to health . M e odern m dicine is , to a great extent , looked upon and employed as if it stem n y by which man , by his cu ning and cleverness , may act ag ains t

of Nature with impunity , and cheat her out of her dues ; while , to m a n er so n s calling themselves physicians’, it is merely a method of mak i n e i y v t . g mo or grat fying their ani y Man s body is produced by Nature , i sor der ed e and whe , Nature alone can cur ; medicines only assist . HE M I R C S M o r Gra M a n of h e U ve rs T C O O n d t n i e .

R I A ES . R ules the Head .

M A R S GE INI . T U U . th e R s Rules Arms . ule the Neck .


R ul R th e B es the Heart . ules reast .

B R G O LI RA . VI . h B t e R . Rules Loins . ules the owels

R A GI T T A R S . S U U S CO PIO . R u th e ules the Thighs . R les Privates .

A UA R I O US A R C R Q . C P I O N R R K ules the Legs . ules the nees .

PI S C E S . R F ules the eet .

‘ ‘ The Anatomy o f M an s Bo dy is ruled as follow s: I n t h e t a bl e o f M oo n s Place fi h M n h h fin d S h e r e a n d w l sh w nd the position of t e oo for t e day , t en the ign it i l o

b M at th e m e the part of the body governed y the oon ti .

E xp l a n a t io n of t h e S ig n s a n d S y m bo l s .

C ) A i h m h w R a T au r u t e Bu h i n s. r es t e . G mi n i t e T T 25 s l l . 11 e

h h i n r r Leo t L . 1 V i r r i i b a C an ce t e C rab. S1 e o m go th e V i g n L

h n U h r i n i t e a h r h er . t e Ba a ce. S cor S c S i ttau r u s t e A c l L p o o p o . i g ! h i or n h a t. A u ar i ou s t e r m Fi h s a r P i s es th e s e . V S C p c t e Go st q Wate a n . 36 c

M n M ar M r u n u u n o . s. e c r . u i r . V e s. C)S . 0 o 5 é y 2C Jp te 92 S I l a tu r n u n r an u . N e t e. U s E ar th . n u n ti n or 5 . f p g 69 <5 C o j c o °

i l o i i n il . h r . v E v n ear toget e (E ) 8 0pp s t o or 1 80 (degr ees)apar t . ( ) ° T ° E vi l . r i n r 1 x i S u a r e or 9 0 a ar t. e o 20 a a r t Go d S e t l e D q p ( )A p . ( o ) ° G d P P ar a e or e u di n r r a ar . t . G d . o 60 p t ( oo ) l l l q al sta ce apa . ( oo !

Q N ew M oo r). 39 Firs t . Qt r Fu l l M oo r). C h a s t Qt r .

C l a s s ifi c a t io n of t h e S ig n s of t h e Z od ia c .

Fi r e S ign s GP S1 1 A i r S ign s 11 L Water S ign s QB 111 Be E ar th S i gn s 5 TUl V 3

Fr u n TI B r r i n u i tf i s. 1 l S g LX a en S g s. 11 $2 111

M va bl e S i n s 11 A Fi xed S i n s o g r n 11 «6 g 5 51 m 1 .1 ’ 343 8 011 11118 S i n s ‘T I I 3 a Fem i n i n e S i n s 5 2 5 11 fl g 1, g 11 l V3 96