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Exclusive of Presents of single Specimens of Animals, , &c.

Continued from Page 508 of Pol. XX. of the Society’s Transactions.

DONATIONS. DONORS. DRIED Specimens of Plants from Assam and Bootan; forming part of the The Hon. East India Herbarium of the late William Griffith, Esq., F.L.S. Corn pan y. An extensive Collection of Dried Plants, formed principally in the neighbour- The Committee of the hood of Adelaide, S. Australia ; but partly also at Swan River and King Wellington Athenaeum, George’s Sound, W. Australia; by Sir George and Lady Grey. New Zealand. Specimens of Animal and Vegetable Productions of Van Diemen’s Land, from the Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations. Presented through Joseph Milligan, Esq., F.L.S., Secretary of the Royal Society of Van Diemen’s Land. 1. A Case, containing stuffed specimens of twelve species of Tasma- Mr. Bonney. nian Birds, collected by Mr. Bonney. 2. Two Necklaces, as worn by the Aborigines of Van Diemen’s Land, Joseph Milligan, Esq. composed of the shells of a species of Elenciw, from which the cuticle has been removed, by soaking them in vinegar, and after- wards using friction. 3. Specimen of the Native Bread of Tasmania (Mylitta austraZis), T. Y. Lowes, Esq. obtained at Glenorchy, Van Diemen’s Land. 4. Gum of Acacia mucronata, from Flinders’ Island, Bass’s Straits. Joseph Milligan, Esq.

5. “ Blood Juice,” obtained from a tree on Norfolk Island. Sir W. Denison. 6. ‘‘ Gum Kino,” from the Blue Gum-tree and other Eucalypti. Joseph Milligan, Esq. 7. Cross section of the trunk of a tree (the largest ever met with) of the ‘(Iron-wood,” or 6‘ Lignum-Vjtz ” of Tasmania (Noteha ligustrina), from Macquarie Harbour.

8. Two Slabs of the cc Musk-mood” (Eurybia argophylla). - Brownrigg, Esq. 9. Specimens of the ‘(Pink-wood” (Carpodontos lucida), from Mac- Joseph Milligan, Esq. quarie Harbour. 22 348 DONATIONS TO THE MUSEUM OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. DONATIONS. DONORS. 10. Specimens of <‘ White-oak ” Timber of Norfolk Island (Lagunea Sir Wm. Denison. or Hibiscus Pafersonii). 11. Specimen of the Timber of the Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria excelsa). 12. Section of ditto at a knotty point.

13. Specimen of the cc Iron-wood” of Norfolk Island (Olea upetala). 18. Specimen of the Timber of the Oyster Bay Pine (Callitris au- Joseph Milligan, Esq. stralis) ; central vertical section.

15. Veneers of the cc Native Cherry-tree ” of Tasmania (Emcarpus Rev. E. Freeman. cupressijorormis). 16. Ditto of the ‘‘ He-oak” (Casuarina stricta). 17. Ditto of the ‘‘ She-oak” (Casuarina quadrivalvis).

18. Ditto of the Tasmanian ‘(Honeysuckle-tree ” ( australis). 19. Piece of a knot of the Myrtle-tree of Tasmania (Fagus Cunning- hamii). 20. Section of a small stem of Richea pandaiaijolio from Macquarie Joseph MiIligan, Esq. H arbour. Dried Specimens of about 300 species of Plants from the Cape of Good R. C. Alexander, M.D., Hope ; also the Nest of a Spider from Jamaica. F.L.S. Microscopic Sections of 100 kinds of Woods from Van Diemen’s Land. J. E.Bicl:eno,Esq., F.L.S. An extensive Collection of Dried Specimens of North American Plants. 1”. Boott, M.D.,F.L.S. ?‘he Herbarium of British Plants, formed by the late William Withering, Beriah Botfield, Esq., M.D., F.L.S., Author of the ‘ Botanical Arrangement of British Plants.’ F.L.S. (Grandson of Dr. W.). Seventy species of Portuguese Plants, collected by Count Hoffmansegg. Specimens of six species of Plants, new to the Society’s Collection, from the F. Brent, Esq., of Liver- neighbourhood of Perth, W. Australia. pool. Specimens of about sixty species of British Mosses. Mr. F. Y. Brocas. Calabash (fruit of the Crescentio C;s/j,te),from Bermuda; and portion of a C. Cogsmell, M.D.,F.L.S. sheet of Arrowroot Fibre, as prepared for manufacture into paper. Specimens of Marine Alp, &c. from Norfolk Island. Jon. Couch, Esq., F.L.S. Dried Speciniens of Melilotus arvensis and Filayo Jussi&, from the neigh- J. Clarke, Esq., F.L.S. bourhood of Saffron Walden, Essex. Specimens of Kino, and of three varieties of Rice from the Kingdom of W. F. Daniell, M.D., Nyami, Upper Gambia ; together with the fruits of Amomum Danielli, F.L.S. A. cweum, A. latvolium, A. ezscapum, and A, Graiiurn Paradisi; from Western Africa. Dried Specimens of 148 species of Plants, described ,either in the ‘Flora C. Daubeny,M.D.,F.L.S. Graeca,’ or the ‘Florae Graxz Prodromus ;’ from Dr. Sibthorp’s Her- barium. specimens of a remarkable prostrate variety of Rromus mollis, and of Viola F. K. Eagle, Esq., F.L.S. jtuvicornis, from the neighbourhood of Lowestoft. DONATIONS TO THE MUSEUM OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. 349

