The Czech Council on Foreign Relations, Apolinarska 6, 128 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic 'Lranfonnation of legal system in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosn.i� Herzegovina November 28th - December 1st 2006, Prague, Brno List of participants: B osnia-. H erze JOVIna Name Organization Web page, e-mail Telephone University of 00387 33 668 Grebo Zdravko Sarajevo, Faculty of
[email protected] 687 Law, Lawyer Lipovaca Bihac Municipality, 00387 37 222
[email protected] Hamdija Mayor, Lawyer 151 USAID/JSDP - Justice Sector Development
[email protected], 00387 33 219 Sarajlija Ermin Project in Bosnia and 688 HerzeQovina Mozaik - Community 00387 33265
[email protected], Termiz Amir Development 290, 00387 33 Foundation 266 480 M on tene�ro lvanovic Aleska Lawyer, Law expert
[email protected] 00381 69021517 University of Montenegro in Podgornica, Law
[email protected], 00381 69 060 Cerovic Drazen faculty, Prasident of Association for 395 Democratic Legal Order Serbia Lawyers Committee 00381 11 33 44 for Human Rights -
[email protected], 235, 00387 11 33 Antonijevic Milan YUCOM, Executive 44 425, fax 00387 Director 11 33 45 172 Bolievic Association of Judges 00381 11 360
[email protected] Dragana of Serbia, President 1084 Belgrade District Bozilovic 00381 11 360 Court, War Crimes
[email protected] Gordana 1530 Judge Barovic Nikola Lawyer r., �....::.:...� The Czech Council on Foreign Relations, Apolinar-ska 6, 128 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic Transformation of legal system in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina November 28th - December 1st 2006, Prague, Brno Draft of suggested program: .\lo11LIU1· r JJ 2006 21 :45- 22:30 Podgornica- Belgrade JAT T11<!sclm· ] 811 J !2006(Prag11e) Arrival of the participants: 14:05-15:35 Sarajevo - Prague OK 1-1:30-16:05 Belgrade- Prague JAT Acco111odation of the participants in hotel Hoffmeister, Pod Bruskou 144/7, Mala strana, Praha 1, 180 00 19:00 Reception E111bassy of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Czech Republic.