M. MALETI∆ - B. HANÆEK - M. ROGINA: V. DVORˇ ÁK SLIDING TONES, IRASM 37 (2006) 2, 225-232 225 VINKO DVORÁKˇ SLIDING TONES: DO THEY EXIST? MLADEN MALETI∆ UDC: 781.1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Original Scientific Paper University of Zagreb Izvorni znanstveni rad Unska 3a Received: September 14, 2006 Primljeno: 14. rujna 2006. 10000 ZAGREB, Croatia Accepted: September 30, 2006 E-mail:
[email protected] PrihvaÊeno: 30. rujna 2006. BRANKO HANÆEK Institute for History and Philosophy of Science Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts A. KovaËiÊa 5 10000 ZAGREB, Croatia E-mail:
[email protected] MLADEN ROGINA Department of Mathematics University of Zagreb BijeniËka cesta 30 10000 ZAGREB, Croatia E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract — Résumé We are analysing variations (sliding tones) form with the original signal. There is no am- and combination tones in bird (thrush) song, plitude modulation. Analysis of the records of following the early work of Vinko Dvorˇák. He the bird song does not show any unexpected was a research pioneer in determination of the tone at normal loudness, contrary to early ex- critical bands of hearing, experimenting with the periments where very high intensities were pitch of combination tones with frequency dif- used, causing post experimental TTS and ference between the highest and lowest tones. tinnitus. Instantaneous frequency monitoring was real- Key Words: sliding tones; variation tones; ised after a spectrogram done with SFSWin, and combination tones; thrush; pipe; resonator; the signal from the bird song record was then spectrogram; instantaneous amplitude; in- transformed with the Hilbert transform. An ana- stantaneous phase; instantaneous frequency; lytical signal comes from combining this trans- Hilbert transform; critical band 226 M.