Abschlussprüfung 2017 Time: an den Realschulen in Bayern 105 minutes Englisch

Written Test Haupttermin

Name: 10 10


PART I: Reading


Read the text Last Chance to See (page 8). Are sentences 1-8 ‘True’ (T) or ‘False’ (F)? Choose ‘Not in the text’ (N) if there is not enough information to answer ‘True’ or ‘False’. Tick () the correct answer.


1 The author developed an understanding for the baiji’s situation.

2 The baiji gradually lost most of its ability to see.

3 The baiji’s sense of hearing is not very well developed.

4 More dolphins were killed by ships than by water pollution.

5 The white rhino’s name is the result of a misunderstanding.

6 Until the 20th century northern white rhinos were unknown in Europe.

7 Northern white rhinos are endangered because of their size.

8 Today both species are extinct.


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TASK 2 Read the following text and look carefully at each line. Some lines are correct, but seven of the lines 1-12 have a word which should not be there. Write the words which should not be there on the lines next to the text. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

Zoologist on Extinction

0 For over millions of years animals have become extinct. But what has ____over____ 1 changed is the extinction rate. We are now eliminating more than a thousand ______2 different species of animals and plants from our planet for every year. Rain ______3 forests are alone contain half the world’s species of animals and plants. ______4 However, an area the size of Senegal which is destroyed each year. But does ______5 it really matter if the Yangtze river dolphin or any other species only lives on in ______6 a scientists' notebooks? Well, yes, it does. Every animal or plant is an integral ______7 part of its environment; all of them have been a role in maintaining ecological ______8 stability. And conservation is important as for our own survival. Animals and ______9 plants provide us with life-saving drugs and essential ingredients for many of ______10 industrial processes. There is one last reason for caring, and I believe that no ______11 other is necessary: The world would be a poorer, darker and lonelier place ______12 without them. ______


______Abschlussprüfung Englisch 2017 • NACHTERMIN Schülerblatt 2 von 10


The following text is about the dodo, an extinct bird. The paragraphs of the text are mixed up. Put the different parts (A-G) into the correct order. Write your answers in the grid below. One part (F) has already been put in the correct place.

A Its wings long ago gave up the idea of lifting such a plump creature off the ground, and turned into decorative little stumps.

B There were, very clearly and obviously, no more of them in this naturally limited area. And since only dodos could make a new dodo, there would never be any more of them ever again.

C But they killed it anyway. The large, gentle dove - the dodo - was just clubbed to death for the sport of it. The last bird was killed by Dutch colonists in about 1680. And that is what Mauritius is most famous for: the extinction of the dodo.

D Until this was realised, it hadn’t really clicked with man that an animal could just stop existing. It was as if we hadn’t realised that if we kill something, it simply won’t be there anymore. Ever. As a result of the extinction of the dodo we should become wiser.

E It didn’t need to use them anyway, since there was no one who wished it any harm and it, in turn, is harmless itself. There has never even been any reason for humans to kill it because its meat is tough and bitter.

F Animals had become extinct before, but this was a particularly remarkable one, and it only lived on the island of Mauritius.

G The most famous of all the animals of Mauritius is a large, gentle dove. A remarkable bird, in fact, since it is unable to fly.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7



______Abschlussprüfung Englisch 2017 • NACHTERMIN Schülerblatt 3 von 10


Verwenden Sie die Informationen aus folgendem Sachtext. Bearbeiten Sie die Aufgaben (1-4) stichpunktartig auf Deutsch. Es ist keine wörtliche Übersetzung nötig, die Aspekte müssen inhaltlich jedoch vollständig erfasst sein. Einzelwörter genügen nicht als Antwort.

The Parosphromenus Few people have ever heard the word Parosphromenus. It is the name of a group of very beautiful little fish from Malaysia and Indonesia whose existence is seriously endangered. Most of the rain forests where they live in ponds and small streams are being destroyed to make way for oil palm plantations. That’s why in 2005 we founded the Parosphromenus Project. With our project we are…  trying to establish links with environmental organizations active in Southeast Asia,  informing people about the annual increase of the damage, and  organizing a worldwide exchange of these fish.

If you’re thinking of keeping a pair of ‘paros’ in your fish tank, remember the following things: these colourful little fish are for experienced fishkeepers only. They will eat nothing except live food, and they require extremely soft water which is free of bacteria. In our project you will get advice from scientists from all over the world, something that a local fish club usually cannot offer. You may also find people who are as interested as yourself in this very special species.

