

tion for Making and Interpreting Surveys. Soil New York, 8th Ed., 1891, 659 pp. U.S. Depai-tment 01' Agriculture, USDA Handbook 6. M. G. Cline. Basic Principles of Soil Classifica­ 436, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975, 754pp. tion. , Vol. 67, 1949, pp. 81-91. 2. Glossary of . American Geological In­ 7. W. M. Johnson. The Pedon and the Polypedon. In stitute, Washington, D.C., 1972, 857 pp. The 7th Approximation-A Symposium, Proc., Soil 3. T. W. Lambe and R. V. Whitman. . Science Society of America, Vol. 27, 1963 pp. 212- Wiley, New York, 1969, 553 pp. 215. 4. M. Baldwin, C. E. Kellogg, and J. Thorp. . In and Men, U.S. Depart­ ment of Agt·icult\ii•e Yearbook of Agriculture, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1938, pp. 979-1001. Publication of this paper sponsored by Committee on Exploration and 5. J. S. Mill. A System of Logic. Harper and Brothers, Classification of Earth Materials.

Diagnostic Soil Horizons in Soil Taxonomy Lindo J. Bartelli, Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

This paper discusses the major kinds of· soil horizons, their use in Soil INTERPRETATIONS USING SOIL Taxonomy. and their slgnifical\CC in engineoring so!I behavior. The char­ TAXONOMY acteristics of the soil in any place are a result of the combined influence of climate and living organisms on a specific kintl of parent soil material, Soil Taxonomy has enhanced soil-use interpretations be­ condl11oned by relief, over a period of time. The combined effect of these factors is reflected in most soils as soil horizons of unique kinds. cause or the many soil-engineering and soil-plant rela­ The presence or absence of kinds o·f soil horizons is an Important cri· tions interwoven throughout the system. The diagnostic terion in the definition of classes in Soil Ta>


Soil horizons have a unique relation to the engineering behavior of soils. The subsurface soil hotizon is usually exposed by excavation during road construction. It may

25 Fresh alluvial serve as the subba.se or subgrade of the road, it has / deposil great influence on the design criteria and behavior of a road bank, and its nature is of value in estimating costs of excavations and cutting. ~ ~ Most diagnostic horizons are subsurface horizons, ·~ 50 ' but a few surface hol'izons, or epipedons, are used. ~ ' The mollic epipedon is an important surface horizon be­ u Commerce sr. lt loam_.-~ .... ' I .: cause it is identified with some of the most productive \1 soils in the world. It includes the A and B horizons of "'<> ~ 75 •I many of the puirie soils. The mollic epipedon is dark­ ~ colored, high in organic matter, and usually thicker than 'I 18 cm (7 in) and friable. Other important surface hori­ /1 zons are the umbric epipedons, which are similar to 100 ,I mollic epipedons but have a lower base saturation and consist mostly of the A-1 horizons of timbered swamps 1: in the southeastern United States, and the histic epi­ ,I pedons, which are thin surface horizons of 01· muck 125 i: that occur in ma.rsby and swampy areas. These surface horizons a.re high in organic matter, which results in all engineering behavior in many that translocation is noted in these soils. is equivalent to that or the A-7 or OH and OL soils of The process of soil weathering becomes much more the AASHTO or Unified Soil Classification units. The complex with time. Rocks weather to release minerals, mollic and umbric horizons are not always saturated organic matter is added, plant penetrate deeper, with water but have received enough moisture to support and minerals and salts are translocated from one part luxuriant plant growth. The histic epipedon is saturated of the soil profile to another and sometimes moved com­ with water most of the time, has very high compressi­ pletely out of the soil system. The processes that go on bility, subsides when drained, and classifies as OH or in soils can seldom be seen or measured (!), but the OL soil. The light-colored A horizons developed under effects of at least some of the dominant processes can. forest vegetation are named ochric epipedons and are Some processes produce horizons whereas others tend low in organic matter. to prevent horizon formation. For example, downward­ Most soil horizons that occur below the surface of the moving water carries suspended or dissolved materials soil are considered B horizons and are closely related and tends to produce B horizons; opposing processes of to the genesis of the soil. The B horizon is in part a churning and "self-swallowing," prominent in the expan­ layer of change from the overlying A to the underlying sive (4), tend to m1x hol'izons (the absence of C horizon. The B horizon also has distinctive charac­ B horizons is definitive of Vertisols). teristics caused by soil-forming factors, such as an ac­ Simonson (5) has observed that a very important lesson cumulation of clay, , sesquioxides, or some com­ in the development of soil classification in the United bination of these or a blocky structure, redder colors States is that soil characteristics exist in combinations. than the A horizon, or some combination of these. For example, strongly leachedA-2horizonsoccur with An argillic horizon, which is an illuvial horizon in clayey B horizons. The diagnostic horizons are used to which clays have accumulated, is a very common soil produce groupings in which the same present or past soil­ horizon that occurs in many parts of the United States. forming processes have been dominant. Many of the diag­ The major soil orders and are charac­ nostic horizons take the form of A, B, and C horizons but terized by argillic horizons. An argillic horizon is with more precise definitions. For example, Spodosols formed by clay moving from one horizon to another or are defined as having spodic horizons (horizons that have from one point to another within a horizon. The clay is accumulated aluminum, iron, and organic matter), Alfi­ carried by water from the surface and near-surface solshave accumulations of clays and are named argillic horizons and is depositecLon surfaces of soil aggregates horizons, and Molli.sols have a molli.c epipedon (sUl·face or grains as the mixture dries. This means that horizon) that is dark-colored and high in organic matter. a substantial amount of water has moved through the Calciustolls are recognized at the great group level by soil. Soils with argillic horizons occur in warm climates having calcic horizons. Although these classes of soils tl1at have enough raiJ1fall for effective leaching. The use are too broad to correlate with American Association of of this horizon at a higher categorical level in the sys­ State Highway Officials (AASHO) or Unified Soil Classi­ tem has produced g1·oupings of soils that have the largest fication units, they do lead to groups of soils that can be number of common properties important to the use of the correlated at the family and series levels. soil. These horizons are usually more clayey than any The table below gives the syllables in great group other part of the soil. Figure 2 shows the distribution names that indicate theil· respective diagnostic horizons. of clay with depth in a typical , and Figure 3 shows Great Group Syllable Horizon the clay distribution of an argillic horizon in a much older . The clays in argillic horizons are also Argiabolls arg Argillic typically finer and more active than clays in other por­ Natralbolls natr Natric tions of a soil profile. Argillic horizons that contain Argiaquolls arg Argillic Calciaquolls calc Calcic high proportions of the more active 2:1 lattice clays make Hapoloborolls hap I Minimum poor subbase or subg1·ade materials. In sandy soils, Durixerolls dur Duripan however, a.i·gillic horizons have enough clay for the bind­ Fragiudalfs frag ing necessary in good subba_se mate1·ials. 8

