BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 14, No. 74 Thursday, May 22, 1969 22 Pages Residents blast lake pier, plan withdrawn Pollution, ownership questioned

Plans for a 206-foot-long boat pier in Lake Wyman were with- drawn Tuesday in the face of public resistance from prop- erty owners in the area. Itvenus, Inc., represented by Alexander Guterma, asked that it be permitted to withdraw without prejudice the applica- tion for permission to build the pier. It was planned to jut out into Lake Wyman from the Lakeview Apartments site near the north end of the lake. Withdrawal of the applica- tion came after Guterma had twice asked that the City Coun- "Open house" will be held today from 3 to 5 p.m. at the cil's public hearing on the pro- J.C. Mitchell Community School. School Director Courtney posal be continued until a later Cheri said the informal program is planned to introduce the date. He was joined in his re- public to the school's activities and plans. This young ar- quest for continuance by Rob- tist is only one of many who have been preparing for the ert C. Abel Jr., attorney for event. Story on page A of today's News. Investment Corporation of , which owns property to the north. When the hearing FAU President Kenneth Williams. . .flower power on campus. More pictures on page 6A. proceeded, Abel subsequently Registration next week took the floor to join the ranks of those opposing the Itvenus plans. Flower power takes over Guterma, the only one to for summer recprogram speak in favor of the propos- ed pier, said Itvenus had al- Tuesday, May 27 is regis- the swim series are Bibletown ready received permission for tration day for the Recreation pool and Boca Raton Hotel Ca- the project from the Army Department's annual learn to bana Club pool. It's love, love, love at FA U Corps of Engineers, the state swim series. Registration for the eight Internal Improvement Fund The swim sessions are part sessions of swimming lessons trustees, and the city Planning pus. tiqn Square", returned and of the summer recreation pro- will be held beginning at 7:30 By MARLENE FREEDMAN and Zoning Board. He stated that gram which will begin with a,m, Tuesday. "Registration A sun-sh/^ver delayed the thfe sidewalks once more were it was intended only fete use by start of tK, '"Love'In" by 20 foic dancing, not for pathways "get acquainted day" June 13* must be.done^4n person at the They loved the "Love-In," residents of fie ItveniJs-owned The summer program gets community center," accord- There were the foot-stomp- minutes, but it just heightened to class. rental apartments and suggest- the anticipation and the number But then how often does a underway June 13, and learn to ing to Jim Rutherford, recre- ing, frugging, gum-chewing ed that the city might be beyond swim sessions will start June ation director. barfooted students; the nos- of the crowd. "Love-In" come along?? (Continued on Page 5A) About 200 gathered on the 2. Pools to be used in the learn ' 'No registrations will be ac- talgically smiling faculty, and cepted either by phone or at "the biggest flower child on lawns and sidewalks by the Science Building facing a plat- the pools as classes will be earth," Dr. Kenneth Ro Wil- limited and filled on a first liams, president of Florida At- form occupied by a long-hair- ed all male rock band. Legislators shelve plan to take come, first serve basis." lantic University. The classes will be conduct- FAU's debut into the "Love- It was just what they wanted— in both content and volume — ed by Red Cross instructors. In" field yesterday was so First class for pre-school- successful that Dr. Williams, and it didn't take long for spec- tators to become dancers. ers, ages four and five, will be- addressing the crowd between city from hospital tax district gin June 2 at the Bibletown band breaks, mused: Adding to the colorfulness of the dancers' clothes were over™ ed unlimited sale of bonds and Bethesda Memorial officials pool. "We're talking about making Boca Raton Community Hos- Beginner and advanced be- the 'Love-In' annual, but ic sized pastel paper flowers, hun- pital lost its bid to remove the without a referendum. have objected to such a move may get so good we may have dreds of different colored bal- city from the Southeastern Palm The bill to remove the city and Monday, Robert Griffith, (Continued on Page 5A) to have it on a quarterly basis." loons and two bright aqua kites. Beach County Hospital District, from the hospital tax district attorney for the hospital dis- The event was credited to As Dr. Williams quipped, at least for the time being. was introduced by State Rep. trict, told the delegation that many different segments of the "All I know is they handed me Don Reed of Boca Raton. Boca Raton's withdrawal a string and told me to go fly In a parliamentary maneu- It was the contention of Boca "would cripple the district." student population and endorsed ver, members of a legislative Inlet back by just about everybody on cam- a kite. Raton Community Hospital of- Some of the dancers wore delegation meeting in Talla- ficials that city residents are William Koch, chairman of bright orange stickers pro- hassee tabled the proposal, ef- being taxed double by having the hospital board, said he would claiming, "Love-In For FAU" fectively killing its chances for to support tax-supported Be- agree to a $10 million limit on on agenda One didn't waste his words. this legislative session. No fur- thesda Memorial Hospital while obligation or revenue bonds. He just wore the word "Love". ther delegation meetings are contributing to private, non- The unlimited provision and The city Planning and Zon- May 19 - 21, 1969 planned. one allowing the sale of rev- ing Board will learn tonight The music went on. profit Boca Raton Community enue certificates without a ref- Dr. Williams made his short It did approve a bill raising Hospital. They also maintain whether Arvida Corp. has Hi Lo Rain the bond limit for the hospital erendum were struck and the agreed to sign a pledge not to speech and several sororities that city residents should not delegation then approved the Mon. 84 76 .03 and fraternities presented skits district from $1 million to $10 be obligated to support future build any structures within 55 Tues. 82 73 .85 million, after striking a pro- increase in bond indebtedness feet on all sides of the Boca and songs. indebtedness for expansion of from $1 million to $10 million. Wed.(noon) 85 70 Trace The band, "The Combina- vision which would have allow- Bethesda. Raton Inlet. Officials of the corporation, which dredged the inlet at its own expense, suggested such an agreement last week, when the Board considered setting A pair of awards for the city's top indus- ings and Administrator Frank Dawson for the Community Hospital. Also scheduled tomor- special 55-foot setbacks on tries will be presented at noon today at the both sides of the waterway. annual Chamber of Commerce Industrial Appre- row is a display of products of the city's vari- ciation Luncheon. Slated to receive the honors ous industries starting at 11 a.m. in the Boca A committe e composed of Raton Hotel convention center. James Becker and Howard Mc- are Dwayne Webster, left, for Precision Cast- Call, Board members, was appointed to consult with Ar- vida officials and report on progress at the next meeting . Also scheduled for discus- sion tonight are: —A report from a com- mittee composed of Tore Wal- ling, Earl Sloane, Board mem- bers and Walter Young, city planning and zoning director, on the feasibility of allowing private industry to build dor- mitories and other living quarters for Florida Atlan- tic University students. —A proposal for rezoning vcaant land on the east side of A1A just south of the new outfall station from B-4 to R-5 to allow the construction of apartments.