1 Was hat der Anbau von Ölpalmen mit dem Verschwinden der Parosphromenus-Arten zu tun? 1

2 Welche Maßnahmen werden im Rahmen des Parosphromenus Projects zum Schutz dieser

Fische ergriffen? (3 Details) 3

3 Nennen Sie drei Dinge, die man beim Umgang mit den Fischen der Gattung Parosphromenus

bedenken sollte. 3

4 Welche beiden Vorteile bietet die Teilnahme am Parosphromenus Project? 2


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Abschlussprüfung 2017 an den Realschulen in Bayern

Name: 10

PART II: Use of English


Look at text 1 (page 8). Find a word or expression which means the same as each of the words (1-5) below. The lines where you can find the words or expressions are indicated in brackets. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

0 totally  completely (l. 1-12) 1 little  (l. 13-27) 2 crushed  (l. 28-41) 3 (to) think  (l. 42-53) 4 attractive  (l. 54-71) 5 unbelievable  (l. 54-71) (5)


Look at text 1 (page 8). What do the following words mean? Match the expressions (A-F) as used in the text with their corresponding definitions (0-7). Write the correct numbers in the grid below. Be careful: There are two definitions that you do not need. One definition (0) has already been matched correctly.

0 a person who illegally hunts game, fish, etc., on someone

else’s property A visibility (l. 16) 1 facts that make you believe that something is true B disuse (l. 18) 2 an item which is no longer needed C echolocation (l. 21) 3 a regularly flashing bright light D strobe (l. 30) 4 finding objects by determining the time for sound to return E poacher (l. 63) F evidence (l. 75) 5 a place that looks exactly like another place 6 a state in which something is inactive 7 the ability to be seen under given conditions

A B C D E F 0 (5)


Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word of the same word family that fits in the space in the same line. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

0 Zoos Victoria is Fighting Extinction FIGHT 1 Their goal is to be the world’s ______zoo-based conservation LEADER 2 organisation, the Australian authority on the ______of threatened MANAGING 3 species. Their aim is to ______wildlife knowledge for DELIVERY 4 conservation action. Zoos Victoria also work ______. They are GLOBE 5 committed to the recovery of 21 endangered ______species, as LOCATION well as broad-based conservation programs in six countries. (5)

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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the KEY WORD given in brackets. Do not change the KEY WORD given. You must use between two and five words including the KEY WORD. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

0 You can find rainforests not only in South America but also on other continents. (WELL) (1) (2) (3) (4) You can find rainforests in South America as well as on other continents.

1 Not even one per cent of the species of tropical plants have been analysed to find out about their

medical benefit. (THAN) ______of the species of tropical plants have been 1 analysed to find out about their medical benefit. 2 Practices such as agriculture, ranching, and mining threaten rainforests every day. (ARE) ______every day by practices such as agriculture, 1 ranching, and mining. 3 A number of animals stay away from the ground for reasons of safety. (AVOID) A number of animals ______near the ground for reasons of safety. 1 4 To preserve the rain forests, we must recognize the social, economic, and political reasons for

deforestation. (WANT) ______the rain forests, we must recognize the social, 1 economic, and political reasons for deforestation. 5 Lots of people have to cooperate so that rainforests and their wildlife will survive. (ORDER) Lots of people have ______make sure that 1

rainforests and their wildlife will survive.


Complete the following text. Use the correct forms of the words in brackets and find words of your own to replace the question marks. There is one example (0) at the beginning.

Time is Critical for the Last on Earth The is a large, moss green, flightless parrot with a pale owl-like face. Kakapos live in the forest, occupying the same home range (0) _for_ (???) many years. They find their food on the ground and climb high into trees. The bird used (1) ______(be) common throughout New Zealand. Today, though, it is (2) ______(critical) endangered.

Kakapos started declining in number after mammals were brought to New Zealand

(3) ______(???) the arriving Maori. Predators such as cats like to hunt the Kakapo. Female Kakapos, (4) ______(???) nests can be found on or under the ground, take care of their eggs and chicks alone. They have to spend long periods away from the nest feeding. During this time, eggs and chicks can (5) ______(eat) by rats or other predators. Away from their nests, Kakapos usually freeze and rely (6) ______(???) their colouring for protection. This strategy worked when Kakapos were hunted by birds. But it became completely ineffective when new predators arrived

(7) ______(???) hunt by smell. First the Kakapo (8) ______

(disappear) from the North Island, and then throughout New Zealand. To rescue them, they were transferred off the coast to small predator-free islands. Today there are more (9) ______(???) 150 Kakapos left. The population (10) ______(not grow) if the birds had not been intensively cared for. Staff work year-round ensuring the birds are healthy, well-fed and safe. (10)

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PART III: Guided Writing

You only have to do one of the following two tasks. Important: First read both tasks, then decide whether you want to do Task A or Task B. You can write down your ideas on your extra sheet before you do the task on your exam paper.


