How Teachers Cope with Social and Educational Transformation
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How Teachers Cope with Social and Educational Transformation Struggling with Multicultural Education in the Czech Classroom Dana Moree EMAN 2008 How Teachers Cope with Social and Educational Transformation Struggling with Multicultural Education in the Czech Classroom Hoe docenten omgaan met sociale en educatieve veranderingen met een samenvatting in het Nederlands Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit voor Humanistiek te Utrecht op gezag van de Rector, prof. dr. Hans Alma ingevolge het besluit van het College van Hoogleraren in het openbaar te verdedigen op 24 november 2008 des voormiddags te 10.30 uur door Dana Moree Geboren op 20 November 1974 te Praag PROMOTORES: Prof.dr. Wiel Veugelers Universiteit voor Humanistiek Prof.dr. Jan Sokol Charles University Praag Co-promotor: Dr. Cees Klaassen Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen BEOORDELINGSCOMMISSIE: Prof. dr. Chris Gaine University of Chichester Prof.dr. Ivor Goodson University of Bristol Prof. dr. Douwe van Houten Universiteit voor Humanistiek Dr. Yvonne Leeman Universiteit van Amsterdam Dr. Petra Zhřívalová Charles University Praag This thesis was supported by the projects: The Anthropology of Communication and Human Adaptation (MSM 0021620843) and Czechkid – Multiculturalism in the Eyes of Children. for Peter, Frank and Sebastian EMAN, Husova 656, 256 01 Benešov Dana Moree HOW TEACHERS COPE WITH SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION Struggling with Multicultural Education in the Czech Classroom First edition, Benešov 2008 © Dana Moree 2008 Typhography: Petr Kadlec Coverlayout: Hana Kolbe ISBN 978-80-86211-62-6 7 Contents Acknowledgements . 9 Introduction . 10 Chapter 1 – Transformation of the cultural composition of the Czech Republic . 15 Introduction . 15 Part 1. From a multicultural to a monocultural society . 18 Part 2. From a monocultural to a multicultural society . 28 Immigrants to the Czech Republic . 29 Czech citizens and yet ‘others’ . 34 And what about the majority? . 37 Part 3. Conclusions . 46 Chapter 2 – Czech teachers from a generational perspective . 48 Introduction . 48 Part 1. Post-war generation . 51 Part 2. Prague Spring generation . 55 Part 3. Normalization generation . 57 Part 4. Velvet Revolution generation . 60 Part 5. Transformation generation . 62 Part 6. Conclusions . 63 Chapter 3 – Teachers and social and educational change . 66 Introduction . 66 Part 1. Educational system change in the Czech Republic . 67 Part 2. Curriculum change in the Czech Republic . 70 Excursus: the subjects of civics and literature . 72 Part 3. Instructional and organisational changes confronting teachers’ professional identity . 86 Part 4. Conclusions and recommendations . 89 Chapter 4 – Teachers and MultiCultural Education . 92 Introduction . 92 Part 1. Political and philosophical foundations of multicultural education . 93 Part 2. Goals, instructions and teachers role for multicultural educaiton . 104 Analysis of multicultural education goals . 104 Analysis of multicultural education instructions . 108 Roles of teachers within a school . 109 Part 3. Interpretation of multicultural education in the Czech Republic – content analysis of goals in reform documents . 110 Method . 110 Results of content analysis . 111 Part 4. Conclusions . 124 7 Chapter 5 – Teachers’ ideas about multicultural education in a changing society: the case of the Czech Republic . 127 Introduction . 127 Part 1. Education and teachers in a changing social and political context . 127 Part 2. Understanding of multicultural education in the Czech Republic . 129 Part 3. The multicultural mosaic of the Czech Republic . 132 Part 4. Research on the multicultural ideas and practice of Czech teachers . 134 Results . 135 Part 5. Conclusions . 143 Chapter 6 – Czechkid: Linking Research I and Research II . 147 Introduction . 147 Part 1. Eurokid . 148 Part 2. The development of Czechkid . 150 Part 3. Czechkid contents . 151 Part 4. How Czechkid operates . 157 Part 5. Czechkid: linking the two researches . 160 Part 6. Conclusions . 161 Chapter 7 – How teachers cope with multicultural education: Qualitative research in five Czech schools . 163 Introduction . 163 Part 1. Aims and method of the research . 163 Part 2. Results . 171 Teachers’ opinions about the role of education in the Czech Republic today . 175 Teachers understanding of multicultural education . 183 Characteristics of the culture of the schools under study . 186 Teachers and their coping with multicultural education in the classroom practice . 195 Part 3. Summary and conclusions . 219 Chapter 8 – Conclusions and discussion . 232 Introduction . 232 Part 1. Overview of the research . 232 Part 2. Discussion . 240 References . 251 Index . 262 Samenvatting . 265 Shrnutí . 268 8 9 Acknowledgements Writing acknowledgements at the end of research where approximately 200 peo- ple were involved and played an active role seems to be a very difficult task. I am deeply thankful to all of them but at the same time it is impossible to express this on one page in a proper way. However, I would like to try at least. This research would not have been possible without almost fifty teachers in the schools I researched, who were open to discuss with me their ideas but also uncertainties and dilemmas. Another almost fifty colleagues were involved in the Czechkid production. Without this tool for multicultural education the second part of the research would not have been possible and, moreover, this co-operation has been one of the most pleasant work experiences in my professional life. The Faculty of Humanities of Charles University in Prague supported me by providing a base which made it possible for me not only to teach there but also to do research. I would like to thank especially Prof. Jan Sokol, who gave me the opportunity to start the whole research and carry out the Czechkid production at the faculty and to my department head Doc. Dohnalova, who.