Ann Landers Page 2B Church News 8B Classifieds 10-11B Editorials 4A Public Notices 9-10B Real Estate 5-6-7B Sports 8A Women's News 1-2-3-4B

L... 2A BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, May 22, 1969 k&&&::W::::#::::::#:^ Three arrested for By MARLENE FREEDMAN class tremendously. still have it caked on my other Kika teaches two classes — shoes." Visitors to today's "Open 15-20 youngsters on Monday A serious -mindedboy, with- House" of the Center for Com- from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and a sim- station robbery here ilar group on Thursday out looking up from his paint- munity Education at J. C. Mit- ing, said, "he never tells us chell School will be greeted from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Three men arrested way car,"' Dettman said. "I tell each class that the that what are we're doing is in Riviera Beach Tues- The police officer said by walls and walls of artistic bad. He just tells us that per- creations done by about 30 am- other one is doing better work," day are being held on Gary LeeDaugherty, 19, the smiling student - teacher haps we should do something charges of an armed of Fort Lauderdale, ateur artists. to make it look better." The wide variety of media concedes. robbery here Monday Roger Allison, 18, of "And when the kids tell me According to Kika, "they're night. West Hollywood, and are the result of a new, ex- all doing their best" and that's The perimental class in art ex- their schoolmates already told Det. Sgt. Fred Det- Adolph Hakse, 19, also them what they're going to be enough for him. tman said two of the of West Hollywood, pression for Boca Raton's Cheri agrees that grades are JIN BROTHERIOH fourth, fifth and sixth grad- doing, I change everything and men were ' 'positively were arrested in Riv- we do something entirely dif- unnecessary. "The kids enjoy identified" as the rob- iera Beach on routine can save you ers. themselves so much that they The class is not a class at ferent," bers of the University traffic charges. money on insurance With seven of the ten-week grade themselves by saying to American Service Sta- A teletype had gone all, but rather a club. "We themselves, 'Gee, I want to do Fifth Avenue Plaza call it the 4-5-6 Art Club," class gone, Kika's classroom tion at 1655 North Fed- out of the local office «?1 is plastered with examples. better.' It's a case of self- eral Hwy. The third following the report of its instructor and organizer, evaluation and motivation". 395-7707 Steven Kika, explains, There are pencil sketches, pa- man ""'admitted being the robbery. Sgt. Dett- 4-5-6 per collages, fingerpaintings, Kika wants to present an all- the driver of the geta- man said Riviera Beach Kika is television graphics sculpture, pastels. round look at art, so he shows officials called here on slides and lectures about such manager in the division of "Each child comes up with CameroH the suspects about four You're In good hand* with learning resources at Florida something different from the things as color and design, col- hours later. Atlantic University. others," the smock-clad art in- or complements, composition Dettman, along with ALLSTATE* and texture. to graduate Not only that, but he's a stu- structor explains. "I just get other police officials, INSURANCE dent at FAU, too. them to work with the same "I give them as much as they went to Riviera Beach want to learn and, believe me, George C. Cameron, FOUNDED BY StABS Which is how the art club media and let them do what they son of retired Air Force to identify the subjects. Imi/noc, cooiDinln • tfoma Offica: Sh>M<, III want." they know how to ask sharp Art came about, questions." ' Colonel and Mrs. Kika is majoring in art ed- "And you know what? I haven't George J, Cameron of ucation and one of his courses had a bad class yet. It's like a circle,, Kika's enthusiasm for his Boca Raton, is one of WHAT A PLACE TO GO required observation of an art In fact, he's so proud of his more than 600 cadets in class. students is equalled by Cheri's amateur artists that he's enthusiasm for Kika. This, in this year's U.S. Air HEAR REV. CHUCK CONNER He contacted Courtney Che- arranging to show their work on turn, is equalled by the young- Force Academy grad- closed - circuit television at ri, director of the Community sters' enthusiasm for Cheri, uating class. He will re- HEAR "SPECIAL GUEST"-HART MORRIS School, and learned that no FAU. Kika and the whole program. ceive his bachelor of classes were in operation dur- Kika believes in an unstruc- science degree and be Outstanding musician from Oklahoma City Club Cheri drops in at almost ev- ing his spare hours. So he vol- tured class environment and ap- ery class and marvels at "the commissioned a sec- unteered to organize and teach parently it works. ond lieutenant in the Air SERVICES AT 11:00 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. a class. creativity he stimulates in I*or the youngsters obviously, them." Force June 5. "The response was over- thrive in the informality. The two men compete in The cadet has been se- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH whelming," Cheri proudly de- "We get messy sometimes," praising the works of art. "Look lected for pilot training 70? N.E. 2nd St., Deerfield Beach clared. We wanted to close it a redheaded, freckle - faced at Craig AFB, Ala. out a few times, but it kept at these cardboard squares . ,. girl confided. "But Mr. Kika no two alike „ „ . such imagina- mushrooming." says that's part of enjoying tion . „ „ look at that one , . . "The kids are so eager to art." why, that's just beautiful ... start that they come early and Kika nods in agreement. "I such feeling, such composi- The Finest Jewelery Gifts Are wait around." One of those still remember the mess when tion." is his niece who enjoys the we mixed Plaster of Paris. I Plans are already underway to extend the art program through the summer with Kika once more teaching "ten weeks JEWELERS of simulating enjoying in med- ia that will sharpen children's DOWNTOWN BOCA RATON 14 S.E. 1st sensitivities and help them find Diamonds, Wofcfies and Jewelry are a specialty their most effective means of o/ Shamrock Jewelers and name brands are the self-expression,'' Arrangements are being rule. You'll find names like Bu/ova, Hamilton, made to bring the students to Elgin watches, Artcarved wedding bands, Speidel The Boca Raton News for a tour watch bands, etc. All available at Low Prices of the plant as well as a walk- and monthly terms. through tour of the FAU tele- vision studio. This week, the art club mem- bers were making "love" post- ers. Heads down, eyes intent, they painted colorful signs saying "Make Love, Not War." One girl, meticulously draw- ing a large, yellow "L" start- led visitors when she innocent- ly tried to point out how much her painting improved. Asked what she had learned in Kika's class, she loudly an- nounced, "I make love alotbet- Steve Kika at work. ter now than I did before."

Mrs. Pumphrey Bowers, Deerfield where she had retired \\\y\ Beach, and one brother, as an office worker for Memorial services Floyd Bowers, Boca Ra- a law research institute. will be held at 4:30 p.m. ton. She was a member of Interiors Saturday in First Unit- Services will be con- the W y c o c k Heights ed Methodist Church for ducted by Rev. Clark Hospital Ladies Aides Inc. Mrs. Betty H. Pumph- Reed. In lieu of flow- for 20 years. rey, 39, 421 N.E. Tenth ers, contributions may Survivors include two Ter., who died Tuesday. be made to the Betty H. sisters, Mrs. Carolyn Mrs, Pumphrey came Pumphrey Memorial E. Jennings, BocaRa- 1 ONLY - SOFA to Boca Raton in 1957 Fund, Boca Raton Com- ton , and Mrs. Ida O. munity Hospital. Ling, Brooklyn. Outline quilt, loose back cushion, gold. from Falls Church, Va. 9 She was a member of Miss Keck Services will be held Reg. $1TO 5 First United Methodist at 2:30 p.m. today in Church. Miss Dorothy Emily National Chapel Sanc- $299.95 % M W Survivors include her Keck, 84, 439N.E. 32 St. tuary, Hypoluxo Road, 1 SET husband, Norman' three died Monday in Lake Boynton Beach, by Rev. daughters, Noreen, Worth. Earl Gifford, United Georganna and Martha, Miss Keck came to Presbyterian Church. IAWS0N TYPE SLEEPER Boca Raton; parents, Boca Raton five years Burial will be in Palm With matching chair, avctcado. Mr. and Mrs. George ago from Brooklyn, N.Y. Beach Memorial Gar- Reg. dens. $279.00 F.BYRON PARKS J. L. Odum John L. Odum 23, REALTOR Lumberton, N.C. died Sunday in Boca Raton. 1 PATIO SET 1 ONLY - SOFA Via Miziier He is survived by his Avocado iron with glass fop. Hand tufted back. Gold velvet, Royal Palm Plaza parents Mr. and Mrs. Reg. $199.95 Continental or Mediterranean. John R. Odum, Lumber- SALE OVER 25 YEARS IN BOCA RATON ton. Reg. $479.00 ffe 0% M *% 9 5 Services and burial $249 Associates will be in Lumberton Elmer L. D. Livaudais with Kraeer Funeral Tel.: 395-3700 Frances B. Livaudais Home in charge of local arrangements. SPECIAL! Dupont 501 «••«.» SJL95 NYLON CARPETING installed IN BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN HARBOR including padding MODEL HOME REUPHOLSTERY CARPETING SHEERS 99 FURNITURE \ OPEN FOR INSPECTION of DACRON WALL DECOR BATISTE per yd. SHADES SLIPCOVERS We Will Build To Suit Other Colors labor included Decorator Consultant Service ONLY 12 LOTS LEFT $2.99 per yd. Never a Charge for Estimates Prices based on floor to ceiling measurements. GENERAL §£|UCTRIC REVOLVING CHARGE FLAN UNDERGROUND UTILITY SERVICE CITY SEWERS CLUBBBBBB WE OWN AM! OPERATE OUR OWN WORKROOM A&P CONSTRUCTION CO. Call H & M INTERIORS 391-1000 SAM ACQUILANO, GEN. CONTRACTOR 5425 North Dixie Highway, Boca Raton 85 E. PALMETTO PARK RD. BOCA RATON or 399-8818 - 395-4254 • Open Evenings & Sat, by Appointment « Showroom Open Mon.-Fri, B to 5 399-9172 Thursday, May 22, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 3A