Figure 2. Distribution finer texture and are less altered than the diagnostic of clay with depth in horizons discussed above. There is no evidence of clay typical Alfisol. 10 translocation in cambic horizons. The evidence of altera­ tion includes the ; chemical changes caused 20 by wetness, such as dull g rey colors and mottling; move­ ment of carbonates; and browner or redder colors than 30 those found in the parent material. The pH curve of ~ Commerce silt loam in Figure 1 is an example of a ~ 40 slightly weathered cambic horizon. The cambic horizon ·~ is indicative of a soil t hat exhibits very little alteration. u c so "' Such a horizon may occur in a young soil that has not been L in place very long or in a soil on a steep slope or in any Q. ~ 0 other location where the natural process of clay translo­ 60 1 cation is p1·eempted by other forces such as soil and soil c1·eep. The engineering behavior of the soil ma­ 70 terial in cambic horizons is very similar to that of the parent materials. These horizons may range in the 80 AASHO classification from A-2 to A-6. The oxic horizons, which are the B horizons of soils 90 0 I 0 20 30 40 SO 60 common in tropical regions, are mineral subsurface hori­ zons in an advanced stage of weathering. They are a Percent Clay mixture of hydrated of iron or aluminum or bo.!h. and variable amounts of 1: 1 lattice clays. Oxic horizons generally are fow1d in soils of very old stable, geomor­ Figure 3. Distribution phic s urfaces. Whatever the mate rials, the g1·eat age or of clay with depth in the oxic horizon has allowed time for so much soil weath­ typical Ultisol. 10 ering that the horizon retains almost no vestige of the original rock structure. Analyzing the particle-size dis­ 20 tribution in an oxic horizon is dHficult: Some oxic hori­ zons have silt- and sand-size aggregates of clay that are 30 not easily dispersed but that contribute to the cation ex­ ~

