The Promethean Honesty Integrity Objectivity Accuracy

Volume 3, No. 14 January 24,1999 l Siena College Loudonville, New York Marine Sparks Controversy Students Hold Prayer

By TARA PAULINY At first, Vigil Assistant News Editor supporters of Larsen praised By SHEILA MAHON Last Thursday, controversy the courage that Assistant News Editor arose when Eric Larsen, who has he had to stand resigned from the Marines because, up for his beliefs. As the situation in the he said, he "joined to protect the Among those Middle East grew increasingly ideals, the freedoms, the Consti­ who rallied for tense, a group of Siena students tution not to be a member of the Larsen were gathered in the quad to conduct an International Oil Police" spoke to a some members all night Peace Vigil on Monday, group of people from Siena and the of Troy High January 14. Support for the Vigil School, who ear­ surrounding community. was much better than expected, lier that week According to Carl Weis, who with the crowd reaching up to walked out of heads Civic Forum, the sponsor of thirty people at some points in the classes in pro­ the event, the discussion took place evening, and six braving the 15 test of their ad­ because, "in a Democracy we can degree night all the way through to still have discussions about difficult ministrations refusal to allow sunrise Tuesday morning. issues." This convention of de­ Steve Baumann, a junior, mocracy was tested when Larsen Larsen to speak. Eric Larsen. speaks at Siena last Thursday. Photo By John Sylvcstre organized the Vigil in order to "bring opened the floor for questions and They applauded the campus closer together even tensions began to rise. his bravery for speaking out against right to oppose this war. It is the though our views may differ greatly Many people, largely be­ the institution of the Marines and duty of every single soldier in the from each others. ... I personally longing to the Siena community, opposing the Middle East policy of military to oppose this crisis. When support our troops in the Middle spoke out against Larsen. One per­ our present administration. Oth­ a soldier knows that something is East. I just wish to God they weren't son called him a "traitor and a ers spoke of his "right to express so wrong and so corrupt, then it's there." The evening was centered disgrace to his country who was his own opinion and act upon his their duty-as an American- to stand around Bible readings, the Prayer not fit to wear the Marine uniform." conscience." up and be counted." He states, "I of St. Francis, and the Prayer for Another argued that he was "mar­ One student said of the dis­ say to those folks that have some George Bush and Saddam Huessin. keting himself for his own personal cussion that it was "out of control. qualms about Marines speaking By focusing on these prayers, benefit," while still others con­ . . people went crazy. They were out, 'If you can't stand living in a Baumann hoped to make it clear tended that Larsen "could not care yelling, being rude and attacking democracy, or you can't stand that this was not an anti-war dem­ less about the troops over there or Larsen personally." Larsen con­ hearing an opposing viewpoint, just onstration or protest, but, "an op­ he would be over there himself." tends that "It is your constitutional love it or leave it.' " portunity for us to come together as a community and pray for peace, so that the soldiers over there can stay safe." State Cuts Financial Aid Karen Johnson, a junior who stayed at the Vigil from sunset Monday until sunrise Tuesday By JEN BEAUREGARD in Regents and $110,000 in TAP). would occur, but nothing like this morning, felt that, "it definitely went Assistant News Editor Also affected was the tuition for has ever happened before. Many better than we had anticipated." SUNY schools. The state increased are concerned over possible future She was also pleased because, "we "I apologize. I think that it is tuition, but the TAP awards were cuts. Siena scholarships will not got a lot of issues opened up on unfortunate. I wish Siena could do not cut for SUNY students. be affected by the State's cuts. campus, and we let people know something," stated Ann White, Di­ The Regents were cut by a total White has contacted a that we were thinking of the sol­ rector of Financial Aid, concerning of 100 dollars and the TAP cuts number of legislators concerning diers and hoping for a peaceful the recent cuts in TAP and the varied according to what was re­ the cuts and suggests students put outcome. Regents Scholarships. ceived. White found that students pressure on the State about the Although the majority of These cuts occurred because were more concerned with the cuts taking back of funds. January is people attending the Vigil were stu­ the state overspent by 20% and is in the Regents Scholarship than financial aid awareness month, and dents, there were other supporters trying to find ways to decrease the with TAP. phone numbers are available for as well. According to Baumann, budget deficit. The total amount According to White, there were students wishing to express their lost in aid was $160,OO0($50,0OO hints earlier this year that the cuts concerns to their legislators. (See Vigil, Page 5)

Special on the Middle East follows Page 7 Grammy Picks Page 13 H.J. Makes Super Bowl Picks Page 15 A Look at Non-Violence Page 11 EDITORIAL PAGE JANUARY 24, 1990 THE PROMETHEAN «6* $romet&eau Statt Editor-in-Chief Barbara A. Riedell ( Editorial Managing Editor RESPECT: Matthew J. DiPaulo

News Editor What does it mean? Dan Casey- War is Hell...hell for the soldiers, hell case. Public opinion on campus leans for their families, hell for the victims, and heavily in support of U.S. policies and hell for those left at home. As war erupted in troops in the Middle East. After all, who can Executive Sports Editor the Persian Gulf, public opinion seemed to be forget that there are at least two current Mark Smith divided. A large majority expressed support Siena students, and many Siena alumni for the President and his use of force in the among our forces in the Persian Gulf. Copy Gulf. A small, but vocal, minority expressed The overwhelming support for the Kristi Lombardi their desire for a peaceful resolution to the troops was clearly evidenced at the Siena/ Joan Kenney • Samantha Brindley conflict, and their disillusionment with the Hartford basketball game played on Janu­ policies of the Bush administration. ary 16. The crowd began chanting and News This war has brought many issues to clapping at a fevered pitch usually seen Tara Pauliny • Jen Beauregard • the forefront of our national consciousness, near the end of a close game. But this was but there is still one issue that has remained not for the Saints. It was for five ROTC Sheila Mahon • Dave Leno relatively obscured. It is solely through the students carrying the U.S. flag. And it was rights guaranteed by the first amendment for the National Anthem sung loudly and Features that the protestors were able to express their out of tune by a fiercely patriotic audience. Patty Melamed • Laila Ghabrial concerns. In the nights before the war began Stacy Walsh • Kevin Wheatley The U.S. Constitution begins with the Siena students conducted vigils, braving words "We the people," and it is the people the cold, wind, and other Siena students. Arts & Entertainment that it protects. Regardless of their feelings You see, although they are supposed pa­ JeffCastler about U.S. involvement in the Middle East, triots, many Siena students are too narrow Amy Webber • Kelley Torrey each American has the right to express those minded to accept a viewpoint other than feelings in the manner he or she chooses. their own. And they trample on the first Dan Cordes In many cities protestors against the amendment rights of those they label anti- war were countered by protestors who sup­ American. Sports port the government. It seems that in this In a dorm window on campus there Andrew Pelosi time of crisis, patriotism is "in." It is shameful is a sign that says "War is Hell." It seems H.J. Lester that Americans regard pacifism as the oppo­ that we could all agree that no one wants Pat Gillespie site of patriotism. Rather than spending this or any other war. Whether the owner of time labeling others, it would do all of us the sign supports U.S. policy or not, he or Photography good to truly examine a point of view that she has a guaranteed right to express his or James E. Fernandez differs from our own. her opinion. Some students do not seem to Kostas Mallios Is it so impossible to be a patriotic feel this person has these rights, and pelted Leigh Selling • John Sylvestre pacifist? Working for peace does not make a the window with ice balls. person anti-American. More importantly, Regardless of the maturity level of supporting the U.S. government and our the offenders, it is symptomatic of a much Managerial Staff troops does not make a person pro-war. larger problem. Siena markets itself as a Kimberly Taylor In this extremely difficult time what place that embraces diversity and encour­ Dave Baccile is needed is understanding and tolerance. ages pluralism. Where is this evidenced? Carolyn Sgambati Unfortunately, at Siena this has not been the Certainly not in the behavior of Siena students. Writers Eric Rodriguez • Andy Kramarchyk • Jenna Rovegno • Jen Lalor • Marie Saunders • Carolyn Furlano • -Letters To The Editor— Sarah Heffern • Steven Bowes • Sue Hannon To The Editor: spent by students, and the large amount cl Consultant Why do we as a community have to revenue gained, I would hope the bookstor Bill Rainbolt suffer through ridiculously long lines for over­ would be a little more accommodating. They priced books? Is it because Siena College has a buy books cheaply and sell them for larg monopoly on the book supply? In a word, yes. profits, yet offer weak service at best. They are not forced to compete so they control If the bookstore does not care to bfe The opinions expressed in this the rate at which we spend our money in their accommodating, please let us know in writing publication do not necessarily reflect those of bookstore. Paying $9,000 in tuition allows us to The concerned student body and myself may the Siena College Board of Trustees, attend classes and get a degree, but it doesn't attempt to force you out of your shell throug] i Administration, or Student Body. allow us to avoid bookstore lines during the first the capitalist system. Everyone wants less ex Letters to the Editor must be signed week of the semester. and received by noon Monday. The Editorial pensive books, and better service, and I will find Board of The Promethean reserves the right to Why can't the Siena bookstore order the someone to oblige them. edit any submissions for space, clarity, good books a few weeks earlier so they will have the Marc Brenner taste, or libel and is no way obligated to books more than three days before classes? publish letters or articles received. Considering the many thousands of dollars THE PROMETHEAN JANUARY 24, 1990 OPINION ^)t