Heavy fines as judge cracks down on young drivers R!NT 1N0 TLLIRHONi; of careless driving on Jorge Delgado, arrested die Odom, speeding; George Newton, inspec- Judge George de license, ed guilty to causing ac- tion sticker. Claire, in an apparent Giebel was accused Federal Highway. cidents. Eloise Gron- on a like charge, was Robert Bell, speeding; crackdown on youthfulj of traveling 70 miles an Citing a long record seth was fined $20, fined $50. Thomas R. Paul Jackson, speeding; by Rimar, Judge de Kennedy and Grovef John F. O'Brien, red drivers, leived heavy hour on Spanish River Grace H. Carpenter $25 light; Christopher Con- CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL fines in city court road, passing cars at Claire fined the youth- and Pauline A. Mattie, Dennis .Moore, charged ful offender $50 and with contributing to the nell, speeding; John Mc- Tuesday. intersections in the $15. Clain Jr., wrong way OFFERS YOU MORE Ray Harry Giebel, process. He was ar- sentenced him to traf- David P. Molineaux delinquency of a minor fic school. It was the in the Delgado case, on one-way street; Wil- found guilty of reckless rested by Sgt. Frank paid a fine of $30 for liam Taylor, speeding; driving following a leng- Maquire, who testified second session of the carelss driving and was each were fined $50, PRE-PR1MA 6RADES 1-7 against him. school for Rimar. Walter Douglas Mac- George Webster Har- thy trial, was fined $100 also sentenced to traf- key pleaded guilty to rison Jr., speeding; also plus $25 court costs and Israel Santiago was fic school. Dale Rimar was on the fined $75 for reckless carrying a concealed Liston Hill Rogers, sentenced to traffic In non-traffic cases, weapon and was fined speeding; Thomas M. school. In addition, receiving end of a lec- driving and sentenced to Delbert Lee Brady was SUMMER PREP SCHOOL ture by the magistrate attend traffic school. $75 or seven and one- Avampato, speeding; Judge de Claire levied fined $35 for possession half days in jail. John A. Caselle, speed- six points against his when he was found guilty Three persons plead- of alcohol by a minor. ing; Marilyn Sibley, in- BUS SERVICE PHONE 942-1414 Gerald L. Fitzgerald, "Dedicated to God and Country' Richard Crawford, Billy spection sticker, and For honors at Florida Atlantic Barnes and 'Robert Youngblood, all charged with either vagrancy or public intoxication, were released from jail, Top teacher, students sought their fines being paid by days spent in the OPENING Somewhere on the ance. tificate of award" and a Teacher of 196"8-1969 lockup. Florida Atlantic Uni- The students will be $250 scholarship. may be submitted by Failing to appear to versity campus there judged on the basis of "Selection is to be any member of the stu- answer chages were are a faculty member their junior year's work based on evidence of dent body or recogniz- Hugh D. Hines, George and eight students who as the outstanding un- creative scholarship ed student organization. R. Nixbeth, George Ja- will be the first "dis- dergraduate student- as well as grade aver- The one selected will gel and Bond Pedrick. tinguished teacher" and scholars in the Univer- ages," said Dr. Allen give the honors convo- Warrants for arrest the first eight "uni- sity. Each major W. Greer, assistant cation address. He will were issued in each case versity scholars" to be instructional unit (the dean of the College of. receive a certificate of or bonds forfeited. honored. five colleges and the Humanities and chair- award and a summer ap- Signing guilty waivers The university honors department of ocean en- man of the honors con- pointment for which he were Herman Holley, convocation will pay tri- gineering) may nomin- vocation committee. In will be assigned special speeding, William bute to FAU's outstand- ate up to three students, addition, the nominee's . duties by the vice pres- Green Jr., stop sign; ing teacher and students and at least one must be entire college record ident for academic af- Jerry D. Freeman, in- of the year in a 50- selected from each. will be considered by fairs. spection sticker; Owen minute exercise that Each student select- the committee in its Members of the com- R. Baker, speeding; Ed- will see the entire in- ed will be designated evaluation. mittee were appointed stitution closed down "university scholar" Nominations for the by Vice President S.E. 1 to permit total attend- and will receive a cer- FAU Distinguished Wimbersly. m LIMITED QUANTIIES HURRYINl ' I 1

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anyway over the other odors But where do you draw the that gently waft on the winds The City of Boca Raton has line? When is a barking dog from that place. run afoul " (no pun intended) or a ' fighting cat less of- Is it legal for residents of of an old law that probably fensive then say a 12 foot boa a certain section of our city should be revised. constrictor, a monkey or a to feed and keep in the neigh- A local professor has been skunk? borhood a bunch of ducks? True, charged with keeping chickens And is it legal for the city they are not owned by any in- in violation of an ordinance on to have a giant duck and chi- dividual and they do stay pretty It's not a dead issue the books here since 1929. ken farm at the sewer plant, much in the canal, but they nev- The intent of the ordinance, while a resident cannot have ertheless are maintained by the of course, is quite clear. No one in his back yard? Admit- local residents of the area. city cares to have people raising tedly, the sewer plant sits out For as long as I can remem- chickens, ducks, horses or by itself and the fowl cannot be ber, and before that I'm sure, A proposal that Boca Raton be withdrawn from the Legislature a bill which would allow the cattle in the backyard. We are heard or smelled by any re- baby ducks and chickens have the Southeastern Palm Beach County Hospital limit of the hospital district's bonded indebted- a residential community, not sident. You couldn't smell them been Easter presents for chil- District, which supports Bethesda Hospital in ness to be increased from $1 million to $10 dren. Normally, when they at- Boynton Beach, was rejected this week by a million. tain full growth they are ship- resounding seven-to-one vote of the county's Boca Raton, which reportedly accounts for 31 ped out to a farm. But Easter delegation in the Legislature. per cent of Bethesda's tax district, would car- chickens in Boca Raton are The proposal was placed before the delega- ry a great deal of voting weight in a referen- against the law. tion without fanfare, and it was rejected in the dum seeking approval of new bond issues for same manner. It gets bigger every year! At one of our schools, chick- Bethesda expansion. With a local hospital ens are hatched from eggs in The vote, with Boca Raton's Rep, Don Reed to meet their needs, voters here might be an educational program for first as the only legislator favoring the proposal, strongly inclined to vote against a bond issue through sixth graders. It's a- left little doubt that it is dead for this session on its face, without consideration of the need gainstthelaw in Boca Raton, but of the Legislature, or the merits of such expansion plans and the it's a wonderful education for But the issue itself is not dead by any means, bonds required to back them. the kids. and there is no doubt that the same proposal The facts — and the lack of them — point Boca Raton is a bird sanc- will be made again. straight and surely to a need for exposing the tuary by law. Wonderful. I think The substance of the request, made by the pros and cons, and perhaps toward the need for it's just great that robins and administrators of Boca Raton Community Hos- a referendum to allow the taxpayers to make sparrows and songbirds are pital, is that Boca Raton residents should be re- their own decision on whether to remain in the protected in our fair city. It's lieved of the responsibility of paying future tax district. against the law to shoot them taxes to finance new bond issues for Bethesda, The proposed withdrawal gains some logical anyplace, but that's beside the when Boca Raton has its own voluntary, non- support from the very ground rules upon which point. profit hospital, which in theory and in truth is the tax district is based. The idea of establish- The bird sanctuary bit also providing for most of the community's hospital ing a tax district is that the facility is thus means that migrating ducks, needs. supported by those taxpayers who benefit most Canadian geese, pheasants, The proposal would not have relieved Boca from it. quail, grouse and the like are Raton taxpayers of any current obligations. If the growth in the area, the addition of a lo- also welcome here. It wouldn't The proposal did not receive enough public cal hospital in Boca Raton, and other changing be hard to set up feeding sta- :!