Old-School Robert Bailey, Traditional Astrologer (FAA DipAstro 2018) Canberra, Australia www.oldschoolastrology.com Inquiries: [email protected]

“Where are my car keys?” 6:29 pm, 30 July 2018, Canberra Australia 149ºE8' 35ºS17' Key ♈ - ♎ - * - Saturn + - The Head ♉ - ♏ - & - Jupiter of the Dragon ♊ - ♐ - Sagitarius ( - Mars , - The Tail ♋ - ♑ - ! - The Sun of the Dragon ♌ - ♒ - & - Venus B - The Part ♍ - ♓ - $ - Mercury of Fortune # - The Moon Signifcators. Aquarius rises, so you are signified by Saturn, the Lord of Aquarius. Saturn is in the 12th at 3° Capricorn. He is dignified by domicile, but also retrograde and in a . The keys are signified by the 2nd house, Pisces. The Lord of Pisces is Jupiter, so Jupiter signifies your keys in this chart. Jupiter is in the 10th house at 13° Scorpio. He is peregrine and moving a bit slow (4’ per day) but otherwise in a good condition – and he is conjunct the Midheaven. The Moon is in the 2nd house at 4° Pisces. She is peregrine, moving slow-ish (12°03’ per day) and is placed in a . The Moon separates from a sextile aspect with Saturn and applies to a trine with Jupiter. The Sun separates from an opposition with Mars and applies to a square aspect with Jupiter. Note also Mercury, the natural significator of keys, is retrograde and placed in the 7th house conjunct the DSC at 22° Leo, where he has dignity by term.


Analysis. The Lord of the 2nd house Jupiter signifies your keys. Jupiter is in the 10th house, suggesting the keys are at your place of work. Placement in a water sign (Scorpio) suggests that the keys are somewhere wet, or near something watery, or are somewhere comfortable – for example, the break room at work or another place you go to relax at work. The placement of Jupiter on the MC suggests the keys may be somewhere high up, or at least of the ground. The square aspect between the Sun and Jupiter, although distant, signifies a connection with “the boss” - as you are the manager of your workplace, this suggests the keys are somewhere associated with your role as boss. Is there a particular area of your store that is just for you as manager? Note that if we take Mercury as natural significator of keys, it almost looks as though the keys have been stolen! Although I think that possibility is low, as we discussed. 

Answer. While it is possible the keys have been stolen or otherwise fallen into someone else’s hands, I feel it’s more likely that they are still at work, either located in your break room, or near a sink or bathroom, or else somewhere in your store that is yours because of your role as manager. Note: This is a real question I received. The keys were found the next day, in the break room at the client’s place of work, in a storage area that was reserved for her as the manager of the store. No watery connection whatsoever! But she did find the keys with my help. - RB