BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 14, No. 74 Thursday, May 22, 1969 22 Pages Residents blast lake pier, plan withdrawn Pollution, ownership questioned Plans for a 206-foot-long boat pier in Lake Wyman were with- drawn Tuesday in the face of public resistance from prop- erty owners in the area. Itvenus, Inc., represented by Alexander Guterma, asked that it be permitted to withdraw without prejudice the applica- tion for permission to build the pier. It was planned to jut out into Lake Wyman from the Lakeview Apartments site near the north end of the lake. Withdrawal of the applica- tion came after Guterma had twice asked that the City Coun- "Open house" will be held today from 3 to 5 p.m. at the cil's public hearing on the pro- J.C. Mitchell Community School. School Director Courtney posal be continued until a later Cheri said the informal program is planned to introduce the date. He was joined in his re- public to the school's activities and plans. This young ar- quest for continuance by Rob- tist is only one of many who have been preparing for the ert C. Abel Jr., attorney for event. Story on page A of today's News. Investment Corporation of Florida, which owns property to the north. When the hearing FAU President Kenneth Williams. .flower power on campus. More pictures on page 6A. proceeded, Abel subsequently Registration next week took the floor to join the ranks of those opposing the Itvenus plans. Flower power takes over Guterma, the only one to for summer recprogram speak in favor of the propos- ed pier, said Itvenus had al- Tuesday, May 27 is regis- the swim series are Bibletown ready received permission for tration day for the Recreation pool and Boca Raton Hotel Ca- the project from the Army Department's annual learn to bana Club pool. It's love, love, love at FA U Corps of Engineers, the state swim series. Registration for the eight Internal Improvement Fund The swim sessions are part sessions of swimming lessons trustees, and the city Planning pus. tiqn Square", returned and of the summer recreation pro- will be held beginning at 7:30 By MARLENE FREEDMAN and Zoning Board. He stated that gram which will begin with a,m, Tuesday. "Registration A sun-sh/^ver delayed the thfe sidewalks once more were it was intended only fete use by start of tK, '"Love'In" by 20 foic dancing, not for pathways "get acquainted day" June 13* must be.done^4n person at the They loved the "Love-In," residents of fie ItveniJs-owned The summer program gets community center," accord- There were the foot-stomp- minutes, but it just heightened to class. rental apartments and suggest- the anticipation and the number But then how often does a underway June 13, and learn to ing to Jim Rutherford, recre- ing, frugging, gum-chewing ed that the city might be beyond swim sessions will start June ation director. barfooted students; the nos- of the crowd. "Love-In" come along?? (Continued on Page 5A) About 200 gathered on the 2. Pools to be used in the learn ' 'No registrations will be ac- talgically smiling faculty, and cepted either by phone or at "the biggest flower child on lawns and sidewalks by the Science Building facing a plat- the pools as classes will be earth," Dr. Kenneth Ro Wil- limited and filled on a first liams, president of Florida At- form occupied by a long-hair- ed all male rock band. Legislators shelve plan to take come, first serve basis." lantic University. The classes will be conduct- FAU's debut into the "Love- It was just what they wanted— in both content and volume — ed by Red Cross instructors. In" field yesterday was so First class for pre-school- successful that Dr. Williams, and it didn't take long for spec- tators to become dancers. ers, ages four and five, will be- addressing the crowd between city from hospital tax district gin June 2 at the Bibletown band breaks, mused: Adding to the colorfulness of the dancers' clothes were over™ ed unlimited sale of bonds and Bethesda Memorial officials pool. "We're talking about making Boca Raton Community Hos- Beginner and advanced be- the 'Love-In' annual, but ic sized pastel paper flowers, hun- pital lost its bid to remove the without a referendum. have objected to such a move may get so good we may have dreds of different colored bal- city from the Southeastern Palm The bill to remove the city and Monday, Robert Griffith, (Continued on Page 5A) to have it on a quarterly basis." loons and two bright aqua kites. Beach County Hospital District, from the hospital tax district attorney for the hospital dis- The event was credited to As Dr. Williams quipped, at least for the time being. was introduced