DONATIONS. DONORS. Dried Specimens of Ferns, collected in Northern India by M. P. Edgeworth, The Rev. R. Ewing. Esq., F.L.S. The Herbarium of the late Thomas Walter, Esq., of South Carolina, Author John Fraser, Esq., A.L.S. of the ' Flora Caroliniana.' Dried Specimens of Australian Plants, collected partly in the neighbourhood John Gould, Esq., F.L.S. of Victoria, Port Essington, and partly in , by the late Mr. Gilbert. Specimens of Alsophila pruinata, Hymenophyllum chiliiense, H. Wilsoni, and R. J. Gray, Esq., of Exe- Cheilanthes sp.?, collected on the Island of Chiloe, by Mr. William ter. Lobb. Capsule of a species of Martynia (M. lutea?), from the Jardin des Plantes, Daniel Hanbury, Jun., Montpelier.' Esq. Dried Specimens of Eichhornia speciosa, from the neighbourhood of Santarem, Pari, Brazil. Specimens of the Fruit of a new species of Amomum from Liberia, and of a Cardamom, apparently undescribed, from Sierra Leone. Specimens of the Fruits of four species of Cardamom, two species of Gar- denia, one of Melia, and of Quisqualis indica ?, all from China. Pods of Wistnrin sinensis from Shanghae, and those of a species of Ccesal- pinia, known as u Soap-pods," from Tinghae, in the Island of Chusan, China. Fruits of Hycenanche globosa, Xanthoxgluin p@eritum, Amomum Korarima, a species of Momordica, and a Melia from China; and a medicinal seed, apparently allied to the genus Gynocardia, imported fkom China, under

the name of 'L Tae-fung-tsze." A Stick, on the upper part of which the Linncea borealis is carved in relief, C. Hartman, M.D. and which is said to have been cut and carved by Linneus himself, on his journey through Lapland in 1732. A Collection of Dried Plants, formed in Mexico, Guatemala, Columbia, and Mr. Hartweg. California, by Mr. T. Hartweg. Specimens of Helix obvoluta and of Atlqrium fontanum, both collected at Rev. William Hawker. Ashford, Hants. Dried Specimens of Australian Leguminose, including nearly 100 additional Robert Heward, Esq., species of Acacia; collected by the late Allan Cunningham, Esq., F.L.S. F.L.S. Dried Specimens of Ceylon Plants, collected by John Fraser, Eeq., and of Melastomacece, chiefly Brazilian. Model of the Monument erected in Chelsea Churchyard, to the memory of W.T. Iliff, M.D., P.L.S. Philip hliller, as restored in 1852. Specimens of two Peruvian Compositce (Baccharis genistelloides, and a species of Senecio ?), said to possess important medicinal properties. Specimens of the Fruits of Pawlownia imperialis, Nymphcea alba, and Nuphar R. Kippist, Libr. L.S. luteum. A Collection of 154 species of Russian Plants. Ur. Modest Kittary. 2z.8 350 DONATIONS TO THE MUSEUM OF‘ THE LINNEAN SOCIETY.

