e-NIT No.-28 of2011-18 The District Engineer, Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad invites e-Tender on behalf of Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad for the works in the table below from reputed & resourceful Contractors working under Zilla Parishad, P.W.D., C.P.W.D. & similar other Govt. Deptt. having experience and requisite credential in execution of similar type of work. (Submission of Bid through online). List ofWorks'- SI Name of works Estimated Amount of Cost of Tender Time of Remarks No Amount Put to Earnest Money Documents completion Tender (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) FRESH-TENDER 1 Repair & Maintanance of Uddl\aranpur Mougram Road Four within. -11Block in the District of Purba Rs. 50,92,2871- Rs. 1,00,0001- Rs.2,0001- Months til Bardhaman, "0 0 Repair & Maintenance of Link Road from Gobindopur Q) ( on -Vedia Road) to Gobindopur ( on Guskara- Four "0 2 Rs.I,36,07,1201- Rs.I,37,000/- Rs. 2,0001- "0 Kasemnagar Road) within Block in the Months ~ District of Purba Bardhaman, o(l til 3 Repair & Maintanance 6fLink Road from Keoguri to "0 Mougram connecting at Kagram- mougrarn Road with a Four t: Rs.79,69,747/- Rs.1,00,000/- Rs.2;0001- Q) link upto Kalyanpur village within Ketugram-Il Block in Months til) 'j:; the District of Purba Bardhaman. ... 0 4 Repair &: Maintanance Road "fromNH2 to Suri Road via Four U Chandul With in Bardhaman - 1Block in the District of Rs.28,49,672/- Rs. 51,000/- Rs.2,0001- ...c:: Months <-' Purba Bardhaman, Q\ Repair & Maintanance Road frornSaknara to Dharan Four -:6 5 Rs.2,000/c .~ within Raina-I Block in the District of Purba Bardhaman. Rs.51,97,273/- Rs.I,OO,OOOI- Months Repair & Maintanance Road Kumorpur Hattala To '" 6 Four -0 Ratanpur Pirtala within Ketugram-I Block in the District N Rs 1,01,50,720/- Rs. I,02,0001- Rs" 2,000/- Months N of Purba Bardharnan. -: 7 Repair to Kalwa Town Bypass from to Four 0 .Rs.21,01,1951- Rs. 42,5001- Rs.2,0001- -I within Katwa-l Block in the District ofPurbaBardhaman. Months E 0 8 Repair &-Mairitanance of Nigon Rly. Station to <1:; Four 0 Chandrapur via Gidhagram withinMongalkote & Katwa-! Rs. 1,20,39,500/- Rs.I ,21,0001- Rs.2,OOO/c > Months '_P Block in the District of Purba Bardbarnan. o 9 Repair & Maintanance of Road from Khanpur to ~

2 ------

Date & Time Schedule :- . " Date & Time 9. ,. . Particulars . . Sl.No. 10.10:2017 at 18.50 1St. . , i Date of Uploading of NiT, Tender Documents (online) ·}0.10.201'7 at 18.50 lSi' 2 Date'of start of downloading the ciocuments e~c...... 10.10.2017 at 18'.551St Date of start of submIssion of Tec~cal Bid & Fmanctal Blq .. 3 '31.10".2017at09.00 1ST" 4 Date of closIng downloading the documents etc., . .;, . 31.10.2017' at' 1,1.001ST ..s Date of closing of submission ofTechnical.bid & Financial Bid. , 'Date submission' of Original Demand DraftlPay Order/ Banker s 6 of Cheque against cost of Tender DocumeD.tsfEames~mon~y to the 01.11.2017 upto 16.00 1ST office of the District Engineer, Purba ~ardhanlan Zilla Pru:lshad. 02.11:2017 ad2.bO· 1ST . .. Date of opening of Techrlical Bid 7 To be intimated later through 8 Date of opening of Financial Bid on line and officenoticeboard.

10. There-shall be no provision of ArbitratIOn. . . Cost of Tender Documents & Earnest Money: The Cost of tender documents & amount of earnest money will be III 11. the shape of Bank Draft/Pay Orderl Banker's Cheque of any scheduled Commercial Bank drawn in favour of the 'District Engineer, Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad payable at Bardbaman. 12. The Bidder, at the Bidder's own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain all-information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for the work as mentioned in the e-Notice Inviting Tender, the cost of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder's own expense. 13. The intending Bidders shall clearly understand that whatever may be outcome of the present invitation of Bids, no cost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the Department. Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad reserves the right to accept or reject any offer without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any cost that might have incurred QY any Bidder at the stage of bidding. 14. Prospective applications are advised to note carefully the minimum qualification criteria as mentioned in "Instructfons to Bidders" before bidding. 15. In case of Ascertaining Authority at any stage of application or execution of work necessary registered power of attorney is to be produced. 16. No CONDITIONAL/INCOMPLETE TENDER will be accepted under any circumstances. 17. In cas~ of.quotin~ rates, no multiple lowest rate will be entertained by the Department. 18. -r:he District Engineer, Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad reserves the right to cancel the e-N.I.T. due to unavoidable circumstances and no claim in this respect will be entertained. 19. ~uring scrutiny, if it is co~e to the notice to tender inviting authority that the credential or any other papers found' m~orrect/m~ufactu~ed/fabncated, that tenders will not be allowed to participate in the tender and that ap li ti will be out rightly rejected without any prejudice. p rca JOn