ByCARLWEIS caskets. How many more before it clear enough, on July 28, in testi­ made to appear like miscalculation Contributor is over? mony before a congressional com­ by the State Department. Did this war need to hap­ mittee. Deputy Secretary of State The timing of President War has an amazing way pen? Indeed, could Saddam for Middle Eastern Affairs, John Bush's announcement that "Desert of sharpening the focus of the Hussein have been lured into in­ Kelly, stated we would defend Saudi Shield" would become "Desert debate. It has been said that the vading Kuwait by deliberately de­ Arabia, but not Kuwait. And, of Storm," just two days after the first casualty of war is truth. But ceptive signals given by our gov­ course, that was what "Operation congressional elections and when war also has a way of revealing ernment? Most Americans are by Desert Shield" was launched to Congress was out of session (and truth, challenging us to see deeper now aware, however vaguely, of the defend. It seemed pretty convinc­ would be a lame-duck Congress than we had before. Because United States Ambassador's state­ ing at the time, that this was some­ even if it did come back into session) people's lives are at stake — even ment to Saddam, in person, on thing we had to do. It was nearly was a coup de grace if not quite by loved ones, friends, neighbors — July 25 in Baghdad, just one week two months later before anyone itself, a coup d'etat. we are forced to take a closer look prior to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, outside of the government (or Iraq) Ask not for whom the bells than we might, say, at a scandal, that the United States takes "no knew about the July 25 meeting tolls for all of us. The best or a presidential election cam­ position on Arab-Arab between Glaspie and Hussein. It way now to support our troops is to paign. conflicts...such as your border hot me like a lightning bolt. It was expose the fraud that has been When President dispute with perpe­ Eisenhower warned the nation Kuwait." This trated to against the undue influence of policy, Ambas­ put them in "the military/industrial complex," sador Glaspie harm's he flagged a danger we have yet to went on was way. There comprehend fully. The fall of to­ "underscored are other talitarian communism just one by Secretary ways to year ago has, ironically enough, Baker." stop

created the greatest danger to the O n . i*i*t **W fakt, Saddam power of the military/industrial July 26, Bush Hussein complex since the onset of the administra­ * tiff 'th<. MS- and restore Cold War at the end of World War tion spokes­ • Ar*t> SMB.' / Kuwait to II. men told the its people. If George Bush should Washington But do they "win" his quick, decisive victory Post that the really need against the instant devil dictator U.S. would not the emirs? Saddam Hussein our national respond to an Is it sheiks delusions may be deepened. Alas, Iraqi invasion. and big oil there are already American heroes As if the mes­ that have come home in cold, gray sage were not NEWS JANUARY 24, 1990 THE PROMETHEAN Security Report Ruby Dee Speaks at 3y JEN BEAUREGARD for repairs is $2 50 for the pool table \ssistant News Editor and between $40 and $50 for the ceiling tiles. Siena Thursday, January 17th Larceny was reported when By DAN CASEY important it was to society. The In Hennepin, two students a lost wallet was found with $150 News Editor majority of the lecture, however, vere written up on a drug violation in cash missing in Hines. was about non-violence and why it "or being in possession of mari- "Far from being a pipe was such an important aspect of uana. In Ryan four non-students Sunday, January 20th dream, the demand to love one's the civil rights movement. vere found in the pool lounge and A window was broken on enemy is a necessity for our world. Speaking of the future of vere removed from the campus. 5th floor south in Plassmann. The It is the key to the solution of all of the civil rights movement. Dee vending machine in Plassmann was the prob­ spoke with Friday, January 18th broken into by two visitors, who lems in our much opti­ An alcohol violation oc­ were caught and arrested. society." mism. "To­ curred in Hennepin, 1st floor west, Another incident in S o rn o r r o w •esulting in an insubordination Plassmann was a fight on the 3rd said per­ may look charge from an RA. floor resulting a disorderly conduct former, ac­ bleak, don't charge. tivist, and fear it." The aturday , January 19th Anyone with information in writer Ruby will to The Plassmann lounge had any of the vandalism cases or the Dee on struggle, eight ceiling tiles ripped out and lost money case, should contact January she said, wo 18 inch cuts were found on the Mr. Sheldon, Director of Security 15th in was a force )ool table. The estimated amount at 783-2376. front of a that would full half of keep the the ARC. movement Correction: Dee came alive. In the last issue of The Promethean, the quote on Page 4 to speak as The part of the lecture be­ by Lt Col Paul Dickinson that read "soildiers are not in Martin gan with a the business of making policy. The direction comes from Luther welcome by above. Soilders only cany out orders." should have read King Jr. Siena's "...the direction comes from youvia your elected offi­ and President, Fr. William cials, Congress and the President..." C orett a Scott King Lecture Series at Siena. McConville who spoke of how far Our apologies to Lt. Col. Dickinson Dee spoke of herself as a the civil rights movement has come. "house of words" and spent her He also noted the irony of the fact time talking about four words in that the lecture took place on the particular: "love", "non-violence", day of the U.N. deadline for Saddam "peace", and "tomorrow." Hussein in the Persian Gulf. As "It's very important for nations sit poised for war, said people who weren't alive when McConville, "we must once again W kai Ever Happened remind ourselves of the senseless­ Martin Luther King was to know of ness of violence and refuse to let him. I'm hoping that there are our hope die. . . . Let us recommit to L>reaiivi{yf some strugglers here, because there ourselves to [King's] dream and is no progress without struggle. make it a reality." Those who say different are the The Siena Sphere is now accept­ kind of people who want crops Dee herself noted that without farming." "however the events of today go, we ing submissions from Dee began her lecture with must remember that there is still a some of the essays and poems she God above. We must not lose hope all students. had written about love and how for the future or for our children" PE^ICE maiL EXPRESS YOURSELF ST. EIU4.NC1S CIRCLE Submit your poetry, short stories, essays, photography and artwork to Dr. Elaine Ognebene, 12:50 Vn Kiernan Hall Room 231 or Shannon Stone Hines Hall io niNUTEs roji Room 343 VZAtZ THE PROMETHEAN JANUARY 24, 1990 NEWS Vigil (continued from page 1) NEWS BRIEFS "many alumni stopped by after the sophomore who attended. He was basketball game, and we also saw quick to add that, "they didn't re­ some of the members of the com­ ally hurt what was going on. Every­ By STEPHEN BOWES and ED affluent acquired more wealth munity who had no affiliation with one is entitled to their own opinion, MONKS while other American's assets Siena. Several Friars came by to and we were all aware of that...I News Staff barely kept up with inflation. For offer support as well." In addition, just wish they had gone about it in years the government and private Marriott workers who were unable a more constructive way." INTERNATIONAL economists have been reporting to attend offered their verbal sup­ Overall, the campus reac­ In the wake of the military on the widening gap in income port, as well as doughnuts, fruit tion was positive. "We were happy crackdown in Lithuania, Soviet distribution. This report was and hot chocolate. Both Jeanne to see both the students who stayed President Gorbachev has ordered a based on lifetime accumulation of Martin and Richard Sheldon, who and those who stopped by at dif­ suspension of press freedoms. This assets. authorized the Vigil, gave their ferent times during the night to order came after harsh criticism of Pete Rose was barred from support as well. give their support," said Johnson. the government from several Soviet the Baseball Hall of Fame by a While support for the Vigil Cranston commented, "I really ap­ newspapers. special committee admissions came in many different forms, there preciated it as an opportunity to ruling. The ruling denied admis­ was also some show of opposition. vent my frustrations about what is NATIONAL sion to anyone banned from "There were a few people who walked going on in a positive way. Being The United States Navy has baseball. by and shouted some things at us, with other people as we were all ended its plans of using dolphins to and a couple others in the dorms praying for peace gave me some guard nuclear armed submarines STATE who yelled at us from their win­ peace of mind. It brought us closer in the Puget sound. For 10 years A New York State com­ dows," said Gavin Cranston, a together, and it helped a little." the navy has been training bottle- mission proposed the idea of of­ nosed dolphins to protect subma­ fering money to any community rines at several of the bases. Al­ that lets them build a low level though this program has been nuclear waste dump. The pro­ Support Our Siena In The Gulf stopped, the Navy plans to continue posal was in response to the re­ training the animals for use in other sistance of communities previ­ programs. ously looked at for the dump. Troops! LCPL Scott Rifenburgh The Census Bureau has Write to: 053569609 stated that in the 1980's the afflu­ Army, Air Force, Marines A Company 1st BN ent became more affluent. They Serviceperson 25th Marines Operation Desert Storm FPO NY NY 09502-0810 APO NY 09848-006 SSGT L.H. Hilt Navy, Marines (Ship) 081504686 Albany Patroons Serviceperson Co. A 1st BN Operation Desert Storm 25th Marines Basketball is Back! APO NY 09866-006 FPO NY NY 09502-0816 GIVE Us $20, AND WEU GIVE YbulteRUNS. $20 MID-WEEK LIFT MET Siena Students with valid I.D. will Mount Snow, Vermont is giving all you college stu­ receive $2.00 off any $5.00 ticket to all dents a run for your money. In fact, we're giving you all 28 Patroons home games at the 84 runs—everything from our six new Sunbrook inter­ Knickerbocker Arena. mediate trails to the North Face expert terrain. And all for $20. Firm. For Season ticket information, call For a taped ski report, call (802) 464-2151. For more 487-2222. information, call (802) 464-8501. Albany Patroons Basketball...' "Mount 2now Tradition of Basketball Excellence!" When It Comes To Big Mountain Sluing, No One Else Is Close. •Offfi (jowt Monday through Fndjy. rton holidiy with jcufrrntcoiletje ID C; Mount Snow lid 1990 FEATURES JANUARY 24, 1990 THE PROMETHEAN Peace Activist Groups: Teaching New Methods of Resolving Conflict

