PRESENT Mayor Councillor Dobson (Town Ward)

Councillors *Faithfull, Giles, Carter Holmes, Pang (Town Ward) Talbot, Hall, Bailey (West Hill Ward) Pratt (Tipton St John Ward) Bartlett, Gori (North Ward) together with the Clerk *Cllr Faithfull arrived after the meeting had commenced

OTHER PERSONS PRESENT County Cllr Claire Wright, PCSO Maria Clapp, 2 members of the press and approx. 25 members of the public The Mayor advised that the meeting was being recorded

PRAYER The Clerk read the Council Prayer.

16/07/01 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors Mitchell, Edwards and Harding

16/07/02 TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FOR ITEMS ON THE AGENDA AND RECEIPT OF REQUESTS FOR NEW DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS (DPIS) DISPENSATIONS FOR ITEMS ON THE AGENDA There were none. However Cllr Pang declared an interest in Item 17/7/15 at the time the item was being discussed as she was a trustee of the Ottery & District Skate and BMX Trust.


16/07/04 TO ALLOW MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS/COMMENTS FOR CONSIDERATION i. Philip Algar enquired as to whether a letter of complaint had been sent by the Council to Hugo Swire MP, in response to Mr Swire`s description of hospital protestors protesting against the closure of Ottery Hospital as being `a pack`. The Mayor confirmed a letter had been sent and he had been contacted personally by Mr Swire who would provide a full reply shortly. Mr Algar also suggested in view of the demise of the Ottery Gazette that editors of local papers may consider publishing council news on an occasional basis. The Mayor proposed that the local press should liaise with the Council for news items Mayor’s initials: ………………………….


ii. Colin Butler Executive Head Teacher of Otter Valley Federation spoke at length about the issues with the substandard Tipton St John school building and the serious flooding of the site. The school had been seeking an alternative site for approximately 30 years. Although land was possibly available in Tipton there were no funding streams. It was now proposed to relocate the school to a site in the vicinity of Kings School. This would be a larger school with capacity to increase from 105 to 210 pupils . Funding would be generated from New Build monies. Cllr Giles was opposed to the proposals citing the fact that if monies were available for a new school in Ottery then monies should be available for a site in Tipton. Cllr Carter questioned whether there was a structural report to show why the present buildings were unsuitable and enquired as to the number of recorded flooding instances. Mr Butler responded to these points in depth. The Environment Agency report had indicated that the flooding in Tipton was potentially life threatening. Cllr Pratt provided various reasons as to why the school could not continue at Tipton. He emphasised that the Governors of the school were responsible for the children and they had to act in their best interests. Falling numbers of pupils from Tipton was a consideration, large numbers of pupils however were attending from Ottery. To privately fund a school at Tipton (if public funding was unavailable) would cost up to £3,000,000 and therefore the only solution would be to relocate. He also maintained that the school had been let down by the Environmental Agency iii. A Kings School youngster presented his case as to why the Council should support an application to EDDC`s Parishes Together fund from the Ottery & District Skate and BMX Trust for a new ramp. It was agreed the matter would be considered at the Council`s next Finance Committee Meeting iv. Brian Cammack who represented residents living along Barrack Road, Exeter Road and Cadhay Lane spoke about the severity of the speeding problem on Exeter road. 30mph signs were being ignored by drivers, compounded by the absence of pavements that ceased to exist past Kings School crossroad. School children, families with young children and the elderly living in the area were taking their lives into their hands each day. Mr Cammack was proposing traffic calming measures such as a roundabout at the crossroad. He was also seeking a letter support from the Council and local members to his proposals. Mr Cammack also suggested a traffic count be carried out/use of speed gun etc.. Maria Clapp advised that work lorries from the building site speeding through Ottery were also causing concern. Cllr Giles suggested a Community Speed watch be considered. The Mayor confirmed that the Council would be supportive of Mr Cammack`s proposals and to this end would arrange a meeting with Claire Wright (who indicated she would be happy to help), DCC Tom Vaughan and Mike Brown, together with Maria Clapp and a number of local residents to include Mr Cammack.

