Edgecliff Student Newspaper
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Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1946-02-20 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1946). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 48. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/48 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Edgecliff ' " s Volume XI Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio Feb. 20, 1946 No. 3 s a NFCCSToMeet CLUB CHOOSES APR. 9 a Here March 10 FOR PLAY CONTEST e Our Lady o,f Cincinnati college will be the· setting for a meeting Sixth Annual Tourney a of the National F ederation of Fr. O'Toole e To Be Held By College Catholic College Students to be held March 10 from 2 until 6 Interviewed The Edgecliff Players have o'clock in Emery hall. chosen April 9 as the date for By Eleanor Barrett Six colleges will be represent the one-act play contest, which a . "My name is Father J ames ed and 100 students are expected will be held in the college audi O'Toole," proferred Edgecliff's to attend. The first portion of torium. Inaugurated in 1941, this s the program will be devoted to retreat master when asked for is Edgecliff s sixth annual play a business meeting and election an interview. With that state tournament. of officers. ment, we got off to a good start. The entire work of the contest Father O'Toole is a diocesan After the business meeting, a is in the hands of the students, priest in Toledo, 0 ., his native student from Nazareth college for they must choose, direct and city, where he has served all of will read a paper on the topic, manage their own plays. The his nineteen years in the priest a "The United Nations Organiza selection of the plays will be ap hood, except for two brief in- tion - June 1945, to Date." Each proved by the moderator of the college will pcirticipate in a dis Dramatic club. A silver loving s cussion of the topic. cup, bearing the names of the cast, the play, and years of the PAPER ~ASKS FOR IT' production, will be awarded the Teacher To Be winner. The directors for this year's AND GETS IT In Play ~\t UC play tourney are J ean Sperber, senior; Ruth Gratsch., junior; Magdalen J anz, sophomore, and "What do you think of the "I would like to see my pic Dr. Daniel• J . Steible, chairman of the English Department, has Helen Mary Elias, freshman. This Edgecliff?" was a question which ture in the Edgecliff,'' remarked is Miss Sperber's third year as was put to many Edgecliff stu Betty Ann, "especially my grad taken a role in a play to be pre sented on the evening of F riday, director of her class. In her dents and a few of the faculty uation picture." We understand sophomore year Miss Spel'ber di members in a recent poll con that this portrait is Lawson's February 22, by the Cincinnati chapter o•f the American Associ rected "G rey Bred," and last ducted by the staff. Those contribution to fine art. year she directed "The Woman who replied to qu estioning were Betty Busse suggests that the .ation of Univers.Hy Women at in a Freight Car.' gossip column acquire a "sharp the University of Cincinnati not in the least bashful about As soon as the plays are chos voicing an opinion, although er" tone, while Claire Reidel! The play, "First L ady," by Kath en, the directors will schedule there were a few who refused enjoys "Etcetera." Claire also erine Dayton and George S. try-outs for the parts and the to comment. approved of the interviews on Kaufman, is a humorous saitire casts will be listed. While on the whole the com the new faculty members which on Washington society and be ments received were favorable, appeared in the October issue of hind-the-scenes politics, and was a Broadway suc·cess of the 1935 the Edgecli ff (strange to say) the Edgecliff. Fr. O'Toole Club Keeps did receive some negative crit- Rita Burke thinks it would be season. 1c1sm. T here were those indi a good idea to reinstate the col Mr. Howard Knoefier and Mr. terims - one in 1926 when he Scrap - Book~ viduals who suggested such a umn, "Letters to the Editor." J ohn Delaney, who will be re studied in Rome for his degree revolutionary action as a change "The news articles are well membered for their perform of Doctor of Sacred Theology, Members of the German club in editors, but the latter are written," Rita stated, "and I ances on this campus wiith the a nd another in 1932 when the at Edgecliff are collecting ma qua1kingly confident that those think that the talks of interest Edgecliff Players, also have fea Doctorate of Canon Law was terial for a scrap-book which will who made the suggestion were ing speakers of the clubs should tured parts in the play. conferred upon him in the Eter contain a yearly account of the merely jesting. be written up." nal City. Between these two activities of the club from 1942- J. Schulz To Speak periods, Father O'Toole was en Freshmen Mary Kief and Hel Mother, Too 43 until the present time. en Mary Elias were the first two gaged in parish work, but since To date the scrap-book includes Garnet Hogan is such an At Cleveland Forum unsuspecting victims of the then he has been enjoying his the programs, scripts and pictures Edgecliff enthusiast that she staff's "Gallup Poll." beloved profession, teaching. of the casts of the plays given said she would like to see it is Father is professor of philos by the club, as well as pictures Likes Gossip sued more often. ophy at Mary Manse college, of their Christmas parties and Said Mary K. : "I enJOY read Respect for the Edgecliff is by teaching religion, general meta souvenirs from their other gath ing the gossip column ,because I no means limited to one mem nhysics, epistemology and psy erings. The girls are especially like to know what's going on in ber of the Hogan family. chology to sophomores, who school. I like the fashion col "My mother likes it, too," said proud of their correspondence seem to furnish examples for with Bing Crosby and plan to umn, too." Garnet. retreat material. While Helen confided that she Although Rita (Elmer) Plog give it a prominent place in the Beloved Profession seldom r e ad s the Edgecliff man thinks that "the paper is book. Discovering t h at F a t he r (ouch), she maintained that she superb," she suggested more The title on the cover of the O'Toole divides his time between likes the editorials. write-ups on sports. Joan book will be lettered by Rose retreats and teaching, we asked Betty Ann Meyer was ap Schuermann thought that the mary Centner, junior. A tenta in which he felt he accomplished proached on the steps after publication on the whole was tive title for the scrap book is more good. There was no time Church history class. (Continued on Page 4) "Memories of the German Club." out for thought. Father is cer t1in that teaching is the noblest Noted Psychiatrist Essay Contest i\.ttracts profession. "If you're typing, you're Speaks To Students working with paper; if you are The Rev.'Dr. Thornas V. Moore, Eleven Student Writer s a bookkeeper, you are working 0. S. B., chairman of the depart with figures, but if you are Eleven students of Our Lady other social institutions promote teaching, you're working with ment of psychology and psychi of Cincinnati college are enter appreciation of the cultures of Joan Schulz, senior, will rep human beings, and what could atry, and director of the child ing the Diamond Jubilee Essay other peoples and cooperation resent Our Lady of Cincinnati be greater?" We haven't had center at the Catholic Univer Contest sponsored ,by Hunter col among them?" The first prize of college at the American Catholic Father O'Toole for a teacher, but sity of America, Washington, D. lege, New York, to commemor $1000 (maturity value) in Vic Sociological Convention to be we can vouch for him as a re C., addressed the student body ate its 75th anniversary year. tory bonds will be awarded to held March 2 and 3 at the Statler treat master. at a special assembly this after The college is offering a series the undergraduate student who Hotel, Cleveland, 0. The theme On Matrimonial Court nion on the topic, "Mental Hy of prizes for essays on various submits the best essay on the to •be developed during the con Besides his duties as a dioce giene and Religion." aspects of inter-cultural relations topic. vention will be, "What Has The san priest, Father is also audi Dr . .Moore is a psychologist and totaling $12,900 (maturity value) Prizes are offered to three Catholic College Student To Con tor of the matrimonial court in psychiatrist of international re in Victory !bonds. The prize groups of contestants: college tribute To The Post-War World?" Toledo. He remarked that a known, and studied for a num money has been made available and university students in con Miss Schulz will treat a phase couple came to him to be mar ber of years in Europe.