By LAILA GHABRIAL Although these non-violent The Fellowship of Recon­ the Knowles Atomic Power Lab in Features Editor groups have very specific aims, ciliation was organized in 1913, Schenectady. which differ greatly from each other, around the beginning of World War The Catholic Worker Situation: You are walking most are aiming to teach people I, and is one of the pillars of social Movement is another group that is down a street in a bad neighbor­ how to resolve conflicts with respect justice. FOR sponsors many peace- dedicated to non-violent ways of hood at night. Suddenly you hear and love, rather than violence. oriented projects. Their "Youth handling conflict. This group was a noise behind you. You turn This effort extends to all aspects of Program" gives students the op­ established by Dorothy Day and around, and find yourself face to human life, including war, racism, portunity to learn about issues, Peter Moran in New York City dur­ face with a mugger. He reaches to sexism, homophobia, and many develop skills to help bring about ing the 1930's. Day and Moran grab at you. Would you: A) punch other situations where conflict oc­ social change, and even go to established "houses of hospitality," his or her lights out, B) try to run curs. troubled areas in the world to learn welcoming people to join their away, C) calmly obey the mugger's There are peace groups in about their unique problems. FOR community. In addition, they be­ demands or D) firmly demand that most major cities in the country, is especially prominent in Troy, gan to publish a newspaper called the mugger keep his or her hands and also in places where you would New York. the "Catholic Worker," which ex­ off you and leave you alone? not expect them, like rural Minne­ Frank Zolla, a Siena pressed their opinions about non­ Most students would prob­ sota and in the desert," said Bill Alumni, and active member of Pax violence. They sold this paper for ably choose options A, B or D, Engleman, a peace activist who Christi, said, "Its main goal is to one cent in order to make it more believing that option Cwould not be has been active in the Albany area promote the Gospel message of attractive to possible readers, and very effective. However, surpris­ for over ten years. Some of the peace within the church." Pax it is still sold for one cent today. ingly enough, there are many major groups that he mentioned Christi was founded in the 1950's What propels these activ­ Americans who believe in option C are Fellowship of Reconciliation by a French Bishop who was a ists to work so hard for peaceful as a valid option, and attempt to (FOR), an interfaith national and prisoner of the Nazis during World conflict resolution? Geralyn practice it if they are confronted international organization, Pax War II. "It was founded in an effort McDowell, a peace activist who is with a potentially violent situation. Christi, a national and interna­ to promote reconciliation between affiliated with the FOR, expressed These people belong to special or­ tional organization within the the French and the Germans," ac­ her own motivations. "A lot of it is ganizations which are dedicated to Catholic Community, and the cording to Zolla. Pax Christi has a taking the Gospel seriously. If you using peaceful means of resistance Catholic Worker movement, which chapter in the Albany area, which take it seriously, I don't believe you when conflicts occur in the world. was founded in New York City. is active in demonstrating against have a choice." SKIING THE SLOPES OF THE NORTHEAST

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Iraq-Kuwait aggression The Story So Far... such a strike is approved by the dates back to the times of British U.N., Bush, and King Fahd of Saudi colonialism. More recent aggres­ Arabia. sions stemfrom Iraq complaints of November 7th Kuwait deliberately lowering the A Chronology Compiled By Dan Casey Egypt's President Hosi price of oil hurting Iraq revenues, Murbank says that the coalition and further complaints of Kuwait should wait at least two or three stealing oil from fields along the August 15th-16th United Nations Secretary General months before attacking Iraq, but disputed Iraq, /Kuwait border. Iraq seeks peace with Iran. and the Iraqi foreign minister prove warns Hussein that war will be July 31st Jordan becomes the only country to be inconclusive. Gorbachev and inevitable if there is no withdrawal. Kuwaiti and Iraqi delega­ not to commit to embargo. Jordan's Bush agree to meet on September To introduce an offensive option. tions meet in Jidda, Saudi Arabia King Hussein meets with Bush. 9th. The United States deploys a Bush makes plans to send an addi­ to negotiate disputes. Kuwait re­ Iraqis order all Americans and large force of combat aircraft in tional 150,000 troops by the end of fuses to debate the oil situation British in Kuwait to gather at two several Persian Gulf countries. December bringing the possible until Iraq has paid its debt to Ku­ hotels in the Kuwaiti capital. The September 9th total to 380,000. In addition, troops wait of $25 billion for funds in the U.N. expresses concern for the Bush and Gorbachev issue will not be rotated and any troops Iran-Iraqwar. Iraq's delegates walk hundreds of thousands of foreign­ a joint pledge to reverse Iraq's con­ there will remain until the end of out after one day. ers, including about 3,000 Ameri­ quest of Kuwait, even if it cannot be the crisis. Moscow refuses to rule August 2nd cans, trapped in Kuwait and Iraq. accomplished by peaceful means. out force. Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, August 19th Bush drops the 10 year policy November llth-13th seize control of the capital city, and In an address to opposing against Soviet involvement in Senator Nunn (D-Georgia), drive Kuwait's ruler into Saudi forces, Hussein says that foreign­ Middle East and agrees not to op­ the Democratic Party's leading Arabia. President Bush condemns ers in Kuwait and Iraq would not be pose a soviet role in peace talks. military spokesman , starts debate the invasion as "naked aggression," freed until there was a complete September 13th in Congress by suggesting that freezes all Iraqi assets in the U.S. withdrawal from the Persian Gulf The United Nations Security Bush is moving too quickly down (approximately $30 billion), bans area and an end to economic Council votes 13-2 in favor of set­ the road to war. Both parties urge all imports to Iraq, and seeks to sanctions; the hostages will be kept ting limits on food supplies to Iraq Bush to convene a special session enlist world leaders in a collective in strategic locations as human and occupied Kuwait. of Congress. Bush assures Con­ action against Iraq. Similar con­ shields against military aggression. September 16th gress that he will consult with them demnations come from Great Bush replies that he will not be 5,000 Kuwaiti citizens flee before using force. Britain, France, Israel, the Soviet intimidated by Iraq's efforts to use when Iraq opens up a border November 25th Union, and many Arab nations. the hostages as shields. Likewise, crossing between Kuwait and Saudi Iraq mobilizes all available August 3rd-4th the Soviet Union, Great Britain, Arabia. Refugees speak of much forces and calls up reserves. Iraqi forces mass on Saudi Austria, Denmark, Sweden and killing, and looting in occupied November 30th Arabian border. An Arab summit is Germany reject the demands. Kuwait. Freed French say that U.N. votes 12-2 on resolu­ planned, but soon falls apart due August 22nd British and American hostages are tion to authorize the United States to lack of coalition on the part of Bush announces 40,000 treated particularly brutally. and its allies to expel Iraq from Arab leaders. reservists are called to active duty September 23rd Kuwait by force if Hussein does not August 5th, 6th by the end of the month and joins Hussein threatens to attack pull out by January 15th. Vice In a press conference, Bush other nations in ignoring Hussein's the oil fields of Saudi Arabia and President Dan Quayle tells Con­ says that the aggression against demands to close embassies in other oil countries as well as the gress that a delay can only hurt the Kuwait will not stand, and nothing Kuwait. The amount of troops in or people of Israel If his nation is situation. Bush offers to send less than complete withdrawal from in the process of being sent to strangled by the economic embargo Secretary of State Baker to Baghdad Kuwait will be accepted. He also Saudi Arabia reaches 240,000. of the United Nations. in an attempt to find a peaceful announces the sending of troops August 24th-25th September 25th solution to the Persian Gulf crisis. to the Persian Gulf to protect Saudi President Gorbachev warns The United Nations Security The next day, Iraq announces that Arabia. The United Nations Secu­ Hussein that he is ready to back approves 14-1 to impose and ad­ it is willing to accept Bush's invi­ rity Council condemns the inva­ additional measures to toughen the ditional embargo on air traffic tation of direct talks to avert war. sion, demands the immediate, un­ United Nations embargo against coming to and from Iraq. The em­ December 6th conditional withdrawal of all forces Iraqi commerce. The United Nations bargo, however, is mostly symbolic Hussein announces that he from Kuwait, and votes 13-0 to Security Council votes 13-0 to give as international air traffic has come will free all hostages (2,000 West­ block trade with Iraq; prohibiting the U.S. and other nations the right to a standstill. erners including 900 Americans) all UN members from having any to enforce the economic embargo October 16th in Iraq and Kuwait to promote di­ financial trade with either Iraq or against Iraq by halting shipping. Hussein informally indi­ plomacy in the Middle East. Bush occupied Kuwait. American officials report that the cates an interest at a compromise. announces that the American August 7th-9th sanctions against Iraq are begin­ Vague proposals include complete Embassy in Kuwait will be closed As Iraq proclaims Kuwait's ning to work, though they will take withdrawal if Iraq is allowed to once all hostages are returned. annexation. Bush begins sending several more months to have a keep access to the Persian Gulf. December 10th-13th the first forces to Saudi Arabia decisive impact. Secretary of State James A. Baker All who wish to leave Iraq or (totaling about 50,000 troops). August 28th-31st announces that the terms are un­ Kuwait, including all hostages, Bush outlines U.S. policy: complete Hussein announces that he acceptable. leave Iraq by chartered jets. withdrawal from Kuwait, restora­ will allow the departure of all for­ October 25th January 9th tion of Kuwaiti government, po­ eign women and children who wish Defense Secretary Dick Talks between Baker and litical stability in the Persian Gulf, to leave. As a signal to Hussein, the Cheny states that the U.S. is adding Iraq's foreign minister fail. Bush and protecting the lives of Ameri­ U.S. prepares to send $1 billion an additional 100,000 troops to its re-affirms his policy in the Gulf can citizens abroad. worth of advanced weaponry to forces in the Middle East. 50,000 area but states that he will be willing August 10th-12th Israel to show Hussein that the troops are withdrawn from the to listen to any last minute propos­ 12 of 21 Arab countries U.S. intends to support its allies in Western Europe. als of Hussein. unite to confront Iraq's thrust into the Middle East. November 5th January 12th Kuwait. Boycott of Iraqi oil nears September 1st, 2nd Iraq masses 900,000 troops After much debate. Con­ 100%. NATO allies against Iraq. The first hostages, 750 in a defensive position on the Saudi gress votes to approve the use of U.S. Navy is ordered by Bush to women and children, are released. Arabian border. The U. S. and Saudi force in the Persian Gulf crisis after block all shipments of Iraqi oil. Two days of talks between the Arabia agree to attack Iraq only if the U.N. deadline. 2A NEWS SPECIAL JANUARY 24, 1990 THE PROMETHEAN

