CHAPTER V FORGETTING the Cincinnati of the Present Day, Let Us
CHAPTER V ARRIVAL OF MOTHER SETON'S DAUGHTERS IN CIN CINNATI, THE QUEEN CITY, IN 18~9 - BISHOP FENWICK OPENS HIS SEMINARY, SCHOOLS, AND ORPHANAGE - BISHOP FENWICK'S DEATH CHOLERA - CHARLES CARROLL'S DEATH 18~9-1833 ORGETTING the Cincinnati of the present F day, let us retrace our steps through almost three-quarters of the nineteenth century and let us join the little band assembled at the old Broad way Landing to welcome and to witness the reception of Mother Seton's Daughters, the American Sisters of Charity, or the Black Cap Daughters of St. Vincent de Paul, into the Queen City of the West, Cincinnati, the Losantiville of earlier days. Little more than a country town, the city with its coronet of hills lay on the Northern Bank of the" Beau tiful River" - our much reviled, because muddy, Ohio. Who will say that the Indian eye had not a full perception of beauty and the Indian soul, instincts of poetry, when he gave to our lovely meandering stream, with its hill-capped shores, soft as velvet and green as emerald, a name from his own language, Ohio, meaning "Beautiful River." 1 1 "The Shawanoese called it Kis-ke-pi-Ia-sepe. meaning Eagle River. but the Wyandots who were in the country centuries before the Shawanoese called it 18~9-1888J SISTERS OF CHARITY OF CINCINNATI 153 We who live today at an elevation of six hundred feet above the water, and at a distance of eight miles from the smoke and noise of machinery and the rushing hum of commercial life, can form some idea of what Cin cinnati was to our pioneer Sisters, on the morning of October ~7, 18~9, as the boat anchored in the bend of the river and they beheld the picturesque city, guarded by forests of towering oak, black walnut, linden, "Buckeye," maple, sycamore, and other ma- A jestic trees, arrayed in their incomparable autumnal foliage.
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