16/07/05 THE PRESENTATION OF A QUEEN`S 90TH BIRTHDAY AWARD TO THE COUNCIL BY HELEN PARR EDDC – VICE CHAIRMAN Helen Parr presented the Council with a plaque and £100 cheque, which the Mayor was pleased to accept. This was in recognition of the Council`s work in providing a youth facility and community hub at the Station, The Mayor advised that the Help Scheme was now operating from the premises; the Silver Band used the building for band practice, plus there were number of adhoc users. Children`s Centre sessions would commence from next week.

16/07/06 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING The Minutes of the Meeting of 6th June 2016 (minute refs 16/06/01 – 16/06/31), were presented. However Cllr Hall advised that an omission had been made by the Clerk in that the question he had raised concerning leaflets in relation to the proposed West Hill Parish Council was not shown under `Councillors Questions`. Cllr Hall also advised that the minutes were inaccurate in that they

Mayor`s Initials…………………………….

3 stated that questionnaires were available at the West Hill `Drop-In`. He maintained that this was not the case. There was then a frank exchange of views between Cllrs Hall and Bailey and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. The Mayor disputed that questionnaires had not been available on the evening of the Drop-In. Cllr Bailey was also unhappy that there was no reference in the minutes confirming that she had not been permitted by the Mayor to make additional comments about the boundary, when the Mayor had permitted the Deputy Mayor to criticize Cllr Giles. The Mayor disputed that this was factually correct. The minutes were subsequently , approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record

16/07/07 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING The Minutes of the Meeting of 21st June 2016 (minute refs 16/06/32 – 16/06/40), were presented, approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record

16/07/08 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting of 13th June 2016 (minute refs: P/16/06/01- P/16/06/09) (having already been confirmed by the Planning Committee) were approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record and the Minutes of the Meeting of 27th June 2016 (minute refs: P/16/06/010 – P/16/06/18) were presented, approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record

16/07/09 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING The Minutes of the HR Management Committee Meeting of 20thJune 2016 (minute refs: HR 16/06/01-HR 16/06/5) were presented approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record


Recorded crimes for June 2016 stands at 24, this compares to 19 for the same month last year. Cumulative crime stands at 68.

These incidents include.... 4 Assaults. Racial incident. Fraud. Damage to the Salston Hotel. Shutters & stones thrown at the windows. Theft from a motor vehicle. Trade Plate from insecure vehicle. Criminal damage to a motor vehicle parked near to the Tumbling Weir. Burglary, Aggrieved lives in a shared house with other workers, untidy search. Criminal damage to the porta loos at the Land Of Canaan. Theft from garage. WD40 concealed in sleeve of females jumper, whilst male paid for his items. Caught on CCTV. Thinks they are local, will issue a banning letter when turn up again. Arson, under St Saviours Bridge. Male left petrol can beside path whilst strimming. 3 youths in area. Can was found set alight under the bridge. Burglary, where 2 bricks were thrown through a back door. Tidy search except the main bedroom where a small safe & its contents were stolen, including passports, credit cards & men’s watches. Put out over Community Messaging. Stalking by ex partner. Drink driver. Criminal damage to a leaded window in Paternoster Row on Pixie Day.( Witness appeal ) Theft of a bag of flour, which was defaced, from an honesty shop . Also a bag of logs were chopped up, and some were burnt.

Mayor’s initials: ………………………….


Recycling Centre was entered on 2 occasions. First time 6 people caught on CCTV, although they were aware of the cameras. On the 2nd occasion a male was apprehended on site with a bicycle pump. He had also selected a Jerry can & golf club. There was also an incident of threatening behaviour, which was also related to one of the assaults reported. Theft of a trailer in Tipton St John. Article in the local papers, Community Messaging & Briefing for other officers awareness.