Iraq-Kuwait aggression The Story So Far... such a strike is approved by the dates back to the times of British U.N., Bush, and King Fahd of Saudi colonialism. More recent aggres­ Arabia. sions stemfrom Iraq complaints of November 7th Kuwait deliberately lowering the A Chronology Compiled By Dan Casey Egypt's President Hosi price of oil hurting Iraq revenues, Murbank says that the coalition and further complaints of Kuwait should wait at least two or three stealing oil from fields along the August 15th-16th United Nations Secretary General months before attacking Iraq, but disputed Iraq, /Kuwait border. Iraq seeks peace with Iran. and the Iraqi foreign minister prove warns Hussein that war will be July 31st Jordan becomes the only country to be inconclusive. Gorbachev and inevitable if there is no withdrawal. Kuwaiti and Iraqi delega­ not to commit to embargo. Jordan's Bush agree to meet on September To introduce an offensive option. tions meet in Jidda, Saudi Arabia King Hussein meets with Bush. 9th. The United States deploys a Bush makes plans to send an addi­ to negotiate disputes. Kuwait re­ Iraqis order all Americans and large force of combat aircraft in tional 150,000 troops by the end of fuses to debate the oil situation British in Kuwait to gather at two several Persian Gulf countries. December bringing the possible until Iraq has paid its debt to Ku­ hotels in the Kuwaiti capital. The September 9th total to 380,000. In addition, troops wait of $25 billion for funds in the U.N. expresses concern for the Bush and Gorbachev issue will not be rotated and any troops Iran-Iraqwar. Iraq's delegates walk hundreds of thousands of foreign­ a joint pledge to reverse Iraq's con­ there will remain until the end of out after one day. ers, including about 3,000 Ameri­ quest of Kuwait, even if it cannot be the crisis. Moscow refuses to rule August 2nd cans, trapped in Kuwait and Iraq. accomplished by peaceful means. out force. Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, August 19th Bush drops the 10 year policy November llth-13th seize control of the capital city, and In an address to opposing against Soviet involvement in Senator Nunn (D-Georgia), drive Kuwait's ruler into Saudi forces, Hussein says that foreign­ Middle East and agrees not to op­ the Democratic Party's leading Arabia. President Bush condemns ers in Kuwait and Iraq would not be pose a soviet role in peace talks. military spokesman , starts debate the invasion as "naked aggression," freed until there was a complete September 13th in Congress by suggesting that freezes all Iraqi assets in the U.S. withdrawal from the Persian Gulf The United Nations Security Bush is moving too quickly down (approximately $30 billion), bans area and an end to economic Council votes 13-2 in favor of set­ the road to war. Both parties urge all imports to Iraq, and seeks to sanctions; the hostages will be kept ting limits on food supplies to Iraq Bush to convene a special session enlist world leaders in a collective in strategic locations as human and occupied Kuwait. of Congress. Bush assures Con­ action against Iraq. Similar con­ shields against military aggression. September 16th gress that he will consult with them demnations come from Great Bush replies that he will not be 5,000 Kuwaiti citizens flee before using force. Britain, France, Israel, the Soviet intimidated by Iraq's efforts to use when Iraq opens up a border November 25th Union, and many Arab nations. the hostages as shields. Likewise, crossing between Kuwait and Saudi Iraq mobilizes all available August 3rd-4th the Soviet Union, Great Britain, Arabia. Refugees speak of much forces and calls up reserves. Iraqi forces mass on Saudi Austria, Denmark, Sweden and killing, and looting in occupied November 30th Arabian border. An Arab summit is Germany reject the demands. Kuwait. Freed French say that U.N. votes 12-2 on resolu­ planned, but soon falls apart due August 22nd British and American hostages are tion to authorize the United States to lack of coalition on the part of Bush announces 40,000 treated particularly brutally. and its allies to expel Iraq from Arab leaders. reservists are called to active duty September 23rd Kuwait by force if Hussein does not August 5th, 6th by the end of the month and joins Hussein threatens to attack pull out by January 15th. Vice In a press conference, Bush other nations in ignoring Hussein's the oil fields of Saudi Arabia and President Dan Quayle tells Con­ says that the aggression against demands to close embassies in other oil countries as well as the gress that a delay can only hurt the Kuwait will not stand, and nothing Kuwait. The amount of troops in or people of Israel If his nation is situation. Bush offers to send less than complete withdrawal from in the process of being sent to strangled by the economic embargo Secretary of State Baker to Baghdad Kuwait will be accepted. He also Saudi Arabia reaches 240,000. of the United Nations. in an attempt to find a peaceful announces the sending of troops August 24th-25th September 25th solution to the Persian Gulf crisis. to the Persian Gulf to protect Saudi President Gorbachev warns The United Nations Security The next day, Iraq announces that Arabia. The United Nations Secu­ Hussein that he is ready to back approves 14-1 to impose and ad­ it is willing to accept Bush's invi­ rity Council condemns the inva­ additional measures to toughen the ditional embargo on air traffic tation of direct talks to avert war. sion, demands the immediate, un­ United Nations embargo against coming to and from Iraq. The em­ December 6th conditional withdrawal of all forces Iraqi commerce. The United Nations bargo, however, is mostly symbolic Hussein announces that he from Kuwait, and votes 13-0 to Security Council votes 13-0 to give as international air traffic has come will free all hostages (2,000 West­ block trade with Iraq; prohibiting the U.S. and other nations the right to a standstill. erners including 900 Americans) all UN members from having any to enforce the economic embargo October 16th in Iraq and Kuwait to promote di­ financial trade with either Iraq or against Iraq by halting shipping. Hussein informally indi­ plomacy in the Middle East. Bush occupied Kuwait. American officials report that the cates an interest at a compromise. announces that the American August 7th-9th sanctions against Iraq are begin­ Vague proposals include complete Embassy in Kuwait will be closed As Iraq proclaims Kuwait's ning to work, though they will take withdrawal if Iraq is allowed to once all hostages are returned. annexation. Bush begins sending several more months to have a keep access to the Persian Gulf. December 10th-13th the first forces to Saudi Arabia decisive impact. Secretary of State James A. Baker All who wish to leave Iraq or (totaling about 50,000 troops). August 28th-31st announces that the terms are un­ Kuwait, including all hostages, Bush outlines U.S. policy: complete Hussein announces that he acceptable. leave Iraq by chartered jets. withdrawal from Kuwait, restora­ will allow the departure of all for­ October 25th January 9th tion of Kuwaiti government, po­ eign women and children who wish Defense Secretary Dick Talks between Baker and litical stability in the Persian Gulf, to leave. As a signal to Hussein, the Cheny states that the U.S. is adding Iraq's foreign minister fail. Bush and protecting the lives of Ameri­ U.S. prepares to send $1 billion an additional 100,000 troops to its re-affirms his policy in the Gulf can citizens abroad. worth of advanced weaponry to forces in the Middle East. 50,000 area but states that he will be willing August 10th-12th Israel to show Hussein that the troops are withdrawn from the to listen to any last minute propos­ 12 of 21 Arab countries U.S. intends to support its allies in Western Europe. als of Hussein. unite to confront Iraq's thrust into the Middle East. November 5th January 12th Kuwait. Boycott of Iraqi oil nears September 1st, 2nd Iraq masses 900,000 troops After much debate. Con­ 100%. NATO allies against Iraq. The first hostages, 750 in a defensive position on the Saudi gress votes to approve the use of U.S. Navy is ordered by Bush to women and children, are released. Arabian border. The U. S. and Saudi force in the Persian Gulf crisis after block all shipments of Iraqi oil. Two days of talks between the Arabia agree to attack Iraq only if the U.N. deadline. THE PROMETHEAN JANUARY 24, 1990 NEWS SPECIAL 3A Using The Catholic Idea of a Just War as a Ruler An Analysis By TARA PAULINY have defined seven criteria as jus­ jury', to protect innocent life, to that even during war there is a Assistant News Editor tifiable causes for war. By applying preserve conditions necessary for search for peace and reconcilia­ these criteria to the present crisis decent human existence and to tion, and the avoidance of unnec­ "The whole human race one can argue whether or not the secure basic human rights." Presi­ essarily destructive acts or the im­ faces a moment of supreme cri­ allied forces are warranted in using dent Bush contends that by at­ posing of unreasonable conditions. sis in its advance toward matu­ aggression. tacking Iraq it is these basic prin­ Few dispute the idea that the U.S. rity." This statement, though The first criteria is "compe­ ciples that we are upholding. First and our allies are avoiding unnec­ made by the National Confer­ tent authority": "War must be de­ hand reports of murder, rape, kid­ essary acts of violence by striking ence of Catholic Bishops in 1982 clared by those with responsibility napping, and other atrocities show only military installations and ar­ can also be applied to the crisis for public order, not by private that severe violations of human senals. In the attempt to defeat the that the world faces today. groups or individuals." Few would rights are being committed by the forces of Iraq, they are purposely We are now at a time in refute that this prerequisite was Iraqis. We are protecting the lives avoiding known civilian areas and history where our country is fulfilled when the United Nations of the Kuwaiti people and working religious centers. While no one heading an allied force in the approved the use force in the Gulf. to liberate them from Iraqi domi­ can fully insure the safety of either Persian Gulf. It is a time for It could be argued that the U.N. nation. The other side of the argu­ persons or places during a war, many difficult questions. Some even went as far as being lenient in ment is that this war is not about most people would likely agree that may even be impossible to an­ giving Hussein a deadline 46 days civil rights, but about oil. One at least an effort is being made to swer. One question that we can away from the time of announce­ analyst, Ted Van Dyk, says spare such non-military persons try to answer, however, is "Is this ment. While some may theorize "Saddam Hussein, has been acting and institutions. The same could a just war?" that this resolution was derived like a mini-Hitler for many years. . be said for the imposing unreason­ The most recent assess­ from overwhelming U.S. influence, . . We are engaged only because of able conditions on Iraq. Since few ment of what constitutes a just statements made by the Vice Presi­ oil.... You can be sure we wouldn't support Iraq's invasion of Kuwait war comes from a pastoral letter dent suggest that the U.S. actually have a platoon on the Kuwaiti fron­ it follows that the demand for Iraq presented by the Conference of wanted an earlier date. tier if the resource in the region was to withdraw from Kuwait is not an Catholic Bishops. Their pur­ The second criteria is "just guano." unreasonable one. pose, they say, is not to legiti­ cause": "war may be employed only The third criteria is right The fourth criteria is that mize war, but to prevent it. They to confront a 'real and certain in­ intention. This includes the idea (See Just War, Next Page) A Look at the Military

