Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from MAY 29, 1926 The Music Trade Review 115 square feet of floor space. The products include ness is Henry C. Lamb, who is also secretary of violins, banjos, banjo-mafldolins, banjo-ukuleles, the Musical Merchandise Manufacturers' Associ- New Styles of Ukuleles tenor-banjos, mandolins, guitars, ukuleles, harps ation, Eastern district. and zithers, and sold under well-known trade- by the J. R. Stewart Go. marks Stella, Sovereign and LaScala. The firm Chicago Concern Has Recently Added Several is also a large importer of all kinds of musical New Violin Case Is Attractive New Models to Its Present Exten- merchandise and accessories and manufacturers' sive Line trimmings, machine heads, tailpieces, etc. Offi- Made of Shark Skin cials of the firm include Oscar Schmidt, Walter Geib & Schaefer Co., Chicago, Introduces In- CHICAGO, III., May 22.—The J. R. Stewart Co., Schmidt, Charles Dehn and G. F. Usbeck. The teresting Novelty to the Trade—Is Described Inc., 4147 Ogden avenue, has recently added a plant is reached by Hudson Tubes to Hoboken in Special Folder Sent to the Trade number of attractive new styles of ukuleles and and Jackson trolley to Ravine station. banjo-ukes to the large line of ukuleles that the The Henry Stadlmair Co., Inc. CHICAGO, III,, May 22.—The Geib & Schaefer company is manufacturing. The Henry Stadlmair Co., Inc., was founded Co., manufacturer of musical instrument cases, The new styles are appropriately named and several years ago to represent foreign and with headquarters at 1751-57 N.
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