In addition Maria, spoke about the difficulties of organising a Community Speed watch. One had been set up in West Hill and she was attempting to set up another in Ottery but was encountering problems with co-ordinating it, although she would persevere! Crime had increased . 24 crimes were recorded for the past month against 19 for the same period last year. The Mayor expressed concerned about the current spate of crime in the vicinity although Maria reassured him that Ottery is still a low crime area

16/07/11 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM EDDC AND DCC COUNCILLORS Cllr Claire Wright - DCC Cllr Wright spoke about Tipton St John School. She was greatly sympathetic and wished it did not have to move. She considered it had been badly let down by central government rather than the Environmental Agency. Cllr Carter questioned whether the Environmental Agency could carry out remedial works which could address the flooding issues thus negating the need for the school to relocate. Cllr Wright advised that this was a question he would need to direct to Mr Butler

NHS Property Services would sign a contract in October to take over the 12 community hospitals in Eastern . They would receive rent monies of £3.1million per annum from the 12 hospitals. She had questioned as to what the position would be if the local NHS could not afford the rent. Martin Sheldon from the CCG had advised her that the difference in what was being paid currently to maintain the hospitals, and what NHS PS would charge, was not significant. She was currently awaiting to receive details of the figure. In addition, the government was setting up a task force to look at measures to cut a projected health service deficit of £400 million in 2020 in Devon. It was likely that a significant number of services would be axed/hospitals closed. She would keep the Council informed of all developments.

The Mayor mentioned that both he and Cllr Wright were involved in the Butts Road footpath project. However due to recent developments which were `sensitive` no further information could be given at this stage

An update was requested on the proposed road closure at Tip Hill/Gerway Lane. Cllr Wright understood that although the closure dates had been reduced she was unaware of any other changes. She would investigate. Cllr Pratt confirmed that a `technical` connection may be made, negating the need for a road closure. However the closure order would remain in case the alternative method could not be implemented

Cllr Paul Carter- EDDC Cllr Carter advised of a number of planning applications which would be considered at EDDC Development Management Committee the following day - Haynes Farm (Liddle Distribution Centre) the Aylesbeare Inn, 11 Silver Street and Barnfield House

P Faithfull - EDDC Cllr Faithfull advised about the Heart of the Southwest – Local Enterprise Agency which he considered was yet another level of politics for the region

Mayor’s initials: …………………………. Cllr Giles - EDDC


Cllr Giles expressed his pleasure and honour to represent West Hill residents over the years should this be the last meeting at West Hill (in the event that the Campaign Group`s proposal for a separate Parish Council was successful). He expressed disgust that the CCG`s work (which he considered to be a failure and a shambles) was now being heralded as a `Success Regime`. Cllr Pang advised that the Success Regime consisted of a number of people who had been given a mandate by government to deal with the problems arising in CCGs. She believed that they would have devolved powers to order CCGs to comply with their requirements. (The CCG is one of three organisations to be placed into a "Success Regime" in a bid to plug a massive budget hole) He referred to the Barnfield House and 11 Silver Street planning applications which were being recommended for approval by EDDC tomorrow. In particular he considered it appalling that the 11 Silver Street application was being recommended for approval. He had asked EDDC for a Conservation Report to be produced in connection with the application. However this had failed to materialise. He hoped there would be representation at the meeting from the Council in order to make its views known about the applications.