By SHEILA MAHON matched by the Iraqi forces, much and biological warfare in the Middle ranging from one-third to one-half Assistant News Editor of what we do possess has not yet East could be devastating to the of the assaulting forces," in the been tested in battle . In addition, plant, animal and human popula­ case of a ground war. As of Mon­ As reports on the war have Mr. Thomas Kelly of the History tions of the area. According to Lt. day, January 21, one United States changed from the expected short department points out that, "the Gen. Charles Horner, "much of their pilot has been killed in action. There and decisive victory, to what Pen­ problem with technological sophis­ (the Iraqi's] aircraft are in hard­ are another 12 U.S. pilots missing tagon officials refer to as, "a long tication is that it is easier for some­ ened shelters. We attack the shel­ in action, and a total of 9 airmen and drawn out conflict," more thing to go wrong." ter, and we really don't know the missing in action from the other emphasis has been placed on the Allied forces. Iraq has lost a total of military strategy and capabilities Troops in the Gulf Area 71 people, and we have wounded of each side. another 51 so far. We also hold 23 The Allied forces have Iraqi prisoners of war. Total been characterized as being 680,000 The results of a recent USA technologically superior in almost U.S. Today poll show that 68% of Ameri­ every way. The Patriot missiles 415,000 cans fear that violence in this Britain can be stored in a launcher that 16,1 country is on the way. Targets holds four at a time, and moved France range from Washington D.C., to almost anywhere to destroy en­ 13,000 the New York Stock Exchange, to emy missiles in the air. The pro­ Other the Gateway Arch In St Louis Mis­ 23,000 grammed missiles we have used Iraq souri, to Boston's Quincy Market. and will continue to use have an 545,000 While these may be future on-board computer that allows sights of Iraqi terrorism. Bush sees them to be extremely accurate, the attack Iraq has made on Israel even at distances of several as, "purely an act of terror." He also hundred miles. Pilots can guide Allied Forceslraq: U.S. forces by military branch notes that, in respect to the mis­ missiles with electro-optic tar­ Troops: 680,000 545,000 Army 245,000 siles Iraq does have, "when you can geting by using a TV monitor on Tanks: 2,000 4,200 Marines 75,000 hide a mobile missile the way they've Warships: 143 0 Navy 50,000 the plane. Cluster bombs can Aircraft: 942 500 Air Force 45,000 done, its awfully hard to certify spread their destruction over a that all of them have been taken three mile radius, overa24-hour care of." Overall, the Iraqi arsenal interval, through 160 small The Iraqis seem to be rely­ results on the aircraft." is less precise than that of the charges contained within the ing on other tactics, such as chemi­ The Iraqi forces are also Allies. While this makes it more bomb. We have employed the cal and biological warfare, to win more willing to fight to the death, as difficult for the Iraqis to pinpoint use of infrared targeting, which the war. During a January 18th the Islamic faith assures them a areas of attack, they will do more uses heat as its guiding system. press conference. President Bush place in heaven if they die in battle. damage on a broader scale. While the sophistication of our admitted that we, "can't say that Kelly predicts that, "casualties in As the war continues, the weaponry can in no way be every chemical weapon has been the assaulting forces will be heavy. (See Military, Next Page) destroyed." The effects of chemical 4A NEWS SPECIAL JANUARY 24, 1990 THE PROMETHEAN The following An Analysis people and groups What Next? were invaluable in the writing and the this war will be, nobody knows. through a security force but by By DAN CASEY One can only look into scenarios. trying to limit the amount of arms research of this News Editor Perhaps at this point in the sold and manufactured. It would special section: Since the Iraqi invasion of conflict—especially now that the also, in the long run, lower the Kuwait, the goals and ideas of the war has escalated to include Israel - price of oil since less money would Bush Administration have been - the United States and allied forces be needed to fund defense. Dr. Karl Barbir pointing towards getting Saddam are planning, or will plan, to com­ This, of course, would give Dr. Richard Gaffney Hussein out of Kuwait. Once this is pletely invade Iraq as well as Ku­ the United Nations more power then accomplished, what is going to wait. The end of this would ba they presently have, but this is not Mr. Thomas Kelly happen next? deposing Hussein, and setting up necessarily a bad thing. Consider­ The Siena Library This question leads one onto an interim government until an ing how much support this war has Reference Staff a barrage of further questions: Can Iraqi replacement for Hussein can gotten from the rest of the world, there be peace in the Middle East, be found. the U.N. could become such an The New York Times an area that in the past decade, has This would probably be a effective peace-keeping force that been the greatest market for U.S.A. Today nightmare for the Shiite Muslim the probability of war would be ^ weapons and the source of some of people of the Middle East. These greatly diminished. Looking at how history's deepest conflicts? Can people have many bad memories of relations with the Soviet Union have Israel ever be peacefully reconciled British colonialism, which is still a improved since the end of the Cold with its Palestinian neighbors? If it part of recent history. War, the economic unification of For More happens, how will the peace be Perhaps instead of a re­ Europe, and the crumbling of the kept? What will be done with the placement, the allied forces will put Berlin War, peace seems to be Information... people and the present government into place a security structure breaking out all over the place. of Iraq? Should a new government overseen by the United Nations and Perhaps, of course, all of The following services are run by be put into place? If there are free the allied forces. This force will this is a pipe dream. After all, if the defense department and op­ elections, will that lead to another keep the peace and mediate dis­ peace broke out on a scale like this, erate 24 hours a day for obtain­ Hussein? putes between the Middle Eastern what would we do with all of our ing informaiton about any Per­ What the final outcome of countries. It would do this not only armies? sonnel Army: General info: (800) 626-1440 Just War Family support network: (800) (Continued From Previous Page) actions and be especially sensitive The Military 542-9254 Airforce: the use of force is the "last resort". to the effect our actions will have on "A resort to arms is justified only other nations. Supporters of our General Info: (800) 253-9276 Navy: when all other means of redress actions have said that in confront­ (Continued from Previous Page) have been pursued". This raises ing Iraq militarily we are being sen­ Immediate Family Members: the question of whether or not the sitive to the concerns of other (800) 255-3808 General Information: (800) 732- U.N has allowed it's sanctions countries by supporting and de­ possibility of ground warfare be­ against Iraq enough time to work. fending them against unwarranted 1206 comes more likely. As in the air Marine Corps: Some insist that five months was aggression. Those who oppose the war, the Allied ground machines more than enough time to wait war may contend that by attacking Immediate Family Members: are superiorto the Iraqis machines. (800) 523-2694 before striking while others contend Iraq we have opened up a whole Our tanks can shoot more accu­ new set of problems and only suc­ it was too early to go to war and if rately and more quickly than the ceeded in complicating the situation given more time, the sanctions Iraqi tanks. In addition. Allied further. would have eventually crippled Iraq. tanks are better equipped to fight The next standard is the The final criteria of the just at night, and are more able to "probability of success", conceived war theory is "just means": "[after sustain enemy fire. However, The staff of The to prevent an irrational resort to the] stringent conditions which Defense Reports have shown that Promethean force or hopeless resistance. Few justify a resort to war are met, the the Iraqis are probably digging will question the probability of a conduct of war (tactics, strategy, trenches in the desert which they would like to military success for the allied forces, and individual action) remains will fill with a mixture of oil and subject to continuous scrutiny". It so it is hard to argue that the sand. This mixture will act as a express our is difficult to judge what our ac­ Persian Gulf confrontation does not quicksand, stopping movement of tions may be in the future. Although fit this criteria. What can be ques­ the tanks. The oil can then be set utmost support so far it appears that the allies have tioned, however, is whether or not on fire, destroying the tank. Iraqi's we will be able to successfully bring taken precautions in order to avoid for our family injuring non-combatants and have also plan to build barbed wire peace and stability to the Gulf area. fences that would take Allied tanks and friends who The next criteria ties into refrained from nuclear and chemi­ cal warfare, it is impossible to say over ten minutes to go through. the idea of questioning the good This would make the tanks sta­ are now fighting that will result from the use of what means may be necessary in order to fulfill our objective. tionary targets making them easy force; the idea of proportionality: to attack and destroy. The Iraqi in the Middle "damage to be inflicted and the War is not a black and white troops are skilled at fighting a de­ costs incurred by war must be pro­ issue. It is not a simple solution to fensive battle, as this was the main East. We wish complex problems. In order to ei­ portionate to the good expected by focus of the latter part of the war ther support or defend our actions, them a quick taking up arms this confrontation. with Iran. .. under what conditions can going we must first discover the reasons to war be considered a lesser evil behind them. The just war theory and safe return than not using force". Since war is one way to look at the incidents to their homes. today can affect people in every analytically, and decide for our­ part of the world, some say that we selves if we are justified. must be even more prudent in our THE PROMETHEAN JANUARY 24, 1990 FEATURES 11 Commentary Siena Peace Vigil: A Moment To Reflect By FR. JOHN FRAMBES, OFM Contributor and small in the world around us. My own vision is religious. I Prayer to conclude. Everyone There is a feeling of helpless­ It is indeed difficult to address believe that the reign of God is should feel welcome and comfort­ ness that overtakes many when all of the issues that concern us growing among us and I believe able. I do all I can to avoid sectar­ considering the global evils of vio­ and so we often settle on the one that we all have the responsibility ian religious formulae and to make lence, war, poverty, oppression, that touches us most deeply. Hav­ to promote that reign both by work language inclusive. Contributions racism, and the degradations of ing made that choice, we may won­ and by prayer. Both are necessary. of texts are encouraged. I also the environment. At Siena, as at der why other people don't share Certainly, I do not expect everyone avoid politics to the degree that most colleges and universities, our zeal. Surely, everyone of good to share my religious vision or vo­ justice and peace can be said to these and other issues from the will must realize the problem we cabulary, but I trust many here at transcend politics. I hope that catalog of evils that haunt the see and desire to remedy it. Where Siena share my hope for the future, everyone from ROTC cadre to paci­ human family are studied with are they? It can be very lonely. hope for a world without war, with­ fist, from old money to socialist, the discipline of scholars and of­ The beginning of this semester out hunger, without oppression, from conservative to liberal, from ten the passion of revolutionaries. marks the third anniversary of the without racism, without pollution? ardent believer to die hard atheist, With activities like CROP Walks, Siena Peace Vigil. Every Friday I think we should stand together. and from every ethnic and racial fasts to raise money to combat when the college is in session, a few We need to see each other and to group can give witness to their hunger, relationship workshops people gather for ten minutes be­ know that when the world seems hope for peace and justice every­ and seminars on racism, we even ginning at 12:50 to keep vigil and dark, others stand near to guard where. make stabs at eliminating these pray for peace. We stand on the the light. We need to give witness Even if there were no other com­ problems from the world. "Peace Circle", the patio with the to the forces of evil that they shall pelling reason for the Peace Vigil, Without minimizing the im­ statue of St. Francis near thelibrary. not conquer. If only to encourage consider that from this country- portance of volunteerism, fund We keep vigil in hope of a better one another, the Peace Vigil is valu­ alone nearly half a million men and raisers, and protests, or efforts to world and give witness that peace able: as a witness to a greater con­ women, including a number of Si­ change the world can seem puny is possible among nations and in­ cern than the GPA or the good life, ena graduates, are at war in the and without effect and we can lose dividuals, that justice can be a it is worth even more. Middle East. For the most part, it heart or never even bother to try. reality for everyone, that racism The format of the Peace Vigil is is the young who go into battle. Our own comfort and distance can be overcome, that the environ­ simple: a common prayer, a psalm, That is enough to make me pray. from oppressed people can delude ment can be saved. We could call it a reading from a sacred text from a END NOTE: THE SIENA PEACE us about the reality of suffering in the Peace and Justice and Ecology world religion or from a secular VIGIL WILL NOW MEET EVERY­ the world. Personal pain or diffi­ and Universal Brother/Sisterhood wisdom figure, silence, prayers DAY DUE TO THE WAR IN THE culty can narrow our vision, al­ Vigil and maybe some other things. about particular troubles around MIDDLE EAST. ALL ARE WEL­ lowing us to overlook wrongs great It should be that global. the world, the Franciscan Peace COME AND ENCOURAGED TO JOIN IN THE WITNESS TO PEACE. A Valuable Asset: The Siena /Albany Med Program By STACY WALSH the service component, and em­ Assistant Features Editor mjL phasis in humanity." Donna Schue, ajunior, be­ Dr. Edward LaRow of came interested in the Albany Med Siena's biology department is re­ programe at a college night. Donna sponsible for developing a very was attracted to Siena's special unique program at Siena. The Si­ program "that involved volunteer­ ena/Albany Medical Program, ing and emphasis on the humani­ implemented in 1985, does not ties." She is currently planning for only emphasize academic success her upcoming two month volun­ in medical studies, but also makes teer commitment this summer in service a top priority in its curricu­ Mexico "to work in an orphanage lum. and a home for the elderly. " LaRow began developing Lynda Bascella, a sopho­ the program in 1982. The school Edward LaRow, Ph.D. Photo By James E. Fernandez more, was looking for a guaranteed had a five year plan to develop a program into medical school. Her After graduating with a Bachelor's C.R. Bard, Inc., a pharmaceutical medical program, said LaRow. "Be­ guidance counselor suggested Si­ degree in Biology, Siena students manufacturer based in Murray Hill, tween '84 and '851 met with Albany ena. "The whole idea behind the go on to study for four years at NJ pledged $35,000 in support of Med's Dr. Alan Miller.. .we came up program is to turn out more hu­ Albany Medical College, earning the program over the next five years. with some of the unique aspects of manistic doctorss and in the end theirM.D. degree. Theymustspend There are currently a total the program." These aspects are we should be betterpeople." Lynda two summers in volunteer service of 38 Siena students enrolled in the primarily service requirements enjoys "the common bond" shared working with the disadvantaged program. When selecting high "[We are] attempting to develop with other Albany Med students after their junior year at Siena and school students for the program, physicians who would have more of but "we don't separate ourselves their first graduate year at Albany. emphasis is placed upon those "who a humane emphasis in studying from other students majoring in "The students receive a stipend so have, some type of altruistic traits," medicine." biology." they can do it voluntarily." said LaRow. "The major require­ This eight-year program was LaRow's goals for the fu­ Recently, the Siena Pre-Med ment is service.We reject valedicto­ installed in 1985. Students se­ ture are "to continue involvement Program received two grants to rians, salutatorians who do not lected are guaranteed admission to at Siena and to work not just with support summer volunteer work. show they have done this service." Albany Medical College after com­ the program people at Siena but The Arkell Hall Foundation of He adds,"The program is 75-80% pleting their second year at Siena. with all the pre-med students." Canajoharie gave a $10,000 grant. women. They are more attracted to 12 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT JANUARY 24, 1990 THE PROMETHEAN Grammy Nominees For 1990 RECORD OF THE YEAR Male Vocal Hot Chili Peppers; Janie's Got A (Not Was); The Secret Garden(Sweet Another Day in Paradise, Another Day in Paradise, Gun, Aerosmith; Suicide Blonde, Seduction Suite), A1B. Sure!, James Phil Collins; From ADistance, Bette Phil Collins; Downtown train, Rod INXS. Ingram, El DeBarge, and Barry Midler; Nothing Compares 2 U, Stewart; Georgia on My Mind, HARD ROCK White. Sinead O'Connor; U Can't Touch Michael Bolton; I Don't Have A Epic, Faith No More; Song This, M.C. Hammer; Vision of Love, Heart, ; Oh Pretty Kickstart My Heart, Motley Crue; Alright, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey. Woman, Roy Orbison; Storm Front, The Razor's Edge, AC-DC, Ritual James Harris III, and Terry Lewis; ALBUM OF THE YEAR Billy Joel. De Lo Habitual, Jane's Addiction; Here and Now, Terry Steele and Back on the Block, Quincy Duo or Group with Vocal Time's Up, . David L. Elliott; I'll be Good To You, Jones; Please Hammer Don't Hurt Across the River, Bruce METAL George Johnson, Louis Johnson, 'Em; ...But Seriously, Phil Collins; Hornsby and the Range; All I Wanna Lights.. .Camera.. .Revolution, and Sonora Sam; My, My, My, L.A. , Wilson Phillips; Do Is Make Love to You, Heart; All Suicidal Tendencies; Painkiller, Reid, Babyface and Daryl Simmons; Mariah Carey, Mariah Carey. My Life, Linda Ronstadt with Aaron Judas Priest; Persistence of Time, U Can't Touch This, James Miller SONG OF THE YEAR Neville; Hold On, Wilson Phillips; Anthrax; Rust in Peace, Megadeth; and M.C. Hammer. Another Day in Paradise, Roam, B-52's; Unchained Melody, Stone Cold Crazy, Metallica. RAP Phil Collins; FromADistance, Julie Righteous Brothers. RHYTHM & BLUES Solo Gold; Hold On, , ROCK Female Vocal All Hail the Queen, Queen Glen Ballard, and Carnie Wilson; Female Vocal Alright, Janet Jackson; Latifah; I Got the Job Done, Big Nothing Compares 2 U, Prince; Vi­ The Angels, Melissa Compositions, Anita Baker; Giving Daddy Kane; Ice, Ice Baby, Vanilla sion of Love, Mariah Carey and Ben Etheridge; Black Cat, Janet Jack­ You the Benefit, Pebbles; I Can't Ice; Monie in the Middle, Monie Margulies. son; Black Velvet, Alannah Myles; Complain, Patti LaBelle; Make It Love; U Can't Touch This, M.C. NEW ARTIST Steamy Windows, Tina Turner; Like It Was, Regina Belle. Hammer. The Black Crowes; Mariah Whole Lotta Trouble, Stevie Nicks. Male Vocal Duo or Group Carey; the Kentucky Headhunters; Male Vocal Here and Now, Luther And in this Corner..., D.J. Lisa Stanfield; Wilson Phillips. Bad Love, Eric Clapton; Vandross; Johnny Gill, Johnny Gill; Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince; Back POP Blaze of Glory, Jon Bon Jovi; Cradle Misunderstanding, Al B. Sure!; on the Block, Ice-T; Melle Mel, Big Female Vocal of Love, Billy Idol; Rockin' in the Round and Round, Tevin Campbell; Daddy Kane and Kool Moe Dee; All Around the World, Lisa Free World, Neil Young; You Can Whip Appeal, Babyface. Fear of a Black Planet, Public En­ Stansfield; FromADistance, Bette Leave Your Hat On, Joe Cocker. Duo or Group with Vocal emy; The Humpty Dance, Digital Midler; I'm Your Baby Tonight, Duo or Group with Vocal Born to Sing, En Vogue; Underground; We're All in the Same Whitney Houston: Nothing Com­ Almost Hear You Sigh, Can't Stop, After 7; I'll be Good to Gang, the West Coast Rap All- Stars. pares 2 U, Sinead O'Connor; Vision Rolling Stones; Blue Sky Mining, You, Ray Charles and ChakaKhan; of Love, Mariah Carey. Midnight Oil; Higher ground. Red Papa Was A Rolling Stone, Was Source: USA Today (January 11.1991) New Recordings

