LAURIEL FRIEDMAN EMC Phone: 646-642-9672 Hair: Dark brown Height: 5’6 ½” E-mail: [email protected] Eyes: Dark brown Weight: 130lbs

THEATER______New York The Merchant of Venice (upcoming) Jessica Drilling Company / Ezra Barnes A Midsummer Night’s Dream Helena New York Classical Theater / Sean Hagerty The Dingdong U.S. Fabiola, Mandy Pearl Theatre Company / Hal Brooks The Lovers (reading) Bella Chagall Workshop Theater Co. / Virginia Roncetti Female Persuasion (reading) Laura Workshop Theater Co. / Illana Stein The Two Gentlemen of Verona Lucetta, 1st outlaw Drilling Company / Hamilton Clancy The Winter’s Tale U.S. Perdita, Hermione Pearl Theatre Company / Michael Sexton Jennifer’s Birth (reading) Adele Workshop Theater Co. / Ryan Lee Experimental Treatment Woman TheaterLab / Craig Newman Inspecting: Nurse Gene Frankel Theatre / Thomas Gordon Pick Your Poison (reading) Ellida Pearl Theatre Company / Dan Daily People Like Us Annie 13th Street Repertory / Gabriela Ortega Romeo and Juliet Juliet Occupy Verona / Joe Raik Regional The Diary of Anne Frank Margot Shakespeare Theatre N.J. / Joseph Discher Peter Piper Rae / Ben McGovern Pride and Prejudice U.S. Lydia, Kitty, Guthrie Theater / Joe Dowling Georgiana, Annabelle Educational Lady Macbeth London’s Globe Theatre / Bill Buckhurst The Seagull Masha UMN Guthrie / Hayley Finn Lives of the Saints Mona, Flora UMN Guthrie / David Colacci The Gods Electra UMN Guthrie / Marcela Lorca Pericles Gower/Diana UMN Guthrie / Steve Cardamone The Crucible Mary Warren UMN Guthrie / Bruce Roach

FILM______Together (For the Kids) Ashley (lead) Evanoah Films / Zach Jansen Chess Katherine (supporting) Largo Films / Michel Cosma Digital Physics Groupie (featured) Philadelphia Philms / John Khanlian Just Kevin Harper Lee (supporting) Indie short / Friedl Kreuser

TRAINING______ University of Minnesota/Guthrie Theater B.F.A. Actor Training Program:  Ken Washington, Michelle O’Neill, Bruce Roach, Marcela Lorca, Steve Cardamone, Lucinda Holshue, D’Arcy Smith  London’s Globe Theatre Education  LaGuardia High School for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center:  Harry Shifman, Lee Lobenhofer, Richard Harden, Richard Schneider, Alice Nagel, Sandra Aldini  Masterclasses: RADA, LISPA, Larry Moss, Barbara Houseman, Kristen Linklater, John Barton, Patrick Tucker, Elena Kuzina, Marion Cantone, Randy Reyes, Jon Ferguson, Dario Tangelson, Rich Rand

SPECIAL SKILLS______ Movement: Lecoq, Margolis, Lorca, viewpoints, mask  Advanced French language speaker (can also read and write)  Dialects: RP, New York, Russian, French, IPA  Trained horseback rider  Stage combat training: hand to hand, broad sword, contact