~ change capacity and other aspects of behavior common to the clays. The materials in oxic horizons are stable .~ 40 "c and very porous in place and have high bearing capacity. ~ u c c I;: Once disturbed, however, they behave much differently: 50 0 They are difficult to compact, unstable, and highly sus­ ~ I ~ 0 u cepti.ble to slippage and other movement. The normal 60 engineering tests on these soils can be misleading. The tests may indicate and with little clay, but 70 the behavior may be like that of fat clays. It is not pos­ sible to indicate the engineering properties accurately 80 from the engineering classification. Many of the tests show a CH classification in the laboratory, but in situ 90 behavior of the soils is more like that in an SM classification. 0 I 0 20 30 40 SO 60 The duripan is a subsurface horizon cemented by sil­ Percent Clay ica. Duripans may also be cemented by iron oxides and calcium carbonates. These horizons are always brittle, even after wetting, and they are common in the arid and The natric horizon-a special kind of argillic horizon semiarid climates of the western United States. They are that is high in sodium-is another important B soil hud­ difficult to sample and to toot in the laboratory. When zon, mainly because of its poor physical properties. in place and not disturbed, they behave like rock, but they Soils with natric horizons are more common in the more are rippable and, when properly Cl'Ushed, make good road arid states of the Great Plains but also occur along the base material. southern Mississippi River Valley. The material in A Cragipan is another kind of brittle subsurface hori­ these soil horizons is poorly suited for road base mate­ zon. , identified as Band C horizons, have rial. Soils with these horizons usually test A-7, have high bulk density and loamy texture and are seemingly low traffic-supporting capacity, and are trouble spots cemented when dry. They are very difficult to excavate. in the location of road systems. When they are moist, the material is softer and easier The spodic horizon is an accumulation of organic to crush. Soils with these horizons occur in the more matter and aluminum with or without iron, formed by humid sections of the United States. The significance of downward-moving water that carries the organic mate­ these soil horizons is that they are nearly impervious rial. These B horizons, formed under pine forests, oc­ and, because they ci·eate excessive wetness during rainy cur in both warm and cold climates. The material is periods, they can cause problems in highway performance. usually precipitated at the upper limits of a fluctuating Water stands above the pan in a level soil and moves water table and is very active. It has high exchange laterally along the top of the pan if the soil is sloping, capacity, large surface area, and high water retention creating seep lines in road cuts. In the colder regions when not cemented. The material in the less sandy soils with these horizons are very susceptible to frost spodic horizons behaves much like OM or OL soil mate­ heaving. rial and makes very poor subgrade material. The calcic horizon, another form of B horizon, is an Cambic horizons are also subsurface horizons that accumulation of calcium carbonate or of calcium and are altered through soil weathering. These too are magnesium carbonate. This accumulation may occur in identified as B horizons, but they have a sandy loam or the mollic epipedon, an argillic or natric horizon, or a 9

duripan. These horizons occur mostly in soils of arid and Co., New York, 1956. and semiarid regions and indicate the depth of water 2. Soil Taxonomy: A Basic System of Soil Classification movement. In soils rich in carbonates, the calcic hori­ for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. Soil Con­ zon tends in time to become plugged with carbonates servation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and cemented into a hard, massive, continuous horizon U.S. Government Printing Office, USDA Handbook that is called petrocalcic. In engineering behavior this 436, 1975. horizon simulates hard country rock. 3. L. J. Bartelli and T. A. Weems. Formation and The diagnostic horizons may not have a direct bearing Classification of Soils. of Tensas Parish, on soil behavior, but they are important building blocks Louisiana, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968, of the system. They are used to group together soils pp. 58-62. that have something in common that is eventually ex­ 4. G. D. Smith. Objectives and Basic Assumptions of pressed in the unique behavior of the soil. For example, the New Classification System. Soil Science, Vol. 96, ai·gillic horizons indicate an accumulation of transported No. 1, July 1963, pp. 6-16. clay; they do not reflect kind and amount of clay, which 5. R. W. Simonson. Lessons From the First Half of · strongly influence engineering behavior. Kind and Soil Survey? I. Classification of Soils. Soil Science, amount of clay aJ'e reflected in the lower categories of Vol. 74, No. 3, Sept. 1952, pp. 240-257. the system, namely, family and series. Thus, there ru:e many kinds of soils that have different engineering properties but that all have argillic horizons.

REFERENCES Publication of this paper sponsored by Committee on Exploration and 1. J. S. Mill. A System of Logic. Longmans, Green Classification of Earth Materials.

Soil Moisture and Temperature Regimes in Soil Taxonomy S. W. Buol, North Carolina State University at Raleigh

Soil moisture and temperature regimes have been used as criteria for the lation was no more indirect than, for example, the asso­ classification of soils in the United States since the Notional Cooperative ciation of sandy so!ls to sandy parent materials, i.e., Soil Survey adopted Soil Taxonomy in 1965. The quantitative criteria and sandy alluvial . F\lrthermore, used to define soil moisture regimes are based on the depth, probable soil tempe1·ature and moisture could be measured. It duration, and seasonality of soil saturation and vegetation-restricting soil dryness. Soils with morphological evidence of frequent surface was well known that these parameters of a soil varied flooding are identified. Soils with eJ