Jane's Addiction Dares ZZ Top Releases Tenth Album to be Different By KELLEY TORREY song. By AMY WEBBER Head's in Mississippi" is the band's Assistant A&E Editor The album carries a warn­ Assistant A&E Editor current single. The lyrics are mys­ ing label, "Parental Advisory Ex­ terious and soul-stirring. Jane's Addiction's new al­ plicit Lyrics," for such songs as ZZ Top has released their The band slows the pace bum Ritual de lo Habitual is al­ "Three Days" and "No One's Leav­ tenth album, which is entitled down with "2000 Blues." This ready well on its way to success. ing." The few vulgar or blasphe­ Recycler. The blues band from song is a good effort on the part of The album has been nominated mous words, however, do not take Texas has been around for many ZZ Top since its style shows the for the Grammy Awards in the away from the songs' quality. years, but they are still able to put band's blues roots. The combi­ hard rock category. "Three Days" seems like it out admirable music. nation of the drums and guitar Itisunderstablewhy Ritual is about three days long at ten Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill, playing in the song is dynamic. de lo Habitual is doing so well. minutes and forty-five seconds. and Frank Beard wrote all of the The one major downfall to The album has a mysterious qual­ There are many different tempo songs on the album together. Gib­ the album is that many of the ity which is illustrated by its front changes throughout the song, but bons and Hill combine on vocals to songs sounded similar, for ex­ and back covers. The front cover the inconsistency does not help to give the music the bluesy sound ample, "Penthouse Eyes," "Deci­ is a series of intertwined statues. prevent the song from seeming ZZ Top is known for. sion or Collision," and "Burger The back cover is a shelf with neverending. Of the ten tracks on the Man." The lyrics in "Burger Man" srangery labeled bottles. "Classic Girl," "Stop!," and album, four have received radio have a sexual connotation but the For those of you who have "Obvious" and some of the better airplay. These four songs are "My song is not overly offensive because not heard Jane's Addiction, their songs on the album, while "Of Head's in Mississippi," "Concrete of the mellow manner in which ZZ sound can best be compared to Course" is one the less enjoyable and Steel," "Give it Up," and Top sings. the Pogues. songs. "Doubleback." All-in-all Recycler is a de­ "Been Caught Stealing," Overall, Jane's Addiction's "Doubleback" was ZZTop's cent effort on the part of ZZ Top. the album's first release, has been latest album has a heavy beat and first release from Recycler. The ZZ Top will be at the Knick Arena recieving airplay on the radio, and their sound is a cross of punk and song was featured in the movie with the Black Crowes on Febru­ also has an accompaning music hard rock. Ritual de lo Habitual is Back to the Future: Part 3. "Con­ ary 5. video. It is a fun, upbeat song tht a decent album as long as you crete and Steel" and "Give it Up," includes dogs barking to the enjoy the punk style. the second and third releases, were rhythm in the beginning of the not particularly interesting. "My THE PROMETHEAN JANUARY 24, 1990 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 13 Top Three Albums of 1990 TOP RELEASES OF 1990 By JEFFREY CASTLER The band explores such musical 1. LED ZEPPELIN-LED ZEPPELIN BOX SET A&E Editor styles as thrash, hard rock, funk, jazz, raeggae and heavy metal. RUSH-CHRONICLES My pick for the best album The album is also quite good 2. of 1990 is Empire by Queensryche. lyrically. The songs cover such The songs on Empire deal topics as drug abuse, racial hatred 3. QUEENSRYCHE-EMPIRE with what is wrong with American and our society's neglect for the society("Empire," "Resistance," poor. 4. LIVING COLOUR-TIME'S UP and "Delia Brown"), a man who is Time's Up includes the confined to a wheelchair for singles "Type," "Pride," and "Elvis 5. BLACK CROWES-SHAKE YOUR MONEYMAKER life("Best I Can"), life as a is Dead." The album also includes musician("Is Anybody Listening?"), such excellent songs as "Someone ROBERT JOHNSON-ROBERT JOHNSON BOX SET love and and lost love. Despite the Like You," "Information Overload," 6. heavy topics, Queensryche deals and "Solace of You." with these situations in a 7. DEEP PURPLE-SLAVES AND MASTERS tactful.yet provocative, manner. The third best album of Empire is successful as a 1990 is the Black Crowes debut 8. TESLA-FIVE MAN ACOUSTIC JAM piece of music because it com­ album. Shake Your Moneymaker. bines intelligent lyrics with emo­ The album has the soul and feeling 9. IRON MAIDEN-NO PRAYER FOR THE DYING tional music. The album is not as of sixties music, but has a modern heavy or as raw as Queensryche's sound due to its fine production. 10.) KING'S X-FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE BY KING'S X earlier material which makes it The bulk of the album suitable to more listeners. How­ consists of hard-driving songs like ever, Empire still contains the "Jealous Again" and "Twice as LSAT • GMAT • GRE energy and creativity of Hard," which sound like they were Lots of people decide to take "that other course" without a second thought Queensryche's early work. inspired by the Rolling Stones. Shake Your Moneymaker also in­ They don't talk to their friends who've taken The Princeton Review. Living Colour's Time's Up cludes an excellent version of Otis They don't even call us. That's funny, because even without them, was a close second as my choice redding's "Hard to Handle" and fine we've grown 400% in the last year. for album of the year. The album mellow songs, such as "Seeing THE Just make one phone call. Find out why we get the PRINCETON is definitely a cut above Living Things" and "She Talks To Angels." Colour's debut album. Vivid, which The Black Crowes have an highest average score improvements everywhere. REVIEW wc icore more is in its own right a fine work of honest, refreshing approach to rock One call. music. 'n' roll. They are an excellent group Time's Up is the most di­ and should be one of the best bands (800) 443-PREP verse musical work of the year. on the 1990's. WELCOME STUDENTS