<* exposure, and there is some doubt that it re- circumstances alter the area and the taxpay- tions and have half the ducks ceived fully - informed consideration by the ers benefitted, then a change in the boundaries from the Loxahatchee staying legislators. of the tax district at least deserves serious con- in the city instead of out in the The delegation did okay for introduction to sideration. swamp. We could get up a good pop- ulation of pigeons here, too, without too much capital out- lay. But people don't like pig- On second thought eons, they're dirty. As a matter of fact, they are trapped and • removed from the area by some residents. This practice is also against the law, but no one has been hauled into court for it. Disastrous musician If the professor is found guilty in city court, the city might better think about closing the chicken ranch on Glades road By GUS HARWELL was a blue ribbon disaster as sic. and the schools should be a band pupil. informed that showing little kids NOTING that the Band Par- MY MUSICAL deficiencies But there were redeeming how birth from egg is accom- ent's Association of Boca Ra- followed me into college. In our plished is strictly taboo. ton High School was to present features. I always showed upon fraternity glee club, every awards, letters and pins Wed- Saturdays when we went out to member was required to par- As a matter of fact, maybe we nesday night, I caught myself collect waste paper and coat better outlaw eggs for break- ticipate. fast. A housewife might keep considering a period of my life hangers to raise funds for the ! when I was a band member. band. And I marched very well. Our, leader, who was an ac- one tod long^ Jj'it hatches, she'll complished musician and a good incur the wrath of the courts. I look back on that area of director, divided us up, ac- my life with mixed feelings. MY INSTRUMENT was the cording to our voices and train- Being in the band was a lot of cornet. That could have been my ing, into sections: first tenor, fun, but it was frustrating for trouble, I suppose. Maybe I second tenor, baritone, bass The view from Tallahassee me, because I am one of those simply wasn't, sympathetic with and monotone. unfortunate, unmusical souls. a cornet. An oboe, or a saxa- phone, perhaps, would have You can guess what section To be perfectly truthful, I brought out my talents better. I landed in. The instructions for played in the concert and the monotone section were to Lawyers needed, too marching band for about two I'm not sure whether it was learn the words and sing along years without ever learning to because I was a slow learner or with our mouths open, making as read music. little noise as possible. my instructor was a slow teach- By MALCOLM JOHNSON in the editorial or news depart- a court before which they have er, but the only way I ever got ment of a newspaper, radio or no business pertinent to the a tune out of that cornet was THAT TRAINING has stood TV stations. We need that humb- case under consideration. SOME BLAME must be plac- for him to mark my music — me in good stead down through No competent citizen of Flor- ling and ennobling experience of ed on our bandmaster, who writing in numbers indicating the years at public gatherings ida should be exempt from jury jury duty to keep us objective But, even if they are officers played the trumpet beautifully, which of the valves were de- when singing is required. service automatically because in our reports and analyses. of the court 25 hours a day re- and was able to play every band pressed for each note. I am able to monotone the of his occupation. It's easier to be open-minded gardless of how remote they instrument in sight. He played words of the Star Spangled Ban- So that bill passed by the about justice and court-pro- may be from it, what difference well, but taught poorly. That made me play sooner, ner with the best of them, mak- Senate to eliminate all but law- cedure when you have partici- does that make in de- Add to that the fact that I was but it also meant that I never ing an absolute minimum of yers from the long list of sta- pated as one of 12 in a judg- ciding whether they should put blessed with a tin ear, and I bothered to learn to read mu- noise. tutory exemptions is good, as ment. ciding whether they should far as it goes. pull jury duty along with the But why automatically ex- rest of us? empt lawyers, or even judges? It Includes officers of uni- Sitting on a jury to try the versities and colleges, teach- criminal charges and proper- ers of all grades, doctors, nur- Besides, they would be better f A - ty disputes of your fellow man is ses, druggists, preachers, lawyers and judges for a litt>. r * at once an ennobling and an Christian Science practitioners of it. humbling experience that ev- and readers. Why deny the judg- ery citizen needs — and law- ment and wisdom of these edu- They ought to know from per- Important facts left out reader says yers and judges may need it as cated people to the juries of our sonal experience what goes on 3 much as any. state? Do we want the poorly behind those locked doors when Indeed, we can make a case and moderately educated citi- jurors are deliberating, in- To the Editor, labor unrest and high work Another alternatively would for a requirement that no one zens to dominate juries? stead of sitting around in bull In the editorial of Where Now? loads by contractors have eas- be to consider having the city should be admitted to the prac- sessions trying to outwit and in your paper of May 15 I would ed off. When? In a year of lay its own sewers, which is tice of law, and thereby have Then, it goes back into the second guess them. like the answer the question. two or maybe longer. It makes highly feasible as the city has access to a judgeship opened days when there were cer- Like most newspaper re- no difference in the Estates plenty of it to do. The mere to him, until he has served at tain vital functions of public They ought fo have the ex- porting, you have left out or area. threat of such action some- least once as a trial juror. service that couldn't be inter- perience of being led out of the missed some very important We understand that the Fed- times reduces quoted prices Over the years, the Florida rupted by jury service. courtroom half a dozen times facts in the dissention by the eration of Home Owners is very quickly. Legislature has built up a list during a trial to sit cooped up Estate Area protestors on preparing a new method of com- The Council has been taken of jury service exemptions that So the law exempts one mil- in a little room with nothing sewer costs. First of all, your puting sewer costs and it is is both archaic and incongru- ler to each grist mill, one but hard bottom \ straight chairs item No. 2 "They don't want to task. They should have learn- suggested that the City Council ed from this experience to be ous. ferryman from each ferry, tele- while lawyers argue pidding sewers as long as their septic deal more leniently with it than graph operators, all superin- points and technicalities before tanks are functioning adequate- more careful as to how they It includes all persons over they did with the one we pro- propose to spend the taxpay- 65. Why? Many of them have tendents, engineers and train the judge. ly" is mistaken intentionally posed. dispatchers, 10 active mem- or otherwise. ers money in the future. both the time and the good judg- /s/Paul A. Moody ment to be excellent jurors. bers of any hand fire company, They ought to know there is Let me make it loud and clear It includes anyone that works six active members of any hose some pretty keen judgment of The Estates area wants sew- Pension bills company (either paid or volun- their faults, flaws and foren- ers and it is far from their in- tary), 10 active members of any sic devices among the juries tention to purposely interrupt need support hook and ladder company, "em- they confront, and some con- any citywide sewer plan. ployes of all insane, deaf and siderable impatience with their You have missed entirely or To the editor: dumb and other asylums and windiness