He mentioned the Local Government Boundary Commission for Review of District Council Wards and potential impact on Ottery

16/07/12 CONSIDERATION OF THE COUNCIL`S PRAYER AND ITS RELEVANCE Cllr Giles suggested that members of the Council should pay heed to the words of the Council`s Prayer and that they should all be acted upon. In particular, he felt it was significant that the words `treating each other with respect` did not appear to have been adhered to at last month`s meeting in view of Cllr Holmes having launched, what was apparently perceived by certain members of the public, a ferocious verbal attack upon him. The Mayor agreed with Cllr Giles that all members should act in accordance with the Prayer. He would also be happy for Cllr Giles to read the Prayer at a future meeting of the Council

16/07/13 CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FROM THE STATION FOR A FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS THE INSURANCE PREMIUM PAID IN RESPECT OF THE LIGHTING OF THE BEACON It was RESOLVED that the award of £100 received from EDDC should be given to the Station as a contribution towards their insurance premium costs, incurred for the lighting of the beacon to commemorate the Queen`s 90th birthday

16/07/14 CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR THE SIGNING OF FLUXTON ROAD AND COST IMPLICATIONS After much discussion it was suggested that Bovis Homes be approached to pay the cost of any proposed signage which would be £280 plus Vat plus the same again for installation. The Clerk to contact Bovis Homes accordingly

16/07/15 TO APPROVE THE SIGNING OF THE SUBLEASE RE THE SKATEBOARD PARK BETWEEN THE COUNCIL AND THE OTTERY & DISTRICT SKATE AND BMX TRUST Cllr Pang advised that the Trust`s part sublease would be signed shortly. It was RESOLVED that the Council`s part sublease be signed by the authorised signatories of the Council this evening in readiness for Completion. This was duly carried out. (Cllr Pang declared an interest as she was a trustee of the Trust)

Mayor’s initials: ………………………….



REQUIREMENT FOR A P3 CO-ORDINATOR AND UPDATE AS TO P3 FUNDING Cllr Faithfull agreed to be the P3 Co-ordinator and would shortly liaise with DCC`s Richard Spurway to progress the management of the parish public path network. Cllr Giles hoped the Council would support Cllr Faithfull and any volunteers recruited for their work on the paths. He also suggested the Council recognise them for their work by organising a thank you event. Cllr Giles also expressed concern that the Council had not secured grant funding of £1000 from DCC for path expenditure. However the Mayor reminded him that the Council still had approximately £800 in unspent P3 monies available to it

16/07/17 HELIPAD - CONSIDERATION OF QUOTE RECEIVED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF REMOTE CONTROL SWITCH FOR LIGHTING AND TO MAKE A DECISION AS TO WHETHER TO ACCEPT THE QUOTE AND PROCEED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE HELIPAD The football ground had been suggested as a suitable site. However in view of the fact that the land was held by a third party and the lease was due for renewal shortly it was agreed that there needed to be further consideration of the long term plans for the site before the Council agreed to fund the lighting at a cost of £978.57 plus Vat. Cllr Wright in the meantime would investigate as to whether any of the Exeter airport monies could be used for this purpose

16/07/18 REVIEW OF THE COUNCIL`S POLICIES - I. HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY II. RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND RISK ASSESSMENT AND III. PLANNING POLICIES It was RESOLVED that:- i. The Health and Safety Policy - be approved un-amended ii. The Policy on Pre-Application Meetings - Cllr Giles proposed that this be amended to include the wording:- `the Council will not meet prospective planning applicants about planning applications in the absence of press and public` This was seconded by Cllr Bailey. The Deputy Mayor made a counter proposal whereby the recommendation to include the word `strongly` contained in Minute P/16/05/15 of the Council`s Planning Committee Minutes dated 31st May 2016 be accepted. A vote was taken on each proposal and the Deputy Mayors proposal received the majority vote iii. The Policy for considering larger or more complex Planning Applications - be approved un-amended iv. The Risk Management Policy and Risk Assessment - it was agreed that in view of further information being received today that these documents be considered by the Finance Committee at its next meeting

16/07/19 CONSIDERATION OF PROVIDING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO BE RECORDED IN THE MINUTES IN RESPECT OF `APOLOGIES` AND `ABSTENTIONS` The Deputy Mayor was of the view that the Council should operate in line with other councils. He proposed that reasons should be given for Apologies which would then need to be approved by the Council and explanations be provided at the time of voting, regarding Abstentions. After much discussion it was agreed that the Council`s current practice with regards to these matters, should remain unchanged and that the Clerk refer any apologies to the Full Council if she did not consider them to be acceptable

16/07/20 TOUR OF BRITAIN CYCLE RACE EVENT - UPDATE It was understood that a further meeting would take place shortly as requested by the Rotary Club. Events were being considered such as a `Big Breakfast` for visitors and locals on the day of the race and the possibility of timed racing etc up Chineway, the weekend prior to the race, whereby race times could then be compared against the competitors

Mayor’s initials: ………………………….