1/3 DRTVUSr 4N' CRYIN'-Fly Me Courageous 1/7 BLUE RODEO-Casino L# ^ 1 /8 ROGER MCGUINN-Back From Rio PARC V CAFE 1/14 r^TMANDU-Katmandu ^^ LITTLE CHARLIE/NIGHTCATS-Live ELVIN BISHOP-Don't Let The Bossman FEATURING: Get You Down 1/15 DAVID LEE ROTH-A Little Ain't Enough 1/18 QUEEN-Queen Rocks Vol. 1 (Greatest Hits) 1/22 STING-Soul Cages D'PRIEST-Playa Del Rock California Contemporary Cafe BATHORY-Hammerheart & RAGE-Reflections Of A Shadow 1 /24 VICTORY-Temples Of Gold Late Night Restaurant 1/29 TODD RUNDGREN-2nd Wind THE KNACK-Serious Fun Corner of Albany Shaker Road THE BOX-The Pleasure And The Pain & Wolf Road, Albany ASHLEY CLEVELAND-Big Town

Source: The Hard Report (December 14,1990) 14 CAREER FOCUS JANUARY 24, 1990 THE PROMETHEAN

WORKSHOPS SCHEDULED SUMMER FOR THE NEXT TWO INTERNSHIPS WEEKS... FOR JUNIORS Resume and Cover Letter PRIVATE ACCOUNTING INTERN with the Financial Controls Divi­ Federal Employees Pay Compara­ Preparation sion of The Hartford, Hartford, CT. Jan. 25 Fri. 12:45 - 1:30 p.m. CORPORATE INTERN­ bility Act of 1990 to reform and Paid full time ($10 per hour in Coffee House modernize the Federal civilian pay SHIP PROGRAM FOR 1990). $1000 scholarship award Jan. 30 Wed. 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. system, enabling the Federal gov­ toward following year's tuition. Foy Conference Rooms MINORITY AND WOMEN ernment to better compete for the Qualifications: Overall GPA of 3.2. Feb. 5 Tues. 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. SOPHOMORES AND talent it needs. GPA's below 3.2 but not less than Coffee House Phyllis Foley, chief, wage sys­ Feb. 6 Wed. 12:45 - 1:30 p.m. JUNIORS 3.0 will be considered if there is tems division, U.S. Office of Per­ Foy Conference Rooms Minority and Women students evidence of exceptional leadership, sonnel Management, said that the who are now sophomores and jun­ commitment, and maturity. bill gives President Bush the au­ iors and have a GPA of 3.0 or better To apply: Submit to the Director of Interviewing thority to increase starting sala­ and a commitment to a career in the Career Center by February 11 Jan. 28 Mon. 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. ries in all Federal agencies for business are eligible to apply for a letter indicating reasons for ap­ Town House Common entry-level professional posi­ paid summer internships with high plying, a resume, and letters of Jan. 29 Tues. 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. tions. In addition, the act provides Town House Common profile corporations in the Capital recommendation from professors for wage differentials of up to 8 Feb. 6 Wed. 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Region. All majors. and/or employers. Request the percent to Federal civilian employ­ Registrar to send an official tran­ Coffee House The internship will include ees working in high labor-cost cit­ script to the Center. Selected can­ professional training in leadership, ies. While the President has not yet didates will be interviewed on cam­ communication, problem solving, acted on the salary increase, last Taking Charge of Your Life pus in mid-February. decisionmaking, and interpersonal week he issued an executive or­ Jan. 29Tues. 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. BENEFITS CLAIMS PROCESSING Coffee House skills. der granting wage differentials INTERN with The Travelers, Al­ Jan. 30 Wed. 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. If you are interested, request a to employees in the San Fran­ bany, NY. Ten week program from Coffee House faculty member or college adminis­ cisco, Los Angeles, and New York June through August focusing on Feb. 5 Tues. 4:00 - 5:15 p.m. trator to nominate you. Obtain ap­ City metropolitan areas, accord­ production goals or claims pro­ Town House Common plication forms and further infor­ ing to Foley. mation from the Career Center. cessing/tracing and customer ser­ Under the law. Bush may also Application deadline: February 1. vice issues. Paid full time ($10.65 Making Career Connections authorize agencies to offer su­ per hour). Qualifications: Market­ Feb. 4 Tues. 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. perior candidates salaries higher GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT ing/Management or Finance ma­ Foy Conference Rooms than that of the minimum rates UPDATE jor, demonstrated leadership, good Feb. 7 Thurs. 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. of their grades. The law also pro­ communications skill, overall GPA Congress recently passed the Foy Conference Rooms vides recruitment bonuses for of 3.0.To apply: Submit resume critical-shortage occupations and and Satement of Interest form retention allowances. Regulations available in Career Center no later and guidelines for granting higher than February 5. FEATURING at the salaries, bonuses, and allowances will be formulated in the near fu­ RECRUITMENT UPDATE ture. w BULLETIN BOARD ATTENTION SENIORS: If you did ON-CAMPUS not receive a letter and schedule of Correction: Resume due date workshops from the Career Center, for interviewing with Wal-Mart is stop by the office as soon as pos­ January 25. Daily Pizza Now Available sible and inform the secretary. Cancellations: Norstar Bank, from Thursday, Feb. 14, due to cutbacks. Special Dole Whip CAREER PLANNING SURVEY Whitehall Laboratories, from Tues­ day, Feb. 26. Positions filled. $1.00 Frozen Yogurt ATTENTION FRESHMEN AND Additions: Advantage Capital, Fri­ (special including made with NEW STUDENTS: Please drop off day, Feb. 8. Griffin Agency, Feb. your completed questionnaires 22. Resumes due Feb. 8. different toppings Fruit Juice at the Career Center. If you left daily) Only 20 calories them home, please obtain dupli­ OFF-CAMPUS per ounce. cates at the Career Center. Addition: General Electric ISMP Program, Utica, NY, Business, Math, Computer Science. Resumes due January 25.