and their cavalier at least did not mention that a Two bills have been recently WOM RATON NEWS hospitals" — and 'attorneys treatment of witnesses (even proposal was submitted in writ- introduced (April 21) by State and counsellors," sometimes, those they have ing in behalf of the residents Senators Chiles and Mathews, Thursday 4A May 22,1969 called for their own side). by legal counsel a plan for ap- Senate Bills #626 and 644, ask- portioning sewer assessments ing an increase in police of- Published every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 34 S.E. The bill came into the Sen- There are just a lot of things in a manner that would make ficers retirement funds. The 2nd st. Boca Raton, Fla., 33432, by the Boca Raton Pub-' ate as one to wipe out all sta- that go on in the mind of a per- r tutory exemptions for jury ser- son sitting on a jury which them equitable and entirely sat- present pension plan for our lishingCo., Inc. Phone 395-8300. isfactory to the residents. policemen established July 21, vice, but the Senators balked at don't occur to him when he's 1953, has long since changed throwing lawyers' names into talking before it, or sitting and However, the legal counsel W.H. HARWELL, Jr., Publisher the box from which jury panels reporting it, or standing on the for the city submitted an opin- from a modest pension to a are drawn. So it goes to the corner criticizing it. ion on this suggestion that was humble stipend. JOHN T. OPEL House on a form that would We could all benefit by it. tailormade to fit the obdurate The policemen of the city H. CLAY RILEY call on all citizens except law- ask your support in writing let- Editor Reasonable judges will grant thinking of the deputy mayor, Adv. Mgr. yers for jury duty. individual excuses when a per- not stated but implied, "You ters to your state senators and son's job or family needs him. are going to get sewers, like representatives asking them to The argument was that ted- it or not . support the bills. Entered as second class mail at the postoffice at Boca Most lawyers and newsmen will Katon, Florida under the act of March 8, 1879. ious old device for getting fa- not be allowed to serve by attor- Where now It is up to the City Our policemen need and de- vored status for attorneys on serve the support of our rep- neys in the cases because they Council to come up with a sew- Member of the Florida Press-Association and National grounds that they are "offic- are presumed to know too much er assessment where the costs resentatives in government and ers of the court." They may be about the issues. citizens especially in these (Newspaper Association. Subscription rates: By carrier in officers of the court system, will be acceptable to the Es- times of national unrest. 6 CU 70 per month; maiI in the U S But let's not exclude anyone tates area at a time when pres- ? £ / ^ - - ^e year $10 00 but that doesn't make them any solely because of his occupa- s/Your policeman x6 months $6.00, 3 months $4.00. more than a casual observer of tion. I Thursday, May 22,1969 BOCA RA^TON NEWS 5A" University students BYER Pier plans withdrawn ) INCORPORATED want a fight song MUTUAL FUNDS- STOCK - BONDS With approval for an "The fight song should I TAX PLANNING (Continued from Page 1) der any circumstances." He claims title to a portion of the intercollegiate athletic probably refer to a pointed out that there is a code lake bottom on which the pier 275 Via. Rosada, Boca Raton, Fla. program lees than a mascot of some sort Royal Palm Plaza 395-0544 its jurisdiction in even consid- prohibition against a pier ex- would be built. Abel said that the month old, Florida At- and presumably be ac- ering the matter. tending more than five feet into title stems from an 1894 deed lantic University is companied by a team Tuno in Radio Station WSBR 12:10 P.M. week-days Deputy Mayor Harold Maull any waterway. from the trustees of the Inter- searching for a fight name suggestion." for your stock market report. quoted chapter and verse from Abel argued that the applica- nal Improvement Fund. song and names for ...' _____ the city's code of ordinances tion made by Itvenus to the Addressing himself to the teams. "in order to dispell any ques- Corps of Engineers failed to merits of the pier, Abel argued Suggestions are in- tions about the city's au- specify that most of the pro- that it would be "extremely op- vited from all mem- thority." posed construction is in Section pressive" to the owners of the bers of the university Maull also suggested that 17 rather than Section 16, the property to the north and the campus and will be co- there was some question as to only area mentioned. He also residents of apartments plan- ordinated by members "whether or not the City Coun- said that ICOF, which develop- ned for the site. of the "Atlantic Sun" cil could grant the permit un- ed the San Remo apartments, Guterma countered that the newspaper. % ICOF interests have "no right" "A theme that ties Start lamingr Si ...Today to the bottomlands. in with the ocean, cli- Property owners on both mate or location would Summer Recreation sides of the waterway were un- seem to be a good best," animous in their objections to according to Bob Bur- (Continued from Page 1) youngsters grades one through the pier. Dr. Donald Beckwith dick, editor of the Sun. ginner children as well as be- 12 may register at the center said that "the whole area is ginners, advanced beginner and nearest their home on June 13 somewhat aroused." intermediate adult classes will while parents meet supervis- "The traffic already is hea- be held at the Blbletown pool in ors and learn about the activi- vy in Lake Wyman," Dr. Beck- two sessions, beginning June 16 ties. with said, "another dock would and June 30, Although youngsters will be be adding clutter . . . and it Cabana Club pool will be asked to participate in the park would be an eyesore." available for five two-week ses- nearest their home, facilities Dr. Beckwith also charged sions, Tuesday through Satur- at the high school will be open that the proposed pier would day 7 to 9 a.m. to junior and senior high school contribute to pollution "by the Schedule for the club pool students only. addition of oil, rubbish, and are: June 10 through 21, swim- Special activities in which sewage to the water, as well as mers and intermediates; sec- youngsters from all centers the noise that would be produc- ond session, June 24 through may participate as a group this ed. July 5, junior lifesaving; third year will include a bike ob- session, July 8 through 19, stacle race, bubble gum blow- Ken Higgins swimmers and intermediates; ing contest, doll contest, and will help you long after fourth session, July 22 through three field trips: Crandon Park Two early works of David you've bought Aug. 2, junior lifesaving, and Zoo, Pirate's World and ice Wark Griffith, the "father of fifth session, Aug. 5 through 16, skating. American films," were dis- an insurance policy senior lifesaving. Other special events include covered in the State Film Ar- •When your car or home isdamagec^ chives of the Soviet Union. The or destroyed, we will make sure Memorial Park, Addison a pet show, pre-teen dances, you get paid promptly and fairly. movies, track and field meet films, made in 1918 and 1919. We're independent insurance Mizner School, J. C. Mitchell have been donated by the Rus- agents. School and Boca Raton High and watermelon feast. sians to the Museum of Mod- School gymnasium will be the Activities at. the parks will J.C. MITCHELL include sports, arts and crafts, ern Art, which in return gave sites for the children's sum- the Russians some early news- & SONS mer program this year. Chil- golf and bowling instruction, reels referring to events in dren who will be eligible for music instruction and chess Russian history. first grade in September, and among others. 22 S. Fedwah. . 395-4711 MemorialDay parade set Plans for a Memorial Day parade here are now being drafted by Amer- ican Legion Post 277, Post Commander Rob- IIS ROOM FURNISHEDAMiMt Of

ert E. Nolan reports, - . •'% SEAL ROOF INTERIOR Nolan said the pa- AND rade will form on Pal- CLEANING LOCK AND metto Park road at 5th AND GRAVEL EXTERIOR avenue at 10 a.m. May PAINTING BONDED PAINTING 30. The formation will ROOF move west in Palmet- to Park road and south ALL TYPES ROOF REPAIRS on Fourth avenue to Bo- FULLY GUARANTEED ca Raton Cemetery where memorial serv- ALUMINUM ROTTEN TARGET ices will be held. '• 4120 H.W GUTTERS The post command- LUMBER 3rd Way AND er said that organiza- REPLACED tions which have a uni- DOWNSPOUTS formed group are wel- come to participate in Licenced Free Estimate the parade. Charles and Jones is the parade chairman. Insured Prompt Service The first brick road in NO MONEY DOWN FHA Financing the rural United States was four miles of the MEMBERS OF BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU Wooster Pike near OF SOUTH FLORIDA Cleveland, Ohio, paved In 1893.


