The Václav Havel Library Annual Report 2017 2 Lidé Knihovny Václava Havla Published in 2018 by the charity the Václav Havel Library registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, file O 338 dated 26 July 2004 statutory representative: Michael Žantovský address: Ostrovní 13, 110 00 Prague 1 Identification no. 27169413 / Tax identification no. CZ 27169413 Bank accounts: 7077 7077 / 0300 CZK; IBAN: CZ61 0300 0000 0000 7077 7077 7755 7755 / 0300 EUR; IBAN: CZ40 0300 0000 0000 7755 7755 7747 7747 / 0300 USD; IBAN: CZ66 0300 0000 0000 7747 7747 SWIFT CODE: CEKO CZPP Tel.: (+420) 222 220 112 Email:
[email protected] The Václav Havel Library is registered according to the libraries law under registration no. 6343/2007 at the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic Lidé Knihovny Václava Havla 3 It only makes sense as a living or vital organism that occupies a place that cannot be overlooked in overall public and political life. […] The Library must in some way be original as such, in itself, in its everyday nature, as a permanently existing phenomenon or place. Václav Havel A Few Sentences on the Václav Havel Library Hrádeček 4 Contents Contents on the preparation of film documents THE VÁCLAV HAVEL LIBRARY and retrospectives PEOPLE OF THE VÁCLAV HAVEL LIBRARY PUBLISHING ACTIVITIES Founders Best-selling