Achieve the Maximum Score on the GRE * GMAT * LSAT Securing the highest possible score takes special preparation, which can only be provided by trained Instructors. In our courses, qualified Instructors will lead you through an lntenstve review of key subject areas. The fact Is. you can't afford anything but the highest level of preparation- Call for registration and further Information. CLASSES FORMING NOW! UNION Office of Graduate ft Continuing Studies Schenectady. New York (518) 370-6672 FOR THE CONTINUING PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE AA/EO JJ THE PROMETHEAN JANUARY 24, 1990 SPORTS 15 Best Fundraiser On Campus! Is your fraternity. sorority or club interested in earning $500 to S1000 Scholarships, Fellowships, for a one week on campus marketing project? You Grants. H.J. 's Best Bets M,must be well organized arid hard working. Call Ed's Services M3 Una at (800) 592-2121 ext. 115 Box 3006, Boston, MA 02130 •J5 Fast Fundralsing Program $1000 in just one week. J^£arn up to $1000 for your campus organization. Giants Over Bills /•Plus a chance at $5000 more! This program worksl CONTACTS yjNo investment needed. Call 1-800-932-0528 ext. Q 50. BY H.J.LESTER Hostetler has New Yorkers asking M Associate SportsEditor "Phil who?" while David Megget QJ Spring Break 1991—Individual or student orga­ nization need to promote Spring Break trip. Earn moved into the starting lineup last money, free trips, and valuable work experience. OK, OK. So the Saints and week for the injured Rodney CALL NOWII Inter-campus Programs: 1-800-327- Student Services Chargers didn't quite make it to Hampton and the Giants didn't 6013. Tampa as Best Bets predicted back skip a beat. Of course, the Bills LEN S LAB in September. However, the Gi­ defense isn't too shabby itself. FAST FUNDRAISING ants-Bills matchup will hopefully Bruce Smith, Darryl Talley and Contact Lenses For Less provide a classic Super Bowl XXV Leonard Smith led the AFC's top PROGRAM Fast, Convenient, Direct-to-You game. For the first time in years, team to the AFC Championship savings of up to 50%. All Brands and Prescriptions in stock, in­ the AFC is sending a bona fide The Giants have been able to die $i IN cluding Tints & Disposables. JUST contender to the title game. (Thank tate the tempo of virtually every ONE Overnight shipments available. the football gods for Denver's ab­ game this year and Otis Anderson's WEEK. Lenses 100% Guaranteed in fac­ tory-sealed vials. sence.) The Bills will definitely 33-year old legs should be able to Earn up to $1000 in one week give the Giants problems on both control this game as well. for your campus organization. Call for information and FREE CATALOG. sides of the ball but Best Bets Special teams: Plus a chance at looks for Big Blue to win the NFC's These are the two best units of $5000 more! 7th straight title. A closer look at 800-726-7802 their kind in football. They are This program works! the matchups: even in virtually every category. No investment needed. 24 Hours When the Bills have the ball: The Giants have players who Call 1-800-932-0528 Ext. 50 zar 7Dayi The no-huddle offense led by have been to the big dance before 1109 ,V 21 tt Av*. Hollywood, ft 33020 Jim Kelly gave the Giants fits be­ and their defense is peaking after fore the QB was knocked out in fine performances verses the Bears their December matchup. Buffalo and 49ers. The Bills are peaking is loaded with talent at every of­ as well but I'm not sold on Miami SOMETHING TO CHEW ON fensive position; yet they are fac­ and Ljv. as contenders just yet. ing a New York defense which, The Giants played the toughest minus one lost gamble by Everson team in the league last week and WHILE YOU'RE WAITING Walls, played perfect defense should be prepared for another against the one NFL team with as test. Buffalo is favored by 5 points FOR THEIR PIZZA. many or more weapons than the but New York should prevail in a WHY WAIT AN HOUR FOR THEIR PIZZA, Bills-San Francisco. Assuming game that will likely be decided in defensive coordinator Bill the final minute. This week's Best WHEN DOMINO'S PIZZA DELIVERS* IN 30 MINUTES OR LESS? Belichick comes up with a Bet: NY Giants 24, Buffalo 23. gameplan to stop the Bills no- After taking much abuse huddle, the defense should make throughout the year. Best Bets is enough big plays to keep New perched on the brink of mediocrity. York in the game. Keep in mind If the Giants cover,. 500 is achieved. that the Giants led the NFL in As it stands after an 8-2 playoff takeaways in the regular season tear, our record against the spread and last week, when they needed is 113-114-6. Enjoy the game and a turnover, they came through. watch next year when we'll attempt When the Giants have the ball: to scale the unprecedented heights In contrast to the Bills' quick of a winning season. (Incidentally, strike capabilities, the Giantsme- kickoff to the new season is only thodically move the ball using a 224 days away.) large cast of characters. Jeff

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1991 Tribune Media Services. I All Bights Reserved •tYi* SPORTS UHje $i\>metftcati Siena Hoops Up and Down — Fresh­ BY ANDREW PELOSI sloppily played game man Mike efits and will continue to attend Sports Editor for Siena which McGhee has team study sessions. squeaked out a 54-51 seen more — Lee Matthews has been playing The Saints kept busy over the win. playing time with a chipped wrist bone on his semester break playing five games The Saints then trav­ as of late and shooting hand. He has it wrapped at home against tough opponents elled to St. Peter's and is playing for games and it is definitely affect­ Bowling Green, Evansville, and St. were destroyed in the well . After ing his rebounding capability. De­ Peter's with Loyola and Niagara second half on route to having a talk spite the injury, Matthews is sixth rounding out the rest of the con­ a 79-58 defeat. Na­ with Coach in the MAAC in rebounding averag­ tests. Siena made it look easy as tionally ranked LaSalle Deane con­ ing 6.7 a game. He is also fifth in the they beat all five opponents in was next with the cerning his conference in blocked shots aver­ convincing fashion. The slimmest game being decided by work ethic, aging 1.8 a game. margin of victory was seven points Randy Wood's 3- McGhee has — After poor shooting last season, against Bowling Green a team that pointer with three sec­ Mike Brown has bounced back this freshman Mike McChee been practiced is picked to win their conference. onds left. Doremus season shooting 57% from the floor seeing quality minutes. hard and After the trouncing of Bennerman paced been re­ and 53% from 3-point land. Loyola(Md.) 76-42 on January 11th Siena With 18 points. warded with — The Saints have been drawing the Saints next opponent was Iona A lot has gone on in Siena quality minutes. He is placed in the extremely well at home averaging on the 14th with the student body Basketball these past weeks. Here game mainly for his defense and 10,064 fans at both Knick games back to cheer on their team. There are some of the highlights and hustle with any scoring coming right and 3,884 at the ARC. wasn't much to cheer about as a lowllghts of recent action. now as a bonus. — Although Siena has not been very athletic and well coached Iona — Marc "showbiz" Brown became — Andy Grazulis has been a very recognized in either The National's team led by NBA prospect Sean Siena's all time leading scorer dur­ big contri-buter off the bench this top 64 or in the AP polls, the Saints Green blew out the Saints 90-75, a ing the Evansville game surpass­ season after recuperating from have been noted as a "team on the very rare occurrence at the ARC. ing Jeff Robinson's mark of 1,657 major knee surgery. His blue collar waiting list" by The Sporting News One would have to go back many which was posted last year. Marc playing is a favorite with Coach and were ranked 54th in the USA years to find the last time the Saints has also broken Siena career Deane and Grazulis has many times Today's computer rankings. were crushed at the ARC and the records in field goals made and been the spark the Saints have — As of January 14th, Siena led poor playing would continue. attempted this season and is on his needed when they were lagging. the MAAC in the following catego­ Hartford was the next team to visit way to breaking the record for three — James Roberts has quit the ries: scoring margin, field goal the ARC and Siena was hoping to point shots made and attempted." team for academic reasons. He percentage, 3-point field goal per­ rebound against a weaker team Showbiz" is currently fourth in the wants the extra time to be able to centage, free throw percentage, field that the Saints beat by 10 points at MAAC in scoring(21.60 ppg), first focus on academics on route to goal percentage defense, 3-point Hartford a month ago. The Saints in assists(6.08 apg), first in free obtaining a degree in sociology. He field goal percentage defense, and did win but barely. Last minute throw percentage(86.2%), and sec­ will still receive all the team ben­ blocked shots. heroics by Marc Brown saved a ond In three point percentage(41 %). Lady Saints Boast 10-2 Record

deficit to seven going into the locker In the victory over Canisius, she boards. Higgins leads the team in By PAT GILLESPIE room trailing 28-21. had 26 points and ripped down 11 scoring(21.7 ppg), rebounding (9.1 Assistant Sports Editor rpg), field goal percentage (64.7%), Siena came alive in the second and free throw percentage (81.3%). Saturday night in the ARC, the half. With 8:16 left in the game, — Freshman forward Liz Lops was women's basketball team improved Siena took their second lead of the named MAAC Rookie of the Week. their record to an impressive 10- game on an Amy Barickman lay- She had 21 points and 12 rebounds 2,5-0 in the MAAC by defeating a up. It was a lead they would not in victories over Northeastern and much weaker Iona team(3-ll) 73- relinquish. Barickman's lay-up Canisius. The 6-0 forward ranks 62. started a 20 point run that put the 1 lth in rebounding in the MAAC. The game opened with very game out of reach. — Michelle Collins had a career sloppy play. It took nearly two and Point guard Michelle Collins and high assist total dishing out 11 a half minutes before any team off-guard Peg Taylor led the team in assists in both the Manhattan and scored a bucket. Iona scored first scoring with 16 a piece. Kris Marco Canisius games. As of January 10th starting a 15 to 2 run that had led Iona's scorers with 21. Collins is eighth in the nation in Siena playing catch-up the entire Women's Basketball Notes: assists averaging 7.6 a game. half. The slow start had a lot to do — For the second consecutive week, — The Lady Saints have a three with the fact that the Saints top Val Higgins was named MAAC game home stand coming up. They scorer Val Higgins could not get her will play Canisius on February 6th, player of the week. She scored 19 Val Higgins won the women's shots to fall. She was 2 of 8 shooting Niagara on the 9th, and Manhattan points and grabbed eight rebounds MAAC Player of the Week for for the half. Siena slowly chipped on the 12th. in Siena's win over Northeastern. the second consecutive week. away at Iona's lead and cut the