20. Before issuance of the work order, the tender invitin thori . .. . lowest tenderer, if found necessary. Aft~r verificati;n a~f i~r:;f:~ v~nfythe credential & othe~ documents of the tenderer, is either manufactured or false in that case' k d . 'llt at suc~ doc~ents submitted by the lowest any circumstances. ,wor or er WI not be Issued In favour of the tenderer under 21. Bid from Joint Venture are not allowed. 22. The Defects Liabilities period for the work is two year from cornpleti . d 23. In case o~any change of date, corrigenda, addenda due intim .' . I~on at:.. . . 24. If any discrepancy arises between two si il .' 1 . att~n will be grven ill web site! Notice Board notification will supersede former one in f 11m ~ causes on different notifications, the clause as stated . i) 'Z P F N . 0 owing sequence:- . ill later .,. orm 0.2D Ii) e-NIT iii) Technical Bid iv) Financial Bid 25. No Departmental materials will be issued for the works from P b B dh . . . ur a ar aman Zilla Paris

. rict Engineer ~ Purba . aJ;ghaman Zilla Parishad \O\t~~r

3 Memo. No:- DE/e-NIT/615173 . Copy oETe d N r (SIN· . . Date:-lO/10/2017 J-21 Boaredj;or..£!."VI~.".~WI ercpue b'lici!l"0.28to th012e»017-18) fO,",,",d,d for favourofi"".nn.tio" with "'l""tto kindlv ,"'pl,y in his Notice ~ S~bh~dhipati/Sahakari SabbhadhjQati, Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad . 4-51 DlstTI~tM~strate ,PurbaBardh.aman & Executive Offj.cer, Bardhaman ZiJJaParishad 6-151 Additional Executive Offi.cer !Financial Controller & Chief Accounts Officerl Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad 16-19) Aclhtaksha, District Council! Karrnadhaks~__(All), Purba Bardbaman Zilla Parishad. Superintending En~neer, P.W. Directorate, Western Circle-I, Purba Bardhaman I Superintending Engineer, Western Highway Circle No-I,.P.W. (Roads) Drrectorate, Purta Bhawan, Purba BardhamanJSuperintending Engineer, Damodar, Irrigation Circle, 1& W.D. 20-21) Kanamatsal, Purba Bardhaman I Sl!Q.erintendi.l_!g_E~eer ,P.RE. , Central Circle, Purta Bhawan, Purba Bardhaman. Shri P.Roy, Special Secretaryl Superentending Engineer (Vetting Cell), Govt. ofW. R,Panchayats & Rural De.velopmentDepartment, Joint Administrative Building, HC-7, Sector-III, Salt Lake,Kolkata-106. 22-2~ Sub-Divisional Officer (Al!2,PurbaBardhaman 26-33) Executive Engineer, WBSRDA, Bardhaman Division, Bardhaman I Executive Engineer, WBSRDA, Bardhaman -2 Division, Kanksa I Executive Engineer-I, Bardhaman Division, P.W.DJ Executive Engineer-II, Bardhaman Division, P.W.D.I Executive Engineer, Division, P.W.D.I Executive Engineer, South Highway Division,P.W.(Roads) Directt.l Executive Engineer, North Highway Division, 34,56) P.W:iR.oad~ Directt IExecuti'le EJ!gj_neerAsans, ol.~way Division, P.W.(R.oad_tlDirectt., Asansol _ Sabhapati/ Executive Officer, Panchayet Samity (AlI), Purba Bardhaman 5?l 58-5~ D.LO. & T.D., NlC, Purba Bardhaman is r~uested to !lrr8J:!ge...£.ublicationin Web Site h!m;llwww.bardbaman.nidn 60-631 Ib:: SecretllrJlD.lA, Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad is n:g_uestedto arr~_Q_ublication in Web Site hI;ill;//[email protected] 64-7~ Assistant Ef!gineer__(Al!2!Assistant El!gine~tEstimate Sectio!1,Purba BardhlUllanZilla Parishad . . .. Sub-Assistant E~ineer__(AI!l/Sub-Assistant E~inee!... Estimate Section I H.C.! Acctt., P~b~ Bardh~an ZIlla Parlshad . PNaroitsicheadBoard. , Engineering Wing, Purba Bardhaman Zilla Patishad.lOne Extra Copy to DistrIct Engmeer, Purba Bardhaman Z1IIa -=- ~