Cetaceans in the Indian Ocean Sanctuary: a Review a WDCS Science Report
Cetaceans in the Indian Ocean Sanctuary: A Review A WDCS Science report Editors: M.N. de Boer, R. Baldwin, C.L.K. Burton, E.L. Eyre, K.C.S. Jenner, M-N.M. Jenner, S.G. Keith, K.A.McCabe, E.C.M. Parsons, V.M. Peddemors, H.C. Rosenbaum, P. Rudolph and M. P. Simmonds WDCSWhale and Dolphin Conservation Society WDCS is the global voice for the protection of whales, dolphins and their environment. CETACEANS IN THE INDIAN OCEAN SANCTUARY: A REVIEW A WDCS SCIENCE REPORT M.N. de Boeri, R. Baldw in:. C.L.K. Burton:. E.L. Eyre: K.C.S. Jenners, M-N.M. Jenners, S.G. Keith:. K.A. McCabes, E.C.M. Parsons7, V.M. Peddemorss, H.C. Rosenbaums P. Rudolphio and M. P. Simmondsi 1. Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Brookfield House, 38 St Paul Street, Chippenham, Wiltshire.'SN15 1LU. UK 2. P.O. Box 2531, CPO 111. Sultanate of Oman. 3. Western Whale Research, 25 Knightsbridge Crescent, Mullaloo, Western Australia 6027 4. Biological Sciences Department, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 Australia 5. Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc. PO Box 1622, Fremantle WA 6959, Australia 6. Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland. 7. SEAQUEST, Main Street, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Argyll, PA75 6NU, Scotland/ School of Life Sciences, Napier University, Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH 14 1DJ, Scotland. 8. School of Life & Environmental Sciences, University of Durban-Westville, P. Bag X54001, Durban 4000, South Africa 9. Science Resource Center, The Wildlife Conservation Society, 2300 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY 10460, USA; American Museum of Natural History, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation and Molecular Systematics Laboratory, 79th Street and Central Park West.
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