FINAL APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL`S REVISED FINANCIAL REGULATIONS INCLUDING A FURTHER AMENDMENT AT 6.21 (A) It was RESOLVED to approve the Regulations with the inclusion of an additional amendment at 6.21(a) thus increasing the petty cash limit from £50 to £100

16/07/22 TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE – UPDATE The lease of the TIC premises would expire on 10th August. However the premises would close on 9th July in order that they could be emptied and redecorated and handed back to the landlord in a condition which accorded to the lease. Mrs Baxter would cease working as a council employee in September. However in the interim she would be provided with an office in the Council Offices. It was hoped that a voluntary TIC service would operate in the library once the renovation works were completed. It was understood that despite the TIC website closing, Facebook would continue to be updated with local events . Cllr Talbot suggested that the Hub website be used to advertise local events. Cllr Gori would look into this

16/07/23 OTTERY HOSPITAL – UPDATE ON PUBLIC MEETING ARRANGEMENTS WITH CCG Cllr Pang considered it important that the public be made aware of future proposals and options for services in the community and the consideration of any cost implications, hence the reason for holding a public meeting on 27th July at the Institute. It was agreed that the Council would pay the venue costs. No leaflets would be required but a number of posters would need to be prepared. It was understood that Sir John Evans would chair the meeting

16/07/24 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - UPDATE Cllr Talbot advised that there was little news to report as the LDA consultant was currently away on annual leave. The draft plan should be ready mid – July. She would make a request in the local press for a Public Realm volunteer

16/07/25 FORMER NAT WEST BANK - UPDATE Progress was being made albeit slowly. Surveys had been carried out and Heads of Terms were in the process of being drawn up. Libraries Unlimited was unhappy with certain costings which were being examined. The Mayor accepted that the exterior of the building required attention and this would be given, once the internal works had been completed. The Mayor was positive that the library/TIC/public toilets project would go ahead

16/07/26 TO APPROVE THE JUNE 2016 COUNCIL SCHEDULES OF PAYMENTS AS TABLED Cllr Bailey queried why the Council was involved in paying for the cost of the Ball/meal at the Tumbling Weir Hotel to celebrate the Queen`s 90th Birthday . She considered that the Council was potentially putting itself in a difficult situation, having no control over tickets that were being sold to fund the event. The Mayor advised that the TIC organised the event as a means of getting the town together and as a promotion exercise. He maintained that other councils ran similar events without any problem and as there was no cost to the Council then he didn`t believe there was an issue. Cllr Bartlett advised that the Council was merely acting as a `banker` of the monies collected in by the TIC which were then being paid out to discharge costs. Cllr Gori explained that it was easier for people to purchase tickets through the TIC. Cllr Giles stated that the Council should have sanctioned the running of the event by the aforementioned means. The Mayor believed that this had already been carried out at a previous Council meeting. It was also

Mayor’s initials: ………………………….

8 confirmed that there would have been no financial risk to the Council should the event have been cancelled

It was agreed in future that explanations of any `unusual` payments would be provided on the payment schedules

The June 2016 Schedules were then presented showing £19663.61 (incl. VAT) for the Council and £1924.51 (incl. VAT) for the TIC. It was RESOLVED that each schedule be approved and they were signed by the Mayor.



16/07/29 TO RECEIVE CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION AND ANY LATE CORRESPONDENCE These items were available for viewing in the Council Offices in advance of the Meeting on 4th July 2016.

