100 Things You Should Know About Communism Series
>;'•''. ;'.;; ',•,'; ^> . , mm- / mB',^*''-' ^l;:'/•"^?J^!^f.'i'; ' 1*1-' r<.^ ii ^ dn iKo 01 Given By t U. S. SUPT. OF DOCDMENTS ^ THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT COMMUNISM SERIES: — in the U. S. A. —and RELIGION —and EDUCATION —and LABOR —and GOVERNMENT and SPOTLIGHT ON SPIES A . &^ -j^^frUA^ :x %,^_^\\fijd<^v'^^m.' SECOND PRINTING August 15, 1949 v,a7 PUBLIC I J Prepared and released by the COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES, U. S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES- WASHINGTON, D. C. y h'V a. S. SUPERIKTENOENT OF DOCUMtNU OCT IG 1949 Committee on Un-Am^erican Activities U. S. House of Representatives * John S. Wood, Georgia, Chairman Francis E. Walter, Pennsylvania Burr P. Harrison, Virginia John McSweeney, Ohio Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri J. Parnell Thomas, Neiv Jersey Richard M. Nixon, California Francis Case, South Dakota Harold H. Velde, Illinois Frank S. Tavenner, Jr., Counsel Louis J. Russell, Senior Investigator John W. Carrington, Clerk of Committee Benjamin Mandel, Director of Research 100 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT COMMUNISM IN THE U. S. A. The first of a series on the Communist conspiracy and its influence in this country as a whole, on religion, on education, on labor and on our government ^^No Communist, no matter how many votes he should secure in a national election, could, even if he would, become President of the present government. When a Communist heads the govern- ment of the United States—and that day will come just as surely as the sun rises— the will not he government a capitalist government hut a Soviet government, and hehind this government will stand the Red army to enforce the dictatorship of '' the proletariat, Sworn statement of WILLIAM Z.
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