by State Rep. trict, told the delegation that many different segments of the "All I know is they handed me Don Reed of Boca Raton. Boca Raton's withdrawal a string and told me to go fly In a parliamentary maneu- It was the contention of Boca "would cripple the district." student population and endorsed ver, members of a legislative Inlet back by just about everybody on cam- a kite. Raton Community Hospital of- Some of the dancers wore delegation meeting in Talla- ficials that city residents are William Koch, chairman of bright orange stickers pro- hassee tabled the proposal, ef- being taxed double by having the hospital board, said he would claiming, "Love-In For FAU" fectively killing its chances for to support tax-supported Be- agree to a $10 million limit on on agenda One didn't waste his words. this legislative session. No fur- thesda Memorial Hospital while obligation or revenue bonds. He just wore the word "Love". ther delegation meetings are contributing to private, non- The unlimited provision and The city Planning and Zon- May 19 - 21, 1969 planned. one allowing the sale of rev- ing Board will learn tonight The music went on. profit Boca Raton Community enue certificates without a ref- Dr. Williams made his short It did approve a bill raising Hospital. They also maintain whether Arvida Corp. has Hi Lo Rain the bond limit for the hospital erendum were struck and the agreed to sign a pledge not to speech and several sororities that city residents should not delegation then approved the Mon. 84 76 .03 and fraternities presented skits district from $1 million to $10 be obligated to support future build any structures within 55 Tues. 82 73 .85 million, after striking a pro- increase in bond indebtedness feet on all sides of the Boca and songs. indebtedness for expansion of from $1 million to $10 million. Wed.(noon) 85 70 Trace The band, "The Combina- vision which would have allow- Bethesda. Raton Inlet. Officials of the corporation, which dredged the inlet at its own expense, suggested such an agreement last week, when the Board considered setting A pair of awards for the city's top indus- ings and Administrator Frank Dawson for the Community Hospital. Also scheduled tomor- special 55-foot setbacks on tries will be presented at noon today at the both sides of the waterway. annual Chamber of Commerce Industrial Appre- row is a display of products of the city's vari- ciation Luncheon. Slated to receive the honors ous industries starting at 11 a.m. in the Boca A committe e composed of Raton Hotel convention center. James Becker and Howard Mc- are Dwayne Webster, left, for Precision Cast- Call, Board members, was appointed to consult with Ar- vida officials and report on progress at the next meeting . Also scheduled for discus- sion tonight are: —A report from a com- mittee composed of Tore Wal- ling, Earl Sloane, Board mem- bers and Walter Young, city planning and zoning director, on the feasibility of allowing private industry to build dor- mitories and other living quarters for Florida Atlan- tic University students. —A proposal for rezoning vcaant land on the east side of A1A just south of the new outfall station from B-4 to R-5 to allow the construction of apartments. Ann Landers Page 2B Church News 8B Classifieds 10-11B Editorials 4A Public Notices 9-10B Real Estate 5-6-7B Sports 8A Women's News 1-2-3-4B L... 2A BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, May 22, 1969 k&&&::W::::#::::::#:^ Three arrested for By MARLENE FREEDMAN class tremendously. still have it caked on my other Kika teaches two classes — shoes." Visitors to today's "Open 15-20 youngsters on Monday A serious -mindedboy, with- House" of the Center for Com- from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and a sim- station robbery here ilar group on Thursday out looking up from his paint- munity Education at J. C. Mit- ing, said, "he never tells us chell School will be greeted from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Three men arrested way car,"' Dettman said. "I tell each class that the that what are we're doing is in Riviera Beach Tues- The police officer said by walls and walls of artistic bad. He just tells us that per- creations done by about 30 am- other one is doing better work," day are being held on Gary LeeDaugherty, 19, the smiling student - teacher haps we should do something charges of an armed of Fort Lauderdale, ateur artists. to make it look better." The wide variety of media concedes. robbery here Monday Roger Allison, 18, of "And when the kids tell me According to Kika, "they're night.
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