DONATIONS. DONORS. Dried Specimens of about 50 species of Plants, principally from the Dept. of M. J. Lloyd. the Loire Infdrieure. Dried Specimens of Banksia prostrata, undulata (in fruit), and a J. T. Mackay, LL.D., cluster of the fruit of SahaG BZackburniana, from the College Botanic A.L.S. Garden, Dublin. Ball of Larch Leaves, formed round a of Conferva cegagropila, together R. Marnock, Esq., F.L.S. with a Specimen of the Conferva. Both obtained from the same pond, in Shropshire. Specimens of the Flower and Leaf of Victoria regia, and Gourds of Cecmmis prophetarum and Momordica Charantia. Specimens of the fruit of Tacsonia mollissima, Disemma Herbertiana, Solanum D. Moore, Esq., A.L.S. ciliatum, and Banksia marcescens, from the Glasnevin Botanic Garden, Dublin. Two Male Ctitkins of Zamiu furfuracea, and Dried Specimens of Tritoma Thomas Moore, Esq., Burchellii, two species of Eucomis, and numerous other plants, all from F.L.S. the Botanic Garden, Chelsea. Dried Specimens of Plants collected in an excursion to the North of Sydney, -- New South Wales, by C. Moore, Esq. Dried Specimens of Drynaria Billardieri, D. pustuzata, Pteris esculenta, Pla- -- tyloma falcata, Cheilanthes tenufolia, Todea africana, and Alsophila australis, from Mr. S. Mossman’s Australian Collections. Dried Specimens of 85 species of Plants from Victoria, the greater part new Dr. Ferdinand Miiller. to the Society’s Herbarium. Specimens of about 50 species and varieties of British and Scandinavian Daniel Oliver, Jun.,Esq., Hieracia, many of the latter supplied by Professor Blytt of Christiania. F.L.S. Two Collections of Australian Plants, one formed in the neighbourhood of William Pamplin, Esq., Moreton Bay, by Mr. Strange ; the other in that of the MCIntyreRiver, A.L.S. N. S. Wales, by Mr. J. E. Ker. Dried Specimens of Plants from New Zealand, collected by F. P. Yascoe, F. P. Pascoe, Esq., F.LS. Esq., F.L.S. Specimens of Eluphomyces granulatus ; also, of the Fruits of Ehis melano- Jonathan Pereira, M.D., cocca, from the Guinea Coast ; Momordica Charantia, fainbosa malac- F.L.S. ceuis, Cicca disticha, Bradleia sp., EmElica oficinalis, &c., from the East Indies j and Specimens (in fruit) of the Myrospermum pubescens, from the Balsam Coast, San Salvador. Two large specimens of Lycoperdon giganteum, Batsch, from Muntford Wood. S. M. Peto, Esq. Dried Specimens of about 20 species of rare British Plants. Miss E. Potts. Dried Specimens of Plants, from Van Diemen’s Land. J. S. Prout, Esq. Specimens of and Hakea ruscvolia ; and of the Fruit of T. S. Ralph, Esq., ALS. Areca Catechu, Curyota wens, Elute sylvestris, Borassus Jabelliformis, Lu$a acutangula, var., L. pentandra, Tanicirindus indico, Neltimbium spe- ciosuni, Hakea dactylaides, eGc. (Lc. DONATIONS TO THE MUSEUM OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. 361

DONATIONS. DONORS. Dried Specimens of New Zealand Plants, Fruits of Hartighsea spectabilis, T..S.Ralph, Esq., A.L.S. Entelea arborescens, and Laurus Tawa, liber of Hoheria populnea, Speci- men of a Parasite upon the Balcena antarctica, together with Specimens, prepared for Microscopic examination, of the Sporules of species of Aseroe and Trichia, the Blood of the Antarctic Whale, &c. &c. Cones of 17 species of Pinus, chiefly from Mexico and California. Francis Rauch, Esq. A Collection of about 340 species of Lichens, Hepatice, Mosses and Fungi, H. W. Ravenel, Esq., formed by Mr. H. W. Ravenel, of Aiken, S. Carolina. (through the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, F.L.S.). Dried Specimens of Cayenne Plants, gathered by H. C. Rothery, Esq., and H. C. Rothery, Esq., Norfolk Island Ferns, collected by C. J. Simmons, Esq. F.L.S. An extensive Collection of Dried Plants from South-western Australia, col- W. W. Saunders, Esq., lected principally by Mr. James Drummond, A.L.S., and the late Mr. F.L.S. Gilbert ; including several hundred species not before in the Society’s Herbarium . Specimen of Polyphemus Goliathus, from the Collection of M. Gory. Dr. Schaum. Thirty-two mounted Microscopic preparations of Desmidiee, Diatomacece, &c., The Rev. William Smith, chiefly from the neighbourhood of Wareham, Dorset. F.L.S. Dried Specimens of 45 species of Plants, collected by Mr. F. Strange, in the hlr. H. Sowerby. neighbourhood of Richmond River, N. S. Wales. Dried Specimens of about 80 species of Plants, from the neighbourhood of S. Stevens, Esq., F.L.S. Swan River ; together with Fruits of , B. prionotes, B. Menziesii, B. littoralis, B. attenuata, occidentale, and Seeds of Macrcizamia Prksii: collected by Mr. Duffield.