The Expansion of the Hospital from four to nine Of course, everyone cannot afford a memorial stories will make many more memorials avail- but each of us can do his share regardless of able. Whether you memorialize a room, its furn- how modest it may be. Everyone knows his own ishings, a corridor or an entire section of the new capabilities and should give within bis means. We've got Hospital area, the bronze plaque which will be Whatever the amount, large or small, every erected to honor your loved ones will remain gift is needed to provide adequate facilities. to be seen for generations to come. It will also the new one indicate that you, the donor, have contributed gen- erously to the new Hospital construction and in Ours is a voluntary, non-profit Hospital built from Toyota turn to the welfare of your community. with money donated by over 3,000 of the people in our community. It receives no tax support Corolla and must depend on private giving. Come in and check the shape. Memorials are available to those who donate the statistics... ? 1,000 or more. The amount may be given at Many people have given two or three times U) miles to (ho g one time, pledged over a period of years, or made and we hope that the thousands of new resid- 60 horn's—up (<> K7m|)li up of several smaller pledges or gifts. For ex- ents and the "Old Timers" who have not ample a person who has already donated $600 yet given will respond to the need for ex- would, by donating an additional $400 be en- pansion as generously as those whose gifts 10% Down titled to a $1,000 memorial. made possible the present Hospital building. 90% Financing For Further Information or Assistance, Write or Phone Mr. Richard Murray, Vice Pres. in Charge of Development KING BOCA RATON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL T O o T A 800 MEADOWS ROAD BOCA RATON, FLORIDA - 33432 TELEPHONE 395-7100 South Federal Highway - U.S. 1 DEERFiELD BEACH YOU CAN DEPEND ON YOUR HOSPITAL-BECAUSE-YOUR HOSPITAL DEPENDS ON YOU BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, May 22, 1969 AMILY CARRY-OUT FOODSj Complete Dinners Served with Baked Potato '| or French frios, slaw, roll from $1.10 • U.S. #1 Between Ft. Loud, nd Pompano -Phono 942-836( Phone 395-5001 for Service Thurs. Fri. Sat. 5-22-24 Camino Square Shopping Center >-. •N*^ - ELIZABETH TAYLOR FAMOUS FOR

MIA "STEAK-ON-A-STICK" Classified Ad Service ROBERT Phone 395.8300 or 399-6719 MITCHUM

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v-- Pal's Captain's Table PEIER SEUERS IN Catering on I IOVE Vou. JUKEB. the upperlevel. T Upstairs at Pai's Captain's Table. A private dining room overlooking the water, for the affair you want to be very special. Seating for 150. A dance floor. Our private Waiting for the rain to stop. STARTS SUN. bar. And cuisine by Pal's Captain's Table. For the kind of luncheon, dinner, buffet, "Three in the Attic" reception, meeting, yacht party your guests will never forget. Upstairs at Pal's CJ; Captain's Table, or delivered to you. Love on campus FAMOUS DOOR Call our Mr, Vetter, 399-4000. CHINESE RESTAURANT Intracoastal Waterway, Hillsboro Ave. In the COVE SHOPPING CENTER- (State Road 810), Deerfield Beach, Fla. DEERFIELD Serving Lunch - Dinnor - Lato Supper By CLOSED MONDAY Open Noon til Midnight FOR RESERVATION OR TAKE OUT ORDERS • 399-5455 W.P. Bebout Jr. Complete UMBRELLA Protection •Travelers * Aetna!* Continental Group • Royal Globe * London & Lancashire * Boston Insurance Co. IN THE CLOUDS? Do you have your JOHN D. TALBOTT head in the clouds? INSURANCE AGENCY, inc Probably not, but vis- 489 N.E. 20th St. Boca Raton itors to the Himalayan Ph. 395-1511 or 399-1516 ^ |l.J PAUL NEWMAN praduclion af Mountains find them- selves "up in the air." The reason is that 9 of rachel, the 10 highest moun- food grief tain peaks in the world 2:00-5:45-9:35 are located in the Him- its candh alayas in India and ad- DRIVE IN THEflTRE oi fid TECHMCOlOrfROMWANES BROS.-SOEIIUTS joining countries. U.S. #1 BETWEEN The highest peak in OMPANO AND DEERFIELD the world is Mount Ev- erest, which is slight- ly more than 29,000 •* mum feet high — wow! All AMIS of the top 10 peaks are Flower power on campus. iUlffll more than 25,000 feet in height. Now, let us lower PHONE i you gently back to 399-4H4 starts Fri. earth where you can May 23 Ssmter get your feet "on the gy|| ... and from this man who could not speak) ground." You can be or hear, the girl heard many things. assured of our solid, [Protest Howl dependable business HOW EVERY SUNDAY SftVEFREET.V foundation and of our Summer efforts to provide you BREAKFAST with the best in quality service. Allow us to i — AND1RSON HOUSi serve you. Serving your insur- CONTINENTAL ance needs completely THE ELKS CLUB and efficiently. Call 140 N.W. 11 Street SMORGASBORD us! 395-4334, W. P. Be- BOCA RATON ALL-YOU-CARE-TO-EAJ bout 140 No. Federal Highway Boca Raton, Pancakes & Sausage, Juice & Coffee . $1.00 Open Daily 4:30 to 9 P.M. Sun. Noon to 9 P.M. •for the ethical advice Steak & Eggs ...... $1.50 ED and THELMA ANDERSON and Family, Your Host and valuable informa- Sunday. May 25; 8 a.m. fo 1:30 p.m. formerly of THE HEPBURN HOUSE, Totowa, New Jersey tion you need, Elks and their friends Invited STEAMED HINT FOR THE HOME: If chrome- SHRSiVIP SHRIMP SHRIMP plated objects become rusted, take a piece of EVERY NIGHT AND AU DAY SUNDAY aluminum foil and rub COCKTAILS BY THE MUGFUL area — it will shine like new. M COMING Bigger flowers, more power. IN BSZSMBSm BILL BINKO CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH INC EarlF air cloth Laugh it up v Your Largest Volume Chrysler Plymouth Dealer BILL BARKER In The State of Florida. will speak OUR SPECIALTY ANDERSON HOUSE HOME OF THE ROADRUNNER - CAR OF THE YEAR Char-Broiled Steaks and OLD EARLY AMERICAN DINING ROOM Earl Fair cloth, at- Broiled Florida Lobster 4S40 N. Federal Hwy., Fr. Lauderdale torney general of Flor- COCKTAILS 524 Opposite Holy Cross Hospital Ph. 563-9242 ida, will be the guest 4 TO 6 P.M, Fine Food and Grog Since 1933 speaker at the annual (Excapt Sunday & Holidays) THANKS AGAIN AL AND ERNIE TALLIA banquet sponsored by Schrafft's famous recipes of the Florida Atlantic Un- traditional foods assures you of iversity chapter of the top-notch quality whether for American Association breakfast, luncheon or dinner. of University Profes- It's Schrafft's for your favorite foods. sors Wednesday, May r 28. PHONE 395-

STANDARD EQUIPMENT WITH ALL DEALS Featured in Esquire Magazine Dec, 1968 OPEN 5 DAYS "AUTOMATIC COURTESY" •One of Outstanding Restaurants in Florida TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 1750 N. Federal (U.S. 1) Ft. Lauderdale ITALIAN CUISSNE Closed Sunday and Monday 566-7S38 . Est. in Phila. 1912 FLORIDA OCEAN SCIENCES INSTITUTE RESTAURANT AND fosi (Boatd cAvailahle for Charter COCKTAIL LOUNGE THE BELOW-LISTED BOATS ARE AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER FROM THE FLORIDA OCEAN SCIENCES INSTITUTE SPECIAL *2.00 EARLY BIRD SPECIALS Served Till 6:30 HOME BAKED Soup Du Jour or Tomato Juice BREAD AND BUTTER Rice Pudding or Jello Restaurant and Lounge