After your final exams you want to work as a volunteer. You see the following advertisement on the internet.

We have volunteer opportunities to suit everyone’s skills and availability. It takes a lot of different characters to run a busy rescue centre. As a member of our team you will be expected to take part in all the daily tasks, which include:  feeding seal babies  cleaning out shelters and pools  observing and counting animals  assisting our vets  showing school groups around Send us an e-mail to get more information about our volunteer program.

Write a letter of application including the following information:  give reasons for applying  say why you think you are suitable for the job  ask about general job conditions  say how this experience might be useful for your future career

Find a suitable beginning and ending. Write about 200 words.


Every year there is a Nature Day at your school. Write an e-mail to inform your English friend about this year’s event. Include the following information:  the activities of your class  why you think this day was important  what went well and why  possible improvements and plans for next year’s Nature Day

Find a suitable beginning and ending for your e-mail. Write about 200 words.

______Abschlussprüfung Englisch 2017 • NACHTERMIN Schülerblatt 7 von 10


Last Chance to See 1 In 1988, zoologist Mark Carwardine and The Northern White Rhino writer spent a year travelling One of the things that people who don’t the globe in search of endangered animals. know anything about white rhinoceroses Here is an extract from Adams’s book about find most interesting about them is their 45 5 their experiences, “Last Chance to See”. colour. It isn’t white. Not even remotely. It’s a rather handsome dark grey. People The Baiji Dolphin therefore assume that zoologists are colour- Travelling in eastern Asia I began to find that blind, but this is not the case. ‘White’ is a it was the sounds I was hearing that mistranslation of the Afrikaans word ‘weit’ 50 disoriented me most. It occurred to me that the meaning ‘wide’, and it refers to the animal’s 10 dolphins we had come to look for must be mouth, which is wider than that of the black suffering from the same kind of problem. rhino. Their senses must be completely confused. Northern white rhinos were unknown The baiji dolphin is practically blind. The outside of Africa until their discovery in 55 reason for this is that there is nothing to see in 1903. At the time, there were enormous 15 the Yangtze River. The water is so muddy now numbers of them in five different countries, that visibility is not much more than a few nowadays called Chad, the Central African centimetres, and as a result the baiji’s eyes Republic, Sudan, Uganda and Zaire. But have weakened through disuse. As a their discovery meant disaster for the 60 consequence, it relies on sound. It has northern white rhinos, because they have 20 incredibly acute hearing, and ‘sees’ by two horns, which makes them doubly echolocation, sending out sequences of tiny desirable to poachers – illegal hunters. The clicks and listening for the echoes. Since man front one, which is longer, measures two invented the engine, the baiji’s life must have feet in length on average; the world record- 65 become a complete nightmare. The baiji’s holder had an incredible horn six feet long 25 world in the Yangtze now is full of the sounds and, sadly, was worth some US$5,000. By of the engines of rusty old tramp steamers, 1980, all but 1,000 rhinos had been killed by container ships, and giant ferries. poachers. Five years later, the population I said to Mark, ‘The baiji’s life must be like reached an all-time low of just thirteen 70 that of a deaf man living in a discotheque. All animals. 30 the spots and strobes and mirrors and lasers Adapted from Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See, 1990

and things. Constantly confusing information. After a day or two you’d become completely INFO disoriented and start to fall over the furniture.’ 29 years later –‘Well, that’s exactly what’s happening, in The last documented sighting (supported by 35 fact,’ said Mark. ‘The dolphins are continually photographic evidence) of a baiji was in 75 being hit by boats or mangled in their 2002. propellers or getting tangled in fishermen’s The world’s last remaining male northern nets. Then, of course, there’s all the sewage, white rhino is living under armed guard. the chemical and industrial waste that’s being ‘Sudan’ is now 43 years old and is 40 washed into the Yangtze, poisoning the water increasingly unlikely to breed successfully. 80 and the fish.’

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Abschlussprüfung 2017 an den Realschulen in Bayern

Name: 10

PART III: Guided Writing – Answer Sheet

TASK (Write A or B in the box.)

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Task Coherence & Impression of Grammar Vocabulary Achievement Cohesion General Quality Total

st 1 examiner /30

nd 2 examiner /30


Speaking Listening Reading Use of English Writing Total

st 1 examiner / 30 / 30 / 30 / 30 / 30 /150

nd 2 examiner / 30 / 30 / 30 / 30 / 30 /150

1st examiner:

2nd examiner:

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