From Content Aylesbeare Topics Newsletter EDDC – Parishes Together Fund Details of latest funding rounds Nalc Details of Council`s responsibility as a landowner East Devon AONB Partnership News and Events and Acland Award Clerk First Aid Training

In addition, a list of all e-mails sent to Councillors throughout the month were tabled


Councillors Meetings during June

Cllr Pang Feoffees Trustee Meeting, Finance Ctte Meeting, Library Meeting, Kings School

Cllr Faithfull Footpath Meeting, Safety Partnership Meeting

Cllr Bailey Social Enterprise Kings School

Cllr Talbott EDDC Arts and Culture Forum

Cllr Edwards As tabled (which included attending the Finance Ctte Meeting, ACAS Training, Chamber of Commerce Meeting, HR Ctte Meeting, Opening/closing Strawberry Lane, Library Heads of Terms Meeting)

The Dep Mayor Safety Partnership Meeting, plus accompanying the Mayor at a number of the Mayor`s meetings Cllr Gori As tabled (which included Fools Meeting, ACAS Training Session, Queen`s 90th Birthday Working Group, Twinning Association Meeting, HR Ctte Meeting, Cranbrook Training Course, Property and Land Working Party Meeting) Cllr Pratt Tipton St John School Meeting

Cllr Carter Tipton St John School Meeting, Tumbling Weir Queens Birthday Dinner (Cllr Carter advised that it had been a great event!)

Mayor`s Initials……………………………………


Mayor`s Meetings during June Thursday 2nd Queen’s Celebration meeting Skate Park meeting Finance meeting Friday 3rd TIC meeting Mr Burgess Alphington Mushroom Farm Monday 6th Full Council meeting Wednesday 8th TIC Meeting Plates judging Queen’s Birthday meeting Angels Porta cabin meeting Thursday 9th Meeting with Station personnel T at W Agreement Friday 10th HR Training for HR Committee Monday 13th Planning meeting Primary School Presenting prizes Tuesday 14th RIO Meeting Friday 17th Station meeting with Tony Pugh Saturday 18th Seasons Book launch Diana O’Flyn Monday 20th HR meeting Tuesday 21st Extraordinary meeting Wednesday 22nd TIC meeting Walkers - Strawberry Lane Friday 24th Community Hospital meeting Monday 27th Planning meeting Ellie reporter meeting re TIC Tuesday 28th Jenny Bryant meeting Wednesday 29th Meeting with Elli Pang Meeting with Pulmans re TIC Library meeting EDDC SAG meeting Thursday 30th Cemetery meeting

16/07/31 TO RECEIVE COUNCILLORS’ QUESTIONS i.Cllr Hall expressed dismay that leaflets connected with the proposed parish council had not been delivered in West Hill. He had been left extremely frustrated that despite his best efforts, his repeated requests by e-mail to specific councillors to provide answers as to why this was the case, appeared to have been ignored, or only partial information provided. He stated that this smacked of a cover up by persons opposed to the proposed parish council. . He felt councillors had failed to act in accordance with the Code of Conduct and in the public interest. Cllr Hall demanded an apology from the Council. The Mayor in response, considered that the replies he had received to matters he had raised with West Hill, were dishonest and he was also frustrated and angry by the constant bombardment of e-mails from Cllr Hall, to the extent that he had suggested that if Cllr Hall was unhappy with the information provided, that he should refer his concerns to the Monitoring Officer. The Mayor refused to give Cllr Hall a personal apology and in return sought an apology from the West Hill members. No apologies were received from any member present at the meeting ii.Cllr Carter raised the matter of Salston Manor but understood that no further progress had been made iii.The Deputy Mayor advised that the latest car parking signs in Sainsburys were being replaced by signs advising that parking was permitted for `shoppers` rather than `customers`

Meeting ended 9.18pm

Mayor’s signature: …………………………………… Date:……………………………..

Mayor`s Initials………………………..


Mayor’s initials: ………………………….