Tossed Green Salad - Italian Dressing LUNCH AND DINNERS SERVED IN THE LOUNGE CASUAL DRESS ACCEPTED 1. BREADED VEAL CUTLET - BAKED POTATO Sea Probe Sea Venture LUNCHEON !2:00-2;30 P.M. bV Trumpy Flush Dock Crulaor. ]966 - 37' wood hull Owl«Croft Constellation. 2. STUFFED GREEN PEPPER - MEAT & RICE DINNER 6t00-10,-30 P.M. 1 VEGETABLE <;• if* Sea Quest. ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY 3. BROILED FILET HADDOCK-LEMON BUTTER For IN THE LOUNGE Further 4. BAKED EGG PLANT PARMIGIANA SUNDAY & EDDIE Information Call 5. SPAGHETTI - MEAT BALL OR MEAT SAUCE For Reservations Call Maitre d' Douglas 39S-844S 6. BAKED LASAGNA 395-1682 ,3850 N. Federal Hwy. Lighthouse Point 501 Palmetto Park Rd. 1 BLOCK NORTH OF SHOPPERS HAVEN Sea Search Boca Raton 47* Carol!" Funllnar Houseboat. 44' Gebr Dolman CLOSED MONDAYS Motor-sailer (iloop rig). fen 942-0006 r Thunderous failure9 revived Beckefs Waiting for Godof scheduled at university Is Boca Raton ready First presented in time the advance pub- one, FAU only says that basis for some of the tional in structure and Becket, is an Irishman "Waiting for Godot" for "Waiting for Go- Paris in 1952 it was a licity was aimed at 'the "Waiting for Godot" is controversy over the would seem to be best who has lived most of will be produced at FAU 70,000 real intellectuals about two tramps who play. Some contend Go- described in the words his adult life in Paris. by Joe Conaway, assist- dot?" quick hit, although most ant professor of Eng- Miami wasn't, and theatregoers admitted of New York's 7 million throughout the play are dot is God, others that of Kenneth Tynan, well- At one time he was a people." Breathes there waiting impatiently on Godot is a sense of cer- known London critic, "secretary" —on a vol- lish. The cast includes when Samuel Becket's they were puzzled about who said; "it has no FAU students Wayne enigmatic play had its its meaning. There fol- a New Yorker with soul an open plain near a tainty and purpose in untary basis — to James so dead he'd admit to small tree for the ap- life, still others that plot, no climax, no de- Joyce. He originally Crawford, Gerry Mc- America premier lowed successful runs in Manus, and Robert Van- Helsinki, Rome, Lon- being a low-brow by not pearance of a certain Godot means Beauty, nouement, no beginning, wrote Godot in French, there in 1956, it was a attending — and loving Godot. Death or Mercy. At any no middle and no end. later doing his owndenberg, Mike Warbur- "thunderous failure." don and various German — the play? rate, Godot never ap- He added, "But, I love translation into English. ton, and Rafael Blanco. They're still "waiting" cities. Godot never appears, Rather than make and who he is is never pears. it." ''I £, for Godot down there. Then, the disaster in Whether or not Boca Miami, caused, accord- either mistake, or a new explained. This is the The play is unconven- The author, Samuel Thursday, May 22,1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 7A Raton is ready, Florida ing to its American pro- Atlantic University will ducer commenting in .„ ||l|||||l| |I|||I||II|||B||I||||U| T present "Waiting for retrospect, by advance I Godot" May 23 and 24 publicity advertising the in the University Thea- play as "a riotous- tre at 8:15 p.m. Both ly funny comedy." The ARRID AQUA NET ECKERD performances are open thinking behind that ad- to the public without vertising tack is as H IR SPRAY charge. mystifying as the play, DRUGS The story of the un- "Waiting for Godot" EXTRA DRY I * predictable reception of played to good audiences REGULAR OR SUPER Becket's tragi-comedy for eight weeks in New 9 OUNCE, 1.7.9 VALUE 13 OUNCE/ 99< VALUE is almost as inscrutable York — even attracting SFAMILYD as the content of the groups of devoted ad- play itself. mirers. However, this BOCA RATON Teen Talk • 150 W. Camino Real DELRAY Teen board member * Post Office Shopping Center LADIES PRINT is active at Gibbons SCOPE U Ol WALK SHORTS WESTCLOX DEERFIELD OUTHWAS CHOOSE FROM OUR LARGE SE- • Village Mart Shopping Center LECTION OF STYLES IN HOP- ming, and therefore URGE BOTTLE. LIMIT ONE By LESLIE GARVEY was eligible for mem- SACK Alarm CLOCK bership in the "Var- 2.98 J99 Another one of the DEPENDABLE CONSTANT sity Club." This club VALUE * MODEL. 40 HOUR KEY members of our board is consists only of ath- WIND, HIGH IMPACT CABt- Jim Wade, Jim was born letes who have excell- PERM. PRESS in Newark, N.J. , but ed in a particular field BRECK has spent the last five of sports, earned their BASIC WALK SHORTS CURITY letter, and are inter- 4 OUNCE. LIMIT ONE MEN'S, OACRON-COTTON, TAN ested in becoming a NAVY. OLIVE, LODEN, SIZES 30-42 DISPOSABLE member. 4.98 After school hours, VALUE Jim enjoys playing bas- DIAPERS Leslie ball, and that's also Garvey when he gets his swim- WERNETS POCKET LARGJ SIZE ming practice in. DENTU-CREME GENERAL ELECTRIC This summer he has A T SHIRTS REG. 1.59, LIMIT 1 no definite plans, but 4.2 02.. ECONOMY. UMIT 1 WHITE. NAVY, MAIZE, GREEN, just will stay around \ BLUE, BLACK. S., M., L. XL. years living in Boca Ra- town, and perhaps get A REAL 19 ton. a job. He attends Cardinal VALUE The summer dances BAND-AID DRY IRON Gibbons High School in BRAND ASSORTED at Teen Town start SWITCHES FROM STEAM TO DRY AT THE Fort Lauderdale. He PLASTIC STRIPS PLAYTEX PUSH OF A BUTTON, HANDY FABRIC DIAL AS- June 18th at the Com- SURES THE CORRECT IRONING TEMPERATURE keeps himself busy r PACKAGE, LIMIT ONE SWIM CAP there in taking, French, munity Center. The times will probably still NEW WATERTIGHT "WAVE Algebra 1, Theology, GUARD" CAP IN WHITE. be the same, but consult World History, Phys. 1.19 1.19 Ed., and English 1. this column for any changes. VALUE 74 In addition to his MATTRESS schoolwork, Jim finds One of the really FRESH the time for sports,too. great bands that will 7, OUNCE AEROSOL CAN This past year he par- play on the night of the YOU WONT ticipated in the swim- opening of our summer HNITAMY AUTOMATIC ming program and com- dances is the "Shape of petition at Gibbons, and Things." They are from PRESCRIPTION DEPT. ICE CRUSHER also played freshman New Orleans, and are THAT TRIES LIGHTWEIGHT LET ELECTRICITY DO THE WORK. JAM . Although really good. Their pop- HARDER THAN PROOF WITH BUILT IN TRAY, BY DAZEY only a freshman, he al- ularity in Louisiana is MODEL 1OO overwhelmingly great. ECKERD DRUGS WHEN IT TRAVEL IRON so lettered in swim- BY DANDEE. FOLDING COMES TO PLEASING H AND1E, CARRYING 19.95 VALUE THEIR CUSTOMERS CASE AND CORD MAGNAVOX SUMMER VALUES*TIME 6-12 WITH QUALITY AND LOW at Cote-McDaniel Magnovoi INSECT PRICES! Home Entertainment Centers REPELLENT 7 OUNCE TROUBLE NAPHTHALENE AEROSOL CAN LIGHT MOTH BALLS NOW 25 FOOT CORD, DOUBLE SIDE SHAMPOO RUGS "RELIABLE" MOTH KltlER OUTLETS, SHOCK PROOF HANDLE ONE REG. and SAVE 1.98 26 POUND 39c COLOR TV VALUE on this 0 O BIG LONG LIFE BLUE PARA-ZENE VALUE NIGHT LIGHT MOTH CRYSTALS IJLJSTRE KILLS CLOTHES MOTHS AND CAN BE USED WITH PROTECT YOUR HOME, GOOD VACUUM CIEANER TO DEODORIZE, PREVENTS FOR 50.000 HRS., GUARANTEED RENT SHAMPOOER FOR S1 MILDEW SAFE. U.I. APPROVED. The bcsl-of-all tor wall-to-wall. Or 69c spots and paths. Fluffs up matted down VALUE 37' nap! Brightens colors. Only \( a sq, ft. 78 RAID EXTENSION Tri-Chloro-Ethylene CORD, 15' CLEANING FLUID FULLY GUARANTEED BY FLYING INSECT NORTHERN, BROWN OR MAYFAIR SOLID STATE CAN BE USED AS A REPLACEMENT FOR CARBON WHITE TETRACHtORIDE 6 KILLER 79c * 98c VALUE 37« OZ. 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ALL MAJOR Our Own Factory-Tralnod, CREDIT CARDS Factory-Authorized Service Dopt. ACCEPTED. Sarvlelnfl Magnavox Exclusively. IIMURECKERD COUPON SCOTT ¥1¥H TOWELS ALUMINUM FOIL SIM. SOAP SCHICK BLADES | 133 TOWELS, 12"xZ5", BY BATH SIZE, GOLD 5 MCK, SUPER REGULAR CHEF FOIL OR PIKK, STMMJESS STEEL, 37c 29 35c VALUE HE6ULAR 2 FOR 59c We VALUE •POMPANO BEACH 2750 E. Atlantic Blvd. 18 20 36* In Atlantic Square - Phone 941-1441 LIMIT t WITH COUPON THRU 5/24 LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 5/24 LIMIT 2 WITH COUPON THRU 5/24 LIMIT 1 WITH COUPOK THRU 5/24 *BOCA RATON 3333 N. Federal Hwy, Phone 395-1201 Pompano 9.-00 to 5:30 SUMMER HOURS Boca 9.-00 to 5:30 mum •8A BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, May 22, 1969 In Little League