Pods of the cc Iulaki,” a species of Hymencea, the seeds of which are sur- rounded by a farinaceous ~ubstance,much eaten by the natives of the River Amazons, where it was collected by Mr. H. W. Bates. An extensive Collection of Dried Plants, formed in the Upper Himalaya, by Messrs. Strachey and J. E. Winterbottom, Esq., F.L.S., and Capt. Richard Strachey. Winterbottom.

Lithographed Print, by C. Hahn, from J. Hiibner’s painting, ‘c Considerate R. Taylor, Esq., Under- Lilia,” in a carved oak frame. Sec. L.S. Specimen of a monstrous Mushroom, bearing a second pileus, in an inverted Mr. W. Taylor. position, on the top of the first. A Collection of Dried Specimens of Ferns, found in the Island of Java, prin- Dr. de Vriese, of‘ Leyden. cipally by Dr. Junghuhn. Dried Specimens of Plants, collected at Balmaine, N. S. W., and in the R.Wakefield,Esq.,F.L.S. neighbourhood of Moreton Bay. Specimens of 7 spxies of Brazilian Podostemacece. M. A. Weddell. Dried Specimens of about 1200 species of Portuguese Plants, collected by Dr. Welwitsch. Frederick Welwitsch, M.D. Fruits of Nauritia vinfera ?, Copernicia ce~feel’a,and Xideroxylon Argan, Brot. Dried Specimens of Indian Graniinece. R. Wight,M.D., F.L.Y. 352 DONATIONS TO THE LIBRARY OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. DONATIONS. DONORS. Specimens (in fruit) of British Salicornie, principally from the coast of Sussex, Joseph Woods, Esq., and of Myosotis mul/i$ora and Ulex Gallii from Glamorganshire. F.L.S. Dried Specimens of New Zealand Plants, collected by William Crompton, Esq. Mrs. Yates. Models of the Female Cone, and of a detached Scale, with portions of the James Yates, Esq., M.A., Cone itself, of Encephalartos Cufer, which ripened at Chatsworth in F.L.S. 1848 ; together with Nuts of E. Ca$er and E. horridus, and Scales of a Male Cone of Ceratozamia mexicana, also from Chatsworth. An Iron Safe for the Preservation of the Society's Books and Papers. T. Bell, Esq., Pres. L.S. Two Plaster Casts, from Busts by W. Behnes, of the late Bishop of Norwich, R.Brown,Esq.,Pres.L.S. Pres. L.S., and Dr. Maton, V.P.L.S. Plaster Cast from a Bust of the late Baron Belljamin Delessert. M. Frangois Delessert. Portrait of Linnaeus (formerly in the possession of Sir Joseph Banks), copied Robert Brown, Esq., by Professor Pasch from the original picture by Roslin, belonging to the Pres. L.S. Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Portrait (in crayons), by Russell, of tho late A. B. Lambert, Esq., V.P.L.S. -- Portrait (in oil) of the late Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., Pres. R.S., painted by Capt. Sir Everard Home, the late Thomas Phillips, Esq., R.A. Bart., R.N. Portrait (in oil) of the late President, the Lord Bishop of Norwich; painted (For List of Donors, see by Maguire. p. 315.) Lithographed Portraits, by Maguire, of Prof. Ansted. Prof. E. Forbes. Prof. Bell. J. E. Gray, Esq. Sir J. P. Boileau, Bart. Dr. Lindley. C. L. Bonaparte, Prince of Canino. Sir Charles Lyell. J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. Sir R. I. Murchison. The Marquis of Bristol. The Bishop of Norwich. Robert Brown, Esq. Robert Paterson, Esq. Dr. Buckland. The Rev. Edwin Sidney. John Curtis, Esy. William Spence, Esq. Charles Darwin, Esq. William Thompson, Esq.

Edward Doubleday, Esq. J Lithographed Portrait of the late W. A. Bromfield, M.D., F.L.S. Miss Bromfield. lhgraved Portrait of Dr. Brotero, Author of the ' Flora Lusitanica.' Dr. Welwitsch. Eiigravcd Portrait of Lieut. James Holman, R.N., F.R. & L.S.; froin a The Engraver, J. R. Jack- Painting by J. P. Knight, Esq., R.A. son, Esq. Portrait of Dr. J. D. Hooker in the Rhododendron districts ; engraved in Love11 Reeve,Esq.,F.L.S. mezzotint by Walker, from a Painting by Frank Stone. Lithographed Portrait of Mr. Kirby ill his 90th year. The Rev.W. Spence,F.L.S. Engraved Portrait (from a Painting by B. R. Faulkner) of John McCulloch, Mrs. McCulloch. M.D., F.R.S. Engraved Portrait, from a Painting by Tliornton, of Sir J. E. Smith. Mrs. Barnnrd.