Cops hack in rufc> --from Neptune's garden tokegfl i r This is one of a series of photographs of flora and fauna from the JL floor of the Atlantic Ocean. The pictures were provided by divers Folders win3 23-2 with Florida Ocean Sciences Institute. Identification was made by First Bank of Little Grimes, 2b 2 0 0 F'er,2b-lf 3 0 0 FAU scientists. All plants and animals are native to the Boca Ra- League , took a Bell, p 4 0 1 Moen, 3b-p 3 0 0 ton area. pair of wins in their Lamb, ss 12 0 Mallon,c 2 0 1 The Policemen of city Murray, cf 3 0 1 Willis, 3b-2b 4 11 got back into the Cramer, rf 3 0 0 last two outings, beat- M'alla, ss-2b 2 0 0 Petracco, p 2 0 0 ing University National, Burnett, rf 2 2 1 Stone, lb 10 0 old rut again Monday 4-3, and BocaiNational, Patrick, If 1 0 1 S'maker, lb 10 0 night when they' lost to Durham, 1b 1 0 ' 1 Totals 27 5 8 Fold-a-matic, 23-2. Reginer, 1b 1 0 0 5-1. Maxwell, ss 1 0 0 Bond, c 2 0 1 . In the University BOCA NATIONAL Papzcum,lf 10 0 The Folders came up Totals 27 2 9 Bank tilt, all runs for AB R H Green, p-3b 2 0 0 with an 8-run first inn- the First Bankers were O'Connor, rf 10 0 Grassel, cf 1 0 0 ing and followed with 10 unearned. Five walks Brach, rf 0 1 0 Totals 19 1 1 runs in the second stan- FOLDAMATIC AB R H and an error saw three Hagger,cf 10 0 First Bank 020 030—5 *za to put the game out runs score in the first Dunham, cf 0 0 0 National 000 100-1. of sight for the boys in Jones, sf 5 3 3 stanza. A single and a blue. Dodge, 3b 5 1 3 wild pitch pushed home Cooney went four for Weinstein, p 3 3 2 the fourth run in the five for the winners, Dunning, p 1 0 1 I third Inning. Feds utilize walks to King had three for three B'der, cf 5 3 3 University Bank's for the Policemen. Stewart, lb 5 3 3 Cooney, ss 5 2 4 I three runs all came in win 19-17 ball game The box score: Ott, rf 5 2 3 the sixth inning. Two POLICE AB R H Ray, c 3 10 singles and a wild throw •:•: were responsible for the T.D'man, 2b 3 0 0 Lalli, c 2 0 0 runs crossing home Utilizing walks and Williams, cf 1 10 Matteis, ss 3 1 1 Klipsic, If 3 2 1 errors Boca Federal Mumaw, cf 0 0 0 King, sf 3 13 plate. F'dez, rf 0 10 Griffith, 2b 3 2 1 Against Boca Na- outscored First Feder- Fradd, 3b 3 0 2 Burns, 2b 1 1 0 al, 19-17, in Little Carlen, rf 0 1 0 r A'vitch, If 3 0 0 tional, First Bank slam- Totals 46 23 24 med out seven hits while League action recently. B'strom, c 3 1 0 V holding the Nationals to Boca Federal had only Wahl, cf 0 10 only one. Two runs four hits in the ball Totals 19 19 4 Delta Sigma Pi drops scored in the sec- game, but 25 walks made ond inning, three more it easy for them to come FIRST FEDERAL in the fifth. The lone up with the victory. AB R H run for the Nationals Dunster, p 1 1 0 Blue Waves, 11 to 6 came in the fourth inn- First Federal shar- P'rone, p-rf 10 0 ing. ed in the walks by op- E.W'liams,lf4 3 0 Delta Sigma Pi beat Singer, If 3 1 2 position pitchers. Four- Dighton, If 3 1 1 their brother Blue Dunn, If 10 0 The box scores: teen were allowed, along Burke, cf 111 Waves of FAU to Carlen, p 3 0 1 The checkered puffer (Sphoeroides testudineus). FIRST BANK with a hit batter. The T'ault, cf 0 0 0 '"the tune of 11-6 in city Lebow, lb 4 1 1 AB R H First Federal team had Wright, ss 3 3 0 Softball Monday night. Dobkin, sf 4 0 1 1:;:£:;:;:;:;:;&:;:^ Posey, c 3 0 0 seven hits. Malone, 2b 4 2 1 Livesay, leftfielder Maltby, rf 3 0 2 J.O'Hara,cf 2 10 The box score: Glover, lb 1 0 1 for the winners, came Hicks, c 2 0 0 Coming Sunday Matteis, lb 2 2 1 BOCA FEDERAL R'son, lb 0 1 0 ( «| up with four hits for B. Smith, c 1 0 0 Byrd, 3b 10 0 AB R H Dimauro, p-rf 3 1 0 '*' four times at the plate Gon'lez, ss 3 0 0 Grimes, 3b 1 0 0 Tyrell, If 2 1 0 R.W'liams,c3 1 1 and scored two runs. L'ford, 3b 3 0 0 Bell, p 2 10 Kile, 3b 4 1 1 Holland, 3b 4 3 2 Zaksek went three Totals 34 6 12 Lamb, ss 10 0 Spencer, ss 5 3 3 Maher, p 10 0 across the board as he Burnett, ss 0 0 0 McNais, p-3b 1 3 0 Totals 29 17 7 scored three runs on DELTA AB R H Bunnies play FAU frats Grice, 2b 10 0 Danciu, lb 13 0 Boca Fed. 324 505-19 three hits for three Livesay, If 4 2 4 Willis, 2b 1 0 0 S'poli, 2b 2 3 0 First Fed. 421 811-17 times at bat. Zaksek, cf 3 3 3 Eg'ger, rf 1 0 1 Gerdus of the Blue Wicker, rf 4 2 0 The famed Play- when they compete in A view of the athletic P.O'Hara,rf 10 0 Waves also scored three Taylor, ss 4 2 3 boy Bunnies, Miami softball with fraternity prowess of the beaut- Patrick, If 1 0 0 times on three hits. Nelson, 3b 2 0 1 chapter, will demon- men at Florida Atlantic eous Bunnies will cost Cockes, If 1 0 0 Mitchells win game Behind going into the Ugalde, lb 3 0 2 str ate their physical fit- University Sunday aft- customers 50 cents Stubbs, 2b 1 0 0 Parson,c 2 0 1 ness to area sports fans ernoon. each, to be contributed Totals 19 4 2 bottom of the fifth Inn- to the Boca Raton Com- ing, the Delta team post- C'man, c 10 0 mm " • v ed three in the fifth and Orr, p 3 11 munity Hospital. University National despite big 6th frame four more in the sixth James, sf 2 0 0 The brave boys who AB R H to put the game on ice. Morgan, sf 1 0 1 have agreed to take on Marshall, cf 2 0 1 Mitchell softball team Dale, rf 10 0 The box score: Russell, 2b 2 1 0 the Bunnies are the An'son, cf 1 0 0 beat University Bowl Ot'well, rf 2 1 1 BLUE WAVES Totals 31 11 16 members of Delta Sig- DeGrove, 3b 3 1 0 Monday night despite a McDonald, If 3 12 AB R H ma Pi, FAU's profes- Vincent, p-lf 3 11 six run seventh inning Perry, lb 3 1 1 Gerdus, cf 3 3 3 B. Waves 410 000 1— 6 sional business frater- Regneir, ss 1 1 0 by University. Totals 31 7 9 Tata, 2b 4 12 Delta 310 034 x-11 nity. Agganis, ss 2 0 0 Perry was the long Wright, 2b 3 0 2 ball hitter of the eve- MITCHELL The happening will Sears, rf 0 0 0 ning coming up with a happen at 4 p.m. at the AB R H 29 walks seen in Elks Johnson, rf 10 0 grand slam home run McFann, cf 3 1 2 FAU field in the south- Mitchell, lb 2 0 0 in the top of the seventh west section of the cam- Metzger, ss 3 1 1 Pokorney, lb 1 0 0 for University. Kraemer, 3b 3 3 1 pus. :r.~-; « The box score: victory over, Causeway After the contest,- "Stevens, c 2 0 1 Harm, lb 3 2 2 winners and losers will Swanson, lf-p 10 0 UNIVERSITY Harvey, If 3- 1 1 Little League Elks Agnew, 2b 1 2 0 proceed to the Univer- Totals 22 3 5 AB R H Kuehn, p 3 0 1 scored a 22-2 victory C arisen, cf 2 1 1 sity cafeteria for sup- St. Jean, 2b 2 0 0 Curtis, 2b 2 0 2 over Causeway in base- Alford, cf 0 2 0 per. First Bank 301 000-4 Shaw, 2b 2 0 0 H'drick, 2b 1 0 0 r Univ. 000 003—3 ball action, taking ad- Stone, lb 110 Wxjr-C^:^ .'.^&s^*